The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Dreamer on January 06, 2015, 02:43:48 AM

Title: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: Dreamer on January 06, 2015, 02:43:48 AM
I was born in the late 90's and MLP wasn't a big hit here where I live. May you share your childhood memories when G1 was there?
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: Al-1701 on January 06, 2015, 03:30:18 AM
I actually didn't see the MLP cartoon until it was repeated on Disney in the early 90's.  Crunch the Rockdog and The Magic Coins were the episodes that really pulled me in.  Wind Whistler is best pony.
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: Oniontart on January 06, 2015, 03:42:52 AM
I also didn't see those when they came first time but I've watched them from videos and my favorite episode was Golden horseshoes and Ice Cream Wars. Mimic and Northstar are one on my favorite ponies in the episodes.

Most of my childhood ponies were my cousins old ponies but luckily I once got new G1 ponies for christmas about age of 3-4.
Those were baby Lollipop and Baby Meadowsweet. Somehow those two survived all these years to be part of my collection :lovey:
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: Einhornbaby on January 06, 2015, 04:07:21 AM
Oh I love this kind of threads <3

Well one memory might be the same for others, no matter what generation of ponies we talk about : standing in front of the shelves, being allowed to pick just one and thinking hard which one to pick!! Ooooooh my!!
I was born in Germany in 1982. I remember when a wave of NEW PONIES came (Raincurls, the Wedding Pony, the Schooltime Ponies,...), the adverts where almost everywhere and it was a really big thing back then.

The best person to go to pick a pony with was my grandma. "Oma Traudi" as I called her (I loved her sooo much, god bless her, she passed away in 2011) was always very patient with me and allowed me to stand there thinking as long as I wanted (and I sometimes really needed a longer while to decide...). I also remember, ponies were really pricey back then.
One of my favourite MLP memories is the following :
In my area the stores didnt carry MLP back then but the area where my grandma (Oma Traudi, said grandma from above) lived had a nice store with lots of toys. So, everytime we went to visit Oma Traudi I tried to get my parents to that store. I saved my pocket money for MLP only and every second visit I had enough money to buy a new pony.
One day  (it must have been 1990 / 1991) my father was about to drive to Oma to help her with something (cant remember what it was and since she had no husband she every now and then needed my fathers help for certain things) and I wanted to go with him (to visit the store of course, lol). I had saved enough money and badly wanted one of the Rainbow Curl ponies but since he had to carry some stuff in the car there wasnt enough space for me to sit. I was in tears!
Somehow though I managed to convince him to go to the store for me to pick up a pony. I gave him my money and one of the adverts where said ponies were pictured and he left. When he came back I was overjoyed!! At first because he came together with Oma Traudi (that was a planned surprise for me lol) and then because he really had gotten me a pony from the store (I had been afraid that he might not find them there or whatever...)! They then handed me a plastic bag telling me the pony was in there. I remember grabbing the bag and rushing off to my room. I reached into the bag and pulled my new pony out and to my surprise there was another one in there!!! Oma had gotten me a second pony :D I was soooo happy, you cant imagine!!
I got Raincurl and the Wedding Pony that day and played the whole afternoon with them. It was like christmas :D

Might share another story later, gotta go for now :)

Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: Beldarna on January 06, 2015, 04:41:37 AM
Oh, my! Memory lane!

The first mlp cartoon I watched was Rescue at Midnight Castle. We rented it from the local gas station and I loved it and everytime it was movierenting time I wanted it. Sometimes my vote got turned down and sometimes it got approved. Later a few more popped up but I loved the first one so much so it was a sad thing when it dissapeared from the shelf to make room for new movies. Mom and dad decided to buy me and my sister the movie and we got so excited til we realised it was the same cover but not the same episodes and it took a long time for me to get over it. Not saying I didn't watch this one tho, I knew all the lines by heart within weeks.

Besides that we have the usual memories of standing infront of the shelves deciding which pony to buy. I remember thinking of buying Heart Throb but then mom showed me Mainsail and since I loved boats I got her instead. Another time I was determined to buy a Barbie Horse and then mom showed me the boys! Instead of a Barbie Horse, Barnacle followed me home and got to merry Mainsail.

Or when a huge box got delivered to us around easter and it contained a bunch of giftwrapped christmaspresents from my aunt in USA and I got Pony Bride! I was soooo excited and bragged about getting a special US pony until I found the same pony in the stores over here a few months later, haha!

I have so many memories it's ridicoulus.
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: HelloGoodbye on January 06, 2015, 04:50:47 AM
I love these stories!  I'll be keeping an eye on this thread to read all of them since I missed G1 as well  (I was a G3 kid). 
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: Mirnyj on January 06, 2015, 06:07:12 AM
I actually didn't see the MLP cartoon until it was repeated on Disney in the early 90's.  Crunch the Rockdog and The Magic Coins were the episodes that really pulled me in.  Wind Whistler is best pony.

Like words spoken with my mouth!! I have an old VHS tape where I had recorded my favorite TV shows. Magic coins is on that tape. :) And Wind Whistler IS the best pony. ^.^
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: partypony566 on January 06, 2015, 08:39:55 AM
I got the grooming parlour with Peachy when I was 6 years old. How I loved it...i still have it now :heart: I only really had a few ponies but i was so happy to have them. I had flutter Rosedust, UK Confetti, the baby buggy with BBE baby Cuddles, Quarterback and Tex. I may have had more but those are the ones I can remember.

I still have all these apart from Confetti and Rosedust.

How I would love to go back in time and go back to my local toy shops but armed with loads of money to buy all the MOC and MIB ponies!!! XD
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: Sunset on January 06, 2015, 08:47:24 AM
I have lots of stories I could tell, but I will just tell this one.

When I turned 6, my grandmother took me to have my ears pierced.  We were at some kind of drug store I think.  I managed not to cry while getting my ears pierced and so on the way out when I saw Megan and Sundance I very sweetly asked my Grannie if I could have a pony since I had been so good and not cried.  She said I could but not right then.  She had other chores to do and so when we ended up at another store, she let me pick out two ponies.  One for myself and one for my little sister.  I got Dancing Butterflies for myself and Sugerberry for my sister.

Also, the only pony cartoons I got to see when I was that age came from the movie rental store.  So basically, RAMC ( which was my favorite both then and now). And the movie and the Katrina episode.  I didn't even know that there was a TV show except for that I caught the first episode of the Magic Coins at my grandparents house.  It was maybe 20 years before I ever found out if that managed to save the baby seaponies.
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: LightingElectricDream on January 06, 2015, 09:07:31 AM
I rember when I was 9 and was redicovering my little pony, I'd go internet surfing and use to play this sticker game someone made, it was a drag n drop game. Idk what ever happned to it to went down sometime in 2003.

I rember it would cold out side and I'd play the sticker game. Also I was looking at someones collection and saw snail rockers! I wanted some so bad.

I recorded the mlp songs on a cassete tape from baby 'lofty song site'.

I know all this dosen't seem like a grate deal, mostly cus it has to do with the internet..kinda lame. I can't discribe the feeling ya know.

Of course I remember getting ponies..too

Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: drusilla on January 06, 2015, 09:22:23 AM
i am so in love with g1 ponies and i think i always will be

i got my first pony when i was 4, it was a plush blossom and i still have her.

we had moved from Newfoundland Canada to Quebec Canada and i was not happy to be in a truck and driving for 3 days LOL apparently my mom stopped at a toys r us and got me that pony to keep me happy on the trip.  after that the rest is history

i used to watch the my little pony and friends cartoons on Saturday morning every week
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: sweetiebabyfizzy on January 06, 2015, 10:16:41 AM
I love this thread! I wish this forum had a "like" function, I would like all the posts with so many fond memories!

I was born in 1982, so G1 was my first and greatest pony love. My first memory of MLP is finding Baby Moondancer in the store, I thought she was so cute, she was a baby (still love the babies) and I loved that she came with so many accessories that I could play with.

Then... much to my hearts desire, I saw the MLP special "Escape from Katrina" when it aried on TV, I remember watching it with my parents. And my Mom was like... "You have the pony"! (Baby Moondancer) and it was love, ever since!

Every birthday, Christmas, ect ... I always asked for ponies.

I remember going to the toy store, and seeing a WALL of different ponies to choose from, it would take me a very long time to carefully select the next pony to join my collection. That's why "repeat ponies" make me sad!
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: ghouldilocks on January 06, 2015, 11:25:03 AM
When we lived on Andrews, I used to load up my ponies in a wagon and go down the street to a friend's house to play. My best friend lived next door, and one time her hair got caught up in my Twirler's tail. My friend went home with a bit of her hair trimmed off that day...I'm sure she was not the only casualty of the Dance N Prance ponies  :drunk:

My brother used to play ponies with me as well...our Ninja Turtles rode into battle on them more than once...
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: hathorcat on January 06, 2015, 01:51:38 PM
I think I have told most of my pony stories several times before :) But the one most vivid was when I got Masquerade. I was in Primary 1 at school and my mum and dad were moving which meant I was leaving all my friends and having to go to a brand new school. This was pretty scary for a 5 year old as you can imagine. So because I was a good girl, my mum took me into the town and to the Woolworths store where I was allowed to stand in front of the "wall of pony" and pick a pony. I choose Masquerade. I still remember hugging her to me as I walked out that store. Totally made moving worth it to get an extra pony! :)
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: ValeofSpring on January 06, 2015, 02:13:05 PM
Some favorite G1 memories:

- Getting introduced to MLP when I saw the first special on TV in September (I think) 1984.
- First pony: Cotton Candy, Christmas 1984 (30 years together!)
- I was so in love with the early commercials (still am) that I remembered the lyrics after 20+ years and contributed some of them to the Dream Valley website.
- I remember seeing the Show Stable commercial on TV where the little girl jumps Lemon Drop over the pole jump and I remember the Rainbow Ponies commercial where all the ponies were in a basket together--looked like heaven to me!
- I *LOVED* the backcard art and stared at Cotton Candy's backcard for hours.
- I remember when I first saw the Baby Ponies commercial in 1985 and flipped out b/c BABY COTTON CANDY! I did get to go to the store and buy her.
- I had some bad luck: went to the toy store to buy Lullabye Nursery and it wasn't there:(
- My favorites changed with time but my top favorites were probably the classics: CC and Blossom.
- At the time I thought the Year 3 Rainbow Ponies were quite ugly, especially Pinwheel.
- For Year 3 I was most in love with Lickety-Split (got her), Sparkler (nope!), and the Baby Ponies.
- I loved Sundance but did not like the Megan toy.
- Year 4 - I told a friend the So-Soft Ponies looked like bathroom toys. I did get a few of them.
- I wasn't crazy about the Beddy-Bye Eyes but tolerated them b/c babies and their accessories are always fun.
- I cut off Baby Cotton Candy's forelock and was surprised that the hair holes were still there.
- Once when washing my ponies I saw that Glory's glitter symbol was washing off and at that moment I became a pony conservationist and was much more careful with my ponies.
- I warned a friend with Heart Throb not to brush her hair when wet.
- I desperately wanted Bubbles and Seashell but never even saw them in person/the store as a child.
- I didn't like MLP as much from Year 5 on, although in Year 5 I did love Crumpet and the FT Babies. I thought the ponies were getting too "busy."
- By 1988-89 I was only collecting Years 1-3, then I ended up only collecting Year 2.
- I sold or gave away all my ponies except Cotton Candy by the end of 1994:(
- I started collecting again in 1998 when I found Seashell at a rummage sale! Again, only Year 2 for me:)
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: Bibinettepony on January 06, 2015, 02:13:38 PM
 :lovey: :lovey: :lovey: Oh I love love love this thread, so much nice story and memories all!! thanks for sharing!!

I already told my story is quite simple: I just got Tickle as a child, I got her for Xmas and I can remember the MLP packaging and how I opened her and particularly her smell!! OMG!! Fantastic I was on the moon, she was a pegasus, she had rainbow hair and she was purple!!! all things I love!! As a child I use to see MLP cartoons on tv but to be honest even if I looked a lot I did not have one cartoon I specially have some memories about  :blush:, I thought I was maybe too young! but I clearly remember the song at the beginning  :lol: :lol:
I really played a lot with Tickle/ (Plume in French  ;) ) she came everywhere with me (except at school too dangerous for her  :lol: :lol: )

oh I forgot to mention I have never never seen MLP items in stores!!  :shocked: that's why I find MOC and MIB ponies so precious and fantastic as I discover them now , nearly 30 years after  :lol: :lol: thanks internet!! ^.^

Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: LadyPinwheel on January 06, 2015, 05:21:06 PM
I was born in the late 90's and MLP wasn't a big hit here where I live. May you share your childhood memories when G1 was there?

I think it wasn't a big hit during the 90's (G2), but in the 80's (G1) I do remember MLP as a big hit in Spain. At least it's how I remember it. All my school mates had ponies, even some of the boys.

In fact I remember how I got my first MLP. I saw one of the girls in school had one. I always wanted a horse, but couldn't get one. And when I discovered the MLP there was no other toy I would want. My first pony was Confetti. I still have her and I love her so much.
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: SkyCakes on January 06, 2015, 05:54:57 PM
I totally remember going to toys r us or kmart. When I lived in the states. I would buy ponies with my allowance. I think about all the toys being on shelves and so many my little ponies. When I pick up my mint on card or mint in box. I feel like im being transported back in time when G1s were on shelves. I remember watching a some of the cartoon my little pony. I think I remember seeing some of the movies. Surprise left a strong impression on me. I really wanted her and got her and baby surprise one time. So soft surprise is one of my favorites now. :) I wish I could of still had my childhood one probably my only regret.
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: Salli on January 06, 2015, 06:11:22 PM
This is a great thread!

I think I've always been horse-crazy (despite never being around horses as a kid). I was born in '77 and got the My Pretty Pony for Christmas when I was 4. I think the next pony I got was Medley or Firefly. I get so sentimental when I look at them on my shelf. I still remember that "new pony smell". If they sold candles/air fresheners with that smell I would BUY THEM. Today's ponies just don't smell the same :(

I remember when Rescue at Midnight Castle came on tv and we recorded it. I don't think I ever got to pick a pony out from the store. I remember WANTING them so bad, but I had to wait for birthdays/Christmas because we were poor-ish (poor by American standards, which isn't that poor). I remember getting Megan and Sundance for a birthday (8th?) and my dad took me to a basketball game and I brought them with me.

I do remember one episode of the tv show in the 80's where some flowers/plants were attacking the ponies. I think it was the first of a 2-parter, so it ended with the ponies in peril. It aired before we left for school and I remember crying all the way to school. XD I was so sensitive back then.

Its funny but I feel more excited to get the ponies I always wanted as a kid than buying the ones I had (mine got used up by little sisters and who knows what happened to them). Sooooo many ponies that I coveted. I always wanted that Valentine's outift too. I need to look that up.
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: WingsOfMasquerade on January 06, 2015, 07:56:33 PM
These are great stories!
Mine is a little different. My parents hated ponies a lot. Am I the only one?
They said it was only for stupid babies and 4 year olds. They were always telling me to not like them. I hid my collection under my bed & in my closet. There was no internet in the time of G1, so as far as they knew I was the only person on earth above 5 years old to like pony, and boy was that ever the wrong thing to do.

I remember...
Running/jogging to the post office in town while I was supposed to be home alone to mail ponies for trades when AOL first came
Getting money orders at the PO with my allowance dollars to pay for ponies or mail offers
Smuggling ponies into the house after having them mailed to my neighbors' (we were 1 year apart, great friends) by putting them inside my sweatshirt or "borrowing a toy where a pony fit into it"
Neighbor giving me her dream castle after they didn't want it any more and having to find a way to sneak it into the house
Getting the Nursery & it showing up on a day before they said it would...and nearly having a meltdown when I thought my dad would be home to see the giant box! OMG IDK what would have happened...they would yell at me till I cry sometimes because ponies = bad and playsets would be so so so much worse .......I was soooo lucky that day. I carried that thing up to my room SO FAST and buried it behind the closet clothes. I was so stressed out all week after that I swore off playsets.

Not as dramatic:
Renting the MLP movie and trying to write down all the names of the ponies because nobody knew pony names then & you couldn't look it up
Getting the Fifi Salon from my Aunt one xmas which was THE COOLEST because she didn't care what my parents thought and just wanted to get me something cool at Christmas
Getting tapes of the MLP show (yea crunch the rockdog ep! Bad flower people! The bushwoolies & woe be gone) and watching the eps while home alone & make myself pancakes
Having enough change/money saved up to buy all Rockin' Beats, getting Merry Treat on clearance, finding 1 fancy mermaid baby & splitting the princess sparkle buggy (I got the pony, she got everything else) with another friend.

Trying to find out about all the ponies that exist * trying to find their names * meeting someone with a pony you've never seen * the suspense of what new pony might appear in a store * looking at back cards to see what all ones you could also get * pony rumors (example: Shaggy was actually "Topsy" and a twin, there was another with the bear "Turvy" right side up) All of these things were in the days of G1 being 'new'.

This is super nostalgic! you know why my name on here is "Masquerade" it was because I was a pony sneak / spy / smuggler for so long under-cover (disguise/masking the like of ponies)...but now, in this happy day of the Arena & the internet, we can all do what we want to enjoy.
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: Saber-Toothed Crow on January 06, 2015, 08:25:37 PM
I only had two ponies growing up, we didn't have much money but my mom found them for me at the thrift store. I used to sit in a circle with them and all my plush toys and play hot potato, Ya, I was a loner child :P My two best friends across the street had buckets of ponies. We used to watch the Movie over and over, we had it so ingrained we could quote it word for word - even years later after we wore the tape out from watching it so much! Our ponies would go on epic adventures, and one of our favourite games was to throw them from the treehouse and then find where they landed. So many memories!
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: Starfall on January 06, 2015, 08:54:20 PM
Oh Wings of Masquerade, that story is one for the records! "Greatest lengths gone to disguise the pony habit"!
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: northstar3184 on January 06, 2015, 09:24:51 PM
Oh my the memories! I was born in 1984, and LOVED MLP as a kid!

A few memories:

When I was in pre-school, MLP ran on weekday mornings and I watched every day while getting ready.

When I was in first grade, My Little Pony Tales began running on Disney. I made my dad tape it everyday, and I bet my parents still have some of those episodes on VHS.

I began collecting around 1988. I wish I could recall what my first pony was, but I'm not sure. Peachy, Baby Cotton Candy, Majesty, and So Soft Lofty were among my early ponies.

The Salvation Army store was a frequent place to find G1 ponies no longer sold in stores. The store kept all the toys in a side room and they'd just be in piles. On several occasions, I'd find ponies buried under stuffed animals.  That's actually where I got my Lofty, and I can still remember taking her home and putting her on my headboard that night (That was about 25 years ago). On another occasion,  Moonstone, Glory, Sweet Stuff, and the August Poppy birthflower pony were all found there on one very lucky day.

On a couple of occasions my mom picked up ponies randomly from one of the department stores on her way home from work in the morning and gave them to me before school. On one occasion, she brought home Raspberry Jam & Blueberry Baskets. Another time it was Magic Mirror & Windy.

I remember getting the brushable petite ponies as a bribe to take this nasty tasting antibiotic.

Being a boy, the way I played with my ponies was probably a little different than how many girls played with theirs. My ponies were often on the run from monsters and there were often many pretend pony casualties.

There's just too many memories...I'll post more if they come to me. For now, those are some of the memories from my childhood as a  boy who collected G1 ponies.
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: hilamb on January 06, 2015, 09:26:21 PM
I remember, it was the MLP - movie, which i saw first. I saw the TV-show later, in mid-90's in Finland.
Of course before that i had already started to love ponies. I got them for christmas when I was 4 years old the first time.
I dont remember much of ponies in the stores.
I was young at the time, that the G1 still was in, I was about 11-12 when G2 first hit Finland.   :P
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: northstar3184 on January 06, 2015, 09:42:53 PM
These are great stories!
Mine is a little different. My parents hated ponies a lot. Am I the only one?

My parents didn't hate them, but they didn't think a boy should be playing with them and would give me a hard time about it. However, they'd still buy them and dad still taped the cartoons. I think they had bigger issues with my Barbies, Rainbow Brite dolls, and Cabbage Patch doll, lol.
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: fizzerknight on January 07, 2015, 12:32:00 AM
I love all these stories! I so wish I had been born ten years earlier! Being born in 91, I missed getting to go to stores for G1s. But my earliest mlp memory from my childhood was when I was about 4, and my mom took me to a yard sale. I found a Princess Tiffany in a basket of toys and I was just in awe! I had never seen a pony before! I handed her to my mom and asked if I could take her home, and I just remember my father saying something along the lines of, "A pony?! No! That's for girls honey!". He thought because I was a boy, blah blah blah, I'm sure you know where I'm going with that. And I don't remember what my mother said or anything specifically, but I do remember her looking angry, pointing her finger in his face, and then smiling at me with the pony in her hands telling me that this was my new friend. I love my mother! :lol:
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: LadyMoondancer on January 07, 2015, 01:05:13 AM
I only saw like two segments of the cartoon as a kid;  for me it was all about the toys.

I got my first pony in the mail, as a birthday gift from my grandmother who lived in another state.  I remember trying to pry the plastic bubble off myself, which hurt my fingernails, so then my parents helped me by sliding a butterknife under the bubble.  I remember being sooo worried the knife would cut Moondancer's beautiful hair!

I don't remember this, but my mom had a baby-book thing and she wrote that after I got Moondancer, I walked around the house holding her saying "At last, all my dreams and wishes have come true."

I remember getting Cuddles and the Baby Buggy for Christmas and getting into a long argument with my sister over Cuddles' gender.  BOY FOREVER.

I wanted the Pony Royal ponywear outfit sooo badly, but either my family couldn't find it or didn't want to get it for me, so my older sister made me a GORGEOUS pony cape based on the brochure picture, which I still have to this day and which is honestly 10x the quality of the real ponywear.
Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: Elfpony on January 07, 2015, 06:03:42 PM
It's amazing reading everyone's memories in this thread. I remember discovering the Wall of Pony for the first time in a department store and just being completely in awe. Cotton Candy came home with me that day.

I wish I still had my childhood collection, but even more I wish I had a photo of them. I remember towards the end of my childhood collection my Gram wanted to take a picture of my ponies so I spent hours arranging them all carefully. I would give a lot to have that photo again but it was lost somewhere along the way.

Title: Re: The good ol' G1 times
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on January 07, 2015, 10:03:19 PM
Ohhh the yard sales and thrift stores...  ohhhh  you could fill a basket for a quarter a pony...  Mom and I hunted for years and years!
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