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Topics - tailrustedtealeaf

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Pony Brag Arena / I'm a Cool Kid Now!
« on: June 01, 2024, 07:59:40 AM »
I was shcrollin on eBay and got reccommended a Mimic listing. Okay. Whatever. Cool.

I did a double take and noticed she was sub 200. Sub 200? Post-pandemic? On sale, even.

My birthday's coming up, so I got a little inkling in my head of what to do with that. I sent the link of the listing to my pals. Hey, jury, what's wrong with her. Why hasn't she sold. What's up with that. The only thing we could see was that her hair hadn't been would be a shame for her to not sell solely because no one had combed her hair.

We didn't see anything wrong with her so I snatched her up! And you know what? I can't really find anything wrong with her! So, yay! A small dot here or there but nothing egregious. I'll take it.

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I wasn't a huge Mimic fan before, and to be honest, I mostly bought her because I perceived her as a deal (I should have bought her when I first started collecting, lol, much cheaper then), but she really is so pretty in real life! That green is spectacular, her hair blend is so bright and loud! Really quite a pretty pony. :)

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Wild Manes!
« on: May 02, 2024, 09:20:53 AM »
I figured this would be well-liked here. Jakks Pacific is making some horse toys!

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There's quite a few! They're set to come out this summer, so I expect we'll see them soon.

Off Topic / MOVED: I can't place images
« on: December 25, 2023, 05:44:52 PM »

Pony Corral / G3 Plush Question
« on: November 23, 2023, 03:30:06 PM »
Hi all!

Someone reached out to me about some G3 plush and I couldn't give an answer. This picture is pretty infamous and passed around tumblr spaces a lot (sidenote, any attribution would be great if someone can tell me whose collection this is!)

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In this picture, you can see a large Sweetie Belle in the top left. She is clearly not as big as the jumbo plush on the floor of the picture.

When you look up a list of plush ponies, the MLW and StrawberryReef both say that the Sweetie Belle that came with a pyjama set is 3 feet. However, it also notes that the "Jumbo Ponies" are 3 feet.

With that context...

1. Is there a giant Wysteria, the size of the big girlies towards the front, I can sort of see her nudged in there?
2. HOW big are each of these ponies? The jumbos AND the pyjama ponies? Or is the Sweetie Belle pictured a different matter entirely?
3. What the heck is going on with both of the websites? I can at least update MLW inaccuracies...

Thanks in advance!

Sigs & Site Support / Photo Hosting: Discord Viability Ends By 2024
« on: September 30, 2023, 07:07:17 PM »
If you've been around some techy spaces, you may have heard that Discord is changing the way it treats files. Rather than have a particular file (say, a photograph) be available permanently at a specific url, it will instead generate a request for a specific file which expires within a few hours. You can view images on the DiscordApp or website perfectly fine, but any external sites that use these urls will not actually display anything unless you're constantly generating and updating these files.

TL;DR / So what?: Any images you have embedded here that are hosted on Discord will NOT be viewable once these changes take effect.

I do not suggest you use Discord as an image host any longer. These changes are not implemented yet, but it's best to update any threads or posts with different hosts.

The list of suggested hosts currently in our Photo Help thread is:
Quote, Tumblr, Flickr, Imgur, Deviantart/Deviantart Stash, imgBB, your own domain!

Any additions to this list are appreciated! The original help thread will be adjusted shortly with a new host.  :nerdy:

Trader & Shipping Support / MOVED: Price guide for stickers?
« on: April 17, 2023, 06:03:52 PM »

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Mini Verse Make-It
« on: December 12, 2022, 12:37:18 PM »
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Look at these! I found them in balls at Walmart for $10 each. You get some UV resin and plastic pieces and you can make up a little dish. :) They're the perfect size for G1!

Pony Corral / [UPDATED 1/19] Gameloft MLP Game - G1 Upcoming Blitz Event
« on: October 28, 2022, 09:59:12 PM »
Dance Party Blitz event is upcoming, this will be a 6-day blitz. These are difficult, I'm just going to buy the G1 bundle anyway. This weekend (as of 1/19) is the Mistmane New Year event, I think we have 2? 3? weeks until this event plays. Helpers may be the two Flutterponies and Snuzzle/Seashell.

New ponies added:

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Generations event information:
11/14/22: The game has been updated and someone has been so kind as to dig in the game files to find the update's contents.

The ponies included in the event are the three ponies from the Generations comics created by the daughters of the witches. I fear they may be the main rewards, locking the G1 ponies behind paywalls. (Next day: this is true).

Fluttershy will be the main helper, and her costumes seem very loosely based off G1 ponywear.

The ponies included in the event are Firefly, Applejack, Posey, Sparkler, Surprise, Twilight, Galaxy, Glory, Gusty, Lickety Split, Lofty, Minty (G3), Bonbon, North Star, Rosedust, and miscolored Morning Glory, incorrectly named in the files as Lily.

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Slay. Go off.

The event will likely start towards the end of this week, and be a SIEGE event. These are doable without paying, even if you've just started playing, I would just check in every hour or two.

Original post:
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No exact date, but an event featuring the G1 ponies (likely tied to the Generations comic that came out earlier this year) is coming to the Gameloft game.

I've been playing the game a lot, when we get an update that brings us more information, I'll make sure to post it. :) Figured I'd let anyone know in case they wanted to dust off their apps.

Ecommerce Bytes Article

eBay is launching a brand new international shipping program. eBay CEO Jamie Iannone broke the news during a keynote address at day-one of the eBay Open seller conference on Wednesday.

“Efficiency is a key concern,” Iannone said. “We value streamlining and simplifying processes, and we know you do too. This is especially important as we help you sell globally.”

But oddly, the CEO provided few details about the program, and eBay has yet to officially announce it. However, we found the landing page describing the new program.

It appears it replaces the current Global Shipping Program. It states on the landing page: “At launch, all new, eligible listings will automatically default to eBay International Shipping.”

And in the FAQs, it states:

“If you’re currently using the Global Shipping Program, you will be automatically enrolled and your listings will default to eBay International Shipping. If you ship with another international shipping service such as eBay International Standard Delivery, you will need to update your current listings to take advantage of eBay International Shipping benefits.”

However, there will be a 12-month transition period: “Sellers will be enrolled in phases over the next 12 months. You’ll be notified via email and Seller Hub when you’re eligible.”

It goes on to describe the steps:

1) Once you get an email inviting you to the program, you’ll be able to select eBay International Shipping on all listings that are eligible for export.

2) When your item sells to an international buyer, you’ll only be responsible for getting it to our domestic hub. We’ll handle customs and international shipping for you.

3) Sell with more confidence and enjoy the profits. Save on the selling fees for international transactions, and say goodbye to international return hassles.

The FAQs also state the buyers “will have the choice to pay import charges, including duties and taxes, at checkout or at delivery.”

Here’s what eBay CEO Jamie Iannone told attendees at Wednesday’s eBay Open keynote address about the new program:

“You’ve told us you want it to be as easy to ship internationally as it would be to ship domestically, and that you want cross-border trade to be a simple and seamless experience. And we listened to you.

“In response, we’ve created our new shipping program. Now every element of shipping, including returns, will go through our platform. We’ll take care of all the international shipping details, like currency conversion, customs, and delivery dates – making the entire process incredibly easy to use. And as a result, your inventory will be seen by millions more buyers around the world.”

eBay uses a third-party company (Pitney-Bowes) to power the current Global Shipping program. We have yet to determine if eBay is switching vendors or will stick with Pitney-Bowes.

The new program is called eBay International Shipping, or EIS.

I figured I'd pass along, I'll keep an eye out for more information on it. Not sure what makes it different from the GSP yet, I have a suspicion it's the way that sellers will deal with returns.

Toy Box & Games Cupboard / Magic Mixies!
« on: August 24, 2022, 06:19:35 PM »
If anyone has followed me outside of here, you probably know my latest obsession.

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THESE little dudes. I think they're absolutely delightful. I adore fantasy animals and these are the perfect amount of cute and fantasy to pique my interest.

I've been documenting the codes on the wiki I made. If these were truly surprises, I would not be as interested, but I'm cracking the codes. I've been focusing on the singles lately because I really want Zarla (blame their little Youtube show, I think she's hilarious).

I love the plush, too, but to a lesser degree since they're so expensive. I'm considering pre-ordering the new one to release this year since I expect it will sell out...I was expecting to see way more of the plush at the thrift store this year, too.

Does anyone else collect these? Think they're cute? Maybe you have the plush?

Pony Corral / Mimic Owners - Regrind/Pink Marks?
« on: August 23, 2022, 07:51:54 PM »
Me and my friends were talking, hypothesizing...let me know about your Mimics! Send pictures in the thread, if you can!

Sigs & Site Support / Photo help! Tutorial + Troubleshooting
« on: August 18, 2022, 09:32:57 AM »
The Arena does not have any on-site hosting, but you can embed photos into your posts or PMs if it is uploaded elsewhere!

First, upload your photo somewhere.

Some sites work great for photo uploading, some don't!

Not suggested: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Photobucket, Discord

Suggested:, Tumblr, Flickr, Imgur, Deviantart/Deviantart Stash, imgBB, your own domain!

Each site works differently, but your goal is to be able to get a link that points directly to your image...

Second, get your image link!

In order to embed, you will need a link that ends with your file extension, or the type of file you have uploaded. This usually means the link ends with a .jpg, .png, or .gif extension.

Some sites may provide an easily copied-and-pasted link that points to your image, and some sites you will need to grab yourself.

I use Tumblr for most of my hosting, so here's what that looks like for me...

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On most sites, you can right-click or long-press (if you're on phone!) on the image. There should be an option to either "copy image link" or "open image in new tab".

If you copy the image link, then you can skip to the next step. :) If you opened image in a new tab...

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You can copy the url at the top. See how it ends in png? That's what we want! Copy that!

Lastly, embed that image!

Here's where you make your post look pretty. :)

Forum code uses brackets to indicate special instructions. To get the code to embed images, you can either click here...

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Which will insert the brackets, or you can simply type:

Code: [Select]
Your link will go between the brackets:

Code: [Select]
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Images really big? You can add a height or width modifier in order to make your image smaller.

Code: [Select]
[img height=300][/img]
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Code: [Select]
[img width=50][/img]
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so small!

(Sometimes the image will appear squashed... You can specify both height and width to an appropriate ratio if you find your images are smashed)

You can always view the original size of the image by right clicking and selecting "open image in new tab". Sometimes, you can click on images within posts and they will appear as originally uploaded.

Still need help?

You can ask for help in this thread!

Happy embeding!  :awake:

For Sale - For Auction / MOVED: How to price? Help please xx
« on: August 02, 2022, 04:27:11 PM »

Pony Corral / MOVED: help
« on: July 14, 2022, 09:31:16 PM »

Pony Brag Arena / MOVED: Custom mimic
« on: June 21, 2022, 05:08:56 AM »

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