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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: dragonfly on October 17, 2016, 10:33:33 AM

Title: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: dragonfly on October 17, 2016, 10:33:33 AM
It all started shortly after she moved in, when  my vintage Rafiki figurine went missing. I found him tucked away in her Fortress of Doom. I took him out and put him away. He reappeared in the Fortress of Doom shortly thereafter, along with my husband's Yoda figurine.

Then came the pair of earrings, both neatly tucked in the carpet of her kitty house. Then the USB drive, which she just keeps in there because I guess you never know when a kitty will find one handy.

Last week she stole a pair of earrings from the kitchen island and tucked it into a blanket. I took them back and she stole one of them AGAIN and I haven't seen it since.

Last night I discovered she has taken yet another earring off to Kitty Fort Knox, which is in a super secret location and I have  no idea where it is.

Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: melodys_angel on October 17, 2016, 10:49:15 AM
She has good taste?

Maybe look into a kittyproof container for things that cant be claimed by said kitty
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: Khayman81 on October 17, 2016, 11:26:32 AM
Cat are like that, you never know what misterious power they will have, and even if you know, one day they just become somecat else. I have the peeping cat, he likes watching everyone in the wc, cats, dogs or even humans... the everstillhungry cat he eats all time long. And the cat princess, she has to have everything she wants. But kleptomaniac cat, never heard about it, hahaha
You must have a lot of fun with your hybrid cat/fairy hehehe
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: SpaceButtPonies on October 17, 2016, 11:27:23 AM
Lol it must be annoying but thats adorable XD
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: Duenia on October 17, 2016, 11:45:41 AM
My younger sibling's cat is like that. She used to paw open my jewelry box. Take out a necklace and then it would never be seen again or it would be found on the living room floor. She took stuffed animals too. Where ever her Kitty Fort Knox was, it was directly accessible by my mother's dogs who would go after whatever she put in there. She would take my sibling's stuff too, and my mother's underwear from the hamper. She used to get stuck in my siblings room at night. The door would get locked while she was still in there. We put a litterbox in there and stopped rescuing her. It lasted about 2 months but she stopped her thievery after her stay in kitty prison.
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: pinkkittywinks on October 17, 2016, 12:39:28 PM
Hehe I once heard about a kitty that used to steal washing of people's washing lines and take it home!

One of my previous cats used to steal teaspoons. We never found them though, even after he died, they never turned up.

Love pkw xxx
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: tulagirl on October 17, 2016, 12:54:03 PM
I feel your pain.  My cat Vinny has been stealing my ponies for a while. It got so bad that he started damaging them. I have had to put everything up and he has his own toy box which he loves.  He still loves all of my stuff even my dolls.  So, at some point I gave up.  I just try to catch him in the act when I can.  Keep an eye on that little thiefster.
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: theamazingfetus on October 17, 2016, 01:55:31 PM
I have a cat like that, he's a thief for all things shiny!

Maybe a metal detector will help?
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: Kiwi on October 17, 2016, 05:47:07 PM
LOL! A bunny friend has/had a klepto kitty (apparently he has reformed his ways). It was all outside excursions.

- a dirty car wash sponge (she joked that he couldn't bring her a clean one)
- a clean car wash sponge (within days of the previous)
- a glove
- random other things
- the matching glove (a few weeks later)
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: ghouldilocks on October 18, 2016, 06:59:25 AM
I've heard of cats doing this before, but luckily none of mine have been like this (so far). Does she have a lot of toys of her own? Do you play with her a lot already?
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: Griffin on October 18, 2016, 08:31:02 AM
Aww, bad kitty! Mine like to play with jewellery like necklaces, but they never steal them. The Rafiki and Yoda figurines and the USB drive are something else though, how cute! XD
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: lunar_scythe on October 19, 2016, 06:58:21 PM
I've had TWO theives over the years, Lil Pat used to steal from the neighborhood laundry baskets, and bring home socks, gloves, towels, whatever else.  We used to have a 'lost and found' box on our fence, haha!
Lunar was a much more picky theif, she only wanted flat things that were in crinkly cellophane wrappers; YuGiOh and sports cards,things like that...including the decals from my dads model kits!!!

If you can, when you are home and can keep an eye on her, set out something shiny and jingley you can hear to follow her to her stash?
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: Duenia on October 19, 2016, 07:13:56 PM
If you can, when you are home and can keep an eye on her, set out something shiny and jingley you can hear to follow her to her stash?

Collar with a bell?
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: Honeycomb on October 19, 2016, 11:00:57 PM
Reading this just made me giggle! :)

My parents' cats don't do that. Not that I know of anyway.
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on October 20, 2016, 07:41:57 AM
My mom had a cat who would steal socks, and leave them around the house.
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: dragonfly on October 20, 2016, 10:01:44 AM
she has billions of her own toys! She just likes other stuff better  :biggrin: and yes, daily play time and/or kitty walks. I am amused, but I want my earrings! lol
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: Duenia on October 20, 2016, 11:08:39 AM
she has billions of her own toys! She just likes other stuff better  :biggrin: and yes, daily play time and/or kitty walks. I am amused, but I want my earrings! lol

What fun is something if she's SUPPOSED to play with it?  :lol:
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: Galactica on October 20, 2016, 11:41:15 AM
We have a cat who steals little plastic figures, and chapsticks.  We usually find everything under the sofa, eventually....

It could be worse though.  My sister's cat catches bugs (the bigger and grosser the better) and hides THOSE under the rug. A much nastier surprise finding a half-squished bug than finding your earrings...
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: Mkia on October 20, 2016, 12:33:18 PM
That's hilarious! :D

My cats don't tend to steal anything. They will take wrappers and play with them though. I think they like the crinkle sound lol. They'll also catch bugs which I think is a good trait haha. Keeps our house bug free :P
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: kestral_kitsune on October 20, 2016, 05:12:38 PM
I have one cat that steals hair ties. and I have one that steals bras and socks like.. goes into the dresser to get the clean ones.
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on October 20, 2016, 05:35:21 PM
My cat steals attention but that's about it. 
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: Ringlets on October 21, 2016, 04:44:36 AM
:lmao:  :lmao:  :lmao:
mine have loads of toys but they still go on stealing sprees sometimes. I was quick enough to spot one of my girls running off with a bra and a bikini top this summer! (mine, and clean!). Thankfully they are house cats and I know where they stash stuff so if anything vanishes I can find it pretty quick :P
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: ghouldilocks on October 21, 2016, 07:14:29 AM
she has billions of her own toys! She just likes other stuff better  :biggrin: and yes, daily play time and/or kitty walks. I am amused, but I want my earrings! lol

lol! Mine have loads of toys, too, but they've hunted geckos a couple of times.  :( One of them also digs q-tips out of the bathroom trash, lol.  So I guess they just enjoy getting up to kitty mischief sometimes, regardless  :lol:
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: Einhornbaby on October 22, 2016, 02:39:40 PM
Lol, I exactly know what youre talking about :P we have a kleptomatic kitty too, its our youngest! His name is Willy, he grew up with ferrets and inherited a looooot of their way of life (i.e. eating from his "hands" instead of just gulping down the food lol and so on). He keeps stealing stuff too; ds games, socks, all kind of toys, anything small and what he is able to carry basically. He once had a secret stash behind our sofa but since we got rid of it and bought armchairs instead he must be hiding stuff somewhere else... dint find the stash yet though :P
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: rybett on October 22, 2016, 06:31:56 PM
Lily Blossom takes socks, doll clothing, hair ties.  Plays by herself and then puts them in the water dish.  Or plays fetch as long someone will throw them.
Parents had one that would take Dad's used toe pads to play with.  What is it with cats and feet?
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: Sweet_Stuff on October 22, 2016, 06:42:41 PM
My feline will just find small things (ties, hair clips/bands) and play with them for a while and leave them until next 'play time.' haha.. Fortunately she doesn't play the 'steal and hide' game! ^.^
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: Einhornbaby on October 23, 2016, 01:43:00 AM
Hair ties but be a thing! Our female steals them too but she does not hide them anywhere, shes just playing with it :P
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: EnaRocketQueen on October 23, 2016, 05:08:32 AM
When I was little, my gran's cat brought a pair of gloves into the house. No idea where he got them from!
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: Thimble on October 31, 2016, 03:46:49 PM
:biggrin: I have a hard enough time keeping track of things as it is, I can't imagine having that kind of 'help', LOL.

Our cat is a hair tie thief too. We tried wrapping them around the handles of the brushes--and now he steals those too!
He's not as bad as the old cat, though. She would raid the laundry for dirty underwear and then drag them to the living room and hide them in the sofa  cushions and pillows. ....Sooo many awkward questions.:lookround:

Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: rybett on November 07, 2016, 08:47:58 AM
Just remembered that years ago one walked by with a baby pacifier in her mouth.  Same one would seek out ruby's right ear lobe to suckle.  Gave him a hicky there once...
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: tikibirds on November 11, 2016, 07:43:06 PM
My sisters cat has been stealing my bling bag ponies while I was away and Mr Bubbles has a sock city under my bed.
Title: Re: my cat is a kleptomaniac
Post by: northstar3184 on November 11, 2016, 07:49:45 PM
We had one who was a klepto. He had a stash of pen caps and assorted items in the crawlspace under our dining room. 10+ years ago he took the rubber stopper from our sink. We never saw it again....

Now we have a cat who likes to play fetch. His favorite toys are these vinyl bracelets that used to belong to my niece. He'll carry one in his mouth, set it at my feet, and rub against me and meow until I throw it.
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