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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: True on December 27, 2014, 03:00:29 AM

Title: buying a reptile online?
Post by: True on December 27, 2014, 03:00:29 AM
So I really want to get another reptile, of the lizard variety lol.

The  thing is, We only have a petsmart and its selection is pretty typical of common reptile pets. Which I dont blame them.

So Iv been thinking about ordering one online and having it shipped to me. Iv never done this though and have no idea what to expect. Iv looked at quite a few places, and while I'm not looking to cut price and corners on the transportation of a live animal. Im really just looking for a place that I can trust, and being "worth the price," as in.. is my animal going to arrive injured, or worse, dead despite the amount of money im paying to have them carefully shipped to me.

I'm not even looking for anything  terribly exotic, but Iv had my eye on a few different types that would do very well in the home that I can provide.

Anyway my real question here is. If you've bought a reptile in this fashion, who did you use, who do you recommend, your experiences, any and all information would be helpful. :)

I don't plan on actually buying a reptile for many many months, I wouldn't be surprised if I put it off a year. Because I have a habit of attempting to become a "small" expert on the animal before I buy it lol. Not to mention preparing its home and all the other odds and ends.
Title: Re: buying a reptile online?
Post by: Sprinklecupcake on December 27, 2014, 06:19:30 AM
I suggest a desert-type lizard!!! They are less prone to fungal problems and are easier to clean. You dont have to worry about misting, keeping the humidity high n winter, etc. I perfer reptiles of the dessert vatiety over tropical! Although tropical babies are ADORABLE! Especially Day Geckos!!!!

I bought my fire baby kenyan sand boa from! They shipped her out fast with tracking, made sure she was safe!!! They are professionally bred kenyan sand boas with all kinds of cool morphs! I know you are looking for a lizard, but snakes are amazing reptiles that need little maintenence compared to other reptiles.

Now my senegal cham on the other hand.... Firstly, chams are only really kept by people tons of herp experience, but where we got him from big apple herps and here is my experience with them. They sent Espio in a parcel with two day shipping with tracking- we signed for him at the door but all he was in was a food container with paper towel! X_____x he was very very skinny for a chameleon, we had to fatten him up with worms to gain weight on him. I dont like that company, never again.

All my other scaley babies i have gotten from local breeders- i recondmend this fpr picking up reptiles. I did get my uro (mali) and beardie at petsmart, they are perfectly healthy and have great personalities! Petsmart feeds their juvies incorrectly.... ugh. Giving baby beardies pellets instead of fresh fruit and a large supply of tiny crickets. Blah. I actually recondmend for you to look into lepard gecjos!!! They are good pets and dont require the expensive uva/uvb bulbs you need to replace every 6months. Leo's have an easy diet and are generally friendly and availible at many pet stores and breeders locally. Honestly after my bettas pass away im using my 10 gal for more Leos!

Good luck on your reptile search, let us know what herp you select! :cheer: if you need help with setting up the correct vivarium for the animal you choose let me know! Ive kept reptiles for over half my life so ask me if you need any help! :D
Title: Re: buying a reptile online?
Post by: kaoskat on December 27, 2014, 07:07:09 AM
I've never had a reptile shipped before. Do they just come with the USPS or is there a special shipping company?
Title: Re: buying a reptile online?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on December 27, 2014, 07:14:16 AM
I dunno if I would buy an have an animal shipped online. :( It sounds dangerous for them
Title: Re: buying a reptile online?
Post by: True on December 27, 2014, 07:19:47 AM
Thanks for the advice, Iv always wanted to get a snake, but unfortunately with my mom living with me its out of the question. She has a very serious phobia of snakes. With her its alright so long has it has at least 4 but no more then 8 legs xD. She doesnt mind lizards so long as she knows they're not loose lol. She was actually really fond of my water dragon back when I had him. Even bought the giant tank for him as a surprise, which would now be home to whatever I decide on. :p

Iv always loved beardies, geckos, chameleons and especially LOVE skinks. I dont think a chameleon would like this tank tho and I have a feeling my mom wouldnt be too fond of skinks.

Or Petsmart has a "pet" bearded dragon on display and its pretty big, but its tank is smaller then the one I have at home. So I dunno maybe it would like mine xD Anything I get would be pretty young anyway. Iv only seen young ones for sale once or twice. but I really don't go in there too often to check up.

oh gosh I just looked up Day Geckos! SO gorgeous!
Title: Re: buying a reptile online?
Post by: Sprinklecupcake on December 27, 2014, 08:39:31 AM
If you like beardies, a 40 gal breeder tank is perfect for young beardies!!!! Anything smaller I wouldnt recondmend for them as they need lots of space. If you have a glass tank smaller than 40 gal i definitley recondmend a leopard gecko!!! Uromastyx (my favorite pet lizard) also does well in shallow but long breeder glass tanks!

*Also, if you are interested in anoles or other kinds if geckos besides leos, tokay, etc I recondmend getting a tall mesh vivarium setup as those critters looove to climb! Skinks actually might do well in a glass vivarium. They are FAST if they get out though!! I had fun chasing a blue tailed skink at the park, i never caught it. Anoles can be fast little escapees too!
Title: Re: buying a reptile online?
Post by: True on December 27, 2014, 10:32:17 AM
well mine is 36x18x16in with glass doors on the front, which had already proved a little bit complicated with quick reptiles in the past. xD

I haven't fully decided on what I want yet, I just know I don't want something thats going to outgrow that, as I have no where else to put a bigger one rofl.

The poor beardies home at petsmart is about 2/3rds the size as mine, and hes fully grown.
Title: Re: buying a reptile online?
Post by: melodys_angel on December 27, 2014, 10:36:57 AM
I don't have experience with it other then knowing that I wouldn't beable to get something from the US due to customs--and I wouldn't want to, the poor thing would probably die by the time it got to me.

I would try to see if you have any local reputable (not backyard) breeders nearby.  You never know :)
Title: Re: buying a reptile online?
Post by: Katika on December 27, 2014, 11:51:21 AM
I can't really help you with the reptile shipping aspect, but I can tell you that my husband and I recently went on the search for a parrotlet as a companion for my lovebird that lost his mate a year ago, and then my childhood cockatiel a couple of weeks ago.  Much like you, I knew my selection from Petco/Petsmart would be limited and I really felt a parrotlet would do best in our household.  Anyway.

Since we knew we couldn't find one locally from the convenient pet stores, we started looking for aviaries in the are (within about 50 miles) and calling around.  At least in the bird world, a lot of people who don't specialize in specific species know the reputable people that do.  It's a pretty small world, and I have a feeling that the reptile breeding world is, too.  We found a local bird breeder who knew others that were "near" and ended up driving four hours each way, halfway across the next state over to pick up our baby.  Yes, it would have been easier for us to have him delivered, but we felt it was safer for him, and honestly, we just made a day trip out of it.  It also allowed us to actually talk to his breeder, get solid information on the exact diet he was on, see how he was kept (which helps determine how healthy he is), and let us ask questions face to face.  I would highly recommend trying to find a breeder close enough for you to drive to.

HOWEVER, I do know that there are several breeders that successfully and safely ship animals all of the time.  I, personally, am just a little wary about it, since I know I've had more than a few (non-living) packages very much so man-handled on their way to me and it makes me nervous thinking about a little critter coming to me in a box.
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