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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: demonwolfspirit on April 22, 2016, 10:26:47 PM

Title: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: demonwolfspirit on April 22, 2016, 10:26:47 PM
 Hello everybody I thought I would ask what is your favorite anime and why? Some of my personal favorites are fullmetal alchemist,trigun,cowboy bebop,wolfs rain,ghost in the shell,yuyu hakusho,rurouni kenshin,sailor moon,panty and stocking,higurashi,junjou romantica , sekaichi hatsukoi,golden boy kintaro and ouran highschool host club.Looking forward to seeing everyone's answers. :)
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: chaosprincess on April 22, 2016, 10:29:55 PM
I like a lot of different animes, but my all time favorite would be Inuyasha and the reason why is because its  awesome the characters are memorable, the music is beautiful the animation is also beautiful as well some characters were irritating to me like Kikyo and Kagura, but its ok they got removed so I was happy.
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: demonwolfspirit on April 22, 2016, 10:35:22 PM
Inuyasha was a great show and it did annoy me how in a way kikyo and kagura did kinda make the plot lag in a way. I was happy as well when they got the ax.
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: chaosprincess on April 22, 2016, 10:37:15 PM
I am sad that it ended, but all good things must come to an end and besides it gives me a reason to rewatch all the movies and episodes over a million times well a million I guess is over doing it, but who cares (starts to watch it a million times)
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: Akemi-chan on April 22, 2016, 10:52:10 PM
I just recently started getting back into watching Anime (watched 5 shows already in 1 week!) and am currently on a shoujo romantic comedy/drama kick:

-Kaichou Maid Sama!
-Ouran Host Club
-Vampire Knight
-Tokyo Ghoul
-Fairy Tail (okay I know the last three aren't exactly shoujo romances, but I thought they were pretty good!  I'm thinking of reading the Tokyo Ghoul manga as I've heard the anime show left a TON of stuff out).
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: demonwolfspirit on April 22, 2016, 11:01:21 PM
I'm always a sucker for a good comedy romance anime. It's my second favorite genre to watch which the first being horror. Alot of my favorite animes deviate alot from the manga.So many I cannot possibly list them all. And chaosprincess I can only imagine you doing that since I'll probably be right there watching it with you. 
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: aintnobuffalo on April 22, 2016, 11:10:40 PM
I would have to say that Code Geass is my all time favorite anime. I absolutely love the characters, the drama, and the story. It made me cry a few times, because I just fell so in love with the characters and wanted everyone to succeed. It can give a roller coaster of emotions! I also love the music and character designs.

I also really love Princess Jellyfish, but it's not really finished and probably never will be. I wasn't so much into the side characters, but I really love the two main characters and their interactions and character development.

I also loved Monster despite its long length. The mystery and drama were so intense. Again, another story with great characters you can fall in love with. Watching the intro song and scenes really gives you a feel for the anime.

Some other good ones I like:
The Monster Sitting Next to Me (My Little Monster)
Full Metal Alchemist
Samurai Flamanco
One Punch Man
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Really if an anime has great characters with character development or relationship development, I'm sold. I'm especially drawn to psychological thrillers like Code Geass and Monster.
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: demonwolfspirit on April 22, 2016, 11:29:31 PM
I find myself drawn to psychological thrillers myself . One of my favorites is paranoia agent. It was always so messed up but in a good way. I also love FMA I only got to watch the original series and I do want to watch brotherhood but I don't really have the time to watch it fully. I heard it stayed closer to the original manga.
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: HelloGoodbye on April 23, 2016, 04:27:50 AM
I really love this show called Tsuritama!  It doesn't get anywhere near enough fans because it's honestly amazing and it's so worth the watch.  The premise is kind of funky, but the best way to sum it up when people ask me is that it's about "fishing, aliens, and the power of friendship."  See, that sounds so odd (and it is) but it's honestly an amazing show.  The characters are terrific, it's both cute and exciting, and it just makes me so happy whenever I watch it.  The art is really pretty and unique, too.  I've seen it a bunch of times since I own the DVDs.  One time my friend and I marathoned the whole thing in one day  :P

Another anime I'm really fond of is Kids on the Slope.  It's about high school students in Japan in the 1960s who play jazz music.  The characters in this show are so well done and the animation is beautiful.  The scenes where they are performing look especially gorgeous.  It's kind of an emotional roller coaster so I always cry whenever I watch it haha.  It's such a great show.  I just got a bunch of my friends into it so now we can cry about it together haha.

My other favorites are Ouran High School Host Club and Fullmetal Alchemist because they are two of the shows that got me into anime in the first place and they are both so, so good and I could rewatch them a million times.  I'm also completely obsessed with sports anime (my favorite genre) so I love Haikyuu!!, Yowamushi Pedal, Big Windup!, and Free! among others.  The first time I tried a sports anime I expected to hate it but now it's literally 99% of what I watch.  Plus I cosplay from a ton of sports anime hhaha.  I just think you can't beat how exciting it is and they can be so heartfelt as well. 
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: buttonso on April 23, 2016, 05:21:01 AM
Sailor Moon. That show changed my life- I don't think it was my first anime but it had to have been close to it. I'd never seen anything like it before, a show full of very different female characters who drove the plot on their own rather than as accessories to men (though 12 year old me was mainly interested in the drama and cool animation).

I still get choked up thinking about certain episodes.

I'm 33 now and I just finished re watching the entire series a few weeks ago thanks to Hulu. NGL, I cried at the end of episode 200 (even though I've seen it before, it's been awhile).

Of course I like lots of other animes, mostly from the 80s and 90s, but Sailor Moon is #1.
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: Harmonie on April 23, 2016, 06:29:16 AM
My top favorite anime are One Piece and Rose of Versailles.

I love One Piece because it has great characters, is incredibly emotional but also has brought about the biggest laughs from me in a long time, and has a plot and world that is actually greatly enhanced by its length that so many dismiss it for. Every thing about One Piece is enhanced by its length, actually, I believe. Some arcs have dragged (Dressrossa), but I think that otherwise it has to be as long as it is.

Rose of Versailles is a series I watched earlier this year, and automatically fell in love with. It centers around France leading up to and into the French Revolution. I love European history, and this one was a great watch. It shows it from so many different perspectives. I certainly came out of it thinking differently of the royalty than I did before.

Being a future musicology student, I can't help but find it odd the usage of Baroque music, when it takes place in the Classic era, and the French court was one of the first to adopt the new style... But they can't win it all. I love Baroque music, and it's hard for me to associate the Palace of Versailles with anything else...

Anyway, wow, sorry... Unrelated music rant there.  :redface:

My other favorite anime are Gurren Lagann (a short series with great spirit), Ouran High School Host Club (mentioned here many times already, hilarious anime), and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. JJBA gets extremely disturbing at times, I wish they would cut that out because I enjoy so much of it, including the constant classic rock/pop artist references in the names.
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: kaoskat on April 23, 2016, 06:37:21 AM
Hamtaro. Because hamsters.
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: Archer on April 23, 2016, 06:37:37 AM
My favourite anime is Code Geass. I adore it. I love the story, the characters, the music, the animation. I'll admit it has flaws. Some characters are annoying and the fan service is a little too in your face at times, but Lelouch is my favourite fictional character from anything and he's such a brilliantly written character that he pulls the whole show up.

However IMHO the best anime ever is Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. It's such a brilliant show. It has no filler, no pointless characters, the story is brilliant, the animation is brilliant the characters are all amazing. It's the best example of how to do a brilliant anime. It would be my favourite if Code Geass didn't have Lelouch. I literally can't think of a flaw in it whereas with Code Geass i k now their are several but Lelouch is such a brilliant character.
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: Carrehz on April 23, 2016, 08:50:14 AM
My absolute favourite? Ojamajo Doremi. I love mahou shoujo in general, and something about Doremi just hooked me for life :3 I can't put my finger on it exactly. I guess part of it is nostalgia (I've loved it since I was a kid) but I just.. I love how they play around with the magical girl tropes a bit, break away from the general formula at times, I love the music (ohhh gosh the music in this anime is AMAZING ;_;) and ughhh I love it so much.

I also love Tokyo Mew Mew (the first anime I ever saw and where I got my nickname 'Mew' from :heart:), Lucky Star (and the spinoff Miyakawa-ke no Kuufuku, I know they're not to everyone's taste and I can totally understand why, but I love em XD), Midori no Hibi, Bottle Fairy (It's a little kids' anime but it's sooo cute X3), Madoka Magica, and Sugar Sugar Rune (haven't seen all of this one yet but I like what I've seen so far). I just like short series and mahou shoujo, haha.
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: Nebula Light on April 23, 2016, 11:15:51 AM
Mushi-Shi is my all-time favorite anime. I LOVE supernatural anime, and this one is different. Subtle, beautiful, creepy, intriguing, set in 30's-ish era Japan. Not to mention the main character is hawt. lol
Next is Natsume Yuujinchou. Happy, has good morals, an overall great show with interesting characters. Very touching in moments, I actually remember crying during some episodes.
I really love Norigami and Red Data Girl. Both revolve around gods/spirits.

Madoka Magica (really need to see more animes like this)
Spirited Away
My Little Monster
Wolf Children
Fairy Tail
FMA Brotherhood

See, you can't have just one favorite.

I love these types of threads because I hear about new anime that I'm gonna have to watch~  :frolic:
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: Taffeta on April 25, 2016, 04:54:35 PM
I love a lot of anime and manga. I don't get on really well with super-mainstream series (although up till the newest arc, which could win an award for its lameness, I was very much up with Bleach), but I have a lot of series I love depending on my mood.

In terms of favourite, well, that's hard. I have many. But in terms of seminal to my life, there are two in particular I must mention. Both of them actively changed my life and that is no exaggeration.

The first is Fushigi Yuugi. This was the first anime I saw in Japanese. It was a long time ago, before I spoke Japanese. A friend sent me a clip of Tasuki's song and I was captivated by it, so I ended up watching the first few episodes on Youtube. It was subbed, with Japanese track. I loved it. I saw one ep in English and it almost killed me. I went out and bought the DVD. From that moment two things happened. #1 I never watched anime in English ever again and #2 I began learning Japanese. Although it had always been there in the background of my childhood, with my mother teaching English to Japanese people, this was my first decision to fully embrace it. So Fushigi Yuugi made me learn Japanese.

The second is Harukanaru Toki no Naka De. As a development from the Yuugi craze, I got all into japanese voice artists, and several of them crossed over to the Neoroma world. I got into the Neoroma scene and became totally hooked on Haruka. (It has an English name, I will not use it xD). When Haruka 3 came out, though, I was particularly captured by the tragic story of Atsumori. By this time my Japanese was good enough to play games in Japanese, and so I had played Haruka 1-3. When I found out Atsumori was a 'real person' and read the tale from the Heike Monogatari about his death, I wanted to know more.

I asked for Heike Monogatari for Christmas, and got it. Read it.

Now I'm a PhD Student in Japanese Pre-Modern literature and History at the University of London. From reading that English translation of Heike, I am now working with the original texts in old Japanese, and translating sections of them while writing about their influence. Ironic considering their influence on me.

But if Yuugi hadn't made me learn Japanese, and Haruka hadn't introduced me to Heike, I would not be here, doing this now. And I LOVE being a student of Japanese old stuff. But in this case, anime (and the related worlds around, in the case of Haruka, which is way more than just anime) literally put me on the path I am on now.

So I guess in the context of this thread, I'm going to say those two. But there are others too. Saiyuuki is one. I adore Saiyuuki but I wonder if it will ever be finished, because the mangaka is so often ill, she has had some horrific health issues over the years. Saiunkoku Monogatari is maybe the best constructed anime plot I know of, because it comes from (even more intricate) novels. Sotsugyou M is another which has never been translated to English and the best of it is not animated, so it's totally obscure...Fruits Basket is unbearably cute too. Tenchi Muyo was my first ever anime, and I am still fond of it. So yes, there are many. Just Yuugi and Haruka are the most seminal for the reasons above.

Although it royally annoys me when people talk about Haruka as a rip off of Yuugi, when Haruka is set in various old Japanese settings and Yuugi is ancient China...

(And with Bleach, I still love translating it, and breaking it down and pulling out all the gazillion symbolic images and references to old Japanese culture and Buddhist tradition and superstition, because that's the kind of geek I am, but the current arc is just horrible...and I really miss it because of that fact.)
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: Princess Lala on April 26, 2016, 04:21:04 AM
I ah.... watch maybe too much anime  :blush: I've been watching anime literally as long as I can remember! My first anime was Trigun, something a 6 year old probably shouldn't watch! I turned out fine, so oh well to that LOL Always been a fan of Japan, art, so anime is my :heart:. I prefer to watch anime in Japanese.

I like literally most anime you can think of. I love to watch apocalyptic thrillers, anything cute about talking animals, anything from the Meiji era, anime about cooking competitions, slice of life comedy's, and especially most definetly magical girl or romance. With romance I am very fond of homosexual couples- especially females. Magical girl says it all though! :heart: one of my first few anime's I have seen also included Card Captor and Sailor Moon so there is my influence there! I have always wanted to be in an anime about magical girls, I want a pink pretty outfit with a wand too! x3 I have noticed most magical girl leaders have bright reddish hair in their casual form and have pink hair in their transformation. This is a reason I decided to dye my hair flame-red! Hoping something will tell me I'm chosen to be a magical girl xD

Himouto Umaru is very very close to my #1 favorite of all time just because that is totally a mirrored life of me but with a husband (oottoo-saaaan!) But my absolute ultimate favorite of all time is Tokyo Mew Mew, its nostalgic for me. It came on TV when we didn't have cable and I saw ichigo on TV and wanted to be her. I loved that show as a kid!  Its like Sailor Moon but with rainbow members that have powers of endangered animals. There's romance, the main villian Deep Blue is hot, and messages about saving the planet and animals. I own the whole manga series! I absolutely love Ichigo, she is my favorite character! Sailor Moon comes crazy close because of alllll the romance that goes on.

I love me a sappy love story anime!

Other favs of mine:
(mostly in order!?)
Tokyo Mew Mew
Himouto Umaru
Kilala Princess/ Kirara Purinsesu
Pretty Cure (entire series, but Princess is my favorite gen)
Yuki Yuni
Sailor Moon (SMC and Stars are my favorite)
Rurouni Kenshin
Card Captor
Madoka Puella Magi
Wolfs Rain
Strawberry Panic
Gurren Lagann (boobs LOL)
Wolf Children
FMA (all series)
Super Sonico animated series (more boobs LOL)
I Don't Know What My Husband is Saying
Chi the Cat (all series)
My Bride is a Mermaid
Tokyo Ghoul
All of those Studio Ghibli films.
Food Wars
7 Deadly Sins

Im sure I'm missing some more anime I flip out over LOL there's soooo many. Some if them I can't list because they are NSFW xD but I really love gay anime love stories.  :rainbow:

Husband is also a huuuuuge fan of anime. He watches an encyclopedia of anime including nsfw genres lol. He recently started watching more girly anime eith me which is adorable! His ultimate favorite is Crayon Shin Chan, Gurren Lagann, and the entire FMA series and manga- he even has LE figures and rare merchandise signed! We are probably one of the biggest otaku couples someone could meet, we would have to live in Japan to go to the next level! We are even learning Japanese and have a special keyboard set up! (灬ºωº灬)♡
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: Carrehz on April 27, 2016, 08:28:27 AM
omg yessss another Doremi/Tokyo Mew Mew fan!! -highfives Princess Lala- :D
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: Aerora on April 27, 2016, 05:27:33 PM
Princess Tutu's my all-time favorite! :lovey: I love the use of classical music (and gorgeous ballet animation to go with), and it does such neat things with the concept of rewriting fate and fairytales - and, you know, I love all the characters more than life itself, so that helps.

I actually found the only (non-twelve-year-old-garage-kit) merchandise of Rue on ebay a few months back and picked it up! Hopefully someday I'll be able to find the matching Ahiru to keep her company.
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: Princess Lala on April 27, 2016, 07:16:01 PM
omg yessss another Doremi/Tokyo Mew Mew fan!! -highfives Princess Lala- :D

*highfives back and does a little dance* OMG of cooouuurrsseeee I looooooooooove those anime's! That was my tween childhood since I didn't have cable! xD its funny when most people my age were into rap music... buying makeup, starting to date, ya know.... trying to grow up....I was in my jammies watching doremi Saturday morning eating ramen for breakfast xD

To this day I love that DoReMi and I REGRET not buying that bandai merchandise of the toys at Dollar General or the dolls wherever I saw those.... oh dear because eBay is scary place for that stuff.

Have you ever seen those MewMew Korean dolls!? I have been constantly looking for the transformation Ichigo one for YEARS! the one with the pink brushable hair omg she is adorable! I once made my own OC character of a white kitty cat MewMew with a red dress and pale pink hair, I neeeeed to draw her again soon! I named her Mew Salmon or something lame xD Mew Mew for LIFE!

Post Merge: April 27, 2016, 07:23:55 PM

Princess Tutu's my all-time favorite! :lovey: I love the use of classical music (and gorgeous ballet animation to go with), and it does such neat things with the concept of rewriting fate and fairytales - and, you know, I love all the characters more than life itself, so that helps.

I actually found the only (non-twelve-year-old-garage-kit) merchandise of Rue on ebay a few months back and picked it up! Hopefully someday I'll be able to find the matching Ahiru to keep her company.

I have been meaning to watch this, its on my question along with several others LOL I used to be in ballet as a girl and teenager, so this would be something I would like!

OOOHHH! HAS ANYONE WATCHED THE OLD SANRIO MOVIES!? My husband and I, for one of our first night dates, decided to have a nostalgia night watching movies from our childhood that were like cartoons sort of like anime. We watched A Journey Through Fairyland and the Fire Child and the Sea Prince. Unico is also adorable, very interesting to watch on at night after taking sleep aids LOL. Those forst two are very romantic movies, timeless classics. Not exactly anime, but very close in my opinion- as a kid I watched them and loved them like I do Disney movies! Someday I will own a Prince and Malta doll OOAK.... :heart:
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: tikibirds on April 27, 2016, 11:18:54 PM
my favorite? If we are going by the one with the best storyline and characters then it has to be Nura: rise of the Yokai Clan. I love the ones with demons/gods as characters and this one has a whole bunch of demon characters and the 2nd part of the story has some good action going on.

However, I think I would have to say my favorites are Rurouni Kenshin and Yu Yu Hakusho. Kenshin was the first series that I picked out by myself and really liked. My BF likes anime as well but he likes the weird stuff or Scifi/meccha and I really dont like those.
Title: Re: Whats your favorite anime and why
Post by: Kitkumi on April 28, 2016, 05:29:10 AM
Though I have a lot of favorites that I still enjoy watching, my all time top favorite would have to be Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit. There is so much about it that I just love! The music is beautiful, I love the animation and art style, the characters are memorable and grow throughout the series. It's also a wonderful blend of realistic and fantasy. There are very obviously parts that couldn't happen in the real world, but at the same time there are 'slice of life', I guess we'll call it, sections that just make you love the story. And also the ending.... the entire series wraps up in a way that I still think about today, years after watching it the first time. (I also like the fact that it isn't a series that drags on forever; it wraps up in something like twenty four episodes or so, without leaving any plot holes or plot threads)
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