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Off Topic / Do you forget your age?
« on: December 12, 2017, 04:38:40 PM »
The last few years or so, Iv seriously had trouble remembering how old I am..
I even was telling people for about a year that I was 35 because.. well I thought I was?
I don't know how I started thinking that? But I did the math and had this like crazy jaw drop moment where I realized I was only 30 the whole time!?

Well then yesterday I went to get my Flu shot, I don't have a dedicated dr. so I just go to walgreens/riteaid/cvs, whatever walk-in place is convenient, I was filling in the paperwork and it asked my age, so I put 32. I do the math again later.. I'm only 31. -_-;;

This is getting kinda ridiculous lol. I mean I chalk it up to the fact that at this age, I don't really worry about celebrating my birthday, and big to-do's are for kids anyway. But now I'm wondering if this is normal or not lol

I always assume I am older, never younger.

Off Topic / What do you watch on youtube?
« on: December 02, 2017, 07:35:21 AM »
I'm curious about these things! I feel like my YT watching habits might seem odd compared to my outward personality lol. I also often am surprised to learn some of my friends "guilty pleasure" channels. Anyway I just thought this would be a fun topic to share! Maybe We'll even discover some new channel we didn't know about!

So let me start!
I watch a TON of Monsterhigh/doll custom channels lol, my favorites being:
Nicolles Dreams

And also in the craft world, I love Froggie stuff and Nerdecrafter!

When I wanna get a laugh I watch:
simply nailogical (I dont even have nail polish, I just love watching lol)
yogscast (mainly sjin and sips channels)
Rosanna Pansino/ nerdy nummies
good mythical morning

I also find Casey Neistat, Jenna marbles, Julien solomita, and Crazy Russian Hacker very interesting at times, depending on the topic.

Lastly I love a channel called Primitive Technology Its so neat to see a person go into the wilderness and make things from scratch using only found materials.

Off Topic / Help me figure out this old cartoon
« on: November 27, 2017, 10:44:57 PM »
Ok so a friend and I are looking for this ooold cartoon.

I think it was from the 30s-50s or so (but no idea really). I don't remember the company or the title, but it was about a wolf that wanted to eat a lamb, so he held a "cutest baby" contest to trick the sheep into giving him the lamb and he tried to eat it, but I don't think he got to... But I also don't remember how they stopped him. Anyone have any idea what it was?

if it helps, the lamb doesn't understand what's going on
It even shakes salt and pepper onto its head to help

Its NOT the mighty mouse "wolf wolf!" or "the wolf and the seven little kids" or "ringing bell"
Anyone have any ideas?

Arts & Crafts Corral / question about sculpting?
« on: November 03, 2017, 07:25:59 PM »
Ok I am very sorry if this is in the wrong place, but I thought about it, and as it has nothing to do with a pony custom, I figured I should put it here?

My question I hope, is not too confusing.
Basically, I have a lot of experience sculpting with Sculpy/other oven bake clays. But as I don't have a oven atm, and I want it to be a bit more durable anyway, I was planning on using Aves apoxie sculpt, which I have used a few times so far with great success (I love the stuff and wish I had bought some years ago!)

What I'm wondering is, How should I fill it out? Obviously I cant make solid apoxie sculpt things as that would be very expensive and probably be as heavy as a brick lol.
Iv only ever used it so far as a thin layer, so the most iv ever used inside is a wire armature.
With sculpy I used tinfoil to create a big enough mass to work ontop of.

would that same method work for this?  But also I want to avoid adding extra weight in any area that I can, so is there a better option?
The biggest piece I am making is going to roughly be 4-6inches all around (roughly) so anything that can make it light but also sturdy.. any suggestions would be great. :) or even if you think a better sculpting materal would be better, I just cant use oven bake (and also know how brittle they can be)

Customs / +Autumn Fire+ [sold]
« on: September 10, 2017, 02:47:31 PM »
Meet Autumn Fire!

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I am incredibly proud of this custom! I experimented a lot and had just a lot of fun, and am so happy with how she turned out. My low quality camera phone pictures just dont do her any kind of justice.

I've been experimenting with MH faceups, so I took some of those new techniques I've learned and tested them out on a pony! Her eyes are acrylic, but the leaves on her body are all watercolor pencil, and the sculpted leaves I painted with MANY layers of watercolor paints! (dont worry they're sealed up nice!) Its really hard to get good pictures of the details, but I LOVE how they came out! Id never have been able to do this with acrylic paints. :) I sealed them twice with MSC, then I sealed them again with a watered down triple thick solution to give them a sorta satin like finish.

-Various Acrylic Paints
-Albrecht Durer Faber-Castell Watercolor Pencils
-Watercolor Paints
-Mungyo soft pastels
-Aves Apoxie Sculpt
-Small Gem findings
-Triple thick
-Mr.Super Clear Matte
-Nylon hair from Dolly Hair
   -Passion Fruit
   -Golden Delicious
   -Chocolate Pudding
-Bait: Spring Parade

Customs / Open for one Custom Commission
« on: July 16, 2017, 06:59:03 AM »
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So I am open for 1 commission at the moment. My Price range is $20-50 USD. (look below for breakdown on this)
I would prefer to ship domestic but I will consider international so long as there is not large sculpting involved. (I am sorry, but I'm always terrified a piece will be lost or damaged).

ALL Customs come with an original piece of art, are packed with love, and possibly small extras, and  a tasty treat. :)

I believe that I am better at making "art ponies" than I am making things based on OC's/existing ponies/fan creations. But I am willing to do anything. Art ponies are when you, the buyer, give me a theme, and I create an original pony based off it, usually with a much larger art design on its side and face.

All of my art ponies have:
New re-rooted brushable hair, (typically in a blend, long, and styled optional)
hand painted/drawn eyes, art
some sculpting, to make 3d pop accents (not wings/hair)
probably some found objects to add, things like jewelry, glitter, decorations etc.
One piece of original art in a traditional medium (most likely watercolor 4x6 size)
(Print's will become available of past customs in the future)

Bases available:
G3: Many poses/colors available (i prefer doing G3 customs) Start at $30
G3 baby's: Start at $20
G4: limited, Start at $20
G4 Fashion style, limited colors/styles, Start at $30
I WILL do select molds of G1, such as SHS and babies, but only if a suitable bait can be found, I WILL NOT strip down a G1 in any condition that could be restorable. Prices for these depend on the situation, so just ask. :)

Some recent examples, followed by some of my favorites from the past:
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Things I wont/cant do
G2 customs
Fakie customs
FBR (no airbrush or means to do it smoothly enough for my liking)
extensive sculpting, eg: Hair, wings, reposing

I think that's it?
Thanks for taking a look. :)

The Dollhouse / PC/Info older AG Samantha Doll
« on: June 07, 2017, 10:40:01 PM »
I've had this doll since I was in Jr high so late 90s early 2000s maybe?
The only markings I can find on her without undressing her is "pleasant company" on the back of her neck

I don't have her original outfit, i think a "friend" actually stole it from me when I was young.
She has a modern AG outfit that I would probably sell separately (red flannel button down shirt, khakis pants, and sneakers) That I received with the doll when I got her.
I've never much been into big dolls, so Samantha has sat on a shelf since I got her..

Is there a way for me to properly date her?
And also what might a nude Samantha doll go for these days?

The Dollhouse / BDJ Freyr/freya cat help [GOT HER]
« on: May 30, 2017, 04:18:06 PM »
Hi! I could really use some help.

I'm very actively looking for a Freyr but can only seem to find it in light grey.
I really thought they had released a white version as well?

Ideally I want a white Freyr body with a white Freya head (can they even be changed?). Is there a place besides junkyspot that I could look (iv checked ebay and etsy)

Im new to buying bjd's so I'm not really that well informed on releases and things, but I remember seeing a review once for a white freyr.

Arts & Crafts Corral / Wreck this journal [Share thread]
« on: April 28, 2017, 01:20:51 PM »
Hi I just got one of these books, I got the mini "everywhere" one cause I like the idea of bringing it with me wherever.

Does anyone else use these books? And if so what about sharing some of your favorite pages?

I know I'm a bit late to the game, so maybe people are already over them lol, but I thought I would try anyway. I just got mine so I dont have any pages filled in except for the first one with personal info. xD

Arts & Crafts Corral / Selling Art -new-
« on: April 14, 2017, 11:50:51 PM »
I made a sorta eastern style Drampa for a friend, what do you guys think?

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My style is sorta all over the place!
I can do any animals even feral and pony art, not so good at humans though
The prices are just a ballpark, I'm willing to slash
Digital Price Ranges:
Sketch: $1-5.........................($1 +character)
Colored sketch: $6-9............($3 +character)
Lineart: $10-15.....................($5 +character)
Color Flat: $16-20................($7 +character)
Simple Background: +$5

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Reference with details about $15
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Detailed graphic/custom sticker design $8
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detailed characters $20
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Simple reference $7
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Flat colored bust $6
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Small Watercolors $10
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badges: $8
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These are just examples, not all of them are very recent. I also do customs and graphics (like the sticker one in my signature) I'll pretty much do anything. xD

Pony Corral / Guardians of Harmony fan series, sale?
« on: February 28, 2017, 06:31:53 PM »
OK Soo.. I know Iv seen a few postings about this series on here, and people seem to be divided on the love it or hate it..

Personally Iv been wanting Discord for a while, and also sorta Luna. But I always see them at $30-40 and I don't usually have that amount to just freely spend.

Well I was wandering Amazon and found all three of them for $11!
I got Discord first, and then whent back and bought Luna and Celestia, cause this is just plain CHEAP! So why not. I thought I would mention it in case anyone else was looking for these beasts!

I know Celestia has a reputation for poor pain job, and honestly I have yet to see one in store that is good. But for $11 I dont really feel bad buying her and touching her up now!

I already got Discord, And I love the way it was packed, I was able to get him out without damaging ANY of his packaging, so If I ever decide to resell, I can put him back in his box, also he looks great!

Off Topic / Vinyl Sticker printing?
« on: February 16, 2017, 04:02:31 AM »
Im wondering if anyone has any experience having things printed into vinyl stickers?
Im mostly looking for a company that I can order in bulk, that also makes a quality, durable sticker, with good full color.

Our local copy shops dont seem to offer this, and even if they did, I feel like it would probably be too expensive to be a regular service.

For now I'm opening a Redbubble store just to sell some in the meantime, but I'm hesitant to really set up permanently. I like redbubble for its cheap pretty stickers, xD but at the end of the day they are kinda cheap, Iv noticed that color rubs off over time if its in a place where it gets touched a lot, (my friend has one on the back of their DS so it gets constantly rubbed) But they do stick well, and are easy to remove (my son uses them on his school laptop, and after a full school year he can peel them off with no residue left behind). Im also worried that it is too easy for other people to steal art from other people and sell them in their own shop.

Ideally I'd like to have them printed and shipped to my house in big batches, so I could sell and distribute them in my own way, as well as bringing large batches to sell at conventions.
Anyone have any experience with this? There are so many places that offer this online but its hard to tell what's more gimmicky and whats really good quality!

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Help me find this late 90s horse toy
« on: January 15, 2017, 07:38:19 PM »
OK  I feel really foolish -_- I actually asked for help about this before, and we figured it out and now Iv forgotten it again, and I cant seem to find that topic on the old archive arena lol.

So basically the toy was a bucket, and the lid had a little horse stable mounted ontop of it.

it came with about 6-8 small horses that had brushable tails all of various coloring and breeds.
many other accessories were included, I remember a rider, and a couple fences maybe, buckets, etc.

I still have this ONE horse lol.

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It says on the bottom (C)1998 M.M.T.L
"horses breed"
Made in china

Im 90% sure that I bought it at a walmart back in 98 or 99
It was my MOST favorite toy and Iv decided to try hunting for it again lol

Customs / Twinkle Eyes for G3
« on: November 25, 2016, 11:23:46 PM »
Anyone know what size gem,crystal things to use for a G3 to give them a tinkle eye?

Customs / Looking for FBR commission
« on: November 09, 2016, 06:02:30 PM »
I am looking for someone who can do a really good WHITE Full body repaint for me.

I am willing to pay your price, plus shipping there and back.

I have done FBR's but I have SO much trouble with white, that I would rather just hand it off to someone with experience.
It would need to be painted and flat sealed, can not be glossy.

The bait in question is a standard size G4 white Celestia, wings removed, will have some apoxie sculpting and it will already be rooted with hair. Since I need to install the tail before I patched up the hole in its back, and I figured I would do the head/hair as well so i wouldn't potentially mess up the FBR while trying to stick the head back on.

I'm still working on its hair so it isn't done quite yet, but I figured I would start looking for someone to commission for this part of it.

It needs to be an FBR because the legs have a lot of pink staining from the factory paint. I might be doing some other sculpting to the body before Im ready to send it off so it might be a while.

If interested, Please show me some examples of your white fbr work, I would really like to get as smooth a finish as possible. >.<

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