The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: SourdoughStomper on June 01, 2014, 05:49:43 PM

Title: Password talk!
Post by: SourdoughStomper on June 01, 2014, 05:49:43 PM
This poll is a bit more serious, but I thought it might be a good idea to have this discussion. :) There's been quite a bit of hacking going in on cyberspace, :yikes: and it makes me wonder how cautious are the denizens of the Arena.

Important (If Absurdly Obvious) Note: Don't tell us what they are!

Do you have a lot of different ones for your various sites? Or a handful? Less than a handful? 

By the way, as a separate part of this poll, I thought I'd share this site I found. It measures how strong your passwords are. My Arena password is apparently 99% (very strong). :) You don't have to tell us the strength of your passowrds, although I would encourage you to tweak it if is weak. We want to keep you all safe. :grouphug:

I have a couple others that are in the 90% + range, but I definitely should go and change the couple of weak ones that I have at other sites. Perhaps I should also make a stronger effort at making more passwords, and rotating through them a bit more regularly.

Have any of you had any hacks or break ins, anywhere? (Here's hoping everyone says "no.")
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: Bekuno on June 01, 2014, 05:58:38 PM
I don't believe I've ever been hacked on anything, If I have then I'm not aware of it. After heartbleed I changed a couple of passwords on important sites.

My passwords are long, and are usually more like a sentence.

There's a few sites though where i use the same / similar passwords, but those are sites that don't hold anything important or that I've erased all info from and no longer use anyway.
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: XOXO on June 01, 2014, 07:33:22 PM
I am insanely forgetful, so I try to keep one password for everything. Unless I'm at work, then I'm forced to have like six different passwords and codes.

Luckily I've never been hacked.
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: True on June 01, 2014, 07:44:51 PM
yeah for sites that dont contain lots of personal information, especially about a bank account, i use the same password. but for more secure places i use an overly complicated password xD.
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: kaoskat on June 01, 2014, 07:45:56 PM
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: kiwimlp on June 01, 2014, 10:02:45 PM
I am in the majority (so far) in that I have the same password for a lot of accounts but different (and stronger) ones for my important ones.  It's so fricking difficult to remember so many! And then you have to change them all the time too.  Lol, does my head in :)
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: hilamb on June 02, 2014, 01:11:18 AM
I did have the same password when i was younger, but now i have different passwords for every where i go on the internets.  :P 

Makes me feel like a genius when i actually remember all the passwords. :lmao:
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: Beldarna on June 02, 2014, 01:32:13 AM
I have about five different passwords. Easiest going on sites that are not important and harder on more serious places. They're misspelled on puprose and I can't even spell them outloud or write them with pen and paper. They're all in the "bodymemory" when I type on the keyboard. Some I've had for 20 years and never changed. I've never been hacked or anything *knocks on wood*
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: Tap Dancer on June 02, 2014, 02:46:31 AM
I use several different passwords. Sometimes I get mixed up when I try to log into a website, but if the password I use doesn't go though, I go down the list until it works. :lol:
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: Ringlets on June 02, 2014, 03:05:18 AM
Serious poll no? but important to get you thinking :awake:
Personally I have really different/unusual/strong ones for important stuff/really personal stuff such as paypal or  ebay account etc  (that are in no way related to the ones I'd use say..for here or photobucket or something like that. ). Some of the less important accounts I occasionally use similar ones but mix things up a bit so I dont have all  the same. Its best to use both upper and lower cases and numbers as well I think :) 
It can get a bit confusing though sometimes to remember them all - especially ones I dont use everyday/everyweek etc . I havent been able to login to the TP for a while cos I've forgotton my password and keep getting it wrong for all of the tries you get  :blush:  I really should change that one...but then i havent got around to it :facepalm:  :blush:
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: Mirnyj on June 02, 2014, 03:09:22 AM
I have stronger passwords for accounts that involve money, such as my zooplus account, paypal and ebay. Forums and such I have one weaker password, just one that's easier to remember. I don't have any important info on my casual accounts so I don't care that much if someone hacks into them. :)
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: ponycake on June 02, 2014, 04:00:51 AM
There are just tooooo many sites to sign up for for me to have a different password every time. To keep my sanity, I have one that I use on unimportant sites like places I needed to create an account for something I was doing that I may not visit again.

Things I use regularly are all different and are generated and memorized and tested strong.
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: ponylady on June 02, 2014, 04:09:38 AM
I voted mostly. I have very strong and secure passwords for my bank, eBay, Paypal, credit cards, etc. Then for other sites that I frequent everyday, they are the same or similar.
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: SkyCakes on June 02, 2014, 09:01:51 AM
I have different passwords that I use for different sites. I use a password manager and that comes in handy. Also its good to have a written note of your password and sites that you go to frequently. Which I have. I have been hacked in a game before and even our ebay account got hacked. :/ So I don't go to ebay very much anymore.
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: melodys_angel on June 02, 2014, 09:54:57 AM
*shakes head* no, and thank god for that! :)
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: Tilas on June 02, 2014, 11:20:20 AM
I have about 7 passwords I rotate though on sites. One sites I barely use or have no important data on them I generally use the same one. However any administrative sites or banking sites myt passwords are extremely complicated. I use phrases where I substitute letters for numbers, helps me remember. Like... "W31c0m&T0Th3Ar3na!"

As for break ins, no, I've never been broken into, though I have gotten into other peoples accounts very easily. It's simple to do really if you have access to a person's PC. Firefox is the easiest to get passwords from, followed by Internet Explorer.  If you've ever clicked "remember my password for this site", you're computer tech will have access to your info in seconds.  I do it all the time when asked to fix a computer, just to show the owner how unsafe they are.  I've had people freak out at me for doing it, (like it's some magical hack) but most are surprised and learn quickly.
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: Hervoyel on June 02, 2014, 12:28:40 PM
I don't use exactly the same password for different sites, but I do tend to use related passwords for related sites - different enough to be secure (hopefully at least) but similar enough so that I'll be able to keep track of them (hopefully, again ;)).
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: TeddyAndTex on June 02, 2014, 11:29:34 PM
I try to use the same password whenever I can.
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: Elisto on June 03, 2014, 07:57:02 AM
I'm surprised people here are willing to admit they use the same password on multiple sites. Even if you're not saying what they are, doesn't that seem unsafe to put out there publicly? Or am I just being overly paranoid? (I have had my identity most likely stolen, but not due to any of my own accounts being hacked, but my university's. But I'd have been nervous to say anything about my password even besides that.)
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: Eurocoin on June 03, 2014, 09:17:08 AM
I use LastPass for my passwords, which sometimes complicates things, when I have to use some services from outside my home.
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: bladed on June 03, 2014, 10:38:04 AM
Oh man, I'm so guilty of using the same. Most of my passwords have been one variation of a simple password that I made like 3 years ago. Always consisting of the same thing, the same number, but maybe the number is repeated etc. It's the usernames I always forget (For example; my username on one website is 578429768. Completely serious. How I remember that is beyond me.) I remember the password, just not the username, which makes me incredibly furious at sites without a username reminder function (and eternally grateful for sites that allow you to log in using persona or your email address)
An account I own has been broken into, once (loosing about... £80 worth of stuff) but that was during an attack on the site. The site rolled back the money I had lost and everything was fine. I also have had my emails used, but nobody logged in, just used them for sites.. somehow... no idea.
I also know my dad is guilty of the same stuff, mainly because I had to put all his passwords on his tablet because they were all on a crowded piece of paper. He still has more variation than me though.
The email address I've had forever.. surprised it was NEVER passguessed, seeing as the password was so insanely easy to guess (what would a young girly girl make their password? haha). Still has the same word as it has been for all these years, but obviously mixed up and stuff.
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: Saja on June 03, 2014, 07:09:17 PM
Its hard, sometimes I forget the passwords to sites I barely use, an so those ones I use the same thing, if its a safer site.
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: Beth3346 on June 03, 2014, 07:52:38 PM
I use LastPass for my passwords, which sometimes complicates things, when I have to use some services from outside my home.

My bf swears by lastpass.  Me, I'm guilty of using the same passwords over and over and i build websites so i really should do better :(

Just make sure yours isn't a super common password (

use letters, numbers, and special characters.  the more the better :)
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: TinyShinyUnique on June 04, 2014, 03:11:33 AM
I'm pretty much like ponylady. I have a dozen of passwords and sometimes it is hard remembering which one is for which site, though I try to keep track on them by for example changing just two digits of the password for each email address so it's easier to remember. My most important and unique passwords have 100% strength according to the site Stomper posted :lookround: but there are also ones with the 63%, so I think I will need to modify them a bit.
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: MyLittleLambie on June 08, 2014, 08:17:21 AM
I have enough passwords that I have trouble remembering them & have to use the "forgot password" function much too often!  Every site has different password rules and even special username rules, so there is no way to use the same username/password anyway.  (I also forget my username too).

So, I can't even remember my ebay password!!  LOL

I've never been hacked, but at my first job(s), the passwords were all so easy!!  No password rules back then, I guess!!  That was 20 years ago.  And I even worked at a BANK!
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: Niksilp on June 08, 2014, 01:59:19 PM
I use LastPass for my passwords, which sometimes complicates things, when I have to use some services from outside my home.

My bf swears by lastpass.  Me, I'm guilty of using the same passwords over and over and i build websites so i really should do better :(

Just make sure yours isn't a super common password (

use letters, numbers, and special characters.  the more the better :)

I used to use KeePass (which is a pretty great program too), but I recently switched to LastPass and I love it. Highly recommended. I still have a few sites where I'll create my own password, but for the most part, I just use LastPass's password generator. And since your LastPass vault can be accessed on the web through their website, your passwords are always available to you.
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: bluerose9978 on June 11, 2014, 09:05:21 AM
I just had to change my email passwords because apparently someone is trying to break into my email and has gone so far as to try request a code to change my password. And I checked and it shows me where in the world in the past week people have unsuccessfully tried to log into my account and they've tried in China and Indonesia. So, even though you may think your email isn't important, just think about what you may keep in your email account like pictures or addresses for friends, etc. Make sure you clean out your accounts from time to time just in case! I just changed my password and updated my security information.
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: hilamb on June 11, 2014, 10:36:03 PM
^ I just watched finnish news, and they said that most of the cyberattack attempts comes from china. Kinda weird.

Good thing you noticed that!
Title: Re: Password talk!
Post by: Tiffymh1fan on June 13, 2014, 10:39:23 AM
That's really a neat site Thanks for sharing  :)
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