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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Haruna on April 17, 2015, 11:19:41 PM

Title: Cinderella live-action movie
Post by: Haruna on April 17, 2015, 11:19:41 PM
Okay, so I saw the live-action Cinderella movie tonight (I know, I'm quite late to the party!) because my sister wanted to, and I don't know what's wrong with me; I was expecting to find it saccharine-sweet and shallow, but I actually really enjoyed it. :P My favorite take on the story will probably always be Ever After (oh, and the book Ella Enchanted), but this movie surprised me in a good way. Cinderella's mother tells her (you've probably seen the trailers) "Have courage, and be kind." It sounds a little kitschy, but, really, if you think about it, it's profound. You watch poor Cinderella grow up and bravely be kind, and it's just . . . cool. What did you guys think of the movie? Is this just temporary madness? :P

Title: Re: Cinderella live-action movie
Post by: nemubones on April 17, 2015, 11:27:48 PM
No, I thought the same thing going into see this movie. Ever After will always be my all time favorite Cinderella adaptation with Slipper and the Rose after it. This adaptation wasn't all the sugary sweet of the trailer or original if nothing it was pure utter eye candy with a simple, elegant story line. I did find it beautiful that Cinderella carried those words her mother spoke to her as she aged and stuck by them like a mantra to keep her going. Cate Blanchett played a good stepmother I thought but  paled to Angelica Huston's stepmother in evilness but this is a Disney movie after all.
Title: Re: Cinderella live-action movie
Post by: Beldarna on April 18, 2015, 04:57:54 AM
I liked it a lot. I didn't think I would but I was impressed.
Title: Re: Cinderella live-action movie
Post by: Ponyfan on April 18, 2015, 06:02:54 AM
I saw it in March and thought it was really good. :)  I'm usually not interested in the live action remakes that Disney does based on their animated classics, but Cinderella was good. There were even some twists that surprised me. 

Title: Re: Cinderella live-action movie
Post by: kaoskat on April 18, 2015, 06:58:37 AM
I'm looking forward to seeing it but I like that sort of thing anyway.
Title: Re: Cinderella live-action movie
Post by: Princess Lala on April 18, 2015, 08:23:35 AM
I saw it the day before it came out in theaters because of a 7pm prerelease! <3 I LOVED it!!! Them feels....i cannot wait for this to come out on bluray!
Title: Re: Cinderella live-action movie
Post by: melodys_angel on April 18, 2015, 08:29:31 AM
haven't seen it yet.

Glad you enjoyed it^^
Title: Re: Cinderella live-action movie
Post by: Haruna on April 18, 2015, 07:45:12 PM
Yeah, I'm glad you guys liked it, too! I'm not crazy, lol! The trailer was kind of . . . something . . . that threw me off, so I thought I wouldn't like it. But I was pleasantly surprised. I liked how in the beginning of the movie they let us see Cinderella's happy life with her family; that was cool. And I love 19th century novels and everyone talked as if they were in one. And the costumes were beautiful. I agree, Cate Blanchett was awesome! The cast was awesome all around. The only casting decision I'd argue with is the lizards as footmen, lol, since I thought they were pretty terrifying! :)

I've been listening to the music from the trailer, too. Very pretty stuff.
Title: Re: Cinderella live-action movie
Post by: ladybastilla on April 18, 2015, 09:31:19 PM
I haven't seen it yet, but I'm sure I'll grab it when it releases on DVD. I'm looking forward to seeing it, but like others have said, I doubt it can hold a candle to Ever After. (Which is one of my favorite movies ever.) Still, I love seeing how various adaptations and retellings of fairy tales can bring forth potentially fresh takes on classic stories, so whether it becomes my favorite version or not I'm sure it'll be great way to spend a couple hours.
Title: Re: Cinderella live-action movie
Post by: Princess Lala on April 19, 2015, 05:59:08 AM
Just wanted to add I have FINALLY made my decision to cosplay as for the masquerade ball (its anime, Disney, and steam-punk themed) and im thinking of cosplaying as Ella  :blush: I have the shoes from the DS (they are even a size 4 as i have microscopic feet!) and I have a gold butterfly masquerade mask so all I need is the dress! I already have blonde-brown hair so Im not sure If i would really need the wig.....

But I really really loved this movie! When she transformed into her blue gown I actually ctied in the theater it was SO beautiful. I even saved my ticket and framed it with my other favorite movie tickets! ^อบ^
Title: Re: Cinderella live-action movie
Post by: mlp4me on April 19, 2015, 08:21:42 AM
I haven't given in to seeing it yet. Aside from the Pirates movies I haven't been too much into the live action re-makes of the animated tales. Maybe I'll check it out once it's available at the local library...
Title: Re: Cinderella live-action movie
Post by: stopxmotion on April 19, 2015, 11:48:20 AM
I wasn't too impressed. I might have to check out Ever After that you all keep mentioning though.
Title: Re: Cinderella live-action movie
Post by: Haruna on April 20, 2015, 05:24:46 AM
Oh, and I also liked the "Frozen Fever" short in the beginning. The snowgies were so cute. The song was a little weird, but it was fun overall. :)
Title: Re: Cinderella live-action movie
Post by: Ponyfan on April 20, 2015, 06:22:00 AM
I thought Frozen Fever was good also. :) It took me a while to understand why Elsa's voice sounded a little off when she sings but then I realized it's because she
has a cold so that's why her voice sounds different than in the movie.

I'm waiting for Disney to announce the DVD release date for Cinderella.

Title: Re: Cinderella live-action movie
Post by: Majesty on April 20, 2015, 04:40:07 PM
I still haven't seen it.  The last one I saw was home early in the month.  I want to see it but I fear it's probably close to leaving theaters now.
Title: Re: Cinderella live-action movie
Post by: SwordPony on April 20, 2015, 06:30:34 PM
I loved it!! I thought it was very neat that they gave the prince a name. I loved that they kept the staircase from the animated version to this one. So neat to see that part.

I must say that I loved Helena Bonham Carter as the fairy godmother. So cool to see her in a nice role instead of always being the bad guy.
Title: Re: Cinderella live-action movie
Post by: Marigold on April 21, 2015, 08:21:25 AM
Helena Bonham Carter/the Godmother was actually the only part I didn't like.  I felt like they tried really hard to make those scenes funny, but they were merely droll slapstick.  The writing could have been better.  I liked her as the hag and I had hoped the scene would be more sincere like the rest of the movie instead of suddenly having some "Home Alone" comedy stylings.

I loved Ella and her prince meeting in the woods.  I adored her family in the beginning and the way she interacted with her dad after the loss of her mom and when the new family moved in.  I wish we could have seen more of Ella being kind at the end like granting her step family more forgiveness and a place in the kingdom.  I always loved the versions of her story when she somehow takes them in and gives them what they do not deserve.  I felt badly for the step mom when she overheard her husband say she and her daughters were "trying/difficult". 

I do wish they had done more with the special relationship she had with her father.  Maybe he was the one who should have told Ella to have courage and be kind.  Or something more.  The butterfly was a strong symbol of him, and I wanted to see her have something special about the butterflies rather than just that one gift in the beginning.  Unless I remember wrong.

Title: Re: Cinderella live-action movie
Post by: Galactica on April 21, 2015, 09:14:19 AM
Well based on the mostly positive reception-  I will watch it when my nieces inevitably get it on DVD and play it non-stop during one of our visits ;)

I did see the previews and had thought that it really looked like they were trying to make the characters "look" like the cartoon.
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