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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: buttonso on December 31, 2015, 03:42:05 PM

Title: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: buttonso on December 31, 2015, 03:42:05 PM
I'll be playing Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival and eating pizza and probably not staying awake till midnight. How bout you?
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: Sochy on December 31, 2015, 03:52:51 PM
I would be with my mother eating something for sure. We are going to put some meet and veggies in the grill and later use some fireworks.

Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: rosierjay on December 31, 2015, 03:53:25 PM
listing the last of my free ebay auctions. only 26 to go!!
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: Miniature Sheep on December 31, 2015, 04:27:13 PM
I spent it with my housemate chilling out, nomming Celebrations, talking a load of ol' nonsense; while we were doing that, I drew some stuff and he mucked about on a load of video games. We also went wild and cracked a couple Desperados... it doesn't taste quite as good out of a can as it does from a bottle but it was still pretty good! A fabulous night in all! :D
Hope everyone had/is having a lovely New Year's Eve!
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: fingerpaints on December 31, 2015, 05:18:36 PM
I was supposed to go out night clubbing with some mates but wound up staying at home with pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis, sinus infection, an ear infection and fluid on my middle ear instead. I am glad in a way I chose to stay in as im really unwell, and my mates didn't miss out they went anyway.

Also one of my tabbies I learned hates fireworks, the other 3 didn't care but he really freaked so I spent about an hour giving him cuddles to settle him down. Such an odd animal Pat is, I love him to bits but he has so many quirks, like farting and having an obsession with gluten free bread.
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: ladybastilla on December 31, 2015, 05:45:43 PM
I got to open my box for First Pony Swap. I'm having poutine for dinner (fries with melted cheese and gravy). My bf and I are continuing our playthrough of .Hack G.U.: Redemption. At midnight I plan to open the box of Red Velvet TimTams that PeachyPie sent me and have some with a cup of tea. :) Tomorrow my mom will cook a stew we call Boiled Dinner. And then Saturday she and I are going shopping and having lunch together in the city. :)
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: Sweet_Stuff on December 31, 2015, 05:56:58 PM
Watching TV and chilling and drinking sparkle drinks while playing with the Sparkles.. :lol:

Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: Emerald on December 31, 2015, 05:58:26 PM
I'm actually having a really horrible night and my depression is really bad today. I wish it wasn't NYE.  :huh:

Anyway...sitting around doing nothing like I'm always doing.
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: rosierjay on December 31, 2015, 06:05:30 PM
I'm actually having a really horrible night and my depression is really bad today. I wish it wasn't NYE.  :huh:

Anyway...sitting around doing nothing like I'm always doing.
Ah!! i don't think of nye as anything special. just a day off tomorrow.
is there anything i can do to help? pm me.
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: Sweet_Stuff on December 31, 2015, 06:14:02 PM
I'm actually having a really horrible night and my depression is really bad today. I wish it wasn't NYE.  :huh:

Anyway...sitting around doing nothing like I'm always doing.
We can talk ponies! Feel free to PM me too! :) :hug:
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: aluke on December 31, 2015, 06:36:48 PM
Watching the sky hoping to catch the Northern Lights tonight. It's just too cold to be outside right now, eww. I'll be in bed before midnight though because I need to be up for a 6:30am shift tomorrow.  :zzz:
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: Emerald on December 31, 2015, 06:47:01 PM
I'm actually having a really horrible night and my depression is really bad today. I wish it wasn't NYE.  :huh:

Anyway...sitting around doing nothing like I'm always doing.
Ah!! i don't think of nye as anything special. just a day off tomorrow.
is there anything i can do to help? pm me.

Aww thank you, but it's alright. I've been having a tough time for like a year and a half since my family got bait and switched into moving here and now we hate it but have no way of leaving for at least 5 more years. -_-

ANYWAY! Sorry for bumming out in this thread.
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on December 31, 2015, 07:22:03 PM
I'm going to a pajama and pillow fort party!  I'm excited!
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on December 31, 2015, 08:55:15 PM
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: icecreamgirl on January 01, 2016, 12:01:31 AM
I spent it catching up on the Downtown Abby Christmas special!
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: tikibirds on January 01, 2016, 12:53:10 AM
New Year doesnt seem to be all that popular over here. Although there were fireworks at midnight. Guess I have to wait till Chinese New Year to party
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: kaoskat on January 01, 2016, 07:05:40 AM
Stayed home. Watched the ball drop.
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: buttonso on January 01, 2016, 07:12:01 AM
I actually stayed up till midnight, haven't done that in awhile.. happy New Year all!
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: Princess Lala on January 01, 2016, 10:43:17 AM
I went shopping for Japanese candy at my Asia market,  went to see a movie with my 3 bffs, drank, then partied at home! I was long gone before midnight..... Omg it was funny because at 12:04am sharp we all woke up and thought there was a war going on but it was just people screaming and playing with loud fireworks out in the street! xD we woke up on my living room floor freaking out, I'm like oooh yeah its new years guys! xD

Im celebrating Chinese New years again in Dallas this february!!! It was so fun last year!
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: melodys_angel on January 01, 2016, 12:12:11 PM
I crashed early, though someone did set off fireworks at midnight.
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: Bekuno on January 01, 2016, 02:41:03 PM
I went to a small gathering with a few friends and we watched Korra and ordered pizza. I had wanted to spend the new years with my boyfriend but he had work..
Or so I thought.
Around 9pm he suddenly showed up, turns out all my friends were in on the surprise and we got to spend new years together  :)
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: Rainbowrific Renia on January 01, 2016, 02:46:50 PM
My husband and I invited some friends (and by "some" I mean somehow 15 of our friends ended up here when I thought there would only be 7 or 8) over to play video games, then watch the ball drop at midnight. Some of the friends ended up being here until 5:30am, but it was still fun! Yummy food, drinks, video games, friends...perfect way to bring in 2016. :)
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: NovelNerd on January 01, 2016, 11:17:55 PM
We had a small New Years party with drinking games and it somehow ended with us playing phase ten. :lol:
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: Beldarna on January 02, 2016, 02:19:32 AM
It ended up being just me and the cats. I read Harry Potter and the philosophers stone all day and finnished around 9pm, with a break between four and five to make a delicious dinner which I ate with my boyfriend before he went to work. Then I watched the last episodes of the first season of Salem. About ten minutes before midnight I opened my goal letter I wrote last year and was happy to see I succeeded in three of them. I wrote a new one and sealed it and then I went to bed.

To be honest I felt rather lonely. No invites anywhere, none asking me what I planned to do.. boyfriend suggested I go downtown and watch the fireworks but I knew that would only make me feel more lonely being by myself around all the people. I'm not much for new years really, but it would've of been nice knowing people thought of me.
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: Kiwi on January 02, 2016, 05:52:33 AM
We had a friend and my parents over for the evening - played a game (that lasted way longer than we expected), watched the ball drop, finished the game, and I crashed. I'm still playing catch up from being up so late, plus having to adjust back to work hours for Monday. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: zombienixon on January 02, 2016, 06:19:28 AM
I'm at an anime convention now, they extended it to four days to include new years eve. I was at a bad fanfiction reading panel around midnight. I went up to the room when the ball dropped. There were people throwing toilet paper off the balconies as confetti.
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: Harmonie on January 02, 2016, 07:56:03 AM
I had to be at work.  -_-

A couple of coworkers and I toasted to a bottle of Welch's Sparkling grape juice.  :lol: For those who don't know, it looks like a wine bottle. We're not allowed to drink at work, probably quite obviously! I don't drink either way, so...
Title: Re: Doing anything for New Years Eve?
Post by: scarletjul on January 02, 2016, 10:36:15 PM
Happy belated New Year!  :cheer:

i went to a game night at a friend's house.  Lots of fun but low-key.  :)
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