The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Off Topic => The Dollhouse => Topic started by: FlickaFriend on November 06, 2019, 01:45:48 PM

Title: Trying to get onto MHArena board
Post by: FlickaFriend on November 06, 2019, 01:45:48 PM
Hi everyone,
I was pretty active here during my MLP-obsessed phase a couple of years ago.  I still love my ponies but I've moved onto Monster High.
I'm trying to get onto the MHArena discussion board but no one has responded to my request to register for over a week now.  I don't know if I should just keep waiting patiently or if there is something I need to do?
Does anyone here know if the board is still actively accepting new members or have the mods 'retired'?  I can see the board is still fairly active with a handful of posts a week but with the MH line now ended I wonder if the board is fizzling out...
I am desperate to discuss MH with other obsessives so if anyone can shed any light on how I get a profile on the board I would be v grateful!
Thank you!
Title: Re: Trying to get onto MHArena board
Post by: PinkieLopBun on November 06, 2019, 03:47:43 PM
Have you checked your spam folder? When I registered for here, everything was going to spam (including the e-mail saying my account was accepted).
Title: Re: Trying to get onto MHArena board
Post by: freezestime on November 06, 2019, 05:43:25 PM
Omg friend I can totally understand, I initially applied for membership in March, didn't get a response, tried contacting them to no response, then I applied again in April.

Not until maybe June or August did I input my details in the login page and logged me into my account, so from my experience I never received an email.

But that might just be me forgetting steps, like having to look in spam for it or something like that.
Title: Re: Trying to get onto MHArena board
Post by: FlickaFriend on November 08, 2019, 11:29:37 AM
Thanks Pinkiepie and Freezestime.  I have been checking my spam folder every day in hopes of receiving registration, and also trying logging on just in case I have been activated, but no luck.  I've been PM'd on here with details of someone on here who also does admin on MHArena so I will try contactin them.
Frustrating! Glad it is not just me Freezestime!!!
Title: Re: Trying to get onto MHArena board
Post by: Loa on November 10, 2019, 10:34:48 PM
I apologise for the delay. For sme reason the MHA gets hit by Russian trolls and we get 200+ applications per day from them. Trying to find the legitimate members between them is a pain!
Title: Re: Trying to get onto MHArena board
Post by: FlickaFriend on November 13, 2019, 09:08:31 AM
I apologise for the delay. For sme reason the MHA gets hit by Russian trolls and we get 200+ applications per day from them. Trying to find the legitimate members between them is a pain!

Oh wow Loa, that sounds like a nightmare!  Sorry to hear about all the extra work the Russian trolls/bots are causing you.  Thank you for letting us know, and thank you for all your time and work spent on keeping MHA and MLPA going.  We appreciate it and will try to be patient  :) <3
Title: Re: Trying to get onto MHArena board
Post by: FlickaFriend on November 15, 2019, 03:11:05 PM
Omg friend I can totally understand, I initially applied for membership in March, didn't get a response, tried contacting them to no response, then I applied again in April.

Not until maybe June or August did I input my details in the login page and logged me into my account, so from my experience I never received an email.

But that might just be me forgetting steps, like having to look in spam for it or something like that.

I finally got on the board!! Yay!!! I definitely didn't get any notification email (I was checking spam folder every day), just one day I could log on.  Then it took another ages to get my first post approved, and again I didn't get any notification.  It was only because I kept going in to check and then one day I was in.  I think Loa probably helped me because I alerted her on this board.

It does worry me that the MHArena is going to die completely if new people find it so difficult to join.

Most people would have just lost interest/given up.  Only the die-hards like me and Freezestime are going to get on, and you need a steady influx of fresh blood to keep a board going or everyone just runs out of stuff to say....
Title: Re: Trying to get onto MHArena board
Post by: Carrehz on November 16, 2019, 06:13:32 AM
There's not much left to say about MH, though. Most of us have long since moved on, I mean there's only so much you can say about a dead toyline, you know? It sucks to see a forum die, but it happens.

Plus the mods can hardly help the site being targeted by Russian spammers, lol.
Title: Re: Trying to get onto MHArena board
Post by: Taffeta on November 28, 2019, 06:06:31 AM
There's not much left to say about MH, though. Most of us have long since moved on, I mean there's only so much you can say about a dead toyline, you know?

Haven't noticed it stopping any of us with G1 MLP. Just saying :)

This idea of posting online about a toy as its actually in the shops is a newfangled invention.

In my day...*waves stick*
Title: Re: Trying to get onto MHArena board
Post by: Carrehz on November 28, 2019, 11:27:02 AM
There's not much left to say about MH, though. Most of us have long since moved on, I mean there's only so much you can say about a dead toyline, you know?

Haven't noticed it stopping any of us with G1 MLP. Just saying :)

This idea of posting online about a toy as its actually in the shops is a newfangled invention.

In my day...*waves stick*

Yeah, but people still want to talk about MLP. Obviously people still want to talk about MH, too, but most of the people on the MH Arena seem to have moved on.

As I've said before, I'm sure things'll change and the MH fandom'll experience a renaissance. It's just the way fandoms work, you know? Sometimes they go through a quiet period.

(I also don't think it's exactly a fair comparison, since G1 has stuff like the mysteries of Nirvanas, new stuff like Basic Fun, etc, to discuss... MH doesn't really have those.)
Title: Re: Trying to get onto MHArena board
Post by: Taffeta on November 28, 2019, 01:57:18 PM
There's not much left to say about MH, though. Most of us have long since moved on, I mean there's only so much you can say about a dead toyline, you know?

Haven't noticed it stopping any of us with G1 MLP. Just saying :)

This idea of posting online about a toy as its actually in the shops is a newfangled invention.

In my day...*waves stick*

Yeah, but people still want to talk about MLP. Obviously people still want to talk about MH, too, but most of the people on the MH Arena seem to have moved on.

As I've said before, I'm sure things'll change and the MH fandom'll experience a renaissance. It's just the way fandoms work, you know? Sometimes they go through a quiet period.

(I also don't think it's exactly a fair comparison, since G1 has stuff like the mysteries of Nirvanas, new stuff like Basic Fun, etc, to discuss... MH doesn't really have those.)

I was being a bit tongue in cheek, because I'm as guilty of lapsing on the MHArena as anyone.

It's just a different perspective on collecting now that it happens often as the toy is in store, making the aftermath a kind of grieving process...whereas G1 collecting as a community online happened AFTER MLP had already it was already the norm when it began?
Title: Re: Trying to get onto MHArena board
Post by: Wardah on December 05, 2019, 06:01:35 AM
There's not much left to say about MH, though. Most of us have long since moved on, I mean there's only so much you can say about a dead toyline, you know?

Haven't noticed it stopping any of us with G1 MLP. Just saying :)

This idea of posting online about a toy as its actually in the shops is a newfangled invention.

In my day...*waves stick*

Yeah, but people still want to talk about MLP. Obviously people still want to talk about MH, too, but most of the people on the MH Arena seem to have moved on.

As I've said before, I'm sure things'll change and the MH fandom'll experience a renaissance. It's just the way fandoms work, you know? Sometimes they go through a quiet period.

(I also don't think it's exactly a fair comparison, since G1 has stuff like the mysteries of Nirvanas, new stuff like Basic Fun, etc, to discuss... MH doesn't really have those.)

There are still lots of fans but tbh they just are not as active on forums anymore. Instagram seems to be the most popular place. And it makes sense since the main thing MH fans like to do is share pictures. And Instagram makes it easy. Just upload and add a caption. No needing to go to a third party site to host the pic only for the link to break years later when they decide to get greedy. (Why yes I am bitter about Photobucket)
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