The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: SourdoughStomper on October 18, 2016, 11:40:51 AM

Title: Do you Facebook?
Post by: SourdoughStomper on October 18, 2016, 11:40:51 AM
I do have an FB account. I'm not super active on it in the terms of posting, but I do lurk on there and get the latest news about friends and stuff.

I remember resisting FB for some time and stuck to LiveJournal for my social networking needs. Now I'm resisting Twitter. :P Sadly, LiveJournal has become a bit of a lonely wasteland. I might get a Twitter account one day, but mostly so I can follow certain people more easily as opposed to posting on it.

I kind of have a love-hate relationship with FB. It can be handy. But also frustrating. I'm not entirely sure why FB thinks I need to see my friends' conversations with their friends, who are complete strangers to me. Does that happen to you? It makes me feel like I'm being nosy when I don't want to be.

That said, I'm taking a little break from it because it can be such a time vampire. :lol:

Do you FB?
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: ghouldilocks on October 18, 2016, 12:12:43 PM
I mainly use my FB for keeping up with my family; my mom is not American, so basically half the family is overseas...FB is so convenient for such things! It was also useful during my undergrad; some classmates and I created study groups there to schedule study sessions/post helpful articles/remind each other of quiz and test dates/post notes for students who had missed a lecture or lab.

I'm also now in a number of virtual running clubs, so I keep up with some running things there as well.  ^.^
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Sweet_Stuff on October 18, 2016, 12:35:36 PM
Yes, I Facebook! :D
I have a Twitter page too, but Facebook usage is overtaking it now. XD I have found several family members through the years but now it's more about keeping up with online friends who share similar passions/hobbies.

Would love to make new FB friends! PM me and let's chat over there! :)
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Bekuno on October 18, 2016, 12:43:15 PM
It's a good source for news and a way to check in on my family but I don't often make posts myself outside of discussion groups.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: SkyCakes on October 18, 2016, 12:51:19 PM
No I dont have a facebook account. I however have a google plus account. I dont use it often but if anyone would like to contact me. This is through [email protected]. :) I guess im just the odd one out on this.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: BlackCurtains on October 18, 2016, 02:14:02 PM
I've been on Facebook for almost 8 years. I reconnected with some great childhood friends and even met my best friend there :) I do not have any family on it though. I post pretty regularly and am in a lot of groups so I'm really active on it.

Also have a Twitter but I lost interest and my account just sits there now :lol:
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: DazzleKitty on October 18, 2016, 03:33:15 PM
I'm on Facebook more than I like to admit. Thinking of taking a little break from it.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Taxel on October 18, 2016, 04:29:37 PM
I mainly use it for keeping up with family but all I really post "publicly" (just to my friends) is photos of my dolls/ponies, my daily photo (I'm doing 365), and... "share" (I think that's what its called?) photos of Yellowstone/rescued bats in care.

Most people probably get sick of it and delete me xD Its a great way to weed out people who really don't care at all.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: theamazingfetus on October 18, 2016, 04:40:25 PM
I use it to keep up with friends. Since I met most of my friend online or through anime conventions, they don't live close by and facebook is how we stay in touch. I also have a lot of my fanfiction readers who have added me on facebook.

I don't have my family added, and I tell them that I don't facebook. Probably because I'm in the closet and I post tons of gay pride under the friends only filter.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: scarletjul on October 18, 2016, 05:24:26 PM
I check facebook multiple times per day to see what friends and family are up to, but I actually post things maybe once a week, if that. I usually only post if I have news or I have something I want to share.  I also change my  profile/cover pic on a seasonal basis.  :).
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Majesty on October 18, 2016, 05:27:05 PM
I don't do facebook, my space, twitter, snap chat or anything social network.  The only type of social I do is message boards.  I have no interest in the other stuff.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: ringwraith10 on October 18, 2016, 06:00:33 PM
I got a Facebook when it was brand new, but in 2010 I deleted (yes, ACTUALLY deleted -- a task that is actually hard to do) my account because there were so many things legally WRONG with the website I couldn't have my personal information on there anymore. For one thing, around that time they began the whole thing where someone can create a group and add anyone they want to the group. Some random person added me to a Nazi support group and I was so furious I almost exploded (not at the random person, who was obviously a troll, but at Facebook for allowing that to happen).

I have since created a new "fake" facebook to keep up with pony friends, but I'm almost never on there and my page is pretty barren.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Honeycomb on October 18, 2016, 06:48:30 PM
I don't use Facebook or any other social media.
I have whatsapp and wechat to communicate with people and share photos, that's more than enough for me.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: biff on October 18, 2016, 07:21:58 PM
I spend most of my time actually on Facebook... and am in a lot of various hobby groups on there.  I'm pretty active. ^^; 
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: NovelNerd on October 18, 2016, 07:50:59 PM
I love to look at horses and cute videos on Facebook. I'm one of those.  Lol
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Sukey on October 18, 2016, 08:29:57 PM
I'm a social media manager, so I'm on Facebook all day, but not for myself.  I do have to check it regularly when I'm not working for messages for clients.  I don't post too much to my own Facebook.  It is a good way to find old friends that you have lost touch with.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Mainsail on October 18, 2016, 10:06:37 PM
I used to go on it a lot, but lately I haven't had much interest in being on it as much. I'll check stuff, but that's about it. :P
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Noxxbunny on October 19, 2016, 12:19:37 AM
I'm one of the weird early 20-somethings that doesn't use social networking. I have an LJ, but I don't know if that really counts. And I made a Tumblr just to browse images because being logged in makes stuff sort of easier to look at??

Frankly, I feel totally lost when it comes to Twitter and Tumblr and Instagram. I look at them like "What are these sites and what do I do with them??" I feel like if I COULD come to understand one of them, it'd probably be Instagram. Tumblr and Twitter just blow my mind through confusion.

I once joined Facebook(under fake info, of course) for a total of 5 minutes to just try it out...I deleted it within that 5 minutes and never cared to go back lol. I just prefer forum-style sites for whatever reason.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Khayman81 on October 19, 2016, 12:40:44 AM
I use it less now, but there was a time when I was all day long there, playing with the online games there were, now I just look what other do, like their pictures or their updates, but i don't publish that much now. It bores me a bit. I prefer others like instagram.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: EnaRocketQueen on October 19, 2016, 01:19:35 AM
I use it for talking to friends, but haven't put anything on my page for a long time
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Griffin on October 19, 2016, 05:45:01 AM
I check it daily and share interesting articles and videos quite often but rarely post any status updates myself. I like the groups and I also use FB to keep in touch with friends and family. I love reading my friends' thoughts and updates, and sometimes I feel like I should also "give something back" instead of lurking, but writing about my life never came naturally to me even when limiting my updates to friends only. Discussion forums have always been my preferred way of online networking. :)

I have a Twitter account but I only use it for work-related stuff. I swore I'd never join Twitter but I had to give in and admit it's really handy for my work as a researcher. Following people is what we do! :P

I also still have my old LJ account but I have pretty much abandoned the place. Keeping a journal was never really my thing although I tried it as a teenager. I then tried to repurpose my LJ and use it to blog about my crafts projects but I had so many other sites I would post my art to (the Arena, DA, some other forums, my own MLP custom website, Facebook, etc.) so that I often just forgot to post any new journal entries. That said, these days I don't really have much time for said crafts projects anyway.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: SnorkMaiden on October 19, 2016, 07:26:02 AM
I really started using Facebook when I was first living in a flatshare and wanted to stay in touch with the people who moved out. Which is just as well because now, more than six years later, the people I used to live with are spread out across four continents! If it weren't for Facebook, I'd never know what they were up to these days, and that would be a shame. I think Facebook is great for that sort of low-level keeping in touch.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: SilverHorsey on October 19, 2016, 07:28:30 AM
Halp, I might be too addicted ^^; :work:
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Twilight Pink on October 19, 2016, 08:19:56 AM
I'm the most lamest youngster ever....I don't do any social media. Too much drama and it only leads to trouble :/ my life is filled with enough drama, I don't need it from any social media  :pout:
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: melodys_angel on October 19, 2016, 10:26:13 AM

I don't touch social media with a 10 foot pole.

Ive seen the results from my mom and sister.  I just want no part of it.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Harmonie on October 19, 2016, 12:28:26 PM
I use Facebook regularly, but don't really fit into any of those categories. I don't tend to actually talk to other people, as - pretty much in general - I let others decide if they want to talk to me, instead of bothering them, because I know from past experience that I'm annoying and I don't want to annoy people. =(

With that said, I like to at least see what other people are doing. I've been out of high school for coming up on ten years now. I'm in my third college, and recently quit a long time job. There are *a lot* of people I don't see anymore.

A fair number of them just post memes/images with sayings all of the time. Oh well.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: BethyVic on October 19, 2016, 12:38:42 PM
I use facebook almost daily.  I keep in touch with many extended family members and friends.  I also share a lot of pictures and memes and political stuff.  I have lost "friends" over some of my posts, but that doesn't bother me.  I mostly enjoy sharing pictures and seeing other people's photos. Sometimes I see things that kind of depress me, people doing things I wish I could be doing, but can't because of  my Lupus.  However the positives outweigh the negatives.  I enjoy reconnecting with old friends too. 
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: pinkkittywinks on October 19, 2016, 01:29:38 PM

I don't touch social media with a 10 foot pole.

Ive seen the results from my mom and sister.  I just want no part of it.

This!!! Too much drama :faint: I also know it would be a time sink and I don't want to get drawn into looking at other people's lives, when I should be getting on with my own.

I do have a Facebook page for my crafts and pony customs though ^.^

Love pkw xxx
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Kiwi on October 19, 2016, 05:26:18 PM
I check it regularly, but mostly just reading other posts/pics/etc. I share funny ones, more than I ever do actual status updates. I also manage a page for my Etsy store.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Ponytails on October 19, 2016, 07:19:58 PM
Special Education Teacher here. If I have a FB orr any other social site, I lose my job. So no, I do not use social networking. At all.

Also, my husband works in skip tracing. One of his best resources for locating people is social networking b/c NOTHING is safe, hidden, or protected online.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Ringlets on October 20, 2016, 05:32:15 AM
Yep :relaxed: I'm not addicted to it and I don't post loads of stuff about me on my *own* timeline thingy but I do like FB  and I use it to keep in touch with friends around the world (I only have 1 family member on there :P ) , news about friends and also about stuff I'm interested in (like Disney and  EAH etc) , and support groups for my health issue (I'm an admin on one of those) . I also admit to liking watching cute and funny kitty/animal videos on there when I have the time XD :whistle:
I avoid drama on there though. got no time for that :awake:
I have a twitter account or 2 but I think I've only posted about twice in years . I don't bother with other social media sites TBH
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: josiekat on October 20, 2016, 07:00:51 AM
I'm a facebook addict. I'll admit it. lol. I keep in touch with family, and am active in a number of groups for my various interests.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Beldarna on October 20, 2016, 07:48:25 AM
I didn't have facebook up until a year ago when I finally caved in. With all free time I have during the days I'm on there way too much. Not posting much, but reading the Dodo, which I could do on their website, but so much more fun finding the articles on fb apparently. :nuts:
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: dragonfly on October 20, 2016, 10:02:56 AM
I do. I'd love to quit but there are so many people on there I'd otherwise lose contact with.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Taffeta on October 20, 2016, 11:08:06 AM
Yes, but I have certain rules regarding it. I actually hate social media and the way it makes people feel the need to check it every ten seconds in case there's been a change. If you have time to record everything on FB you are probably not living your life enough, but narrating the story of it to everyone else instead...

But thanks to work and uni I have friends in a lot of distant places. Especially since I did my MA, as some of the people I used to live with and consider good friends are on the other side of the world now. I find it useful to keep in touch with people I know or knew in a previous point of my life and it is convenient for that.

Nobody gets on my facebook if I don't know them in real life. My sister and I also have an agreement that we don't have each other on our FB profiles. If we have stuff to say to each other, we arrange to meet up by email and talk face to face ;) My parents don't use it, so.

It has its purpose and it is fine for that purpose, but the way people obsess over it makes me want to pull away from it.

Some of my friends are also quite politically vocal or opinionated in particular issues and they use their FB for that purpose, which is fine, but I find it safer to tread neutral ground where I have friends on two sides of a particular debate (as I do frequently, as it's a common side effect of going to such a globally political university!)
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: hilamb on October 20, 2016, 09:31:33 PM
Yes. I keep up with my friends I dont see in the real life alot. :)
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: S.o.a.r. on October 21, 2016, 12:42:35 AM
I've had my FB account for over 10 years now and ever since Instagram, I've spent less and less time on there. I have it as my start page on Safari and I do a bit of lurking, liking a few photos and comments, but mostly go online to keep up with the Swedish My Little Pony group I'm a member of. Other than that, I mostly spend time on Instagram and here. ^.^
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: BethMcBeth on October 21, 2016, 04:32:33 PM
FB all the way, for friends and photos and art work. Also great for my horse clients too. :P
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: tikibirds on October 21, 2016, 06:20:29 PM
Thats how I stayed in contact with my family while I was in China.
I also have Wechat but I dont think its used outside of China. Its pretty useless for me as everything is in Chinese but its the only way to stay connected to my friends in China since facebook is actually blocked there, unless you pay for a vpn.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: PetSounds on October 21, 2016, 11:13:32 PM
Part of why I am back here more actively in the past two weeks is because of so much drama - real life drama, but drama that ends up on Facebook. I'm a "public figure" in the sense that I have all of the liabilities of being a public figure, aka, no privacy at all basically, and none of the benefits like the sweet, sweet cash flow yet. I have to be so careful. Almost all my social media is exclusively for my career and of the people who "friend" me, many of them are actually just loose "fans" (I use that word in a very loose sense) and they might come to see my work or shows but they don't know me *at all.* So I can't just get on there and post about MY ACTUAL LIFE. It is so weird.

A few years ago I got added to a  secret group full of amazing people. IT changed my life. I became really close friends w many of these people, most of them women,and they're all over the county and the world. IT was so great to get to know all these people and now I can keep in touch with them through FB. it's just such a different internet world than it used to be.

My first experience w the internet was w AOL and anonymous chat rooms. Of course, there were definitely some problems and some safely issues!!! but it wasn't like it is now. A friend who currently works for a newspaper is required to make all her social media public and she is not allowed to post any opinions about the current election or any other politics. None! She makes good money but it is a big ask to tell someone "hey, you can't share any of your thoughts on your own personal page" ... in my opinion.

I despise FB's code of "ethics," I hate that they experimented on users to see if they could make us feel happy or sad by showing us different things in our feed. I hate seeing ads all over my feed. But. I love staying in touch with people. I have some amazing friends... one of my friends is in the midwest and she makes puppets and cool little figurines, other friends are artists and dancers and I get to see photos from their shows... it is really interesting. However right now I'm going through a time in my career where I feel unsure, insecure, and generally very down on myself. and it is frustrating that even on the space I've carved out for myself... I can't really be myself.

Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Cadence on October 22, 2016, 01:05:04 AM
I used to be obsessed with FB, now I scroll through the first two posts on my newsfeed maybe once every 1-3 days unless someone messages me. It's still the easiest way to contact me, however. I'm more of an Instagram junkie!
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Lucky_Ladybug on October 23, 2016, 02:07:15 AM
I have a Facebook account, which I originally got just so I could follow some celebrities I liked. I used a fake name so I couldn't be found by people I'd rather not have contact with in my online life, but I do have a handful of online and offline friends of my choosing on my Friends list. I pretty much only use Facebook when it sends me a notification of an interesting post or when I need to post something to a group. Facebook usually irritates me and it takes up way too much memory on my old laptop. I prefer Livejournal, Tumblr, YouTube, and Blogger, but the former two are also memory hogs. (LJ, why don't you fix that stupid ad problem that you said months ago was a glitch.... UGH!)
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Wardah on October 23, 2016, 09:03:09 AM
I too used a name that was not my birth name back when you could use any name to sign up. I would sometimes complain on official toy brand pages and didn't want that tied to my real name if I was looking for a job. I didn't want potential employers to know I could be argumentative and collect toys. When I started college I ended up getting a second account with my real name since the clubs I was involved with would post updates and my friends all used the messenger to keep in touch. Unfortunately someone out there reported me for using a fake name so I lost my first account and since I lost most of my college friends and graduated I only really use the messenger to talk to my one real friend.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: SupernaturalSuperStarlet on October 25, 2016, 03:58:51 AM
Nope, don't have it, likely never will.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Rainbowrific Renia on October 25, 2016, 08:27:40 AM
I do. I originally got it back in 08 to keep in touch with high school classmates as we all moved on to college, but eventually I started using it for family, friends, etc. I have family all over and we have a family group on there to post pictures and updates that only we can see, it's nice. Also, my high school graduating class is organizing our reunion on there which is pretty nifty. It's nice to have everything in one place. Plus FB is one of the only ways I can buy my Lularoe leggings from consultants, and I'm obsessed with those things. :lol:

Also, I'll admit, that the trending feature has helped me stay "in the know" with current events and news. I usually look those things up myself, and I still do, but it's actually nice to have it on a sidebar on Facebook. I don't believe in staying ignorant to what's going on in the world, so say what you will, but Facebook introducing a feature to give you what's trending as far as news goes is very helpful. I don't see anything wrong with another outlet to give you news.

I do play some games on there, but only like...two. Just some time-wasters whenever I'm not busy at work.

Oh, and Facebook was a big help during my recent cruise. We were gone for 5 days, and with no cell phone service on the ship, it was nice to have wifi and Facebook to message people. It kept me from being too worried about being away.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: brightberry on October 25, 2016, 09:21:58 AM
I do, I check it out before bed time.  Mostly just to see pics of my friends and cute animal pictures.  I unfollow any drama.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: dashesndots on October 25, 2016, 09:38:53 AM
I've been on it since October 2004, so 12 years!  :blush:   I didn't even think it was that long, haha.  When I first joined it was still only for college students (some days I wish it was still only college students/alumni) :P

I use it to keep in touch with friends/family who I don't see often, mostly.  I do like looking at the funny things some people post.  Mostly what I post is photos of our dog, LOL. 

Oh, and I have a facebook page for my art! So that works out well :)
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: h1m3. on October 26, 2016, 10:53:43 AM
I have been since 2009 with pressure of other friends (in high school) :P Nowdays I hardly ever post there just checking and stalking (LOL) friends and family. I use instagram (late in thatboom too. Created it last year) sometimes I share insta pic in FB but I am not really regular user with that either. Not gonna use snap chat Idon't get the idea. Twitter in Finland is really minor thing. I guess that is the social media I use :P
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: UrocyonFox on October 26, 2016, 03:44:30 PM
I made one back in 2003 back when it was college kid access only!

I remember what a pain it was where you had to have a legit college approved email and network stuff it was kind of neat then. Then they opened it to the public and I did not care for it. I had an ex that would stalk me via friends. I never added them but my friends did so they would look through other people's pages that had me tagged in images and then figure out where we were in pictures and go to those places and wait for me.

Like each christmas I would meet up with some girl scout pals at a mexican restaraunt back in our home town and someone would snap a picture and post it to facebook. My ex caught on and started going to that mexican restaurant around christmas looking for me.

Or my ex would ID my vehicle from my friends pictures and try to find me that way too, or show up to my work ect. It was all very unnerving and since they were not a 'friend' of mine there was nothing I could do. Many of you that have met me at pony fairs, meets, shows, ect know that I'm usually really nervous about pictures and that would be why. I deleted my facebook in 2008 (which as ringwraith said it damn near impossible!!) and never looked back. I still get nervous about pictures that go up on facebook but since I don't have one that people can 'tag' images of me in i'm just another face.

It is nice not having one as I am super reclusive and don't care to talk to almost anyone from my past, I do get bummed when i hear about sales and giveaways and such that happen via facebook that I'm not a part of but eh!
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Moonbreeze on October 27, 2016, 07:55:25 AM
Yep ^^ Although I don't post really much
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: ashes on October 29, 2016, 01:46:33 PM
Yes, I do FB and IG as my main social networking sites.  I have lots of friends in various locations, so it's a great way to keep in contact!  My family isn't big into social media, so I still need to call them.  But that's nice too.

I don't like Twitter, and Snapchat feels awkward, so I don't use those.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Loona on October 31, 2016, 11:48:54 AM
no I don't. I never had an account, and for a long time I did not want to either. recently I sometimes play with the thought of registering, but I never get there, probably because most of the pages I frequent there (of musicians and small restaurants, the latter for the weekly menu :) ) can also be accessed without logging in.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Miniature Sheep on October 31, 2016, 01:51:52 PM
I used to use Facebook but it just felt like a drain on my wellbeing (too much "If you don't put this on your timeline you are a monster" type nonsense), so I deleted my account. Instagram is a lot of fun, though. :)
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: MorningGlorysParadise82 on November 05, 2016, 10:03:43 PM
Since getting my tablet my computer time is less so Facebook has been a go to for my hobbies.I have several groups I'm in for MLP and the like. I miss the Arena but it is easier to use Tapatalk than the Internet browser on my tablet. I also use Instagram for sharing my collecting joys...
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: BryteStar on November 10, 2016, 03:16:41 PM
I do NOT like facebook...I think it's very hard to use and not user friendly, plus it's just a bunch of recycled content from other sites like tumblr and that annoys the heck out of me.
But I referee for my campus Quidditch team...and the team chat is on Facebook.  :yucky: So I have to check it fairly regularly to make sure I know what's goin' on.
Title: Re: Do you Facebook?
Post by: Annie on November 11, 2016, 04:57:58 AM
After years of nagging from friends and family I finally gave up and signed up for a Facebook account.
I try to check in daily but all buttons and stuff still confuses me :blink:
It feels like I mostly use it to giggle at cute videos :blush:
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