The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: dragonfly on March 09, 2017, 08:35:31 PM

Title: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: dragonfly on March 09, 2017, 08:35:31 PM
Generally speaking, are you more structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?

I'm most frequently impulsive but I will save up and plan for very pricey purchases. Therefore, POTD is hell on my wallet!
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: Epona on March 09, 2017, 08:47:57 PM
Most of my new ponies are from trades so its random depending on what my trade partners have that Im missing.
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: Shy Violet on March 09, 2017, 09:44:06 PM
Spontaneous for sure. I'm very free spirited and hate structure. I do have a list but only because I can never remember who I have and I don't want to be buying doubles. I tend to buy whoever I feel like or who I find for a good price at the moment. I love hunting for ponies in the wild too.
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: Taxel on March 09, 2017, 10:01:45 PM
Almost entirely spontaneous! Sometimes I have a specific pony or other goal (ie a factory error) but mostly I just go with the flow. Pretty much all of my new acquisitions have been gifts or trade-ish for the past few years so you can't be too picky with that!

When I get back to buying I have some ponies I want to grab asap, but I'm sure I'll fall back into "that poor pony looks so sweet... I'll buy that one" soon enough.
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: northstar3184 on March 09, 2017, 10:02:42 PM
I'm very, very structured and targeted. I refer to wish lists, and I also keep an image gallery from sites like Strawberry Reef and Ponyland Press of ponies I own and those I see as potential add-ons. When deciding what ponies I want to add I consider factors like how much I want the pony, average cost, etc...

I also refer to the aforementioned images to decide if the pony would add something new to the herd with his/her color combination or if it looks too similar to a pony I already have. For example, I've been debating between Cranberry Muffins and Princess Royal Blue but would never buy both.
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: Mermaid on March 09, 2017, 10:58:05 PM
Spontaneous!!! When I see a deal, I'll go for it! Or if I have extra cash or in a buying mood, I'll browse around what's out there and buy! I like to buy in lots (3-8 ponies) so whoever is selling and has multiples off my wish list, I'll go for it!
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: Icicle on March 09, 2017, 11:45:59 PM
A little of column A and B, but more spontaneous. I am very much a "ooohhh, shiny" sort of person and will fixate on anything that catches my eye, but I do also have a plan with trying to 'finish' stuff. Like, when I started getting 'mom' ponies (Glory, Firefly, and Bowtie specifically) I focused on getting their babies next.. so there is some method to my madness.
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: princessluna11706 on March 09, 2017, 11:59:52 PM
Impulsive!  Or used to be, anyway.  In the beginning when I didn't have too many ponies I would go by who was cheapest on eBay at the time :D
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: banditpony on March 10, 2017, 03:44:21 AM
Impulse! I only have a few must haves on my wish list, but I'm open to practically all of them G1s).

But I must find them in person first. So that's sort of controlled.

I just don't want a flood of ponies.
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: LunaMoonCustoms1212 on March 10, 2017, 06:04:02 AM
definitely impulse, especially considering that a large chunk of my ponies are from the wild, even tho I occasionally will buy lots on ebay, even that is spontaneous.
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: SkyCakes on March 10, 2017, 06:30:36 AM
very spontaneous I dont plan anything. I just that type of a person. My whole life is unplanned. When I trade it is also whatever someone has. Sometimes there are good deals out there too I just can't seem to pass up.
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: Duenia on March 10, 2017, 07:09:37 AM
I'm very structured in everything up to my spontaneous buys lol. I have a hard time saying no when G2s I'm missing pop up (and G4s sometimes). But I do have lists and will methodically search out certain ponies. Although my methodical buys are much less common than my spontaneous ones.
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on March 10, 2017, 07:54:03 AM
A bit of both. I'm strange in  certain ways about color, gen and species. Recently I've noticed that I've been adding a lot of white and yellow, and a lot of unicorns, so atm I wanna focus  on sea ponies, bat pony, unipegs and pegasus. As well as green, blue and gray ones.

I also have a structure for who I want to try and get  within the year, but will gladly throw a pony back farther in the line if suddenly I run across an OH MAH GAWDZ MAH GRAIL IZ ON SALE! MUST BUY!!!

Or if sometimes another pony further back on my list suddenly grabs my attention like it hadn't before.

And of course the pony I may have been set to buy vanishes from all eBay pages after having been there for days or even months. Mocking me.

Ponies that I've recently obtained higher on my wishlist are:

Aurora Mist
Baby Moondancer
Diamond Mint
SS Gusty
Mini Glory
SB Princess Luna
Fakie Unipeg
WC Princess Celestia

Ponies still on my immediate wishlist this year are:
*Baby Ribbs
*G3 Seaspray
*Princess Tiffany
*Wave Runner
*Wind Whistler
*Star Glow
TP Sea Breeze
Sunrise Song
*PNP Baby Sea Shimmer
Another Fakie Unipeg
*Bat Pony
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: Shatyr on March 10, 2017, 08:37:24 AM
I used to be a "buy all the ponies NAO!" collector and ended up with a lot of doubles in the process. If I ever find them in the wild again, I will no doubt return to that pattern. These days, however, I have a list and I do my best to stick with set completion ponies or the others I have specified for the year.

I have been known to break from this process (and my budget) if a grail comes on the market (Lavender Dream Castle, I'm looking at you...).
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: mlp4me on March 10, 2017, 09:09:24 AM
Generally I prioritize, but right now every pony that I want is at least $30 in value (working on finish up US G1 releases), so if something cheaper comes along (like Euros...) I'll be impulsive.
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on March 10, 2017, 09:12:25 AM
Most of mine are in impulse, as most have been buy it now in the wild or you wont get a second chance.
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: lunar_scythe on March 10, 2017, 09:18:09 AM
Kind of both? I go after Blue Belles, anything with her, but I'm pretty spontaneous about it; I check for them every couple of weeks and if I see one I want, I go for it, but I don't go after every Blue Belle and I don't really keep track of which ones I still need...which does mean I end up with doubles, but thats ok, haha, they can stay with me. :)
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on March 10, 2017, 09:22:17 AM
I have all the commons I really wanted, but still looking for those below. I was quite structured and won't buy doubles now. I miss the ones I don't have on display!
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: kellyponyfeathers on March 10, 2017, 10:03:20 AM
Neither; I'm opportunistic. If I see a pony I don't have, in good condition, for a good price, I'll buy her. Gotta catch 'em all!
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on March 10, 2017, 10:15:14 AM
Semi-spontaneous.  ;)  I usually have a vague idea of what ponies I want next, but I only actually buy one off-and-on.

If I see ponies at Value Village, though, I will usually buy them, even if they're G4s which I don't really collect seriously.
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: slyons on March 10, 2017, 06:15:02 PM
Structured for almost my whole second collecting phase, and was only spontaneous when a 'to good to be true' deal came along.... But now I'm very structured... I'm down to the last few ponies I want for my collection, and they are the expensive ones, so I can't afford to be spontaneous  :P
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: Elfpony on March 11, 2017, 04:38:11 AM
Both?  I don't target specific ponies to go after (even with more expensive ones, I'll just see who tweaks my fancy at a specific time), but budget, budget, budget! Financially I'm a big planner and will not go over the amount I've planed to spend.

Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: EnaRocketQueen on March 11, 2017, 05:11:35 AM
Spontaneous because I have a small collection for now and there isn't really need for me to structure it (yet)  :)
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: HelloGoodbye on March 11, 2017, 04:09:41 PM
I'm very spontaneous most of the time!  I definitely have ponies that I'm looking for, but usually the ponies I buy are simply whatever strikes my fancy at the time!
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: Marlin on March 11, 2017, 06:21:58 PM
I'm a little bit of both, but I think opportunistic sums me up a bit better  ;)  I know what I am definitely after but owing to a deep set, bordering on obsession need to obtain ponies through good deals (unless I'm desperate or simply can't resist or it's a special occasion where I'll splurge :D) I rely heavily on obtaining ponies I need in bulk lots nowadays. Through those I'll also often pick up ponies I wasn't really after but liked after seeing them in person along the way. Most of the time I just can't afford or justify to buy them singularly on the prices most people are asking - usually because international shipping is often involved :(
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: Ledbyrd on March 11, 2017, 07:30:22 PM
I was definitely more spontaneous when I first started to collect but now that my collection has grown I have become more selective. Most of my G1 ponies these days have been coming from wish list swaps which is such a fun way to acquire ponies.

Lately, I've been trying to track down all the G4 pearlized brushables so that has been more planned. So I guess overall, I'm a bit of both at this point.

I still love to check out eBay and thrift stores for deals too. The spontinaity tends to return when I'm shopping that way.
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: Broken Irishwoman on March 12, 2017, 12:30:10 PM
Definitely spontaneous! I have a wishlist, but sometimes I just fall in love with a pony that isn't even on there, and I pick that one over one on my list. :lookround:
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: Haruna on March 12, 2017, 06:55:52 PM
I'm a little bit of both, but I think opportunistic sums me up a bit better  ;)  I know what I am definitely after but owing to a deep set, bordering on obsession need to obtain ponies through good deals (unless I'm desperate or simply can't resist or it's a special occasion where I'll splurge :D) I rely heavily on obtaining ponies I need in bulk lots nowadays. Through those I'll also often pick up ponies I wasn't really after but liked after seeing them in person along the way. Most of the time I just can't afford or justify to buy them singularly on the prices most people are asking - usually because international shipping is often involved :(

Yeah, this describes me pretty accurately, too. :)
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: Shabi on March 16, 2017, 05:46:12 PM
It's easy. If I see a pony I don't own I buy it.
Title: Re: Structured or spontaneous when adding to your herd?
Post by: DazzleKitty on March 17, 2017, 06:36:11 PM
Totally impulsive. I peruse the Arena or eBay and I see something that tickles my pony fancy and I go for it! It's fun that way. :D
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