The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Teddy on December 02, 2015, 08:28:03 AM

Title: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Teddy on December 02, 2015, 08:28:03 AM
Don't know if anyone else has posted about this (I didn't see anything), but I was walking past NK (a large department store) in Stockholm today and saw THIS:

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HOLY COW, it's Melody!!! :D I think I just stood there in shock for a minute just staring at her in disbelief. Where did they get this thing?? She is very big, maybe like 2 feet high. Very cool, I want her! lol!

They had window displays from different decades, and she was in the one for the 80's, of course. Something about the bubble gum era, so all of the characters where blowing bubbles or inside giant bubble gum bubbles. They had a giant carebear, Raphael (ninja turtle), ET, Gizmo from "The Gremlins", etc. It was super cool!! ^-^
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: ponycake on December 02, 2015, 08:31:34 AM
Love!!! Wonder if more than one of these stores are getting the same display items.
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Rainbowrific Renia on December 02, 2015, 08:31:44 AM
That's so cute! I want it too! :P
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Skeen on December 02, 2015, 08:40:34 AM
Awesome!  I wonder if she's some sort of old promo from back in the day or if she was made special for this? 
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Moonbreeze on December 02, 2015, 08:49:19 AM
She looks like a mix between the Dutch Sing-a-long and the Star pony :P
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Leave a Whisper on December 02, 2015, 08:59:31 AM
She's so pretty!
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Teddy on December 02, 2015, 09:07:17 AM
Love!!! Wonder if more than one of these stores are getting the same display items.

There are only two of these stores in the world: one in Stockholm and one in Gothenburg. I don't think they'd have the same displays, but if they did at least there'd be TWO of these maybe? ;)

She looks like a mix between the Dutch Sing-a-long and the Star pony :P

She does! She has G1 Starlight's body color, but Melody's hair and symbol. Strange, but cool. :)

Awesome!  I wonder if she's some sort of old promo from back in the day or if she was made special for this? 

That's what I was thinking because this store is famous for it's holiday window displays. It definitely looks official, so maybe it was saved from way back when? The other character stuff they had was equally awesome, they must have been from displays of the past.
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: lunar_scythe on December 02, 2015, 09:34:20 AM
haha, that is so cool!

If I spotted something like that, I'd have to ask what they plan on doing with her when they take her out of the window; it'd be horrible to let her get thrown in the trash!
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: ponycake on December 02, 2015, 09:37:09 AM
Right, I'd be trying to ensure she came home with me if I lived in that country. lol.
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: pinkkittywinks on December 02, 2015, 12:11:57 PM
That's awesome! Thank you for sharing pictures :)

Love pkw xxx
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Princess Lala on December 02, 2015, 12:56:28 PM
Another reason Sveige is so awesome! Toy museum and ponies in window displays! :thumb:
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Taffeta on December 02, 2015, 01:12:35 PM
I wish Hamleys had a toy display in their windows like that!
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: PrincessTiffy on December 02, 2015, 01:13:51 PM
This is sooooooo cool!!!! I want one lol. Are there pictures of the others toys? And yes I would totally ask what they plan on doing with it after. If they have to send it back from where they got it or not. I sure hope they don't just dump it afterwords.
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: ponyqueen on December 02, 2015, 02:17:16 PM
This is sooooooo cool!!!! I want one lol. Are there pictures of the others toys? And yes I would totally ask what they plan on doing with it after. If they have to send it back from where they got it or not. I sure hope they don't just dump it afterwords.

I tried to get a display cardboard Celestia from a local store (I begged and promised I wasn't going to sell it on eBay); they refused and insisted it had to go in the trash!
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: ponycake on December 02, 2015, 02:26:38 PM
This is sooooooo cool!!!! I want one lol. Are there pictures of the others toys? And yes I would totally ask what they plan on doing with it after. If they have to send it back from where they got it or not. I sure hope they don't just dump it afterwords.

I tried to get a display cardboard Celestia from a local store (I begged and promised I wasn't going to sell it on eBay); they refused and insisted it had to go in the trash!

JCP let me have a g1 retro display they had, luckily. But I bet most are like that, will refuse to let people have it. Or maybe you need a friend in the store. I had one. lol
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Beldarna on December 02, 2015, 02:49:19 PM
I saw a pic of that on facebook. So cool!
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Teddy on December 02, 2015, 03:12:12 PM
This is sooooooo cool!!!! I want one lol. Are there pictures of the others toys? And yes I would totally ask what they plan on doing with it after. If they have to send it back from where they got it or not. I sure hope they don't just dump it afterwords.

I just snapped a few:
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Here you can see the Carebear.

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Raphael! (My favorite of the TMNT!)

I'm very attempted to ask what they will do with the pony after, but I have a feeling they have saved these things from years past and won't want to part with them. Never hurts to ask though, right? ;)
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: PrincessTiffy on December 02, 2015, 03:20:46 PM
This is sooooooo cool!!!! I want one lol. Are there pictures of the others toys? And yes I would totally ask what they plan on doing with it after. If they have to send it back from where they got it or not. I sure hope they don't just dump it afterwords.

I tried to get a display cardboard Celestia from a local store (I begged and promised I wasn't going to sell it on eBay); they refused and insisted it had to go in the trash!

It depends. When they had the celestia canterlot display at target I asked three stores what they do with them and if their allowed to sell them or give them away. The first two where a no sorry we either have to send them back or trash them unfortunately. The last place was a no when talking to the manger but a nice young guy around my age who worked their overheard my conversation with the manager and said she pretty much has to tell customers that. And that him and another coworker who are collectors have asked to have marvel and other displays if they don't have to send them back and were given them. He said if I gave him my name and number he would try and save it for me since no other coworker has asked about it. Months later I heard from him saying they were going to reset and the display was mine if I still wanted it. I gave him a Starbucks gift card for being so nice and remembering me. I never bragged about getting it since I was kinda scarred it might get him in trouble.

Thank you so much Teddy!!! That is a really cool display! But poor Raphael, it's hard to see him in that bubble lol. I would totally ask if I were you. It never hurts to ask, and the worst they can say is no sorry right?
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: mlp4me on December 02, 2015, 04:17:39 PM
This is sooooooo cool!!!! I want one lol. Are there pictures of the others toys? And yes I would totally ask what they plan on doing with it after. If they have to send it back from where they got it or not. I sure hope they don't just dump it afterwords.

I just snapped a few:
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Here you can see the Carebear.
I'd ask. I love the gigantonromous Cheer Bear.

So much awesome.
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: reanna-mator on December 02, 2015, 04:55:29 PM
This is sooooooo cool!!!! I want one lol. Are there pictures of the others toys? And yes I would totally ask what they plan on doing with it after. If they have to send it back from where they got it or not. I sure hope they don't just dump it afterwords.

I tried to get a display cardboard Celestia from a local store (I begged and promised I wasn't going to sell it on eBay); they refused and insisted it had to go in the trash!

JCP let me have a g1 retro display they had, luckily. But I bet most are like that, will refuse to let people have it. Or maybe you need a friend in the store. I had one. lol

Yeah, bummer. :( I can usually get display bits from the Best Buy where I work... I usually grab little magnetic graphic strips and posters from video game releases, but maybe it's different from store to store.

Anyway, this is awesome. It'd be a shame to see it disappear forever after its display period is over though, she looks so nice. It'd be great to see her go into the hands of a collector.
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Strawberry Swirl on December 02, 2015, 05:23:44 PM
(loud demonic wailing)

My baby!
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Esbayne on December 03, 2015, 02:32:18 AM
That's so cool! I hope someone gets her instead of her being trashed.
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: daffodil101 on December 03, 2015, 02:55:37 AM
She's amazing!  I really hope they agree to let you have her Teddy!  It would be so so sad if she disappeared or got thrown away.  I'd love to see her next to a regular pony to get a sense of her size.  Also, she's in beautiful condition, don't you think?  :) 
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Carrehz on December 03, 2015, 10:13:00 AM
omg, she's beautiful!! And in such good condition! I hope they don't throw her out when they're done with her :(
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: ringwraith10 on December 03, 2015, 10:52:51 AM
No one seems to have mentioned the obvious mistake here: G1 Melody was released in the 90s -- not technically appropriate for an 80s display! ;) Teddy -- maybe you should nerd out and tell them that when you ask for it, just so they know what's what. :P
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Esbayne on December 03, 2015, 11:00:07 AM
No one seems to have mentioned the obvious mistake here: G1 Melody was released in the 90s -- not technically appropriate for an 80s display! ;) Teddy -- maybe you should nerd out and tell them that when you ask for it, just so they know what's what. :P

Wait, are there two Melody's? I thought Melody was the green peg in Firefly's pose.
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: ringwraith10 on December 03, 2015, 11:04:31 AM
No one seems to have mentioned the obvious mistake here: G1 Melody was released in the 90s -- not technically appropriate for an 80s display! ;) Teddy -- maybe you should nerd out and tell them that when you ask for it, just so they know what's what. :P

Wait, are there two Melody's? I thought Melody was the green peg in Firefly's pose.
That's Medley.
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: lunar_scythe on December 03, 2015, 11:33:13 AM
Medley is the green peg, she was released all over; Melody is a UK/Euro only pony, she's also in the My Little Pony Tales cartoon. :)
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Teddy on December 03, 2015, 12:00:02 PM
No one seems to have mentioned the obvious mistake here: G1 Melody was released in the 90s -- not technically appropriate for an 80s display! ;) Teddy -- maybe you should nerd out and tell them that when you ask for it, just so they know what's what. :P

Touché! They kind of failed at her body color too of course, but you know. Technicalities! ;) I'd still love to have her!
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: JazzMatazz on December 03, 2015, 12:09:36 PM
Really cool!
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Mirnyj on December 03, 2015, 12:17:05 PM
I really like the bubblegum theme.  ^.^
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Mermaid on December 04, 2015, 04:22:33 AM
It's soooo cool! I'd be begging for her haha!

Don't let sarahbee see this!!! LOL
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: DaffyDilly on December 04, 2015, 08:25:35 AM
It's soooo cool! I'd be begging for her haha!

Don't let sarahbee see this!!! LOL

Ha this pony would look like a petite next to her other two!
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Miniature Sheep on December 04, 2015, 09:07:36 AM
*squee!* That is such an awesome display! Thanks for sharing! *quietly daydreams about how fabulous it would be to have a giant care bear*
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Esbayne on December 04, 2015, 10:35:28 AM
Medley is the green peg, she was released all over; Melody is a UK/Euro only pony, she's also in the My Little Pony Tales cartoon. :)
No one seems to have mentioned the obvious mistake here: G1 Melody was released in the 90s -- not technically appropriate for an 80s display! ;) Teddy -- maybe you should nerd out and tell them that when you ask for it, just so they know what's what. :P

Wait, are there two Melody's? I thought Melody was the green peg in Firefly's pose.
That's Medley.

Ohhh my bad, thank you.
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: S.o.a.r. on December 04, 2015, 01:08:40 PM
Damn! I need to go over there and photograph this beautiful girl! :lol:
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Teddy on December 04, 2015, 01:58:56 PM
Damn! I need to go over there and photograph this beautiful girl! :lol:

Yes, you do! She's pretty awesome. ^-^
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Sweet_Stuff on December 04, 2015, 08:30:32 PM
Hehehe, how cool! Thanks for sharing!  ^.^
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: slyons on December 05, 2015, 06:39:48 AM
No one seems to have mentioned the obvious mistake here: G1 Melody was released in the 90s -- not technically appropriate for an 80s display! ;) Teddy -- maybe you should nerd out and tell them that when you ask for it, just so they know what's what. :P

Touché! They kind of failed at her body color too of course, but you know. Technicalities! ;) I'd still love to have her!

I'm a little late jumping into the conversation, but I'm dying to know... Have you asked them yet?!  That would be awesome if they said yes!
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Deep Purple Crystal on December 05, 2015, 08:48:36 AM
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Brightglowpony on December 05, 2015, 09:02:44 AM
That is so awesome!!  I will keep my fingers crossed for you that they will let you have her once they take the display down
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: hathorcat on December 05, 2015, 02:29:31 PM
I saw your post on FB, Teddy - how awesome to see even more images of her - thank you so much for sharing!

I would guess she was a remnant of days gone by. A lot of big department stores (and any retailer who has massive window displays) do tend to hold on to things like this. How fantastic to see her getting an outing :) I will admit, I would be tempted to ask...even if just to make sure she was going to be tucked back in the cupboard for future appearances.
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: ButtercreamDream on December 06, 2015, 06:19:49 AM
I saw your post on FB, Teddy - how awesome to see even more images of her - thank you so much for sharing!

I would guess she was a remnant of days gone by. A lot of big department stores (and any retailer who has massive window displays) do tend to hold on to things like this. How fantastic to see her getting an outing :) I will admit, I would be tempted to ask...even if just to make sure she was going to be tucked back in the cupboard for future appearances.

Are there more giant ponies like that around?  I'd love to see them!
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: hathorcat on December 06, 2015, 06:42:38 AM
I saw your post on FB, Teddy - how awesome to see even more images of her - thank you so much for sharing!

I would guess she was a remnant of days gone by. A lot of big department stores (and any retailer who has massive window displays) do tend to hold on to things like this. How fantastic to see her getting an outing :) I will admit, I would be tempted to ask...even if just to make sure she was going to be tucked back in the cupboard for future appearances.

Are there more giant ponies like that around?  I'd love to see them!

I think we have heard or seen rumours of giant promotional ponies over the years - there is of course Drusillas Sundance (and we know there was a Baby as well at some point), the SHS from the original advert, a couple of large plastic display models that were used outside stores but nothing quite like this girl shown here. She is very distinct in her Hasbro design; its possible she was a one off promotional creation but its more likely she would exist in a small number offered for promotional purposes to the biggest stockists. Its not that disimilar an idea from nowadays when you perhaps go into a giant toy or department store and they have giant versions of whatever the current trending toy or product is.
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: ponycake on December 06, 2015, 10:28:16 AM
I wish we could make reproduction molds of them. I'd cast and paint so many. Have a crazy pony garden, ponies and flowers everywhere. Someone go steal it and sell molds please. lol

I don't even know if that makes sense. I just want more!
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: slyons on December 06, 2015, 10:33:31 AM
I wish we could make reproduction molds of them. I'd cast and paint so many. Have a crazy pony garden, ponies and flowers everywhere. Someone go steal it and sell molds please. lol

I don't even know if that makes sense. I just want more!

Ha-ha, it makes total sense!  I'd love to have some G1 ponies chillin' in my garden!
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Teddy on December 06, 2015, 11:17:01 AM
Unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to go back there yet. I have been down with a bad cold and am not usually in that area of Stockholm anyway. Maybe S.o.a.r. would be willing to ask about her? She is very cool, but I have no means of offering them any money for her or anything. And like, what would I do with such a thing?? Lol! I would be just as happy knowing another collector friend had her. :)

Also, I'm not in any MLP Facebook groups, so it wasn't me who posted her on there. I'm curious to see the post though, could anyone link me?
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 06, 2015, 12:33:19 PM
I wish we could make reproduction molds of them. I'd cast and paint so many. Have a crazy pony garden, ponies and flowers everywhere. Someone go steal it and sell molds please. lol

I don't even know if that makes sense. I just want more!

HAHAHA if they made pony lawn ornaments, there would be no room in my yard for plants!  :)
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: ButtercreamDream on December 06, 2015, 08:13:45 PM
I wish we could make reproduction molds of them. I'd cast and paint so many. Have a crazy pony garden, ponies and flowers everywhere. Someone go steal it and sell molds please. lol

I don't even know if that makes sense. I just want more!

HAHAHA if they made pony lawn ornaments, there would be no room in my yard for plants!  :)

My garden has gone down hill since I've had kids...I'm ok with that =)

ETA; Thanks for the info Hathorcat.  You know what would be amazing?  If the hasbro store made a giant blank G1 like that for customizing.  I can dream =P
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: achab1984 on December 06, 2015, 09:24:05 PM
That is so cool! :)
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Galactica on December 07, 2015, 12:46:15 PM
Wow that is so awesome- I would have gone a little crazy I think to have seen her... I am glad she is so far away and unattainable!
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Sukey on December 07, 2015, 05:08:59 PM
That pony is awesome! The Cheer bear looks like one that was released in the 2000's.
Title: Re: Giant G1 Melody in window display in Stockholm!!
Post by: Mermaid on December 07, 2015, 07:46:04 PM
Aren't Sarah bees in her garden haha? I'd love flutter ponies in mine!!
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