The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: TinyShinyUnique on April 18, 2014, 02:24:28 AM

Title: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: TinyShinyUnique on April 18, 2014, 02:24:28 AM
Let me start :)

Once upon a time, there was a girl who wished to have as many ponies with magical twinkling diamond eyes as possible. She spent her pocket money on ponies. All she wished to receive as presents were ponies. But even then the girl couldn't get them all, as not all of them were available in her country :sad: But the girl grew up and when she started recollecting, she started with a big dream of hers coming true.

She bought several ponies:

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This guy had been a dream of mine since I was around 13 years and I thought that thanks to him, I know exactly how it feels to have a grail pony that you're desperate to have...

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Until I had got another one. Just when I thought I had all my collection complete, with all G2 ponies produced, this one girl popped up out of nowhere. And when I thought that the G2 nicknamed "the blue haired Ivy" was hard to find - this girl was even more elusive. Moonbreeze picked a lovely nickname for her - Blondie :)

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(picture from the auction, taken by Shira :) )

And now, after three years, 2 MOCs on auction, several missed ones, she finally was on sale as a loose one... And I won her :lovey:

I'm still a bit in disbelief. I need to run to my bank and put some money to pay for her today, but I'm still overjoyed to have her. She is beautiful and completes my collection truly this time. Now I can focus on oddities, variants and accessories :)

So how it was when you managed to get your grail ponies? Who it were? Did you buy them online, at auction, found them in a thrift store, during the fair? Please share some stories and pictures with me :heart:
Title: Re: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: Bibinettepony on April 18, 2014, 02:33:41 AM
great idea for a topic!!  ;) ;)

Once upon a time (in the 80's  ^.^) in a nice country called France  :biggrin: was a little girl who watched with lot of joy My Little Pony cartoon. She received for Xmas the most lovely pony, a violet Pegasus (she loves Pegasus!! and rainbow hihihih ) called Plume (yes the story takes place in France  :P, so Tickle ;o) )
Plume and I played a lot and when I say a lot , it is a lot, Plume went everywhere with me. Then the little girl grew up, did studies and a day decided to find PLume again. But  :cry: :cry: it was tooo late, her father in law had through to garbage all the toys of the little girl and her sister. no more Plume :cry: :cry: Time passes and one day, the little girl who is now a woman had an idea, a sudden idea, she had to find again Plume!

She searched everywhere , and finally get one!!!!  ^.^ ^.^ Plume was back!

By the way, when searching the grail pony, I discover the other ponies!! ^.^ ^.^ that's why I started collecting!! What a wonderful Pony world I had discovered!! so many lovely ponies to love!!

 :hug: :hug: :hug: to all pony collectors, wishing you all to find your beloved grail!! 
Title: Re: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: Sarah-Bee on April 18, 2014, 04:02:33 AM
Once upon a time there was a girl who had been out drinking with her friends. The girl and her friends went back to her castle and talked and laughed and drank some more. The girl took out her phone and inadvertently ended up perusing an ebay auction for Greek Ladybird. She bid.

A few days later: "congratulations, you have won Greek Ladybird!"

"Damn, I meant to cancel that bid!" Exclaimed the girl.

She held up her end of the deal and paid for the pony and a week later Greek Ladybird arrived.

The end.
Title: Re: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: hathorcat on April 18, 2014, 05:33:43 AM
Once upon a time there was a little accessory-aholic wandering the pony hinterland looking for a lonely little red barrette. She looked in the deepest, darkest places of ponyland, she offered bribes and rewards, she cried and she pleaded. But never did it appear. Wanted posters were plastered on her signature and across the ponyland forums. And yet no one could find that little barrette.

And then finally one day, a magic fairy stumbled upon the little accessory seeker; that magic fairy waved her magic wand and sent a trade box...packed with sweeties, awesome little presents...and one little red barrette.

The accessory-aholic was very very happy :) Suddenly ponyland was bright and shiny to her again - the sun shone high in the sky and bluebirds fluttered around her head.

And she and her barrette lived happily ever after.
Title: Re: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: Ivaness on April 18, 2014, 05:54:38 AM
Once upon a time, a beautiful fairy godmother contacted a lowly princess who was on the prowl for her prince.  The fairy godmother told the princess that she had her prince, but only if a different princess didn't want him.

After a few days of waiting, the other princess found her prince in another auction.

So, the fairy godmother sold the lowly princess her prince and she's been happy with him ever since. :)

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(That fairy godmother was Tinyshinyunique ^_^)
Title: Re: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: HoustonCollector72 on April 18, 2014, 06:16:29 AM
One upon a time a guy Pony Collector came upon a beautiful pony , with blond hair and golden tinsel in a white body , yes He had found and fallen in love with G2 BRIDE !!!! :) .
His first attempt was to get her from an auction from Germany ! Alas it did not come to happen :(

2nd Attempt : Following a PC check thread in the Arena ! He inquired too late for a chance to get her :(

3rd Attempt : Alerted by members about a Bride spotted in ebay France , contacted seller , seller agreed to open auction to ship her , won auction, seller has paypal issues and refunds money ,no communication after :(

Time passes and the search continues ........and one day a very nice lady in Belgium  shares some news :)  a Bride might be looking for a new home :) !!!  But seller is not sure yet to want to sell :)

Time passes and one day...... News !!! Seller will let Bride go :)
Nice friend buys her from Dutch forum , Bride makes it to Belgium and takes the next plane to Houston Tx :)

And here she is Today

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And we lived happily ever after :) 

Title: Re: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: Lucky_Ladybug on April 18, 2014, 05:06:33 PM
So many cute and sweet stories! LOL, Sarah Bee's and Hathorcat's are a riot.
Title: Re: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: Magdalen on April 18, 2014, 10:41:02 PM
Ooooh that bride g2 pony is lovely.
Title: Re: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: Shiromisa on April 18, 2014, 11:28:33 PM
Once upon a time, there was a young lady who identified with a plastic horse with hearts on its butt more than she probably should. After discovering blind bag Flitterheart by accident online, she stumbled onto Strawberry Reef and, naturally, clicked on the Prototypes tab to see. She nearly cried at what she saw there--a gorgeous alicorn Flitterheart! Having never seen an error pony before, she was certain she'd never own one of her own, a fact that caused her almost physical ache.

In time, she found the Trading Post, and from there, the Arena, and got into pony collecting from there. One day, on Ebay, she found a treasure--not her precious aliFlitter, but the next best thing! The error pony from which her head came. So naturally she snapped it up, and with some doing, swapped the heads with a spare normal Flitterheart. And she resolved to be content with that, even if a proper factory error one never turned up.

But then! One day, in an Arena member's sales thread, she found her treasured grail! She fought and won the precious pony, and both princesses now live in her army. :)

(And don't worry, I can tell the two apart. ^^ The "custom" one has a dent in her leg from where the plastic strip cut into it in the box.)
Title: Re: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on April 18, 2014, 11:30:35 PM
Once upon a time a little girl desperately wanted Seashell and Bubbles. At 7 years old, though, her options were limited, as were her family's funds. She scrimped and saved and did odd jobs in her little 7 year old way, and she was SO excited when she'd finally raised $16 of her own money to buy her new friends. Her mother took her to Sears. There were strange, new ponies on the shelves, and Seashell and Bubbles weren't there.
They went to Towers....not there either.
They went to the mall and looked and looked....the ponies had vanished. The little girl's heart was broken.
Exactly 30 years later on Christmas day, she received a very beat up looking present from Santa. On it was a note that read "Dearest Rachel. I meant to bring these to you 30 years ago, but they must have slid under the seat of the sleigh, and it was only this year that one of my elves found them. Merry Christmas"
The little girl was still inside the full grown woman and she KNEW. She opened the package and saw purple, yellow, blue and green. She began to cry with happiness. Her dad cried, too, as did her mother. No one had ever seen the little/old girl so happy, and she gets to feel that way now every time she looks at them and remembers how much "Santa" must have loved her to remember for all those years. The end :)
Title: Re: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: Bibinettepony on April 19, 2014, 02:10:04 AM
lovely stories all!! but Seashellnbubbles your story is AMAZING!! I have cried reading it  :cry: :cry: :cry: this is sooo beautiful  :hug: Santa is really the best!!!!  ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on April 19, 2014, 04:26:28 AM
My mom and dad are the strongest, most amazing people i've ever known in life. If I can strive to be 1/2 of what they are, i'll consider myself a success  :hug: Thank you, Bibinettepony.
Title: Re: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: mlp4me on April 19, 2014, 06:08:04 AM
OUAT there was a spoiled little girl. Yeah, she had her share of toys when she was a kid and generally got what she wanted when she asked for it. When she was 12 her parents threw away her Care Bears toy chest that held much of her treasured toys - save a few. The little girls 10 ponies, 2 care bears and 2 rainbow brite dolls survived. She was happy that those few friends from her childhood were still around.
The little girl spent a few years ignoring her toys.
When she turned 17 got a job and a car she went and started to re-collect her childhood. She decided to start with ponies. Knowing very well that she had her original ones she still wanted more... The search continues to this day.
She found delight in the lovely colorful ponies that she so very much adored in her childhood.
She had soft spots for many ponies. But she fancied one in particular...
A local store had gotten an loot of ponies early in 2013 and she pined and scraped and saved months for the one pony she desired to have MIB... Bills came up and the money had to be used for other RL things.

Then her wonderful husband knowing how much she pined for the pony bought it for her for christmas. She squeed with delight and hid the MIB pony in a dark corner of the pony room...

My precioussss...

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Title: Re: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: Jadis4742 on April 19, 2014, 06:19:45 AM
Once upon a time there was an adult disabled girl who hated orange. HATED. Alas, adult disabled girl accidentally ordered some G1 ponies off of ebay after watching the new FiM show whilst high on ambien. A collection was started, and after a while, a focus chosen - the Shy Pose Army. Including nirvanas. Even the orange ones.

After several years, countless ebay auctions, and more money than adult disabled girl would like to think about all at once, the Shy Pose Army stands almost complete - but one particular pony is missing.

One ORANGE pony.

Argie Brillitos Flutterbye in Shy Pose.

Adult disabled girl kept bidding on the ponies that showed up, but towards the end of every auction, her gut would clench, her hands shake, her body explode in cold sweat. Was she really going to drop THAT much money on one pony? In a color she particularly hated? After all, her income was not guaranteed.

And her shoulders would slump, and she would sigh, and some other lucky pony person would win the auction.

And she would swear that next time, NEXT TIME, the pony would be hers.

And orange haunted her dreams.
Title: Re: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: Roseprincess1 on April 19, 2014, 07:03:05 AM
Once there was a girl that loved flutter ponies.
When she was a child she had two but was heart broken when her friends beautiful wings broke off and she had no way to fix them.
She grew up and eventually found a great place that showed her  how to make new wings for her friends.
so she for Windrifter
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and her tropical breeze twins
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she made them some sets of lovely replacement wings.

and she was hooked.. she began to want to get all of the flutter ponies
eventually she managed to snag them all but one

a very rare pink pony that had back in the day been only offered on mail order.
The girl went onto ebay where she had found so many others to see if she could find her.
But the pink pony turned out to be SO rare.. that often when she did appear.. she was so expensive that the girl could Only sigh and go on to the next page.

One day tho.. she found the pink pony on ebay for FIVE dollars. there were only a few moments left on the auction so she placed a bid for seven dollars and did the tried and true method for winning an auction.
Stare at the computer.
The girl DID in fact win the pink pony for a total of 10.00 with S/H.
The pink pony showed up shortly later and had a set of new wings made for her.
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she was added to the girl's heard and they lived very happily ....
Until the fantastic flutters were released....
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but that is another story.
Title: Re: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: HoustonCollector72 on April 19, 2014, 10:41:34 AM
Once upon a time  ( september 2012) there was a new collector that had just discovered MLP FIM and went on to buy all of theG4 ponies to the stores, then He discover there had been more released earlier on, He went on to ebay and Amazon and bought all the ones he could find ,then one day this Orange carriage came up on ebay !, He was surprised , he already had it all and now there was something new and He still a novice in the arts of ebay  ,lost this orange Carriage at the last seconds :( he looked and researched and came upon the site and under the links he saw this one for the MLP Arena :) and without even knowing He was after his first grail that brought him to the Arena.
After searching the forum, He started to get familiar with the lingo and the ways to get the items you are looking for and He then searched some more for that Orange Carriage ,by then he knew he was after European release for the Rarity Carousel with Bonus Orange Carriage .
He found people who directed him to Amazon sites in Germany, Italy,UK and then He found it , there was one for sale ,only one left at Amazon Germany.
He then contacted few German members here and found help from one very nice member BabyElf :)
She agreed to receive my purchased item and then send it over to me, since there was no option to ship it directly from Amazon Germany.
and one day in November 2012 :)
the big package arrived :) with that Orange Carriage :)

Title: Re: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: DaffyDilly on April 19, 2014, 12:56:36 PM
Once upon a time there was a little accessory-aholic wandering the pony hinterland looking for a lonely little red barrette...
And she and her barrette lived happily ever after.

Aww Cat! :D
Title: Re: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: Unicorn_pops on April 19, 2014, 03:53:17 PM
Once upon a time there was three girls that didn't get a lot growing up because their dad's job wasn't a secure one and would get laid off a lot. Mostly the two younger girls got hand me down toys from the oldest sister. But the Middle girl got a few hand me down toys from her cousin and included was a Green pony with shamrocks! Green was her Favorite color!

But after years she forgot about ponies and rediscovered them only recently after purchasing a house. Curiosity got the best of her since she was about to have her first baby girl. After internet searching she found this Wonderful place with Pony Lovers everywhere! And wouldn't you know it, she discovered a BABY version of this pony!

Bids...several bids over years were placed on ebay for this adorable baby green pony but always lost out in mere seconds :(

And now in 2014, her dream of owning this pony has happened thanks to a lovely member. Soon she will be holding this adorable girl in her hands:

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Title: Re: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on April 19, 2014, 06:12:45 PM
Once upon a time there was a pony collector who had happened upon these magical creatures at a young age and had to have them. She collected and played with them till one day all the ponies were tucked away in an attic for many years. Cleaning out the attic one day she happened upon them and fell in love all over again, then started searching online about them and stumbled across the enchanted MLP arena. A few days later she joined and leaned there were more ponies than she ever knew about, and came across one named mimic.

She fell in love with the girl and noticed that there was a private arena auction for her and she threw caution to the wind and placed a bid, she won. A few weeks later mimic came to her from the land of Canada no pass port needed. Today she proudly sits next to a German cocoberry pony.
Title: Re: "Getting your grail" stories
Post by: hathorcat on April 20, 2014, 09:13:05 AM
Once upon a time there was a little accessory-aholic wandering the pony hinterland looking for a lonely little red barrette...
And she and her barrette lived happily ever after.

Aww Cat! :D

:hug: You are my magic accessory fairy, Daffy :)
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