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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Esbayne on June 14, 2020, 05:39:42 PM

Title: Question About Stink & Baking Soda
Post by: Esbayne on June 14, 2020, 05:39:42 PM
My cat has an obsession with little rubber chicken toys. He finally popped the head off the last one (he puts the body between his paws and stretches the head as far as it will stretch with his mouth, then lets it snap back lol) so I got him some new ones! But these ones STINK!
He keeps trying to play with them but I think the strong smell hurts his nose, when he gets his face near them, his eyes get that squinty-cat-look like "oooo bad smell," and he'll just back up and sit there and stare at them.

I washed them in dish soap, hot water, isopropyl alcohol, and then dish soap and hot water again, then left them in the sun/breeze for a bit.
They smell better now but still have enough of a lingering smell stuck in their rubber (it's that really stretchy rubbery silicone stuff) so I stuffed all of them into a plastic tub with a lid and filled it with baking soda & mixed them all in. The kitty likes the baking soda smell.
Before going in, they were about as stinky as maybe, a mildewy pony or something.

When you guys leave really smelly ponies in the baking soda, how long do you usually leave them for? I was thinking maybe a day to three days, but he keeps sitting under the shelf they're on and staring up at the box/trying to stand on his hind legs to reach it, I know he wants to play with them lol.
I suppose it varies on the stink, should I just keep taking them out every so often and checking on the... stinkiness?

Thanks for all help!
Never had anything stinky enough to use baking soda on before, lol!
Title: Re: Question About Stink & Baking Soda
Post by: Shaz on June 15, 2020, 01:35:55 AM
I don't know about the baking soda as I've never had anything stinky enough to need it either, but I just want to say that your cat sounds adorable and I hope he gets his paws on his toys soon! I had to wash one of my cat's favourite toys a while ago (he left it outside and it got muddy) and he looked like a kid whose cuddle blanket has gone for a wash :lol:.
Title: Re: Question About Stink & Baking Soda
Post by: BlackCurtains on June 15, 2020, 04:36:38 AM
That description is adorable and hilarious XD

I would just keep checking with kitty everyday. Baking soda isn't going to hurt him so you can just shake them off a bit, see his reaction and put them back in if he still doesn't like it.

Another option if he likes catnip is to get some catnip spray and spritz them with that. I've used it for my older cats on kicker toys they were on the fence about (it takes some coaxing to get them to play) and always worked like a charm!
Title: Re: Question About Stink & Baking Soda
Post by: banditpony on June 15, 2020, 07:49:54 AM
I've never had luck with baking soda!

Usually fresh air for a week or two helped the things I've gotten the stink out of. (but then again, that was where the stink was absorbed by the plastic, rather then the plastic already smelling brand new).

But yeah, just keep it in the baking soda and check on it every couple of days.
Title: Re: Question About Stink & Baking Soda
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on June 15, 2020, 08:26:12 AM
I have better luck with airing things out in a strong breeze with some fresh sunlight for a day or two.  Cover the items with a light towel or something if you are really worried about their color bleaching.
Title: Re: Question About Stink & Baking Soda
Post by: tailrustedtealeaf on June 15, 2020, 08:38:08 AM
Going to echo that I've had better results with letting things air out than I have with trying to use baking soda.
Source: Rugs stinking of elderly cat and/or dog pee.
Title: Re: Question About Stink & Baking Soda
Post by: Esbayne on June 15, 2020, 07:00:37 PM
Thanks for all the help and compliments on my cat, guys! xD I'm sure he'd be loving the attention lol!

And that is hilarious about your cat's toys, as well, Shaz! xD :D Cats are so funny!

Also that's a good idea for the catnip! I tried it on one of them but I'm not sure it it helped much!
(I can't actually tell if he likes catnip or not! He likes to sniff it out of the jar or bag sometimes, and he seems to enjoy the smell for a sec but doesn't do much more than that. I can't tell if it makes him crazy because he is always cranked up to 11 being rowdy and tearing around the house being silly anyway, lol, and it definitely doesn't calm him down! Lol)

I took one out of the box to smell, and you were right, it didn't seem to do a thing! The smell wasn't even remotely better. So I washed them all up again with hot water and soap, but I noticed he was already playing with one again! I must have left one out when I put them all in the baking soda lol, and he was loving it. So it either lost the smell by just natural airing out like you guys said, or he forced himself to get over the smell, for the sake of the chickens! Lol.
So I just plopped all of em back down on the floor for him again! He seemed pretty stoked, lol.

Thanks for all the help! :D
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