The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Ponykit on March 06, 2015, 01:08:00 PM

Title: Writers?
Post by: Ponykit on March 06, 2015, 01:08:00 PM
There's probably been something like this before, I know. But I wanted to know who else on here writes, or if you have written before. I write a lot of things but most of it I keep to myself, at least for now, although I do have a few things up.
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: CadePony on March 06, 2015, 03:27:25 PM
I used to write a lot when I was in high school. In fact, I had planned on becoming a novelist and had an entire story written out (though it would not have stood a chance at getting published because it was -- oh how should I put it? -- a sci-fi/fantasy story that was more along the lines of "Sailor Moon meets Star Trek").

These days, if I do any writing at all, it's mostly Transformers fan-fiction. My muse isn't as good as it was when I was in high school.
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: Miniature Sheep on March 06, 2015, 04:04:58 PM
I have an extremely long open-ended project in the works that I sometimes dip into for written pieces, but mostly draw things related to it. It changes a lot as I consider new characters, their families and friends and all that. I would like to try doing more writing and maybe share some of it but somehow it feels more personal than drawing so I tend to be nervous about posting it anywhere. :P
That said, I do also write a lot of very short, surreal humour-based stories and parodies of informative leaflets that frequently find their way onto the internet. They're fun to do and other people seem to find them amusing so it's win-win, really!
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: HelloGoodbye on March 06, 2015, 06:35:56 PM
I love writing!!  Right now, I'm 100,000+ words into my first novel.  I started it for National Novel Writing Month in November and got my first 50,000 words done then, and I've been plugging away at it ever since.  Writing it has been really fun for me.  I'm not quite sure how long it will be, but I'm a little more than half way through at this point (I think) and I intend to cut out a fair amount when I go back and edit it.  I'm very proud of the progress I have made on it!  I also write lots of short stories, and I enjoy writing fan fiction as well.  My other projects are kind of taking a back seat right now as I try and finish the novel, though.  Writing is definitely a really important hobby for me and I love it a lot.
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: ladybastilla on March 06, 2015, 09:02:25 PM
Add me to the list of writers. I'm working on a series containing four novels and seven novellas called The Sealer Saga. I've completed one of the novels (took three re-writes) and it's in its (hopefully!) final round of editing, and I am 1/2 done two of the novellas. My goal is to get these stories finished and sell them via Kindle Direct (ebook) and as print books via CreateSpace. I'm not overly worried about fame and fortune--I'll just be overjoyed to hold my stories in my hands. :)
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: Ponykit on March 06, 2015, 09:59:03 PM
I'm not overly worried about fame and fortune--I'll just be overjoyed to hold my stories in my hands. :)

Me too!
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: kaoskat on March 07, 2015, 07:29:51 AM
I've been writing since I was 6.
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: melodys_angel on March 07, 2015, 09:03:29 AM
Not really, but I seriously need to sit down and write a series of books ive been meaning to do for the past 15 years >>
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on March 08, 2015, 08:25:15 AM
I've been writing for years and wanting to get published. I still write fanfics
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: QueenNatalie on March 08, 2015, 08:46:02 AM
Me, me! I'm currently majoring in creative writing in college. :) I just wish I had more time to spend writing instead of doing all my homework for the rest of my classes... :P
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: StoryDreamer on March 08, 2015, 11:17:25 AM
I'm a professional freelance writer, and I'm a blogger. I'm working on a YA novel off and on, plus some nonfiction ebooks.
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: Katika on March 08, 2015, 11:38:37 AM
I started writing regularly when I was in 4th grade.  I wrote my first "novel" in 6th grade, started an epic (still going  :blush:) self-insertion DBZ fanfic in junior high, the first book and a half of a horrible trilogy in high school, and finally buckled down on a fantasy series in college that is now 11 books long.  I've participated in NaNoWriMo for the past nine years (there's quite a few of us NaNoers here at the Arena... I'm still debating if I'll do Camp at all or not - don't have much longer to think on that!).  With the backlog of manuscripts for my series, though, I've been trying to buckle down on editing more than anything else.  I hope to get it self published within the year :)  As has been mentioned a couple of times before, I don't write for fame or fortune, but out of love for my characters.  I'd like a published copy of my stuff for myself, but have also been gently told that other people would probably enjoy my stories, so I figured I could put them out there and if someone wanted to pick them up, then that would be great, too :)

I would be a sad, sad girl if I didn't write.
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on March 08, 2015, 11:39:10 AM
I'm trying to write a pony calendar, the link to Jan and Feb is in my sig.  I work in science communication and do a lot of that sort of writing :)
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: ponygirl74 on March 08, 2015, 11:42:18 AM
I'm a writer, I'm rewriting a story I write while I was 17, I hope to get it published one day, but I mostly write for the joy of it.
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: PrincessStarlily on March 08, 2015, 12:21:02 PM
I'm a writer! :work: Unfortunately not a constant one, what with school and other commitments. But I'm mostly through with the first draft of my first real novel (done during Camp NaNoWriMo last year), and besides that have written several short stories and poems/songs. I love to read, so writing just naturally sprang from that! ^.^

I love to read fiction; some historical, mostly fantasy and twisted fairy tales, so naturally that's kind of what I write. The novel I've been working on for the past several years is about a band of wolves trapped in a swiftly melting world, who embark on a quest for a new home.

My ultimate hope is to revise until my face turns blue and submit a polished manuscript to a publishing house. Until then, I'll content myself with practicing and entering contests.
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: starrypawz on March 08, 2015, 04:29:12 PM
Although lately most writing I do is fanfic or roleplaying stuff I mean I have 'original' characters and concepts for stuff kicking around but haven't had much luck turning those into something
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: Haruna on March 08, 2015, 10:47:11 PM
I'm a writer! Besides being a mom, that's the career I want. (Right now I'm still keeping my day job. :P) I've entered a few contests and submitted one story for publication, but I need to be more serious about getting published. At least just tonight I sent some samples to some beta readers. I have 100-something pages of a novel started, but it's been stalled with writer's block. In my sig there's a link to my less serious stories. :)
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: Skeen on March 09, 2015, 10:56:41 AM
I write for myself, just to get the stories out so I'm not thinking about them anymore.  But I don't want to BE a writer, you know? 
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: ponygirl74 on March 09, 2015, 11:36:35 AM
"I love to read fiction; some historical, mostly fantasy and twisted fairy tales, so naturally that's kind of what I write. The novel I've been working on for the past several years is about a band of wolves trapped in a swiftly melting world, who embark on a quest for a new home. "
Sounds interesting PrincessStarlily, I'm writing about wolves too, but mine is based on when the European settlers came to this country and hunting them.     

Post Merge: March 09, 2015, 11:43:53 AM

 National Novel Writing Month, I've seen it mentioned but what/when is it?
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: Katika on March 09, 2015, 02:08:42 PM
"I love to read fiction; some historical, mostly fantasy and twisted fairy tales, so naturally that's kind of what I write. The novel I've been working on for the past several years is about a band of wolves trapped in a swiftly melting world, who embark on a quest for a new home. "
Sounds interesting PrincessStarlily, I'm writing about wolves too, but mine is based on when the European settlers came to this country and hunting them.     

Post Merge: March 09, 2015, 11:43:53 AM

 National Novel Writing Month, I've seen it mentioned but what/when is it?

National Novel Writing Month occurs every year in the month of November and it's a massive international (despite the name ;)) challenge for writers to churn out a first draft of 50k words or more of new fiction (as in, if you already have a WiP, you only include the words you write from Nov 1-30).  It's an amazing way to motivate yourself to get that first draft out, and you get crazy awesome support from other participants and published authors.  For "winning" NaNoWriMo, you get a certificate to print out, but also get swag from writer-oriented companies like Scrivner and some self publishing places.  A few years ago, they started up Camp NaNoWriMo which is like NaNo-light and offer it in two installments during the spring/summer (this year's is April and I believe June).  Camp NaNo lets you set your own word count goal and you can even use it to "officially" revise something you've already worked on. 
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: ponygirl74 on March 09, 2015, 04:01:11 PM
"I love to read fiction; some historical, mostly fantasy and twisted fairy tales, so naturally that's kind of what I write. The novel I've been working on for the past several years is about a band of wolves trapped in a swiftly melting world, who embark on a quest for a new home. "
Sounds interesting PrincessStarlily, I'm writing about wolves too, but mine is based on when the European settlers came to this country and hunting them.     

Post Merge: March 09, 2015, 11:43:53 AM

 National Novel Writing Month, I've seen it mentioned but what/when is it?
National Novel Writing Month occurs every year in the month of November and it's a massive international (despite the name ;)) challenge for writers to churn out a first draft of 50k words or more of new fiction (as in, if you already have a WiP, you only include the words you write from Nov 1-30).  It's an amazing way to motivate yourself to get that first draft out, and you get crazy awesome support from other participants and published authors.  For "winning" NaNoWriMo, you get a certificate to print out, but also get swag from writer-oriented companies like Scrivner and some self publishing places.  A few years ago, they started up Camp NaNoWriMo which is like NaNo-light and offer it in two installments during the spring/summer (this year's is April and I believe June).  Camp NaNo lets you set your own word count goal and you can even use it to "officially" revise something you've already worked on.

Sounds interesting! Were would I find out about  about Camp NaNoWriMo? it might motivate me to start writing my story again  :).
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: Katika on March 09, 2015, 04:39:34 PM
"I love to read fiction; some historical, mostly fantasy and twisted fairy tales, so naturally that's kind of what I write. The novel I've been working on for the past several years is about a band of wolves trapped in a swiftly melting world, who embark on a quest for a new home. "
Sounds interesting PrincessStarlily, I'm writing about wolves too, but mine is based on when the European settlers came to this country and hunting them.     

Post Merge: March 09, 2015, 11:43:53 AM

 National Novel Writing Month, I've seen it mentioned but what/when is it?
National Novel Writing Month occurs every year in the month of November and it's a massive international (despite the name ;)) challenge for writers to churn out a first draft of 50k words or more of new fiction (as in, if you already have a WiP, you only include the words you write from Nov 1-30).  It's an amazing way to motivate yourself to get that first draft out, and you get crazy awesome support from other participants and published authors.  For "winning" NaNoWriMo, you get a certificate to print out, but also get swag from writer-oriented companies like Scrivner and some self publishing places.  A few years ago, they started up Camp NaNoWriMo which is like NaNo-light and offer it in two installments during the spring/summer (this year's is April and I believe June).  Camp NaNo lets you set your own word count goal and you can even use it to "officially" revise something you've already worked on.

Sounds interesting! Were would I find out about  about Camp NaNoWriMo? it might motivate me to start writing my story again  :).  :)  The site can be a little confusing until you know how to navigate it; if you need any help, feel free to shoot me a PM :)
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on March 09, 2015, 06:28:07 PM
I love to write, I have a lot written that will be kept private, however I did post some fan fic on a site.
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on March 09, 2015, 07:03:33 PM
I write.  I've got a novel that I posted on FictionPress and one of my readers knows a publisher and sent me their email and said to tell them it's the story she's been "obsessing over" so they know it's me.  I've asked someone to edit for me (because I think I overuse commas and I'm slightly dyslexic so I want all mistakes caught) and once that's done, I'll be contacting them about my novel.   :biggrin: 

I even came across a fanfic the other day that was based on my story, so I know someone out there likes it!
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: Haruna on March 10, 2015, 07:27:59 AM
I write.  I've got a novel that I posted on FictionPress and one of my readers knows a publisher and sent me their email and said to tell them it's the story she's been "obsessing over" so they know it's me.  I've asked someone to edit for me (because I think I overuse commas and I'm slightly dyslexic so I want all mistakes caught) and once that's done, I'll be contacting them about my novel.   :biggrin: 

I even came across a fanfic the other day that was based on my story, so I know someone out there likes it!

Ooh, that's very cool! What's your username on FictionPress? I'm on there, too.
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: Pokeyonekenobie on March 10, 2015, 01:51:11 PM
I write.  I've got a novel that I posted on FictionPress and one of my readers knows a publisher and sent me their email and said to tell them it's the story she's been "obsessing over" so they know it's me.  I've asked someone to edit for me (because I think I overuse commas and I'm slightly dyslexic so I want all mistakes caught) and once that's done, I'll be contacting them about my novel.   :biggrin: 

I even came across a fanfic the other day that was based on my story, so I know someone out there likes it!

Ooh, that's very cool! What's your username on FictionPress? I'm on there, too.

It's the same as here.  I generally use Pokeyonekenobie as my user name on sites.  :) 
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: ringwraith10 on March 10, 2015, 03:23:14 PM
Yes, I'm a writer... but all of my published stuff is embarrassing (like stuff a magazine told me to write that I thought was crappy). Right now all of my focus is on finishing my Master's Thesis and working on my blog.

I do have a bunch of novels, poems, and short stories in various stages of "being finished" -- but I have nothing well polished because my focus has always primarily been on school. School has always been a means to an end (the end being becoming a better writer), but I am impatient to get my real life started already!

::Edit:: Oh hey, but I do freelance editing, so if anyone wants an English Master (hopefully soon to be PhD) to look over their stuff, let me know!
Title: Re: Writers?
Post by: Wardah on March 10, 2015, 03:34:57 PM
I have done some poems here and there. Last year when I had time I was part of a poetry and flash fiction writing group at my college.
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