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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: TornadoTwist on May 16, 2016, 06:43:36 AM

Title: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: TornadoTwist on May 16, 2016, 06:43:36 AM
For me this doesnt belong in WYP because It's not something Im scared of. I need to have my Wisdom Teeth removed soon because I can't brush them well enough (hard to reach) and they dont want me to get any infections so just In case I need to get them removed. It will by my first surgery (and visit to the hospital) in my whole life. Does anyone want to share their experience to see what I can expect? I also want to mention that I will get local anaesthesia (injections) instead of Gas. Just curious what I can expect. Same with the pain as well. I need to visit two times so two will be removed each time. Which ones are the best to get removed first?

Thank you. :)
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: melodys_angel on May 16, 2016, 09:04:15 AM
I ended up getting some weird dreams while being put under, but its like only minutes have passed since you closed your eyes.

Expect the first week to be murder.  My face was soo swollen it turned angular and the first day not even T3s worked.

It gets better as time goes on :)
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: Leave a Whisper on May 16, 2016, 09:55:10 AM
Never fun. I've had one wisdom tooth pulled out and was miserable, it won't last long though and the procedure is fairly quick. Nothing to worry about. :hug:
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: Skeen on May 16, 2016, 11:08:15 AM
I had my lowers done in high school and my uppers a few years ago.  I didn't go to a hospital, it was just in the dental surgeon's office.  I had an IV both times, which is about the last thing I remember about each procedure.  I woke up both times thinking he hadn't started yet but he was finished!  In high school I was up playing a softball tournament the next day, but the upper ones later took much longer to heal, probably because I refused steroids after.  If I had taken them I know I'd have been fine sooner but I gain a lot of weight on them and I don't sleep, so they weren't for me!  But both times I felt fine after and did alright on soft foods. 
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: Rainbowrific Renia on May 16, 2016, 11:20:59 AM
I had all 4 of mine removed at once back in high school, so I can't really answer the question of which are the best to go first. Mine were growing in sideways, so it was pretty imperative to get them all out together.

I was put under, so I felt zero pain. Even after waking up, I remember being drowsy and mumbling about some nonsense, but no pain. It was a great experience, all things considered. :)

I ate lots of jello and pudding the day of and day after, but I was bad and had pizza on the third day. :P If my marching band director hadn't known about the surgery, I'm sure I would've tried playing my saxophone too. I guess I was a bit of a rebel, lol But yeah, you should be fine!
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: Kitkumi on May 16, 2016, 11:23:23 AM
I had all four of mine removed at once, and for me it wasn't too bad. I was given half a valium the night before the surgery, and another half the morning of (I have a terrible stress problem lol). They put me under via IV/Injection and the removal went smoothly. I slept a LOT afterwards, as in the entire day. I was given some high strength pain medication to take if I needed it, but even having all four removed at once I only needed a few advil the first day, and after that I was fine. Pain varies from person to person though (my fiance also had all four of his taken out at once and managed with only advil as well). My annoyance was with not being able to open my mouth all the way lol. I think the swelling lasted about a week on me, and I was up and moving around only a few days later.

Warm salt water rinses twice a day really helped me too, just don't swish too hard, if at all (I would just tilt my head back and forth). Also, my dentist warned me to not use straws for a week or so, since the suction of using one can cause issues. Dry socket is the main thing you need to watch out for. I didn't get it, because I was super careful, but I was told that it can cause some major discomfort.

My pro tip though? Don't sit around right after and binge watch the food network XD Really, it isn't worth the torment! lol

Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: shelvesofwhimsy on May 16, 2016, 11:46:12 AM
If possible I would get them all out at once.
I would also highly recommend getting knocked out. I know I HATE the dentist so I did not want to be awake for them taking out my teeth.
I went in, and when I woke up was pretty groggy. My dad drove her home and we actually stopped at the pharmacy I worked at to get my Percocet, he made me go in. I was not in the best mood XD

At home I took a nap, I hated the Percocet so I only took it once. Then it was just Tylenol or ibuprofen, a lot of liquids and relaxing at home. My face did swell a lot, and I did get food stuck in my wisdom "holes".
But all in all it really wasn't that bad, I got lucky.
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: Breyer600 on May 16, 2016, 03:00:00 PM
I had all four of mine done at once in the oral surgeon's office (no hospital).  They put me in what they called a twilight sleep (used an IV).  So, I was semi-conscious and could follow instructions to open and close my mouth, but other than being able to tell that they were working in my mouth, I didn't feel a thing.  They gave me Vicoden afterwards, but I only took half of the prescribed dose that first day then switched to over-the-counter stuff the next day.  Really, the only pain I had was a very minor ache on one side that completely vanished the instant they cut the thread to remove the stitches on that side when I went for the follow-up (in other words, that stitch was too tight).   I recall doing the rinses and keeping the holes cleaned out, plus needing to avoid certain foods for a week or two.  I don't recall having any swelling or at least none that was noticeable. 
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: Princess Lala on May 16, 2016, 04:50:53 PM
*chimes in* I recently had mine removed a few years ago! Please note that I have no parents so I had to pay everything myself. I didnt have enough moolah so i opened a Discover card account just for the event which is already paid off! Because of that I have a higher credit score!  :biggrin: :cool: Management let me take off a whole week of work even though I requested 2 days. I was put under with anesthesia injections into the IV.  I had ALL 3  removed at once. I will NEVER develop/grow a fourth and the ones I did have were half the size of a normal wisdom tooth (he showed me a plastic model tooth compared to mine) I was told as a kid I would have only 3 total my entire lifetime. I got lucky because it saved me $$! There is a high chance any offspring I have will also have less than 4 or none at all. A lot of people in my family only have/had a few, or none at all. My husband doesnt have any either! Kinda lucky I guess?

It really wasn't bad in fact I wish I could do it over again minus the charge for the anesthesiologst. I only developed 3 wizzies and they were very very tiny, all impacted but no pain. I did start to feel them "bud" inside my gums, like start to push out, I had some free xrays done at an oral surgeon and confirmed there were my wisdom teeth. I got them taken out asap because I didn't want to experience any pain.  I didn't have any co-pay since my insurance (basic Aetna plan) covered it but I requested to be put under because of my anxiety. I paid $700 for an hour of being put under, but I wasn't even out an hour- about half an hour. I just showed up in my jammies, they put on classical music and let me take a nap after putting on a pulse monitor on my finger. I didn't even wake up feeling the IV put in, but I was told I was totally zonked out drooling s soon as it went in and the anesthesia was put in. I woke up in NO pain and everything looked funny- kaleidoscope vision! I was Px'd vicodin and a special mouth rinse for 2 weeks. I healed VERY fast, like I was eating normal foods after day three and I could then open my mouth all the way after. The first 3 days i mostly slept and got up to change out the gauze pads and to eat/rinse. I was high the whole tine off hydrocodine! I never got dry socket or anything because I healed that quick. I ate a lot of mashed potatoes, bread,  and chicken broth that week xD The rements of anesthesia lasted days in my body since I'm so teeny tiny and it was really fun LOL. I was in no pain what-so-ever before or after! I'm very thankful I only have/had 3 develop and the oral surgeon said my teeth were some of the smallest wisdom teeth he has ever seen xD My husband was even more of a servant than he sometimes was and he bought me get well gifts which was nice!  :blush:

Nothing to worry about though, dear! In fact I hope you like being treated like royalty when you are healing and I hope you will encounter no pain like me!
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: mlp4me on May 16, 2016, 05:16:54 PM
After 4 years of pain from braces my mouth had no room for wisdom teeth. I had a great sophomore spring break while in High School. IV sedation, like others have said; it was nothing, absolutely nothing while the procedure was done (I didn't know if I was dead or alive). I'm not a fan of being loopy, but I was for a bit after it. Highly recommend if they're going to give you pain meds to get them as a liquid. Big pills no go down after that. I had chipmunk cheeks plus a good week of being sore.
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: LNS on May 16, 2016, 06:12:26 PM
Like others I had all four of mine out at once in the oral surgeon's office. I too was knocked out for it. Not sure if I had some kind of a reaction to it or if they used too much for me as I was very out of it for an entire day after, slept mostly and was very groggy. Was sick the first 12 hours. Literally every hour I threw up for those first 12 hours after having my wisdom teeth removed. Really awful for me. Made it hard to keep gauze in my mouth the first couple of hours after.

Didn't take anything for the first two days after the surgery as I could feel nothing. So thought you know "all is fine" after being so sick that I wasn't going to be bothered. When the anesthesia finally did wear completely off very much got hit with pain and needed to get my prescription filled at that point. Hadn't earlier as nothing was bothering me as my mouth was completely numb for two days. o.O I was eating whatever the day after though without a problem. Didn't do the whole soft food thing, probably should have but since I wasn't in pain right away didn't see any harm.

Honestly once things wore off and my cheeks no longer resembled a chipmunk's stuffed full I was doing really well. :) After 2 days of nothing, having a day where I was miserable and in pain wasn't too terrible. Did take the pain killers after that for a couple of days, which took a few hours to kick in but once they did I was very much fine.
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: chaosprincess on May 16, 2016, 06:28:07 PM
I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth surgically removed all 4 had to be cut out at first I was nervous, but its not that bad at all, all 4 were out within an hour I got the shot in my mouth the worst part to me was getting the needle twice to the roof of my mouth other then that I was so numbed up that I did not feel a thing I suppose it depends on who will be doing the procedure I had a good dentist who was quick and once the Novocaine wore off I was in pain, but I just slept it off then I was fine I took medicine to prevent infections and I was instructed to eat luke warm food, but that was not bad at all so overall getting your wisdom teeth removed is not bad at all. 
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: Ribbs on May 16, 2016, 07:30:43 PM
I just had my first wisdom removed last month! The procedure was easy, fast, and relatively painless. The extraction itself just felt like a squeeze and a crunch. (I chose a local anesthetic) Healing was fine, eat soft foods and keep it clean, avoid smoking and straws and you'll be fine. I barely even needed the vicodin they prescribed. Best of luck!
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: princessluna11706 on May 17, 2016, 03:00:35 AM
I only ever had the bottom two, the top two never developed.  Both were impacted (sideways under the gums) so I had to have them surgically removed and needed stitches.  I went under with the IV, it was over before I knew it.

 It was rough the first week, could only have soft foods (it hurt too badly to chew) but then it got better.  I recommend you get one side at a time removed so you can still have the other side to chew!
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: TornadoTwist on May 17, 2016, 04:05:52 AM
Thanks for the reactions everyone. Like I mentioned I will get injections instead of Gas but the dentist told be they are just stronger then the ones you'll get when you have a cavity so Im used to injections. Just scared of hearing the teeth come out etc. As for the pain, we will see how it goes but I'm indeed planning on getting one side removed at the time. ^^ Im not sure If I'll be lucky that most of them are already fully grown so they aren't hiding under my gum.
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: Tak on May 17, 2016, 08:19:53 AM
I got injections and mine were impacted so a little bit of bone had to be removed. Other than the fact that dissolving stitches do not dissolve for me. It really wasn't bad sore for a week or so for the impacted ones. The other two were just simple extractions and no worse than losing a tooth as a kid. My mom still has hers (can't tell you her age, but my sister is 37). She has even had a filling in on because they are functional teeth. Most dentists these days won't even consider leaving them in.
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: StarSwirl05 on May 17, 2016, 08:27:13 AM
I know the feeling. I had mine removed and dreaded every day leading up to it but it's over quickly and relatively painless. :)
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: SnorkMaiden on May 17, 2016, 10:07:07 AM
I had mine removed when I was in my early to mid-twenties. It was done two at a time, first one side, then the other. I thought it was rather convenient that way, as I could at least chew on one side.
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: kaoskat on May 17, 2016, 12:35:04 PM
I have no story but good luck with your surgery.
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: Dragonflitter on May 23, 2016, 11:08:19 AM
I had all four of mine out, too! It wasn't too bad, they put a needle in my inner elbow and then the next thing I know, I was waking up and it was done. I don't even remember leaning back in the chair or falling unconscious. The recovery period was short for me, but the dentist said all four of my wisdom teeth were nicely cone shaped so they popped right out. I do remember I ate just about nothing but yogurt for the two days after, but after that I ate pretty normally (well I didn't eat, like, fried chicken lol but normal soft foods).

Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on May 24, 2016, 04:32:50 PM
I had all four of mine out at once, I had a bad experience just laughing gas, and nova cane.  I was allergic to the gas and wound up attacking the dentist, and nearly attacked my mom on the drive home. I was in an angry blur for three days, and did not care about how much I was hurting. I also was a bit violent, almost getting someone  in the hand with a fork.
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: SkyCakes on May 24, 2016, 04:36:12 PM
I had mine out too with laughing gas. I was about 18 when I had it done. I had to get all four of mine out. Only one of my wisdom teeth was gonna come in straight. :/
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: StarSwirl05 on May 24, 2016, 05:25:31 PM
I also had 4 additional teeth taken out before my wisdom teeth, would've been six but two fell out before the event.
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: Taffeta on May 30, 2016, 07:26:53 AM
I have my two upper ones still, but both the bottom ones have been taken out on different occasions. My Wisdom teeth had this issue whereby they didn't come through properly, making what did come through impossible to brush fully. So, by the time they did come through, they had fillings and stuff already. In both cases parts of the tooth came away and thus they came out as two separate extractions under local anaesthetic.

I still have my upper ones, but I suspect one of them will probably go the same way soon as it is at a funny angle (because of the same problem) and also filled...

What I remember from the extractions:

They were really quick. About seven minutes from injection to getting the tooth out on both occasions.

Beware of shock, from the injection/bleeding whatever. In my case, my knuckles tend to go blue when I have a tooth out, so I always have gloves in case (depending on how hot it is where you are!). My colleague had the same issue and I loaned her my gloves and it helped. So yeah, that's one thing.

Don't try and suck anything through a straw, drink anything hot, use a toothbrush for the first day.

Salt water rinses from second day, I think - but follow the dentist's advice. I find salt better than chemical mouthwashes since it counters infection - but if you mess with it too quickly you disturb the clot, and that's how dry socket happens.

I found the biggest issue trying to keep food out of the hole while it was healing. That was actually my biggest reason for having three or four days off work (with their knowledge), rather than any discomfort or other issues. It's very hard to keep the site clean at work.

My sister had all of hers out together and while I didn't see her afterwards, being here in London, I think she got through okay. She had the teeth out at the start of December but was still eating normally by Christmas. And she had hers under general, because of having out all four (and my sister is scared of the dentist/prone to fainting/etc).
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: TornadoTwist on May 31, 2016, 02:41:05 AM
Just called them. The first two will be extracted on July 5. Kinda nervous, especially the sound and feeling of them being pulled out. *shivers*
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: TornadoTwist on June 28, 2016, 07:30:48 AM
So they will be removed next week. But last week I visited the dentist to take care of my cavity. But then she decided to take a picture of one as the teeth before that one has been repaired a lot already. Then she suggested that maybe it's better to remove that one instead of my wisdom teeth because that one is like growing horizontal or somth so then my wisdom teeth will take the place of the one in front of it. I think the operation will be also easier because they just need to pull it out instead of cutting and breaking it into pieces *shivers*  Let's hope the surgeon will agree with this as well. :)
Title: Re: Wisdom Teeth Removal
Post by: TornadoTwist on July 05, 2016, 03:38:56 AM
So.. just got back from the hospital. The top-right one got removed very easy, just one pull. However the one at the bottom is quite a problem... So removing the one in front of it wasn't an option because my wisdom teeth would still be placed wrong, so the wisdom teeth itself had to be removed but... turns out it's too close to my nerve and removing it has a high risk of hitting the nerve, if that happens there could be a change that my bottom lip will loose it's sensitivity. So what they did is only removing the top part of it.

It was quite scary at first because when I got the first injection I really started to feel unwell, I was breathing heavy and I turned white, probably a panic attack because I was quite scared. However the nurses calmed me down and they were very nice. :) The removal of the bottom one was also unpleasant as they were pulling a lot and I kinda felt it. But now that side is done and this August the next two will be removed, the one one the bottom left is the same story as the bottom right so I will see what happens next.

Atm Im still bleeding a bit and quite drooling a lot but I guess that's normal, within a few hours I fill get my feeling back and then it's time for the painkillers. O boy...
But this evening I will have some Tomato Soup and I will also try some Lasange. Good thing I can still use my left side. Well at least I have a good excuse not to snack. XD
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