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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: sailorstitch on May 15, 2015, 08:22:29 PM

Title: Silly request from our local courthouse
Post by: sailorstitch on May 15, 2015, 08:22:29 PM
So my dad passed away last Nov after battling Parkinson's for 15 years. Today we got a letter in the mail from the courthouse addressed to my dad. My dad is being summoned for JURY DUTY!  :haha: If they want my dad to show, they're really going to have to "summon" him.  :haha:

I haven't stopped laughing all day! Has anybody else had something like this happen?

Title: Re: Silly request from our local courthouse
Post by: palaisdejouets on May 16, 2015, 12:56:16 AM
Ha, I'm glad your response to this was actual mirth and laughter and not sadness :)

My grandfather died of Parkinson's 10 years ago (about 15 years after diagnosis as well). Condolences on your loss.

He was my mom's dad and now both my mom's parents are gone. My oma died in 2013 and it took at least a year before my mom was done with all the various paperworks and taxes and pensions etc. etc. And she did get mail addressed to my oma! But nothing as strange as jury duty.
Title: Re: Silly request from our local courthouse
Post by: Moony on May 16, 2015, 04:17:04 AM
My brother got called for jury duty for the first time two weeks before he was going to move to Chicago for a job xD Obviously he got out of that :P
Title: Re: Silly request from our local courthouse
Post by: Kiwi on May 16, 2015, 06:54:21 AM
Wow, that's some good record keeping there. Stories like this always remind me of the cat that got summoned for jury duty.
Title: Re: Silly request from our local courthouse
Post by: melodys_angel on May 16, 2015, 09:51:41 AM
Yes, I remember that.  They had no idea it was a cat if I remember right xD

Im sorry to hear about your loss--but im glad that its made your day
Title: Re: Silly request from our local courthouse
Post by: kaoskat on May 16, 2015, 12:13:29 PM
LOL We get calls for my father in law here all the time, wanting to give him life insurance..... He died when hubby was in HS about 20 years ago.
Title: Re: Silly request from our local courthouse
Post by: Katika on May 16, 2015, 01:54:17 PM
I'm legally an out-of-state resident, currently living in Missouri, which is for all purposes my home state.  However, I'm permanently living in a county about two hours north of where I grew up.  Last summer, I got a notification from my "home" county at my non-local address here in Missouri to summon me to jury duty.  Besides not even being a resident of this state, *I haven't even lived in that county for 10 years*.  I really don't understand how that sort of thing can just get missed when sending out this sort of thing.  You'd think with as tight as they always say money is, they'd be a little more careful about sending out inapplicable mail like that. 

I ended up calling in and they asked me to send them a form to say why I was declining and a copy of my drivers license, and it was a done deal.  Just really weird  :P
Title: Re: Silly request from our local courthouse
Post by: Chrissytree on May 16, 2015, 02:53:55 PM
My Mum died last year and I got three membership letters since. I told them politely the first two times not to write but by the third I was annoyed so I wrote back saying "Unless the rules about deceased members has been lifted my Mum will not be renewing her membership"

I also had the pleasure of dealing with this incredibly annoying woman who mum bought some kind of nectar product from ONCE years ago. She called shortly after Mum's death. She really doesn't leave you any gaps in her speech to get a word in so this is roughly what she said
"Is your mum there?" I told her she was unavailable, until I figured out who she was.
"Well, She's bought this such and such nectar and it's a brilliant product that is very good for you. I know she had such and such problem and it's very good at improving this and that; any condition she has can be helped by taking this product!" At this point I was quite tempted to say something inappropriate about it being good for ANY condition... but I just managed to chip in while she paused for breath and let her know the news. I half expected her to say "sorry for your loss... would you be interested!?" I think Mum would have found it funny and would have been glad to finally get rid or her!
Title: Re: Silly request from our local courthouse
Post by: ringwraith10 on May 16, 2015, 04:18:59 PM
I got a phone call once from some sort of telemarketer asking for my deceased grandfather. But the call came in at my mom's house... I mean, yes, we lived with him for less than a year loooong before he died, but his name wasn't on our phone number! I was so baffled by that. Anyway, I just responded, "He's dead. Goodbye."

Sort of unrelated: I also got a call once from a telemarketer asking to speak with the "man of the house." Wow did I chew him apart and spit him out. That must have been his first day on the job or something -- I mean, who asks that? Anyway, after I chewed him out, I offered to let him speak with my male dog -- the only man in my house.
Title: Re: Silly request from our local courthouse
Post by: Katika on May 16, 2015, 07:17:16 PM

Sort of unrelated: I also got a call once from a telemarketer asking to speak with the "man of the house." Wow did I chew him apart and spit him out. That must have been his first day on the job or something -- I mean, who asks that? Anyway, after I chewed him out, I offered to let him speak with my male dog -- the only man in my house.

I was actually told that in Florida, door-to-door sales people aren't allowed to ask to enter a residence if a male (human, lol) doesn't answer the door.  I'm not sure how true that is, but that *could* have been along the lines of what the telemarketer was thinking.  That, or he really was a pompous you-know-what and thought women can't make grown up decisions. 
Title: Re: Silly request from our local courthouse
Post by: rybett on May 16, 2015, 07:22:55 PM
Yep!  My brother has 4 names.  He uses #2 as a first name, but the court house has tried to summon him by various combos, usually sequentially and they have trouble grasping the fact that they are all the same dude.  Dad periodically gets junk mail at our house which is 50 miles away from the house he has lived in for the last 43 years.   
Title: Re: Silly request from our local courthouse
Post by: daffodil101 on May 16, 2015, 09:02:48 PM
I got a phone call once from some sort of telemarketer asking for my deceased grandfather. But the call came in at my mom's house... I mean, yes, we lived with him for less than a year loooong before he died, but his name wasn't on our phone number! I was so baffled by that. Anyway, I just responded, "He's dead. Goodbye."

Sort of unrelated: I also got a call once from a telemarketer asking to speak with the "man of the house." Wow did I chew him apart and spit him out. That must have been his first day on the job or something -- I mean, who asks that? Anyway, after I chewed him out, I offered to let him speak with my male dog -- the only man in my house.

Lol, that's how i respond to telemarketers all the time.  'Not interested sorry, thanks, *hang up*'.  I mean, ain't nobody got time for that.  Plus it's wasting their time too.  Feel sorry for them though.  It must be one of the worst jobs.)

That's so weird about asking for the man of the house.  Good on you for setting him straight! 

(Katika that's interesting they have rules for salesmen like that!  Though tbh, I live with my mum and I'd never let a stranger into my house.  Hopefully it's just courtesy.  it would be very rude to insist to come in to someone's house I think, though, either gender!)
Title: Re: Silly request from our local courthouse
Post by: Aitsuki on May 16, 2015, 09:11:42 PM
I don't even give them the chance. If I answer the phone and I even get the SLIGHTEST notion it's solicitation? Hang up! I don't care if they're a recording or a real person, BOOP! They legally can't be calling me after all, I'm on the DNC. So I don't feel bad in giving them a metaphorical middle finger.
Title: Re: Silly request from our local courthouse
Post by: sailorstitch on May 17, 2015, 12:15:33 PM
I got another one about my dad, but it doesn't trump the jury duty. Shortly after my dad passed away we got a phone call about his membership to the NRA. I told the lady, first of all my dad has passed away. And second, he was NEVER A MEMBER of the NRA! The lady apologized and said she'd update their records.

Sort of unrelated: I also got a call once from a telemarketer asking to speak with the "man of the house." Wow did I chew him apart and spit him out. That must have been his first day on the job or something -- I mean, who asks that? Anyway, after I chewed him out, I offered to let him speak with my male dog -- the only man in my house.


Title: Re: Silly request from our local courthouse
Post by: ringwraith10 on May 17, 2015, 03:56:12 PM
OMG, sailorstitch -- maybe your dad has this whole secret past that involves being a member of the NRA! :shocked:

Katika -- I would be shocked if a door-to-door solicitor asked to enter the house in the first place, whether a man or a woman answered the door! I mean, I guess it's just in this day and age (maybe back in the 1940s you would invite them in for a glass of lemonade or something), but that seems like grounds for calling the cops to me. Of course, I mostly just get the same guy at my house asking to do yardwork, and I've told him before that if he comes back I will call the police, so... maybe it depends on the situation.

And yeah, I'm on the DNC and I still get crazy calls all the time. What's the point of the list if they're still going to call me? But most of the calls I get are at work. My work number is on the school website (I work for a university) so everyone and their mother decides to randomly call it just because it's there.

Edit: Oh, to get even more off topic, here's another crazy anecdote! Once I got a call at work in which the guy asked to speak with "the warden."  :blink: I told him I had no idea what he was talking about and that I was pretty sure he had the wrong number. But then I told my co-workers about it, and we decided that (philosophically) maybe he was talking about our boss and that we were all really prisoners of our jobs and our boss (who was absent that day) was the warden. After that our boss (who's actually a really nice guy) got a new nickname.
Title: Re: Silly request from our local courthouse
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on May 17, 2015, 06:05:14 PM
Reminds me of the day I decided to "mess with" a telemarketer. They called and I replied in an old British lady voice. Oh that is nice dearie, would you like to come over for some tea and company. I heard them gasp and hang up immediately, I guess I sounded very convincing. Thanks to Monty Python for teaching me how to do that.    :devious: :devious:
Title: Re: Silly request from our local courthouse
Post by: Kiwi on May 18, 2015, 06:54:18 AM
I played with a realtor once when I was in my teens. Usually they ask for the homeowner, but this one just launched into "Hi I'm [name] from [company] and I just sold a house in your neighbourhood". I played with him for a while before he figured out I wasn't the owner...never heard someone hang up so fast!
Title: Re: Silly request from our local courthouse
Post by: pineapplecupcake on May 18, 2015, 07:28:02 AM
My dad doesn't have a middle name, but sometimes he gets junk mail where they made up a middle name for him. The weirdest middle name they've put on the mail was Xavier. I like to think some data entry clerk is having fun making up names somewhere,  haha.  Also, we used to have a very talkative Siamese cat. A telemarketer called while the cat was busy chatting away and the telemarketer guy asked in a scared voice "Is that a lion?" We said yes and he hung up in a flash!
Title: Re: Silly request from our local courthouse
Post by: buddyboymama on May 20, 2015, 06:08:09 PM
Nothing like that, thank goodness. But we moved into this house eight (!) years ago, and were forced to change our phone number. We still get phone calls for the folks who previously had this phone number. Some of them are not even telemarketers, but personal phone calls!

My dad doesn't have a middle name, but sometimes he gets junk mail where they made up a middle name for him. The weirdest middle name they've put on the mail was Xavier. I like to think some data entry clerk is having fun making up names somewhere,  haha.  Also, we used to have a very talkative Siamese cat. A telemarketer called while the cat was busy chatting away and the telemarketer guy asked in a scared voice "Is that a lion?" We said yes and he hung up in a flash!

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