The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Lady Frostbite on May 06, 2019, 05:55:15 PM

Title: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Lady Frostbite on May 06, 2019, 05:55:15 PM
Here's a fun game that I sometimes like to think about when I see retro toys or general 90's things:

If you had the chance to travel back in time and purchase items - assuming you had unlimited funds and in the correct currency, what would you buy?

I don't mean the usual 'buy stuff that's super rare in the future', more what you would buy for your personal pleasure, what you wanted as a kid but never got, the odd things you swear you saw but can't name and have no trace online.

Personally, I would go back and get: Biker Mice from Mars stuff, early Monster High, a LOT of Playstation games, McFarlane figures, more manga that has long gone out of print, and I would wander around all the Woolworths shops I can find! I would also go around John Menzies, Toys 'r' Us from the 90's as I never went, Blockbuster, try Irn Bru before the recipe change and sausage rollsf rom Greggs as that had a change too!

I would also buy SO MUCH The Lion King merch!
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on May 06, 2019, 06:47:02 PM
Sailor moon stuff! Takara ponies! Miffy things, also Poochie....
And lady lovely locks everything
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: SpacePinto on May 06, 2019, 07:42:34 PM
Probably things that I can't find on eBay now or would be very hard to complete, like all issues of Dinosaurs! from DeAgostini, all six original Attack Pack toys, all six Woodland Folk books, tons of different discontinued snacks and of course a brand new Wind Whistler, Fizzy and few other ponies...
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Harmonie on May 06, 2019, 07:57:56 PM
Naturally, I'd love to go back to the G1 and G3 MLP eras to be able to pick up the ones I wanted off of the shelves. That'd be so neat!

Also, I collected beanie babies when I was really young, and I think it would be super neat to go back and time and collect some of the ones from the first runs. I remember the dinosaur beanie babies that were really rare.

Music-wise, I just can't resist the idea of being able to go back to olden times and get instruments from each era. Although that would prove a very complicated adventure, it would be so cool to get an oboe from the Baroque era and lots of the winds from the Renaissance era. I'd get multiple of each, so I could have ones to keep in pristine condition and other ones to play. Lord knows I'd die to get to play a Baroque oboe! That instrument is so gorgeous!

Okay, I went off there, sorry.
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: freezestime on May 06, 2019, 08:19:19 PM
Oh so many things!

I dreamed about finding the Sailor Moon toys and merch as a child, I'd probably time travel to Canada/America when Sailor Moon first came out, then when it reached the height of it's popularity and as it's popularity was dying off, then head to Japan and do it all again! Then I'd go to Australia, document what was being sold (if it was ever aired here) and then go to Italy when Sailor Moon was being re-aired and get those nice big dolls.

Then with My Little Pony, I'd go to America whenever a line was released that I had interest in. Like the first big brothers, Prom Queens, Sweetheart Sisters, Twins, Newborns, Bride ponies, TAF ponies, Playsets, Family sets, Babies, Teeny Tiny Babies, some misc ponies and items before I'd head over to boot sales and garage sales to see what I find. Then I'd go to American toy fairs to take photos of prototypes, concepts, ect and see if I could dumpster dive some stuff or get the locations of storage warehouses.

Get catalouges then head over to Europe to get cookery ponies, mountain boys, newborns, babies, then go to toy fairs, take photos and grab catalouges along with the comics before heading to Germany for Baby Buttons, nesthacken babies and regenbogan ponies.

Then I will go to Australia to establish when each release came out, get all the major stores catalouges each month, go to as many toys stores as possible, both rural and metro. Take photos of the isles, displays, go dumpster diving for displays, defect toys, ect.

Go to all Hasbro offices, get to know who's who, dumpster dive, get gossip from them, go to the national Australia Toy Fair, take photos, get catalouges, get unwanted items from their stall. Do that and verify which Nirvana was sent here from UK/Europe/America.

Then I'll go to Europe to get the G2 ponies I want, then head to France for their releases later in the line. Then back to Australia, where I'll buy the playsets that were released world wide, pick up catalouges, go to the toy fair, take pictures, get the catalouges, get display stuff, go to the Royal Fair to get G1 show bags and G2 show bags, plus whatever misc stuff they have in store.
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Ragamuffin on May 06, 2019, 08:40:36 PM
Takaras definitely for ponies! If I could time travel and visit Europe, I'd be able to have a more complete Rayman collection. The figures, the plush, VHS, posters, the magazine, whatever other merch I haven't listed... I even covet the educational spin-offs. Not only are these pricey, but my actual issue is the fact that no one in France ships to the US... -_- French pony collectors will ship to Antarctica from my experience, so why are French gamers acting snobby? Do you know how much stuff I've missed out on because no one ships outside of France? :think:
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Shaz on May 07, 2019, 01:45:12 AM
My time-travelling plan has always been to go back to the 19th century to buy books! But I wouldn't mind stopping off in the 1980s for the experience of seeing G1 ponies in shops as that's not something I've ever seen (I was born in 1993). And while I was there I could buy some Mountain Boys because I love them but they're usually out of my price range.

Given my love of second-hand ponies, I'd love to go back to the halcyon days of the 90s and visit some car boot sales and charity shops, armed with unlimited money and, more importantly, a knowledge of tiny pony accessories :). My girlfriend used to buy ponies back then but admits that she probably overlooked various combs, accessories and princess dragons (noooo!) because she didn't know about them.

I'd also like to go back to the 90s and buy some Kitty in my Pocket things. I still have most of my Kitties, but I lost the majority of the accessories :shakefist:. Same with Pound Purries, I have the cats but not their little certificates of ownership.

Final stop, October 2000 to buy the one-off Worst Witch magazine, just as I did when I was seven. But this time I'm keeping tight hold of the magazine, my original one went away at some point (at least I still have the badge that came with it!).
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: EnaRocketQueen on May 07, 2019, 01:49:27 AM
So many G3 ponies. All the ones on my wishlist!
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: banditpony on May 07, 2019, 04:32:14 AM
Man I'd go back in time to 80s/90s Japan and get all the cute toys / anime merch, cassette tapes, records.. a Sony flamingo .. and a Celica *tear* would just love a minty off the lot Celica.

Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Shileah on May 07, 2019, 06:12:14 AM
Ohh what a fun game! I'd go back to the 80s too and get

- all G1 MLP
- all Care Bear
- Golden Girl
- She-Ra
- a line of flocked animal figures - I knew them as Bärenwald, today they are in stores as Sylvan Families; might be Woodland Creatures?
- Popples
- Jem
- Keypers
- Strawberry Shortcake
- Wuzzles
- Little Twin Stars stationary
- Dream Beauties
-  the colour changing Hot Wheels
- and He-Man's Battlecat!
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Carrehz on May 07, 2019, 06:53:42 AM
Ooooh, I love threads like this!

I'd go to various countries and hoard Ojamajo Doremi stuff XP And take notes on how they were released and what country got which toys, too, cause I'm a nerd for that kind of stuff. Go back to that one French store and buy a couple more Onpu dolls (if only I'd known how rare she was at the time.. *weep*). Stop off at Toy Fair 2006 and steal liberate the unreleased Doremi toys from there (the unproduced figures haunt me day and night...). Pick up some Wedding Peach dolls, maybe some other mahou shoujo stuff too... gatecrash Wonder Festival 2008 and make off with the unproduced Mamachapp Lucky Star dolls... try and find out about some more obscure Sylvanian Families mysteries...

And then ponies! :D Pretty much what everyone else said, go around and try and pick up some rarer ones, dumpster dive for prototypes, etc. If time travelling ever becomes a thing, we need to band together and make a list of protos so we can have ALL THE INFO! Hehehehe.
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Lady Frostbite on May 07, 2019, 06:55:50 AM
Oh Carrez, you remind me ... I'd try and steal the prototype Once upon a Zombie dolls! The Pocahontus, the Tinkerbell, ones that never came out, and try to get my damn hands on Alice  :mad:
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Safflower on May 07, 2019, 07:26:07 AM
I would get soooo much xD

Starting with MLP, I would get two complete sets of the German rainbows: one MOC and one loose. I'd also get some Takaras in box and a crap ton of other sets MOC, like Sweetberries, some TAFs, years 1 and 2 ponies (especially Firefly and Medley), some sealed and pristine So Softs, tropicals, rockin beats, and maybe some obscure merchandise :)

I'd also get a green Play it Loud Gameboy and a Gameboy SP (the backlit model) because both are hard to find and they are the two consoles I want. And some Pokemon games too!
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Carrehz on May 07, 2019, 08:17:23 AM
Oh Carrez, you remind me ... I'd try and steal the prototype Once upon a Zombie dolls! The Pocahontus, the Tinkerbell, ones that never came out, and try to get my damn hands on Alice  :mad:

oh man did Alice never come out after all? D: I never collected OuaZ but I remember there was a lot of talk about her back in the day.
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Zapper on May 07, 2019, 11:46:11 AM
T H I S (

Our parents would not allow us to have it back in the day and when I tried to get it as an adult I realized the doll goes for hundreds now and is often broken.
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Lady Frostbite on May 07, 2019, 02:33:16 PM
Oh Carrez, you remind me ... I'd try and steal the prototype Once upon a Zombie dolls! The Pocahontus, the Tinkerbell, ones that never came out, and try to get my damn hands on Alice  :mad:

oh man did Alice never come out after all? D: I never collected OuaZ but I remember there was a lot of talk about her back in the day.

She did indeed! She's now on Amazon US only, and their main site hasn't been restocked in forever. They had a prototype Prince Charming and Snow Queen (the prototypes were given away), but I have saved expo images that show complete and finished Snow White and Tinkerbell from when Wowee had the license
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Taffeta on May 08, 2019, 03:36:26 AM
Ponywise, I'd go back to 1987 specifically to buy the Newborn Twins I could never find, Princess Pearl, who I could never find, Lightning, who I could never find...and also to make five year old me keep her Mountain Boy stickers and backcards -.-.

I'd also go visit Hasbro's office and locate that wretched Paradise prototype and spirit it away so it would never disappear and I'd finally have the real Paradise I expected to find as a kid.

I'd probably also go and give Hasbro UK a piece of my mind in 1985-6 for not selling the early unicorns, pegasus, rainbow ponies here. I'd make them change their minds so that kid me could have them and so could other UK kids. I've never forgiven Hasbro for that.

I'd also like to obtain whatever material I could from Hasbro UK. Also stores. I'd want to go and collect every store catalogue, take photos of store shelves everywhere I could manage, so that all the gaps in my pony knowledge of the UK were finally filled. I'm not really interested in doing a round tour of collecting rare MIP ponies, but having proper data on everything with pictures and stuff would be awesome :D Also of course all of the Hasbro booklets for stores and the television commercials. And as many of the other prototypes as I could manage to rescue so that they would have a safe place and we would be able to know all about them. Perhaps then I'd know the secret of Baby Susie's story.

In terms of other things, I always wanted a Fashion Star Filly as a kid. And while I have some now, it's not the same. So I'd like to go back and buy myself the one I was obsessed with (Arielle I think?) back then.

I'd also go and buy some Jem dolls. Because as a kid I hated the blond blue eyed doll army and Jem had dolls that were neither, and I might have actually loved them - but I didn't ever watch Jem as a kid, because the only thing I knew about Jem was the advert on my pony Vhs and that made them look like witches or something since it used the Abracadabra video :/

And Moondreamers! I never had them as a kid :'( I wanted them though! Whimzee and Crystal Starr especially.

Oh my goodness, and I just remembered, the Ghostbusters HQ! I had the four Ghostbuster figures that pulled funny faces but my folks couldn't afford the HQ so I had to make my own from cardboard boxes. I always wanted it though :)

I would go and buy stuff from Japan too - but not really Takara, except that they'd probably pay my rent for a few years, so maybe I would hoard them for that purpose. But I'd be most interested in tracking down things like the two Saiyuuki dolls I still don't have (they come up so infrequently and I'd like Hakkai at least).

In terms of other things - as a historian - I'd quite like to take a trip back to get an original copy of the text I study, although it'd take me forever to read it xD. Also other texts, other material, and right now, particularly, all kinds of books and tourist material from the last century, because it's interesting and so hard to find...

 But also I'd like to answer a few ongoing historical questions that are still bugging me - both in UK and Japanese history. I don't want to change anything, just see for myself what happened as historians cannot agree. And of course I'd like to bring some souvenirs back ;) A proper Japanese tachi or an old bow and arrows would be great - none of this katana rubbish.

Finally, I guess I'd go back and obtain VHS of any TV show I didn't manage to record as a kid and which doesn't yet have a DVD release.

Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: glitterball on May 08, 2019, 10:39:35 AM

Body Shop: buy big bottles of my fave perfume oils, before it all changed, late 80s early 90s were the best times for me!

Boot sales - to buy big retro rhinestone brooches that were out of fashion and  we're going 10 a penny ...

Buy lots of extra Karisma colouring pencils before being discontinued, I have my stash but a few extras would be great!

Attend a Wimpy bar in my home town, also visit the mall when it used to have a fountain, both gone now. memories of going to Wimpy after buying my Grooming Parlour lol
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Lady Frostbite on May 08, 2019, 03:14:38 PM

Body Shop: buy big bottles of my fave perfume oils, before it all changed, late 80s early 90s were the best times for me!
Attend a Wimpy bar in my home town, also visit the mall when it used to have a fountain, both gone now. memories of going to Wimpy after buying my Grooming Parlour lol

Oh, heck, I miss The Body Shop's Daisy soap :c and their Dreams perfume and shower gel ...

There was a building in the city that had the imprints from Wimpy still there! I vaguely remember Wimpy at another town as well, that surprised me!

Visit a Baker's Oven in my hometown. Memories ...
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: BubbleTea on May 08, 2019, 04:30:27 PM
I'd clear stores of any and all Grand Champions.

and Kenner Jurassic Park.
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Taffeta on May 09, 2019, 10:10:26 PM
I have genuinely seen an active, functioning Wimpy somewhere in the last year and a half.

I just can't remember where.

While I am assuming it's no longer a weirded me out.

I have memories of hiding under the table in Wimpy when I was four (!) and at a friend's birthday party because Mr Wimpy appeared and I was terrified of people dressed up in those kinds of suits. So everyone else was excited and I was hiding ;) Ah, memories.

I had forgotten the Body Shop a teenager my friends and I would go there a lot.

Also, C&A. I find it weird whenever I go to Europe and see C&A since it died such a long time ago here.
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: mlp4me on May 10, 2019, 09:11:59 AM
Everything from the Disney store in 1990's...
MLP merchandise and clothing, mail order offers, just everything too.
VHS copies of X-Men the series & Spider Man would be purchased along with every other 80's-mid-90's Disney Afternoon cartoon; too many to list!
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Sky_Rocket_Sammie on May 10, 2019, 09:18:04 PM
Indiana Jones toys because they never showed up in my area.
VHS tapes of both Ewok movies
Those 80s movie magazines, see the movie and buy the tie in the magazine.
The 90s Disney Store snowglobes

There was this big tree/green alien looking monster with red eyes and I received it one Christmas (85-ish). It was 12 inches plus, ugly but I loved it.

Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Carrehz on May 11, 2019, 07:50:24 AM
omg I didn't even think about taping stuff!! There's definitely some rare/lost stuff I'd want to tape (or try and liberate the master copies >_>)... "Hurry" from The Glass Princess, couple of censored cartoon scenes that only exist in low quality now (looking at you, Rocko's Modern Life), promos and trailers.. that kind of stuff.
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: SnorkMaiden on May 13, 2019, 10:09:19 PM
I'd go back to the 90s / early 2000s and buy so many books! There are dozens of books I used to get out of the library, and now I either can't find them anymore because I don't remember the titles, or they're really pricey.
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Miniature Sheep on May 18, 2019, 02:40:50 PM
I would definitely go back to the 90s and get some Sega Saturn games that I was only able to play the only demos of when I was a kid, such as Panzer Dragoon Saga and Baku Baku Animal. I'd also pick up a whole bunch of blank tapes with interesting colours and designs on them - there are some really gorgeous Axia tapes out there but they're like hen's teeth! Oh, and Kitty In My Pocket. Those little leaflets showing off the other kitties you could get were the bane of my childhood - don't show the kids the Unobtainium!!!
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Taffeta on May 22, 2019, 03:03:10 AM
I would definitely go back to the 90s and get some Sega Saturn games that I was only able to play the only demos of when I was a kid, such as Panzer Dragoon Saga and Baku Baku Animal. I'd also pick up a whole bunch of blank tapes with interesting colours and designs on them - there are some really gorgeous Axia tapes out there but they're like hen's teeth! Oh, and Kitty In My Pocket. Those little leaflets showing off the other kitties you could get were the bane of my childhood - don't show the kids the Unobtainium!!!

My sister and I had a pretty much full set of Kitty in my Pocket when we were kids. I think Naynie sold most of hers, I have no idea what happened to mine. Maybe they're still in the attic. But somehow we got pretty much every single one between us o.O. Most of the horses too, and some of the dogs. Maybe we fluked it??
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: on May 22, 2019, 05:21:58 AM
Fashion Star Fillies and Popples, especially Pretty Bit. Loads of mlp merchandise of course!
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: freezestime on May 30, 2019, 09:04:59 AM
Friends, has anyone thought about the practicalities of getting the things you want in this hypothetical situation?

First thing I can think of is what happens if you travel back in time to 1983 with a smart phone and a vape to take pictures?

Your clothes stand out, you use words that're from our time? You could probably stick out like a sore thumb, but if you go even further you might land in a place where foreigners cannot get in or not, leading to horrible things.

Plus with stores of the 1980's/1990's you can get a general idea of what's there so you don't have to guess where to find one, with medieval Europe you'd have to research where to find something then deal with the repercussions like the plague and arrows.

And getting the mail order ponies wouldn't be a guaranteed thing, you'd need an address, clip off the horseshoe points, mail it in, wait then get it.
There'd be other ways of definitely getting them, but they're unethical, such as nicking it off a child or going into the factory, sneaking in the packaging area and grabbing them, resulting in an extra being made or someone else missing out on them.

But with this, you'd have to track down which mail order was made at which factory, at what time, the building layout, safety precautions, blending in or who got them, how to get the item from them, ect.

I know it's a fantasy and all but even then, there must be some things that need consideration.
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Carrehz on May 30, 2019, 01:14:56 PM
Practicality doesn't have a place in fantasies :p That's boring.
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Lady Frostbite on May 30, 2019, 02:15:18 PM
Friends, has anyone thought about the practicalities of getting the things you want in this hypothetical situation?

First thing I can think of is what happens if you travel back in time to 1983 with a smart phone and a vape to take pictures?

Your clothes stand out, you use words that're from our time? You could probably stick out like a sore thumb, but if you go even further you might land in a place where foreigners cannot get in or not, leading to horrible things.

Plus with stores of the 1980's/1990's you can get a general idea of what's there so you don't have to guess where to find one, with medieval Europe you'd have to research where to find something then deal with the repercussions like the plague and arrows.

And getting the mail order ponies wouldn't be a guaranteed thing, you'd need an address, clip off the horseshoe points, mail it in, wait then get it.
There'd be other ways of definitely getting them, but they're unethical, such as nicking it off a child or going into the factory, sneaking in the packaging area and grabbing them, resulting in an extra being made or someone else missing out on them.

But with this, you'd have to track down which mail order was made at which factory, at what time, the building layout, safety precautions, blending in or who got them, how to get the item from them, ect.

I know it's a fantasy and all but even then, there must be some things that need consideration.

It's ... it's a fantasy   :pout: I put in the 'assuming that you had the right currency' as an indication that time travel headaches like clothing, settings, etc. etc. etc. do not apply. It's a fun exercise to make you think about stuff you missed either from childhood or from more recent times, or a nostalgic think-back to places and times you will never revisit again.
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: freezestime on May 31, 2019, 05:38:49 PM
Friends, has anyone thought about the practicalities of getting the things you want in this hypothetical situation?

First thing I can think of is what happens if you travel back in time to 1983 with a smart phone and a vape to take pictures?

Your clothes stand out, you use words that're from our time? You could probably stick out like a sore thumb, but if you go even further you might land in a place where foreigners cannot get in or not, leading to horrible things.

Plus with stores of the 1980's/1990's you can get a general idea of what's there so you don't have to guess where to find one, with medieval Europe you'd have to research where to find something then deal with the repercussions like the plague and arrows.

And getting the mail order ponies wouldn't be a guaranteed thing, you'd need an address, clip off the horseshoe points, mail it in, wait then get it.
There'd be other ways of definitely getting them, but they're unethical, such as nicking it off a child or going into the factory, sneaking in the packaging area and grabbing them, resulting in an extra being made or someone else missing out on them.

But with this, you'd have to track down which mail order was made at which factory, at what time, the building layout, safety precautions, blending in or who got them, how to get the item from them, ect.

I know it's a fantasy and all but even then, there must be some things that need consideration.

It's ... it's a fantasy   :pout: I put in the 'assuming that you had the right currency' as an indication that time travel headaches like clothing, settings, etc. etc. etc. do not apply. It's a fun exercise to make you think about stuff you missed either from childhood or from more recent times, or a nostalgic think-back to places and times you will never revisit again.

Ah, my bad.
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: banditpony on June 03, 2019, 06:30:35 AM
Friends, has anyone thought about the practicalities of getting the things you want in this hypothetical situation?

First thing I can think of is what happens if you travel back in time to 1983 with a smart phone and a vape to take pictures?

Your clothes stand out, you use words that're from our time? You could probably stick out like a sore thumb, but if you go even further you might land in a place where foreigners cannot get in or not, leading to horrible things.

Plus with stores of the 1980's/1990's you can get a general idea of what's there so you don't have to guess where to find one, with medieval Europe you'd have to research where to find something then deal with the repercussions like the plague and arrows.

And getting the mail order ponies wouldn't be a guaranteed thing, you'd need an address, clip off the horseshoe points, mail it in, wait then get it.
There'd be other ways of definitely getting them, but they're unethical, such as nicking it off a child or going into the factory, sneaking in the packaging area and grabbing them, resulting in an extra being made or someone else missing out on them.

But with this, you'd have to track down which mail order was made at which factory, at what time, the building layout, safety precautions, blending in or who got them, how to get the item from them, ect.

I know it's a fantasy and all but even then, there must be some things that need consideration.

Well. Honestly, going back to the 80s wouldn't be /THAT/ hard to blend in.

Cellphones >  would be borderline useless because there are no towers or gps. Don't need this.
Photos > Use film
Side note, Going back to shoot discontinued film would be fantastic. :heart:
Words > I'm not sure what I say that is "new" slang. Like? Cool? Totally? Whatever? For sure? (Maybe those might be 90s? Or maybe it'd be weird for someone in their 30s to say) --- "No worries" is the only thing I can think of...
Vaping> Pick up a cig instead.
Clothes > Easily can pick up some clothes these days that look fine in the 80s. levis, chucks, baggie shirt.
Mail orders > just get a not a big deal? :P time travel the 6-8p weeks so you don't have to wait.

BONUS > Anyone who had a "key plan" growing up can get into their childhood home. lol.

Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Littlesparklepony on June 03, 2019, 11:36:53 AM
I would definitely go back to the 80´s and visit my favourite Toy store by then and grab a lot of G1 ponies. And Strawberry shortcake, and Little Twin stars items. Maybe some Forest families (sylvanian) too.  :)

I would also visit my favourite Candy store and grab a lot of candy that´s not in the store anymore and icecream!  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Time Travelling Shopping Trips!
Post by: Broken Irishwoman on June 03, 2019, 01:18:18 PM
Besides the obvious, I would like to go back about ten, fifteen years in time so I could buy tons of Choco Swing minis from Milka. :P Seriously, Choco Swing still exists as a chocolate bar, but they changed it, and the minis were soooo good... I loved to eat the chocolate off first, and then eat the biscuit with the white milky stuff last. I miss it. :cry:
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