The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: LadyFoxling on June 25, 2014, 09:02:21 PM

Title: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: LadyFoxling on June 25, 2014, 09:02:21 PM
I noticed the majority of people here are adults. I am curious what kind of jobs you all have IRL? I am currently a college student working on getting a Masters degree in teaching with an English major. I just graduated from my community college with an associates degree. I'm not currently employed, but I have substitute taught a drama class back when I was a teenager, and I know magic tricks and have done a few paid performances in my local area. Also, though I said I'm not currently employed, I am working on some stories I intend to publish (I've already published one short story through amazon which has gotten some good reviews since its publication last year).

Are any of you teachers or wanting to go in that profession? If not, what are you in or wanting to be in? Are you currently employed and does it make you happy? And are any of you writers?

I have many questions (= You don't have to answer them all in that order. It's just something to talk about maybe. I would love to hear from you even if you aren't a teacher or writer.

Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Pheasant on June 25, 2014, 09:13:38 PM
I'm definitely a few years short of being an adult, and currently have no job, but I do have an idea of what I would like to do and probably will do.

Two years ago, my parents purchased a ranch - my current home - with the intention to turn it into a hay/cattle business for my brothers and any future family members we may have. Progress is slow, but we're getting there. When I was much younger, nearly six, I wanted to be either a farmer, a veterinarian, or both. It looks like both dreams are coming true, and while I may never work in a clinic, livestock are always getting injured in one way or another.

Another profession, which is arguably more of a hobby, is my love for art. I'd like to become an advanced artist who can inspire or influence others (in a positive way, of course!) through my artwork, as well as provide a small source of additional income.

Best of luck with your degree, being a teacher sounds exciting!
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: ponycake on June 25, 2014, 09:16:07 PM
I'd like to be an illustrator.. but I'm finishing business school.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: StoryDreamer on June 25, 2014, 09:36:28 PM
I went to school to get a Bachelor's I thought I'd use in publishing. I also really wanted to be a women's literature professor. All that changed when I saw it was pretty much publish or perish, and then got a rude awakening at how the publishing job works and how it pays. I got my Master's in Comm, and used it to work a marketing job for awhile. Then I decided to take charge of my career and quit (other reasons too) and I'm a freelance writer.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Saphraira on June 25, 2014, 09:46:31 PM
I'm hoping to be a mortician.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: aintnobuffalo on June 25, 2014, 09:53:54 PM
I just got my masters in social work and my first job within my career goals; a therapist! I might go into teaching when I'm older though, because teachers have so affected my personal and professional life, and I would like to be that for someone one day.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Honeycomb on June 25, 2014, 10:08:48 PM
When I was younger, my dream was to be a paleontologist. After graduating from school I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do, I only knew that I wanted to go to university and then do "something with languages". Definitely not teaching though.
I got my M.A. in English Literature, but ... surprise surprise ... couldn't find work in Germany. I ended up in a debt collection company dealing with international clients and debtors, but I hated it. When my ex boyfriend decided to do business in China, I followed. And now I am doing what I always thought I hated, i.e. teaching. And I love it, probably because I really love the country and the people here. Life can have really funny ways sometimes.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Icecrystalline on June 26, 2014, 05:30:21 AM
First things first:

Are any of you teachers or wanting to go in that profession?
No. Not my thing.

If not, what are you in or wanting to be in?
I'm 19, and I want to be possibly a Geographer or Oceanographer or Environmental Scientist when I get out of college and then uni!

Are you currently employed and does it make you happy?
No, but I'm desperately looking for a receptionist job as I need some summer money.

And are any of you writers?

No, but I'm doing an AS in Creative Writing in September, I have an AS in English Literature (A grade), and I'm doing A2 English Lit in September too ^.^ It's my strong point, and as such, I've always been at the top of my class for English since I was in primary school.

Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Moony on June 26, 2014, 05:37:01 AM
I currently work as a vet assistant in a small vet clinic :) I will be starting my second year in veterinary technician school this fall :D I also have a bachelors in animal science. I love what I do and can't wait to be more involved in saving animals :)
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: nessy_86 on June 26, 2014, 05:43:02 AM
I'm an accountant... yes a numbers cruncher and I love it! :)

I work for the federal government of the United States which can be a pain since Congress doesn't like to get anything done, but such is life.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: squishy turdl on June 26, 2014, 05:46:43 AM
Moony : That is so awesome! I always wanted to be a vet or a vert nurse, I love animals.. i did a 2 week work experince back in Australia but I found I just dont have the stomach for it, all those operations and animal sterilisations was too much for me.. however, I have so mad respect for those who do it! props girl!

I'm a tattoo artist, I pretty much draw and do art all day. I have my own shop and I get to meet so many lovely people, occasionally even other pony collectors.. I love my job, any would never consider ever doing something else.

Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: SourdoughStomper on June 26, 2014, 06:05:07 AM
I'm a stay-at-home mom and am largely content to stay at that career for awhile longer. However, I could see myself being interested in being a florist someday, or working at a greenhouse maybe.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: shindow on June 26, 2014, 07:17:37 AM
I'm almost 30 now and I work minimum wage.. I dislike it but its manageable for now. I quit school to work and almost got my drivers license (due to situation with mg family my whole life has been delayed). I'm going back to finish my associates in the spring but no idea what I want to do. I took all the criminal justice classes my college offered but I'm not fit enough/mentally strong to be a cop... So I'm at a loss. My passion is writing and I will be a famous author someday but I refuse to teach. Its underpaid and constantly getting layoffs..
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: sunshine29102 on June 26, 2014, 07:51:58 AM
I'm 34 now, and I've gone to college twice. The first time was right after high school and majored in studio art and minored in dramatic arts/theatre. As I child, I always wanted to be a veterinarian, but later decided to be a marine biologist. Once in college, I quickly changed my major thinking "do what's easiest for you - art!". 

Moved home after college, couldn't find a job in the "art" field. So, I took on a few different jobs that I didn't really like (real estate office manager, mortgage loan processor, etc). Decided to go back to college after a few years in the workforce, and I then became a nurse.

I'm currently employed and i absolutely positively LOVE my job -- as well as nursing! It's what I was meant to do, it just took me a little while to realize it.  :)

Long story short - it's never too late to change careers if you REALLY want to!
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Skeen on June 26, 2014, 08:02:48 AM
I'm a secretary, but I kind of want to be an astronaut. 

Except, I'd be like the astronaut from the Lego Movie, so you do not want me representing the fine people at NASA. 
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: OLumeVaSti on June 26, 2014, 08:14:55 AM
I had my perfect job, but I recently had to quit.  :( I just traveled airport to airport helping where they were short. I could be working in Denver one day and Elmira, NY the next. I am trying to figure out what I want to do now. I'm not sure what that may be. I would love to stay in the travel industry.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Flitter on June 26, 2014, 09:02:52 AM
Growing up I always thought I'd be a veterinarian. Once I started college I found that though I love animals I just wasn't dedicated enough to animal science studies and ended up with an AA in art. I found other ways to work with animals though. I've done everything from working in specialty supply & big box pet stores, to animal shelters, to grooming. I've been a professional groomer since 2007. That said, I've been unemployed since the end of last year. I quit my latest contract grooming job for a variety of reasons but have now realized that I've gotten a bit bored of it after all these years and maybe I'd like to get into something slightly different when I go back to work.
I was once told by my college public speaking instructor that "You are going to be a teacher." really just out of the blue, and that's always kinda sat on me since. I think I'd enjoy teaching either art or literature in a college setting. What's stopping me from going back to school is 1. I feel it's a waste of $ unless you are very dedicated to obtaining a certain career and need a degree for it. 2. My husband is in the military and our life has just been a load of uncertainty and craziness since he joined. After so many years in the pet industry I'm not sure I could abandon it either.
So, for now I'm a stay at home wife. (Husband doesn't really care. Extra $ would be nice but he makes enough to pay bills, etc. He often works 60+ hr/week so he'd rather I was home to take care of the household stuff & so we can have quality time together when he's home, not having constant scheduling conflicts.) I've got my eyes set on getting a part time job at a certain pet supply store soon, or just volunteering at my local shelter (because after over 6mo of not working I'm starting to lose my mind a bit). This time next year we will be moving. I can't really get into anything serious right now. I feel like I'm at a standstill in my career, backtracking even, which is frustrating but I really don't have much of a choice until next year.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: FluffleNuff on June 26, 2014, 09:07:15 AM
I'm currently a student, but I've always wanted to be a zookeeper and work with those beautiful animals, or even work as their vet!

Another passion of mine would be being an actress, but we all know that wont pay :) (OR SO EVERYONE THINKS...)

And then there's the never ending passion to be a famous rapper and singer HAHAHA
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Prideth on June 26, 2014, 09:43:55 AM
I have a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering.  Huge ole' nerd right here.  Right now, I'm a team lead for a group of engineers and programmers working on an automated software tool. 

Do I like my job?  It's ok. The work is never really the problem so much as the people.  Having a lot of different personalities to contend with can really make your work seem harder.  But when you ask if it makes me happy?  Again, it's ok!  I don't show up to work because it's fun and exciting.  I show up because every two weeks they pay me and I can leave work to do the things I do find fun and exciting!  A means to an end. 

Teaching has it's own rewards, some people really have a passion for that.  My mother is a teacher, although she has told me that certain age groups make her want to strangle them (middle school).  My husband is hobby writer, he keeps a little leather journal of ideas and bits and pieces of character building and plot forming.  He enjoys it as a side thing, but that's another thing that has to be something you dedicate a lot of time to!  Interesting to me, but I know I could never form a coherent plotline that anyone would read.   
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: June on June 26, 2014, 01:43:30 PM
The fist thing I wanted to be when I was little was an artist and a bit later a palaeontologist. For some time I was convinced I'll definitely work with computers, but I'm studying environmental sciences! It's really diverse, interesting and I've learned a lot about world in general in only one year, but I don't see myself in this career. I love the fact that I can take many palaeontological (is that the word?) elective classes and even major in it instead.
Currently, I'd like to be some kind of an artist (again heh :) ) and I'm hoping to study Japanese when I get my masters. I could teach or translate (recently I've discovered that I love good translations and I'm always subconsciously translating from English or Japanese hehe).
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Snix on June 26, 2014, 01:55:29 PM
Wanted to be an archeologyst since i was a kid, licensed in history and now i work as an archeologyst

Could say that i had luck in the life.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Skeen on June 26, 2014, 02:07:18 PM
Oh, and forensics.  I want to do something with forensics. 
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: renaekathleen on June 26, 2014, 02:12:22 PM
I currently work as a vet assistant in a small vet clinic :) I will be starting my second year in veterinary technician school this fall :D I also have a bachelors in animal science. I love what I do and can't wait to be more involved in saving animals :)

I used to be a tech too! Unlicensed, though. I loved it, but the stress (I worked emergency/critical care and exotics) and the terrible pay forced me out. Now I am a front-end web developer and I love it.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: DazzleKitty on June 26, 2014, 02:16:30 PM
I am a secretary at a prison.   I really wish I was ambitious enough to get my degree, because now that I have my foot in the door, I'd like to be a case manager or a probation & parole officer.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: kaoskat on June 26, 2014, 04:02:13 PM
I'm a house wife and perfectly happy with that I guess.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: ashes on June 26, 2014, 05:15:49 PM
I'm a freelance illustrator (have both my BFA and MFA in Illustration), and I also teach after-school art classes to kids from my home studio.  It's the perfect job really, since I do have four kids, so I can work from home, yet be there for my children and not have to pay the crazy cost of daycare.

My husband is also an artist - he's a character TD in the video game industry.  His current project is working at Sledgehammer Games under Activision for the latest Call of Duty title, called Call of Duty:Advanced Warfare.  Here's somel trailers:

He was in charge of the facial pipeline for the game - so all final heads had to go through him.  And he directed the shoots for the motion capture footage for the major characters of the game. 
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Kaeldre on June 26, 2014, 05:18:56 PM
Anything in the law enforcement field.  Forensic investigator, crime scene tech, detective, possibly patrol officer... Right now I'm aiming for something on the federal level, either something with the FBI, ICE, or DEA working closely with computers and collecting/processing digital evidence.

I have an AS in CrimJ as well as a certificate in CSI, currently busting my rump for my BA in CrimJ with a minor in intelligence, looking to go on and get my MA in CrimJ and minor in computer information systems. (I really don't mean to brag I'm just really proud of my accomplishments D:) I'm gonna be in debt until I'm 80 :D

Right now I'm just working at my school as an office lackey. xP

Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: BlazePony84 on June 26, 2014, 05:23:15 PM
Ooh, ooh, I'm gonna be a teacher!  I'm a stay-at-home mom at the moment, but I'm going back to school in the fall, studying to be a high school choir teacher!  It's gonna take at least 3-4 years, if not more (music majors have a LOT of classes they need to take), and I'm probably gonna get my Master's right after my BA because a lot of states require a Master's now to teach h.s.  Really looking forward to it, though!
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: achab1984 on June 26, 2014, 05:33:38 PM
Well I did not know what I wanted to do when I got out school. I did get into school and going to be a e-ray technician. But I found out I was going to have a baby and that fell threw. That was 13 years ago and I still have not gone back to school. That is ok with me, cause I don't know what I would want to do and I don't want the debt either.   

I have been at my job for 7 years now and just got another raise. I am making the most that I ever could with out going to school. I am a mental health aid and work for the state were I live. It does have its ups and downs but I still enjoy it. As for the future I am not sure what I want to do. As for right now I am going to keep doing the same and just get my savings account up. Oh ya and I work part time due to being smart with my money in the past few years.   
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: blushingflutters on June 26, 2014, 05:40:40 PM
I would love to go into marine biology! Not sure I'm smart enough for that sadly, I'm terrible with chemistry and math. I do love biology though. Bu tI'm pretty sure complicated numbers are involved in there somewhere.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: banditpony on June 26, 2014, 06:52:25 PM
I'm not sure what I am. I have a degree in graphic design... but I manage and fix incoming art that my company purchases (be it technical or aesthetic).

It's really fun, and I get to work with really awesome and cute art all day long.

If I could stay at this place, I'd end up being a designer. But they are moving in a few years, and I'll be moving in the opposite direction in a few years... and I can't handle a 1.5 hr commute.

Not sure what I'm going to do afterwards. :/ I kinda just wanna be a stay at home mom.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Cumberbatch2012 on June 26, 2014, 08:13:03 PM
I work at McDonald's, yuck.  I'd rather be a professional artist.  There's no calling for that in this area, though.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Corona on June 26, 2014, 08:35:42 PM
I'm a doggie daycare handler. I submitted my application for dog training school so hopefully I get into that!
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Gloomygirl777 on June 26, 2014, 08:44:49 PM
I am a stay at home mom to a crazy wonderful 2 year old girl.......hoping to have more children in the next couple years so if that happens I am planning on being with my kids as long as I can :) Thanks to my wonderful husband.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: elvenwine26 on June 26, 2014, 09:01:22 PM
I currently work as a selling supervisor in two boutiques selling lotions and potions and then luggage and handbags.  Retail isn't a thing I would have ever thought I'd enjoy, but I've found that I have a surprisingknack for it.  The right retail environment can be very stimulating and fun.  Even though I'm a bit of a social hermit outside of work, I enjoy interacting with customers and hustling them into buying what I'm selling.  I've had a lot of other jobs but I keep coming back to it, so I'm currently aiming to move up the retail ladder to asst. manager or manager positions in the next year or so.  Honestly, I don't know if I could even handle a desk job at this point. 

When I was very young elvenwine26 my dream job was to work as an artist for Wizards of the Coast or some book publisher for fantasy books and things like that to be the person who illustrates book covers for fantasy novels. P:  I even went so far as to get a dinky associates degree in Visual Arts, but found I couldn't handle the pressure of school at a university level.  The starving artist/student thing really does not work for me at all.  I also have mental blocks in regards to combining art and computer technology so it stunts my ability to get stuff out there.  I won't be going back to college though.  It definitely is not for everybody.

My dream job still hasn't really changed besides adding on that I also want to illustrate and write my own children's stories.  These days I just write and art out for my own pleasure.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Irkencat on June 26, 2014, 11:47:24 PM
Hello :D I study art photography now, used to work at Game Shop and a Pizza chef before that XD
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Silent Lucidity on June 26, 2014, 11:58:44 PM
I uh, I'm in college at the moment..  :blush: But I do want to work in Hot Topic, or F.Y.E...Anything that sells fandom merchandise XD
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: MiRaja on June 27, 2014, 12:49:34 AM
I have a degree in Anthropology and a minor in Photography.  I was offered a job from the university I graduated from, but I had long since found I made better money working as a server, so I turned it down.  :/ 

I'm a still a server.  I was a bartender a few months back. 

I've never have wanted to be a teacher.  I did a bit of TA'ing through the college while I was still attending, but I wanted to rip my hair out most days because so many of the students were just so stupid.  I mean, basic grammar and spelling on a computer-aided paper escaped 70% of them. . .  An Anthropology degree DOES double as an English or Lit major degree because of the intensive writing and reading.  If you cannot write a grammatically correct paper, please do not apply. 

I'm working on a series of novels in my downtime and hoping in the next few years to get them published.  I've yet to attempt to, but I told myself I would write the first three before I attempted such to make sure I would not need to retcon anything, and if I did need to, I could. 

Anyways, in the near future, I would like to be back on bartending.  I had to quit my bartending job because of a two vehicle accidents in one week.  I had to take a job at a lower strain job which meant a return to serving 'full time.'  There's not even a bar at this restaurant.  Just a beer and wine cooler.  Miss it so much.  I still prefer it over retail and cubicle work.  I get to stay on my feet and move around and the money is way better for the most part if you have a good attitude and are good at multitasking. . .  I work around 20hrs a week ( it's the most I can manage with my injuries ) and in a bad week I bring home about $300 in tips, and a good week, I can make around $600.  I make about $50 in paychecks each week after my taxes get taken out, hahaha.   
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Teddy on June 27, 2014, 12:49:40 AM
I've always loved animals and have worked in Wildlife Rehab, field research, etc. I was a Zookeeper in the US up until last year when I moved here to Sweden. It's much more difficult to get back into my field here than I thought it would be, so I'm currently unemployed and taking Swedish classes. Once I'm better at Swedish I will have a better chance at getting back into the wildlife field in my new country. ^-^

I do not like being unemployed. I'm 33 and, until now, have always had a job since I was 16 years old (be it animal-related or simply food service). So, not the happiest at the moment, but I'm working towards my goal! ;)
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: ponycake on June 27, 2014, 01:07:30 AM
I have a degree in Anthropology and a minor in Photography.  I was offered a job from the university I graduated from, but I had long since found I made better money working as a server, so I turned it down.  :/ 

I'm a still a server.  I was a bartender a few months back. 

I've never have wanted to be a teacher.  I did a bit of TA'ing through the college while I was still attending, but I wanted to rip my hair out most days because so many of the students were just so stupid.  I mean, basic grammar and spelling on a computer-aided paper escaped 70% of them. . .  An Anthropology degree DOES double as an English or Lit major degree because of the intensive writing and reading.  If you cannot write a grammatically correct paper, please do not apply. 

I'm working on a series of novels in my downtime and hoping in the next few years to get them published.  I've yet to attempt to, but I told myself I would write the first three before I attempted such to make sure I would not need to retcon anything, and if I did need to, I could. 

Anyways, in the near future, I would like to be back on bartending.  I had to quit my bartending job because of a two vehicle accidents in one week.  I had to take a job at a lower strain job which meant a return to serving 'full time.'  There's not even a bar at this restaurant.  Just a beer and wine cooler.  Miss it so much.  I still prefer it over retail and cubicle work.  I get to stay on my feet and move around and the money is way better for the most part if you have a good attitude and are good at multitasking. . .  I work around 20hrs a week ( it's the most I can manage with my injuries ) and in a bad week I bring home about $300 in tips, and a good week, I can make around $600.  I make about $50 in paychecks each week after my taxes get taken out, hahaha.   

I'm sure you know this, but bad grammar or spelling does not at all make someone stupid. I personally know someone who works with NASA who is a brilliant scientist with the absolute worst spelling and grammar you've ever seen in your life. Okay, maybe not that bad, but worse than I've seen anyone write on this forum I think.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: fingerpaints on June 27, 2014, 01:33:23 AM
At this point im working in childcare, I have my diploma but working towards my bachelor degree and eventually want to go on and complete my Phd in philosophy. Im a kinder teacher at the moment but was originally (3 weeks ago) running the older nursery room with 18month olds to two year olds. I do love my job but want to eventually teach adults, I have poor hearing and industrial deafness so won't be able towork with cchildren forever, but still want to make a difference in childrens lives in some way, I think I can reach more children by working with adults that want to get into the profession.

I also would like to work with additional needs children before I go into working with adults. I have some additional needs children I am currently working with, and have worked with them previously but want to specialize in it for a while before teaching adults as its a passion of mine. I seem to bond easily with children with learning difficulties, or that have autism or physical barriers. There is so much potential in these children, its just a matter of figuring out how to unlock that potential :)

Before deciding on childcare & education, I was in security for eight years, mainly on military bases but did a bit of everything. Hated it so decided to find something I actually wanted to do.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: MiRaja on June 27, 2014, 11:17:02 AM
I have a degree in Anthropology and a minor in Photography.  I was offered a job from the university I graduated from, but I had long since found I made better money working as a server, so I turned it down.  :/ 

I'm a still a server.  I was a bartender a few months back. 

I've never have wanted to be a teacher.  I did a bit of TA'ing through the college while I was still attending, but I wanted to rip my hair out most days because so many of the students were just so stupid.  I mean, basic grammar and spelling on a computer-aided paper escaped 70% of them. . .  An Anthropology degree DOES double as an English or Lit major degree because of the intensive writing and reading.  If you cannot write a grammatically correct paper, please do not apply. 

I'm working on a series of novels in my downtime and hoping in the next few years to get them published.  I've yet to attempt to, but I told myself I would write the first three before I attempted such to make sure I would not need to retcon anything, and if I did need to, I could. 

Anyways, in the near future, I would like to be back on bartending.  I had to quit my bartending job because of a two vehicle accidents in one week.  I had to take a job at a lower strain job which meant a return to serving 'full time.'  There's not even a bar at this restaurant.  Just a beer and wine cooler.  Miss it so much.  I still prefer it over retail and cubicle work.  I get to stay on my feet and move around and the money is way better for the most part if you have a good attitude and are good at multitasking. . .  I work around 20hrs a week ( it's the most I can manage with my injuries ) and in a bad week I bring home about $300 in tips, and a good week, I can make around $600.  I make about $50 in paychecks each week after my taxes get taken out, hahaha.   

I'm sure you know this, but bad grammar or spelling does not at all make someone stupid. I personally know someone who works with NASA who is a brilliant scientist with the absolute worst spelling and grammar you've ever seen in your life. Okay, maybe not that bad, but worse than I've seen anyone write on this forum I think.

Bad grammar and spelling is not excuse on a computer-aided paper.  Many of these papers were papers the students had a month or more to work on.  Where they had access to writing labs and proof-readers who could help them.  Students who had absolutely no cognitive disabilities what so ever.  Yet, here I was, with moderate dyslexia, grading their papers.  A lot of times, I'd be so busy, I'd have to turn my OWN paper in only a few hours before deadline, when I had likely started the paper either the night before or the day of.  I could still use proper grammar and spelling.  So, whether it was the case of the lazies or sheer ineptness, they were still stupid to be turning in COLLEGE papers like they did when they knew that 50% or more of their grade was based on how well they could write given the field is a WRITING field and had many, many options to make sure they turned in a grammatically and accurate paper. 

That said, it's true, grammar and spelling doesn't make someone stupid.  My mother has SEVERE dyslexia, it's very hard for her to write, but she can still write better than many of the students whom I used to grade for.  A woman who did but one year of High School because she got tired of being failed over and over because of the dyslexia.  ( And she is very intelligent.  Great with animals, plants and antiques, she knows so much! )  Again, I'm speaking from a college situation where the students were well aware how much these things mattered and they certainly had options to make sure these papers came out well.  They didn't.  Sure, it was the case of the lazies, but because they were putting something off as serious as college to be lazy and just not care about such things made them very stupid. 
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: kaoskat on June 27, 2014, 01:55:00 PM
Let's keep this thread on topic please and not get into a discussion about what does or doesn't make a person intelligent. Thanks.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on June 27, 2014, 03:22:52 PM
I educated myself in art history, English, Japanese, French, Spanish, basic 2D and 3D animation, and fine arts, but that is pretty useless unless you are a "starving artist" so I turned myself to retail/food service/cake decorating to be able to get more work experience. 

I am a member of the Association for Fundraising Professionals - I work at a local charity in the fund/resource development office.  :D

However, I never realized how much my basic high school education would come in handy in the end, despite all the school.   All of my  professions required exquisite writing skills to be able to get your point across, so it really helps that I did very well with any composition I was ever assigned, no matter the style.  ;)  From a thesis to a memo about the latest cake order!  And now I write convincing arguments to help raise funding for charities dealing with providing basic humanitarian services.  I think I'm doing well! 
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: STLGusty on June 27, 2014, 03:30:18 PM
I'm a teacher - though currently unemployed due to a reduction in force last year (thanks, state of Illinois and your horrible budget). 

I always wanted to be a teacher when I was younger but steered away from it due to poor pay.  I went into business and received my Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with Marketing and Management specializations.  I went into budgeting and contracts in the aerospace and defense industry where I worked for multiple years until I decided that (even though I loved the money and the company) I was miserable.  I wanted to teach.

I stepped down from my position and immediately starting substitute teaching while I entered a teaching certification program.  I eventually received my teaching certification and my Masters in Education.  I obtained a high school teaching position for two years before our district just couldn't deal with the budget cuts in education anymore...three teachers, three teacher's aides, and three school sports were eliminated.  Unfortunately, at least in Illinois, this is all too often of a reality.

I truly believe that in 5 - 10 years there may be teaching positions more readily available.  I can't speak for all states, but they redid the testing for entrance into the teaching programs in Illinois to make them much more difficult to pass.  This will keep a lot of people out of the program so there will be more jobs available to those who do make it.  Also, you may want to consider what subject(s) you want to be endorsed in.  Electives (like business, consumer & family science, wood shop, art, etc.) are being eliminated left and right in favor of a more "core subject" based curriculum...which is highly unfortunate for teachers in those fields - and it's especially unfortunate for the students who are being denied the opportunity to take those courses.  It honestly seems like the only postings out in Illinois are for math or science teachers. 

Keep in mind that teaching (like many fields) is a who-you-know type of atmosphere.  If you want to teach, start making and maintaining positive contacts ASAP.  It seems like whenever there is even a slight possibility of a job for me, I find out that so-and-so is applying and they are the superintendent's niece or the girlfriend of the guy who is department head, etc.  It may not be fair, but unfortunately I find the teaching field is horrible about this. 

All of that aside, I love teaching.  Sure the students drove me crazy sometimes (but what do you expect from high schoolers), but I loved it.  You'll always have those kids who "hate" your class and might "hate" you, but those feelings of disappointment are always overridden by the kids who love your class and love you...the kids that come to see you in the mornings or hang out after school to tell you about their day or ask for advice (even when you are trying to leave, lol.  I spent many extra hours after school when I could have been home...but I was honored these kids were willing to stay at school longer to talk to me and confide in me).  That's something that will stay with me always - even if I'm never able to get back into teaching.  One girl I had (who was always in trouble, in ISS, skipping school, etc.) told me towards the end of my last semester..."You know, I never even thought of going into business EVER...but seriously after this class, I want to."  She also told me that she hated all female teachers because she just never could get along or relate with them, but I "am a freakin awesome person and made class fun."  :) It's little stuff like that that makes you smile.  That's when you realize that all of the times you struggled with unruly and obnoxious behavior is well worth those positive comments you will inevitably receive.  Teaching is truly one of the toughest - but most rewarding - careers.

If you have a dream to be a teacher, pursue it.  I miss my students so very much.  I get random e-mails from them from time to time, and it's so funny how they always seem to e-mail me whenever I'm feeling like I made a bad decision to go into teaching (due to the unemployment issue right now lol).  It always lifts my spirits and makes me realize that even if I never do teach again, I at least got to touch the lives of a lot of students already. :)
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Dawn on June 28, 2014, 06:43:25 AM
I have a bachelor's in art history and am now working as a freelance translator (DE->EN) in this field. I became self-employed after uni because it's so difficult to find proper emploment with my degree, but luckily it's worked out pretty well as I'm now working almost full-time translating the catalogues for an art auction house, and there's a good chance that they will take me on properly in the future :)

I really love my job because I get to work among so many wonderful artworks and antiques, I'm allowed to borrow any of the specialist books from our research library, I have wonderful colleagues and I earn a decent wage. However, my hope is that one day I will be able to take on more responsibilities within the company and maybe one day I'll be writing catalogue texts instead of just translating them ;) Since my work is also my hobby I'm constantly learning more about art history, especially medieval art, I'm also planning on doing a PhD at some point, but I have a lot more to learn before that!   
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Beldarna on June 28, 2014, 07:40:12 AM
I studied archaeology and history but ended up at a movie theatre. I'm a shiftleader, tecknichian, cashier, popcornmaker, pretty much do it all, except pure office work. I love it there but sometimes the stress gets to me in a bad way. Customer wise it's the best place to be. Before that I worked in a grocery store and I realised that's where the worst customers appear.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Mkia on June 28, 2014, 09:12:29 AM
I'm a nurse and love it. Eventually I will go back to school for my DNP and be a nurse practitioner, but that's down the road a bit. I've also thought about teaching new nurses once I get run down from the hospital setting. I've always thought teaching would be really great :).
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: BabiChuld on June 28, 2014, 10:43:16 AM
Up until relatively recently I was working as a dog groomer, but due to increasingly failing health I have had to stop working altogether, which at age 27 is quite the blow and I absolutely loved my work. I often don't really know what to do with myself these days, I have some hobbies but even they I am often unable for- at least I have my ponies to keep me smiling :)
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: elish2 on June 28, 2014, 11:27:41 AM
I am a cardiac nurse. I love what I do, and love helping people, just hate what the administration is trying to do to us...  -_-

Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Tiny_Bubbles on July 01, 2014, 06:53:32 AM

Are any of you teachers or wanting to go in that profession?
I'm not a teacher, but I lead a lecture series at my university.

If not, what are you in or wanting to be in?
I'm a scientist working as a scientific writer and editor.  I worked in research for a while (clinical trials, data mining, behavioral science).

Are you currently employed and does it make you happy?
Yes, I'm employed full-time and I love my job.  I get to work on a variety of interesting projects ranging from cell biology to behavioral health to cancer research.  I get great benefits and my employer is paying for half of my graduate degree.

And are any of you writers?
See above - although I don't think I do the same kind of writing that you may enjoy.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Doedeardarling on July 01, 2014, 08:34:53 AM
I study veterinary medicine in university. It is quite challenging, but also very interesting. It's going to take five more years until I can call myself a vet, but I definitely think that it's the right path for me.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: EeveeMUA on August 03, 2014, 12:25:17 PM
I'm a Make up Artist  :) There's a link to some of my work on my Facebook page through the little Facebook button at the side there,  if anyone is interested.

I'm going back ro college in a few weeks though for another two years to study 3D Design: Model Making for Creative Industries, so I can learn skills in set design and prop making.  So I can hopefully get myself  a career working with animatronics, more specifically being a 'creature/monster creator' which will also work hand in hand with my make up work.

Just hoping one day I can make it bog in the film industry!   :biggrin:
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: PinkiePosh on August 03, 2014, 12:52:27 PM
I'm 18, I'm going to a Paul Mitchell school for a basic Cosmetology license and working as a hair stylist. I'm going back for another degree to be a professional color specialist. I'm best with non-natural rainbow colors. Mlp got me into this career.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Mirnyj on August 04, 2014, 04:21:04 AM
I'm an engineer (batchelor) in Biotechnology by degree, but never got a job on that field. I'm currently working as a vendor at  a hypermarket, and I'm going back to school in a month, my aim is going to become a "real" designer and start selling my own products. :)
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: InkyMomo on August 04, 2014, 04:28:29 AM
I'ma Care Assistant in a small Care Home for people with Dementia. I love my job and while its hard it is very rewarding.

However, I would love to be a full time Artisan Crafter. Making lovely things to sell.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: moonsugar on August 04, 2014, 05:21:54 AM
I'm a casual cleaner in a fancy hotel. I run around and make sure the presentation of the lobby is perfect at all times, the toilets are clean and bathrooms are shiny, and there's no fingerprints on the walls. For $21 an hour, it's not bad!

I'm not sure what I'd like to do, really. I desperately want to be able to own my own house further down the track, so I need to find something, I guess. It's rather daunting thinking about getting a full-time well-paying job that I'll enjoy.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: flyawayraven on August 04, 2014, 06:43:57 AM
I'm currently working as an office assistant/administrative assistant at a private health insurer. It's my first full-time job and I'm grateful for the experience and resume building,  but after three years I'm looking for a change, mainly because the office is run so poorly. Being hospitalized for a severe asthma attack due to construction on the building was another incentive to leave.

I have my BA in English which is rather broad, but employers love it because it means effective written communication.

I'm mostly looking at jobs in the nonprofit sector, focusing on lgbt groups and those who serve the disabled.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: Wardah on August 04, 2014, 09:02:04 AM
I'm studying graphic design right now (tho I am on summer break right now ugh). I have one more year to go and I really hope I can find a job. My dream is to work at Hasbro, which isn't too far fetched considering I live in the same state, but I'd be pretty much happy to get any job in the field. When I go back the fall I'll be doing workstudy in one of the campus burger places so I'll be working in crappy fast food but at least it's a job. Unless I'm on internship (if it is unpaid the university gives a stipend) then I'll be doing that instead. I can't wait to go back since I'm running out of spare money.
Title: Re: What profession do you have/want?
Post by: snwbear24 on August 04, 2014, 10:21:18 AM
I started my own businesses. I make blankets, run a networking site to help Facebook pages get more fans, and I am a Social Media Manager. I help people who don't have time to manage their Facebook pages ect. :)
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