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Topics - karrie91

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Pony Brag Arena / HUGEEEEE BRAG <3 :D
« on: March 27, 2012, 04:57:03 PM »
I'm so super psyched.

First of all, My Little Pony related....

I went to Kmart today and was really happy to find some Ponies I needed. At first, in the aisle they were in I only found one Pony I didn't have and that was a Lulu Luck. But I then found a display for easter and managed to get a Honeybuzz and a Snowcatcher too!!! :D


My dad sold me his Marvel Action Figure collection! This is a HUGE thing for me as I expected them to go to my brother when my dad passed.. but since my dad doesn't like my brother anymore and I'm a huge tom boy, he sold them to me. I managed to get that, his ps2 and all games, as well as his psp and all games for 400 bucks. There's two huge tubs full of figures (all MIB) but I got my favorite three out to display since I'm short on room.

Picture quality sucks but here's my brag photo!!!! :D

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Ahhhh I'm just so happy. This is like.. a dream of mine to own all these! Plus finding the ponies I needed to scratch off my list. And it didn't break me to buy any of this stuff. I had some tax return money just sitting in the bank lol. Plus I'm happy to help my dad out cause I know he wants to buy some new computer stuff to build a computer.

*sigh* such a good day.. especially since I had a bad day yesterday.  :biggrin: ^.^


ANNNNNNDDD for 50 more he just sold me his entire comic book collection. OMG what a freaking day..

Pony Corral / Pinkie Pie Radio Controlled Car??
« on: March 26, 2012, 12:07:08 AM »
Can I get some feedback on this My Little Pony set? I don't have a pinkie pie yet, and I love remote controlled cars, though the ones for adults are way too complicated for me to use! I was thinking about picking this up since I get my ten percent off general merchandise at work. And it would totally amuse me, and my cats to be able to drive a pony or two around the house! lol

So is this a good product? Easy to drive? About how fast does it go lol..

I feel silly asking such a thing, but I've been wanting to get a remote control toy to fiddle fart around with around the house anyway.. so why not a My Little Pony one that comes with a Pony I don't have yet? lol

Pony Corral / Hard to Find G4s?
« on: March 22, 2012, 09:23:59 PM »
Are there any Hard to Find/Rare G4's out there that a new collector should know about to be on the lookout for? I'm thinking of heading back to the toy section after work tomorrow to pick up a new pony or two and am wondering if there are any must snags I should look for? Any pics would be helpful too!

Pony Corral / Mcdonalds Ponies
« on: March 22, 2012, 07:37:07 PM »
Anyone been lucky enough to complete their set? I only have Lily Blossom and Applejack. It seems those two are the only ones in my town. Was planning to buy the complete set today but after going through all their toys, they only had those two. I asked when they would be getting new ones in but the clerk didn't know. =/

So did anyone get the chance to finish their collection locally?

This late in the program I have a feeling it will be impossible.

Pony Brag Arena / squeeeeeeee! :D <3
« on: March 22, 2012, 07:02:16 PM »
They arrived! My heart like.. exploded when I saw them in person. The G2's are the ponies I had as a child so seeing them just brought back SO many memories. I think it was like 20 bucks total for the lot. And it even included the bride/chapel set that I had as a kid! I do need to replace a jewel on two ponies but I still love them to death!!!! I made up my mind that the G2's will be the only set I will try to complete as I absolutely LOVE them.

Here are some pics! Don't mind my messy kitchen.. lol. This was after their TLC baths.

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8 beautiful ponies who are easily my favorites in my collection. ((other than my G3 Pearl Pie who I adore!))

[stickied 23/03/2012 - kiwimlp :) ]
unstickied 25/03/2012

Wanted! / Karrie's Wish List. Pony and More. PM please :)
« on: March 21, 2012, 06:16:52 PM »
First off, here's some important things to remember before contacting me:

--Though I am openly buying, it does not mean the money is in my paypal account already--
--I get paid on Fridays but sometimes don't get my money until Saturday--
--You must have some feedback. I don't want to get ripped off :)--
--I'm not interested in baity ponies. I don't do customs so I'm only interested in at least 'good' condition--
--I don't do trades--
--I don't pay expensive prices! lol I'm not made of money--

Now that those are out of the way, here are the My Little Ponies I am interested in adding to my collection

G2 My little Ponies:

Any Pony that you don't see here:

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That's my current collection of G2 ponies and while I don't know what all ones are out there, nor their names, I would like as close to a full collection as possible as they were the original ponies I had as a child.

G4 Ponies:

**Must be MIP**

Cherry Pie
Daisy Dreams- Glimmer Wings
Diamond Rose
Fluttershy- Shine Bright
Fluttershy- Glimmer Wings
Lily Blossom
Ploomette- Glimmer Wings
Rainbow Flash
Fluttershy- Fashion Style
So Soft Spike
So Soft Rainbow Dash
Applejack- Fashion Style
Blind Bags---- any, loose lots or sealed

*I am currently not looking for any G1/G3 ponies unless it is the G1 Dancing with Butterflies Pony. Other than that, none are on my want list right now.*

(I also will buy your Pony Fakies if they are from Buddy L Corp.)

Non Pony Related:
[/color]*****If you happen to have any of these items in stock near you, I would pay the shipping + an extra something for them as long as you don't raise the cost too much!!! Please PM if you have these things near you before purchasing!!!!*****
Disney Fairies Tinkerbell:

I am looking for the following 6 inch size dolls


For some reason all the stores in my town no longer stock them. They can be any variety but as long as they are the 6 inch ones rather then the 9 inch larger dolls. I already have Silvermist.

Flynn Rider and Rapunzel barbies

They can be in seperate packages or together. It doesn't matter because I'll probably unbox them. I won't buy if it's just Rapunzel though. They sell plenty of her around, just no Flynn  :shocked:

I also buy video games:

Mostly looking to complete my Harvest Moon collection. I need Grand Bazaar, Sunshine Islands, Hero of Leaf Valley, Boy & Girl, Animal Parade, A Wonderful Life SE (ps2). All must be complete and in really good condition.

Other than that, I collect a lot of other things as well. Anything Pokemon, Lord of The Rings, and Xmen.

Pony Corral / Buddy L Corp fakies?
« on: March 21, 2012, 05:51:01 PM »
I'm wondering if anyone knows much about these and how much they generally go for?

they look like this:

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I had some as a kid and I absolutely loved them. I want to introduce some into my herd, especially a purple one since I remember having that one for sure. They were a favorite of mine. Anyone know any ideas of prices or anything?

Also does anyone know how many were made or anything of the sort? Anyone collect them?

Pony Corral / Okay, my collection starters arrived.. did I do good?
« on: March 21, 2012, 04:26:04 PM »
Okay so I got my collection starters in the mail today. There are 18 in total, but one is.. well.. ill to say the least. All the others I had to clean up. They were quite a mess but I managed to get them looking pretty. Took a bit of scrubbing, hair washing/conditioning and a lot of combing lol. I'm not sure what all I snagged here but all my ponies are absolutely beautiful to me. I paid about 35 bucks for all of them and think I got a good deal. I'm lost on names though. I thought through the auction pictures I could identify some but I'm at a complete loss lol. So I took some pictures of my lovely girls and wondered if anyone could help identify them for me?

First of all, here's them before all my pampering:

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as you can see, their a bit messy, hairs all matted, and some even had crayon markings!

And now here's my ponies

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Any idea on working with the gal above's hair? It's very long and very curly..

And here are my beautiful G4 Ponies and my Mcdonalds Pony :)

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Anyway, did I do good? Any comments, name helps, and anything of the sort would be wonderful! :)

I can't wait for tomorrow because my G2 ponies should be arriving! Their ones I had as a child and I am VERY excited about that.. Though I will need to replace one eye jewel =/

Pony Corral / My poor pony :(
« on: March 21, 2012, 03:05:56 PM »
Well I got my first order of ponies today, and this poor gal was in the bunch. She's the only one I can't seem to get cleaned up. Someone named 'Sami' decided to mark on her with permanent blue marker. She's a remake of an original, marked 2007 I believe on the bottom of her foot.

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See the horrible work they did on her? Poor girl.. her hair is mostly still nice and has all her plugs. She doesn't have tail rust or anything. Her hair might have been trimmed but it looks good. It's just sad that I can't get those ugly markings off her. Not sure what else to do. I've tried nail polish remover, alcohol wipes, and other various house hold cleaners like grease lightning, soap, etc. Not sure what else to do. :(

Pony Corral / Pony identification help please?
« on: March 20, 2012, 10:01:05 PM »
Hi everyone, I recently purchased a lot of ponies off ebay and I haven't gotten them yet. But I'm wondering if there's a fakie in the bunch. I think I've identified all but the following one. Not sure who she is and whether those are ink marks on her face or actually supposed to be there. any ideas?

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She looks like she's supposed to be from G1 but I searched through several guides on sites and can't really match her up to anyone..  :lookround:

Anyways, any help is appreciated!  :)

Introductions / New to the pony world :)
« on: March 20, 2012, 09:57:01 PM »
Hello everyone! Just wanted to say hi to all the collectors out there. I'm new to the hobby as I became addicted when my sister bought me a my little pony it reminded me of the ones I had as a child so I am now going ebay crazy as well as buying them in stores! lol

My name is Karrie, I'm 20 years old, and I'm here to chat it up and find out stuff about My Little Ponies :)

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