The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Khayman81 on October 13, 2016, 03:39:49 AM

Title: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Khayman81 on October 13, 2016, 03:39:49 AM
Hi! I haven't seen this topic, so I try this on.
What do you do with your ponies once you got them.
Do you store them?
Do you place them in motion?
Do you play with them?
Do you resell them?

I am just curious since my therapist asked me what I did with them.
I like taking care of them, brushing them, cleaning them and putting them in poses together as if they were doing something.
What about you?
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Taxel on October 13, 2016, 03:52:24 AM
I clean them up, style their hair, put them in my display cabinets, and then pull them out to photograph from time to time. I collect toys for their cuteness and modelling ability :)
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: EnaRocketQueen on October 13, 2016, 04:33:10 AM
I display them, style their hair and play with them occasionally
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Goanna on October 13, 2016, 05:07:55 AM
I like keeping them on my desk, in view so I can admire them. Sometimes I draw them, or just pick them up and hold them or brush their hair :3
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Tracks on October 13, 2016, 05:44:08 AM
I tend to just display mine.

Sometimes I get them down, brush their hair and reorganize them
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: SkyCakes on October 13, 2016, 05:44:50 AM
I have to store them. Someday they will be out again. I can only hope. I got out my dream castle recently. I let my daughter play with the playsets every once in awhile on a special occasion. She plays very nicely with things.
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Shaiyeh on October 13, 2016, 06:32:16 AM
I style their hair and put them on display. sometimes I blog about them/photograph them and reorganize my shelves.
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Einhornbaby on October 13, 2016, 06:41:17 AM
I display them, sometimes I reorganize them, I style their hair, set up scenes... I dont play with them like I did as a kid though.
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: poshmonsters on October 13, 2016, 06:44:27 AM
I like to style them, play with them and display them. Sometimes I'll switch it up and move some ponies forward so they can be up front because I have very little space for them currently.
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on October 13, 2016, 06:54:11 AM
I brush and clean them, if my daughter asks I'll play. I take pics and write captions for fun and of course I display them. Makes me happy.
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Khayman81 on October 13, 2016, 08:35:00 AM
So I see I'm not that weird. Sometimes I think of playing with them, I think of stories they may be in, but it remains that way, I like changing the place they are or with what ponies they are so they can play with each other when I'm not around :-). I try to make their home a nice one.
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: S.o.a.r. on October 13, 2016, 10:00:07 AM
Do you store them? In a manner of speaking; I keep everything MLP related at my parents' house in my old room, in my old closet that's slowly running out of space...

Do you place them in motion? Nope, I'm kind of boring that way; I keep them standing in a row organized by sets and/or poses.

Do you play with them? No, but my niece always wants to play with them whenever she visits. Since she's still so little, I only allow her to play with 4-5 selected ponies that are not rare or super special. Luckily she's very careful playing with them and she's totally in love with baby unicorns.

Do you resell them? Yeah, I've sold off quite a few over this past year. Mostly duplicates but also some ponies I've just never liked and that was included in a pony lot but never on my wish list.
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: cannibalism on October 13, 2016, 01:16:03 PM
i like putting them on my shelf and setting them up like, with their friends? or make up little families for them, that sort of thing. For instance, one of my fakies and my bunches-o-fun are girlfriends, and my genie is the "wise grandmother" pony. Tabby is a mother figure to them, and miniglory is a little kid. I like setting them up on my shelf and waiting a few days, and maybe moving them around a little bit.

I also just like looking at them. I recently had TOO MANY blind bags to fit on my shelf, so i had to put them away in a box and it broke my heart. I had to leave my favorites out because i just couldn't put them away to hide.

I don't play with them necessarily, but i definitely write little stories in my head for them. I also just like having them, it makes me feel more complete to have a big collection.
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: mopthebunny on October 13, 2016, 01:19:22 PM
I style their hair very, very carefully, and put them in my display cabinet (which has very quickly run out of space! XD ).
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: BethyVic on October 17, 2016, 07:46:30 PM
I display them mainly.  I don't usually play with them, unless you count styling their hair.  I am haven't sold any for a few years. I told myself I wouldn't sell any G1's unless they were doubles. I used to buy and sell and I regret selling some of the G1's. 
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Shy Violet on October 17, 2016, 11:45:27 PM
Most of mine are in storage but my newer additions are on display in my office. I like to clean them, style them, sometimes take photos. Most of the are displayed lined up because I don't have much space but a few of them are set up in little scenes. I keep a few in the living room on the coffee table so I can look at them throughout the day. They make me happy.  :) I used to play ponies with my daughter but she's growing out of them. I don't play with them by myself but I do like setting them up and making families and stuff.
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Shaz on October 18, 2016, 01:28:32 AM
Cleaning and restoring them. Displaying and admiring them (I get an instant mood boost from walking into my cupboard and seeing all their cute little faces). Sometimes I take photos of them (but just at the moment most of my photos are of Monster High). Making up little stories in my head about who's friends with who, and what they might get up to when I'm not around. Oh, and I do sometimes talk to them, e.g. "Hello, girls! How's my girls today? Oh, Moondancer, you've fallen over! Up you get!"

To my mind, ponies bring fun and happiness into life - and we all need fun and happiness - however "silly" or "weird" or generally incomprehensible it might seem to other people.
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Griffin on October 18, 2016, 08:40:37 AM
Well mostly they just... are. I clean and sometimes style those that arrive and then display them. Other than that, I don't really do much except for occasional dusting. I may rearrange them when dusting but don't always do that either. I haven't bought any new ones in ages because I don't currently have room for more. But I love taking a look at the shelves whenever I walk by so it's not like I don't enjoy them even if I'm not actively collecting at the moment. Oh, and of course... I smell them. :lookround: It's probably toxic but there are few things that smell better than ponies. :heart:   
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Khayman81 on October 18, 2016, 09:22:27 AM
Sometimes I even like doing this with my ponies :biggrin:
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Post Merge: October 18, 2016, 09:24:33 AM

Oh, and of course... I smell them. :lookround: It's probably toxic but there are few things that smell better than ponies. :heart:
I like smelling them too, and I don't care if it is toxic. It can't be worse than everything else out there :-)
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Henpatch on October 18, 2016, 03:55:26 PM
When I first got ponies I cleaned them and retored them.
Some of the not-so-good I gave to the grandchildren to play with.
I had them displayed in a lovely big glass fronted cupboard for ages, then we moved house so now they are in storage.
NOW I am trying to sell them but it is hard to choose who should go! I hate breaking up sets, and some of them are just lovely and I am finding it hard to part with them!
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on October 18, 2016, 07:03:29 PM
I do lots of things. I mainly clean and style them when I first get them and display them. I like to take photos and share them, and draw pictures. I like to take them out sometimes and rotate my displays , I have to store a lot. I wish i had more time for them :)
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Sukey on October 18, 2016, 08:23:32 PM
I buy them, clean them and restore them to the best of my ability(I think this is my favorite part). Then I display them and look at them.  Eventually I will clean them again when they get dusty.  I will sell off extras that I don't want or if I have doubles.
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Cadence on October 22, 2016, 12:04:08 AM
Most sit in storage, but I have a few on display. I'll pick them up and fix their hair once every few months. Styling their hair is fun when I'm bored though, and I know it's a great stress relief for many.
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Tzan19 on October 22, 2016, 01:54:18 AM
I was having this discussion with my other half just the other day.

I like cleaning, restoring and displaying mine re arranging them from time to time.

 They mostly just sit there looking nice waiting for me to look at them. 

Although I do display them they are in my bedroom and I am very private about my collecting, very few people in my life know about it, I think because I am worried that most people just wouldn't understand and I had asked my husband how weird he thought it was.

We eventually came up with this.  Firstly it doesn't matter how weird anyone else thinks it is as long as it makes you happy.(you're not hurting anyone right?).  Secondly ponies or no ponies lots of people collect lots of different things (I saw a guy on the tv the other day who collected bricks, not judging just saying it's different!). 

Also just for your information from what I have read the psychology behind collecting anything (apart from it being enjoyable) is supposededly to do with us attempting to create a sense of security and order in our lives. Perhaps this is why your therapist was asking you about your ponies, maybe they weren't actually judging the ponies themselves if that makes sense  :)
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: cannibalism on October 22, 2016, 02:24:46 AM
Most sit in storage, but I have a few on display. I'll pick them up and fix their hair once every few months. Styling their hair is fun when I'm bored though, and I know it's a great stress relief for many.

i agree! sometimes when i get anxious or overly bored and jittery, i just walk over to my pony shelf and take everyone down and give them a good brushing. it can be quite relaxing. and once i get my reroot tool back, ill really have something to edge my stress! I could sit for hours and rehair ponies.
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Khayman81 on October 22, 2016, 02:40:28 AM
Most sit in storage, but I have a few on display. I'll pick them up and fix their hair once every few months. Styling their hair is fun when I'm bored though, and I know it's a great stress relief for many.

i agree! sometimes when i get anxious or overly bored and jittery, i just walk over to my pony shelf and take everyone down and give them a good brushing. it can be quite relaxing. and once i get my reroot tool back, ill really have something to edge my stress! I could sit for hours and rehair ponies.
Exactly! I will rehair them while watching series on tv.
I like more and more taking them for a ride in my car or just leave one in my bag for all day long with me :-)
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: cannibalism on October 22, 2016, 02:41:46 AM
i've honestly thought about doing that...i feel so bad for some of my girls, leaving them all couped up all day. i want to bring my genie out and about!! maybe i will take her in my bag when i go out walking this weekend.
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Khayman81 on October 22, 2016, 03:25:18 AM
i've honestly thought about doing that...i feel so bad for some of my girls, leaving them all couped up all day. i want to bring my genie out and about!! maybe i will take her in my bag when i go out walking this weekend.
At first it feels weird, but then I just thought I don't care, and it feels like having company all day long.
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: MangleCrafter on October 22, 2016, 04:17:40 AM
Like to style their hair <3 Also display them but i cannot stop touching their hair! They are too cute  :P
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: cyberunicorn on October 22, 2016, 11:54:36 AM
They get cleaned up, i had some on display but the bulk have just come out of storage and are living on the attic floor to go threw the spa and back on display once i free their new shelves up
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Sweet_Stuff on October 22, 2016, 12:41:29 PM
I buy, sell and trade ponies. Most in my collection are from my childhood, although I think now the nonchildhood pony count is slowly getting close to outnumber the childhood ponies!

They on are display in my bedroom, with a few on display on my home computer desk. I give them spa days and for the ones who need a little more help that what I can give them, I ship them to my pony restorer friend who works on them for me. I talk to them sometimes and play with the babies over in the nursery (rearrange them, brush their hair).

A few people in RL know about my pony collecting..everyone knows on Facebook (if they pay attention LOL), since I display pics every now and then..but for the most part, I don't really share much. I tell whoever I'm dating about them (only if they ask.. it eventually comes up when we discuss hobbies and such), usually they are fine with it and think it's cool or neat.. ironically my ex bfs actually thought it was 'weird' and 'crazy.' And that's why they are idiots and I don't talk to them anymore anyway.  :lol: :P
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Epona on October 26, 2016, 08:14:44 PM
I clean them, style them, trade doubles and play with them with my daughter.
New arrivals go on display for awhile. My favorites are always on display. I change the displays as new ponies come in, or when a set outgrows its shelf. Most are displayed lined up but my blind bag sets are set up in little scenes.
Most of my ponies are in storage in totes under the bed or in a large wardrobe as I have limited space for display.

Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Tulips on October 26, 2016, 08:35:50 PM
Second hand ponies I clean, style and display upon arrival. Sometimes it will take me hours to reorganise the display shelf to fit the new pony in nicely, and sometimes I've already cleared a spot in anticipation. My general display shelves are set up aesthetically without strict rules of sets or poses. My army shelf & MIB shelves are more organised.

New ponies are styled and displayed in a similar fashion. Until recently I had an entire bedroom to display in, but I've moved in with my boyfriend and have had to leave my collection behind at my parents' house. For the time being all my ponies are wrapped and stored in dresser drawers, but some day I'll have proper shelving to display on again. :P

I don't really play with my ponies. I never had MLP as a child so I don't experience any nostalgic joy from playing with them now.
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Tiara546 on October 29, 2016, 07:29:56 PM
I buy and sell or trade them, clean those which come right out of attics and such, fix their hair if it is frizzy, style them, compare with those who are already there and sort out duplicates again. It happens that after having helped a pony back to her former beauty to the best of my ability and she turned out really well, I talk to her and tell her how beautiful she is. Or I tell very poor ponies who I'm going to help that help is on their way. I also love to give them high quality repro ribbons in their original colour to complete their colour scheme again. Generally also trying to complete them with their original accessories.
After sorting them out, only very special ponies get displayed and only until I have seen them long enough. Most of the time, after a longer drying period, they go into individual plastic zip bags together with a desiccant bag or two and get stored away by series and/or origin in cardboard boxes. I seem to be acting like an archivar, feeling like I am their keeper and take the job quite seriously.

In order to display them apart from one or two ponies on an exposed spot here and there, I had created a virtual pony shelf on my homepage so that I could look at them whenever I wanted without them taking up space while being displayed. That solution really suits me, but I have to update that photo area as it's around the double amount of ponies in the meantime, I have a better photo cam and everything... will definitely update those virtual shelves once my life gets a little more settled again.
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Cough Sirup on October 29, 2016, 09:18:33 PM
At the moment I am preoccupied with cleaning up and restoring my herd since I didn't have time to get around to a lot of them since I got them. I store them all on a shelf, and I like to sit with them and brush them.
Title: Re: What do you do with your ponies?
Post by: Pheasant on October 29, 2016, 09:47:00 PM
The only thing I really do is occasionally take some out for photo shoots. Most of them are kept in storage, but a small handful of them decorate my room. G1 Stardazzle is used to store small jewelry, such as earrings.
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