The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: glitterball on May 12, 2019, 03:19:44 AM

Title: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: glitterball on May 12, 2019, 03:19:44 AM
I had some envelopes with Christmas / Birthday money that I had not yet banked, it added up to a significant amount. Hmmm, should I go crazy and justify buying a Munchy and a Mimic?  :lol:

After observing the recent threads regarding "Rare ponies on eBay?",394754.0.html
and "Settle for a flawed pony or save for a mint one?",395286.0.html
I still (personally) cannot justify spending so much on a single pony and am happy with less expensive flawed ones or customised baits. Of course, fair-play to those who do buy the expensive or rare or minty ones or MOCs - you are collectors with a passion for ponies and finding your grails gives you much joy and satisfaction  :heart:  plus you are lucky to have those extra funds!  :lol:

Anyway, this post is about the other things that we love, ponies aside, that we are prepared to spend our piggy-bank funds on. What are your other passions? What do you like buying?

I have always had a love of vintage - be it chandeliers, dramatic clothing, sparkly jewellery, candlestick telephones, swirly-framed mirrors etc. One of my dreams was to own a genuine, old chaise-longue, oh, to recline on one whilst sipping a cocktail in my fantasy, silk-wallpapered boudoir!

Anyway, last week I was browsing ebay (dangerous!) and found a few, they set my mind spinning at how lovely they were. I then found one which was my ultimate dream shape (although I would have preferred it in a different colour). It was so far away and the seller said "collection only". I saved it in my Watch-List to keep an eye on it and look longingly at the photo and sigh sadly some more.  :(  A couple of days later, after thinking about hiring a van and working out the logistics of getting there, I thought it was worth just sending a message to the seller to ask if they would consider a courier to deliver to me etc. They replied saying that they would deliver in-person for a certain fee!!  :shocked: My heart jumped. Could I own this? For real? I saw that more ebayers had started watching it. No, no, no, it SHALL BE MINE!!!

Anyway, this beauty was bought with a B.I.N. and delivered early this morning! I am absolutely thrilled with it. It came from a retired lady who used to be a hairdresser and was down-sizing her possessions, she has owned it from the 1950s but the ceramic castors indicate that it may be Edwardian or late Victorian! No odours, velvet fabric in great condition, original horse hair stuffing (so I sort of bought a bit of "real" vintage pony, LOL)  :newpony:  she had other vintage hairdresser things too, these have ended up being bought by a local film studio for genuine props.  :biggrin:

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  so snug & curvy :lovey: :lovey: :lovey: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I love it soooooo much! Maybe being a red-wine velvet colour would have been my ideal, but I am getting used the the classic green already! Nope, I don't think I'll re-upholster this  :P It brings me much joy!

So, not bad considering I could have spent the same amount of money on rare ponies instead?  :lol: :P

So, what special, non-pony things have you bought?

Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: Taffeta on May 12, 2019, 06:08:41 AM
As an academic, I greatly appreciate your in post referencing ;)

Also, that chaise is really pretty <3

I haven't even bought many ponies this last year. I did buy one MIP one recently with proceeds from my recent pony sales, after putting a bunch in savings.

I don't really have a pony fund as such this year, but imagine I did...I still want to go back to Japan, so I suppose in some ways I'm saving for that on and off.

But if we're talking about a THING...

I am still debating whether or not I want to buy a kindle/ebook reader. I like real books but I have too many of them and no space. So it's a growing thought in my mind that at some point I need to consider this.

I admit I sometimes look at all the pretty stuff in some of the local antique shops or even charity shops (where I live there are a lot of Japanese and Korean families, which means fun stuff, especially pretty and fiddly ceramic things) appear in the charity shops as well, but thus far I have my London room is really not big enough for treasure :(
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: tailrustedtealeaf on May 12, 2019, 07:35:59 AM
I don't tend to have too expensive tastes, but i'm sure if I bought every patch and pin on etsy that caught my eye I'd need thousands.  :P
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 12, 2019, 07:39:11 AM
My mortgage. I am boring.
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: EnaRocketQueen on May 12, 2019, 10:53:07 AM
Ear piercings. I have five (soon to be six!) in my right ear
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: Shaz on May 13, 2019, 01:39:33 AM
I love your chaise longue! I have a cream one, though mine isn't vintage.

In the past, my money has mostly gone on ponies (obviously), dolls (especially Monster High), antiquarian books (and repairs to the books I already own), and craft supplies (I like scrapbooking). But at the moment my major weakness is for dolls house miniatures that my dolls and ponies can use. It just amazes me all the lovely mini things that are available! Basically if something exists in full size, someone on eBay or Etsy probably has a doll-sized version for sale! I just bought a cute 12th scale Batman comic with actual printed pages :lovey:. And there are sellers who sell teeny-tiny cat toys and cat food packets, just the thing for making adorable dioramas with Kitty in my Pocket cats!
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: tikibirds on May 13, 2019, 06:58:50 AM
stationary, or anime figures, probably..or maybe a nice dinner somewhere if I lived at home. But since I am currently in China, I am saving about 80% of my pay for my trip tp Japan when my contract ends, assuming I don't decide to stay here. I like being rich significantly more than being poor in NY. so I might stay for another year.
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: MerryAnvil on May 13, 2019, 07:25:34 AM
Most of the time, if I don't spend my 'spending' money on ponies, it goes towards emergencies/bills >u<; We have been very unlucky over the past few years with vet bills. But on the occasion where that isn't an issue...

I do like to take my family out to a nice dinner sometimes <3 I also enjoy playing video games so pony money will occasionally go towards subscriptions/game time (I also have an extreme weakness for dark elves so I'm always looking for dark elf books, miniatures, etc). But I generally don't buy much else. I'm the sort of person who would collect everything if I could (aka packrat) so I have to keep myself focused on one thing and one thing only, lest my room become even more cluttered with random shelves of objects than it already is, hehe!

That being said, I do have one other weakness: Swords. Swords and knives. I buy nice knives whenever I find them (I got a really nice Ka-bar knife at an estate sale for $7) because they're usually worth picking up, but I've only allowed myself one sword at the moment because swords are expensive.

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This katana cost me $100, which was actually a lot lower than it should have been (it's an eBay custom by Swordsmith668, circa 2013). I really oughta do more cutting practice with it, been too busy lately to put time into it. Maybe someday when I make enough money to justify it I'll buy more. I would love to get a nihonto someday (for display only of course), preferably a wakizashi, but that's a pipe dream ^u^
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: brightberry on May 13, 2019, 07:36:53 AM
Tree trimming, raised garden, a bee hive, new fence and so on. :)

But I probably have to get a new car.  :(
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: banditpony on May 13, 2019, 08:42:40 AM
Ok I'm a big saver so let me talk first how I come up with my extra funds.

Out of my check:
1) reoccurring necessary monthly bills (mortgage, gas, insurance, etc)
2) medical bills
3) emergency fund (aka savings) -- split between a safe and bank.
-- ^ always same amount. never flexible. only for the purpose saved for.

V leftover money
4) spending money into my checking account. this tends to be more for things for the family like clothes as needed, maybe going out to eat, house stuff, target buys...
And at the bottom. EXTREMELY low tier.
5) extra stuff for pretty much non essential purchases like collections. this money tends to not be funded by my job check but rather by things I sell, gifted money, or some kind of alternative income.

Tends to be craft stuff (needle felting, drawing supplies), video games, manga books, figurines, conventions, blah blah blah. literally for me only stuff.
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: bright rabbit 1 on May 13, 2019, 08:44:20 AM
I spend my pony money on Barbie dolls, and Switch games
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: glitterball on May 13, 2019, 09:41:36 AM
It's so interesting to read what other things, besides ponies, you like to get   :thumb:

Keep 'em coming!

this afternoon, I pinned a temporary, fitted cover on my chaise longue in silver-grey crushed velvet velour, to match my current decor. The original woodwork remains exposed, I just pinned directly over the green bits! The original fabric is preserved beneath, I just needed a quick-fix to make it match my room until we move house, you know, "setting the stage" for viewings etc  :lol:

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Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: TheBeatlesPkmnFan42 on May 13, 2019, 10:09:20 AM
I collect other toylines besides MLP (Monster High, Ever After High, Barbie, Shopkins [especially Shoppies dolls], Furby, Care Bears), and I also collect music, both in the CD and vinyl formats. Mostly CD because I have more space for those and I can directly rip them to mp3 for listening on my phone. I especially like collecting progressive rock/metal.
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: BlackCurtains on May 13, 2019, 04:40:02 PM
That is a gorgeous chaise! Congrats! I like the grey better than the green :)

For me, ponies are already kinda low budget things, as much as I love them. I haven't broken $90 for a pony that wasn't a custom.

As for where my fun money goes, PC parts and consoles + games. I need to upgrade my CPU and want a new motherboard for my computer and I still need a Nintendo Switch XD
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: Ragamuffin on May 13, 2019, 09:01:04 PM
I really need a mattress! -_- I've gotten nerve damage, it's painful to sit on my bed, it makes my legs burn...
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: Shileah on May 14, 2019, 02:21:39 AM
Ohh what a pretty chaise longue! Also vote for the grey!

I'm kinda collecting crafting material. I get all hyped up about a possible new craft project, read all the guides, watch all the tutorials I can get, then I buy all the stuff I need and then I have a hard time getting through the first few projects that don't pass my own perfection standard tests and get all frustrated and stop. Trying not to do that this time, and actually go through and invest the time to learn and get better with polymer clay!

My dog is also a huge money sink. New brushes, toys, treats - pets are a bottomless pit nowadays! Currently restraining myself from buying all the supplies for making paracord leashes because - see above, still have other craft projects I want to take care of first.

I'm also spending money on several subscriptions - Netflix, currently Sky for Game of Thrones, a fitness & tracker app for my phone, games. Been also spending some money on in-app purchases for photo apps to use with my Insta.

Sounds like a lot, but at least I don't go shopping for clothes, shoes, handbags and makeup a lot like so many other women do. I rarely shop those things (unless for clothes, it's GoT or MLP stuff I come across, having a hard time not to buy that stuff!).
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: Minty_Magic on May 14, 2019, 03:09:03 AM
Oh my gosh that chaise is to die for! Major congrats! I'm going to be in the minority and say I actually adore its original green color, but I love what you've done with the gray cover so that the original fabric is still preserved underneath! To be fair I am a HUGE sucker for anything that is that kind of deep "vintage" green color. ;)

If I had a place of my own I would probably be spending a fair amount on unique furniture. I'm a huge fan of mid century modern styled stuff, or anything that has a funky 70's vibe! If it's what I call a 70's orange or green I want it! :lol: I have spent some money on stuff for just my bedroom, I should try and get a picture of some of my more unique pieces! I have a dresser that is super funky and floral and I just adore it!

I also have a pretty fair collection of vinyl records. Most of them are from newer artists, but I really prefer the larger art and weight that comes with a full sized album. Some of my special edition pressings are really pretty too, it just brings an extra layer of joy when I listen to music that way! :)
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: Broken Irishwoman on May 14, 2019, 05:08:42 AM
EVERYTHING. :lookround: Seriously, I just love stuff... I like pretty things, and to be honest I can't walk into a store and NOT see something pretty. :P I don't really have a problem, but I should really stop liking everything so much...

As for actual "collections", I also collect Sylvanian Families, everything Cranberries, everything Irish, jewellery, pretty beeswax figures, forest inspired decorations, semi precious gemstones...
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: SpacePinto on May 14, 2019, 09:00:07 PM
Probably vinyl records, which is another recent obsession of mine besides ponies. I especially like 7 inch singles. I recently got some money from mom for my birthday, I plan to use it to buy Land of Confusion, One Night in Bangkok and maybe In the Army Now if I'm lucky.
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: mlp4me on May 15, 2019, 09:25:22 AM
Honestly, nothing... It's been quite awhile since I found something new and fun that's got Rainbow Brite on it to spend the extra pony funds. I've been struggling to find anything on my wish list in a price range that I am comfortable with.
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: Einhornbaby on May 15, 2019, 09:33:31 AM
Probably vinyl records, which is another recent obsession of mine besides ponies. I especially like 7 inch singles. I recently got some money from mom for my birthday, I plan to use it to buy Land of Confusion, One Night in Bangkok and maybe In the Army Now if I'm lucky.

*thumbsup* :D and nice taste! I love Land of Confusion!

So, what would I use my pony-money on if not on ponies? - Hm. Videogames, yeah! Pokemon stuff, vinyl records (recently got News of the World for hubby and Rumors for me and I LOVE both!!), plushies, anything cuddly (like pillows, blankets, bedsheets blabla, you get what I mean I guess), stickers, books (recently got Warrior Cats - Path of a Warrior, sooo looking forward to read it!!), Dinosaur stuff, ... I like way too many things I guess XD
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: poniesthatsparkle on May 16, 2019, 11:11:02 AM
Supplies for my pets, probably. Hamsters, fish, cats, and geckos are very needy!
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: Shaiyeh on May 16, 2019, 01:19:55 PM
I don't really have "pony money" anymore... but I suppose I could spend my houseplant money on ponies...  :lookround:
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: Miniature Sheep on May 17, 2019, 12:31:05 PM
Congratulations on the chaise longue, it's absolutely stunning! It looks really nice with the cover and cushions on it too - very glamorous indeed! :heart:

As for what non-pony things that my pony money would go on, I'm another one for vinyl records, as they fascinated me when I was a kid and the charm has never gone away. I love collecting tapes too, although my focus there is fun, colourful ones to record mixtapes on, as I found all my pre-recorded album grails years ago, thankfully!
My pony money has recently gone on things for the house to liven it up, though. My current project is turning the bedroom into a sort of dreamy 80s retreat which has been great fun and it's almost finished. I'm waiting on a pink marble chevron patterned duvet set to top it off, but my favourite things in the room have to be the lamp that inspired the theme in the first place and the dressing screen, which hides the garment rail. After having done all this, I might give into weakness and treat myself to a pony, though. :lol:

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Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: Nemesis on May 18, 2019, 02:01:21 PM
Well... I have a lot of interests. XD

Oh, but veterinary bills take precedence over everything else, should they come up. I love my fur-babies (and feather-babies!). <3

I am still debating whether or not I want to buy a kindle/ebook reader. I like real books but I have too many of them and no space. So it's a growing thought in my mind that at some point I need to consider this.

I made the switch to digital books for that same reason... I couldn’t justify stacks and stacks of books in the basement anymore. >_<;

I will say that digital has renewed my love of reading, though! I have subscriptions to services like Playster and Kindle Unlimited, and it really cuts costs vs. buying print copies. They’re a good way to go if you’re a voracious reader, like me. X3
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: Loona on May 18, 2019, 02:01:56 PM
The shape of that chaise is so elegant, I can understand why you like it so much :) but like some others, I too, prefer it revamped, with the cover you pinned on it - the original colour was too bright for my taste for this size. Still, I love that you did the revamping this way, without actually modifying the vintage item. Are you going to actually use it, or will it rather be mainly a room decoration item?
As for me, I also don't have pony money, mainly because I also collect other toy lines, not just ponies. So I'd say from my side it is fair if I answer the question leaving any collection out of scope. Actually though, until the end of last year I never really had separate collection funds either. But last autumn I, again, felt a reoccurring need to buy a certain doll that is rather a collector item and long discontinued, so chances of finding it in a thrift store are close to zero. While I was never able to spend that much money as what she now goes for on a single item (as I enjoy collecting more from an "accidentally finding what I want"-way), this time I realised that I either buy her for this money, or I will not have her. At this discontinued state, with time she will only become rarer and more expensive. So I made a decision: I need to sell other items (collection, and other excess stuff too that are lying around, taking up space), and if I manage to get back the money she goes for, I will buy her.

Fast forward to today (since the above is still off-topic): I did manage to save up for the doll and bought her (and love her :3 ), but I somehow found that I enjoy tracking the funds I accumulated for what I sold, so I did not stop doing that - meaning I do have separate collection money. I am eyeballing another doll, but now it's the "what else would you buy" ^.^ For this question I have two answers:

- From a realistic perspective (in our current situation), I would go and get a nose piercing. I have been thinking of it for some time (years even) now, and I do have enough funds (as well as a recommendation on a piercer to go to), it's just a matter of finally deciding and taking the step.
- From an unfortunately currently not realistic perspective: I would buy a new oven, washing machine, and tall wardrobes (not that my collection funds are enough for even one of these, but I'd be happy to use that money to cover a part). Sadly though, we live in a rented apartment which is equipped with (crappy versions of) these (crappy oven, rusty washing machine that is currently not even working/being repaired, and short wardrobes that don't have enough space for all of our stuff). If this was our flat/if one day we can finally buy a flat of our own, these will be the first items I will buy, and I will be happy to use any collection money on them  ^.^
Title: Re: What else would you blow your "Pony Fund" on?
Post by: Harmonie on May 18, 2019, 03:16:18 PM
Instruments! Mainly woodwind and brass instruments. I was a mess in high school, wanting to play several different instruments - clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, oboe, bass clarinet, and French horn. In the end, I switched to bassoon for college and settled with the idea of marching saxophone someday and maybe getting an oboe after I graduate.

That didn't happen...  :lol: I didn't stop with saxophone or oboe (nor did I get either of them under the planned circumstances). Back in 2015, my mom and I started going to antique/vintage stores and I started finding instruments, and some of them in actual playable quality! My best scores were a trombone and an alto saxophone (I already had a tenor). But I also found some instruments that were really, really old. Like a flute that is supposedly from the 19th century and an oboe I can't identify the era of (somewhere from the late 19th century to the early 20th century from my own amateur understanding of the keywork).

Before 2015 I was in the mindset of "I have every instrument I need" but my mom pushed me. lol. I would have ended up with an English horn of my own if I hadn't had to leave my job to return to school.

Also... I got a bass clarinet on eBay. I think it's the only object I have actually bidded for instead of just "buy now" and it was so intense! For like a week no one was interested in it for me, but then in the last day the other buyers came out and the fight was going on through the last minute. I outbidded someone in the very last minute and got it. lol

I don't have money for any such thing anymore. Otherwise, I'd for sure have an English horn by now. I'd also have more recorders, and Renaissance/Baroque instruments.
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