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Topics - BlackCurtains

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Off Topic / Fast Facts!
« on: June 02, 2024, 04:48:40 PM »
Know a fact? Share it here!

Poison dart frogs are not poisonous in captivity. The toxin comes from the insects they eat in their natural habitat. Since these insects are not fed to them, they are safe to handle and popular as pets.

Off Topic / What are your sleeping habits?
« on: June 02, 2024, 04:45:39 PM »
I sleep with a body pillow (it's orange) and have a few plushies in my bed. My bed is against the wall so they don't fall off.

I never use top sheets. I have a select few blankets I use at different times of the year. I always have to have the blanket over my head. My sister used to ask how could I breathe like that, but it doesn't bother me. I also need to have the fan on me, even when it's cold.

Most of my life I slept with the TV off, but since I've lived on my own, I keep it on.

I have VERY SPECIFIC PILLOWS. I cannot sleep without these pillows. The bottom one is an old standard Tempur-Pedic. The top is a very thin, flat pillow my mom got me out of one of those old people magazines. The tag is worn, so I don't know the brand. I tuck this thin pillow between my neck and shoulder and the TP pillow supports my head. I have tried others through the years, but anything else gives me headaches and neck and shoulder discomfort. I've slept with these two pillows for probably 25 years. I would replace the thin one if I knew who makes it, but alas.

Customs / New Resources?
« on: May 29, 2024, 04:09:25 PM »
I cleaned up the sticky links, some sites were gone or moved.

Does anyone have any newer resources they know of or use? A lot of the tutorial links are so old, with old info, like using Mod Podge as a sealer. I mean there is an Angelfire site up there :lol:

I was thinking of adding a where to baits section and linking the HQG1C blanks and I discovered someone on Facebook making amazing 3D printed pony blanks.

What else could be added? New techniques? Like what? Gimme some ideas! :P

I'm still planning on making a new wing tutorial. I also picked up some new sculpting materials I still need to try out.

Off Topic / What's your weather like?
« on: April 15, 2024, 12:57:36 PM »
Let's small talk about the weather.

It's supposed to be spring, which usually means monsoon season here. We've only had two storms so far. The temp is higher than it should be, so much so we are breaking records. It's frustrating because it's chilly at night (65F) and most of the day is beautiful (72F) but by late afternoon we are in the upper 80s and it's humid. I have my windows closed to escape from the humidity (and allergies) and I'm trying not to run my AC too often. If the afternoon was a normal temp for this time of year, I'd open the windows.

I keep thinking, if we are breaking heat records in April, what is August going to be like? :shocked:

Off Topic / AI Discussion
« on: March 28, 2024, 01:48:00 PM »
I feel this needs it's own thread.

I'll quote some responses from the other thread here.

as far as AI goes i'm very very skeptical. i think it's something that could be beneficial if it worked well and could do mundane tasks. the problem is so much of LLM type AI doesn't work well. that's the kind of AI that takes in a bunch of data and provides output. ChatGPT, Diffusion, etc. i'm not super familiar with the generative AI for art. it seems like it could be cool for creative artists but i do think there should be some kind of compensation/opt out for artists who's work is used to train the AI. do these companies even know who's art was used thought? i doubt it. and the idea of people selling AI generated art doesn't sit well with me.

i'm not an artist but i am a web developer and the code hosting services i use have rolled out AI coding assistants that learn off code that people store on their hosting services. there is no compensation for using people's code to train the AIs. in fact they charge you to use the AI and your code helped train. there is also no guarantee that the code training the AI is good, working code either. the results based on my personal testing are hit or miss. it's nice for repetitive stuff. but as far as anything challenging i find the results disappointing based on the hype.

i could go on and on about AI and how much i don't like it. i would never think it's bad to play around with for fun. I've done this myself with ChatGPT. my real worry is jobs lost and poor quality output. there are already a bunch of junk AI books on Amazon put out by scammers trying to make money for nothing. i also worry that companies with greedy leadership who don't care about quality and want to increase profit will try to replace employees with AI. there isn't much regulation yet and the people who run the leading AI tech companies suck and don't care about people. TBH i think they're a bit out of their minds. replacing humans with bad AI is bad for employees who lose jobs and customers who have to deal with a poor experience. there isn't a vision from these people to make the world better. to have everyone do less work and live in abundance. in it's current form AI is a hype bubble and a grift. like crypto and the metaverse was/still is. even the commercials promoting AI in software and devices don't really say much about what the AI will actually do. it's just "hey we added AI. give us more money!"

and yeah the "deepfake" videos terrify me. especially since so many people believe that if it's on video, it must be real. also i've read that a lot of it is porn so that's horrifying for people who may end up in a video without consent.

like most stuff that comes out of big tech, AI could be cool. but not in it's current form.

I am actually less scared of AI (do we need a separate thread to discuss this btw? It's interesting) as in real AI (actual artificial intelligence) than human-developed and human-taught AI, because that enables it to be influenced and manipulated in dangerous ways.

As a writer, too, I take pride in what I write being my own. I don't want someone to look at what I write and think I used something to help me write it. I don't know if that is the same as going out to artistically collaborate using the tech and acknowledging it as a tool...I think it may be different with words than with pictures. Not sure how...just how it feels to me.

I DO worry about it being used by people in universities to cheat assignments going forward. I don't want a doctor who didn't write their own assignments or do their own research to get their medical degree. :/ Plagiarism is already a big issue in universities (speaking as a former GTA, it's something we were trained to deal with). But AI is like having another person write an essay for you, only cheaper :/ I think this could be a problem in the future. Dr Google and all that :/

And I worry about how AI already represents neurodiversity - I saw someone do some research on this, and AI presents an autistic person as a gloomy, skinny, white male in his twenties. It's not helpful.

You both bring up really good points.

@Beth, you're right about it being a nifty new thing that people and companies are exploiting, like crypto, etc. Maybe that's one of my things, because I do think AI and robotics will help humans reach a utopia one day. But for right now it's mostly people using it for fun or profit. And I am kind of sick of all my programs adding AI stuff to them. Photoshop has done it and it's very pushy about using it. And YouTube, when I go to upload content, it's AI this and AI that.

@Taffeta, I sometimes forget there are people who would use it for bad things. You brought up things I've never even thought of, like the doctor thing. That IS worrisome. And yeah, more complex concepts that aren't widely understood tend to be stereotyped, that's the fault of the human coders. It's like that robot from Dubai. I forget her name. In interviews she has said things like robots will take over and humanity is doomed, etc. But again that's on the people who programmed her. ChatGPT is getting like that too. When it was first released it was much more interesting to talk to before people sent it down the meme hole. Now it's like chatting to someone on the site that shall not be named.

Hopefully, somewhere there is a dedicated group of people working on an AI that won't be polluted with awful things. That day might be a long way off still.

So, yes, I agree that it can be dangerous and maybe we aren't ready for it yet. I still find it fascinating.

Off Topic / The Pet Thread!
« on: March 15, 2024, 10:49:03 AM »
Here you can post anything and everything about your pets! Share pics, good stories, bad news, anything!

I'll start with a pic of my lovely Aster :heart: She'll be 10 next month and I adopted her at 8. Her Gotcha Day is in October.

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The ol' Razzle Dazzle

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Pony Brag Arena / Kotobukiya Applejack!
« on: March 14, 2024, 08:13:10 PM »
I took a gamble and purchased this on Aliexpress for $28. I was prepared to get a bad bootleg but she is actually really nice!

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I'm going to see what else the seller has, they didn't have all the figures, but I think they had Sunset Shimmer who I would like too. I'd also like Rainbow Dash but they didn't have that one.

Pony Corral / [Game] Let's make a Frankenpony!
« on: March 11, 2024, 06:06:44 PM »
This is a little game where each person posts a trait and I make a pony based on those traits! I'll be using the pony makers found on Doll Divine.

I will post what I'm looking for like - Give me a body color

And the next person posts the color they want.

Then I post - Give me a symbol

And someone else posts the symbol they'd like!

After everything has been posted, I will post a picture of the pony all together.

You can choose to go along with others or throw a wrench in! Let's see what kind of ponies we can make :D

First request - What species is our pony? (earth, unicorn, pegasus, alicorn, merpony - like a seapony but with front legs)

Customs / Quick little custom - Lily
« on: March 11, 2024, 09:25:07 AM »
I've gotten back in my groove and made this simple lady between waiting for other ponies to dry or bake.

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Her inspiration came from two candles sitting on my bookshelf. One has grey wax and the other a pale yellow. They both have outlines of flowers on them too. I thought they looked nice together and decided to make this pony :) She's meant to be shabby chic, so I painted a few layers of gesso on her first to give the paint some texture. The paint was put on quickly to leave broken brush lines and give her an overall look of being worn. The yellow dots were done with a Q-Tip.

Her eyes are terrible! I need to practice. All my eye knowledge has left my brain and hand -_-

Off Topic / Making your own website
« on: March 07, 2024, 12:22:06 PM »
Hello :)

Lately I've been thinking of setting up my own website for my arts and crafts stuff. I guess more of an online portfolio than anything. I've looked around and am at a loss. I don't know if I should go with a free one or paid. A lot of the paid hosts use Wordpress which I know nothing about. I do know basic HTML. I'd rather have a drag 'n drop type interface though. Go Daddy has that kind of interface and is one of the top best paid hosts.

I'd like to hear more about the free hosts. I'm not interested in selling from my site, at least not yet. And I'd rather not have forced ads everywhere. From my own experience, Wix is terrible. It never loads right and looks awful in 1920x1080

Customs / Does anyone have plain grey hair?
« on: March 03, 2024, 03:23:09 AM »
I love Shimmerlocks, but right now she doesn't have any non-metallic grey hair. I need a warm grey. Doll Planet has no regular greys either. A couple other suppliers have moved their site or are gone completely. I know DH is an option and I did actually go look on the site, but ehhhhh...

So does someone have a couple warm grey hanks hanging about you can part with? I'd rather buy outright than do a trade right now.

Pony Corral / Who is your favorite Pony Friend/Pretty Pal?
« on: February 29, 2024, 08:13:40 AM »
Just a fun thread :) Who are your favorites? You get to vote for three.

Mine are Baby Leafy, Kingsley and for a third, I don't know? Maybe Creamsicle? Or Spunky!

I do like them all though :)

Pony Brag Arena / Metal Earth Applejack
« on: February 19, 2024, 03:26:16 PM »
I found this on Amazon.

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I've looked at Metal Earth lots of times. I've had the beginner dragon on my wishlist for a long time. When I saw this, I had to have it! Metal and I do not get along very well as far as crafts go, I'm always stabbing myself with wire or getting a cut on aluminum foil. So I'm a little apprehensive about putting it together. Some of the pieces are so tiny! I do make miniatures, but from clay, not metal sheets :lol:

Anyway, it looks like they made the rest of the mane 6. I only saw AJ for sale though.

Wanted! / G4 Applejack stuff and a couple Fakies
« on: February 10, 2024, 01:58:57 PM »
Status: Not buying for the rest of the month.

Hello :)

I'm looking for an orange Princess Rinse 'n Spit and an orange Concerned fakie.

Also looking for more AJ stuff.
- Balloon AJ
- Kwestle Fwends (no idea if that's spelt right)
- PopMart figures.
- Any other kind of AJ things??

- Fashion Style AJ!

I'll add to this. I need to check MLP Merch.

Off Topic / If you could do any one activity, what would it be?
« on: February 08, 2024, 06:20:19 AM »
Climbing a mountain? Bungee Jumping? Swimming with whales?

If you could pick one activity to try, what would you pick?

I've always wanted to go scuba diving, so I would pick that :)

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