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Title: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: SourdoughStomper on January 14, 2016, 12:09:42 PM
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When I was still consuming cow dairy,  among my favorites were aged cheddar, monterey jack, mozzarella. Monterey jack was especially delicious on refried beans. :yummy: Mr. Stomper makes a lasagna to die for, all melty with mozzarella. :drool:

I grew up on processed American cheese as a kid, but I don't know if I can rightly call it "food" now. :P Although it did make for a great grilled-cheese sandwich.

:hatsuharu: I discovered that grain-fed, processed, pasteurized, lactose-laden cow dairy doesn't sit so well in my stomach anymore. I don't know if I'm lactose intolerant as I've never been tested. Maybe just conventional milk is bad for me. I'd be open to trying grass-fed raw milk if it were legal and available. But alas, I simply gave up cow dairy altogether.

However, one day I was brave enough to try goat cheese. It doesn't cause any reaction at all, and I eventually got used to its flavor. Now I treat myself to some goat cheese and goat yogurt now and then. Occasionally, a 2-liter jug of goat milk, but that costs over $8.00 CAD. :faint: So only once in awhile. (That's more than a 4-liter jug of cow milk!)

This list is hardly exhaustive as I know there are a skillion varieties of cheese, and I probably missed some "international cheeses" as well. So if you don't see your favorite on the list, please let us know what you like. :cheese:

Diamond, am I going to have to make a wine poll and a cracker poll next? :lol: :serve:
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: QueenNatalie on January 14, 2016, 12:13:56 PM
Mozzarella is my favorite!!! I also recently tried Pinconning cheese and am quite fond of it. :)
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Juliepants on January 14, 2016, 12:17:23 PM
Cheese fan here! (Raises hand and nods) I've also tried sheep's cheese on holiday in Turkey, that was nice too, quite mild the one I had. Nom nom nom for cheese :)

Jules x
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: SourdoughStomper on January 14, 2016, 12:24:10 PM
I'd love to try sheep cheese. :) I don't know if that's easy to find here, though. Hmmm..
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Miniature Sheep on January 14, 2016, 12:25:35 PM
I'm not very widely experienced when it comes to cheese, as I usually have it as a complement to other things, like cream cheese with smoked salmon or - the classic! - mature cheddar on a tuna melt (bonus points if it's got red onion and sundried tomatoes in it!!!) I love a good bit of Wensleydale as well, especially when it's got cranberries in it! A few years back, I also came across white stilton with blueberries, which was amazing but alas, I haven't been able to find any since! :drool:
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: ponyqueen on January 14, 2016, 12:30:32 PM
Provolone on sandwiches, goat cheese on salads, and any kind of sharp cheddar for snacking! Mmm... cheddar... love finding new varieties! Oh my gosh the cheese we had in France was the best ever. And pricey... but worth it...

I took a picture of a huge slice of cheese we bought at a Fromagerie in downtown Strasbourg... just gotta get it into photobucket!
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: dashesndots on January 14, 2016, 12:33:43 PM
I love cheese, although I'm pretty boring in that I really love cheddar and that's mostly what I stick with.  I do also enjoy Brie and Havarti though.

The rest is alright - the only two I really don't care for is mozzarella and cottage cheese.

Oh and French Canadian curd cheese aka "squeaky" cheese (my own nickname for it)- yuck! LOL.  It's a big staple here.  If I ever go somewhere and order poutine, I always have to ask for them NOT to use that kind, haha.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: kaoskat on January 14, 2016, 12:37:00 PM
I don't like it and it makes me sick so NOPE!
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Tak on January 14, 2016, 12:49:28 PM
Asiago (nom, nom, nom), smoked gouda, and a goat's milk extra sharp cheddar made by flagship. Love cheese, spent years working with it as my specialty, five was really not enough choices. So thankful I'm not allergic or sensitive to it. However, the dryer, harder cheeses are less likely to irritate, as well as goat or sheep's milk cheeses.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: ghouldilocks on January 14, 2016, 12:59:53 PM
I love cheese so much. lol. I wish those little Babybel mini snack cheeses weren't so expensive, because I could eat those things all day.

When my mom and I were in New Zealand a couple of years ago, we took the bus from Christchurch out to Akaroa with an old schoolmate of hers, and the bus stopped at a cheese factory on the way back to the city. I sampled an applewood smoked cheddar that was so delicious; I wasn't sure if I could bring it back through customs with me, though, and I didn't want to have to worry about filling out loads of claims or anything on it when I got back to the States, so I didn't buy any.   :blush:

I'm also really excited that chain pizza places now have started that thing where they'll sprinkle things onto the crust for you - so if I'm in the mood for an extra cheesy pizza, sometimes I'll order from Pizza Hut just so I can get extra cheese on a pizza with a parmesan sauce and toasted asiago on the crust.  :yummy:

What's funny to me about it is that when I was very young, I was a bit skeptical of foods I'd never tried before, and had for some reason convinced myself that I didn't like cheese - but I LOVED pizza. I would tell people that I didn't want cheese, I just wanted mine with "that stretchy white stuff" and my parents would silently urge servers to go along with it, at the risk of putting me off one of the few foods I could be counted on to never turn down  :drunk:
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: otocolobus_manul on January 14, 2016, 01:01:44 PM
"Sometimes I dream about cheese..."

I love all cheese! But blue is my favorite <3
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: melodys_angel on January 14, 2016, 01:02:25 PM
Im lactoseintolerant BUT I can usually get away with a  bit of cheese if its harder, or aged.

I tend to like milder ones though and that can get the best of me.

Typically a good smoked gruyere (it comes in a lactose free variety and 1 small block lasts me over a month!) or provolone or fresh mozzarella (in a ball) are my guilty pleasures..though I will react to the later if I have more then a few small pieces.. 
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Sweet_Stuff on January 14, 2016, 01:54:12 PM
I loooooooove cheese so much just call me a rat!!! I particularly like sharp cheddar... I can't eat Feta but have tried and enjoy most of the more popular kinds.


nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom nom
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on January 14, 2016, 02:31:42 PM
I love cheese.  In France there are certain styles but then you buy named cheeses made by particular producers.  My favorites this year are Bleu de Brebi and Comte and I also love Dutch cheeses like Gouda or a nice mild, nutty Maasdammer.  My favourite English cheese at the moment is Cornish Cruncher sold in M&S but I know there are loads of great artisan English cheese out there.  I just need to watch the pennies a the moment so staying out of

Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Leave a Whisper on January 14, 2016, 02:36:52 PM
Mmm cheese. I love cheese. My five picks were

Sharp Cheddar
Montery Jack
Havarti and

Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: xeevee on January 14, 2016, 02:44:32 PM
To quote Tim Minchin 'I love cheese, but cheese doesn't love me.'  I get pretty sick when I eat a lot of cheeses.  I still do it though.  Cause it's awesome.

I like cheeses that aren't as processed.  Soft cheeses are great, like Brie.... Mmmmm... Brie.  But I can and do also eat Parmesan straight off the block.  I like cheeses to have a little kick.  And cooking with ricotta is awesome.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: shelvesofwhimsy on January 14, 2016, 02:55:57 PM
This is my kind of thread! I love love cheese! My first favorite was Land O Lakes American,
but now I am quite the cheese enthusiast and just started loving certain Brie cheese.
I was lactose intolerant for almost two years in high school and it was the worst time of my life. I am so happy I can eat cheese again.
I do love Goat cheese! Chevre brand is great with just about everything!
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: ladygodiva on January 14, 2016, 03:05:26 PM
It is difficult to choose when in Spain there are so many types of cheese.
But I like that or blue, brie, camembert and fetta for salads.
And the manchego cheese curds.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Princess Lala on January 14, 2016, 03:07:09 PM
 :cheese: :cheese: :cheese: :cheese: :cheese: :cheese: :cheese: :cheese:

Lemme tell ya about how much cheese I eat. It's a scary ungodly amount. Im vegetarian and I eat soooo much cheese my cholesterol is through the roof where I HAVE to have my blood taken every 6 months in a checkup and I have to take special medicine because at 24 I'm at risk of cardiac arrest. Hilarious because im thing short twiggy lil thing no one would ever guess! My doctor is accusing me of eating red meat every meal LOL! I LOVE. LOVE. CHEESE! I put it on EVERYTHING! EEEVERRRYYYYTHIIIIIING!

What doesn't help is Texas and its giant culture melting pot- we have ANY kind of cheese you can possibly think of! WE EVEN HAVE A CHEESE AND WINE BAR. Im not joking! 

Whole Foods is my go-to place for cheese. They let me sample cheese there and I'm even banned from sampling cheese in the store in Fairview Texas. The deli girl calls me " The Cheese Girl" if she sees me walking around! xD The have sooooooooooo many kinds of gourmet cheeses its incredible! I LOVE their cave-aged smoked gruyere! My absolute favorite is smoked Havarti omg! I love pretty much ANY kind of cheese! Yes even Blue Cheese! It's amazing with salads with poppy seed dressing, spinach, walnuts, apples, and mmmmmm cranberries!

Favorites are:
Cave-Aged Gruyere (good with rosemary olive oil triscuit and pear slices)
English Wensleydale w/cranberries (crumbles for salads)
Queso dip at Chuy's
Smoked Gruyere (for Mac and cheese)
Land O Lakes Colby Jack squares
Smoked Provalone
Blue Cheese (for salads)

Cheeese. Its like milk that you chew!
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: SupernaturalSuperStarlet on January 14, 2016, 04:42:45 PM
I love cheese. I cant believe Romano wasn't on the poll list though lol. I don't like pepper jack, pimento or blue cheese, but most others I like. Although I don't want that expensive kind that has the fly larvae in it lol.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: CloudyGlow on January 14, 2016, 05:01:35 PM
I love cheese!  My favorite is mozarella and cheddar and provolone (though I forgot to vote for it) and my other is pepper jack cheese.  Pepper jack cheese I like on my nachos.

Thinking about all my favorite cheesy foods, mozzarella sticks, cheese fries, eh this is making me too hungry I'm stopping.  :lol:
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Spinky69er on January 14, 2016, 05:04:56 PM
My favourite cheese pic of all time SDS! :lovey:
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: scarletjul on January 14, 2016, 05:40:55 PM
I'm lactose intolerant but I'm usually ok if I take pills, so...

I'm a big fan of cheese.  There's a lovely creamery about a couple of hours north of me that they sell in a couple of places.  They make a yummy fromage blanc.

I'm also fond of mozzarella, provolone (in sandwiches) and goat cheeses.  :)
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Elisto on January 14, 2016, 05:48:43 PM
Blue, Brie, Havarti, Mozzerella, and ricotta, but I'm really picky about quality, particularly on the last 3. I also really like Romano, but figured I'd stick with what's on the list haha. Unfortunately, I don't buy those cheeses that often, and more commonly get cheddar or cottage cheese since they're easier and cheaper to pack for lunch, and I'm fine with lower-quality on those.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: ringwraith10 on January 14, 2016, 06:02:06 PM
It just occurred to me... I don't know what type of cheese they use for Mexican queso dip! That's probably the type of cheese I eat the most. Oh, and cream cheese! For bagels! :)
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Diamond on January 14, 2016, 06:04:38 PM
"Sometimes I dream about cheese..."

I love all cheese! But blue is my favorite <3
Me too and while I usually love my cheese with wine, I do eat with out.  I cook with it, and not just grilled cheese sandwiches.  LOL  Cheddar is my favorite, the sharper the better. 
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: BethyVic on January 14, 2016, 06:20:10 PM
I love cheese! I live in Minnesota but we have a lakehome and many relatives in Wisconsin. We pass quite a few cheese shops on the drive there.  My favorite cheese is colby longhorn from the local grocery store.  I love it plain or in sandwiches.  It is amazing!  Mozzarella is my fave on pizza and in the string cheese form. Muenster is great in wraps, melted or plain or on crackers.  I enjoy the Laughing Cow swiss spread.  Sometimes we get it on plane trips.  Our family eats a lot of cheese.  We also drink loads of milk, but that is another post....
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: bluerose9978 on January 14, 2016, 06:33:30 PM
Pepper jack is my favorite! I also really love pimento and cottage and feta and swiss. Mmmm.....cheese!!!
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: WickedWonderland on January 14, 2016, 06:46:42 PM
Can't say I'm much of a cheese expert, but I LOVE Pepper Jack. I usually put it on crackers, but I can eat a good chunk of it by itself. Fried Queso Blanco is definitely a guilty pleasure too. :P
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Harmonie on January 14, 2016, 07:15:10 PM
All of those kinds of cheeses, and I really couldn't tell you a thing about them. Pretty much the only types of cheeses I have tried alone are the standard American kind you get in those slices, and cheddar. I have no idea what all kinds of cheeses are used in the pizzas I eat.

To be honest, aside from crackers baked with cheese (Goldfish and Cheez-Its) I can only have so much cheese. It can smell really nasty, and when eating pizza I'm pretty sure it limits how much I can eat. (I won't give further details. lol)
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Sweet_Stuff on January 14, 2016, 08:06:52 PM
Mmm cheese. I love cheese. My five picks were

Sharp Cheddar
Montery Jack
Havarti and


Yum! Nice list! :D
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Katika on January 14, 2016, 08:45:00 PM
Giving me only 5 votes isn't fair - my dad is (honest!) an international cheese competition judge so I grew up sort of like Chuck on Pushing Daisies (sans the crazy aunts) :) I usually joke that 70% of my diet is cheese :D
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: SnorkMaiden on January 14, 2016, 09:51:30 PM
Mmmm, cheese! I love cheese, whether it's on pizza, a nice pasta or veggie bake or simply on bread. Cheddar and camembert are my favourites, followed by a few others. I very nearly clicked on goat cheese as well, but I don't always like it. Sometimes, it leave such an unpleasant taste in my mouth. I think it depends on how it's been processed.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Honeycomb on January 14, 2016, 09:59:10 PM
Any kind of goat and sheep cheese.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: TwistedRiver on January 14, 2016, 10:54:37 PM
I had to pick other because with the exception of cottage cheese ((ew)) I've never met a cheese I haven't liked. xD so there is no way I could narrow it down to just five.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Shenanigans on January 15, 2016, 12:23:41 AM
I love smoked cheese though I don't really know what kind it is :lol:
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: northstar3184 on January 15, 2016, 01:16:16 AM
Aahhh! This is a tough one! I love cheese! I'm going to go with cheddar (the sharper the better) and "other" for Pecorino Romano. Later I'll have to read others' answers to see what great cheeses I need to try.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Beldarna on January 15, 2016, 03:39:19 AM
Three of my favorites were on the list; Brie, Mozzarella and Feta.

I love to mix mozzarella with feta and creme cheese with spinach and put on salmon before baking it in the oven and brie cookies (you slize the cheese and put the pieces in the oven and let them melt and become golden before taking them out and let them cool) is so good with grapes and apple slizes.

What's not mentioned is Wästerbottens cheese. It's made in my county on a small dairy and only there. It's good on a sandwich and it's extremly nice in cooking. Wästerbottens pie is to die for with crayfish (espelcially for me who don't eat crayfish and only eat the pie).. If you haven't tried it I suggest you check out if your closest IKEA has it. :)
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: nessa16 on January 15, 2016, 03:40:46 AM
I like quite a few with different things but not every cheese do I seek out specifically. My favorites are:

Brie (yummy heated up in the oven and spread on foccia bread)
Colby jack
Mozzarella (in or on stuff like cheese sticks, fried cheese curds, and on pizza)-forgot to vote for it.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Ringlets on January 15, 2016, 04:19:57 AM
Mmmm!! :dribble:  LOVE cheese!!! almost all kinds of cow, sheep, or goat cheeses ...   :lovey: 
 (some of the blue cheeses are the ones I'm not so keen on unless they are melted/in a sauce) choosing only 5 was a real toughie! :faint:
I chose Parmesan , Mozzarella, Feta, Cheddar and Other (  Halloumi - Greek Cypriot cheese, -  lovely grilled) in the end
Now I'm thinking of wines to go with them :P  :wine:
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: ladybastilla on January 15, 2016, 04:22:34 AM
I love cheese. My favorites are Mozzarella, Cheddar, Blue, Asiago, Parmesan, Monterey Jack, Provolone, Cream Cheese (does this even count? :lol: ) ... I love it on bagels, subs, crackers, in pasta, on pizza, on hot dogs and burgers, on its own... (depends on the type, of course). I find it a really fascinating food. It's amazing how much variety of flavor it can have, and how much impact it can have on whatever it's put on or into.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: RandomPony on January 15, 2016, 07:05:10 AM
A other cheese I like a lot that's not up here is Pepper Jack!  I love the combination of the chopped up jalapenos and the Monterrey Jack cheese that's its mixed in :)
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: SourdoughStomper on January 15, 2016, 07:24:05 AM
Pepper jack is the awesome! As is smoked cheddar. :drool: Oh ... my. Smoked cheddar. It's so good, I want to cry at being unable to have it. :drool:
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Roccoriel on January 15, 2016, 08:58:35 AM
Alllll the cheese is my favorite cheese. I like rocamadour, delice de bourgogne, and roquefort in particular, but pretty much any cheese is good in my opinion.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: pinkkittywinks on January 15, 2016, 11:21:28 AM
Wensleydale, Cheshire and Red Leicester to name a few.

Love pkw xxx
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Ribbs on January 15, 2016, 01:14:10 PM
Does nutritional yeast or cashew cheese count? ;) Lactose intollerant vegan here.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: slyons on January 15, 2016, 01:53:20 PM
Mmmm goat cheese  :drool:
Cheese fan all the way, I went with the classics: cheddar, mozzarella, feta and monteray jack!  :cheese:
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: WickedWonderland on January 15, 2016, 04:57:03 PM
Three of my favorites were on the list; Brie, Mozzarella and Feta.

I love to mix mozzarella with feta and creme cheese with spinach and put on salmon before baking it in the oven and brie cookies (you slize the cheese and put the pieces in the oven and let them melt and become golden before taking them out and let them cool) is so good with grapes and apple slizes.

What's not mentioned is Wästerbottens cheese. It's made in my county on a small dairy and only there. It's good on a sandwich and it's extremly nice in cooking. Wästerbottens pie is to die for with crayfish (espelcially for me who don't eat crayfish and only eat the pie).. If you haven't tried it I suggest you check out if your closest IKEA has it. :)
Oh, my gosh. I forgot about feta! So yummy :lovey:
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Galactica on January 15, 2016, 06:08:39 PM
I love cheese so much, the stinkier the better. 

But suddenly a few years ago, I went from a teensie bit lactose intolerant to completely intolerant.  SUCH A BUMMER! 

I miss super fancy Mac n Cheese the most...
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Leave a Whisper on January 15, 2016, 06:31:07 PM
Alllll the cheese is my favorite cheese. I like rocamadour, delice de bourgogne, and roquefort in particular, but pretty much any cheese is good in my opinion.

That sounds so fancy. :dribble:
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Loa on January 16, 2016, 12:27:43 AM
Oh wow, we have some amazing cheeses in NZ!
I love Sheep Feta, and the cheese you grill, Haloumi. I also adore a double cream brie, and a good Camembert.

Cheese is seriously my biggest weakness, but I cannot stomach American cheeses!
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: daffodil101 on January 16, 2016, 03:43:21 AM
Haloumi.  I order it in takeaway salad a lot :)

I grew up hating cheese until I found some milder types i like.  I often pick it off pizza, but a little bit is good :)
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: tikibirds on January 16, 2016, 04:30:04 AM
OMG! CHEESE. I MISS CHEESE. There is no cheese in China  :cry: maybe in a big city but nope, not here.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Princess Lala on January 16, 2016, 04:54:49 AM
Question!!!! Does anyone else besides be enjoy Stilton!? I got some and my hubby says it smells like feet and won't go near the kitchen if I have it out! I got a small wedge of it at Whole Foods, I've been noming  it on crackers!
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Leopard_Print_Unicorn on January 16, 2016, 06:34:26 AM
All of the above? I never met a cheese I didn't like. I repeatedly try to cut down, but I keep coming back.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: STLGusty on January 16, 2016, 07:15:23 AM
Mmmm cheese.  I don't care for bleu, goat, cottage, or feta, but I'm pretty good with most other types...

My favorites are provolone (mmm...if you're in St. Louis, try Imo's pizza) and mozzarella :)
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: ponyqueen on January 16, 2016, 07:16:36 AM
Think I'll just be eating cheese and crackers for lunch today!  ^.^
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Hervoyel on January 16, 2016, 11:52:59 AM
Raclette! So that's an "other vote".  :lol:
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: reanna-mator on January 16, 2016, 03:33:15 PM
Muenster is THE BEST. Mmmm. I also love spicy jack cheeses. Habanero and jalapeno... and you can't beat a good sharp cheddar, but I only really appreciate cheddar when it's aged/sharp.

I recently tried haloumi on my last visit to the UK but I can't seem to find it where I am... :( It was made into a delicious vegetarian imitation fish fillet, battered and fried, and was absolutely scrumptious.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: joce on January 16, 2016, 05:00:41 PM
Muenster!!!! But love cheddar and mozzarella and really any of it lol!

  I live semi close to Amish country and we run to this place called the cheese barn every other week or so and it is yummy! Always something new to try. Another place in Amish country that is just a giant room, like barn size, of cheese. Now I want cheese!
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: brightberry on January 16, 2016, 09:30:41 PM
I love hard cheese especially if it's flavored with something spicy.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: JazzMatazz on January 17, 2016, 07:21:12 AM
Living in Wisconsin Cheese is a must! I really have gotten into some more of the specialty flavors like Mango Habanero, Or odd combos with fruit in them are surprisingly good. Pepperjack is a stable of mine though nothing satisfies me more than a classic sharp cheddar.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: StarZetRaven on January 17, 2016, 07:25:29 AM
I haven't tasted a lot of cheeses, but I really love fried/grilled Halloumi. Too bad it's expensive around here.

I can't have it anymore since I went low-carb, but I always liked the norwegian brown cheese. The christmas edition is a little sweeter (more caramellized) and has extra spices in it (cardamom, I think) in it. I tasted a small piece of it once and it's like a dessert all on its own, would be great with berries. It's delicious ;)
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: ponyqueen on January 18, 2016, 07:29:06 AM
Some of our adventures with Cheeses in France and Germany last spring:

In Reims- fromage wrapped in paper. (This picture basically sums up France in one shot)
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Best. Cheese. Ever. From Strasbourg.
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With sausage from Germany.
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Sandwich! Lake in the Black Forest.
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Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Loona on January 18, 2016, 11:19:25 AM
such a hard choice... oh my!  :dribble: :dribble: :dribble: add me to the group of those who say 5 picks just weren't enough XD
I'm a huge cheese lover, it literally is my favourite food, and the main reason why I never turned vegan (and don't really think I could. I could give up many other dairy products - though I love most of them - but cheese would really be giving up the biggest thing I enjoy food-wise). I could live on cheese only (though it wouldn't really be healthy, haha :D ).

from the pickable ones I chose blue, goat, feta and mozzarella - not necessarily in this order. from these probably goat cheese and feta are my two favourites, and my overall greatest favourite was not included: gomolya (I think it's Hungarian, I haven't really seen it outside my country), I like sheep gomolya the most, but cow gomolya is good too. it is often flavoured or smoked, those are also very welcome in my house, and usually don't stay for a long time (but honestly, no cheese does :P ).
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: ponyshoes on January 18, 2016, 07:12:13 PM
heh, i'm in the 1% who says cheese is disgusting  :P i'll only eat it if it's flavor is smothered with something else, cheese is just the worst ever to me.  :huh:
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: GazeboMouse on January 19, 2016, 10:07:38 AM
Cheddar is what I use mostly, being the usual household English cheese I grew up on, but you can't beat a bit of Wensleydale, and Wensleydale and Cranberry at Christmas time!
But I also have cravings for Paneer, (Indian/Pakistani cheese), as I love Paneer Tikka, I like it more than chocolate, like paneer and spinach masala and similar,  and Paneer Pakora on rare occasions that I can get it, although the restaurant I've eaten it at cuts the cheese into such huge blocks for a starter that I felt like I'd eaten the equivalent of 3 blocks of supermarket cheddar by the end of it, and didn't have much room for my main course and pudding! 
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: dragonlady on January 19, 2016, 02:30:47 PM
I like Cheddar, Cottage cheese, Mozz and Provolone and the other, pepperjack! Yum!
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: tuneful87 on January 20, 2016, 01:37:41 PM
Asiago all the way!
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Princess Lala on January 21, 2016, 04:30:18 AM
Ponyqueen! I LOVE those photos! IM SO HUNGRY NOW!  :dribble: :dribble: :dribble: :dribble: :dribble: :cheese:

So yesterday was National Cheese Day! I went to Whole Foods and snuck samples......the store im actually banned from sampling in LOL! I bought several wedges though! I got my stinky Stilton Cheese, as well as English Cheddar and a Chipotle Cranberry Cheddar! ^-^
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Moonbreeze on January 21, 2016, 08:50:36 AM
Oh dear... I actually have no idea XD I like so many different types of cheese. The Dutch market alone has countless types (with names I tend to forget). Gouda alone has three subtypes etc etc
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Buffy on January 23, 2016, 12:09:45 PM
I'm working in a Supermarket and selling cheese :-)
It's a great Job and even we just have around 150 different types of cheese, in my oppinion we haven't enough :-) There are so many and so tasty kinds....
My favourite one is from Italy "Stilfser". But I love also dutch Gouda with herbs. We have also a good one from Switzerland with mountainflowers...

@ StarZetRaven: We have that norwegian cheese too(the only one from Norway we have). It's calling Gudbansdalen/Norgold. We have had also one time the same one, but with chocolate instead of caramell

@ melodys_angel: If you are lactoseintolerant, there are a lot of cheese you can eat. Every one which is older than 6 month, there should be no Problem. But a lot of factory say, there cheese is also lactose-free, even ist a 4 week old Gouda. For example French Bonbel or every cheese from "Frico" or "Beemster". I can give you a list of lactose-free cheese, but don't know if you are able to get them in Canada :-)
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: BlueChaos on January 25, 2016, 01:28:23 PM
I chose Cheddar, Muenster, Swiss, Blue, and other.

Because cheesecake.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: mlp4me on January 25, 2016, 04:51:16 PM
I can't drink milk, have a difficult time with yogurt and ice cream, but can I eat cheese!!!! American muenster monterey jack and lactose intolerance are my choices.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Illumideer on January 26, 2016, 05:05:46 AM
One of my favorites is one not included, that is Brunost.  It is one that I could only find in a small cheese shop in Missouri,  meaning I have not had it for years:( it is an amazing cheese.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: ponyqueen on January 26, 2016, 04:35:32 PM
Thanks to you, I bought three new cheeses yesterday- a sharp cheddar, a muenster, and a gouda. Mmmmmm.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: SourdoughStomper on January 26, 2016, 05:33:18 PM
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Rosencrantz on January 26, 2016, 09:17:12 PM
I'd love to try sheep cheese. :) I don't know if that's easy to find here, though. Hmmm..

Once when I was in the US I got some cheese to snack on at a Whole Foods and they had this sheep cheese laced with honey and it was AMAZING.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: SourdoughStomper on January 27, 2016, 06:20:44 AM
That sounds  heavenly.
Title: Re: I'd like to talk to you about cheeses.
Post by: Mermaid on January 29, 2016, 11:28:53 PM
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