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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: SourdoughStomper on June 26, 2014, 04:35:16 PM

Title: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: SourdoughStomper on June 26, 2014, 04:35:16 PM
You load sixteen tons and what do you get
Another day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go
I owe my soul to the company store

I won't pretend I'm good at housekeeping of any kind. You lot that can keep things immaculate are awesome super heroes to me. :stunned: :worshippy:

That said, there are some chores I would take over others. Fill or empty the dishwasher? Yep, I'll take that. I eat a different diet than anyone else in the house, so I have to make every one of my own meals. I don't mind doing so either. Laundry isn't too bad for me. But everyone has to do their own folding. :nod:

It's general decluttering and scrubbing things that I dislike most. :bolt: :freak: My instant gratification monkey makes sure I stay in the Dark Playground instead of getting things done. Bad monkey! (Google that if you want to know more. It's called "Why Procrastinators Procrastinate.")

Also, any of you immaculate folks want to earn a few ponies? C'mon over and help me clean. :lol:
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: UrocyonFox on June 26, 2014, 04:41:15 PM
I HATE dishes, I only selected cooking food as a second because it makes dirty dishes!!

I will eat cereal  from a measuring cup to avoid washing a dish.....
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Pheasant on June 26, 2014, 05:02:33 PM
Scrubbing the floor, mainly. Yard work is fine unless you want me to weed. :nope:
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Rosencrantz on June 26, 2014, 05:08:11 PM
I'm good with any sort of housecleaning that *isn't* pet leavings related or bugs. I get so ill
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Sprinkles on June 26, 2014, 05:18:11 PM
I absolutely cannot stand folding laundry (or putting it away :P ) so the majority of my wardrobe is hung up in the closet XD I also hate cleaning the bathroom but I think that stems from having to do it every single saturday when I was a kid. Oh and any yardwork besides mowing, YUCK!
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Badjuju86 on June 26, 2014, 05:26:48 PM
Yard work? No ty! - xo
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Kaeldre on June 26, 2014, 05:35:00 PM
Dusting and cleaning the bathroom.  Dusting aggravates my allergies and bathrooms, no matter how clean they are, are gross and I wish they would clean themselves.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: blushingflutters on June 26, 2014, 05:36:11 PM
Washing dishes really grosses me out for some reason and vacuuming is a huge workout man. It looks easy but that stuff is way hard, I was sweating.
I have no problem picking up after my dog, probably because I'm usually the one to walk him so I'm used to it.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: SunPony on June 26, 2014, 05:44:15 PM
Dish washing is my arch nemesis!  I am sooooo glad I have a dishwasher machine in this house!  Most other things I am fine with, and I think my faves are cleaning the bathroom and yardwork.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: mlp4me on June 26, 2014, 05:46:17 PM
Dishes, no. Dusting, never. Decluttering takes me hours each week, yuck. Ok, I do EVERYTHING around the house whether I like it or not.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on June 26, 2014, 05:54:56 PM
I don't mind cleaning , I hate to cook with a passion.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: NoPonySpecial on June 26, 2014, 06:23:29 PM
Like vacuuming the floor, hate vacuuming the furniture! Most of these I can find at least marginal enjoyment in (like taking in the starry night when taking the trash out!)

My most hated chore is "other:" raking the stones out of the grass so Dad can start mowing the lawn again. They get there from snowblowing the driveway, and raking them is almost exactly as efficient as just picking them out with your fingers.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Wardah on June 26, 2014, 06:53:19 PM
Dishes and cleaning the cat box. Dishes because it takes so long and cat box because *gag*.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: banditpony on June 26, 2014, 06:55:57 PM
I really can't stand to vacuum. I hate the sound of it.

I kinda like to declutter though. I just don't do it often enough. But when I do...... I'm really in the mood for it.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: dashesndots on June 26, 2014, 07:21:31 PM
I'm really not a fan of any housework, haha, which is my my house is never as clean as it could be.  I think the lady we bought it from would be aghast if she saw it today...dust everywhere, short red dog hair all over the floor, dirty dishes piled in the sink, lawn mowed sporadically, so many boxes from all the stuff I buy online, shoved in the storage area and spilling into other places....   :blush:  Whenever we have company I basically go into ultra cleaning mode, because day-to-day most of it just doesn't get done.

My most despised chores are cleaning the bathroom and doing yard work.  Both are a pain in the butt. 

My least despised chore is laundry...set it and forget it! ;)  As long as I don't forget it for *too* long!
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Gloomygirl777 on June 26, 2014, 07:34:13 PM
I absolutely hate cleaning the is just the fact that even after it is clean it still never really feels clean to me. Plus it is just gross sometimes. I would rather my house be surrounded by jungle than to do any bit of yardwork. I have a mother in law that is obsessed with planting flowers and gardening and she always talks to me about different kinds of flowers.....and I'm just like in a land far far way in my brain :rainbow: :wine:

I think those are my worst..I used to not like doing dishes but now that we live in a house that doesn't have a dishwasher I know it is going to be a breeze when we finally move! And we also don't have a washer and dryer (we have one in storage just gotta wait until we move) so I will probably be singing and dancing when I get to do laundry in my own house :)

Did I mention that I am ready to move already???  :biggrin:
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Sky_Rocket_Sammie on June 26, 2014, 07:37:23 PM
Decluttering because I always get distracted. So the task takes twice as long. All the rest I'm cool with doing. My apRtment is clean. It gets floor to ceiling cleaned twice a year. Rest of the time it's keeping up on daily or weekly chores.

Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Marlin on June 26, 2014, 08:37:39 PM
Don't mind washing at all... but I HATE ironing.

Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: elvenwine26 on June 26, 2014, 09:11:08 PM
I really enjoy cleaning.  I go all over from ceiling fan to baseboards. dusting, polishing the wood furniture, decluttering I really enjoy doing it all. However...I absolutely hate mopping the floors.  Oh they'll get swept or vacuumed no problem, but mopping I just have a severe aversion too.  I often joke to my boss that I mop the store more in a week than I mop my house in 6 months.  Which is sadly true.  There is no monetary incentive for me to mop my floor.
While I actually enjoy cleaning my bathroom my second hated chore is scrubbing the tub.  Too much elbow grease required and strong smelling things.  Awful!
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: kaoskat on June 26, 2014, 09:17:28 PM
I don't mind most of those but I loathe washing dishes.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: LadyFoxling on June 26, 2014, 11:03:56 PM
Currently I detest yard work because where I live the mosquitoes are horrid! And so are the flies. We don't have just normal flies, but also horse flies, and even deer flies! They're so big my mother and I at first thought they were some sort of bees--they buzz so loud like bees, except they are completely black in color, no yellow stripes. That's how you tell they're not bees. They're very fast and the moment you walk out the door you're open for attack from bugs.
But I also chose dishwashing, because I hate touching other people's plates and forks when they were just eating off of them (I guess I'm a slight germaphobe) and cleaning pets and their messes is another big ICK to me. Taking out the garbage is right up next but thankfully my brother takes care of that so I don't have to at the moment (which is good because with as many people living in my house as there are, we generate quite a bit of trash!)

Bathroom cleaning is relatively clean since I don't have to stick my hand into the toilet to really clean it (have scrub brush, will travel) and my only real qualm with laundry is folding it afterward--it's so easy to wrinkle things and it takes up a good chunk of time. I looked up a 3 step folding tutorial on youtube that makes it go faster and folds it well but I haven't mastered the technique yet. If anyone read all this, try looking up "laundry life hack" or something; it'll show you how to fold your clothes in five seconds if you find the right video!
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: BerryMouse on June 26, 2014, 11:47:21 PM
1. Cleaning the windows
2. to iron
3. yard work


Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Sonata on June 27, 2014, 12:06:10 AM
My boyfriend is so much better than me at vacuum cleaning, he is the one doing it lol. I hate scrubbing the floor and taking out the rubbish, too.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: ponycake on June 27, 2014, 12:30:13 AM
I hate cleaning. I like laundry and dishes but otherwise, ugh.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: goddessofpeep on June 27, 2014, 01:56:45 AM
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: June on June 27, 2014, 02:18:55 AM
The thing I hate the most is doing the dishes. I don't know why, but I find food leftovers the most disgusting thing in the world. And the dirty water is just... :X

Also I hate decluttering. It's very rewarding in the end, but I always feel so mentally exhausted after because I always have to decide what to get rid of and how to arrange remaining things. I hate mess, but my room is a bit messy and I have too much stuff because I hate doing this. Only times I enjoy it is when I'm on a random decluttering spree a few times a year :lol:
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: HavACrumpet452 on June 27, 2014, 03:00:21 AM
I hate vacuuming, but don't have to do it much at home. My job is cleaning so I have about 4 hours of vacuuming a night at work. I'd take all the bathrooms over vacuuming.

I hate folding laundry. The shirts I use the most are laying in a pile in the closet on top of a box. My clean socks are currently in their drawer unpaired together since I'd rather spend the time in the morning to grab two matching socks than go through and fold them together. Pants usually get a quick fold so they fit in the drawer but its no ocd straight good-looking folding they get.

I didn't pick yard work because I like working in my garden and landscaping, but I hate mowing and shoveling. Its too hard on me and I physically can't do a lot at once. You'd think pushing a lawn mower would be easy but it just must use the muscles that hurt due to costochondritis.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Doedeardarling on June 27, 2014, 03:05:33 AM
Ugh, I just hate housework in general, everything is bad. Except cooking, that's actually fun.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on June 27, 2014, 03:35:50 AM
I don't mind doing most of these. I actually enjoy just about any of them as long as I have my music blaring in the background so I can sing loudly while I bop around cleaning ^.^

Since we don't have a washer/dryer and no Laundromats anywhere near us, all laundry must be washed by hand, it's killer on my back so my husband does it on his days off. I despise cleaning the cat's litterbox or hairballs because it's just gross and makes me gag :X and I'm not a fan of scrubbing the floor.

Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: UrocyonFox on June 27, 2014, 03:40:36 AM
oh gah I forgot about that one!!!
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Sora on June 27, 2014, 04:32:27 AM
Washing the dishes. *shudder*
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Whippycorn on June 27, 2014, 04:34:29 AM
Yeah, the only housework I loathe is ironing. I avoid it whenever possible. Everything else I'm pretty happy to do, especially anything in the garden.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: daisyd on June 27, 2014, 06:36:58 AM
I actually quite enjoy washing dishes. Maybe I'm just odd  :P
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: blushingflutters on June 27, 2014, 06:39:10 AM
I actually quite enjoy washing dishes. Maybe I'm just odd  :P

You have a stomach of steal. I don't know what it is, maybe I'm a big chicken, but it makes me nauseous.
If only the darn washer wasn't broken and gross yuck!  :drunk:
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Prideth on June 27, 2014, 07:31:43 AM
Nothing bothers me enough that I refuse to do it... but I really dislike laundry, just because it's not something I can finish quickly and my husband is very paticular about how he hangs his work trousers.   :lol:  they must lay JUST so so they don't get wrinkles when they hang!
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: achab1984 on June 27, 2014, 07:36:54 AM
Ok I think that I might be the odd ball out. I love to clean and  my house shows it. I do have to be careful though with not getting to much dust in the hair. I have really bad allergies and it also sets my asthma off to. Its the worst when I am trying to clean up the basement. ( its not finish at all)

I don't mind doing dishes as long as they are not sitting there for days letting everything dry really hard on them. And also as long as they don't have mold on them. But that is not a problem in my house. We do our dishes right after we are done eating threw that day.

Vacuuming is not to bad for me. I have a really old and new one. I like to use the old one cause it does not blow all the stuff into the hair. The new one is a piece of junk! It just blows all the stuff in the air no matter how much I clean it out. I don't handle that one at all. I have to go outside to get fresh air. I will be getting rid of the carpet in the next year or so so I will be good then :)

I love to clean the floors in my house and I love to dust. I take a wet wash cloth to do the dusting. I don't believe in dry dusting at all. I cant handle it and the stuff is just in the hair now!  I did my kitchen floor the other day and also put down and nice polish to make it nice and shinny! Its so pretty right now! :)

I don't mind taking out the trash and cleaning the kitchen along with the bathroom. Its had to be done and no one else will do it. I just don't let it get out of hand and then its not so bad. As for the trash I don't mind it either. I have a nice big trash can with wheels on it so its all good :)

Cleaning up after pets is a hard one for me though. I have Gerbils and I have to change there bedding every week. I have changed there kind of bedding about four times now. The first one made there noses bleed and it was horrible and make the house smell funny. The next few were so dusty that I could not even handle it and going into the room they were in. Now I have some stuff that is not cheap at all and its ok. Its still dusty and kind of smells weird! Its nice make out of paper and its weird. I do have a problem with here food though. There is a very fine dust that comes off it and I have a hard time breathing afterwards. So I have to deal with that stuff outside. When I am going to do there cages I have to take something for my allergies and take my asthma inhaler afterwards. I hate how I feel but I love them little guys and girls.   

Laundry is not to bad, but I have a hard time when it comes to putting it all away. I like to wait till there are five or more loads to put away. Not sure why I do that to myself.......LOL

Cooking meals is not to bad for me, I just have a hard time of thinking of new things to do. 

Decluttering!!!!! I love to do that! I don't like a lot of things around me and I don't have a lot of stuff left in my house anymore. My hunny and I don't like to have a lot of stuff and there is nothing on the floor that should not be. :) I grew up in a hoarding house and I hated it! When I moved out I cleaned and cleaned like crazy! I also think that I am a little bit OCD when it comes to stuff also. The most of one thing that I have in the house is ponies. If it was not for the ponies I would not have much at all! LOL

And last but not least! Is yard work! I hate yard work!!! I am very allergies to lots of stuff outside and I feel horrible if I have to mow the yard and even be around a running mower. Not sure why it all is but the smell of gas from it makes it hard for me to breath! I can pull weeds with gloves on my hands. I do love to have a nice yard but hard on me.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: kezrob23 on June 27, 2014, 07:54:46 AM
Laundry. Especially in winter. It takes about 2 days to dry one load, hanging on a small clothes horse in front of our only heater. And as soon as it's dry, there's another 2 loads to be done... I hate ironing and putting clothes away, so the ironing normally gets done when I have 4 loads worth to be done... Then it all has to be put away. My couch tends to become our wardrobe till it's all pretty much ready to be washed again... And every night I have to cover it up so the cat doesn't sleep on it. I am so lazy!!! Vacuuming a close second, I always used to know I had to do it when I'd change my son's nappy and his poor little bum would have clumps of human and cat hair stuck to it :lol: also detest grocery shopping and putting it all away, and emptying the dishwasher - but those are cause it involves a lot of bending which totally screws my back. Think I need to win lotto so I can build a self cleaning house!!
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: teresat on June 27, 2014, 08:55:19 AM
I must admit I have a love-hate relationship with cleaning the house so I keep trying to change the way I clean. I think I have found some ways to accommodate my hoarding tendencies and my perfectionist, slightly ocd-adhd self!

I just clean the little things that my senses notice.....I take the trash out if it smells a little funny whether or not it's full....watermelon peels smell awful in the do broccoli trimmings....

If the counter in the bathroom needs to be wiped off...I do it. I just do things in little 5-minute spurts. So I don't clean the whole bathroom just what needs to be done. Maybe just the toilets or just the mirrors. I have given up on cleaning a whole room...Never gonna happen with me. I wait for just the right time...and that time never happens....I just do the little things I see.

I am working with the kids on cleaning their toys better....legos can be a pain to clean but are much more painful to step-on.

Oddly enough I have been watching "hoarders" and that got me going on finding new ways to clean and keep my collecting under control. *looks at the pony shelf*

Avene, I with you when it comes to asthma and allergies. Some cleaning sets them off and then I can clean no more.

I am lucky to live in a town home complex with a small yard and the complex gardeners take care of things! No outdoor work for me thank God!

We have no basement....but the attic...ugh

Hahaha self cleaning house. I have seen some house with built in vacuum cleaners....I gotta drag mine around the house. ^.^

Good luck all. XD

Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: achab1984 on June 27, 2014, 09:17:44 AM
I must admit I have a love-hate relationship with cleaning the house so I keep trying to change the way I clean. I think I have found some ways to accommodate my hoarding tendencies and my perfectionist, slightly ocd-adhd self!

I just clean the little things that my senses notice.....I take the trash out if it smells a little funny whether or not it's full....watermelon peels smell awful in the do broccoli trimmings....

If the counter in the bathroom needs to be wiped off...I do it. I just do things in little 5-minute spurts. So I don't clean the whole bathroom just what needs to be done. Maybe just the toilets or just the mirrors. I have given up on cleaning a whole room...Never gonna happen with me. I wait for just the right time...and that time never happens....I just do the little things I see.

I am working with the kids on cleaning their toys better....legos can be a pain to clean but are much more painful to step-on.

Oddly enough I have been watching "hoarders" and that got me going on finding new ways to clean and keep my collecting under control. *looks at the pony shelf*

Avene, I with you when it comes to asthma and allergies. Some cleaning sets them off and then I can clean no more.

I am lucky to live in a town home complex with a small yard and the complex gardeners take care of things! No outdoor work for me thank God!

We have no basement....but the attic...ugh

Hahaha self cleaning house. I have seen some house with built in vacuum cleaners....I gotta drag mine around the house. ^.^

Good luck all. XD

Hear ya on that one, I also have to be careful with what products that I use. Some of that stuff out there is way to strong for me :(
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Tropical_Sunset on June 27, 2014, 11:51:09 AM
I HATE washing windows.  No matter what I do, they never look clean so it's really unsatisfactory and tedious.

I hate taking out the garbage.  It's always the last thing I do before I take a shower because I never feel clean after I do it.

I also despise cooking.  I never have any ideas for meals and I really, really hate touching raw meat or getting meat germs anywhere.  Ugggh it totally disgusts me.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Katika on June 27, 2014, 02:22:05 PM
I don't mind doing rinsing the dishes, and I'm fine with unloading the dishwasher, but I HATE HATE HATE loading the dishwasher.  HATE it!

Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: STLGusty on June 27, 2014, 03:02:31 PM
I'm surprised laundry isn't higher up on the list... I DESPISE LAUNDRY and everything about it!  I love clean clothes, but I HAAATE going downstairs in the basement to do laundry.  I wash everythign in cold water so I don't have to separate anything.  Unfortunately, I don't want to hang up all of the clothes to have htem air dry (don't have the space for that), but I can't exactly dry all my clothes cause some will shrink.  I'll take some out of the washer and then dry them for about 5-7 minutes to get at least some of the wetness out...then I'll hang those up and then throw the remainder in the dryer.  Then there's the fact of waiting for the hanging clothes to dry off and having to bring all of them upstais.  Then putting them away....YUCK!  That's probably the worst.  Everything about laundry (except the nice clean clothes at the end) sucks!

I also chose decluttering.  I like stuff out so I know where everything is.  Whenever I put stuff away, I never know where I put it - AND I don't know where to put stuff half the time.  I'm afraid to get rid of a lot of stuff in case I need it in the future.  Ah well.  HATE it.

I also chose vacuuming though it's not nearly as bad as decluttering or laundry.

Blech.  I hate cleaning in general.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: pinkkittywinks on June 27, 2014, 03:12:18 PM
Dusting. I hate dusting. I also hate dust........

Love pkw xxx
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: kiwimlp on June 27, 2014, 11:01:06 PM
Wow. It's a pretty even vote. Looks like us pony collectors are not a fan of chores on the whole, lol. I personally dislike cooking and cleaning the kitchen. I also leave the bathroom to hubby whenever I get the chance ;)
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: moonsugar on June 27, 2014, 11:58:15 PM
I can't stand vacuuming. I just got a job working at a fancy hotel, and part of my job involves vacuuming the entire floor of the restaurant- daily. Add to that the fact that I hate the provided vacuum cleaner, and the floor of the restaurant is covered in chairs and tables to navigate... :yikes:

We also have chickens, and they like to roost on the rail of the back porch and poop all over the stairs and concrete. Hosing and scrubbing the it away isn't really all that fun, and... they never stop pooping! :freak:
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: StrawberryMeadow on June 28, 2014, 03:33:59 AM
So basically, I don't.

Yeah. I'm gross.

Dusting I don't get - the dust just settles back where it was, what's the point?!

Vacuuming MY BF does in the parts of the house we use most, the rest gets left.

I do laundry 'cause I have to but I never EVER iron. Just don't. Most of my clothes are stretchy things anyway so who cares.

My garden is entirely potted plants (concrete yard) so All I do is pot them then leave them be. *shrug*

I actually don't mind ding the bathroom. I literally pour an entire bottle of toilet bleach over the walls/bath/sink/loo then come back 30 mins later and wipe it all off wearing tough gloves. Looks amazing and no effort at all.

BF washes the pots but I will do it if he's not home - don't mind that either.

I clean up after the animals 'cause it's my duty to care for them, just as I care for my daughter.

Basically I do what I HAVE to do, and leave the rest. More time for fun!  ;)
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Beldarna on June 28, 2014, 07:42:15 AM
I prefer cleaing the bathroom without glows over vacuuming and dusting. I also rather empty the litterbox than have anything to do with the dishwasher.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Griffin on June 28, 2014, 12:26:22 PM
General decluttering is what I hate the most! Not all our things even have a certain place they go to, and figuring out where to put this or that always requires more time and effort than I'm willing to spend. :D  I don't really like vacuuming either, but part of it is probably because vacuuming means you have to declutter first... Dusting is boring and I don't do it often enough, but it can be rather relaxing, too. Most of the time I just quickly vacuum the table tops, open shelves and TV + other devices that attract dust. Once or twice a year I may get inspired to dust the pony and book shelves. :D 

I usually like cooking or cleaning the kitchen (I just wish I wasn't the only one doing that >_< ), and actually dishwashing is one of my favourite chores. I wouldn't mind having a dishwasher though... But I choose doing the dishes any time over laundry!
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: achab1984 on June 28, 2014, 04:33:29 PM
I hope this is ok for me to post a few pictures of my house. I love to clean and love to show off my work :)

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This is my bedroom floor :)
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My kitchen floor.
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My daughters room!
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These are the only ones that I have right now. 
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: DazzleKitty on June 28, 2014, 05:01:22 PM
I hate them all, lol.

But I voted for cleaning up after pets.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: zabe77 on June 28, 2014, 08:57:16 PM
I dislike cleaning the bathroom, but it's decluttering that really gets me. Which is crazy since I also hate clutter... so I have one terrrible terrible room in the house that no one can see. Every so often I go in there and tackle my secret shame. I really want to use that room for something useful, but its' so hard to keep on top of the clutter!
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: SnorkMaiden on June 28, 2014, 09:46:47 PM
I chose cleaning the bathroom and kitchen. I don't mind cleaning up after myself, but I live in a flatshare, and I dislike cleaning up after other people because they're too lazy to do it themselves. Hopefully, I can move out of there soon, and then I can clean only my own mess. :)

I also chose taking out the garbage because it's a bit of a challenge where I live. Take it out too early (i.e. the night before), and the foxes will tear the bags apart. Take it out too late, and the garbage truck will have left.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: June on June 29, 2014, 04:52:03 AM
I hope this is ok for me to post a few pictures of my house. I love to clean and love to show off my work :)
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This is my bedroom floor :)
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My kitchen floor.
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My daughters room!
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These are the only ones that I have right now. 

Wow, that's amazing! So clean and not cluttered :O
I hope that I'll be able to keep my home in that shape, but I have problems with keeping even my room tidy all the time :lol: I guess that I just have too much stuff  :wonder:
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: OctoberFlash on June 29, 2014, 06:23:21 AM
Washing dishes!! Everything else I'm fine with, but washing dishes makes me feel gross!!
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Anitas_Mom on June 29, 2014, 08:12:05 AM
I chose other because I don't like any of them!  Yep, hate 'em all!
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: zabe77 on June 29, 2014, 06:35:06 PM
avene1984 So lovely... I wish my floors would look like that! Ours are old and stained and I wanted to replace them... but I currently have two messy toddlers so we're going to wait a year or two. It's frustrating to clean them and there still be so many stains. I wish I had purchased a wet-vac years ago as there might be a few less!

Garbage also sucks, like SnorkMaiden said it has to be right on time (we get fined if you put it out early as it was attracting bears and raccoons in our area) and I just want to sleep in! Luckily hubby does it when he's in town. When he's not I have to set an extra alarm, but then end up waiting at 5am and doing it then anyway since I'll just lay in bed waiting for the alarm otherwise. I think I may get a bit too stressed for something so silly, but now they have so many extra conditions on what can go it what bin and threats of fines if you do it wrong. I take it all too seriously I guess!
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: achab1984 on June 30, 2014, 08:43:10 AM
I love reading what you all have to say what you like and don't like. Thank you June and zabe77 for the kind words. It does take work and I don't mind it. But then I also don't let it get out of hand. Yes there are times when it is messy in my eyes that is. 

The floors can drive me crazy at times, like when people come in and don't take off there shoes! Oh well I guess that is what I am here for.......LOL

Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: CottonTALE on June 30, 2014, 08:54:44 AM
I love to cook :) I have fond memories of cooking with my grandparents when I was growing up and it always puts me in a good mood.

However, cleaning my studio is my most-hated job. I have a mild-case of OCD and if something is moved or missing from my desk, I can't work as it throws off my groove.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: slyons on June 30, 2014, 06:50:50 PM
Dusting! I loathe dusting! I would rather clean 18 toilets then dust my place.
I have a general bad habit of not putting things back into their right spots, but I do wash floors, do the dishes, etc. etc....
I have a "messy" home, not a "dirty" home. I can live with that.  :satisfied:
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: doxiechic16 on July 01, 2014, 08:24:03 AM
Most of the chores listed I really don't mind too much (I actually enjoy de-cluttering and reorganizing things), but it was pretty easy for me to pick out the three that I really don't like.   :lol:

I absolutely HATE scrubbing the floor.  Since my dear cat insists on eating his canned food outside his bowl in various locations, I have to do this chore more often than I used to. 

I enjoy cooking, but I disklike washing the dishes afterwards.  I am the dishwasher, we do not have the appliance version.  Utensils (knives, spoons, forks), plastic containers, and very large pots/pans are the most annoying things to wash.

I am not a fan of cleaning the bathroom.  No part of cleaning the bathtub or toilet is fun.  I usually try to give that job to my boyfriend while I clean the kitchen.   ^.^ 
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Hervoyel on July 01, 2014, 08:58:15 AM
I'm not a fan of any of the deep cleaning - kitchens and washrooms and the like.  Luckily I'm able to outsource that these days!  :biggrin:
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Emberfly on July 01, 2014, 03:17:58 PM
Cleaning the bathroom.  I'd rather clean the entire apartment than that one room, or really just the toilet.  Then there's decluttering closely followed by washing dishes by hand.  If there's a dishwasher around, that's not a problem.  I don't like doing laundry, which is why I do it about once a month but I spend the day watching tv and waiting to put the next load in and folding while catching up on tv.  I'm supposed to be decluttering my desk right now, from the end of school, but here I am, in the Dark Playground with my Instant Gratification Monkey.  Thanks, SDS, for introducing me to another thing to do instead of what I'm supposed to do.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: SourdoughStomper on July 01, 2014, 03:20:57 PM
I'm supposed to be decluttering my desk right now, from the end of school, but here I am, in the Dark Playground with my Instant Gratification Monkey.  Thanks, SDS, for introducing me to another thing to do instead of what I'm supposed to do.  :biggrin:

All part of the service! *salutes*
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: MyLittleLambie on July 01, 2014, 10:46:34 PM
No dishwasher, so that's the chore I loathe most.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Shenanigans on July 02, 2014, 09:38:45 AM
DISHES! I hate the smell and looking at water on food :drunk: I hate touching things that other people have stuck in their mouths :yucky: So forks and spoons are the worst! My most hated things to wash - Containers that have had beanie weenies, potato salad, and tuna fish in them. I also hate milk in cups and ketchup and other condiments on plates. And my biggest pet peeve is when people leave straws and disposable silverware in the sink!! :yucky:

Next one would be yard work. I hate everything about the outdoors XD Heat, bugs, pollen, nature in general... So yard work is horrible for me :faint:

And the last one would be cooking because I'm terrible at it :lol:
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: sleepyowl on July 03, 2014, 10:51:15 AM
I voted other because while I don't like doing any household chores, the worst is cleaning windows and mirrors. I don't know why, I just hate it.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Sky_Rocket_Sammie on July 03, 2014, 01:36:51 PM
I love doing yard work. Though if it's hot the heat kills me. One thing I dislike about outdoor chores is the weed whacker/eater. I don't use them because I hit myself with dirt clods,stones,debris. Nor am I in the area if someone else is running one because I still get hit. Not on purpose, the stuff just finds me.  :blink:

Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Saja on July 03, 2014, 09:15:23 PM
I hate bathrooms, I hate the amount of hair I loose and finding it everywhere.
On the other hand, decluttering, lol what is that? I find myself decluttering all the time but stopping an playing with things I find along the way, declutter one area to clutter another usually.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Sprinklecupcake on July 06, 2014, 05:24:42 AM
Dishes. Out of 3 siblings ( all are which obese, different father diffefent genes) I was in charge of dishes all my childhood-and we didnt have a dishwasher machine! I was the dishwasher! So my siblings EVERY day would just come home and eat, dirty every dish in the kitchen just to cook ricearoni or mac and cheese. Every day they would purposely pile them up and eat eat eat! O____o Even when im finished I go to my room and sleep before my mom came home. By the time she would get home that sink would be overflowing!! Id get yealled at, explain the situation, and my mom would tell me I was lying. She would also tell me my siblings are growing and thats why they eat a lot. Id be like, "MOM. They are growing horizonatally!! They eat EVERYTHING!" Ive had to deal with that 17 years of my life. Now that m married I absolutely refuse to do dishes in my own home. My husband is ithe one in charge of dishes!
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: True on July 06, 2014, 05:33:52 AM
I HATE dishes, I only selected cooking food as a second because it makes dirty dishes!!

I will eat cereal  from a measuring cup to avoid washing a dish.....

this, even though i do like cooking but... you know its bad when you just start eating straight from the pot, or WOW i can actually fit some cereal in this old mug i never use. xD (i have a problem)
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Sprinklecupcake on July 06, 2014, 06:25:33 AM
I hate bathrooms, I hate the amount of hair I loose and finding it everywhere.
On the other hand, decluttering, lol what is that? I find myself decluttering all the time but stopping an playing with things I find along the way, declutter one area to clutter another usually.

Omg this!!!!! When I sweep the bathroom I find all my shed hair stuck to my broom and holy crap I swear I must be shedding or something! xD
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Nohpny on July 06, 2014, 06:52:45 PM
I hate doing the dishes. When water mixes with food, it just makes it look very gross and icky and smell terrible. I have to wash my hands after I touch the dishwasher even if the dishes are clean, and after I wash dishes I wash my hands. I also hate mopping. I have a younger brother who tends to sweep and then I mop, and he can not sweep what so ever. Only recently I got out of mopping by being a better sweeper than him. I can only sweep better because my dad use to make me sweep 3 or 4 times over and over again because I missed this random speck. I'm lazy so I rather do things once then twice or thrice.

I only dislike taking out the garbage to the street because we have a very large rolly trashcan that can only  be rolled down when a car isn't in the drive way. If a car is there we have to drag, not roll, it through the rocks, onto the concrete wall thing and down to the side walk. Not fun when it's full.

I don't mind doing anything else. I'll clean the bathrooms and kitchen. I've been doing my own laundry since middle school (going to be a freshman in college in the fall), and we don't do yard work often since we have rocks. We only have to rake the leaves in the winter. We don't have a tree, but the neighbors have one that drapes into our yard so we get the majority of the leaves. We don't have any pets. I don't like clutter even though I can tend to clutter. xD So I'm always decluttering. I like to cook, but I don't like dishes!

Sorry for the wall of text >_<

Post Merge: July 06, 2014, 06:54:17 PM

I hate bathrooms, I hate the amount of hair I loose and finding it everywhere.
On the other hand, decluttering, lol what is that? I find myself decluttering all the time but stopping an playing with things I find along the way, declutter one area to clutter another usually.

Omg this!!!!! When I sweep the bathroom I find all my shed hair stuck to my broom and holy crap I swear I must be shedding or something! xD

I agree with this! My mom has REALLY LONG hair, so it's either hers or mine and we can never get it all off the ground. It makes it horrible to mop!
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: ShugarGlider on July 06, 2014, 07:51:39 PM
I've owned my own house for 4 years now. I love it and I don't mind most of the work. Except I don't like dusting or yard work. My yard is pretty crazy right now. There's a fern forest going on in the side yard, the grass in the front and back is super long, and the other side yard is just... I don't even know. I was thinking of putting in some raised garden beds or something but I'm afraid I would forget to water the flowers/vegetables.
I live in WA and it rains so much, I never need to water the grass or anything in the yard but that might not work for a flower/vegetable garden.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: spottedslug on July 07, 2014, 06:34:25 AM
Dishes... I HATE doing dishes.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Ringlets on July 09, 2014, 04:45:09 AM
Dishes/washing up is my number one most loathed chore  - ugh!!!!!! :yikes:
 I love cooking and so the rule in my house is that if I cook - which is almost always - then I dont wash up (we dont have a dishwasher) ! someone else gets to do that  :good:   so i can avoid my least fave chore alomst all of the time these days :accomplished: ;)
I also hate taking out the garbage (generally an icky job)  and doing the laundry (how does it always turn into a mountain almost as soon as you've cleaned it all??!!!!  :faint: )
I'm useless at decluttering too.
I quite like other  housework as long as I can have music on  and sing at the same time - oh other than ironing - boooooring!!!! :zzz:  and cleaning the vacuum since both myself and my mom have very long hair which tangles around the vacuum brushes and .... *shudder* 
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: AnnaPommes on July 09, 2014, 05:52:45 AM
oh, i hate sweeping, i don´t even know why excactly, and washig the salad when making salad. it doesn´t even make sense, tehy are such simple tasks! :D
My boyfriend reacts to vacuuming like a cat,even if that is kind of funny, i try to do it when he is not home. ;)
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: CowgirlApplejack on July 10, 2014, 01:09:02 PM
Cleaning I'm actually fine with. Though with three people the kitchen can get crazy, especially since we're all cooks. Yard work I've never done. Ever. Growing up, we let the desert take over, which actually meant no grass, really no weeds (what would grow anyway???). My stepmom made me mow the lawn once because apparently it would build character. It felt like vacuuming lol
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: ZennaBug on July 12, 2014, 06:07:07 AM
I will wash all the laundry, take care of my dogs, do yard work, and scrub my house before I will do dishes. I usually put my husband on charge of the kitchen and I'll scrub the toilet instead because that's how much I hate dishes lol.
Title: Re: You load sixteen tons and what do you get?
Post by: Leave a Whisper on July 12, 2014, 06:56:55 AM
I'm not crazy about it either, but i'm ok with most chores as long as it isn't gross or kinda painful-ish. yard work is my bane. Picking up my dogs' "presents" equals eww, I'll do it, but I won't be happy about it. Hula-hoeing the evil spiky weeds and then picking them up to put them in the trash? ouch. I'm also not crazy about scrubbing the floor, mopping? sure, scrubbing because something won't come off? blah.
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