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Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: alkevin on April 01, 2014, 04:59:01 PM

Title: Mlp tales
Post by: alkevin on April 01, 2014, 04:59:01 PM
I was wondering if the mlp tales figures are g1 or g2? And the cartoon series? Because I´ve seen people posting Youtube videos about the Mlp cartoons and refering that the Mlp tales introduced the g2.
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Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: StarDapple on April 01, 2014, 05:09:28 PM
They are G1.  For example, here's a picture from my little wiki of Bon Bon's toy.

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It's a common misconception that MLP Tales is G2.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: brighteyes on April 01, 2014, 06:04:18 PM
Yep- they were G1.  We can't even really call them G1.5 because the toy style didn't change at all.  I don't think there was a G2 cartoon.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Aquatic Neon on April 01, 2014, 06:19:18 PM
Show wise G1.5, completely different show, characters, and world than G1. It took all the fantasy outta G1.

The toys are G1 from tales, not G2.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: mlp4me on April 01, 2014, 06:30:55 PM
They're definitely G1. There were the regular My Little Pony cartoons then there was the My Little Pony Tales series...
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Sapphire-Light on April 01, 2014, 07:45:40 PM
It seems a big part of the confusion is that they released the DVDs wit G2 art in the covers, wit the escuse that they loosed the right   >_<
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Stars on April 01, 2014, 11:40:02 PM
Nope there was never a G2 cartoon. A video game but not a cartoon. The art style is pretty clearly G1
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Magdalen on April 02, 2014, 12:57:02 AM
Definitely G1 and one of the cartoons I grew up watching... well when I was a little bit older.  I can't remember the year these came out but it's well before G2.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: hathorcat on April 02, 2014, 04:28:36 AM
Show wise and toy wise...its all G1. The G3.5 resembles G4 as well as if we were suddenly changing things because of the show then G3.5 show could be G4 and FiM should be G4.5. But that really doesnt make sense either.

They have always been referred to as G1 and its only with the more recent fans who are perhaps more into the cartoon than the toys [which is what the line is all] that this conversation even seems to have raised. They have been G1 since we actually started the "generation" references and therefore I am sticking with that. :)
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Al-1701 on April 02, 2014, 04:55:42 AM
Tales is G1.  It in fact marked the beginning of the end of G1.  The generation ended over most of the world outside of Europe that year and the toy versions of the Tales character were actually only sold in Europe.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: MJNSEIFER on April 02, 2014, 06:14:50 AM
It seems a big part of the confusion is that they released the DVDs wit G2 art in the covers, wit the escuse that they loosed the right   >_<
The My Little Pony Movie (with The Smooze and Flutter Ponies) has G2 ponies on it's DVD as well.

I think the confusion with Tales is simply because it was so vastly different to the rest of G1, and those who only like the show or aren't that familar with the toys jump to the conclusion it has to be G2 for that reason.

It is more the newer fans, but I think I have seen some older fans get it wrong too.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: NoDivision on April 02, 2014, 07:10:29 AM
I think it's all G1 - I've never understood why anyone would refer to it as anything else.


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I mean... really.

I guess the misconception comes because for some people the toys define the generations (which I believe really is the most accurate way of defining them - this is a toy franchise that happens to have an accompanying TV show) and for others it's the cartoons. But even then, the style of the Tales cartoon is still clearly the same generation.

MLP Movie:

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MLP Tales:

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Just because it's a different setting doesn't make it a new generation - both the cartoon style and the toys and merchandise are clearly G1. For Tales had been G2, it would probably have looked something like this!

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Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: alkevin on April 03, 2014, 05:47:52 AM
Finally can write: Do your research better! on youtube as a comment. :blush:
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Al-1701 on April 03, 2014, 07:46:41 AM
Finally can write: Do your research better! on youtube as a comment. :blush:
I've run across a few really don't care and militantly defend calling Tales G2, so watch your step.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: NoDivision on April 03, 2014, 07:54:10 AM
Finally can write: Do your research better! on youtube as a comment. :blush:
I've run across a few really don't care and militantly defend calling Tales G2, so watch your step.
I agree. Better just to laugh at them to yourself than to start an argument, I'd think :)
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: moonflower on April 03, 2014, 08:08:33 AM
Just because it's a different setting doesn't make it a new generation - both the cartoon style and the toys and merchandise are clearly G1. For Tales had been G2, it would probably have looked something like this!

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I think the confusion arises from that particular image, which is actually the cover of a DVD release of MLP Tales.

The original VHS cover though is clearly G1:-
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Also, MLP Tales came out in 1992.
G2 didn't come out until 1997.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: MidnightMocha on April 03, 2014, 09:02:21 AM
I consider it G1- like others have said, the toy style didn't change- it was like a side arm sister show to the other G1 show and movies. I grew up with it, loved it :) Just lost an auction on a Clover yesterday, lol!

I wish I could come into a thread about MLP Tales for once and not see someone bringing in a negative opinion to an otherwise uncharged thread. That isn't what the post was asking about. MLP Tales is near and dear to my heart right along with the other G1 shows, and it makes me sad.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Al-1701 on April 03, 2014, 09:12:35 AM
There was only one other G1 show.

It should also be noted the comic in the U.K. continued up until 1993 and had a few stories involving the Tales characters towards the end.  Therefore, even the media ties Tales to G1.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: KarentheUnicorn on April 03, 2014, 09:30:11 AM
It's G1.

People that say it's G2 or G anything else but G1 are ignorant of MLP history...sorry, but you don't know MLP.

EVEN if you go by the animation the toy and animation are pretty much the same. The only thing different in the tales cartoon is it's set to a different theme story, but the animation looks pretty much identical to what came before.

So, people who call it G2 don't know history and are doomed to look silly IMO. It's like calling Equestria Girls G5.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Al-1701 on April 03, 2014, 09:36:01 AM
And when I said it Tales was the beginning of the end of G1, I mean it was the last global endeavor of G1.  And the fact the toys of the Tales characters were never widely sold outside of Europe might add to people's confusion.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Bibinettepony on April 03, 2014, 09:45:29 AM
G1  ;)
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: MJNSEIFER on April 03, 2014, 09:59:02 AM

I wish I could come into a thread about MLP Tales for once and not see someone bringing in a negative opinion to an otherwise uncharged thread. That isn't what the post was asking about. MLP Tales is near and dear to my heart right along with the other G1 shows, and it makes me sad.
Well, you'll be pleased to hear that I love MLP Tales, and wish it had been on air longer (in my opinion, they axed it just as it was really starting to get good, and it was good already).
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Deep Purple Crystal on April 03, 2014, 10:50:54 AM
Tales is definitely G1. The 7 Pony Friends (a.k.a the Tales girls) were part of the (European only) 1993 toyline.
Here are the girls in toy form
And these:

Images courtesy of Dream Valley kimsites. I hope this is not wrong to copy them here.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: MidnightMocha on April 03, 2014, 10:54:33 AM

I wish I could come into a thread about MLP Tales for once and not see someone bringing in a negative opinion to an otherwise uncharged thread. That isn't what the post was asking about. MLP Tales is near and dear to my heart right along with the other G1 shows, and it makes me sad.
Well, you'll be pleased to hear that I love MLP Tales, and wish it had been on air longer (in my opinion, they axed it just as it was really starting to get good, and it was good already).

I mean I'm not gonna pretend it was a masterpiece or on the same level as other shows, but I love it for what it was when I was a child, and I'm not sure why it's held against the same standards as cartoons today, and then criticized.

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Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: hathorcat on April 03, 2014, 01:08:09 PM
I consider it G1- like others have said, the toy style didn't change- it was like a side arm sister show to the other G1 show and movies. I grew up with it, loved it :) Just lost an auction on a Clover yesterday, lol!

I wish I could come into a thread about MLP Tales for once and not see someone bringing in a negative opinion to an otherwise uncharged thread. That isn't what the post was asking about. MLP Tales is near and dear to my heart right along with the other G1 shows, and it makes me sad.

Where was the negativity in the thread about Tales?
Title: Mlp tales
Post by: MidnightMocha on April 03, 2014, 01:10:13 PM
@hathorcat- there isn't much explicitly, but there always seems to be a little and I felt it wasn't really called for given that the thread doesn't ask for an opinion about the show. It's not a big deal but it seems to happen a lot with regard to Tales for some reason? I guess same could be said for G3.5.

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Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: hathorcat on April 03, 2014, 01:13:14 PM
Ok. I will admit I dont see any negativity in the thread at all that is why I was confused :)

I am sure if you read it that way no one meant it. Now a thread about G3.5 in any shape or form...then everyone will be negative.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: MidnightMocha on April 03, 2014, 01:16:31 PM

Ok. I will admit I dont see any negativity in the thread at all that is why I was confused :)

I am sure if you read it that way no one meant it. Now a thread about G3.5 in any shape or form...then everyone will be negative.

Oh no I'm not saying it's even necessarily negative, but to say that Tales took all the magic out of G1 sounds a bit harsh to me, that's all! It was pretty magical to 6 yr old me who loved talking ponies. I just loved Tales as a kid and have seen it get a lot of backlash because people consider it separate from G1. I totally agree G3.5 gets a lot worse lol

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Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: hathorcat on April 03, 2014, 01:19:11 PM
Ahhh...I get you.

Did the poster perhaps mean "magic" literally though. Tales became a very slice of life show - ponies going to school every day, sleeping in beds, cooking in kitchens, hanging out in cafes [and not a unicorn or pegasus in site]. Whereas pre Tale there were multiple types of ponies, who did magic, who were more often found in a castle or a field or on a wild adventure with some mythical creature. Maybe thats what taking the magic out of the show meant?
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: MidnightMocha on April 03, 2014, 01:22:12 PM
Ahhh...I get you.

Did the poster perhaps mean "magic" literally though. Tales became a very slice of life show - ponies going to school every day, sleeping in beds, cooking in kitchens, hanging out in cafes [and not a unicorn or pegasus in site]. Whereas pre Tale there were multiple types of ponies, who did magic, who were more often found in a castle or a field or on a wild adventure with some mythical creature. Maybe thats what taking the magic out of the show meant?

It's entirely possible! Just not what it sounded like so could totally be my problem, lol. It was slice of life! I think that means I must be a pretty boring person because my younger self thought that was awesome- I was like, if a pony is going to school and baking and such...well, I do those things! What if I'M a pony?

But I digress- you're probably right :)
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: hathorcat on April 03, 2014, 01:26:01 PM
*giggle* Thats certainly true...a pastel coloured talking pony whether she is going to school or unleashing magic is never just boring old slice of life :)
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Al-1701 on April 03, 2014, 01:33:23 PM
I suppose that's true.

It's a matter of taste.  When my younger sister and I watched the combination of Tales of the original Cartoon on the Disney Channel, I preferred the fantasy/adventure of the original cartoon while my sister (who was 4 going on 14) preferred the teen/preteen drama of Tales.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Aquatic Neon on April 03, 2014, 01:39:17 PM
The way I like to look at it is this, toywise yes it's all G1, Yes both shows series are G1.

The fact though is it is completely different than MLP and friends, the movie, and the specials. Tales does not have unicorn, pegasus, sea ponies, villians, Meghan and her siblings, flutter ponies, creatures like g1, etc. It's basically human like ponies living a real like human life. Don't get me wrong I loved it and watched it as a kid too, but I cannot say they are the same show wise, it's easy for me to just call it G1.5 and I wish others would do the same as well, because a lot of new fans will see an episode of Tales and think all of G1 is like that which could not be more wrong. MLP and Friends is to Tales as Friendship is Magic is to Equestria Girls.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Loa on April 03, 2014, 02:04:13 PM
The way I like to look at it is this, toywise yes it's all G1, Yes both shows series are G1.

The fact though is it is completely different than MLP and friends, the movie, and the specials. Tales does not have unicorn, pegasus, sea ponies, villians, Meghan and her siblings, flutter ponies, creatures like g1, etc. It's basically human like ponies living a real like human life. Don't get me wrong I loved it and watched it as a kid too, but I cannot say they are the same show wise, it's easy for me to just call it G1.5 and I wish others would do the same as well, because a lot of new fans will see an episode of Tales and think all of G1 is like that which could not be more wrong. MLP and Friends is to Tales as Friendship is Magic is to Equestria Girls.

No, no, no, no.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Aquatic Neon on April 03, 2014, 02:08:45 PM
The way I like to look at it is this, toywise yes it's all G1, Yes both shows series are G1.

The fact though is it is completely different than MLP and friends, the movie, and the specials. Tales does not have unicorn, pegasus, sea ponies, villians, Meghan and her siblings, flutter ponies, creatures like g1, etc. It's basically human like ponies living a real like human life. Don't get me wrong I loved it and watched it as a kid too, but I cannot say they are the same show wise, it's easy for me to just call it G1.5 and I wish others would do the same as well, because a lot of new fans will see an episode of Tales and think all of G1 is like that which could not be more wrong. MLP and Friends is to Tales as Friendship is Magic is to Equestria Girls.

No, no, no, no.

Want to elaborate on that? Well new fans call it G2, so I think G1.5 sounds more accurate.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: hathorcat on April 03, 2014, 02:09:43 PM
Everyone is allowed to call everything what ever they wish of course :)

But I am sure you can see it a bit upsetting to people who have been pony fans and collectors for years and decades to be told it would be better and easier if they basically renamed things to something which would be preferred by newer fandom members?

While we are all equal fans no matter how or when we came to MLP, I dont think this would go down well in reverse if pre G4 fans told post G4 fans that they needed to change some word or reference...just because it would make things easier for us. :P

Sometimes its about respecting what has always been about and always been accepted rather than changing things to suit a new audience.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Ponyfan on April 03, 2014, 02:29:48 PM
I used to love MLP Tales. I wish I had them on DVD, but you can't get them here in the US. :( I know it was a more modern setting but that doesn't make it not G1.  I think the only time pegasus and unicorns were shown was when Patch met the Glow n Show ponies in one episode but all of the other ponies acted like they were from outerspace instead of ponies that just lived in another place.

Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Lancer on April 03, 2014, 04:05:07 PM
I don't see how Pony Tales can be considered anything but G1.  The animation style is practically identical, and all of the toys were also G1s.  It's not even like G3/G3.5/G4 where there was no break in production.  There is a clear cut off between G1 and G2.  The G1 toy line continued in certain European countries for THREE YEARS after Pony Tales aired on television in 1992.  G2 began two years after that in 1997.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Al-1701 on April 03, 2014, 04:14:09 PM
At the time Tales was airing, we were getting G2 Transformers and G.I. Joe cartoons and toys.  That could have added to the confusion.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: brighteyes on April 03, 2014, 04:41:25 PM
I have to disagree.  I really don't see MLP Tales as G1.5 either.  The whole idea of generations of My Little Ponies has been driven by the toys, not the show.  If we think of the different iterations of the shows as generations then would Midnight Castle be G1, MLP and Friends be G1.5, Tales be G1.75, etc... and then what would G2 be?  There was no show for that generation.  I just think it doesn't make any sense to consider the shows different generations.  It should really just be about the toys and their design.  Each new gen represents a re-launch of the series and a complete redesign of packaging and toys. 

When new collectors call Tales G2, they aren't expressing a different opinion regarding the show, they are simply missinformed.  Tales is absolutely 100% G1 as evidenced by the toys which were released in the G1 line.

ETA:  Also, Tales did have Pegasi in one episode: Up, Up and Away,_Up_and_Away_Episode.   I think the animation style is Tales is more similar to My Little Pony and Friends than MLP Friends is to Rescue at Midnight Castle though the content of Rescue and MLP Friends was more similar of course. 
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: StarSwirl05 on April 03, 2014, 05:07:23 PM
Personally, I think if those that think MLP Tales is G2 actually watched the show, they'd see how different the artwork style of the ponies is compared to the box art on the DVD and might see where they went wrong.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Al-1701 on April 03, 2014, 05:18:08 PM
What's really sick is the people behind the Brony Documentary made the mistake of saying Tales was G2.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: MJNSEIFER on April 03, 2014, 05:20:00 PM
Personally, I think if those that think MLP Tales is G2 actually watched the show, they'd see how different the artwork style of the ponies is compared to the box art on the DVD and might see where they went wrong.
I don't think it's always the DVD that causes the confusion, I think it's simply not knowing that it's governed by toys, or not being familiar with the toys and simply thinking "different setting = different generation".

I made the mistake too after discovering Tales on YouTube by accident.  It was kind of weird how I came to the conclusion that it was G2, as I had already been told somewhere that they never made a G2 cartoon, and since it seemed to be different to G1 I just naturally assumed "Oh, so their was a G2 show then?".  I am now aware of my error, and know that Tales as G1, but if I need to differenciate I simply say "Tales".

I didn't even know that they litterally put G2 style versions of the 7 Friends on the DVD - when someone said that the DVD had G2 artwork I thought it would be actual G2 ponies, like how the G1 movie has G2 ponies that do not appear in the movie at all (obviously).  I also thought the image was fanmade at first.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Stars on April 03, 2014, 05:20:41 PM
It only takes one look at the animation used in the small cut scenes of the G2 computer game to know that the art styles are radically different. Simply no way to confuse the two.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: KarentheUnicorn on April 03, 2014, 05:37:58 PM
The way I like to look at it is this, toywise yes it's all G1, Yes both shows series are G1.

The fact though is it is completely different than MLP and friends, the movie, and the specials. Tales does not have unicorn, pegasus, sea ponies, villians, Meghan and her siblings, flutter ponies, creatures like g1, etc. It's basically human like ponies living a real like human life. Don't get me wrong I loved it and watched it as a kid too, but I cannot say they are the same show wise, it's easy for me to just call it G1.5 and I wish others would do the same as well, because a lot of new fans will see an episode of Tales and think all of G1 is like that which could not be more wrong. MLP and Friends is to Tales as Friendship is Magic is to Equestria Girls.

No, no, no, no.

Want to elaborate on that? Well new fans call it G2, so I think G1.5 sounds more accurate.

I agree with Loa...but more like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooNOoooooNOooo.

I've been into MLP for 30 years, why am I gonna believe what people who have only been in it for 4 years say? Do the people saying it's G2 know anything about G1/G2 really or are they just forming they're knowledge off looking at youtube clips?

People call it G2 because they don't know MLP history, are not aware of both the toy production and the animation productions. Let me put this frankly, some people are completely ignoring on the dates/history and the reality of MLP and are forming they're knowledge off something many of them admittedly hate and know next to nothing about.

I've been into MLP for 30 years, I don't care what 'some' fans are calling Tales...It's G1.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Ice Crystal on April 03, 2014, 05:56:25 PM
I love Tales. :heart: Right now I'm hunting for the toys.

I don't think the "style" is all that different from the original G1 cartoons and specials, so I never understood that argument. It was the story and setting that changed, as others said. It reminds me much more of Friendship is Magic in that the ponies are standing in for what would otherwise be human characters; anthropomorphized I guess is the right word to use here. And like FiM, it was centered on the same group of characters.

It doesn't take much research to figure out that Tales is G1 inspired, launched a G1 set, and is tied to other G1 media. Those who insist it's G2 just don't care enough about pre-gen MLP to do their research as far as I'm concerned.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Magdalen on April 03, 2014, 07:06:12 PM
It doesn't take much research to figure out that Tales is G1 inspired, launched a G1 set, and is tied to other G1 media. Those who insist it's G2 just don't care enough about pre-gen MLP to do their research as far as I'm concerned.

Yeah I agree with this.  It's the G4 is the best people I see on YouTube alllll the time.  Seriously, these ponies have been around for 30 years or so.  I've been a pony fan nearly that long.  Tales is g1 and that's it.  Without g1 there would be no ponies so no g4.  Honestly I still don't get the hype of g4.  Sure the show is cute, I still haven't been able to get into it and the toys leave a lot to be desired.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Baby Sugarberry on April 03, 2014, 07:38:13 PM
Tales is definitely G1.

I think the "take the magic out" comment was more in regards to the general theme; the serialized multi-part story episodes, movies like Rescue at Midnight Castle or MLP The Movie were definitely "high fantasy" in flavour, while Tales is more a "slice of life" type of world.  Both are equally valid, and both can be magical, but Tales inarguably had less "real" magic in it - teleportation, spells, monsters, dragons, etc.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: AntiFerret on April 03, 2014, 08:12:59 PM
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Okay I know this has nothing to do with this debate about My Little Pony Tales... but ... o.o I have never seen this before. I have the G1 DVD compilation that has similar cover art, but I can't find anything about a compilation of Tales... I thought that it was only Australia release (last I checked..) Can someone clue me in on this? Is there a North American release of Tales or am I dreaming?

Back on the subject of Tales being in a specific generation though, I always thought that it was G1 (before I really knew what Generations were, honestly) because it was released closer to the original cartoons. Then ponies disappeared for a while and when they came back they looked nothing like how the original or Tales looked, so I always just figured that Tales was part of the "original" ponies, and that the "new ponies" (aka the G2s at the time) were just new ponies. I hated them XD but learned to like them.. or particularly the five that I bought back then.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Stormness_1 on April 03, 2014, 09:58:29 PM
Yes, the Tales series is G1.

Yes, the Region 4 Tales dvd's show the ponies in G2 form, and they use g2 art in the menus, but the art in the actual series is very different. Anyone who actually saw the series should know that.

However - I don't think that's why this new 'idea' has arisen. It's because in G4, the TV show has taken focus, rather than the toyline - and therefore new fans believe that the TV show has a correlating toyline, and not the other way around, which is the truth. So in order for there to be a G2 toyline, surely there must be a show? Ah.. No. The toyline is the focus of the franchise that was created by a TOY COMPANY. Yes, they do have the Hub now and all that, but that was simply a device to ensure that their toys get top advertising - shows about their toylines, with ads for their toys inbetween, it's brilliant really.

Tales was simply a reboot of MLP, when the first incarnation was dropped - a different take to get it back on TV. That's not saying it's not as good, or that the first series was not good either - so no-one go taking offense, they're just different approaches to the same ponies, to keep them in the forefront of little girl's minds. I personally LOVE the G1 cartoons in both forms, anyone who has seen my hoard of pony DVD's and VHS know's this - heck I even still have a VHS converter in case I ever get my hands on the full VHS versions of the specials.

But that's my take on this question, and why the incorrect assumption does come up so often.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: MJNSEIFER on April 04, 2014, 09:19:18 AM
The way I like to look at it is this, toywise yes it's all G1, Yes both shows series are G1.

The fact though is it is completely different than MLP and friends, the movie, and the specials. Tales does not have unicorn, pegasus, sea ponies, villians, Meghan and her siblings, flutter ponies, creatures like g1, etc. It's basically human like ponies living a real like human life. Don't get me wrong I loved it and watched it as a kid too, but I cannot say they are the same show wise, it's easy for me to just call it G1.5 and I wish others would do the same as well, because a lot of new fans will see an episode of Tales and think all of G1 is like that which could not be more wrong. MLP and Friends is to Tales as Friendship is Magic is to Equestria Girls.

No, no, no, no.

Want to elaborate on that? Well new fans call it G2, so I think G1.5 sounds more accurate.

I agree with Loa...but more like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooNOoooooNOooo.

I've been into MLP for 30 years, why am I gonna believe what people who have only been in it for 4 years say? Do the people saying it's G2 know anything about G1/G2 really or are they just forming they're knowledge off looking at youtube clips?

People call it G2 because they don't know MLP history, are not aware of both the toy production and the animation productions. Let me put this frankly, some people are completely ignoring on the dates/history and the reality of MLP and are forming they're knowledge off something many of them admittedly hate and know next to nothing about.

I've been into MLP for 30 years, I don't care what 'some' fans are calling Tales...It's G1.
I think you should have another read through Aquatic Neon's post.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: SourdoughStomper on April 04, 2014, 10:47:47 AM
I really need to sit down and watch all the G1 cartoons. I haven't seen many.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: KarentheUnicorn on April 04, 2014, 12:46:28 PM
The way I like to look at it is this, toywise yes it's all G1, Yes both shows series are G1.

The fact though is it is completely different than MLP and friends, the movie, and the specials. Tales does not have unicorn, pegasus, sea ponies, villians, Meghan and her siblings, flutter ponies, creatures like g1, etc. It's basically human like ponies living a real like human life. Don't get me wrong I loved it and watched it as a kid too, but I cannot say they are the same show wise, it's easy for me to just call it G1.5 and I wish others would do the same as well, because a lot of new fans will see an episode of Tales and think all of G1 is like that which could not be more wrong. MLP and Friends is to Tales as Friendship is Magic is to Equestria Girls.

No, no, no, no.

Want to elaborate on that? Well new fans call it G2, so I think G1.5 sounds more accurate.

I agree with Loa...but more like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooNOoooooNOooo.

I've been into MLP for 30 years, why am I gonna believe what people who have only been in it for 4 years say? Do the people saying it's G2 know anything about G1/G2 really or are they just forming they're knowledge off looking at youtube clips?

People call it G2 because they don't know MLP history, are not aware of both the toy production and the animation productions. Let me put this frankly, some people are completely ignoring on the dates/history and the reality of MLP and are forming they're knowledge off something many of them admittedly hate and know next to nothing about.

I've been into MLP for 30 years, I don't care what 'some' fans are calling Tales...It's G1.
I think you should have another read through Aquatic Neon's post.

If you are going to direct a post at me personally with nothing relevant to the discussion other than telling me to reread someone's posts, how about next time PM me and save everyone else the trouble.

And by the way it's MEGAN...not Meghan.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: goddessofpeep on April 04, 2014, 01:15:28 PM
Pony generations are defined by the toys.  Any shows attached to the line are basically half hour commercials for the toys, and whatever goes on in the show is there to promote the toy line.  The show is written to sell the toys, and always has been.  It's only in the most recent generation that the show has a fan base that is independent of the main toy line, but the show's still there to sell the toys.  A lot of the new show third party merchandise(We Love Fine, Funko, etc) is drawing from the show to get ideas due to the popularity.  However, Hasbro toys are the driving force behind what's going on with the show, and Hasbro is producing the show.  They didn't "Rainbowfy" the toys to match the show, they wrote the show to introduce the latest line of "Rainbowfied" ponies.  It's no coincidence that the opening credits change when the toy line changes. 

These shows are commercials, and they will continue to exist as long as they sell toys.  If they stop selling toys, they get cancelled.  It doesn't matter how good they are on their own, they were created to promote and sell a specific toy line.  That's what happened with the reboot of Thundercats.  It was a really good show, but a good show that didn't translate into toy sales.  So it got cancelled.   The same thing happened to the He Man reboot.  Not toy sales, no show anymore.

So Tales is G1, not G2.  The show was created to promote the sale of G1 pony toys, and is at its core a commercial.  I like the show.  But it's still a commercial despite the fact that it was advertising items that nobody in the USA could get their hands on.  That's probably why it was shown mainly on the Disney channel, and not as a network afternoon cartoon over here.  Anyway, Tales came out and ended years before G2 was even an idea.  I don't even know why this is an issue.  The people who are insisting that it's G2 probably don't even like the show to begin with.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: KarentheUnicorn on April 04, 2014, 01:25:58 PM
I don't know if I have my years exactly right but here goes:

MY Little Pony franchise consists of:

1981 - Hasbro first production of a MLP, large pony called My Pretty Pony

1982 thru 1995 Hasbro G1 toy production.

1984 - the first TV special was created - aka "Rescue at Midnight Castle"/"Firefly's Adventure"

1985 - second TV special was created - Escape from Catrina

1986 - My Little Pony the Movie

1986-1987 - My Little Pony TV series

1992 - My little Pony Tales TV series

G1 production continued from 1982 thru 1995 - Tales was created in 1992, still during and within the Generation 1 timeline, toy exactly the same and animation is pretty much the same.

Generation 2 MLP didn't have a cartoon, it's production started in 1997 and was a clear defined difference from what was produced previously. The art style and toys were completely different.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Teddy on April 04, 2014, 01:37:53 PM
What's really sick is the people behind the Brony Documentary made the mistake of saying Tales was G2.

And this is the reason Tales is in question at all. That one documentary, and some misinformed bronies, called it G2, so now many of the newer fans accept this as truth. It irks me to no end. Tales is G1, has been and always will be. End of story.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Sapphire-Light on April 04, 2014, 08:59:51 PM
MLP tales gives me the same feeling of the 3rd season of the original Transformers cartoon, in the way that is different from what we see earlier but is still the same generation  :nerdy:

I know TF season 3 is in the same show as the previous two seasons, but 3 is almost in a dark post-apocaliptycal  tone and very futuristic, has less roles played by humans, ... if you compare it to season 1 and 2 those are more kid friendly in plots.... if almost like   season 3 is a different show or gen  :accomplished:

So I'm not saying that MLPtales is dark but my point is that a series can take a different path  and can still be in the same universe  ;)

Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: MJNSEIFER on April 05, 2014, 10:03:28 AM
What's really sick is the people behind the Brony Documentary made the mistake of saying Tales was G2.

And this is the reason Tales is in question at all. That one documentary, and some misinformed bronies, called it G2, so now many of the newer fans accept this as truth. It irks me to no end. Tales is G1, has been and always will be. End of story.
No offfence, but it's not the documentary that caused so many newcomers to think Tales was G2 - we (I say we, because I got it wrong as well) were getting it wrong long before that documentary appeared, it's simply not knowing that the generations are based on toys, and assuming that since the show was different (new story, new setting) that it must be the next generation.  The documentary made it worst as it was supposed to be "proffesional", and therefore a lot of things said would be taken as gospel fact, but it didn't start the mistake, just made it.

Also, while it's mostly newcomers getting it wrong, there's nothing stopping "oldcomers" thinking Tales is G2 as well; I don't know if this has ever happened, and I don't know when we started refering to them by generations, but consider a ponyfan who watched the show from the begining, but never played with the toys for some reason (or at least not enough of them to be kept in "the loop" of the toyline) - this fan could very easily look back on MLP once he or she learns that each My Little Pony generation was numbered and assume Tales was G2 because his/her knowledge was limited to the TV show.  The only thing that could poetentially save this fan from the mistake is if he/she played the G2 video game.

Hope no one minded me saying that.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Carrehz on April 05, 2014, 11:38:52 AM
I don't know if this has ever happened, and I don't know when we started refering to them by generations

I believe they started to be referred to as 'G1', 'G2' etc around the time G2s were released? I'm not certain, though.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: KarentheUnicorn on April 05, 2014, 12:04:04 PM
I don't know if this has ever happened, and I don't know when we started refering to them by generations

Generation 2 started to be used when generation 2 toys were produced, not before that. I've been online since 1996/7, nobody ever called tales G2 or G anything. There was no confusion in the collecting community about MLP back then.

When the Gen. 2 toys came out, at that time, some people did not know the difference in Morning Glory and Morning Glory or Sundance and Sundance. I know that sounds silly but G2 used some of the same names as G1.

It became easier when discussing, trading or selling to say, this is G2 Sundance, or cut on the misunderstandings in exactly what pony it was.

It's that simple, the main reason being, it was about the toys and cutting out confusion with which Morning Glory, or Sundance or Seabreeze or Cupcake or wingsong was being brought up.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Magdalen on April 05, 2014, 12:57:19 PM
I don't know if this has ever happened, and I don't know when we started refering to them by generations

Generation 2 started to be used when generation 2 toys were produced, not before that. I've been online since 1996/7, nobody ever called tales G2 or G anything. There was no confusion in the collecting community about MLP back then.

Yeah there's never been any confusion between generations when I first joined this forum (whenever that was).  I watched Tales when it was on TV.  There were no G2, only the G1s that I grew up with.  So this "oldcomer" never thought Tales was G2.  I don't remember any "oldcomers" confusing the two. In fact I don't remember any confusion until G4.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Teddy on April 05, 2014, 01:21:50 PM
I don't know if this has ever happened, and I don't know when we started refering to them by generations

Generation 2 started to be used when generation 2 toys were produced, not before that. I've been online since 1996/7, nobody ever called tales G2 or G anything. There was no confusion in the collecting community about MLP back then.

Yeah there's never been any confusion between generations when I first joined this forum (whenever that was).  I watched Tales when it was on TV.  There were no G2, only the G1s that I grew up with.  So this "oldcomer" never thought Tales was G2.  I don't remember any "oldcomers" confusing the two. In fact I don't remember any confusion until G4.

Yep, I've been in the online pony community since 1999 myself. I had never heard of Tales being referred to as G2 until G4 came out, either. I watched Tales when it was on TV back in 1992, and saw the G2's first come into stores, then the G3's, etc. There was never any doubt or question before that Tales was G1.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: MJNSEIFER on April 05, 2014, 02:02:41 PM
To all who have answered, thanks for explaining the generation thing, it makes sense that they would have used the generation numbers that early, now that I've had it explained.

Guess, I'm wrong about there being a long term fan who mistook Tales for G2 then?  That's fine, it was just theretical anyway - it was always going to be more of a newcomer's mistake, regardless.

I myself am mostly a newcomer (though all the generations have touched my heart in such a way I sometimes feel like I grew up with them) so I can only theorize. :)
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Stormness_1 on April 05, 2014, 02:39:48 PM
I know when I first started hanging around the pony community, it was just as G2 came out, and they were referred to as the 'new ponies' on Dream Valley, so that was the thing, until they decided that with the names being similar, different 'generations' worked better, and the G1 & G2 terms were born. I discovered most of this through my best friend, we didn't have internet in our homes back then (shock horror I know!) and used to go to the library on school holidays to look at pony sites, and ID all our G1 ponies, that we found at flea markets and second hand shops. We didn't have the internet speed to watch too many videos, but we got to know the two series, and they were definitely G1, the video game wasn't out yet, but there were TV ads and packaging with the very distinctive G2 art, there was never any question of what gen it was at the time, G2 wasn't even thought of when Tales had been around.
Title: Re: Mlp tales
Post by: Magdalen on April 06, 2014, 11:11:58 AM
To all who have answered, thanks for explaining the generation thing, it makes sense that they would have used the generation numbers that early, now that I've had it explained.

Guess, I'm wrong about there being a long term fan who mistook Tales for G2 then?  That's fine, it was just theretical anyway - it was always going to be more of a newcomer's mistake, regardless.

I myself am mostly a newcomer (though all the generations have touched my heart in such a way I sometimes feel like I grew up with them) so I can only theorize. :)

That's what we are here for :)  To inform. And share knowledge.

Ooooh Stormness, I remember those pre-internet days.  Now I feel old haha XD
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