The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Khema on April 04, 2014, 08:54:39 AM

Title: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Khema on April 04, 2014, 08:54:39 AM
I see so many people on here that have their favorite pony, sometimes even an army of them. How do you pick a favorite? How do you decide which one takes priority over the others?
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Strawberry Swirl on April 04, 2014, 08:56:44 AM
I couldn't tell you. It just happens for me, nothing I consciously choose. :P
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Shaiyeh on April 04, 2014, 09:09:18 AM
when you have one, you'll know :3
I think for some, it's the first childhood pony, for others it's a pony that has something to do with something they love... my faves are Tuneful and Lemon Drop. Tuneful was my first pony, and Lemon Drop just happened. I have no idea why! But I do love her, and have an army. :lovey:
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Stars on April 04, 2014, 09:19:59 AM
I'm a G2 collector and I have favourite characters and singular favourite toys. I love Sweet Berry and will have as many of her as you can throw at me, she appealed to me most as a child and I don't know why as I was never a pink and girly kind of girl and still aren't. I think I just love her name and design. I love Ivy for similar reasons, her colours and simplicity.

My current favourite toy on my shelf though is my wedding carriage Sky Skimmer as she's just so beautiful and her mane is so silky. I love how her eyes have green gems too none of my other g2 do.
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Bibinettepony on April 04, 2014, 09:22:51 AM
My fav' choice is simple: Tickle was my only MLP pony in my childhood, I am really a big fan of her even if now as a collector I have some other beautiful ponies, she is still the ONE  ;) And I am really happy to have find some in very good condition.  ^.^
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Artemesia's Garden on April 04, 2014, 09:27:34 AM
My favorite when I was little was Galaxy. I've had one or two but still looking for one with silky hair and an even purple body. I love the hair colour combos of the T.Es, the naivete of the CPs and the feyness of the wingers! So I really don't feel I could live without at least 145 ponies in my life, ha! I'm looking for the last few :)
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Jennifer2004 on April 04, 2014, 09:50:35 AM
Bowtie has been my favorite ever since I was little. I don't think I really know why or how she became my favorite, she just did. I don't think you really sit down and choose a favorite. I think it something that kind just happens on it's own, and when it does then you will know who your favorite is.

Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Violet CLM on April 04, 2014, 10:18:15 AM
Favorites pick you.
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Jennifer2004 on April 04, 2014, 10:22:18 AM
Favorites pick you.

Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Hervoyel on April 04, 2014, 11:03:15 AM
I think that's just one of those things that happens - one of them just strikes your fancy more than the others, no selection process needed!  :biggrin:
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: hathorcat on April 04, 2014, 11:26:28 AM
Hmmm....I think it can be both intentional and unintentional. My favourites is Baby Fifi - I picked her though, favourite colour combo, her name is like a nickname of my mums and her symbol is perfect for a doggy person like myself. However my second favourite is Sundance and was completely unintentional - I ended up with a few to model pony wear and I just think she is so lovely.

So I guess it can come to you...or you can seek a favourite out for one reason or lots of them :)
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Tap Dancer on April 04, 2014, 11:34:57 AM
I could never choose one favorite, so I have many. :lol: The entire package has to "click" for me to consider a pony to be a favorite: body color, hair color(s), symbol, and pose. I have to really like everything separately and together.
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Shaiyeh on April 04, 2014, 11:56:20 AM
Favorites pick you.


It's all so clear now :D
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Lucky_Ladybug on April 04, 2014, 12:03:31 PM
You don't generally pick a favorite; it just happens. ;) I don't think I've consciously chosen any of my favorites. Unless perhaps I consciously chose Tex as the favorite Big Brother, due to how I use him to represent someone in a Western. But aside from him and Posey (who is likewise representing someone), my favorites have just happened when Ponies have clicked with me. :)
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on April 04, 2014, 12:04:21 PM
....Then one day you wake up and go "Where the heck did all these Fizzys come from?! And yet, it just seems right...
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Khema on April 04, 2014, 12:06:08 PM
Even as a kid I couldn't pick a favorite because I thought my other toys would be jealous. I guess that mentality has carried over to adulthood.
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: MidnightMocha on April 04, 2014, 12:11:47 PM
My favorite when I was little was Galaxy. I've had one or two but still looking for one with silky hair and an even purple body. I love the hair colour combos of the T.Es, the naivete of the CPs and the feyness of the wingers! So I really don't feel I could live without at least 145 ponies in my life, ha! I'm looking for the last few :)

GALAXY <3 I just found one with an actual purple, not pink body, but her tail is a bit frizzy. I do feel I got lucky with her, and would love for her to become an army pony for me.
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: LightingElectricDream on April 04, 2014, 01:30:55 PM
I don't think I have a favorite but a few favorites that are Seaflower, Munchy, Okely, and others that don't come to mind right now. I just can't keep a favorite for long it's like I have ADD 'oh look Bannasplit!' Oh no Cranberry Muffins!' 'I forgot I had yum yum!' 'I like charry treats!'. Yeah that's about how I look at my collection. I wish I had a favorite.
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Stars on April 04, 2014, 02:51:59 PM
....Then one day you wake up and go "Where the heck did all these Fizzys come from?! And yet, it just seems right...

I think this should become the motto of the Arena
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Roseprincess1 on April 04, 2014, 03:22:59 PM
Favorites pick you.


It's all so clear now :D
so true!
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: MorningGlorysParadise82 on April 04, 2014, 03:43:33 PM
For me I think they choose me. I tended to like the ones that were "obscure" like Tic Tac Toe or Shady, so when I saw stuff with those ponies on it I go nuts. I also really liked the bright colored ponies or unusual color patterns...
I don't have one favorite though....i love so many
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Stormness_1 on April 04, 2014, 03:51:18 PM
I don't have ONE favourite - I love ALL the blue ponies!  My first pony was Ruby Lips, and then I fell for Bowtie, Nightglider, Sparkler, Moonstone, Shaggy... and I realised that I could never have a favourite blue pony - it's all of them! Even when G2 & G3 came out - Ivy, Sugarbelle, Rainbow Dash, Autumn Skye, Dream Blue (OMG, so pretty!) Moondancer, Picolo... so many pretties!

So I'm obsessed with the blue ones... Blue Pony Love!
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: prancingstag on April 04, 2014, 04:17:58 PM
I generally don't have just one favourite, but when it happens, the pony tends to jump out at you and make you pick it. If you find yourself often looking at, thinking about, researching or playing with a certain one, it's probably a favourite! For me, I only started collecting during G4 and at a time in my life when I had never purchased anything online before without parental help. I was quite happy just looking at the older ponies online and only owning the new ones that were on shelf... until Tex. I saw him, I loved him, and he struck such a chord with me that I just had to get one. ^.^ So my first G1 pony was the only one I wanted enough to jump through hoops and sign up to eBay and get it mailed out to me, it was an easy choice for him to be the #1 favourite. I've recently put together a top 10 favourites list of G1 ponies and he is still at the very top. Also a hint about favouritism: if you're generally not a "complete with accessories" collector but you find yourself spoiling or treating a pony by hunting down their original accessories and reuniting them, they're probably worming their way into your heart too. ;)
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Gingerbread on April 04, 2014, 04:21:30 PM
As people have said, it just happens!!! I absolutely adore Gingerbread - she is my favourite - yet I am slightly obsessed with all Twinkle Eye ponies and have a massive Twinkle Eye army. I also adore Bow Tie and Cotton Candy as they were my first ponies as a child and have small armies of them, and Lickety Split is also up there on the favorite stakes....and of course Pinkie Pie.........
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on April 04, 2014, 06:24:22 PM
...Wait a minute....when did all these Starshines get here?
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Emerald Treasure on April 04, 2014, 06:51:11 PM
It's actually kind of like getting a Cutie Mark.
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: scarletjul on April 04, 2014, 11:38:34 PM
I think it just happens.  :)
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: HavACrumpet452 on April 05, 2014, 12:46:05 AM
I don't have a favorite, I have several. I don't even have a favorite color because why should I choose just one when I like so many? I have an easier time isolating things I don't like, most purple ponies for instance.
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: CottonTALE on April 05, 2014, 12:58:09 AM
For me, It was a no-brainer that I would love Fluttershy.

I started to watch MLP:FIM before I got into collecting ponies, and I had a natural fondness for Fluttershy since we are very much alike personallity-wise (it also doesn't help that she's my favourite colour combination either :P)
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Rachel-Eyes on April 05, 2014, 03:03:31 AM
I still remember the first time I saw Munchy. Yellow/pink is my favorite color combo as well, but what really sold me were her striking green eyes and the hot dog on her cheek. She was just so cute that I fell in love with her right then and there. :lovey: I patiently waited several months for a good price to pop up on eBay, and I think the thrill of the hunt intensified my fondness for her.

I still think that she's one of the most creative designs that Hasbro has ever done for the MLP line. Something about Crumpet-pose ponies makes them look really intelligent to me... I don't know. I like to think that Munchy is that eccentric girl who constantly says bizarre things, but gets straight As in class and also reads a lot. I feel like the other ponies wouldn't always "get" her or her (probably dark) sense of humor.
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Epona on April 05, 2014, 08:36:29 AM
Favorites pick you.


It's all so clear now :D

Absolutely this.

My favorite is Blossom. She was my first pony as a child. Then I found a blossom plushie at a yard sale as a child. Then I got another in a lot with other ponies, I had planned on selling her because she had a hair cut. But once I cleaned her and styled her it is such a cute little bob i had to keep her. Then I saw a custom g1-g4 blossom by Okami_Amaterasu that I just had to have.
    ....Then one day I woke up and thought "Where the heck did all these blossoms come from?! And yet, it just seems right...

As far as my other favorites it just happens. I dont choose them. Some of them surprise me, like leaper. I didnt like him in pictures, had no intention of getting him. But when I got him with a lot I fell in love with him.
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: ZapAppleMedia on April 05, 2014, 09:51:06 AM
Even as a kid I couldn't pick a favorite because I thought my other toys would be jealous. I guess that mentality has carried over to adulthood.
Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Lollipop on April 05, 2014, 02:53:31 PM
Well Lollipop called to me in the shop when I was little, as soon as I saw her I loved her  ^.^
Even though she is my favourite I have quite a few others who are close behind.... Katie because she has a cat symbol & she has Kitty & she has been with me as long as Lollipop, Dutch Cat for the same reason hehe, then Lollipop & Katie's sisters just because there a set  ^.^ Then all my wingers because I just love butterflies so I always loved these since I was little too  :biggrin:

So that is why I now have Lollipop Winger  ^.^
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Title: Re: How do you pick a favorite?
Post by: Khema on April 07, 2014, 01:20:50 PM
I just won an auction for an original G1 Butterscotch, still in the bag. I looked up newer versions of her, and love the symbol. I think I just found my favorite. Especially since I never thought I would have one of the original six, much less still in the mail order bag!
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