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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Bekuno on April 06, 2014, 03:09:11 PM

Title: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: Bekuno on April 06, 2014, 03:09:11 PM
Today I was at wal-mart and picked up the season 1 DVDs for How To Train You Dragon. I've been a dragon buff since I was young. From video games to films, toys, and books, if it had a dragon, I wanted it! I still have some in my room. Some little kids toys, some robotics, plushies, and lots of books.
And not just dragons either, growing up my best friend and I couldn't get enough of mythical creatures. Every time the book fair came along we'd stock up on the latest mythical monster collection. I have all of them on a shelf underneath my bedside table along with books on urban legends and horror story monsters.
I just can't convince myself that some of the creatures don't exist. Even going to see the fake displays at the fair, I knew they wern't real but maybe the real one was out there somewhere.

Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, Unicorns, Dragons, Chupacabras, fairies.
If they don't exist now they were in the past or maybe they'll appear in the future!

Are there any myths, mythical creatures, or urban legends you guys believe in?

Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: brightberry on April 06, 2014, 03:59:36 PM
Umm... I just realized that I really don't have any.  How sad!  I suppose if there really are infinite alternate dimensions, then anything could be possible.  But we'll never meet up. :(
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: HannahBeth333 on April 06, 2014, 04:05:24 PM
Oh god what do I not believe in. Lol. I believe there are multiple gods, I believe in everything you mentioned. This world is huge theres no possible way we've discovered everything.

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Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: DireRabbit on April 06, 2014, 04:34:44 PM
I believe in extra terrestrial life, simply because the universe is too big and too...wonderful not not to have only one form of life! Though, scientifically speaking, that's not too far-fetched.
I'm actually a pretty skeptical person. Never seen a ghost, never met somebody who said they saw a ghost that I believe. There's always the little details, like "it was in the middle of the night and I just woke up and it was just there" (sleep paralysis, look that up) "It was when I was really young" (we all tell ourselves stories and sometimes we grow up believing them because it impressed family etc.)
Basically, I'm neutral on things like bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster because they could be real. But werewolves and dragons and magical unicorns ( :cry: ) I don't believe.
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: kaoskat on April 06, 2014, 06:42:12 PM
All of them of course!
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: Rosencrantz on April 06, 2014, 06:45:29 PM
That meteors are from dragons pooping.
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: True on April 06, 2014, 11:37:30 PM
I wanted unicorns and magic to be real SO BAD as a kid, and honestly I still do. like while reading the harry potter books as a kid, i realized if i had gotten that letter i would have been so eager to believe it lol.

When I was really little i used to just spend hours playing in the woods, or if we were driving through the woods id just always be watching for unicorns, I wanted to see one so bad its almost a little too depressing to fully admit that they arnt real? xD I was kinda the same with mermaids but they always were kinda scary, not quite like little mermaid happy and all that. :p but I still loved them.

I believe in kinda supernatural stuff because iv always been able to feel it, but that doesnt really seem like the same thing. lol
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: valkyrie_fe on April 07, 2014, 12:04:47 AM
I'm in a weird in-betweenie state. I'm not terribly religious, and I put more stock in science than most things, but I do also believe there's a little more out there. To me, with how impossibly big the universe is, it seems absurd to think we're the only planet to contain life. If I remember my calculations right, there's supposed to be at least 10 billion planets very, very similar to Earth, statistically speaking! And if life found its way here, then surely it's not impossible on those other planets. Which is an exciting thought. But then life is infinitely diverse even on our own planet, so it's not impossible to say that it couldn't evolve elsewhere under completely different circumstances! And that's exciting too! And man I love science too much, haha.

On to the myths... I do believe in ghosts or spirits hanging around. I've had a couple odd experiences here and there. I believe in good/bad energies... and also karma. I can't say that I actually believe in bigfoot or anything of that sort, but those tv shows are kind of fun to watch when I'm bored. :P
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: OLumeVaSti on April 07, 2014, 01:28:51 AM
I want Bigfoot to be real.
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: Aflame on April 07, 2014, 02:42:51 AM
the beast(s) of bodmin moors
puma/black panther/ big cat  stalking the moor !
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: NoPonySpecial on April 07, 2014, 03:26:54 AM
I believe in ghosts, not so much that I think every ghost story is real, and every sound I hear is automatically a ghost, but more like, I wouldn't be surprised if they turned out to be real.
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: ponybabe on April 07, 2014, 03:41:18 AM
To me, with how impossibly big the universe is, it seems absurd to think we're the only planet to contain life. If I remember my calculations right, there's supposed to be at least 10 billion planets very, very similar to Earth, statistically speaking! And if life found its way here, then surely it's not impossible on those other planets. Which is an exciting thought. But then life is infinitely diverse even on our own planet, so it's not impossible to say that it couldn't evolve elsewhere under completely different circumstances!

This I agree with :)

I also believe in ghosts since I've heard way too many stories about people seeing them and lots of them seem believable.

I don't know about mythical creatures but I'm open to the possibility that some may exist (e.g. mermaids), since new species are being discovered every day :)
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: Dovetail on April 07, 2014, 08:17:29 AM
I'm still a big mythical creature girl! I think a lot of mine is that these things did exist at some point in time, Dragons for instance are known in many cultures across the world and the stories are all rather similar. How could so many people who are no where near each other have such similar stories based on imagination alone? Added to the fact that we can only see such a small spectrum of visible light, and only know such a tiny amount about the worlds around us, who's to say for sure what is really there.
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: Tap Dancer on April 07, 2014, 08:46:10 AM
I believe there is one God. I don't believe in anything magical, though.
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: Khema on April 07, 2014, 08:46:32 AM
I find it interesting that the US, China, South America, Europe, all have records of dragons long before they had contact with each other.
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: Kaeldre on April 07, 2014, 10:38:19 AM
Aliens, ghosts, dragons (we had dinosaurs so there's a possibility we had draggies, too.)

And maybe Cthulhu. :3
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: Zapper on April 07, 2014, 11:20:04 AM
I don't believe in anything magical/mythical/religious, but I like to pretend.
Sometimes it just feels nice to pretend there might be a unicorn hidden in a forest. Even though I'm a quite rational person I've always been a dreamer as well :) I'm also very interested in myths from all around the world but it's pure fantasy to me.

Curiously, I don't believe in ghosts but I'm afraid of them. It's easy for me to fabricate something in my mind and when I want to see a figure in a shadow I will see it and get really scared. And yet I still watch ghost movies and such to get freaked out. Me and ghosts have a hate/love relationship XD
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: Tilas on April 07, 2014, 12:20:00 PM
Well, things like pixies and faeries no, but bigfoot and loch ness, I do. I think such animals are feasible and have too many sightings to be impossible. They might not be the way the media describes them, but I think they could be out there. As for dragons, I think they did exist to an extent. Offshoot of dinos, perhaps. It's just like, as another here said, ALL cultures portray dragons in some form. That's too high of a coincidence to say they didn't exist somehow.

I don't believe in anything magical/mythical/religious, but I like to pretend.
I love how you clumped those 3 things together.... :haha:
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: Zapper on April 07, 2014, 04:41:35 PM
Well, things like pixies and faeries no, but bigfoot and loch ness, I do. I think such animals are feasible and have too many sightings to be impossible. They might not be the way the media describes them, but I think they could be out there.

Every part of Loch Ness has been searched for the monster. People put insane amounts of money into fnding out if the creature exists, what it could eat, where it came from and all photographic "evidence" has turned out as optical illusions or fake. If there really is a plesiosaur in this small freshwater lake it's a.) invisible and b.) super old.

"Too many sightings to be impossible" is a dangerous way of thinking. This is how humans work; they love to spread rumors and they lie to make themselves feel important. Sometimes a story is that good it reaches the masses. In the case of Loch Ness it even provides an area in Scotland with many tourists and half of them will say they saw the monster at one point - even though it wasn't there. You can easily convince yourself to see the monster if you only look hard enough. Just like many kids will swear they saw Santa Claus escape through the chimney ;)

I don't want to make fun of those who like to believe in Nessie, btw. I think Nessie is cooler than Santa.
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: Khema on April 07, 2014, 07:09:28 PM
Well, things like pixies and faeries no, but bigfoot and loch ness, I do. I think such animals are feasible and have too many sightings to be impossible. They might not be the way the media describes them, but I think they could be out there.

Every part of Loch Ness has been searched for the monster. People put insane amounts of money into fnding out if the creature exists, what it could eat, where it came from and all photographic "evidence" has turned out as optical illusions or fake. If there really is a plesiosaur in this small freshwater lake it's a.) invisible and b.) super old.

"Too many sightings to be impossible" is a dangerous way of thinking. This is how humans work; they love to spread rumors and they lie to make themselves feel important. Sometimes a story is that good it reaches the masses. In the case of Loch Ness it even provides an area in Scotland with many tourists and half of them will say they saw the monster at one point - even though it wasn't there. You can easily convince yourself to see the monster if you only look hard enough. Just like many kids will swear they saw Santa Claus escape through the chimney ;)

I don't want to make fun of those who like to believe in Nessie, btw. I think Nessie is cooler than Santa.

I want to add that the loch is so polluted, it can't support the food necessary to feed Ness. I want to believe he's real, because that would be awesome, but he's not.
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on April 07, 2014, 07:10:00 PM
I think there are things unseen in the spiritual realm out there, just with some of the stuff that has happened to me.
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 07, 2014, 10:52:43 PM
I think there's a lot we don't understand, and our perception of these instances are fascinating to learn about!
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: Majesty on April 08, 2014, 06:46:11 AM
I believe that Unicorns existed at one point and I believe fairies might exist now.  Unicorns exist almost in every country and sometimes they have their own version of it.  If Unicorns never existed why do other countries have their own version of it?
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: hathorcat on April 08, 2014, 03:45:51 PM
I just need to stop by to say....of course Nessie is real! Loch Ness is part of the Caledonian Canal which runs diagonal east to west across the entire width of north one is saying Nessie sticks around the Loch for the entire time right?
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: NoPonySpecial on April 08, 2014, 06:03:24 PM
My BF seems to believe in Santa Claus, and I can't tell if he's kidding or not.  :huh:  ^.^
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: STLGusty on April 08, 2014, 09:30:42 PM
Well, I'm pretty skeptical when it comes to mythical creatures...but that being said...

Ok, quick story regarding big foot.  Alright, so my friend and I were out driving around one summer night about 5 years ago.  I decided to stop at a stop sign on a side street and turn my car off since we were trying to figure out where to go (this was a street that had about three houses on it - we wouldn't be tying up traffic :)).  Anyway, we were talking about what we wanted to do/where we wanted to go, and my friend (in the passenger seat) says, "Oh--oh my gosh.  What is that?!"  And I look out her passenger side window and there are these two huge, dark creatures walking slowly towards us with hair all over their bodies - like they were in gorilla suits!  They were walking along a corn field field with the corn field to their one side and a road on their other side.  I'm like, "Uhh..."  My friend starts saying, "Let's go!  Let's go!" so I start my car back up - but I'm literally shaking at this point, and I forget to put my car in drive (Lol - dummy), so I'm trying to push the accelerator and I'm not going anywhere.  I then throw the car in drive and speed off the other direction from the creatures toward the gas station down the street.  We turn around in the gas station and decide to drive back to get a closer look (why we didn't do that in the first place, who knows).  We drive back down the road (about 1/4 mile)...nothing.  There's no sign of these "gorilla suited people" anywhere.  We assumed they jumped into the corn field, but who knows.

We talk about this encounter every so often, and the more we heard about people's bigfoot encounters, the more I started thinking...could it have been?  I mean, in my heart-of-hearts I'm sure it wasn't...but it was just so strange.  Why would two people have been walking around in gorilla suits in the middle of summer (and we're in southern Illinois where you can practically drink the air in the summer due to the humidity)?!  Oddly enough, when we checked a bigfoot encounter site that records sitings in the area, apparently another individual in a neighboring town reported "two gorilla-like creatures" one night, as well.  Interesting.

I swear I'm not crazy.

Perhaps even stranger than this encounter was something that I can't still really explain...  My friend and I were again out driving around (different town this time lol) at night - but this time it was during cooler weather.  We got bored and decided to get out to stretch our legs.  We parked my car and just started taking a walk down a sidewalk.  No cars were around (it was probably around 11:30pm).  All of a sudden we start hearing music.  To me, it sounded like the happy circus-type music you might hear an ice cream truck play in the summer.  We look around...we look at each other...and we go, "Uhh..." and we literally start runnign back to my car.  We jump in (we hadn't had the chance to walk very far), and I look up and say, "What is THAT?!" In the sky, there is this weird squid-shaped object that is CRUISING across the sky.  Now, there is an air force base in Southern Illinois, so a lot of "alien sightings" are blamed on aircraft from the airforce base...but I've never seen one shaped like this.  It was in our sight only for a super short time, and it was GONE.  We were totally clueless as to what happened, but decided we were going to Krispie Kreme for donuts (because we love food, lol).  Well, we go through the drivethrough, and the lady says, "I'm sorry, but we are just accepting cash at this time.  Our credit card machines went down a few minutes ago."  ....Hm.  Anyway, we got our donuts, parked int he parking lot, and I switched my radio input so we could listen to my ipod that was FULLY charged as of an hour was dead.  Fully drained.  (Side note:  There is actually a documentary produced that is aired on TV sometimes called "UFO over Southern Illinois"...and it mentions all the towns in my area.  It's pretty weird...).  Obviously the ice cream truck music had to becoming from somewhere else nearby - even though we didn't see anything..The whole thing was really eerie. 

I told my dad all of this stuff the following day, and he said, "You know...a lot of people say that electronics fail after alien encounters of some sort..."  He's a skeptic, too...and I still am...but it's...weird.  My dad even had a weird alien "encounter" when he was little.  He said he was getting toys out of the toybox in the spare room at his grandma's house when he saw all of this brightness coming out of the woods nearby.  He didn't think much of it, btu the following day he walked to the woods and there was a huge burnt ring in a clearing in the woods...but there wasn't really any stray burnt pieces of wood or grass anywhere else.  Odd.

Ok.  I still don't necessary believe (again, in my heart-of-hearts) that I saw bigfoot or had an alien encounter...but....I can't really explain what happened in those two events either.  :)  My husband makes fun of me saying that maybe I'll "see the alien spaceship and order ice cream from it next time." :P  :)
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: brightberry on April 09, 2014, 10:45:55 AM
When I was a kid, I was certain that my house was haunted because things in the attic were always being moved around or would come crashing down the stairs.  Scared me to death!  My room was right next to the staircase.  No one believed me until one day we found a family of possums living in the rafters.

I do desperately want to believe in a lot of things though!  I'm not convinced we know enough about the universe to discount them entirely.  But it's a lot to ask to believe in them like I believe in other animals.  Wonder, maybe.
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: Skeen on April 09, 2014, 11:32:53 AM
That meteors are from dragons pooping.

I love you.

I believe mainly that there is always something left for us to discover.  And in chupacabras.  Those things are everywhere. 
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: cassstorm on April 09, 2014, 12:12:49 PM
I believe that dragons existed, but they just went away to die- like in a cave or out to sea.. Kinda like cats do? you ever find your cat dead of old age? I never have, they all seem to run away right about that time.

I also believe in the lochness monster- no reasoning needed, just is.

and I believe some mythical creatures existed- some are even mentioned in the bible. That is a really long time ago for something to not have had some base!
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: cyberunicorn on April 09, 2014, 01:12:27 PM
I wish sometimes .......  and I would like to think maybe once upon a time some of them were real I mean myths and legends had to come from somewhere right
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: Bekuno on April 09, 2014, 01:58:49 PM
I also believe in extraterrestrials and ghosts.

I remember about 5 years ago I had lice and had to sleep in the living room every night. And one night I couldn't sleep so I was just laying on the couch and then suddenly anything visible started to glow green and slowly fade to and out of green. We have a skylight in that room which lets light in so thats the only place I believed it could come from. I thought my house was being scanned by aliens.

I also dreamed about alien abductions and chasing ghosts a lot in my younger years.
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: Katika on April 10, 2014, 10:04:38 AM
Call me crazy if you want, but I absolutely, positively believe in ghosts.  I've had too many experiences involving what I can only describe as them for them NOT to be real.  I've seen them, heard them, seen them move things, threw my husband across a mall hallway to avoid running into one that I thought was a real person (that, of course, wasn't actually "there").  I've tried to not believe in them (if that makes sense) and still have these encounters and finally have just accepted the fact that something is there.

I also believe that, whether or not they're still around, a lot of mystical beasts do have some sort of historic truth to them.  I just can't fathom how else they were ever thought up if they didn't have some kind of physical, living ancestor at some time.

As it is, I'm pretty open to a lot of things actually existing, whether or not I actually believe that they do or not, and I don't fault anyone for their beliefs of such things.  I do sincerely HOPE, though, that things like werewolves and Big Foot and the Jersey Devil and all of those scary kinds of things aren't real.  Because I really, really like to sleep at night :)
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: Majesty on April 10, 2014, 10:06:33 AM
I always thought ghosts actually do exist nothing of myth.  I never considered the myth possibility but I guess it's something to consider. 

Post Merge: April 10, 2014, 10:08:13 AM

I wish sometimes .......  and I would like to think maybe once upon a time some of them were real I mean myths and legends had to come from somewhere right

Yep I agree.  I mean how did the myths and legends originate?   :what:
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: ponycake on April 10, 2014, 10:12:30 AM
No gods or anything mythical for me. I always have dreams that I'm magic though, those are the best. :)
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: HavACrumpet452 on April 11, 2014, 11:33:51 PM
I definitely believe in ghosts. I hope bigfoot isn't real because I live by a wooded area and it creeps me out. Aliens span all cultures for some reason too. Hope they aren't like the guys in Signs. I don't believe in flamingos.
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on April 12, 2014, 12:50:43 PM
I think that compassionate, considerate human beings are rapidly becoming a myth... LOL  :)
Title: Re: What myths / creatures do you still believe in?
Post by: Shenanigans on April 12, 2014, 04:45:41 PM
Does anyone remember that story on the news several years ago about a guy who found bigfoot? LOL I totally believed it. I was like, "I KNEW he was real!" :P So yes, I do believe there is a bigfoot out there somewhere. Not sure about the lochness monster, but I do believe there are fish that we haven't discovered or identified yet :)

I don't believe in magical creatures, but I do believe in aliens and ghosts, but I believe they are demons in disguise and people should stay faaaaar away from them.
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