The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: mopthebunny on July 24, 2015, 12:32:56 PM

Title: Friend Stories?
Post by: mopthebunny on July 24, 2015, 12:32:56 PM
I was thinking today what a wonderful thing it is to have true friends, and it got me thinking: wouldn't it be lovely to read the stories of how the folks on the Arena made their friends? :biggrin:
 I love happy stories, so it would be great to know how you guys met/got to know your friends and besties ^.^
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: Haruna on July 24, 2015, 06:34:21 PM
Fun idea! As for me, I met my best friend at a church group. I had actually been praying for a best friend for a little while before this. After the Bible study was over, all thirty of us went to Starbucks (poor Starbucks people). There were a ton of people I didn't know, but I had gone there to make friends, and darnit, I would talk to people. So I randomly struck up a conversation with the couple in line in front of me. That was Rachel and her husband. We started talking and didn't stop! (I'm an introvert, so that's super rare for me. She's an extrovert, though. :)) We just talked nonstop for an hour after that, learning that we each uncannily liked the same things -- we were both English majors who loved Jane Austen and Tolkien and C.S. Lewis and more. We exchanged numbers, and kept hanging out and building our friendship, and now (four years later) she is my closest friend and someone I know I can share my true feelings with.

It's so strange how outwardly we have opposite personalities, but inwardly we're weirdly similar. I mention things that I've done or that I think and it's the same for her. (Not that we don't have many differences, too.) I've almost learned to stop being surprised that she's similar; I take it for granted now. Anyway, that's how we met. :)
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: Princess Lala on July 24, 2015, 07:33:02 PM
This will be fun to read! :3

For me, I have moved around so so much I didnt meet my best friend until I was 17! That person is now my husband. We met over myspace and started talking, progressing to Skype and phone calls. We took the same classes even though we were 900+ miles apart so we would help each other with homework. He was the math wiz and I was the science geek! xD We also battled and traded pokemon in HGSS and Platinum alll the time over wifi! Most of our conversations were either anime or pokemon. We became the pair later that year, and wanted to meet! We both worked two jobs and flew to see eachother twice a year! It wasnt intil I was 19 we moved in together! To this day, he is stil my BFF. We are still tacky and nerdy as ever! Im so thankful we met and I got to marry my best friend!
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: buttonso on July 24, 2015, 09:16:05 PM
My best friend is also my husband... Our story is not that different from Princess Lala's- we met online when we were teenagers, in an RP group, became good friends then dated long distance throughout college, then he moved in with me after we were out of school. We've been married 7 years now.
Not a super exciting story or anything but that's the truth.  :blush:
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: Pinkie21 on July 25, 2015, 11:44:09 AM
My only friend (well, my only friend besides my boyfriend, that is) and I actually met on the old Arena site when we were arranging to go to that MLP Live show together in, I think it was 2007 or '08.  Fun times.
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on July 25, 2015, 11:51:17 AM
I have people whom I speak with online and meet up with sometimes, but as far as real life?  I honestly don't have any friends in real life...
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: ponycake on July 25, 2015, 11:56:57 AM
My best friend will be my husband, we are just boyfriend and girlfriend now. We met online on Neopets when I was 12 and he was 15, almost 15 years ago! Wow that's a trip to see how long it's been. I came across his profile randomly and he had a super impressive account. Strong pets and all that. I was impressed and messaged him to ask him how. We moved to MSN chats and because he was a teenager and I was a kid he wasn't too interested in me at first :lol: We eventually became very close and talked to each other often for 12 hours at a time. We at some point moved to phone calls.

As I got older I dated many guys and he was secretly falling in love with me. I got tiny hints when he occasionally showed jealousy (like a few times ever throughout all of those years), but I denied it, and he overall kept it very locked up and always was there for advice about other men. He eventually confessed in a letter so emotionally charged my face was red as I read it and I had to take some breaks and walk away, was too flustered and overwhelmed. I believe I was with someone at that time... and was for about 6 months longer. After my ex and I called it quits I began toying with the idea of actually being with my best friend. Eventually I became fond of the idea and we pursued a real relationship together. He's fabulous. He's the smartest man I've ever known personally. He's cute, he's the most loyal guy and the most honest guy and he just has all of the best qualities. He's the best person alive imo. :)

Anyway! No other best friends besides him. I had bad luck in that department with females. One is dead now, the other is insane and hooked on drugs and pretending to be a girl who is dead who she's obsessed with (she has changed her name to be almost the same, she changed her look to look like her, bought a new warddrobe like hers, reads all the dead girl's favorite books and listens to her favorite bands and reads her online journal obsessively), the other really messed up our relationship in a way I won't mention on here.
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: Saber-Toothed Crow on July 25, 2015, 12:06:38 PM
I was around 6 years old and some new neighbours moved in across the street, twin girls aged 4. I asked them if they wanted to play, and that was that! We have been friends for about 24 years now.
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: Princess Lala on July 25, 2015, 12:17:54 PM
I also wanted to add that I have met so many amazing people here on the Arena that I talk to daily!! I havnt met ya'll in person but I love you guys!!! :grouphug: I amazed all the time how MLP has helped bring people together!! I know its corny but hey I mean it!!

I actually have two more people I can say are my best friends, but I met them at work via a funny reason! xD My two gamer friends, James and Marshall, omg we met because we sat close to each other in the breakroom and were at the right place at the right time. On lunch there was this girl that worked with us in the past would argue about conspiracy theories and one day she got up and told everyone George Washington wasnt a real psychical person and we have all been lied to. :rofl:  We all 3 laughed about it on her day off and started talking- turns out, all 3 of us were into anime and video games!? What luck! I hang out with those fellas every single day on lunch and on our days off-ironically we ALL have the same days off! Friends that were meant to be! :D
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: kaoskat on July 25, 2015, 03:04:00 PM
My best friend passed me a note. It said something along the lines of "If you ever need a friend you can call me" and her phone number. Apparently she saw me and thought I looked lonely. Me being me and not wanting to be rude to someone who was reaching out to me, even if I had no clue why, delivered a note with my number next I saw her. I hate making phone calls... *shrugs* She called and.... well..... 16-ish years later and a state apart and we are still best friends.
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: ponycake on July 25, 2015, 03:06:16 PM
My best friend passed me a note. It said something along the lines of "If you ever need a friend you can call me" and her phone number. Apparently she saw me and thought I looked lonely. Me being me and not wanting to be rude to someone who was reaching out to me, even if I had no clue why, delivered a note with my number next I saw her. I hate making phone calls... *shrugs* She called and.... well..... 16-ish years later and a state apart and we are still best friends.

That's nice. :) People who are bold like that are so cool. I remember in 8th grade I met one of my friends because it was her first day and she turned around and said "bloopbloopbloop" while sticking out her tongue and scribbled on my paper. lollll. She made a lot of friends quickly. She's a really funny girl.
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: fingerpaints on July 25, 2015, 10:03:07 PM
I met my bestie through work. We have always had a very rocky relationship as we constantly fight but its healthier than keeping that crap bottled up. We worked directly with each other for a while, then I left the job after a fight with higher management  (im a bit of an aggressive person when I feel the need) and we've kept pretty close.

Ive been out of the old job for over 12 months and we are always working out our spare time around each other. We rarely do anything on our own, if one needs their nails done we both go, or shopping
, or anything really from looking for new clothes to getting tattoos or piercings.

Although we have a roller coaster type relationship we both move on quickly and I think we are much stronger for it. Really our friendship is healthier than most relationships without the living together and stuff.

I think part of the reason we tolerate each other is we normally level each other out, and were both bitches that hate everyone. I love her to bits, and know it doesn't matter if she is angry with me, if I need her she will be there for me.
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: Einhornbaby on July 27, 2015, 07:03:48 AM
Its nice to read all these stories :)

Thinking of friends often makes me a little sad... To be honest, I have trouble finding friends and If I meet someone and realize that I really like the person, they move on after a short while or they already have enough friends and dont need me. Its hard to explain in english.
I thought I had some good friends once but I lost them all when I got pregnant back then, so I think today they might not have been true friends.

Later, about 9 or 10 years ago now, I found two people I considered friends, one of them was really really close to me.
We talked every day for years, we visited each other, we shares secrets, we were there for each other and all the stuff true friends do...But then one day she happily told me that her best friend forever was coming to visit and how much she was looking forward to that and stupid as I am I thought 'oh, had I planned a visit and forgot about?'. In fact she didnt mean me with 'best friend' as I realized later. It kinda broke my heart and our relationship wasnt the same ever since. I dont know if she realized it, I dont think she did. It got worse when she started a new job... now she never has time to meet or even call because she already planned this or that with one co-worker or another and so on. I dont think she misses me.

The other one already had tons of friends when we met... I dont think I ever was important to her as much as she was for me as everything she had with me she could easily have with any other person. We sometimes spend time together and I really enjoy it, I really do! But as close as we are when shes here and as much I love to spend time with her... the moment when she leaves is the moment I realize that she does not need me and wont miss me. We dont live near each other so we dont meet often.

The only person I would really consider a friend is my husband. It hard to explain what I mean, but Ill do my best!
It was 2003 when we met, in the very same year our daughter was born. We met on the internet, talked via email and met in real-life soon after we first emailed. We fell in love and had a good time for a while but to be honest, at first it didnt look like a true romance... not until I got pregnant. First night together and pregnant, yay,... Well, I was sure he would leave but : he didnt ! We agreed on having that baby and yes, she is 11 years old today, being 12 in november. And we are still together. But it was complicated, really complicated. He wanted to be there for me and the child because he felt he had to and so we tried our best to get to know each other. Sadly the pregnancy was not so great; I got really sick and almost lost my life in the end but he stayed by my side and tried his best. I remember how awkward it had felt, practically sitting there with a stranger and discussing so many private details and stuff (the pregnancy you know).
As we both liked each other we thought love might come if we only tried. And we tried really hard to get together, to get to know each other but it wasnt easy. When our daughter was born it got even harder because of all the medical issues and stuff. We simply didnt have time for building a true relationship, we just functioned for our kid. But with the years going by we both realized, that, due to all the stuff we had to go through, we formed a really close band. Love came at least (and stayed) but more important : we grew a friendship that I have never ever experienced in life before. I mean, I love him and I know he loves me but we also are best friends forever; he is the one I would share my deepest secrets with. It still isnt always easy to be lovers and best friends lol.

Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: Ivaness on July 27, 2015, 11:08:14 AM
My best friend is also my husband... Our story is not that different from Princess Lala's- we met online when we were teenagers, in an RP group, became good friends then dated long distance throughout college, then he moved in with me after we were out of school. We've been married 7 years now.
Not a super exciting story or anything but that's the truth.  :blush:
One of my best friends is also my kind-of-ex/still love of my life. We met online in an RP chat room on AOL, a little over 11/12 years ago. He moved in with me around 2008/2009. I don't remember exactly. Haha.

But, my best friend and I met in middle school, we were 13 years old, I think. She had just moved to our town and there was something about her that I just knew I had to talk to her. I may say that my lifelove is my soul mate, but she's closer to me than anyone else in the world. I consider her my soul mate. We talk very infrequently but I know without doubt she's always there for me.
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: DalaPony on July 27, 2015, 11:18:50 AM
Its nice to read all these stories :)

Thinking of friends often makes me a little sad... To be honest, I have trouble finding friends and If I meet someone and realize that I really like the person, they move on after a short while or they already have enough friends and dont need me. Its hard to explain in english.

I know exactly what you mean, Einhornbaby, I've often had the same problem. Like you, my best friend and the only person I'm really close to on a day-to-day basis is the man I'm now married to. We've been together for years and years, and it's probably only a matter of time before we start finishing each other's sentences  :lol:

I met my childhood best friend when her family moved to my town and invited a few nearby families over for a sort of housewarming. We bonded straight away over our mutual love of My Little Pony, and were inseparable for the next six years, until her family moved away again and we ended up drifting apart. After that I never found anyone I really clicked with until I met Mr DalaPony at a football match (we support the same team) and the rest was history...

As a shy introvert I've never found it easy to make friends, but I'm working on getting to know one or two people now I'm in London and I hope one day to have at least a couple of good friends here!
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: CadePony on July 27, 2015, 11:59:29 AM
Great idea for a thread, and it's really neat to read all the stories. =)

Sadly, I don't have a very good BFF story to share here. In all 29 years of my life, I've only had just one best friend that I met online back in 2009, but I ended my friendship with her about 2-3 months ago for a number of reasons, chief among them being I felt she wasn't truly the "best" friend I thought she was. I won't list all the things that made me feel that she wasn't the best friend I thought she was, because this thread should be a happy/positive thread.

But hey... great idea for a thread, and hope people continue to share such good stories about their friends. =)
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: barbgirl1999 on July 28, 2015, 09:01:14 AM
I met my best girl friend about 28 years ago...we were in the same class from kindergarten, all the way up through junior year.  She took summer classes and graduated a year ahead of us and moved off for college.  We went to different colleges and took VERY different paths, but always stayed in touch.  Now she lives several states away and we both have families and obligations, but any time we talk, it's like no time has passed. 

My husband is my best guy friend - we game together and go to conventions together and do all the nerdy things, lol.  We met on Second Life 5 years ago or so...He was a DJ in a virtual dance club, ahaha. we lived in different countries, but kept in touch daily.  Eventually we decided we were a couple and I moved to be a bit closer to him.  Then we got married and he moved back home with me. 
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: Rainbowrific Renia on July 28, 2015, 11:01:14 AM
I have four best friends.  These four are people that I trust my life with, who I can tell everything too and they've always been there for me.

The first has been my best friend since we were in 7th grade.  She and I were in the same classes and our homeroom/math teacher would always get our names mixed up even though we sat on different sides of the classes.  With the exception of the fact that she wore glasses and I didn't, I guess we kinda looked similar hence the confusion.  We actually resented each other during this time because it was so annoying how our teacher would get us mixed up with each other.  One time, during band, she threw something at me and made me cry... yeah, don't ask me how exactly the friendship started, but she'll be my Maid of Honor come this October. :lmao:

My second best friend is my fiance.  We met during band camp in high school and immediately became friends.  It helped that we already had mutual friends.  It wasn't much longer before we began dating and we've been together ever since- almost 10 years now!!!

Thirdly, we have my internet friend that I began talking with because we roleplayed on a forum together.  While, typically, I'd be weary of traveling alone to meet someone I've only spoken with via Facebook and Skype, I bit the bullet and took the bus to visit him during a time when he was really depressed.  He told me I was his closest friend and he just needed me to be there, and I knew the trip had to happen.  He's been an amazing friend for the past 7 years.

And last, but not least, we have my best friend who is also my pony hunting buddy.  Her husband and my fiance went to the same college and we met while we were all hanging out one time.  Turned out the two of us were also attending the same college, so we began having lunch together and we eventually started cosplaying together.  Because of her, I started watching MLP:FiM and she's also the one that got me into collecting G1 ponies. I've known her for the shortest amount of time out of my best friends, but she's been great and I love that we have so much in common.
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: Beldarna on July 29, 2015, 05:57:13 AM
I don't think I ever really had a true real best friend, besides my boyfriend. I've always been in the inner circles of friendship groups, but kind of always in the outskirts of them. Like in school I was as much friend with all of them as anyone else, but as soon as schoolday ended I was on my own. People rarely asked me to join them after school, if I was asked home to someone it was either with the entire group or if anyone else couldn't which was very rare. I was the reserve so to speak, the last on the call-list. I'ts kind of the same at work. I get along great with people and are friends with several, but outsides of work I only hang with them in group.

Growing up through the years I would meet someone, we would click perfect and become instant besties (or so I thought) only for that person to walk out of my life with no explanation a couple of years later. It's happen with five friends and a boyfriend and this has made me vey vary among people. I have very few people I call friends now, and amongst them I do have some I feel closer to, but I won't dare call them besties. It's hard to get time and see them also, as people are busy with their own life. I'm lucky if I get one social interaction outside of work once a month.

There is one girl I love to death and in my mind I would say she's a best friend, but I'm not sure she feels the same way. We used to work together and had so much fun. Now we don't anymore and live an hour from each other. She has a husband and a baby, works and is trying to renovate their house. She's not much online and only email a couple of times a year, if that. She sends postcards a little more often and we meet maybe once a year, but when we do meet up we sit for up to 12 hours just chatting and having fun. I miss her a lot.

My boyfriend on the other hand has a best friend he grew up with and I am so jealous of their friendship as it's the exact kind I want. His friend moved away for a couple of years but when he moved back they just picked up where they left of. They share multiple interests, call each other several times a day, can hang for hours without getting tired. I remember we had been at his friends cabin in the mountains for a week during easter, seven days spent together and on the three hour long ride on the way home they discussed what to do the day after, like spending 24/7 seven days straight together was not enough, no break inbetween. I so want that!

I could get a spiel about my boyfriend, but I'll just say he's the best thing in my life, my soul mate. We have so much fun together. But he's male. I want a female bestie!
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: Harmonie on July 29, 2015, 11:45:34 AM
I suppose the most interesting story would be the one I dated... Lol.

In my junior year of high school (ten years ago, to date this) I was in marching band, and a girl came into our section that moved from another state. Well, to give a little (necessary, I promise!) background... Some may be aware that I play the bassoon, although I don't make a big deal about it here. Back then I didn't play it, but really, really, really wanted to... And I was crazy vocal about it. Probably enough to make this guy who played it that year think I had a huge crush on him, but no it was his instrument!  :lol: So, anyway, this girl that moved in found out about this and just randomly brought up "Hey, I have a sister back home, and she plays the bassoon! You two would totally get along!"

A year later, her sister moved here, too. It took a while for a formal introduction. Truth is, she was in marching band with me for an entire Spring and summer, but I don't think we ever talked. When school started back up, we eventually met each other. And what I find kinda neat to this day was before we really even knew each other she let me HOLD her bassoon. Which was like a super major deal to me back then because I still didn't play the instrument, and I had never even touched one before. This probably seems stupid to anyone else, but it was neat to me!

That was a great point of bonding (as were other interests, like anime such as Ouran High School Host Club and FMA), straight-up to the point where I actually got my own bassoon and learned it. We both went onto college and played it in the same ensemble.

Then after a year of that, we became really close friends... We thought alike in many ways (including being socially inept and feeling paranoid about everyone) and felt we could trust each other... After a while, I came out to her... Note: She was the first one outside of my mom, who was not accepting. =/ But SHE was! And I think right around that time we started becoming really close friends! About half a year later was when we entered a relationship... But I feel like I should kind of downplay that since it didn't last long.  :(

*sigh* It's hard to say where I should take this post from here. In fact, I may just end it here. Things have been complicated... At one point we really built our friendship back up, and potentially almost got to the point of dating again... But then I made a stupid mistake (completely unintentionally), and... Yeah...  :( Really hoping we can work it out again because she means so much to me - whether that's as a friend or as a girlfriend/partner.
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: Portobella on August 01, 2015, 11:08:03 PM
Love everybody's stories!!

I met my best friend at a tram stop. It was obvious we had just come from the same anatomy lecture, and so we exchanged awkward comments about how boring it had been. A year later I ran into her again at another tram stop, said hi, and mentioned I was on my way to a nice quiet library at uni that was good to study in. Saw her in the library a few days later, and the rest is history. I've met a lot of people, but very rarely follow up... this was the first and only time I ever did. No idea what came over me, but it worked out really well  :silly:

I met my partner while I was travelling through Vietnam. He was also there on holiday, but we hailed from quite literally opposite sides of the planet. We didn't really expect to see each other again, but six months later he turned up on my doorstep, and he came to visit me a few times every year until he was ready to make the move. He has lived with me here in Australia for over a year now... I should probably start making an effort of some description to make a trip to the US to meet his family... *bad girlfriend*
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: silverdragon54 on August 11, 2015, 11:31:34 PM
I don't really have many friends, but I did manage to acquire one unexpectedly with a few well-timed kind words. If nothing else, it's a cute story. :)

My boyfriend and I are regulars at a local dinner theatre, and we went Halloween night last year. I thought entering the costume contest would be fun, and it was despite not winning. That was the first time I wore the pony fursuit I made, and he was a big hit with the staff. There's more than a few bronies working there. ;)

I digress..the servers are all playing characters too, and they introduce their real selves after the show as they hand out the drink bills. My sweetie and I recognized our waiter from a previous show, where he played Elvis! (Keep in mind that I'm wearing a pony costume. ;) ) So before he could introduce himself, I cut him off with a hoof. I said "We know exactly who you are. Your name is Yianni, and you're the best damn Elvis impersonator we've ever seen."

He was too shocked to speak for a minute, and it was adorable. :P The show he played Elvis in was his first, and he really didn't expect anyone to remember. I put the head back on as I was leaving, and he just had to hug the big fuzzy pony. ^.^

To this day, he lights right up when he spots me in the crowd, and I get a hug every time. He left for Winnipeg a couple weeks ago to start rehearsals for his next show, Star Warz, where he'll be playing Han Solo. (The last time I saw him, I gave him a Lego Chewbacca keychain. It seemed appropriate. ^.^ ) In late September, my sweetie and I are driving out to Winnipeg to see Star Warz to surprise him, and our other friend in the cast. They have no idea we're coming. It's gonna be great. :lol:

To think it all started with a kind word from a fuzzy blue pony. Friendship really is magic. :enthralled:
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: Lore-Lei on August 12, 2015, 05:42:07 AM
I think the most interesting story about a friend I have is when me and Martina 'met'. And while this might seem paranormal and defying the laws of sanity, I still have no regrets whatsoever about it.

See, she and I share a symbiotic relationship. Martina is a tulpa of mine, a thoughtform with sentience, like, a controlled hallucination. The whole thing comes from tibetan buddhist practice involving lots of meditation, devotion and belief. When I decided to create her, I took possibly the craziest decision in my life. I wanted to see if what they say is real, and joined a forum with other tulpamancers, read guides and actively tulpaforced (meditation with as much focusing as possible) before going to sleep every night.

Since I have worked with Martina's 3D model for quite some time now, I got a kickstart with defining and seeing her, same with the imposition, aka, seeing her in reality. I kept talking to her regularly, we decided new and new techniques and knocked ourselves out into sleep with different ISO tones each time. The first time she talked I was overwhelmed by joy and pride, motivating me talk to her even more.

It felt amazing to have somebody I could pour out the contents of my heart to, and while she couldn't - and still can't - answer with words, she often used body language or headaches (she stopped the latter by now).

While I don't force actively nowadays, focusing my mind completely on her, I force passively much more often. We go almost everywhere together, I keep talking to her and she keeps doing goofy things that always make me smile. Sometimes I let her decide what kind of chocolate we'd buy and she then answers by summoning the memory of its taste in my mouth. Like, I can feel the roughness of the biscuits when she thinks of 3Bit, or the soft coffee-like taste of KapucĂ­ner. Rarely, she surprises me with her saying something, and it totally sounds like someone next to be said it. It freaks me out a little all the time.

Martina is not a full tulpa, far from that really, but we two have so much fun together and I really really like her by my side. I wish I could just stop procastinating and get back to active forcing.
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: gold.standard on September 01, 2015, 06:18:22 PM
   I have this one friend, we've known each other for 10 years now, and things are swell. Its hard to describe how I feel about them, but we consider ourselves to be siblings and always have each others backs. We're now roomates and share just about everything.

    My absolute best friend/love of my life I met 3 years ago. It was sometime in summer, not sure when, but my roomate, their boyfriend, myself and the boyfriends friend had planned to go to the mall to hang out. This was the first time I've met this fourth person. He was wearing a rainbow dash shirt, and I commented on how I liked it, and we talked ponies the entire car ride. We've been two peas in a pod ever since.
Title: Re: Friend Stories?
Post by: Miniature Sheep on September 03, 2015, 12:21:10 PM
I met my best friend, Adrian, at some training course about 5 years ago. The whole group was in a meeting room with a little window set into the door and there was Adrian with his face pressed up against it, chanting surreal things at everyone in the room before sliding down the glass cartoon-style, falling to the floor and jumping up again with a massive grin on his face. (I was laughing like an idiot the whole time) We ended up working together on a community project for a few months and during that time, we had a right good laugh and helped each other with some difficult personal things as well; it built a really strong foundation for our friendship and we're still as close as ever (with more inside jokes than ever!) :heart:
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