The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Prince Firefly on July 06, 2021, 11:10:36 PM

Title: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: Prince Firefly on July 06, 2021, 11:10:36 PM
I asked this originally on Tumblr, but it's worth to ask here as well as there are more G1 collectors here. Also so that this could reach a wider audience.

Has the community ever come up with an unofficial replacement name for G*psy? Considering her name is a slur for the Romani people, especially considering the prejudice against the Romani has been more and more revealed over the years, I figure it's only right to come up with a different name to refer to G*psy as. Also since she's so commonly sought after, and she stems from an offensive caricature in the comics.

Of course, we can't change the past (and it was certainly a different time when she was released) and it'd be easier to find her under the original name (when it comes to things like listings, etc), but out of respect it's likely for the best we give her an unofficial name to use instead.

If she doesn't already have one- and I've looked- I suggest Tambourine, for her cutie mark and backcard story.

If you're of the Romani people yourself, please give your opinions! They'll be the most heavily considered and your thoughts on this are the most appreciated.

Even if you're not Romani, offer your opinions too! Please try to not be offensive, though, and recognize the hurt done to this minority group.


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Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on July 06, 2021, 11:27:27 PM
We already had a discussion about this recently, I'm not from the Gypsy Roma or Traveller communities but from the UK and my take is that it's a non-issue. Gypsy isn't a slur here it's a title. In schools, we formally use the description Gypsy Roma and Traveller to describe any settled or non-settled people who identify as being members of these groups. It's important to distinguish children from these groups since they may have certain requirements like opting out of sex ed in schools or attending gatherings at certain times of the year during school term time. So we respectfully use these terms when discussing policy and procedure. I'm sorry that the situation is different abroad however I don't think that we can or should change her name. At least, I'd be surprised if it catches on. I didn't realise that she was a negative character however, could we see some examples?
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: kingluke on July 07, 2021, 02:35:13 AM
I, and others, call her tambourine. I change the names of ponies as I see fit.
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: RoseNoire on July 07, 2021, 02:47:33 AM
I'm from Belgium so English isn't my first language, but I don't perceive this term as a slur or anything insulting. I would be interested to have the opinion of people from that community to have a clearer understanding of what it means to them.
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: Luxrayx on July 07, 2021, 05:31:19 AM
I'm not fond of the "It's not a slur to me" perspective, to be honest :huh:

I mean, think of something that is a slur to you. I'm talking unspeakably, we-can't-be-friends-if-you-say-it- bad. Would that be a slur to you if you'd never heard it before? It wouldn't, right? What if someone from a different country told you it's not a slur to them? Would you still be comfortable with Hasbro naming a pony that?

It's a complicated issue, of course, and I don't blame anyone for referring to a pony by her official name or anything like that. But I do think the idea of renaming her is a noble one, whether it catches on or not. Tambourine is a lovely name ^.^
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: SpacePinto on July 07, 2021, 05:43:33 AM
How about "The Romani Pony"?
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: tailrustedtealeaf on July 07, 2021, 06:36:41 AM
I've heard Tambourine as well.
But yeah, there was a long discussion about this in a past thread (her Pony of the Day one?). Seems to be a regional thing.
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: Carrehz on July 07, 2021, 06:41:22 AM,401233.0.html
^ this was the thread
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: SunPony on July 07, 2021, 06:42:04 AM
This has definitely come up multiple times in the recent past on here.  The concencus seemed to be that British people found the name not offensive while American people found it offensive.  I can't recall what folks from other parts of Europe and the rest of the world thought. I believe the word originated in Britain (among non-Romani populations), so maybe that's a contributing factor..?

Really the word itself is kind of odd since it is based on a historical misidentification, like saying "Indian" and meaning certain native American tribes that have actual names...From what I read previously the Romani didn't seem to have a great deal of concencus on whether they found the term offensive or not.  So it really feels like a gray area at least on the international stage.  But maybe there is more consensus among them then I am aware of. To me, I get the feeling that the word's trajectory is toward slur.  Like maybe it is ambiguous now but in thirty years it will end up more firmly in the slur category.  I mean why would you continue to refer to a population by the name you gave them instead of the name they actually call themselves?

For what it's worth I always called my childhood ponies after their symbols rather than their given names, so if I had had her I certainly would have called her tambourine or whatever I interpreted those symbols to be.
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on July 07, 2021, 07:01:12 AM
I never found her name offensive.  Gypsy is a word for a free spirited, mysterious woman too. And its a popular horse name besides.

How about we let them decide, and follow their lead on it?

I'm also really tired of people using toys/media for a source of their social outrage and pet projects, because it takes energy and focus away from real life issues.

I know hyper focus on petty things goes back hundreds of years to music, dance, fashion and books, but this is still slapping band aids on bullet holes.

I choose to take a balanced view on this.
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: vira on July 07, 2021, 08:24:18 AM
my feeling is that its a good idea to rename her. i've seen romani people express discomfort with the word for years, in many contexts.

and really, i think that keeping her name is just not the hill to die on. i'd much rather call a pony by a nickname than choose to ignore the fact people that have been hurt by her canonical name.

i like tambourine :-)
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: Heelys on July 07, 2021, 09:19:13 AM
For years, one of the key characters in the cult classic tv series Mystery Science Theater 3000 was a purple robot named Gypsy. She was the sole female robot on the satellite, and for most of the show's run, she was the only recurring woman character, albeit voiced a la Miss Piggy. While not as ubiquitous as the primary robots Tom Servo and Crow, she was still iconic to the show, and her name came from the creator's childhood pet.

The show came out in the early 90s and got a revival in the late 2010s. As of the 2019 live tour, some 30 years after having her name sung in the opening credits for the first time, they quietly changed her name to GPC. Some fans were displeased at how they could modify the name of such a long-running character ("why would you ruin my childhood?!") but most fans understood the logic behind it (I myself had been calling her "Gypsum" or "G" for years). It's a small thing, but it lets marginalized communities know that the world considers their safety more important than an attachment to a warped word meaning or a plastic piece of pop culture.

This always brings discourse out of the woodwork. I think it's best to recognize that it's a historically oppressive term. Tambourine is a lovely name.
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: Prince Firefly on July 07, 2021, 09:46:18 AM
We definitely need a Romani's view on this, it seems.

I never found her name offensive.  Gypsy is a word for a free spirited, mysterious woman too. And its a popular horse name besides.

How about we let them decide, and follow their lead on it?

I'm also really tired of people using toys/media for a source of their social outrage and pet projects, because it takes energy and focus away from real life issues.

I know hyper focus on petty things goes back hundreds of years to music, dance, fashion and books, but this is still slapping band aids on bullet holes.

I choose to take a balanced view on this.

We should definitely let them decide. That's why I'll bring this up: G*psy doesn't mean a free-spirited traveller or mysterious woman (, that's a part of the racist caricature that media portrays.

I hate to compare it to a non-racial slur, but it's the only connection I can make, but it's akin to using the r slur to mean "stupid/dumb" when it's actually a slur against autistic people (source: I'm autistic and I've been in the autism community for some time- the word is very offensive to us).

You do make a good point with things like this being pushed a bit too hard on little subjects like these. It does go back a long way, but I believe it's more for the sake of stopping usage of the word so it does less harm than it has in the past. It's absolutely slapping bandaids over bullet holes, but for people outside of the minority group in question, it's good practice to start to take the word of your vocabulary. A slow, gradual change, to get used to it.

/nm (

I've heard Tambourine as well.
But yeah, there was a long discussion about this in a past thread (her Pony of the Day one?). Seems to be a regional thing.,401233.0.html
^ this was the thread

Thanks! I had a feeling this had been discussed before, but forgot where/when.
I'll give this thread a (re)read when I can.

I'm not fond of the "It's not a slur to me" perspective, to be honest :huh:

I mean, think of something that is a slur to you. I'm talking unspeakably, we-can't-be-friends-if-you-say-it- bad. Would that be a slur to you if you'd never heard it before? It wouldn't, right? What if someone from a different country told you it's not a slur to them? Would you still be comfortable with Hasbro naming a pony that?

It's a complicated issue, of course, and I don't blame anyone for referring to a pony by her official name or anything like that. But I do think the idea of renaming her is a noble one, whether it catches on or not. Tambourine is a lovely name ^.^
I'm from Belgium so English isn't my first language, but I don't perceive this term as a slur or anything insulting. I would be interested to have the opinion of people from that community to have a clearer understanding of what it means to them.

This is something that comes up a lot with slurs! The best way to handle it is to educate yourself on the meaning and history of the word.
See my example with the r slur above! It may not be seen as a slur by neurotypical people, but it is. Just because it isn't seen as one doesn't mean it isn't one.

We already had a discussion about this recently, I'm not from the Gypsy Roma or Traveller communities but from the UK and my take is that it's a non-issue. Gypsy isn't a slur here it's a title. In schools, we formally use the description Gypsy Roma and Traveller to describe any settled or non-settled people who identify as being members of these groups. It's important to distinguish children from these groups since they may have certain requirements like opting out of sex ed in schools or attending gatherings at certain times of the year during school term time. So we respectfully use these terms when discussing policy and procedure. I'm sorry that the situation is different abroad however I don't think that we can or should change her name. At least, I'd be surprised if it catches on. I didn't realise that she was a negative character however, could we see some examples?
This has definitely come up multiple times in the recent past on here.  The concencus seemed to be that British people found the name not offensive while American people found it offensive.  I can't recall what folks from other parts of Europe and the rest of the world thought. I believe the word originated in Britain (among non-Romani populations), so maybe that's a contributing factor..?

Really the word itself is kind of odd since it is based on a historical misidentification, like saying "Indian" and meaning certain native American tribes that have actual names...From what I read previously the Romani didn't seem to have a great deal of concencus on whether they found the term offensive or not.  So it really feels like a gray area at least on the international stage.  But maybe there is more consensus among them then I am aware of. To me, I get the feeling that the word's trajectory is toward slur.  Like maybe it is ambiguous now but in thirty years it will end up more firmly in the slur category.  I mean why would you continue to refer to a population by the name you gave them instead of the name they actually call themselves?

For what it's worth I always called my childhood ponies after their symbols rather than their given names, so if I had had her I certainly would have called her tambourine or whatever I interpreted those symbols to be.

Thank you for bringing this up! I'm from the US, so I was unaware of this.

It's rare to see Native Americans in schools here, at least from what I've seen (mind you, I only went to public school for 3 years), but within the past number of years there's been a huge migration from using the term Indian to using the term Native when it comes to thinks like paperwork and documents. I know a good lot of Natives find the former term offensive (as its been used derogatorily, is misattributed, etc). "G*psy Roma" is better than the normal term, I feel, but take me with a grain of salt- I'm not of that group at all.

Modernly, a lot more Romani people online have been vocal about it being a slur, which is why I brought this up to begin with. I think we should change it for this reason. This is also the reason you'll see me continuously censor the word.

As for G*psy herself being a caricature:

MLW reads, "She lives deep in the forest and tells "the day's fortune" every morning. G*psy is able to foresee the future, look into the past, and perform other magical feats, sometimes with the help of her wheel of fortune. She is one of Majesty's most trusted subjects, as evidenced by Majesty's willingness to show G*psy the secret Book of Horrors in the Secret Room when the red cloud being attacked."
And her backcard, "G*psy entertains all the ponies with her dances — twirling around as she taps out the rythmn on her tambourine. As she runs past her ribbon leaves a colourful trail for all to see."

Caricatures of the Romani people often make them magical people, often witches. Considering the huge amount of negative connotation around that already (witches being "evil", etc, just look in the general direction of the Catholic Church and see how they've characterized this), it's no wonder that it forms a caricature of Romani people. Considering how some modern witches call themselves "g*psy witches" when they aren't of the Romani people themselves, as well as how Romani are portrayed in things like His Dark Materials (while I do love that series, this is the only thing that irks me about it- but it's also a product of its time and made by a UK writer), it shows that this magical, witch-like portrayal is a stereotype.
G*psy would be less offensive if she was based off those who practice paganism in general, and if her name was different. A little change like her name would make a world of difference in her portrayal. Connecting the Romani people to this mystical description at all creates a racist caricature.

When it comes to the clothing and dancing, this stems from cultural appropriation. No doubt a lot of us have seen "g*psy" costumes: flowing skirts, silk fabrics, bells and instruments tied around limbs, tassels, headbands, etc. This is no different to wearing an "Native American" or "Mexican" Halloween costume; they're racist portrayals that push a stereotype, and one that's harmed people by brushing what is actually happening to the Romani under the rug.
"We are NOT your halloween costume. We are NOT your flowy skirt. We are NOT your fashion sense. We are NOT your wanderlust. We are NOT ‘boho.’
Gypsy is not fashion. Gypsy is not traveling. Gypsy is not a headband or a costume, or boho, or a long skirt." - takingbackourculture (

For years, one of the key characters in the cult classic tv series Mystery Science Theater 3000 was a purple robot named Gypsy. She was the sole female robot on the satellite, and for most of the show's run, she was the only recurring woman character, albeit voiced a la Miss Piggy. While not as ubiquitous as the primary robots Tom Servo and Crow, she was still iconic to the show, and her name came from the creator's childhood pet.

The show came out in the early 90s and got a revival in the late 2010s. As of the 2019 live tour, some 30 years after having her name sung in the opening credits for the first time, they quietly changed her name to GPC. Some fans were displeased at how they could modify the name of such a long-running character ("why would you ruin my childhood?!") but most fans understood the logic behind it (I myself had been calling her "Gypsum" or "G" for years). It's a small thing, but it lets marginalized communities know that the world considers their safety more important than an attachment to a warped word meaning or a plastic piece of pop culture.

This always brings discourse out of the woodwork. I think it's best to recognize that it's a historically oppressive term. Tambourine is a lovely name.


This was a long post, but I wanted to get back to everyone I could.

Post Merge: July 07, 2021, 10:00:19 AM

While I'm here I'm also going to bring up Wigwam.
His name ISN'T a slur which is fine and okay. But he is based off a blatantly racist caricature. Of course, different times, but we also need to acknowledge this too, because it's in the same vein as G*psy.
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: Heelys on July 07, 2021, 10:18:27 AM
Yeah, I always found it interesting that the two most hot-button racial discourse ponies are both the uncommon color of orange. What could this great conspiracy mean?!
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: aria_elwen on July 07, 2021, 10:26:58 AM
Gypsy is Gypsy.

The word Gypsy is not generally a slur in the UK which is where the character originates and it is used as a race identifier within official contexts. That is not to say that the word is accepted by everyone and words are often misused and change with time but it's easy enough to look the topic up within a UK context. To quote a recent parliamentary report:

"We asked many members of the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities how they preferred to describe themselves. While some find the term “Gypsy” to be offensive, many stakeholders and witnesses were proud to associate themselves with this term and so we have decided that it is right and proper to use it, where appropriate, throughout the report." (

Also from the government website:

"The term ‘Gypsies and Travellers’ is difficult to define as it does not constitute a single, homogenous group, but encompasses a range of groups with different histories, cultures and beliefs including: Romany Gypsies, Welsh Gypsies, Scottish Gypsy Travellers and Irish Travellers. There are also Traveller groups which are generally regarded as ‘cultural’ rather than ‘ethnic’ Travellers. These include ‘New’ (Age) Travellers and occupational travellers, such as showmen and waterway travellers."

Obviously if there is a mass movement against the term in a UK  context then I will rethink but at the moment there doesn't appear to be.

In my area both Gypsy and Traveller are used to refer to the two different communities that live in this area. The Travellers own caravans both static and non-static and the Gypsies live on the river in boats.
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: SpacePinto on July 07, 2021, 10:32:14 AM
While I'm here I'm also going to bring up Wigwam.
His name ISN'T a slur which is fine and okay. But he is based off a blatantly racist caricature. Of course, different times, but we also need to acknowledge this too, because it's in the same vein as G*psy.

But Wigwam isn't supposed to be a Native himself, he just likes to play Cowboys and Indians with Tex.
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: RoseNoire on July 07, 2021, 10:51:44 AM
I never gave any conclusion to my previous comment. I was just saying "It doesn't sound offensive to me. Does it sound offensive to the targeted people ?" I never said it's okay to use Gypsy just because I don't think it's a slur. Like I said, only the targeted people have the final word on this debate.

Aside from this specific topic on the name "Gypsy", I'm not too huge on taboo-fying every word for x or y reason. It feels forbidden to openly and respectfully talk about some subjects because of that and that doesn't actually prevent people from using those in a disrespecful way. Because the issue isn't usually the word itself, but how and in which context it is used. I feel like that would decrease the awareness on our history in the long run and we'd repeat the same mistakes instead of learning from the past.
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: Prince Firefly on July 07, 2021, 11:20:32 AM
While I'm here I'm also going to bring up Wigwam.
His name ISN'T a slur which is fine and okay. But he is based off a blatantly racist caricature. Of course, different times, but we also need to acknowledge this too, because it's in the same vein as G*psy.

But Wigwam isn't supposed to be a Native himself, he just likes to play Cowboys and Indians with Tex.

Your location says you’re from Europe, so perhaps you don’t understand. Wigwam is based, undoubtedly, off a racist caricature. I will reiterate, without doubt.
“Cowboys and Indians”, when it was a thing here in the States (perhaps still is, but I do live in Alabama, a notoriously awful state, and I haven’t heard it of it being played in a few years), was a game reliant on stereotypical, racist portrayals of Native Americans. It’s among the reasons we are trying to end “Indian Day”s at schools- it’s promoting an offensive view of Natives that has actively hurt Native people (esp. Native kids).

Wigwam shouldn’t be a point of argument at all. He’s just noteworthy in this case.

I never gave any conclusion to my previous comment. I was just saying "It doesn't sound offensive to me. Does it sound offensive to the targeted people ?" I never said it's okay to use Gypsy just because I don't think it's a slur. Like I said, only the targeted people have the final word on this debate.

Aside from this specific topic on the name "Gypsy", I'm not too huge on taboo-fying every word for x or y reason. It feels forbidden to openly and respectfully talk about some subjects because of that and that doesn't actually prevent people from using those in a disrespecful way. Because the issue isn't usually the word itself, but how and in which context it is used. I feel like that would decrease the awareness on our history in the long run and we'd repeat the same mistakes instead of learning from the past.

Thanks for the clarification.

We should still recognize that many, many Romani people consider G*psy a slur! I’m on mobile at the moment, but if someone wants me to find sources of Romani people saying it is and why, I can find some when I get back on my computer.
Slurs are ABSOLUTELY context-dependent, but even when you say the word non-offensively (such in the case with our pony G*psy), it can be offensive.
Slurs, being said without being censored/the hurt its done not being addressed/said offensively, are never okay. Honestly, I’m going to tear into the next person I hear say “mental r*dardation” to refer to autism and other mental disorders who then adds “I didn’t mean it offensively”, precisely for this reason (sorry for slight vent, again I’m autistic and this is the only connection I can make to this argument that I have experience with). Slurs are not okay, in most if not EVERY context. /nm /nbr

I think, at least in the US, it’d be better if we called her Tambourine, I’m glad some people agree with me here!
For those in the UK: perhaps use Tambourine to remain on the safe side until we get a proper opinion from a Romani person in or near the community.
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: vira on July 07, 2021, 11:48:21 AM
with regards to "g*psy* being used in official contexts, it's not unheard of or even uncommon for words that are considered slurs to have been used in everything from diagnoses to legal paperwork.

"mental r*tardation" was still a diagnosis that was in use up until the early aughts, when the DSM-5 changed it. the US census used to include terms for people of color that are recognized as slurs nowadays.

doesnt mean we have to dig in our heels though, language changes! its not a bad thing to adapt :-P
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: applejackbunny on July 07, 2021, 11:51:16 AM
I never found her name offensive.  Gypsy is a word for a free spirited, mysterious woman too. And its a popular horse name besides.

How about we let them decide, and follow their lead on it?

I'm also really tired of people using toys/media for a source of their social outrage and pet projects, because it takes energy and focus away from real life issues.

I know hyper focus on petty things goes back hundreds of years to music, dance, fashion and books, but this is still slapping band aids on bullet holes.

I choose to take a balanced view on this.

Couldn't agree more.
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: Prince Firefly on July 07, 2021, 12:02:16 PM
with regards to "g*psy* being used in official contexts, it's not unheard of or even uncommon for words that are considered slurs to have been used in everything from diagnoses to legal paperwork.

"mental r*tardation" was still a diagnosis that was in use up until the early aughts, when the DSM-5 changed it. the US census used to include terms for people of color that are recognized as slurs nowadays.

doesnt mean we have to dig in our heels though, language changes! its not a bad thing to adapt :-P

Exactly! It’s just that these official documents are using outdated and offensive terms, which happens and has always happened. Just wish they would change it.
It’s just very frustrating when people use that outdated language under the guise of “that’s what it was officially called.” But we’re not here to discuss that!
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: applejackbunny on July 07, 2021, 12:23:29 PM
Gypsy is Gypsy.

The word Gypsy is not generally a slur in the UK which is where the character originates and it is used as a race identifier within official contexts. That is not to say that the word is accepted by everyone and words are often misused and change with time but it's easy enough to look the topic up within a UK context. To quote a recent parliamentary report:

"We asked many members of the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities how they preferred to describe themselves. While some find the term “Gypsy” to be offensive, many stakeholders and witnesses were proud to associate themselves with this term and so we have decided that it is right and proper to use it, where appropriate, throughout the report." (

Also from the government website:

"The term ‘Gypsies and Travellers’ is difficult to define as it does not constitute a single, homogenous group, but encompasses a range of groups with different histories, cultures and beliefs including: Romany Gypsies, Welsh Gypsies, Scottish Gypsy Travellers and Irish Travellers. There are also Traveller groups which are generally regarded as ‘cultural’ rather than ‘ethnic’ Travellers. These include ‘New’ (Age) Travellers and occupational travellers, such as showmen and waterway travellers."

Obviously if there is a mass movement against the term in a UK  context then I will rethink but at the moment there doesn't appear to be.

In my area both Gypsy and Traveller are used to refer to the two different communities that live in this area. The Travellers own caravans both static and non-static and the Gypsies live on the river in boats.

Aria has provided us with a link to an official report which asks this direct question to the people concerned. And most here have just ignored it.

In the UK Gypsies themselves have said that they DO NOT FIND IT OFFENSIVE. If and when, as others have said, travellers in the UK decide that they find the word to be a racial slur, then I will change my mind and stop using it. I might even adopt the name Tambourine for Gypsy instead. But, until then, can we please lay this issue to rest?
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: aria_elwen on July 07, 2021, 01:13:23 PM
Thank you applejackbunny. :)

I also fully understand that governmental sources often use outdated terms, nor am I part of the Gypsy, Traveller or Romani communities, that's why I specifically linked to a report that asked the various communities how they like to be referred to.

I purposefully set out to learn whether my own prejudices were at play and were different to the community. It turns out that in this instance my first instinct was correct. This is not to say that the Roma community doesn't have a problem with the word in the US nor does it mean that it cannot be used (as many words can) as a slur but as we often say: "England and America are two countries separated by the same language.” 
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: Luxrayx on July 07, 2021, 01:23:04 PM
Are you sure the UK doesn't consider it a slur? When I look up G*psy in a UK context, I find this ( article.
The comedian Ben Miller has told FHM magazine that he has been battling with the BBC over the use of the word "Gypsy" in a comedy sketch for his show with Alexander Armstrong, The Armstrong and Miller Show (which will be broadcast next month):

"We're having a debate at the moment with the BBC over whether we can say Gypsies, because they say Gypsies is a racist term, and you think "Yes it is but that's the point that we're making, that we were more racist in the 70s than we are now".
Ben Miller thought it's an obviously racist term to the point where you can use it in an exaggerated comedy sketch, while the BBC thought it's too offensive. No, they aren't Travellers themselves, but that's not my point. If G*psy isn't considered a racist term within UK culture at all, why would they need to have this discussion?

Not that we can lay an issue to rest just because it isn't offensive in the UK anyway, because the world is much bigger than that. And especially when talking about ponies on the internet, it's worth keeping other cultures in mind ;)
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: Kanthaka on July 07, 2021, 01:31:42 PM
I think that it would be great to refer to her as Tambourine!

As someone who grew up in a conservative part of America, I've only realized that the word G*psy (and the related verb that I heard all the time at home) is seen by some as a slur relatively recently, and I've had to do some real work to remove it from my personal vocabulary. The most helpful article I've found related to this is this one ( by a Romani author.

To quote another article (I won't link to this one since it uses some Arena-inappropriate language), "I keep [the word] out of my vocabulary because Naomi, a marginalized person who has had the word used against her, says that the word is dangerous." If members of a marginalized group find a term historically used to describe them offensive or derogatory -- even if it's a fraction of the group, or a certain subset of it -- it's best to avoid using that term.

We don't lose anything at all by referring to this particular pony as Tambourine, so I'm all for it.  ^.^
Title: Re: Unofficial Renaming of G*psy?
Post by: Loa on July 07, 2021, 01:36:44 PM
Locking this now, as we have had a previous long discussion on this and because we have no Romani members, its only going to descend into further discussions.
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