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Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: gabumon on August 10, 2017, 08:38:18 PM

Title: It has happened - DD has grown out of MLP
Post by: gabumon on August 10, 2017, 08:38:18 PM
Today she turned her nose up at all the G4s we saw in the store.  Even the cute Movie Fashion Style AJ.

She's collected a sprinkling of G1, G3 , G4 and GoH toys, and now seems to be done.  She's 13 so I think we had a long run.

Now to wait 20 years for when she comes back around I guess.

Anyone else have their kids grow out of MLP recently?
Title: Re: It has happened - DD has grown out of MLP
Post by: Einhornbaby on August 10, 2017, 10:19:44 PM
Yep, mine :P 13yo girl too! She has a collection of some ponys of each generation (G3 mostly) since she was two but during the year she got less and less interested. A little sad to see but... thats how life goes :)
Title: Re: It has happened - DD has grown out of MLP
Post by: NightGliderSA on August 11, 2017, 12:56:24 AM
I have boys... they never grew IN to mlp  ;)
Title: Re: It has happened - DD has grown out of MLP
Post by: Leave a Whisper on August 11, 2017, 08:20:25 AM
Mine did for a while when G3.5 started replacing G3. She gave some away to charity and I took the rest because some of those were gifts from family and I figured she might regret giving them away later.

 I adopted a few she didn't like much into my collection and later she asked for them back and started getting into G1 and finally G4, she's mostly done with G4 now since she's got most of the ones she wants and is very much in love with G1 and keeps adding to her wishlist.

Her main loves however, have always been Pokemon and toy animals. She just turned 14.

It happens, I used to be hardcore into dinosaurs and stuffed animals, she used to love Skylanders and toy vehicles.

Though I guess her love of toy vehicles kinda shifted over to Transformers haha!
Title: Re: It has happened - DD has grown out of MLP
Post by: mlp4me on August 11, 2017, 09:11:47 AM
So far my niece loves them. She just turned 5. My sister-in-law is really keeping the love up and I keep supplying her with G3's and G4's... lol. The day she doesn't have interest anymore will be a sad one indeed.
Title: Re: It has happened - DD has grown out of MLP
Post by: mylittELLEpony on August 11, 2017, 09:37:42 AM
My kids are all under 8 and all MLP fans, but only my boys have interest in G4. My daughter is kind of a hipster when it comes to toys and only wants "vintage" stuff from when I was a kid.  :lol: I won't be surprised if they do "out grow" this stuff eventually, but I also won't be if they don't. Their dad and I are both collectors of vintage toys and when we buy a house soon every room will be covered. If they rebel against it it will probably be because they're trying not to be like their parents more than anything. LOL
Title: Re: It has happened - DD has grown out of MLP
Post by: brightberry on August 11, 2017, 11:29:46 AM
My niece just recently grew into Harry Potter and she is obsessed.  No room for ponies or monster high.   :lol:   
Title: Re: It has happened - DD has grown out of MLP
Post by: StarSwirl05 on August 12, 2017, 05:53:26 AM
Ironically, that's around the age I got into MLP.
Title: Re: It has happened - DD has grown out of MLP
Post by: SkyCakes on August 12, 2017, 02:52:34 PM
My daughter likes G1 and the G3s and G4s. I dont know if she wanted to keep them or just collect them when it comes to G1s. She does like to play with her G4s. Though the day she looses interest altogether is a sad day.
Title: Re: It has happened - DD has grown out of MLP
Post by: gabumon on August 12, 2017, 03:26:42 PM
thanks for the support.

she doesn't seem to want to get rid of what ponies she has, so that's something I guess.  we'll see how the next few months go, but she's definitely not excited like she used to be.

granted I've slowed down due to running out of space. so there's that.  though there's always space for G1 rescues at my house! :)
Title: Re: It has happened - DD has grown out of MLP
Post by: Wardah on August 12, 2017, 04:30:36 PM
What I worry is that she's "losing interest" due to external factors. I went through a stage where I wanted to seem cool to my peers and passed all my toys on to my destructive younger sister. A few years later I realized it didn't matter what the others thought of my hobbies since it's not like suppressing myself made me any more popular but it was too late because most of my old toys were lost or destroyed by then. So many great vintage LPS lost.
Title: Re: It has happened - DD has grown out of MLP
Post by: gabumon on August 12, 2017, 06:40:56 PM
if it is external factors... which is definitely part of it...  and she decides she doesn't want her ponies I'll just "inherit" her collection.  For safe keeping.  :accomplished:
Title: Re: It has happened - DD has grown out of MLP
Post by: Shy Violet on August 12, 2017, 10:43:02 PM
My daughter is done with toys and she's only 10  :cry: I think it has a lot to do with her school friends don't play with toys and she doesn't want to be embarrassed. Also her cousin just turned 13 and is officially done with toys and they hang out almost every day and they used to play together. Now it's all make up and pop bands. I'm inheriting her G4's and I'll have to go through her MH and EAH dolls and see who I want to add to my collection. As for the rest, I'm really torn. I don't want to get rid of them all but at the same time my collection is quite large and I don't have space for everything.
Title: Re: It has happened - DD has grown out of MLP
Post by: SnorkMaiden on August 13, 2017, 01:14:56 PM
if it is external factors... which is definitely part of it...  and she decides she doesn't want her ponies I'll just "inherit" her collection.  For safe keeping.  :accomplished:

If you can keep her collection, I'd definitely do so. I grew less interested in ponies when I was about your daughter's age (mostly due to external factors), and when I rediscovered my pony love ten years later, I was delighted to find that my mum had kept my collection. It was a lovely thing to come back to. :)
Title: Re: It has happened - DD has grown out of MLP
Post by: Shiverdam on August 14, 2017, 02:57:13 PM
I remained interested in ponies all throughout middle/high school, guess I was just lucky!
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