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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Majesty on April 21, 2014, 06:56:44 PM

Title: Alice Madness Returns...Never Played Alice Games...Some Questions
Post by: Majesty on April 21, 2014, 06:56:44 PM
Hi everyone.  I am a huge Alice In Wonderland fan.  I've seen probably all the movies, and read both books, I mean Alice In Wonderland and Through The Looking Glass.  I know the original Alice game was only for PC or XBox, at least that was what I was told.  I only have Playstation consoles.  So, I've never played the original Alice and thought I might give this a try.  Did I have to play the original Alice game for Madness Returns to make sense?  I'm not sure how many games are in the series. 

I read lots of great reviews for this game and I know it's been out for a few years, but I was going to try Game Stop this week.

Any responses will be helpful.  Thanks very much in advance.
Title: Re: Alice Madness Returns...Never Played Alice Games...Some Questions
Post by: Bow Tie on April 21, 2014, 07:09:36 PM
You don't have to play it. The only reason I would play the first one before the sequel is to understand some of the references to that game that are in the sequel. You can easily do a quick google search for the plot of the first one and you'll be set. There are only two games. American McGee's Alice and Alice: Madness Returns.

The original was PC only I believe, but I think you can buy it on PSN. I believe I got my copy with Alice: Madness Returns when it first came out.
Title: Re: Alice Madness Returns...Never Played Alice Games...Some Questions
Post by: kaoskat on April 21, 2014, 07:31:41 PM
Never played it. Hubby was interested but never actually picked it up.
Title: Re: Alice Madness Returns...Never Played Alice Games...Some Questions
Post by: NovelNerd on April 22, 2014, 12:54:52 AM
Lol I'm not the only Alice crazed person on the forums, but I'm not sure if the other have played it.

Some people will tell you that it's not necessary to play the first. I disagree with that. I'm not a huge gamer but obviously had to play Alice. I got the original back in the day and still play it on my PC (man I'm old). The one good thing I can comment about on his two Alice games is the fact e has an amazing transformation with the story and great blending of fiction and time period accuracy. The big thing about both games would be the story, so if you don't care for that then skip the first. I would not recommend it.

Originally the first was only for the pc, but they released a download when Madness returns came out. To my knowledge you should still be able to go to the store on whichever game system you have and but it pretty cheaply. Both games are pretty short it takes me a few hours to finish both when I play. :lol:

Alice stuff is always fun (lol I have an Alice room and Alice tats all over me). I'm just a little obsessed.
Title: Re: Alice Madness Returns...Never Played Alice Games...Some Questions
Post by: Strzyga on April 22, 2014, 03:18:30 AM
oh, great game, very climatic, my boy friend told me about this game, because i'm a big game player and he know i very like alice ^^
i must start play alice again... when i have got some free time ^^
Title: Re: Alice Madness Returns...Never Played Alice Games...Some Questions
Post by: Moony on April 22, 2014, 04:22:00 AM
I'm actually currently playing through this game on Xbox 360 :) I have not played the first game and there definitely are some small references to the first game. Overall I really like it. It is pretty creepy at times :) I would say I am about a this of the way through the game. I play for just a few hours at a time :) It took me awhile to find a decently priced game so Games top might not be your best choice to buy it. It is a great game though!
Title: Re: Alice Madness Returns...Never Played Alice Games...Some Questions
Post by: Majesty on April 22, 2014, 04:49:57 AM
Thanks everyone.:)  I heard Madness Returns has a download of the first game but my PS3 doesn't have internet connection so I can't download it right?  I may just look up cutscenes and game play on youtube so it'll be as if I've actually played it.
Title: Re: Alice Madness Returns...Never Played Alice Games...Some Questions
Post by: Majesty on April 23, 2014, 04:03:49 PM
OK so as an update I checked Walmart and Target today.  They usually have games that have been out for some time in their own separate display for around $20 or less, but no Alice.  I then went to Gamestop.  Lots of used games but no Alice.  I asked if they had it even though I checked everywhere.  They said they didn't have it and they don't seem to have any in stores for miles.  Nothing was showing up on their radius.  So, the guy said they could special order it for me and it would be free shipping and delivered to my house.  With Gamestop I was still expecting a $60 price, because it was PS3 and usually even if a game has been out for a few years they still keep the $60 price, that's why I haven't bought from them in a while.  So, I asked the price and the guy said it would be around $32.  That made me happy.  It would be like $34 with state tax and be delivered to me in about a week.  I thought that was a good deal, but I felt like I could do better.  I asked if I can pay a little extra and have it to me sooner.  I mean yeah I can wait a week but lots of times I have this attitude of "I want it now"  :lookround: :P  So, my price was brought up to $37 and change.  I guess insead of a week it'll be around 3 - 4 days.  My estimated delivery date is May 1st to May 5th. 

If Gamestop didn't have it I would have resorted to getting an amazon gift card and find it there hopefully.  It would have been tons more with shipping though.  I'm just happy I can get it and it's not $60.

Since last night I have been watching cutscenes and game play from the American McGee version on youtube.  They're in HD and in 10 minute parts and there are 40 parts and I'm only on part 9.   :blink:

Can you fans tell me which parts I should actually watch that tie in to the second game?  I know that the second game makes references to the first and I don't want to be lost when I see them.
Title: Re: Alice Madness Returns...Never Played Alice Games...Some Questions
Post by: Moony on April 23, 2014, 06:11:35 PM
That is a pretty good price :) I bought my copy for $16 on Xbox 360 :) I don't think it is necessary to watch anything from the first game. I haven't really come across anything in the game that I have been totally lost on in regards to the story.
Title: Re: Alice Madness Returns...Never Played Alice Games...Some Questions
Post by: Majesty on April 23, 2014, 06:22:15 PM
That is a pretty good price :) I bought my copy for $16 on Xbox 360 :) I don't think it is necessary to watch anything from the first game. I haven't really come across anything in the game that I have been totally lost on in regards to the story.

Thanks, that's helpful. :)
Title: Re: Alice Madness Returns...Never Played Alice Games...Some Questions
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on April 23, 2014, 09:34:26 PM
If you want to find older games try game craze, they might have a copy.
Title: Re: Alice Madness Returns...Never Played Alice Games...Some Questions
Post by: Majesty on April 24, 2014, 04:28:53 PM
Thanks.  I already ordered it at game stop at the store.  Free shipping too. :)
Title: Re: Alice Madness Returns...Never Played Alice Games...Some Questions
Post by: Moony on April 26, 2014, 08:21:02 PM
Not sure if the PS3 edition is the same but I just noticed that mine came with a card for a free download of the first game xD Might want to check the papers inside the box when you get your copy :)
Title: Re: Alice Madness Returns...Never Played Alice Games...Some Questions
Post by: thekozmicpig on April 27, 2014, 12:13:35 PM
Not sure if the PS3 edition is the same but I just noticed that mine came with a card for a free download of the first game xD Might want to check the papers inside the box when you get your copy :)

IIRC, all new copies should come with it.  This is also true of the digital versions.

Personally, both Alice games are next on my play list, though I need to free up some space on my 360.
Title: Re: Alice Madness Returns...Never Played Alice Games...Some Questions
Post by: Majesty on April 30, 2014, 04:10:48 PM
So, the game came in the mail last Saturday and I've been playing it every chance I get.  I think I'm on chapter two and just made it to the under water level after the Tundra and steering the ship part.

My game did come with a code to download the first game but my PS3 doesn't have internet.   I don't really need to play the first game anyway.  I think I got the just of what I need to know if anything.  :)  I love how the outfits change with each level.  I think the Tundra level is my favorite so far but I was annoyed, because some parts I wanted to get to to get teeth, etc but if you go some place you can't go back in some places, especially if there's the long slide parts.

I also didn't know I had to free up space for this game either.  I also found out too little too late that you don't need to delete actual game saves to make space for a new game, because game saves don't actually take up much space.  I found a video on youtube that shows what you can do instead, I wish I found it before I deleted game saves I didn't want to delete.  :(   So, you can actually delete the files made after you download a new game to your console, because that is pretty much what takes up space.  I deleted a coupl of those and had plenty of room for Alice.  Sadly, sadly once you delete an actual save file you can't undo it.
Title: Re: Alice Madness Returns...Never Played Alice Games...Some Questions
Post by: shindow on May 03, 2014, 03:33:10 PM
IIRC, you can replay "chapters" to get missing teeth, memories, ect.

My wife was a huge fan of the original (I even got her the rare "knife" box PC vers w/the booklet when it was expensive for an anniversary present... but that's nowhere near as bad as "Alice: An Interactive Museum... I WISH I could get that for her...) so I really wanted to get this one and got it at launch.

I really enjoyed the game, but god, I couldn't play the original, even on the PS3 the controls are awful.

Alice 2 took me awhile to complete, mostly because I got bored from redundancy (especially timed/jumping puzzles to get the extra items ugh... I threw the controller a few times.)
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