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Topics - Skeen

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Customs / Is it possible to rehair a Dream Beauty?
« on: April 25, 2013, 10:32:35 AM »
I have just one Dream Beauty who could benefit from a rehair but I have no idea if she can be!  She's not one of the Trim & Grow Beauties.  Does anyone know if it's possible to fix her?  She looks so odd on the shelf with the rest of her kind with their long flowing hair, lol! 

MLP Nirvana / Can French Starshine be safely sunfaded?
« on: March 18, 2013, 11:08:05 AM »
I don't know if she "burns" like normal HK Starshine or if she's ok to work on.  My poor Starshine will be very nice if I can get a child's name off of her, lol! 

MLP Nirvana / What's up with this Peachy?
« on: February 07, 2013, 01:33:03 PM »

Now that the auction is over, I gotta know!  Doll hospital?  Mistaken identity?  She doesn't look "Brazil" enough to me - not shiny (I know it can rub off/dull), eyes look too wide open, hearts are arranged/spaced differently, hair not cottony enough...

Either way I think she looks nice with the purple hair. 

Wanted! / Need some G4 baits
« on: January 22, 2013, 10:51:51 AM »
Hey all, I need some G4's for various customs projects.  I don't need anything MIB or any accessories.  I think I'll need the following for now:

Plumsweet x2
Flitterheart x4
Lulu Luck x2
Twinkleshine x1
Diamond Rose x2

I have PP and can pay immediately, but I have to say upfront that I will not cover your PP fees.  I can also trade for things like the NMM set and the Funko ponies (while local supplies last, lol!). 

I bought a pony on ebay in early November from a seller in Mexico (not a seller I have bought from before though).  I haven't received it so I checked into it today - apparently he didn't mail it until the 28th!  21 days after buying it!  The registration number says Origin Post is Preparing Shipment, which I guess means he DID mail it, but when I went to ask why he had waited so long I found he's not a registered user anymore.

I opened a dispute JUST IN CASE but if he's NARU and the pony doesn't show up, can I even get my money back?  If he didn't send it until late last month the actual arrival time would be well outside my window to file with Paypal. 

We have 6 cats, all rescues.  5 of the little monsters have absolutely no issues whatsoever about going to the garage to use the litter box (we have either 9 or 10 boxes, cleaned daily.  I never remember how many and when cleaning they all blur together anyway so...)  Our newest rescue, Jupiter, is a bit..... Well, calling her slow would be putting it nicely.  The cat is dumb.  Really, really, dumb. 

Jupiter will not go into the garage.  For any reason.  Oh, she can use a cat door just fine.  If you dump her out there she'll come right back in.  We HAD been giving her a litter box in the spare bathroom, but if we don't keep the door shut then all 6 of them try and go in the "good" box (because it's inside and the garage is cold) and that just gets straight NASTY.  Plus it's in the house and we all know how litter boxes smell. 

Lately we've been denying her access to this box because she knows good and well there are boxes in the garage.  They're the same size, shape, and filled with the same litter she uses.  But she'd rather pee on my living room floor instead.  I think I should own stock in the Nature's Miracle company.

To try and get her to go in the garage we have taken the flap off the cat door so she can see out (in case she's worried another cat is waiting in ambush on the other side - they do this to one another for funzies), and we moved their food and water out there in sight of the door.  Everyone else is fine with this arrangement.   

Last night I got fed up with her peeing on my floor and just dumped her in the garage and shut the door so she couldn't get back in and the others couldn't come join us.  I stayed with her and talked to her and fed her treats, and she acted like she hadn't eaten in days - it occurred to me she probably hadn't.  I started tossing treats across the floor toward the boxes and after she got close enough she did go in one and pee.  I took her inside and told her she was good.

This morning there was a fresh pee on the floor.   She obviously didn't have to go anymore so I didn't put her out, but what else can I do?  She has RUINED the carpet in the living room.  We're of course going to replace it, but she'll just ruin that too (I'm thinking tile though).  How can I get this stupid cat to go in the garage like everyone else?  I've never caught her doing it, but the others I would never suspect.  It has to be her.  I am seriously at my wit's end here!  HELP!!

OH!  And if you try and pick her up she acts like you're going to kill her and she runs in circles until she hits something, so we can't just easily grab her and toss her out.  We have to be sneaky about it.

Off Topic / American Horror Story: Asylum - anyone watching??
« on: October 17, 2012, 11:09:38 AM »
I LOVED the first season!  I can't wait for tonight, I have my snacks all planned out and have instructed Mr. Skeen that I neither wish to see nor hear him during the hour it is on (unless he is brining me more of the aforementioned snacks, naturally).  The only problem is, no one I know watches it!  Do any of you?

EDIT: In the middle of typing that last sentence I got a call from Mr. Skeen - apparently his boss was talking about it and is dying to see it and has demanded I come in on Saturday to talk to her about it.  YAY!  :D

Pony Corral / What's this thing?
« on: August 30, 2012, 10:58:06 AM »
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Ebay seller's pic.

So, what is that Peachy? She looks too big and shiny to be a molded eraser, pony banks have the space between their legs filled in, and if I'm estimating the height of Bratz shoes correctly, she's roughly the size of my palm.

I thought she might be the top of an electric toothbrush set, but I only found a Lemondrop set in a Google search and Peachy isn't the same mold.

Cake topper? Pencil topper? Any thoughts?

Wanted! / Want - Plush Honeycomb! WILL PAY WELL!
« on: August 08, 2012, 09:23:23 AM »
She's the LAST plushie I need to finish my Softies collection.  I will pay you well for her if she is in very good condition, and will probably pay as much if she isn't, lol!

Wanted! / OMG Bait TE's and nice G3's
« on: July 13, 2012, 02:43:08 PM »
OMG you guys.  I have been SWAMPED with PM's about my custom TE's, so I need a LOT more of them.  ALL of them.  MULTIPLES of them. 

I need them to be really, truly baity - missing limbs, no hair, giant sharpie marks, I don't care.  Ideally I'd like to pay no more than $5 for each, since I'm only using their eyes.  Can anyone help me out?  I'm really overwhelmed here!

EDIT - Found out I have like 5 Gingerbreads already so I do not need her.  Or Party Time.  Wow, I have a lot of them.   :blink:

As for the G3's, I need the following, and about as many of each as I can get (esp. the unicorns):

Brights Brightly
Garden Wishes
Whistle Wishes
Rarity (not the 3d symbol version)
Pearly Pie
Thistle Whistle
Kiwi Tart

I don't mind haircuts or having to clean them, but these need to be mainly ok.

I had all these at the Fair, and a bunch of them sold, which made me really proud.  :)

G4 Rockin' Beats (the other 2 didn't dye right, so they got left at home)

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G4 Perfume Puffs (I have the other three but they're not re-assembled yet)

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And the G3 Twinkle Eyes.  I have been working on these FOREVER.  All of them have authentic eyes from their G1 counterparts (except Mimic, duh) and it took me a long time to get all the baits - I needed 2 for each finished pony!

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Wanted! / I need a G1 Masquerade bait!
« on: June 19, 2012, 03:45:44 PM »
I don't care what condition she is in, just that her eyes aren't REALLY scuffed.

Customs / Quick Mod Podge question
« on: June 03, 2012, 07:35:47 PM »
For the life of me I can't find my new bottle of Fabri Tac and I need to glue in a reroot.  Can I use Mod Podge?  I don't think it's thick enough to run out the plug holes (and I don't let them dry upside down anyway) but is it strong enough to hold the hair?
It's too late to run out and buy another bottle of Fabri Tac, or I would, lol!

Wanted! / My last Applause plush - Firefly!
« on: May 24, 2012, 11:04:53 AM »
I only need one more Applause plush to complete the full set of 8 - embroidered symbols Firefly!
I don't care if she needs to be washed so long as she's in decent shape.  No haircuts.  I would LOVE to have her mint with her tags and brush but I know that's a longshot, lol! 

Off Topic / I never knew people were this generous! :)
« on: May 10, 2012, 12:19:59 PM »
About 2 weeks ago I picked up a cat on the side of the turnpike.  When I finally got a look at her I could see she was injured so I took her to the nearest vet.  Well, the vet thought she had been thrown from a car and landed on her face.  Several of her teeth were broken or ground down to nubs and her lips and whisker areas were really shredded, along with other scrapes and bruises.  I got her antibiotics and pain meds and took her home to rest and destress, knowing her teeth would have to be fixed soon.  They quoted me about $800 for the procedure, which I could not afford, especially for a cat that wasn't mine.  I posted everywhere looking for her owners. 
I called a local cat organization to see if they could take her, but they were full.  And that's when the emails and calls started coming. 
People wanted to donate to this cat's care!  A lady my husband works with volunteers for this organization and after she heard about the cat she emailed EVERYONE on their mailing list.  One lady came up to my office with cat litter and some soft food and I was directed to a vet that worked with this organization often and she said she would pull the cat's teeth for a FRACTON of the cost the other vet would have charged.  I was ecstatic, because this poor cat shouldn't have to suffer.  I made her an appointment for this past Tuesday. 
When I went to pick her up after her surgery, the receptionist told me MORE people had come by to donate and I ended up paying pennies of the cat's bill!  I had no idea people were so generous as to pay for medical care for pets that aren't their own. It's usually ME doing stuff like that!
Now the cat, named Jupiter for the "great red spot" of roadrash on her head, is at my house, where I am fostering her until she's healed and can be taken by the cat group for adoption.  She is the sweetest cat, I can't believe someone would ever hurt her!  She's spayed, declawed (RAGE!!), and was likely vaccinated as she was in great health otherwise (we had her revaccinated, of course, to make sure, and tested for diseases - all negative!).  She gets on well with my other cats so far, though mostly she ignores them.  She's expected to fully recover, though she may need further teeth removed if she doesn't heal well enough. 
Here she is:
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