The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: goddessofpeep on November 11, 2014, 10:31:24 PM

Title: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: goddessofpeep on November 11, 2014, 10:31:24 PM
The new season of Storage Wars started tonight, and I got a surprise while watching it.  They "found" a bin of G3 ponies and a large plush Pinkie Pie in one of the lockers.  It ended up being one of the featured items for the episode.  They went to get the  bin of G3s and the plush valued by a brony.   The information he gave was slightly less than accurate, and he sang a song about ponies.  It was quite weird. 

[Merged two threads to keep the conversation in one place ~ Thanks, Mirnyj]
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Snapdragon on November 12, 2014, 12:54:33 AM
It was very strange!! I was wondering if this was an old episode and I'd somehow missed hearing about it until now, but what a wild ride from start to finish!

When I saw them going to get the toys valued by a toy/comic shop (which definitely didn't throw some G3 toys on the shelves to look like he was knowledgeable, wink wink), I thought, "any Brony isn't gonna give a hoot about those G3 ponies, he's gonna go straight for the gigantic G4 plush!!", and instead he completely ignored the massive Pinkie Pie and gave hugely inflated price checks for common G3s. $800 for a box of loose G3s with a few MIBs? Time to sell my doubles I guess, I'm sitting on a goldmine over here!!! :P

Seriously though, did anyone recognize the giant Pinkie Pie? Was it one of those rocking-horse plushies, or was it custom made? It looked almost too nice to be store-bought!
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: goddessofpeep on November 12, 2014, 01:19:48 AM
If what was in that bin is really worth as much as they said it was, I should probably sell what's in my closet so I can buy a bigger house and take the first class trip around the world I've always wanted to do:p

I found how he pulled out that G3 Rainbow Dash from the Core 7 years and said how that pony was worth more than the other ones because she's such a popular pony particularly hilarious.  I'm betting that we're in for a wave of "$uper Rare Rainbow Da$h" auctions hitting ebay soon.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Snapdragon on November 12, 2014, 02:17:12 AM
I found how he pulled out that G3 Rainbow Dash from the Core 7 years and said how that pony was worth more than the other ones because she's such a popular pony particularly hilarious.  I'm betting that we're in for a wave of "$uper Rare Rainbow Da$h" auctions hitting ebay soon.

YES, OH MY GOD!!!! I was like "UHHH, NO, WRONG, INCORRECT, HAVE YOU EVER MET ANY BRONIES, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING????" at my screen. XD (I may need to relearn the 'people on the TV can't hear you in your house' lesson.)
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Al-1701 on November 12, 2014, 02:46:07 AM
They go to a brony to ask about G3's?  I wouldn't even trust them to know the true value of G4 toys.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Marigold on November 12, 2014, 04:42:40 AM
Interesting.  This leads me to believe most of these episodes are partially fake and they inflate the prices of things to make it more exciting for the viewer. 
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: octocorn on November 12, 2014, 04:52:39 AM
Ughhh now every flea market seller that saw this episode will think their baity ponies are worth a fortune and will jack the prices up even higher!
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Al-1701 on November 12, 2014, 05:01:04 AM
Well, the value of something is how much people are willing to pay for it.  Even if you get it appraised, that's not the price you will necessarily get in the end.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Marigold on November 12, 2014, 05:06:30 AM
Well, the value of something is how much people are willing to pay for it.  Even if you get it appraised, that's not the price you will necessarily get in the end.

Yes, but in this case the appraised value also sounds way off base.  Sounds like the guy had no idea what he was talking about, or like they purposefully made the episode more exciting by saying this was a fantastic find worth lots!
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Al-1701 on November 12, 2014, 05:10:26 AM
Yes, but in this case the appraised value also sounds way off base.  Sounds like the guy had no idea what he was talking about, or like they purposefully made the episode more exciting by saying this was a fantastic find worth lots!
Typically on these shows they go to someone who actually buys and sells the type of things they find.  In this case instead of going to a toy dealer they went to a brony.  Does the guy they went to see actually sell pony toys or was he just a fan?
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Marigold on November 12, 2014, 05:20:55 AM
Good question!
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Artsy Craftsy on November 12, 2014, 06:02:42 AM
I want to know more about the big Pinkie Plush!

But yeah, I don't even know that much about pricing, but I knew $15-$20 for the mib ones was waaaay off base. This episode made me cringe >.<
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Rainbowrific Renia on November 12, 2014, 06:34:52 AM
Seems to me that they just wanted to shoehorn a brony in there because it's...topical?  "Bronies are a thing now, let's put that in the show because ratings!"  Yeah, I'm gonna go with that.  :huh:

I won't waste my time watching though.  I'm sure it's cringe-worthy.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: cutest-curtsey on November 12, 2014, 08:07:51 AM
a small part of me died, reading this thread i will admit.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Strawberry Swirl on November 12, 2014, 08:29:10 AM
HA! 800$ my flank. Those people are doing to be severely disappointed.

But I can't say I'm surprised that these guys made such a huge mistake. Remember the "furry" episode? The one that they staged
to have actors in poorly made rental mascot costumes make the actual stars uncomfortable? Yeah. They don't know a thing.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: MilkyTaroMochi on November 12, 2014, 08:37:50 AM
I find it funny that they would go to a brony in the first place.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: tuneful87 on November 12, 2014, 09:59:38 AM
Maybe someday they'll find a ton of Spanish piggy ponies in storage.

Hey, I can dream...
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: squishy turdl on November 12, 2014, 10:00:56 AM
Every time I watch one of these storage shows Im thinking I wonder if there are ponies in there...

had to come up eventually right?
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: pony_magick on November 12, 2014, 11:15:31 AM
We have old episodes playing here in NZ so I think this one will come here eventually. I think it might be a very cringe-worthy episode just reading this thread.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Strawberry Swirl on November 12, 2014, 11:36:24 AM
We have old episodes playing here in NZ so I think this one will come here eventually. I think it might be a very cringe-worthy episode just reading this thread.

You can find the entire pony segment on Youtube! Just search for "storage wars mlp" and click the first result. ♥
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: brightberry on November 12, 2014, 11:38:55 AM
awwwwwwhahaha... we're all going to be rich!

I really wish!

Maybe there will be a massive buyout on ebay.

Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: goddessofpeep on November 12, 2014, 11:52:10 AM
Yeah, Storage Wars is pretty scripted.  It's well known that they plant interesting stuff in the lockers to make the show more interesting to watch.  I normally don't care since I'm interested in the stuff they find more than if they made money on it.  You find out about some pretty crazy stuff like sunglasses for chickens:p 

They sometimes go to the completely wrong "expert" for an item like they did with the brony.  They once found an old map of Transylvania.  Did they take it to a map expert?  No, they took it to a guy who collected vampire items and stuff related to Transylvania.  Probably because he had a freaky house and dressed the part.  Map collecting is a serious thing, and most of the value of a map is in the maker, the age, and the condition(my dad collects and loves to tell me about it).  You can have two maps of the same place that are about the same age, but one map is from super awesome maker and the other is from just whatever guy, and the price difference can run into the thousands of dollars.  There is also A LOT of faking going on, so you want to value a map, you need to go to a map specialist.  I guess they couldn't find an interesting looking map expert, so they went with the vampire goth guy. 

It's rare that they have something on the show that I'll know the value to, but when they do the value's WAAAAAY off.  The first item I knew the value for was a bunch of Magic cards.  They took it to a convention and actually sold it to a dealer.  The dealer cheated them something awful:p  You could see they had most if not all of the top 10 cards(multiple Moxes, a Black Lotus, Timewalk, etc), and they sold the entire binder for a few hundred dollars when the Black Lotus alone is worth a few thousand in almost any condition.  So it looks like they don't just overvalue stuff, they undervalue it as well.

Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Stormness_1 on November 12, 2014, 12:01:15 PM
I love how specific he is... $875 dollars!
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: pony_magick on November 12, 2014, 02:56:53 PM
We have old episodes playing here in NZ so I think this one will come here eventually. I think it might be a very cringe-worthy episode just reading this thread.

You can find the entire pony segment on Youtube! Just search for "storage wars mlp" and click the first result. ♥

I might have to check this out when I get home...

Also loved the chicken sunglasses!!
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: lonewolf on November 12, 2014, 03:18:38 PM
Yeah, Storage Wars is pretty scripted.  It's well known that they plant interesting stuff in the lockers to make the show more interesting to watch.  I normally don't care since I'm interested in the stuff they find more than if they made money on it.  You find out about some pretty crazy stuff like sunglasses for chickens:p 

Plus apparently they actually plant stuff in some of the lockers. When that Dave Hester sued them he revealed that. And honestly the giant G4 Pinkie amongst nothing but G3's is a little odd. You'd think there would be G4 stuff in that tote too.

Whatever the case: It's going to get expensive collecting G3's or using them for customs thanks to it. >_<
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: hathorcat on November 12, 2014, 03:38:25 PM
Well that was...interesting?

The plush kind of looks closest to the Nici Pinkie Pie but not quite - if it is, its only available in Europe. If its not, its a very very well done custom (and no doubt very pricey) - odd combo to have with a box of random G3s. I can completely see how most of that has been a complete set up. I do know that's how this show works but normally I just enjoy it for what it is without thinking about that...its only when its something you know inside out you can see the giant holes and unlikely hood in the "finds" and the "value". Cringey for sure!
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Snapdragon on November 12, 2014, 03:53:22 PM
Yeah, Storage Wars is pretty scripted.  It's well known that they plant interesting stuff in the lockers to make the show more interesting to watch.  I normally don't care since I'm interested in the stuff they find more than if they made money on it.  You find out about some pretty crazy stuff like sunglasses for chickens:p 

They sometimes go to the completely wrong "expert" for an item like they did with the brony.  They once found an old map of Transylvania.  Did they take it to a map expert?  No, they took it to a guy who collected vampire items and stuff related to Transylvania.  Probably because he had a freaky house and dressed the part.  Map collecting is a serious thing, and most of the value of a map is in the maker, the age, and the condition(my dad collects and loves to tell me about it).  You can have two maps of the same place that are about the same age, but one map is from super awesome maker and the other is from just whatever guy, and the price difference can run into the thousands of dollars.  There is also A LOT of faking going on, so you want to value a map, you need to go to a map specialist.  I guess they couldn't find an interesting looking map expert, so they went with the vampire goth guy. 

It's rare that they have something on the show that I'll know the value to, but when they do the value's WAAAAAY off.  The first item I knew the value for was a bunch of Magic cards.  They took it to a convention and actually sold it to a dealer.  The dealer cheated them something awful:p  You could see they had most if not all of the top 10 cards(multiple Moxes, a Black Lotus, Timewalk, etc), and they sold the entire binder for a few hundred dollars when the Black Lotus alone is worth a few thousand in almost any condition.  So it looks like they don't just overvalue stuff, they undervalue it as well.

Oh dang, really? I'd love to have them find a box full of MIP Rapunzels and sell it for a couple hundred to a "local collector" ... >:]

To me, it looked a little like they tried to stage his shop to make it look like he sold ponies; there were racks and racks of comics (including the G4 MLP comic!), with only a few loose G3s tucked onto a shelf near his head. It didn't look like they were for sale, or in any sort of real display, it looked like they'd just seeded them in the "set" to make it look like he bought and sold ponies regularly. :/ I'd be curious to see what the shop looks like IRL, if they have any of those ponies he "bought" for sale now.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: scarletjul on November 12, 2014, 04:01:19 PM
$875?  For g3s?

Yeah, I'm not buying it.  And I don't think anyone else is buying those ponies, either.  :P
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: lonewolf on November 12, 2014, 04:29:39 PM

To me, it looked a little like they tried to stage his shop to make it look like he sold ponies; there were racks and racks of comics (including the G4 MLP comic!), with only a few loose G3s tucked onto a shelf near his head. It didn't look like they were for sale, or in any sort of real display, it looked like they'd just seeded them in the "set" to make it look like he bought and sold ponies regularly. :/ I'd be curious to see what the shop looks like IRL, if they have any of those ponies he "bought" for sale now.

There was also a Design a Pony Luna out of it's box sitting back there. If it was something for sale it'd still have it's box so they were definitely plants.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Strawberry Swirl on November 12, 2014, 04:34:46 PM
There was also a Design a Pony Luna out of it's box sitting back there. If it was something for sale it'd still have it's box so they were definitely plants.

I thought it was ridiculously suspicious that they had a ginormous box of G3s that all seemed so neat and tidy, as if they had already been cleaned.

But honestly? None of us should be surprised at this. A&E, truTV and other related channels have been known for a long long time to script
"reality" TV shows. It's getting increasingly difficult to call such shows "reality." I'm more surprised at myself for not predicting this earlier.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Sunset on November 12, 2014, 07:08:52 PM
There was also a Design a Pony Luna out of it's box sitting back there. If it was something for sale it'd still have it's box so they were definitely plants.

I thought it was ridiculously suspicious that they had a ginormous box of G3s that all seemed so neat and tidy, as if they had already been cleaned.

But honestly? None of us should be surprised at this. A&E, truTV and other related channels have been known for a long long time to script
"reality" TV shows. It's getting increasingly difficult to call such shows "reality." I'm more surprised at myself for not predicting this earlier.

Yes, my aunt had a neighbor who was on one of those "buying a house" shows.  Apparently, they had already purchased the house and when the show came to film they had to drive around pretending to still be looking.  Then they had to " choose" the house they had already bought.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Sapphire-Light on November 12, 2014, 07:54:19 PM
LOL, in a few days a bunch of  MIB Morning dawn delights are coming to ebay at least  $200 reserve price  :lol:
Title: MLP on Storage Wars
Post by: starrypawz on November 13, 2014, 09:18:24 AM
So apparently, on Storage Wars some MLPs popped up, and I can't watch the clip (curse you geographical blocks) but apparently said 'jackpot' had a big Pinkie plush and a tub of G3/G3.5 ponies and it was valued as 'worth over 800 USD' (okay maybe there was some older ones in there apparently?)

But I really doubt it, since it sounds like it was just a bunch of loose ponies and probably nowhere near that value
Title: Re: MLP on Storage Wars
Post by: LadySatine on November 13, 2014, 10:26:27 AM
I haven't watched it yet, so it's hard to say. But I do agree that $800 sounds way over the top for a tub of loose ponies... I'll need to watch it asap.
Title: Re: MLP on Storage Wars
Post by: starrypawz on November 13, 2014, 10:38:10 AM
I haven't watched it yet, so it's hard to say. But I do agree that $800 sounds way over the top for a tub of loose ponies... I'll need to watch it asap.
Yeah there was some MIB G3 since I found somewhere to see the clip, and the guy appraising them said they're worth about 15usd boxed and I'm pretty sure that's not the case, since I don't think any of the G3s were that valuable
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Mirnyj on November 13, 2014, 12:51:08 PM
Every time I watch one of these storage shows Im thinking I wonder if there are ponies in there...

had to come up eventually right?

Me too!
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: apanda0622 on November 13, 2014, 01:06:20 PM
These reality "picking" shows like Storage Wars and Toy Hunter have no idea the value of girls toys!  I admit I watch Storage Wars (I couldn't stand to watch Toy Hunter) and I can't believe they went to a brony who is supposed to be an expert on ALL ponies?!  That number is so inflated.  You are lucky to get $5 each for loose G3s and maybe $10 for boxed G3s.  And plushies, well I can't even give mine away on craigslist.  So ridiculous.  I don't know whether to be mad or laugh lol.
Title: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Flitter on November 13, 2014, 01:16:51 PM
Ugh, I can't stand 99% of tv.

They go to a brony to ask about G3's?  I wouldn't even trust them to know the true value of G4 toys.
Right. Even EqD is constantly getting toyline info./news wrong. Most Bronies I've seen don't really seem to know much about the toys at all.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: starrypawz on November 13, 2014, 01:27:51 PM
These reality "picking" shows like Storage Wars and Toy Hunter have no idea the value of girls toys!  I admit I watch Storage Wars (I couldn't stand to watch Toy Hunter) and I can't believe they went to a brony who is supposed to be an expert on ALL ponies?!  That number is so inflated.  You are lucky to get $5 each for loose G3s and maybe $10 for boxed G3s.  And plushies, well I can't even give mine away on craigslist.  So ridiculous.  I don't know whether to be mad or laugh lol.
Yeah like the only thing probably of any value was the Pinkie plush, and even so she probably wouldn't go for /that/ much
Now if they'd somehow found a box of G1s in similar condition then maybe there would be some money in there

I did find it funny when he said 'Pinkie is a new pony' yeah because since he was apparently knowledgeable about G3 then he would've know that Pinkie originated a generation before
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: sailorstitch on November 13, 2014, 02:08:37 PM

  :shocked: :blink::crazy: :nuts: :freak: :scared: :shrug: :dizzy: :doh: :shakefist: :throw: :duh: :rant: :argh: :dumbpc:

I think that about covers how I feel. I'll take the plushie Pinkie off their hands. I've never seen one like that.

Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: honestjonstoys on November 13, 2014, 11:05:41 PM
The boxed 25th Minty can go for $20, and the boxed Dream Drifter 12-15, if the box isn't too crushed.  The loose yellow pegasus on top of the box was Pearly Pie, worth about $5.  The Winter Rainbow Dash is only $6-$10  I'd appraise the plush and bin at about $400-$450
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: CapnChan on November 18, 2014, 10:30:58 AM
It is a common "fact" that the Brony subculture knows absolutely nothing about the previous gens, even when they try they still fail at being resourceful enough to accurately portray the history. Much less our existence. The average joe wouldn't know us either but most know Bronies nowadays. So anything at all MLP is associated with bronies. I work at conventions every other week and have noticed g1 and g3s skyrocket in prices because the ignorant sellers believe the "bronies will pay whatever they want for them". Even after I explain they have no interest in those gens they still inflate the prices and it is no surprise they never sell. So yea. if it's MLP, most people who are not part of the original fan base will assume that a brony is the one to go to.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: MidnightMocha on November 18, 2014, 11:50:03 AM
That Pinkie plush kinda looks like a fanmade one, given the tubing in the legs.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: hathorcat on November 18, 2014, 03:00:26 PM
That Pinkie plush kinda looks like a fanmade one, given the tubing in the legs.

Which just for me makes its inclusion in a storage locker along with a box of G3s....kinda weird...
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: June on November 18, 2014, 03:25:23 PM
I love watching shows like these even though I know they are fake, but know I realise how random values they give to stuff they find actually are :lol: I can't decide what is more hilarious: the brony expert, ponies on the shelves or the value of the bin! I'm really curious about that giant Pinke Pie. Even if it's fan made she was probably very expensive to commision so what is she doing here, thrown away?
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: MLPlyte on November 19, 2014, 12:43:00 AM
I couldn't believe there were finally ponies on one of these shows!! I was laughing the whole time, telling my husband how wrong that Brony was. I'm just so glad it wasn't G1s... I was sitting there terrified a Rapunzel or something was going to come out of that box! I hope those ponies made it to a good home. :)

Also, I haven't been around in ages, but as soon as I watched this episode I felt like this was the only place to come and be with others who completely understand.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Silver Glade on November 19, 2014, 08:05:17 AM
Really, how difficult would it be to find an actual collector to consult?  I understand that the Storage Wars peeps didn't know the first thing about MLP, but surely a quick Google search could have turned up someone local?  I dunno.  I mean, I don't know how to ID and value Transformers toys, but I don't think I would just wander into a comic shop and expect a knowledgeable appraisal.   >_<
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Saphraira on November 19, 2014, 09:42:51 AM
Ughhh now every flea market seller that saw this episode will think their baity ponies are worth a fortune and will jack the prices up even higher!

Please god no. Florida degrades everything super fast already. I swear to god every pony I own has been in water at some point. (Well except the Canada ones.) So Now I get to have a hard time finding them and pay even more for the ones in nasty condition.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: goddessofpeep on November 20, 2014, 02:11:09 AM
I'm a local pony collector, but I doubt they could have gotten me to sing a ridiculous awkward song about ponies on camera:p
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: lonewolf on November 20, 2014, 06:25:28 AM
The guy who did the appraisal actually wrote a letter to that other pony site about the experience.  Apparently the show producers talked to several bronies before settling on him. They felt he could portray the fanbase in a neutral way I guess. They did in fact send him pic's of the storage locker beforehand so he had an idea of what was there.

 He went into detail about the fandom with Jarrod and Brandi, and they were pretty fascinated about it, though most of it didn't appear in the show.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Sky_Rocket on December 01, 2014, 10:11:44 AM
If the ponies were seeded in the show - where did they get them?  Do you think the producers went to a flea market and bought one booths' stock?  or just bought a lot off Ebay and thought - why not?

Or, could it have been one of them knew a collector and 'borrowed' their collection for the show?

I can't see the clip - woes of a third world country.  But have seen pics of the Pinkie pie.  Would love to get her!  If she weren't Pinkie Pie...Fluttershy, Applejack that big - take my money! 
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Corona on December 01, 2014, 01:25:15 PM
If the ponies were seeded in the show - where did they get them?  Do you think the producers went to a flea market and bought one booths' stock?  or just bought a lot off Ebay and thought - why not?
I can tell you for a fact that Storage Wars is 100% staged. My old boss owned a unit that got rented for an episode and yeah, a lot of the "valuables" are planted.

I figured out a while ago most of the experts they consult have no idea how much stuff is actually worth. I was more horrified at the estimated price for a pristine antique bleeder (piece of medical equipment back when the four humours were a thing, definitely not worth 50 bucks like the "expert" said!) than the ponies.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: jess77 on December 03, 2014, 06:26:09 AM
The plushie has a tag.  I wonder if it was something won in a carnival or a place like Six Flags or something?
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: snwbear24 on December 03, 2014, 06:47:18 AM
It seems like a trend lately for ponies to be in or mentioned in shows lately. Big bang theory mentioned it, comic book men had 2 shows that had them, storage wars, and 2 broke girls. I am sure there are more that I'm not thinking of. I think they realize how big it is and want to get in on the action.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: FiddlePhan on December 04, 2014, 04:56:19 PM
Like so many so called "reality shows", they are very scripted.  The same with Pawn Stars etc etc...   They scout out items to use. 
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: sparkykandy on December 04, 2014, 05:09:07 PM
I am curious to know how the brony came up with those prices.  Was he told to make up some high price, or did he just guesstimate that they worth more because they were an older edition? 
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: ghouldilocks on December 08, 2014, 12:28:26 PM
Just watched the episode On Demand, and cringed. If there were G1 or maybe some G2 in that bin, I'd consider the estimate more accurate, but even that would depend on which ponies they were and in what condition!

I hope this doesn't ruin flea markets for me now...
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: unluckyrabbit on December 10, 2014, 03:53:10 AM
I've seen that same kinda pinkie pie plush on eBay.... It's been there Forever. It's some kinda pinkie pie you can sit on..
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Aitsuki on December 10, 2014, 05:16:58 AM
After watching a clip of the furry episode, and the pony episode, all I can say is this: they're demonizing fringe fandoms to get more viewership. Sure the chick was all "into" the brony culture, but they made the dude seem like a total dweeb... he wore a vague reference-y shirt, had some ponies out, and oohed and ahhed at the ponies like they were some fancy thing.... then priced them like they were each holding a gold nugget in their mouths. That makes bronies and pony collectors look like immature maniacs who'll pay anything to get ahold of a pony. It was embarassing, especially since I'm both a brony and a collector! And the way the guy looked at their poor recruited brony sap... like he was watching something ugly and pitiful... until he heard his over-inflated price of course. Then he hurried out of the shop.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: ghouldilocks on December 10, 2014, 07:34:07 PM
After watching a clip of the furry episode, and the pony episode, all I can say is this: they're demonizing fringe fandoms to get more viewership. Sure the chick was all "into" the brony culture, but they made the dude seem like a total dweeb... he wore a vague reference-y shirt, had some ponies out, and oohed and ahhed at the ponies like they were some fancy thing.... then priced them like they were each holding a gold nugget in their mouths. That makes bronies and pony collectors look like immature maniacs who'll pay anything to get ahold of a pony. It was embarassing, especially since I'm both a brony and a collector! And the way the guy looked at their poor recruited brony sap... like he was watching something ugly and pitiful... until he heard his over-inflated price of course. Then he hurried out of the shop.

See, I feel like they could have at least TRIED to do some kind of research and actually found someone who was both a brony and a collector.  It looks like they just went out of their way to find someone to represent brony culture who was "weird" enough to garner interest in the episode but not so eccentric that he'd lose credibility as an appraiser. Either way, I'd like to see a follow-up where they try to actually sell the ponies for that much  :silly:
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: zombienixon on December 10, 2014, 07:54:14 PM
After watching a clip of the furry episode, and the pony episode, all I can say is this: they're demonizing fringe fandoms to get more viewership. Sure the chick was all "into" the brony culture, but they made the dude seem like a total dweeb... he wore a vague reference-y shirt, had some ponies out, and oohed and ahhed at the ponies like they were some fancy thing.... then priced them like they were each holding a gold nugget in their mouths. That makes bronies and pony collectors look like immature maniacs who'll pay anything to get ahold of a pony. It was embarassing, especially since I'm both a brony and a collector! And the way the guy looked at their poor recruited brony sap... like he was watching something ugly and pitiful... until he heard his over-inflated price of course. Then he hurried out of the shop.

See, I feel like they could have at least TRIED to do some kind of research and actually found someone who was both a brony and a collector.  It looks like they just went out of their way to find someone to represent brony culture who was "weird" enough to garner interest in the episode but not so eccentric that he'd lose credibility as an appraiser. Either way, I'd like to see a follow-up where they try to actually sell the ponies for that much  :silly:

Maybe they'll go onto Pawn Stars. Then they'll call in their 'expert' on MLP, and they bring in the same guy who appraised them in the first place, making everything go full circle.
Title: Re: Anybody see the latest episode of Storage Wars?
Post by: Al-1701 on December 11, 2014, 05:16:08 AM
Except he'll give a price of half that because pawn shops value things coming in at bottom dollar and things going out a top dollar.
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