The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: hyenacub on January 19, 2017, 06:27:09 PM

Title: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: hyenacub on January 19, 2017, 06:27:09 PM
EDIT June 2017:  So I guess it did not take as much time as I thought it would.  This is the new URL:

So the first version of this was a mess--so I am rewriting it so that hopefully it is NOT a mess..  XD  I have an MLP site--the part I am asking for help on is here:

What I need is now on  part of my site to make it easier for me to update:  C: C:

And as always, any ideas, suggestions, etc.  are welcome!
Title: Re: MLP Website
Post by: Icicle on January 19, 2017, 06:43:16 PM
Oh this is awesome! I have a few ponies I can take pictures of for ya, I just.. need to clear out a space and take some pictures. But I can totally get you a butt shot of Posey and Baby Sparkle Gusty, just doing a quick glance at the site. I'll have to comb through, but. I'll shoot you a PM when I have all my ducks ponies in a row!
Title: Re: MLP Website
Post by: hyenacub on January 19, 2017, 06:51:18 PM
Thaat'd be awesome!  I also need pics of accessories and playets, too.  I have the Lullabye Nursery and Show Stable, but theyre not complete.

If you could photo them against a wood background, like a bookshelf, that'd be awesome.  But otherwise, a white background is good.  C:
Title: Re: MLP Website
Post by: Icicle on January 19, 2017, 07:03:33 PM
Mmkay~. I'll do my best on the backdrop, I have super limited stuff to work with right now (my husband just lost his job and our car just died..). Buuuuut, if I move my risers I might be able to have a spot :3
Title: Re: MLP Website
Post by: hyenacub on January 19, 2017, 07:08:49 PM
Don't knock yourself out!  C:  I'm sorry to hear about the husband's job, though.  And the car.  We've ha enough POScars to know how that is.  >P  But whatever you're willing to do i great!
Title: Re: MLP Website
Post by: SpaceButtPonies on January 19, 2017, 07:39:23 PM
Curious are you looking for all gens or mainly G1? I have a couple G1s I can snap for you :)
Title: Re: MLP Website
Post by: hyenacub on January 19, 2017, 07:41:14 PM
Hello Pika!  It will eventually be all gens, but I am starting with G1...which will definitely take time to finish!  Which ones do you have?
Title: Re: MLP Website
Post by: Icicle on January 19, 2017, 07:49:08 PM
Don't knock yourself out!  C:  I'm sorry to hear about the husband's job, though.  And the car.  We've ha enough POScars to know how that is.  >P  But whatever you're willing to do i great!
I realized moving my Lego Star Wars Advent calendar gave me a nice little spot to take pictures! I will at least have some full body shots soon-ish, dunno about symbols because my camera didn't wanna focus, so I might have to do those later with my phone. From what I saw, glancing through the site I have Locket, Posey, Baby Sparkle Gusty, Night Glider, Starshine and Creamsicle. So when I can edit them down I'll shoot you a PM :3
Title: Re: MLP Website
Post by: Leave a Whisper on January 19, 2017, 08:04:19 PM
I can try and take some for you once my phone is fixed. what generations do ya need? I have 1,3 and 4.
Title: Re: MLP Website
Post by: Shy Violet on January 19, 2017, 08:54:55 PM
That's great you're making an ID site and I like how you have it organized by different categories. One feedback I can give is to add on each page a button on the bottom to take you to the next page so you don't have to go back to the home page. So if I wanted to look through all the ponies by year I can flip through them all without that extra step of the home page. :)
Title: Re: MLP Website
Post by: Icicle on January 19, 2017, 08:56:00 PM
Don't knock yourself out!  C:  I'm sorry to hear about the husband's job, though.  And the car.  We've ha enough POScars to know how that is.  >P  But whatever you're willing to do i great!
I realized moving my Lego Star Wars Advent calendar gave me a nice little spot to take pictures! I will at least have some full body shots soon-ish, dunno about symbols because my camera didn't wanna focus, so I might have to do those later with my phone. From what I saw, glancing through the site I have Locket, Posey, Baby Sparkle Gusty, Night Glider, Starshine and Creamsicle. So when I can edit them down I'll shoot you a PM :3
Oh and I didn't see a full size of Flower Dream, I don't know if it's one you need but I do have her as well!
Title: Re: MLP Website
Post by: hyenacub on January 19, 2017, 09:20:05 PM  This is how the individual pages will look.  Symbol pics need to be at least 100 pixels on the short side.

Icicle, that'd be great!  night of my faves.  If you can make sure they're at least 500 pixels long on the long side?  I do need all of those.  Including Flower Dream.  : D

Whisper--if your phone can take good quality pics, that'd be awesome.  I need them at least 500 on the long side.  G1 for now.  Eventually I will expand, but for now I am focusing on G1.

Shy Violet--good idea!  I think I'll do that.
Title: Re: MLP Website
Post by: SpaceButtPonies on January 19, 2017, 11:25:54 PM
Hello Pika!  It will eventually be all gens, but I am starting with G1...which will definitely take time to finish!  Which ones do you have?
I have flocked sundance, bubbles, magic hat, and Tabby.
Title: Re: MLP Website
Post by: Taffeta on January 20, 2017, 08:38:28 AM
This might come across as a bit of a cold splash, and please don't take it that way. But as someone with a pony ID site, I really hope you know the level of work involved and what you are letting yourself in for.

DV was a legendary website. But it also was so popular because it had been here so long. It was a go-to site for people over around two decades, and that's amazing. There isn't any other website that will ever match or replace it. That's not to say it was complete, or that it didn't have errors. It did. But people let that go because of the fact it was DV and it was nostalgic.

I would suggest that right from the very start, before you begin building the site seriously, you figure out your aims and what you want to cover with it. What information do you really want to provide? I would definitely look more to the Wiki than to DV in terms of what you are trying to do - but that brings its own problems. For example, if you are only repeating the information already on the Wiki, then people are going to just go visit the Wiki. So you have to figure out what it is you want YOUR site to tell the community. That can be difficult :).

I don't think it's bad to have more ID sites. But I do think it's hard to compete with the Wiki in terms of information these days. Unless you have something niche for your site to do or be, it's going to be difficult to establish a new ID site. So I would really suggest think about that.

 I would personally not digitally edit colour shades on accessories. The reason is that different monitors already show shades differently. Even if you have the pony MOC in front of you, and take a photo of it, the chances of everyone seeing the pony ribbon in that image in the same shade is negligible. If you are editing it based on a photo that someone else took then there's a lot of room for error. And pony ribbons also fade. It's really a minefield, and I suspect it will cause you considerably more grief. Just as a case in point, I have Surprise MOC, and I didn't recognise the ribbon shade from that page. I don't know if that is my screen or whether it's the colour itself. But I think that's a problem and one you'd do better to avoid if you can.

If you don't own the ponies going on your site, you need to be really on top of the detail to ensure there aren't any errors. If you've never seen a pony in real life, you run the risks of the above happening with colour, especially on symbol shades and such like.

Finally, all I'll say is that if you're using other people's images, be really diligent on the detail and on the crediting of those images. And especially make sure you ask ebay sellers if you want to use their images. Most are ok with it, but some really don't like it.

This sounds really harsh but it isn't meant to be. On the contrary, it's the words of experience ;) I especially think that if you are going to really throw yourself into this (and be prepared that it will take a lot of time and drive you nuts xD) you need to find something that will define your site as special and unique. See if you can think of a way to deliver the pony information that is different and new from any other existing ID site, because that's how you'll get people to use and rely on your website. If it's already on the Wiki, people are going to just use the Wiki, and no site is ever going to replace DV's nostalgia. Also, you have to be prepared that an ID site has to update and correct itself. Its one of those "never finished" articles - a website is for life, not just for the moment of inspiration. It's a responsibility to the community when you stick your neck out and say you're going to do pony ID. It means people believe what you say. I dunno if you remember all the crazy back when DV got mixed messages and muddled a lot of Euro info in the late 1990s. We're still trying to get some of those myths out of the community. That's how much responsibility it is to be as right as you can, and ready to correct if you're wrong.

So yeah. To me that should be your focus. Your layout looks open and clear and nice to operate but I think you need to find the thing that really defines your site as special.

With the US pony line, that may be harder than you think. It's actually easier to do this when you're not stifled by the Dream Valley determined "year" system.

Regarding what was said about site navigation - a forward/back button is a little annoying if you don't want to go through all the ponies to get to the end. Maybe think about how you can navigate on each page and back to the main page or on to a specific pony without going through the whole lot?

I still have some twitches on my website with this when I find a random link that for some reason goes somewhere it shouldn't, so I suggest doing that from the very start. I have had to replace navigation frames numerous times because they needed additional information, and I'm still not really happy with it. If you're beginning from scratch, definitely have a fixed template where this isn't going to give you extra stress. It's not necessarily the case that you need complicated scripting to navigate on a website, but I think you do need to address that aspect from individual pony pages - and how this is going to work in the bigger picture.

(I do like your pony type photo examples though. I think that is a good idea)

One personal twitch  - the term 'cutie mark' should never be used in connection with G1. Ever.
Title: Re: MLP Website
Post by: Broken Irishwoman on January 20, 2017, 01:56:36 PM
No useful advice here, but I really like how you put the accessories on the page. :D
Title: Re: MLP Website
Post by: hyenacub on January 21, 2017, 02:35:53 AM
Pika--I have Bubbles, but need the others!

Taffet--I am not offended at all!  At meat, my site is a personal fan site.  If people wouldnrather go to my Little Wiki...more  power to them.  I get a lot of my info from them, some from my own ponies/experiences/info, some from others pics.

Also I'm not really trying to replace Dream Valley.  (Though I am stil mourning its passing!  D:  I miss it.)  But it did inspire me. 

I do know that such sites are never really finished, and than they can drive you nuts.  I've been making websited almost since I discovered the internet in 1997 or so...  I'm 40 years old and have been around the block a time or two.  C:  It's a hobby, so I enjoy it, and that's a plus.  I had a ThunderCats site way back when...I wonder if I till have those files.

Anyway.  You sid this:

"Regarding what was said about site navigation - a forward/back button is a little annoying if you don't want to go through all the ponies to get to the end. Maybe think about how you can navigate on each page and back to the main page or on to a specific pony without going through the whole lot? '"

Maybe I'm too tired (it's late at the moment) but my brain can't make sense of this....what are you trying to say here?

Also I feel your pain when you have screwed up links.  i HATE policing links to make sure they're correct!  I had to do a buttload over again recently because they didn't cooperate.  UGH.

As for the accesories...I admit I AM going off of both others' pics and my own accessories.  I see what you're saying...but i think I am going to keep to my method for now.  I hve both a description and the pic.  If I have a pic of a lavender comb on my monitor, then match my aqua comb to that lavender also using my monitor, then it won't look any different than that original picture.  That might have its own problems, but...what're ya gonna do, you know?

I always ask permission from ebay people if I use their pics.  I don't use pictures without permission.  Period.

I appreciate the time you took to offer your insight..  C:

Regenveertje--thanks!  I am a fan of transparent GIFs.
Title: Re: MLP Website
Post by: Taffeta on January 21, 2017, 10:20:50 AM
My brain probably didn't communicate it; it doesn't always.

I meant having some kind of navigation structure on each page to give a user more freedom to choose where they want to go next (rather than back and forth between pages in a set order). For example, on Surprise's page, links to other ponies that go in her set, or links to other sets. That kind of thing.

And I hope you don't think I was trying to discourage you - the opposite :) I think that the more ID sites there are the better and would never say otherwise. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of what you were getting into.

With the images for accessories, ultimately it has to be your choice. I just worry about the fact there is already so much inaccurate or confused information out there relating to accessories because of ribbon fading and the lack of the MOC ponies surviving in certain cases. It worries me a bit that your method, while well meaning, might actually add to that confusion when a lot of ribbons are very similar. I gave up trying to match loose ribbons to most ponies a long time ago (xD) but I know some folk are very particular about having the right bits and pieces, and ultimately they could sell the wrong item if the information they had was confused.

That's my big concern. I know from personal experience that incorrect information on an ID site can cause a LOT of trouble. Bottom line is, it's easier to create a mistake than eradicate it. That's why, 18 years after DV listed white Tootsie as a UK pony, you'll still find that information on at least one ID site, even though it isn't true...
Title: Re: MLP Website
Post by: NovelNerd on January 21, 2017, 10:49:22 AM
Off topic but I haven't seen you around in ages! Dream Valley is gone but there are so many different pony sites now it's kinda crazy. :lol:
Title: Re: MLP Website
Post by: Carrehz on January 21, 2017, 01:24:17 PM
I'm with Taffeta on this one; editing images to alter the colour just seems like a bad idea for an ID site. Even if you put a clear disclaimer that the images were edited and the actual colour may vary, or w/e, I've learned from years of experience that people have a bad tendency to overlook such things (and I'm talking in general here, not just about MLP). It seems like it could cause more harm than good, to me.. But it's your decision, lol.
Title: Re: MLP Website
Post by: hyenacub on January 22, 2017, 04:53:46 PM
Oh!  OK I see what you mean about the links...that's not a bad idea!  Sort of a network of related links.  What's your opinion on other versions of the same pony being on the same page?  Like should Surprise and Baby Surprise each have her own page, or, as I'm doing, have all the Surprises on the same one?

I did not take it as discouraging, know.  I do know what I'm getting into.  Ultimately it might not ever be what I want it to, but it IS a hobby, not a job, or anything, so if I can't hack it, it's no big deal.  But yeah I'll be working on that sucker...the more I learn and/or the more resources I find/tap XD

Yours and Carrehz's point about the accessories is a good one.  I think I'm pretty safe when it comes to the things like the comb and the like.  I've been comparing each one to different pictures of MIB ponies and different pics of eeach color, so I am fairly confident.  but the ribbons are touch...  I might just find a good pic of, say, a white ribbon as an example of what they look like and then just list the color.  (But the bow I made just looks cool...dang it lol)  I'll think about either way though.  I'm still working on how I want to do each individual pony's page.

I did not know that about Tootsie!

Maddie--Hey!  Nice to see you.  But--Dream Valley was awesome! lol  I did like it a lot.  I just hope its owner is all right.

OK--so I redid my first post.  hopefully it's less of a mess and has all the information needed...  Thanks again, guys!
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: hyenacub on January 26, 2017, 01:14:13 AM
So--I've added a lexicon to the site!  If anyone likes--check it out!  Lemme know if there's anything you think should be added.  I'm sure I've forgotten some stuff.

I'm not including ALL the pny types.  Just the ones that I see most often...sicne the pony types are already covererd.
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: Ringlets on January 26, 2017, 05:15:09 AM
Personally Cubby I know its hard work but I miss DV a lot and I'm really glad that you're doing this project :bigups:  :lovey: :hug:   I know there are plenty pony sites but I tend to use just a few  (Wiki is great but my computer no likey all the time so this works better for me)  and I like your version.
I'd be happy to help.. the main issue with me helping ATM is that a lot of my current G1 pics... and there are literally  1000's ... is that I prefer a dark background for a single /plain pony pic  (a lot are taken on a dark oak dining table with a dark background to show up colors)  so most of them wouldn't do for your site , and many of my pics have multiple ponies in 'em  :facepalm:   I'll take a lookie to see if I can do some others or find some suitable ones when I get a bit more time and a lot more organized :blush: :) :awake:  In the meantime  give me a prod if there's something specific you know I have that you need pics of ( for example if you needed MOC UK BnG Ringlets, MIB US BnG Ringlets, MOC Chief  ;) )
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: hyenacub on January 27, 2017, 04:03:47 AM
Ringlets--thank you!  I do need single pics, but the wood background isn't UBER necessary, I just like the weed background, and it would be grat for consistency.  Still, any pics you're willing to let me use would be awesome, assuming they're big enough.

I definite'y need pics of accessories of all kinds, and the background doesn't matter, so long as they're straight on shots, because I will be making them into transparent gifs.

MOC/MIP etc are *definitely* needed!  And the background doesn't matter on those, either.  The one and only thing I have MIP is baby Stocking.  XD    I'd love to use your MOC pics.  I'll be wanting those for each invidual pony's page.

Also...1000s of ponies.  O_O WOW.  That's impressive.  Someday...someday!  XD

I'd like to ask your opiion, though---should I lumo all of the "same" pony o one page, like Surprise and So Soft Surprise, and the babies...or shoud each pony have his/her pwn page?  I am strating to lean towards the latter.
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: Ringlets on January 27, 2017, 04:53:56 AM
:bigups:  I'll see what I've got then. I may have to take some new pics of the MOCs/MIB because I resized them to kinda small when I originally took them for on here. They might be big enough still, but since I have noooo idea it's prolly gonna be easier to just take new pics of those  than to try and get my brain to figure out what dimensions they are  :blush:

I'd like to ask your opiion, though---should I lumo all of the "same" pony o one page, like Surprise and So Soft Surprise, and the babies...or shoud each pony have his/her pwn page?  I am strating to lean towards the latter.

I think I'd give each pony their own page but put a mention of other variants /types in the description, so that if say someone looks up Surprise ( regular US release), there is also a mention on her page that there is  also a So Soft version, baby etc  :awake: :)
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: Vettefromm on January 27, 2017, 05:06:31 AM
Great initiative - I have bookmarked your site already and look forward to follow it's journey :heart:

Feel free to use any and all my pictures from my website: Vettens Ponies (http://"")
I have quite a few MIB/MOCs and Nirvanas as well as UK ponies and regulars - and most of my pictures are in a size you can use, I believe.
Just credit me as "Vettefromm" and a link back to my website would be appreciated :)
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: Leave a Whisper on January 27, 2017, 06:58:57 AM
I'll start today.
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: Kikwifluff on January 27, 2017, 08:59:38 AM
I can nab you some photos of some TE ponies! I'm only missing a few.

I'll get you the photos as soon as I'm home!
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: Tracks on January 27, 2017, 10:35:45 AM
Wow what a lovely site, easy to navigate and really well set out - well done!

I hope you don't mind me mentioning it but on the very first page of the G1s, (This page under Snuzzle's description, it actually looks to be a photo of Peachy!
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: hyenacub on January 30, 2017, 12:39:08 AM
Ringlets--thank you!  Hmm.  I think you're right.  Because I want lots of detail on the individual pages.  Still  working those out.

Vettefrom--awesome, thank you!  OOOO you hve lots of awesome poonies....  O_O  I will drool over your page a while.  I need a page of pony links, too...I think I shall make one.  I can definitey use some--not the ones with the bight patterend bgs...but the ones with the iridescant ones!  That's a cool idea for a background!  And I can snag some good symbol pics too  Awesome!  ::goes back to drooling::

Whisper, thank you!  Please tell me by what name and link (if ny) you want me to credit you.

Kikwifluff--awesome, thank you!  also lemme know how you'd like to be credited.

Tracks--I don't mind at all!  I like knowing mistakes.  but that *is* actually Snuzzle.  My Snuzzle is a bit discolored.  My Peachy is on this page for comparison.
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: Taffeta on January 30, 2017, 04:33:02 AM
Oh!  OK I see what you mean about the links...that's not a bad idea!  Sort of a network of related links.  What's your opinion on other versions of the same pony being on the same page?  Like should Surprise and Baby Surprise each have her own page, or, as I'm doing, have all the Surprises on the same one?

What I did with the Scrapbook regarding things like this was that I put versions of the same pony on the one page, but different ponies on different. So Baby Surprise is separate from adult, but the SS is on the same page as the original. Hang on, getting the link...

Like this.

One of the things that is a weakness with my page and something I'm working on as I work through adding the 300 or so MIP images I still have to get up there is too much text on some pages. So beware of that in terms of detail. Too much can be too much...if that makes sense :)

I also still have navigational link issues in places that I'm working on, when I have time, so definitely decide your link structure and stick to it early on. It will make life easier. There are changes I want to make to the Scrapbook's navigation in order to make it more fluid, but doing it will require such a lot of work that I haven't got around to it yet...
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: hyenacub on January 30, 2017, 01:21:26 PM
Taffeta--I see!  I think I like that idea, thanks for your imput.

I know what you mean about links.  I've done several websites over the years and have had the same issue.  Each time I tell myself I will get it right the frist time so I don' have to change a bunch of crap, but every time I lied. lol
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: Kikwifluff on January 30, 2017, 01:59:36 PM
Here you go! Please let me know if the link doesn't work :)
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: hyenacub on January 31, 2017, 02:16:20 AM
I've added a few more ponies and will add yet more thanks to Kikiwi.

Kikwi it works fine---thank you!  :dives in:  By the way, I meant to ask--did you pick your username from the Kikwis in Skyward Sword?

Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: Kikwifluff on January 31, 2017, 04:55:52 AM
I've added a few more ponies and will add yet more thanks to Kikiwi.

Kikwi it works fine---thank you!  :dives in:  By the way, I meant to ask--did you pick your username from the Kikwis in Skyward Sword?

Yes that is where my username is from! I love those kikwis :heart: and I'm glad to know that the link works!
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: hyenacub on January 31, 2017, 08:08:54 AM
LOL Awesome.  I like them too, very cute.  My little brother can hardly play those parts of the game because he's always bobbing about how cute they are, lol
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: Icicle on February 05, 2017, 07:35:56 PM
-casually slips in with some more pictures-

I got a Dainty for my birthday. Here's her symbol (http://"") and a full body shot (http://"")
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: Sandi on February 06, 2017, 06:09:44 AM
You can use any of my pics on my website:  :)
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: hyenacub on February 06, 2017, 09:18:21 AM
Icicle congrats and thanks!

Sandi, awesome!  Thanks!  ::goes off to play with website some more::
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: mlp4me on February 06, 2017, 11:17:59 AM
What do you still need images of? I'm a little late getting into this post... (Posting a list on your first post is helpful too; then you can keep us up-to-date.) I bet I will be able to help too!
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: Vettefromm on February 06, 2017, 12:21:25 PM

Vettefrom--awesome, thank you!  OOOO you hve lots of awesome poonies....  O_O  I will drool over your page a while.  I need a page of pony links, too...I think I shall make one.  I can definitey use some--not the ones with the bight patterend bgs...but the ones with the iridescant ones!  That's a cool idea for a background!  And I can snag some good symbol pics too  Awesome!  ::goes back to drooling::

I am so glad that some of the pictures are of use to you. And that you find my collection droolworthy - I am so thrilled how my collection is progressing and love to share :heart: I used the pink starry background back in the days, and sadly my collection is boxed up - so it'll be a while before I can take new pictures of everything.
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: hyenacub on February 06, 2017, 12:47:18 PM
mlp4me--actually I am making a list of pics I need!  I have to redo it after this, so it will be a bit, but I still need LOTS.  Sandi's site has a lot  on it, though, so i am still checking those out.  Once I cross hers off the list though, I will be upating the list and posting it here.

Vetterfrom--no problem at all!  It was dfinite;y a help and your MIIB collection will be of even more help hehe.  Am drooling oer Sandi's collection, too....
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: Icicle on February 06, 2017, 02:32:55 PM
I'll have to keep an eye out for that list. I also just got a Party Time coming in the mail, who is missing, so if she's not on there by the time I get her I'll have another for ya!

This is a lot of fun, especially getting to drool over all the ponies that keep getting added... (while I love My Little Wiki, seeing them all on a page like this to see what I can contribute with adds to the drooling and pony wanting, lol)
Title: Re: MLP Website--I Need Pics!
Post by: hyenacub on February 06, 2017, 03:07:53 PM
I shall post on here when I get the list done.  But yeah, seeing the ponies in a different format is a bit different than just on my little wiki (which I also love hehe)

Post Merge: February 07, 2017, 01:14:26 PM

WHEW.  OK I've edited my first post to include a link to the list of ponies and stuff I need pics of, and the guhidelines are there, too.  Now I have a HUGE sinus headache.  I am going to take a hot shower, some ibuprofen, and see if I can't get it to go away.  I also put up loads more pics thanks to Sandi.

Sandi likes her 1986-7 ponies.  XD
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