The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Trinity on April 30, 2016, 01:34:26 AM

Title: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Trinity on April 30, 2016, 01:34:26 AM
I had a Wind Whistler when I was a child, and I had never seen a so soft pony before. I thought she was an inauthentic MLP and treated her badly because of that. :( (I never intentionally broke her, I just treated her a bit rougher, and played with her much less.) She was one of the first to go when I was downsizing my childhood toys. It wasn't until I came back to MLP as an adult, when I saw there were other so softs.

I don't have one now, but if I found another Wind Whistler, do you think she'd accept me as her mummy?  :blush:

What about you? Have you ever mistaken a real, authentic MLP for a fakie?
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Baby Sugarberry on April 30, 2016, 01:40:54 AM
When I first started picking up second hand ponies (this was a long, looong time ago, goodness) I got a Ruby Lips, and thought she was either a fakie or a Terrible Idea.  She got tossed in the pony box without much care and ignored for many years, poor thing.  Hated how skinny and not-pony she looked, and lipstick, eugh!  Probably wouldn't have even bought her if she hadn't been with a bunch of other ponies and sold as a lot.  I'm more appreciative these days though her set isn't one of my favourites.
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 30, 2016, 09:19:04 AM
Nope - by the time I was hunting for MLP at thrift stores, at least one of the online collecting guides had been published and I had memorized it...  Dream Valley likely...
I always knew as a child to look at the eye shape and the "Hasbro" on the foot! 
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on April 30, 2016, 09:33:11 AM
No, but if I had seen Dream Beauties and G2s at a Swapmeet somewhere, I would have never guessed they were MLP.
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Einhornbaby on April 30, 2016, 11:02:42 AM
My childhood friend had Napper with purple hair I remember. She and the whole set of Sparkle ponies werent available in Germany and me and my other friends had never seen a translucent pony before... only fakies with not-so-well-made bodies that looked almost that way. So we branded Napper as a fakie. My poor friend fought with all she had to make us believe it was a real MLP but no one believed her. You cant imagine my face when I found out that Napper was a real MLP years ago.  I feel bad for her until today... and I wish I could say sorry to my childhood friend but I have lost contact when we moved away 20 years ago :/

Btw, I secretly admired her pony back then and borrowed it a few times (secretly of course with the owner knowing but no one else...). Napper was so pretty to me but to be really honest, I wasnt able to officially admit that because the friend who owned her was "a baby girl" to me and my other friends, since she was 2 years younger and we, the "wise 8yo-something", would never admit that such a young kid had a nicer toy than we did. Gosh I feel really ashamed writing that o.o
Well yeah but thats the truth.
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Koudoawaia on April 30, 2016, 11:20:45 AM
I haven't but I do think that G2 ponies look like fakies.
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Violet CLM on April 30, 2016, 11:31:34 AM
Basically any G3.5 toy I feel ill-equipped to guess the veracity of.  :redface:
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Taffeta on April 30, 2016, 11:42:42 AM
Not really...more that ponies appeared that I couldn't identify, because they were not formally sold here and therefore I didn't recognise them. But I didn't think them fake, they were obviously real - just I didn't know who they were or why they existed. They were mysterious O.O. Pink Dreams, the twins from the slumber party, German Himmelstaenzer, Diamond Dreams. Purple Woosie. Baby Leaper. All mysterious.

The biggest mystery was Hippety Hop, though. Like the OP, I never heard of SS ponies, I never knew what they were, and I had no imagining of them until I found one for some reason here at a carboot sale. She's pretty beat up but I still have her. I remember my sister and I going..what the HECK happened to her?

But she looked like Masquerade's pose so I bought her anyway and took her home. Eventually I figured out from DV what she was, but yeah, that was a weird moment. I didn't think she was fake, but I had no idea how to explain this weird alien entity that had appeared before me...

Edit: Oh, I forgot! There were the piggy ponies Reaperfox and I saw at the Steam Fair in 1998, long before we knew what those were. We laughed at them and left them there. Fortunately her Dad saw them and bought them for her as a joke, also thinking them fake. So she still has them, I think. But we really thought them fakies. ANd, honestly, I still think they're hideous. To me they're real ponies which I still half-reject as such, even now.
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Rachel8125 on April 30, 2016, 11:46:06 AM
Yes! When I was a kid my friend had a brown Snuzzle and I was convinced it was a fake!! Only now have I seen they just come from other countries and look a bit different! I'm sure the piggy ponies would have fooled me too!

Post Merge: April 30, 2016, 11:47:15 AM

When I first started picking up second hand ponies (this was a long, looong time ago, goodness) I got a Ruby Lips, and thought she was either a fakie or a Terrible Idea. 

"Terrible Idea"  :lol: :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Miniature Sheep on April 30, 2016, 11:49:41 AM
Yes, the first time I stumbled upon Little Flitter on Etsy, I immediately fell head-over-heels but thought she was a really well-made fakie because I'd never seen Summer Wing ponies before. After doing some research and seeing that she was indeed a proper MLP, I decided to give her a home. Wingers are one of my favourite sets now! :heart:
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: SubmarineHallucination on April 30, 2016, 11:56:13 AM
I thought the Sour Sweet Equestria Girl was fake, probably the odd color scheme.
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Wind~Whistler on April 30, 2016, 12:37:07 PM
I never had seen Rhythm & Rhyme before, so when I saw her, I instantly mistook her for a fake until I saw her hoof mark when I got home XD
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Broken Irishwoman on April 30, 2016, 01:04:44 PM
Never. It's has always been the eyes and the Hasbro stamp. I remember finding Forget Me Not at a fleamarket when I was about six, and I had no idea the flutters were ever made, I just knew them from the show. So I didn't recognize her as such and I had no idea what she was, but it was the eyes that told me it was a real pony, and the Hasbro stamp confirmed it.

Same thing with Baby Brother Sweet Celebrations. He looked so weird and off and bloated, but one look in his eyes and I knew he was a real pony. XD
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Thunderwing on April 30, 2016, 01:14:10 PM
It has never happened to me with an MLP, but it did happen with a care bear. I live in Canada, we only had the original ten bears, same as the USA. But at a yard sale here, many years ago, I found a Harmony Bear (the purple one with three hearts on her tummy, not the music symbol one). I didn't recognize the character, and figured she was a fakie. I left an original, vintage, Harmony Bear that was priced at a dollar (a dollar!) behind.  (That's the equivalent of not recognizing Sweet Scoops or Rapunzel, to put it into perspective).
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Bibinettepony on April 30, 2016, 02:43:01 PM
 ^.^ don't worry I am sure the next so soft Windwistler you will have , will find you as a Mummy  ^.^ Ponies are so nice  ;) ;)

I can not answer to your other question as I only got Tickle as a child and some remco fakies. Except Parasol who belonged to my sister, I have never seen other ponies during my childhood (I have learned my friends had some but we never played with them or bring them to school lol) so I never took a real MLP for a fakie ;o)
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: CloudyGlow on April 30, 2016, 03:02:25 PM
I almost passed over a Dream Beauty at the thrift store.  It didn't have any Hasbro marking so I thought it wasn't for real. But I thought it was so pretty that I decided I didn't care and wanted it even if it wasn't legit.  Of course, I get home and look it up and was astounded by the prices it goes for.  I got it for less than $5.
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Lancer on April 30, 2016, 04:47:34 PM
Yes, my Piggy Pony.  I wouldn't have got her at all except that she was sold as part of a big carrier bag of ponies (mostly fakies) for £2 and I wanted another pony in the bag.  She terrified mum said she looked like a real MLP but I laughed and said "of course not" and refused to even look at the poor pony due to her spooky, rusted eyes.

She lived in my fakie box for about four years before I found out the truth!  The worst bit is that I have a vague recollection of seeing two ponies that looked like "that weird scary fakie" at a car boot sale that same summer...which I left there, of course.  Still don't know if they were real piggies or not.

Then there was a plush pony at a charity shop.  I remember it being white with eyeshadow and my mum saying it couldn't be real because "real MLPs don't wear eyeshadow".  Possibly it was Hasbro Softies Honeycomb.  Another time I remember leaving a hard plastic carousel horse at a toy fair.  I'm not sure but it might have been Circle Dancer.  I try not to think about those times.  I was only a kid then so it's possible my memory is playing tricks and the piggies, Honeycomb and Circle Dancer all really WERE fakies, but it still makes me sick to my stomach to think about it!
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Shy Violet on April 30, 2016, 09:17:45 PM
It has never happened to me with an MLP, but it did happen with a care bear. I live in Canada, we only had the original ten bears, same as the USA. But at a yard sale here, many years ago, I found a Harmony Bear (the purple one with three hearts on her tummy, not the music symbol one). I didn't recognize the character, and figured she was a fakie. I left an original, vintage, Harmony Bear that was priced at a dollar (a dollar!) behind.  (That's the equivalent of not recognizing Sweet Scoops or Rapunzel, to put it into perspective).

Oh no!!! If it makes you feel better that was the 20th Anniversary version, not the vintage one. I almost did the same thing though. I found vintage Day Dream, Harmony and Surprise bear at a thrift store here in Calgary. My carebears had been in storage for over 10 years at this point and I thought I had them all so I started to walk away. I did recognize them as not being one of the main bears so I turned around and grabbed them, they were only $5 each. Got home and looked them up and was sooooo happy I did! This was about 2 years ago now, I finally got my bears out of storage and I did not have them so that makes me even happier I didn't pass them up, that would have haunted me for the rest of my life. I did know they were authentic though.

As far as ponies go, I don't think I've ever thought one was a fakie, I know what to look for. Maybe the closest would be my MOC Argie that I bought on ebay back in the day. At the time no one knew what they were and they were cheap enough so I bought one, not sure if it was a fakie or real. It wasn't until I started collecting again in the last few years that I found out about Nirvanas and found out what she was.
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Mermaid on April 30, 2016, 10:18:24 PM
I bought a piggy blossom from eBay back in the day for $8 because everyone thought she was a fakie!
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Starfall on April 30, 2016, 11:21:15 PM
I've told this story before on here, but it's a good one - so I'll tell it again.

Our story is set in the UK, a couple of months before a Christmas somewhere between 1993 and 1996.  My primary school was participating in Operation Christmas Child ( (same as Samaritans Purse in the USA), an initiative which sent shoeboxes full of toys to children in response to two major issues affecting the Balkan region of Europe - the fall of the dictatorial regime in Romania, and the Bosnian War.  Romanian orphans and children with special needs and/or disabilities were put into orphanages with no social interaction and little food, and there was appalling genocide and war crimes such as rape going on in Bosnia.

So, I begin putting together a shoebox.  At the time, I was an only child, and found it really hard to give away my toys.  So I decided to put the toys I liked the least in there.  The Barbie clothes an aunt had knitted for me in a weird orange colour, and a pony that I thought was a fakie.  She was always used as the "bad" pony.  The one who broke things, or had been smoozed, or enslaved by a Peppermint Rose doll overlord.  She had stains on her hooves from where the Perfume Puff Palace nail polish had leached into the plastic.

This is the pony I gave away.  I hope it found a new owner who loved her and deserved her far more than me.

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Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Lucky_Ladybug on May 01, 2016, 02:41:19 AM
I thought the Sour Sweet Equestria Girl was fake, probably the odd color scheme.

Sour Sweet? With yellow body and deep pink hair? That doesn't seem so unusual a color scheme....
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Nappercasper on May 01, 2016, 12:53:05 PM
Yes my dad picked up a butterscotch piggy at a booty years ago. When I picked her up I chuckled as I thought she was a rip off... Haha Mlptp told me the truth and so as my dad normally does pick up fakes got a pat on the back lol!
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: HoustonCollector72 on May 01, 2016, 02:00:25 PM
a G3 baby in  ebay France , I was thinking it was the real thing, until it arrived here and I touched it and It was not Winter Ice LOL
i did not pay much for it, it came along with many g2s from same seller luckily LOL.

it was a fakie made with the mlp mold though .
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Chrissytree on May 01, 2016, 02:37:29 PM
I found a few US ponies at car boots so I had no idea who they were. I didn't exactly think they were fakes but they weren't in my fact file so I just figured they weren't official. Firstly I found a purple baby sea pony with white hair who I didn't realise was baby Surf Rider so she was called "baby sea blossom" and Sea Spray the yellow sea pony. She was inventively called "big sea pony."
I found "princess Quartz" aka Princess Moondust and I did think she was a fake but she looked enough like the princess ponies to get a place in my collection.
Finally there was "baby with wool" (I was very inventive with names.) She turned out to be baby Fleecy from the pretty pals set :)
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: DalaPony on May 01, 2016, 03:16:55 PM
At some point in the 90s I bought a Water Colour baby sea pony, either at a jumble sale or charity shop. I had no idea who she was and I was perplexed by her fine, cottony hair. As this was before the internet and other guides to MLP I assumed she was some kind of fakie, didn't really play with her, and for the longest time she was consigned to my parents' attic.  Recently I FINALLY identified her from My Little Wiki, dug her out of the attic and brought her home with me.  I had to try and undo the rather disastrous makeover that young me once decided to give her and at least now she'll get to live in peace with some of her friends instead of being stuck in a dark attic  :P
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Thunderwing on May 01, 2016, 03:29:07 PM
It has never happened to me with an MLP, but it did happen with a care bear. I live in Canada, we only had the original ten bears, same as the USA. But at a yard sale here, many years ago, I found a Harmony Bear (the purple one with three hearts on her tummy, not the music symbol one). I didn't recognize the character, and figured she was a fakie. I left an original, vintage, Harmony Bear that was priced at a dollar (a dollar!) behind.  (That's the equivalent of not recognizing Sweet Scoops or Rapunzel, to put it into perspective).

Oh no!!! If it makes you feel better that was the 20th Anniversary version, not the vintage one. I almost did the same thing though. I found vintage Day Dream, Harmony and Surprise bear at a thrift store here in Calgary. My carebears had been in storage for over 10 years at this point and I thought I had them all so I started to walk away. I did recognize them as not being one of the main bears so I turned around and grabbed them, they were only $5 each. Got home and looked them up and was sooooo happy I did! This was about 2 years ago now, I finally got my bears out of storage and I did not have them so that makes me even happier I didn't pass them up, that would have haunted me for the rest of my life. I did know they were authentic though.

As far as ponies go, I don't think I've ever thought one was a fakie, I know what to look for. Maybe the closest would be my MOC Argie that I bought on ebay back in the day. At the time no one knew what they were and they were cheap enough so I bought one, not sure if it was a fakie or real. It wasn't until I started collecting again in the last few years that I found out about Nirvanas and found out what she was.

No such luck, this was before any of the re-releases was done.
Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Terra on May 05, 2016, 11:39:16 AM
A good friend of mine gifted me their old ponies, which included a few g1s, and some fakies. I got two tall realistically-shaped horses in the lot as well. A blue glittery one with eyeshadow and swans, and a see-through pinkish one. I just sort of figured they were random weird colored horses. Turns out it was Crystalline the dream beauty and the "crystal" version of She-rah's horse.

I wouldn't have guessed they were related to major 80's toylines, and much much less that Crystalline was closely tied to MLP.

Title: Re: Mistaken a real MLP for a fakie?
Post by: Galactica on May 05, 2016, 05:43:28 PM
I definitely thought G2s were fakies when they first came out.  I was so outraged by the misappropriation of the MLP labeling-  until I realized it was legit...
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