The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Brag Arena => Topic started by: salemsparkler on February 26, 2014, 09:51:16 AM

Title: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: salemsparkler on February 26, 2014, 09:51:16 AM
I feel very honored to start this times Little Swap Brag Topic.

I received a wonderful box from the lovely Myrnij.

Look at that huge pile of chocolates!!!!! Love the glitter and glittery bits! Love the nail varnish - yay! And just look at all those lovely G2s!!!!! Some of them look like NEW!!!! Wowsers! I really love the hand made sparkler card - it is already rehomed in my sparkler-shrine ;-) Everything was beautifully wrapped as well!

My little one having fun with the wrapping and stars...
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Ponies, glittery stuff, H&M hair accessories (thankies!!!!) and tea candles!
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And the 2nd half...
a lovely tea towel, the fabulous sparkler card, a little troll-elf thingy and tea (yay!)
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Thank you very much for a truly magnificient Swap Box, Myrnij.

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: TexasGal on February 26, 2014, 10:07:14 AM
What an awesome swap box! You were so spoiled!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Mirnyj on February 26, 2014, 10:13:42 AM
Yay, I'm so glad you liked it, Sparkler! It was such a challenge to shop for you.  :P I NEED to know: was that the correct princess variant?  :lol: And these H&M accessories were a pain, the quality is terrible! I spent a good while at the shelf with dozens of those and that was the total best that I could find.  >_<
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: CottonTALE on February 26, 2014, 10:14:38 AM
Wow! what a box to start of the brags with!

BTW, your daughter's tights are adorable!! yay for bunnies :D
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: TinyShinyUnique on February 26, 2014, 10:16:45 AM
I knew that box was from Mirnyj the moment I saw the wrapping paper :silly: Isn't she an awesome swap partner? :lovey: Big hugs to you both! And of course congratulations on such an amazing swapbox! *cuddles your new G2's*
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: salemsparkler on February 26, 2014, 10:19:58 AM
Yes, it was the right princess! I know it's not easy with those G2s ;-)
She is a fab Swap partner!!!!
Couldnt wish for a better one. This box was absolutely awesome!

LOL - little one is starting to get picky with her clothes now. But Bunny tights work wonders! She has got Hippo ones too...

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Mirnyj on February 26, 2014, 10:29:39 AM
Guyyyyssss...  :sheepish:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: achab1984 on February 26, 2014, 10:33:09 AM
That is so cool! Congrats! Your little one has on a pony shirt! :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: TinyShinyUnique on February 26, 2014, 10:33:38 AM
Guyyyyssss...  :sheepish:

You can't deny that's the truth :silly: :grouphug:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on February 26, 2014, 10:55:43 AM
Ooooo Congratz on all your lovely new items  :biggrin: lovely box Mirnyj hehe love the tubes of glitter  ^.^ I believe the elf troll thing is a Zelf? is that right Mirnyj?

The card is so cute too hehe all of it is  :biggrin:

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: nhal039 on February 26, 2014, 11:05:43 AM
What an amazing box and a great one to start the brags off :  ) I am loving all the g2s, you did so well Mirnyj fitting all those things in there.

Hehe I didn't even see your daughters tights mine eyes just went straight to the shirt and I though cool : ) Cute daughter btw
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cloverofmist on February 26, 2014, 11:24:48 AM
Lovely box.. glittery and full of fun... I love your daughters whole outfit. . My daughter dresses like that too..
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: kiwimlp on February 26, 2014, 11:49:40 AM
Lots of nice G2s to kick off the Brag thread!  Congrats :glitter:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cassstorm on February 26, 2014, 12:29:27 PM
Woohoo for first brag!!! What a great pony uplift!!  :frolic: :silly:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on February 26, 2014, 12:54:53 PM
Love that swapbox SAlem, you got so many lovely ponies, and your daughter is darling sitting there playing with everything  :biggrin:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: wyndeboo on February 26, 2014, 02:29:45 PM
what a great box congrats :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Nohpny on February 26, 2014, 04:39:50 PM
What an awesome box!
Your child is so cute~
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on February 26, 2014, 04:51:51 PM
There's just too much cuteness in those pics! The little stars are really nifty, and i'm always up for G2 goodness! Yay Mirnyj!!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Unicorn_pops on February 26, 2014, 05:47:38 PM
Great start! Loving all those G2s :) How cute is your daughter!! Hippo tights too, my daughter would love them. Congrats on a great box
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: summerday on February 26, 2014, 06:35:25 PM
What a great first brag!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: ChipsteRJ on February 26, 2014, 07:06:41 PM
Cute little G2s!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Mori_LeStrange on February 26, 2014, 07:11:21 PM
What a great box! Those little stars are so cute.
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: clones_rebellion on February 26, 2014, 07:12:59 PM
Yay!!!! Awesome G2 goodness to start off the brag thread!  :green: Salem, your daughter is adorable!!!!! Huge congrats! What a great box!  :biggrin:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Emberfly on February 26, 2014, 09:40:27 PM
Awesome brag!  Congrats, Salem and way to start it all off, Mirnyj.  :cheer:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Mirnyj on February 27, 2014, 03:44:59 AM
I have to confess, I didn't make those stars myself.  :lookround:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: salemsparkler on February 27, 2014, 07:17:54 AM
awwwww, thanks.
LOL believe me - the little one is taking them all apart. star by star... it takes ages ;-)
very good toddler entertainment!
if you ever have another swap partner with a toddler - put them in again!!!!!!

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: WrittenEmber on February 27, 2014, 08:25:53 PM
Woot! Congrats on the lovely box, SalemSparkler! What a fun box; those G2s are so pretty! Lots of fun stuff in there; I bet you'll be busy for a while! Also: your kidlette is adorable!

Great job, Mirnyj! What a great box to kick off the brag thread. :biggrin:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Jennifer2004 on February 28, 2014, 02:34:02 PM
Warning! This is going to be a very long brag with lots of pictures!

I'll apologize now. This brag is going to involve lots of pictures and lots of reading. My partner really went out of her way to make this the best swap box I could ever imagine, actually even better than I could ever have imagined. And I want to make sure she knows just how much I appreciate her and everything she sent me! :hug:


My turn! My partner was the wonderful, incredible, totally amazing TexasGal! She completely spoiled me beyond belief! I was having a pretty bad day and feeling kinda sad, until I opened my front door and saw this cute little box sitting in the entry way! I knew right away that it was my swap box and my whole day turned around! I was so happy and so excited and I hadn't even opened it yet!

First things first. The bottom of the box was decorated with these amazing Zentangle designs! I usually try to reuse boxes, but not this time. I'm definitely going to cut the bottom off of this box and save it!

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Okay, so after staring in awe at the Zentangles for a while and taking lots of pics, I finally opened the box! This is what I saw:

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Here is everything all layed out! Wow, so much stuff! I'm already feeling so spoiled and so special! I read the card first and it was addressed to me and my sister! (My sister is a pony collector & member here, Daring Symphony. She helped me put together my box for this swap.) Turns out all the packages in the colorful tissue paper were for her! She is at work, but I phone conferenced with her while I was opening the box. She is so excited that some of the gifts are for her and she is going to open them and brag about them as soon as she gets home.

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I opened my extras first! So much awesome! Adorable cat and sock monkey stickers! Three super cute erasers, I love them! I collect stickers and erasers, so I was so excited to open these! Really pretty pink dangle earrings, my favorite kind! I will wear these next time I go out! Really cool holographic G4 valentines, the kind that change when you look at them from different angles! I didn't even now these existed, they are so cool, I love them! The extra on the bottom left that looks like a goldfish in a prize bag is actually soap! Isn't that like the coolest thing you've ever seen? I love it! York Peppermint Patties, yum! I've already eaten a few! Blackberry vanilla fragrance mist that smells wonderful! Three cute pencils with ice cream and cupcakes on them! And a cute little notepad! I'm feeling quite spoiled at this point and I haven't even opened the ponies yet!

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Here are the ponies waiting to be unwrapped! They were numbered so I knew which order to open them in! I loved that! It was so much fun and really kept the anticipation building as I opened each one!

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Okay here we go! Super excited and ready to open the first pony! Who could it be? It's BBE Baby Lickety Split! She has been on my want list for so long! I'm so happy to finally have her! And her hair is so pink! I'll admit, I never thought BEE were the cutest babies, but this one is so flawless that she is actually completely adorable! I love her!

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Okay time to open package number 2! I wonder who it is! It's...SHS Twinkler! I just recently fell in love with SHS ponies so I don't have many yet. Twinkler is one of my favorites and I've been wanting her, so I was so happy when I saw her! I love her colors and her beautiful glittery symbols! And her earring is perfectly intact! I love her!

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Time for package number 3! The anticipation is really building now! Who will it be? It's Magic Hat! I absolutely love Magic Message ponies, they are one of my favorite sets! Magic Hat was the last one I needed to complete the set and I really love completing sets! I was over the moon with happiness when I saw her! And her symbols are amazing, it's so rare to find such nice symbols on a Magic Message pony! I love her!

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Can you believe we're only halfway through? There's still so much more pony goodness to unwrap! Moving on to package number 4! It's Butterscotch! I have been searching for her since I started collecting. I've been close many times, but somehow the deal always falls through. I was beginning to think I'd never own Butterscotch, and now here she is, in my hands! You can't even imagine my happiness at this point, and the best is yet to come!

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Time for package number 5! Omg, I was so not prepared for this! I thought I was going to die of happiness when I opened this package! It is a custom BB Bowtie for my army! Bowtie is my absolute favorite pony of all time and this custom is so completely amazing! I can't possibly begin to describe her awesomeness in words! The details are unbelievable! I've always admired your customs TexasGal, and now I am lucky enough to own one! I am so happy and so impressed and so honored that you made her for me! :hug:

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Surely that must be it right? It can't get any better than this can it? There can't possibly be more? But there is! There's still one more package! So here I am pretty much sitting on cloud 9, about to open the last package! Who could it be? Omg, no way! It's Collectors Pose Bowtie! You have no idea how much I've wanted her and how insanely happy and excited I was when I saw her! I've pretty much run out of words to describe my happiness by now, so it's a good thing that was the last package! :P

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Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart! You have truly made my year! I could have never even begun to imagine such an amazing box! I literally felt like a little girl at Christmas surrounded by so many wonderful, amazing presents! I tried to capture my excitement and emotion in this brag so you could see exactly how I felt as I opened each package, but there really is no way to describe how wonderful and amazing and happy and special you made me feel! You really went out of your way to make this the best swap box ever and I hope you know that I really truly appreciate it! I am so happy that you were my swap partner and I only hope that one day I am able to repay your kindness! Thank you so much! :hug:

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cassstorm on February 28, 2014, 02:41:41 PM
What an awesome brag and box! I didny even know there was a CP Bowtie! amazing job!!!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on February 28, 2014, 02:50:41 PM
Oooooo so many goodies & gorgeous ponies :D big congratz :hug: amazing how it all fitted in the little box hehe and there is still more to come when your sister opens them ^.^ O.O hehe. You did a great job with this box texasgal :hug:
Excited to see what your sis got as well now ^.^

Lollipop sent from her Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cloverofmist on February 28, 2014, 02:55:53 PM
My turn to brag: although my brag won't compare to jennifers..

My awesome partner was the lovely ChipsterJ ( and as everyone knows she is a queen when it comes to accessories)

My box opened this is what I saw
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Then I laid them all out
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My daughter was excited she just had to help open things: the tiny take out box was full of tiny gifts to open she just thought that was great
I got loads of accessories I totally needed, the cute playpens which I believe are the last ones I needed, two cute babies.. I love teeny tinys I am apparently starting a army of them(can't have enough tiny goodness) one baby is wearing the stripe diaper I needed YAY.. the princess wand (they have all the sudden become one of my favorite accessories thanks to a private trade with chipsterj when I got my 1st one) THanks this color is even so lovely a pale purple/pinkish..

Then the great chipsterj gave me my 2nd petite pony and its from the set I am looking for the pearly set I AM SO GREATFUL FOR IT

I got some warm fuzzy socks which is great(for some reason my feet are always ice cold) Thanks for these I will use them

Lastly was the awesome party bag(which I clearly heard her saying open last) It was full of rainbow dash things to go with my army I got two ponyville ponies, a stuffie with yarn hair, a g4 series one standee card the lovely valentine of all ponies with a rainbow dash sticker(loads of glitter one it)
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And my daughter enjoying photo moment with all the pony goodness Thank you so much chipsterj and am so happy with everything

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Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on February 28, 2014, 03:08:46 PM
Ooooo more lovely goodies :D :hug:
Big Congratz  ^.^
Aww gotta love Teeny Tiny's :biggrin: so many lovely accessories too  :biggrin:
Your daughter looks very excited too hehe  ^.^
Ooo cozy socks too  ^.^

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: TexasGal on February 28, 2014, 03:21:06 PM
Yay!!! I'm so glad you love your box, Jennifer! I worked so hard to find some great ponies for you, and as soon as I found the CP Bow tie, I just KNEW you had to have her.  I wanted to completely spoil my partner, and my day has really been made to see you so excited about your gifts!  =] now I can't wait for your sister to open hers too! XD I couldn't leave her out too, so I had to include some things for her. 

Seriously. I can't stop grinning I'm that thrilled you love your goodies =]
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: nhal039 on February 28, 2014, 05:00:57 PM
ohh wow Jennifer and texasgirl great box, I am in awe about how much you where able to squeeze in there

Post Merge: February 28, 2014, 05:04:21 PM

oh clover, cute daughter : ) so much small goodness in your box
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: clones_rebellion on February 28, 2014, 06:31:08 PM
TexasGal! :faint: How, but HOW?! did you get all of that in there? You truly did find a tardis box didn't you!  :shocked: Huge congrats, Jennifer! What a fantastic box!

And clover! You made out like a bandit too! Chipste always packs an amazing swap box.  :biggrin: Congrats!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: ChipsteRJ on February 28, 2014, 07:05:34 PM
Glad to see it arrived Clover! I'm also glad you like the petite. I fed your army and downsized my own!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Unicorn_pops on February 28, 2014, 07:23:20 PM
Two more great boxes! Congrats Jennifer and Clover. Glad that both of you got "army" ponies :)

Clover your little girl is so cute! 
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Daring Symphony on February 28, 2014, 07:35:08 PM
Hi everyone, I am Jennifer2004's sister.
First off I want to congradulate Salem and Clover on their wonderful boxes.
Salem that card is just gorgeous and so many ponies, congrats.
Clover those baby ponies are so adorable in their play pens, congrats.

Ok I know I wasn't a participant in the little swap but I really enjoyed helping my sister create her box never expecting to get anything, but then during my lunch break at work today my sister told me her box came and there was stuff special just for me. I couldn't wait to get home and open it.

So I came home and my sister had set all my packages out on the bed and here they are.
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I was so excited I tore into them starting with the tallest. It was pencils! not just ordinary pencils the were decorated with candy and sweets, I love the dark one on the very right that says Sugar Rush because it makes me think of Venellope from Wreck it Ralph(one of my favorite movies). Next was the biggest, Trolli crawlers. Now I love gummie worms and I love sour candy so when you put them together it's like the best candy ever!  :dribble: Working my way through the packages I got to the earrings next. I love love earrings, my ears are pierced three times each and will be getting them pierced for a fourth time very soon. I can't wait to wear these apple earrings they match my favorite pony.  :)
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I had to get an up close shot of the erasers so you could see how crazy detailed they are. I collect erasers too and these new three just became my favorites.  :biggrin:
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Last but not least the smallest package. A custom BB Venezuelan Applejack! Applejack is my favorite pony of all time if I had an army it would be of her. and to receive such a beautiful and detailed custom of her took me over the moon.   :yippee:  :cheer: :yippee:
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Thank you so so much TexasGal. I wasn't expecting anything and to be spoiled with these wonderful gifts was such an amazing surprise. 
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on February 28, 2014, 07:45:05 PM
Wow 3 more boxes! Congrats guys, they all look great! So much awesomeness and we're not even halfway through the brags  :P
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: nhal039 on February 28, 2014, 10:08:42 PM
oh wow Daring Symphony I love your gifts they are so cute. Texasgirl what a generous partner you are : )

I am truly amazed and happy by all the swap boxes so far
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: salemsparkler on February 28, 2014, 11:48:04 PM
Lovely box - very good tetris skills!!!!!!
Love the holographic stickers!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a truly lovely box!

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 01, 2014, 04:14:34 AM
Ooooo more goodies Big Congratz Daring :hug:
You really did do an amazing job Texasgal  :biggrin:
Love the baby Ven AppleJack so cute!!!  ^.^
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: TexasGal on March 01, 2014, 07:45:55 AM
 :blush:  Thank you guys!  Daring, when I heard you were helping your sister, I just KNEW you needed something added to the box too.  I figured that a regular AJ just wouldn't cut it either, but most of the other Nirvanas didn't seem as cute as the pink haired Venny!  I'm so glad you love your goodies too!   :biggrin:   :biggrin:   :biggrin:  Oh, and some of your pencils smell good too!  I told Jennifer in a PM that they smell like cupcakes (they are supposed to, which is why I grabbed them) so you both got yummy smelling writing tools! 

As for the packing so much in: I have always been an organizing fiend, and a SUPER packer, so when it comes time to pack for vacations, I am like...a ninja at it.   :P  I just kept tucking things away and in and around until it all fit properly!  =] 

I had a blast, and just getting to see my partner(s!) excitement over their box has been the best.  =] 
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Mori_LeStrange on March 01, 2014, 04:57:24 PM
Everyone has had great boxes so far. I can't wait to see more brags!

TexasGal those customs you made are darling!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: brighteyes on March 01, 2014, 06:54:31 PM
I got my box earlier this week from the lovely Nohpny!  I was so spoiled- I can't believe everything fit in this little box!

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I love the little card with Bright Eyes on it!  Here is a picture of all the ponies: TE Bright Eyes (ZOMG! she was a the top of my want list  :biggrin:), Concave Foot Blue Belle and TE Galaxy AND Funko Mystery Box Lyra!
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Here are the extras:
Band-Aids with MLPs, a Hellow Kitty Pez and bracelet and pen for my daughter Midori:
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She had a tumble down the front portch stairs that morning so she had to replace her  band-aid with a pony one right away LOL:
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And here are the other extras:  The chocolates and gummy worms were really yummy!  I brought the gummies into work and my lab mates and I used them to get through a really borring meeting LOL.  Midori loved the Sweedish Fish too!  The stickers are so cute!  I bet finding G3 stickers was really difficult!  We really appreciate all the work you put into this swap box for us.  You are a huge sweetie!
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Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: ChipsteRJ on March 01, 2014, 07:03:53 PM
I still need to upgrade my Brighteyes!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Nohpny on March 01, 2014, 07:07:06 PM
I'm glad you loved it!

By chance do you still have the box?
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Unicorn_pops on March 01, 2014, 07:53:56 PM
Lovely bunch of ponies! Congrats :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: CottonTALE on March 01, 2014, 08:02:45 PM
Such awesome brags everyone! I love seeing how much everyone tetris'd into such a small space :D
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 01, 2014, 08:48:22 PM
Congrats Brighteyes! What an awesome swap box :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cloverofmist on March 01, 2014, 09:09:10 PM
Everyones boxes are so fun.. hard to believe all the things that fit in.. ponies are so lovely
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: salemsparkler on March 02, 2014, 01:47:24 AM
love all the boxes!!!!!

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 02, 2014, 03:17:07 AM
Oooo big congratz bright eyes (especially on getting bright eyes hehe) you got so many lovely goodies :D. :hug: ^.^

Lollipop sent from her Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: brighteyes on March 02, 2014, 04:43:19 AM
I'm glad you loved it!

By chance do you still have the box?

I did love it :D  I also do still have the box.  It arrived in really good condition which was good because the same day I also got an invite to a wedding shower that had been shredded so badly that the post had to put it into a NEW envelop! 

Edited to Add:

OMG!  I just looked more carefully at the box.  It was covered with brown wrapping paper and when i removed it completely from the box I found Nohpny had decorated it:

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So cute!  I'm going to keep it forever :D  Nohpny you are so talented!  Thank you  :lovey:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cassstorm on March 02, 2014, 09:11:26 AM
That is so cute!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Ziraous on March 02, 2014, 01:04:40 PM
Gratz! Lovely stuff you got. The zelf is so cute. Love the ponies and stars. Your little one is adorable!

Sent from my Galaxy S 3

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Nohpny on March 02, 2014, 08:09:06 PM
Thank you so much brighteyes. At first I was worried you had missed it, but I'm really glad you love the drawings. I didn't want something to happen to the box so I wrapped it.
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Emberfly on March 02, 2014, 09:10:40 PM
These really are some excellent brags!  Can't wait to see more.
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: WrittenEmber on March 02, 2014, 10:41:40 PM
Oh, gosh, I am loving these brags!!

Jennifer2004 (and Daring Symphony), Cloverofmist, and Brighteyes, congratulations on your wonderful boxes!

TexasGal, Chipster, and Nohpony, wow, you all did so great!

My mind is filled with visions of swap boxes sailing through the mail in every direction! I can't wait to send mine off, too, squee!!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: nhal039 on March 02, 2014, 11:56:42 PM
oh nohpony that box is awesome, I love it : )
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Nohpny on March 03, 2014, 06:27:08 PM
Thanks you guys (:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: wyndstar on March 04, 2014, 12:34:56 AM
I got my box!! :)

when i unwrapped the brown shipping paper I uncovered this:
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and after unwrapping:
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Cherry Blossom! thanks so much! she was on my want list :) and BB Lyra! :)
Thanks Cottontale! i totally giggled when i unwrapped Darth Vader haha! what a fun little box :)

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 04, 2014, 02:00:24 AM
Oooo another great box :D big congratz. :hug: Is Darth Vader a tin? :P

Lollipop sent from her Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: CottonTALE on March 04, 2014, 07:32:58 AM
Yay! i'm so glad it made it there safely :D the squishy toy-lizards are from my kiddos :P

The Darth Vader is a keychain and actually has little candies inside it :P
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: TinyShinyUnique on March 04, 2014, 07:52:41 AM
Such wonderful boxes :heart: Congrats to you all for fitting so many stuff inside them :silly:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: archidraca on March 04, 2014, 08:34:49 AM
Everyone fit so much in their boxes! So cute! :heart:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 04, 2014, 11:55:46 AM
Another lovely swap box :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Mori_LeStrange on March 04, 2014, 06:51:42 PM
I got an awesome box from cloverofmist. So many things inside such a tiny box!

This is what was greating me when I opened the box. I beautiful postcard and lots of candy.
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Then there was a tiny box filled with some adorable little wooden mice.
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As well as a tiny plastic purple one.

Next was a plastic box filled with beads, charms, buttons and stickers.
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As well as these absolutely adorable bat and penguin.

Another small box filled with all kinds of goodies. Including a small book that had mini food recipes in it. Somehow it didn't make it in the picture.
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So many wrapped gifts! Such cute tissue paper too.
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There's so much great stuff. Including Signature Frankie's shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!
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My SS Frankie couldn't resist trying them on.
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Last but not least. So many ponies! Kiwi Tart, Pearly Pie, Ponyville Minty, Sticky, Sniffles, Doodles, and Big Top.
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Thank you so much Cloverofmist!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 04, 2014, 07:08:03 PM
OMG :dropjaw: Mori, I can't believe that all of that came in 1 tiny little box! Wow! Congrats :biggrin:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 04, 2014, 07:10:41 PM
Holy COW! So much in one tiny box!! :blink: that's what i call Tetrising!! Sweet treats, too :lol:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: wyndstar on March 04, 2014, 09:17:00 PM
lol she's got a tardis box! so amazed it all fit in there! :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: summerday on March 04, 2014, 09:17:58 PM
This is great!So much loveliness!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: nhal039 on March 04, 2014, 09:44:43 PM
OMG :dropjaw: Mori, I can't believe that all of that came in 1 tiny little box! Wow! Congrats :biggrin:

yep second this, wowsers
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cloverofmist on March 04, 2014, 10:43:20 PM
So glad you loved your box mori.. it was a blast to fit all things tiny into the tiny box.. hopefully you're happy with the babies..they were rehaired so not minty but display nicely. . I just love babies..
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cassstorm on March 05, 2014, 12:04:53 AM
and those mice!!! I love mice lol! used to collect as a kid- those are really unique  :P
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 05, 2014, 01:51:25 AM
O.O o wow that is a lot in one tiny box :D defiantly a tardis box lol. Big congratz :D^.^ 

Lollipop sent from her Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Unicorn_pops on March 05, 2014, 04:18:36 AM
Two more great boxes!  Congrats you too!  Those mice are really adorable :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: clones_rebellion on March 05, 2014, 04:54:31 AM
Further proof that great things do come in small packages.... well, most of the time! :P :blush: What a fabulous box! Huge congrats!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 05, 2014, 09:53:59 AM
Cripes! How tiny ARE those mice!? I'd totally love a herd (flock? Gaggle?) Of those little cuties all over my house!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: partypony566 on March 05, 2014, 02:46:35 PM
Such great boxes everyone! Can't wait to get mine and of course I can't wait for my partner to receive hers too! :cheer: :D

OMG :dropjaw: Mori, I can't believe that all of that came in 1 tiny little box! Wow! Congrats :biggrin:

Ditto!!!!! :shocked:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: LadySiha on March 05, 2014, 02:54:16 PM
Preemptively, sorry about any big or blurry pictures.  I only have a cellphone camera and a very uncooperative computer when it comes to trying to photo edit ANYTHING!

Monday I had a very bad, very long day at work that ended with my locking my keys in my car and calling my mom (while crying) to please come the 25 minutes to unlock my car so I wouldn't have to pay a locksmith.... and my car was running....

I got home and found this:
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As soon as I saw it all of my ick and awful from the day started to wear off.  And I opened it and found a lovely note from clones (and in my excitement forgot to take a picture of the opened box).  The box was packed pull of tiny wrapped gifts and candies and other goodies - so I decided to sort into two piles - wrapped and unwrapped.

In my sorting, I saw this and practically squealed with excitement since the 9th Doctor (my fave) is right by the front.  It later occurred to me (when I used it) that the 5th Doctor with his fancy celery boutonniere peeks out of my books at me!
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I kept on sorting..... and sorting.... and sorting!  It was craziness and I kept running out of room!
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The candy has been delicious and I can't wait to share all of those stickers with my niece!  Also!  That huge-eyed pink unicorn absolutely made me think of Unikitty from the Lego Movie and I adore her and she's now on my work bag.

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This is the pile to open.... there were all of these tiny packages, about the size of a single starburst too (I honestly thought that's what they would be!  :lol:)
You can see that I got too excited about presents and opened one (bees!!) before I remembered to grab a pic.... :blush:

So there, was no listed order, so I just sort of dove in!  While I ADORE everything clones sent me, these got some honorable mentions!

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G2 babies are my new obsession and this is the first one I've been able to add to my collection!  She's so darn cute!!

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I love this for 2 reasons!
1 - I never, EVER expected Gears of War stuff in a swap box
2 - I've been looking for a new lanyard for my keys for, at least, 2 months (my old one was getting gross) and haven't been able to find one I like - but I LOVE this!

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An alternate rehair Pinkie Pie!  For my army!  I even think I've seen this girl floating around the forum and considered purchasing her!  And her hair (even though it's matched to her symbols) makes me think of cotton candy!!

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My whole haul!!  I'm still pretty speechless about it!!

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Look at all of these jewelry goodies!  I'm so excited and can't wait to make myself some honeybee earrings!

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All of the unwrapped extras (aside from jewelry making stuff)

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All of the G4's!  I love those tiny peppers!!

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All of the G2's!  I'm so excited, I only have my MOC 2-pack so these are the first G2's I've actually gotten to touch and play with  ^.^

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The G3's!  I love white bodied ponies with vibrant hair!  I'm still squee-ing over both of these girls!

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More pony pic-spam because I'm just crazy!

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This was my opened card pack.  One was from the episode where Fluttershy remembers getting bullied - an episode that is very dear to me and tends to make me cry.  I absolutely love it.

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This is extra, extra special.  Clones, there's no way you could have known, but my best friend gave me a necklace at this at one point.  I wore it with every steampunk costume and outfit I ever put together.  But one of the curved glasses fell off and I never found it again, and it never looked right without.  So, I put it away and didn't wear it anymore.  I was so excited to have you send me it's twin so that I can keep wearing it.

Finally.... I love those nail polishes.... they are amazing.... they are THIS amazing:
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Sometimes I just don't care that I'm almost 30 :biggrin:

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 05, 2014, 03:08:55 PM
Wow! Lady Siha, that is an awesome box! I cannot get over how much stuff can actually be fit into such small boxes :P Clones did a great job!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Chaosette on March 05, 2014, 03:14:24 PM
So many cool brags! Congratulations everyone!!

*returne to custom-crafting hole for partner*
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 05, 2014, 03:49:07 PM
How much stuff!!!!! O.O Just Lol defiantly a tardis box the doctor would be proud ^.^. Big congratz ladysiha :D & well done clones for fitting soooooo much in there O.O
Matt Smith is my fav doctor who too :D he looks exactly like my lil bros best friend who i have know since forever so he is like another lil bro to me lol.

Lollipop sent from her Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: LadySiha on March 05, 2014, 04:35:40 PM
How much stuff!!!!! O.O Just Lol defiantly a tardis box the doctor would be proud ^.^. Big congratz ladysiha :D & well done clones for fitting soooooo much in there O.O
Matt Smith is my fav doctor who too :D he looks exactly like my lil bros best friend who i have know since forever so he is like another lil bro to me lol.

Lollipop sent from her Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk

I agree!  Setious Time Lord technology going on there!  No way that much goodies, candies and confetti could possibly fit in that tiny box otherwise  :lol:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 05, 2014, 04:43:20 PM
Hehe yeah ^.^ defiantly :D just so much in there.
Excited to get my box and see who its from and what's in side :D

Lollipop sent from her Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cassstorm on March 05, 2014, 06:58:12 PM
Oh my, another fantastic box and brag!!! Tons of Goodies!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shocked:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 05, 2014, 09:03:23 PM
What a gorgeous necklace! And that box is definately a bottomless pit! :lol:

I've finally finished picking and choosing my gifties and have packed as much as I can into that tiny box. Pretty good if I do say so myself! I can't post pics yet, but I'm working on getting a new computer soon, so hopefully by the time I get my package I'll be able to post then!
Off to do some drawing (if I can steady my's been getting pretty bad lately, so my lines may not be perfect, but I really want to keep drawing! :lol: maybe a Picasso type thing?
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: WrittenEmber on March 05, 2014, 10:53:25 PM
Eee, more amazing boxes!

Congrats, Wyndstar, on your lovely box. Such pretty ponies, and I love the Vader! Kudos to CottonTALE on finding such fun extras (and I still love that ribbon-tie box).

Wow, Mori, your Tardis box has littler Tardis containers inside! I especially like those mice! Squee(k)! So many cute finds, Clover, nice!

Lovely box, LadySiha! That baby is adorable, I didn't know baby G2s were so darn cute!! Love all the steam stuff, and that is just the coolest thing about the watch necklace. Clones, you pulled off the most physics-bending box yet!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cloverofmist on March 05, 2014, 11:04:11 PM
What an exciting box.. I love all your steampunk trinkets and loads of stickers... lovely ponies.. loving the rehaired pinkie pie tho.. the hair color is so gorgeous. . Congrats on such an awesome box of goodies
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: clones_rebellion on March 06, 2014, 05:00:36 AM
LadySiha, I am so glad you liked everything! :hug: The rehair was done by the lovely kaoskat, so big thanks to her. I had some serious thoughts about keeping the Doctor Who bookmark, since it has my favorite doctor as well (David Tennant :heart: ) Well, of course it does! It has them all! :P I love the story about the steampunk necklace! That is awesome! :hug: I liked it so much I bought one for myself as well!  :satisfied: I really found it amusing when I realized there wasn't a single G1 pony in the box. :lol:

And lastly, the nail polish is scented! How cool is that!? (I just had to share that!  :cool: ) I'm so glad you liked it! :hug:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Unicorn_pops on March 06, 2014, 10:02:30 AM
Wow so many great items LadySiha!  Clones where did you find those pony stickers?! I love them!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: clones_rebellion on March 06, 2014, 01:14:36 PM
Wow so many great items LadySiha!  Clones where did you find those pony stickers?! I love them!

The ones in the center of the picture? I got them a the Dollar Tree. ;)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: wyndeboo on March 06, 2014, 02:13:36 PM
wow these are some amazing boxes. congrats everyone
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Mkia on March 06, 2014, 03:16:22 PM
Wow! I have to continue to stalk this thread because I am bewildered at how much you have all fit into these boxes!! Pro tetris players, I see!

Great boxes, all :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 06, 2014, 04:11:50 PM
LadySiha, I am so glad you liked everything! :hug: The rehair was done by the lovely kaoskat, so big thanks to her. I had some serious thoughts about keeping the Doctor Who bookmark, since it has my favorite doctor as well (David Tennant :heart: ) Well, of course it does! It has them all! :P I love the story about the steampunk necklace! That is awesome! :hug: I liked it so much I bought one for myself as well!  :satisfied: I really found it amusing when I realized there wasn't a single G1 pony in the box. :lol:

And lastly, the nail polish is scented! How cool is that!? (I just had to share that!  :cool: ) I'm so glad you liked it! :hug:

Hehe David Tennant is my Favourite too Matt & David are equal top for me :P. Looking forward to see what the new doctor is going to be like, he is a good actor I know that mum seems to think he will be really good :P
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Prismatic on March 06, 2014, 05:43:57 PM
Ok, so I got my box on Monday, and I'm so sorry Cass that I didn't have time til now to show off the awesomeness of your box >.<

I got spoiled, like really  :shocked:  To the pics!

(Please ignore the horridness of the first set, they were taken with my phone at a restaurant, I couldn't wait lol.)

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The box, it weighed a ton, I didn't expect it to weigh as much as it did lol.

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Ooooh the anticipation!  And starburst.  They're all gone now. <.<

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So much stuff!  And that's not even all of it XD

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The larger thingies

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Fluttershy!  I plan on sticking a magnet on it, it's going on my fridge :D  I wear the bracelet every day, it's awesome, I can wear it to work without setting off the metal detector lol

The rest I took after I got home, so they're quite a bit better XD

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All of the ponies and related stuff, omg they just didn't stop lol

Jabber <3
A lovely, white, omg pretty baby Sundance, omg I'm so happy, she's one of the few I still need but each one I've gotten just didn't look good, she's perfect!
Baby Whirly Twirl :D
MO Twinkler with her ribbon and pink star brush :O
And a No Country Pinwheel o.o

There's also some of Baby North Star's accessories, I remember having them as a kid XD

And one of these:

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Custom Blind Bag North Star :O  She's perfect, the little detail omg lol

The other stuffs:

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I want to eat the candle, it smells so good!  I love the erasers too, I've taken them apart many times too XD I plan on giving 2 to my son, he loves them!  There were also stickers, another pair of socks (I'm wearing them lol) and some candy, which is gone <.< the cadburry mini eggs went really fast...

And for extra fun, my new and growing North Star Army (Forgive the deflock in the back left, she's not done yet lol):

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And Pinwheel with her HK counterpart and fellow no country/spanish Trickles:

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I love my box, thank you so much, Cassstorm  :lovey:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 06, 2014, 05:54:37 PM
Oooo so many goodies :D Cadburys cream eggs are yummy hehe not surprising they went quickly ^.^ hehe.
So many lovely ponies :D love the little bling bag north star so cute :D big congratz

Lollipop sent from her Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 06, 2014, 06:08:43 PM
Prismatic that is quite the swap box you got there! I can't believe how many ponies fit in these boxes ^.^
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 06, 2014, 07:14:34 PM
Holy whaaa! I honestly had no idea so much could be nestled into a wee box! So happy for you Cassstorm! And jelly of your NC Pinwheel! She's a personal fav :heart:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MiRaja on March 06, 2014, 07:20:38 PM
So much lovely!  Now I get to wait for my partner to get their box!  I can't wait!  :bounces:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cassstorm on March 06, 2014, 08:07:30 PM
Prismatic- I do not remember if I included in the card: My daughter made the bracelet for you, she made one for your son too but it apparently did not make it into the box..(I have no idea where it is lol) and the custom blind bag was made by Arena member Rosierjay. I am so glad you liked your box! I love NorthStar, and really wanted to find you some special version but wow are they hard to find! The no country Pinwheel I hope counts as the Nirvana rainbow pony you wanted, I believe she is Italian? This has been the best swap to shop for, I had so much fun! and it was nice to have longer time to really get that special something  :P
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MiRaja on March 06, 2014, 08:15:59 PM
Prismatic- I do not remember if I included in the card: My daughter made the bracelet for you, she made one for your son too but it apparently did not make it into the box..(I have no idea where it is lol) and the custom blind bag was made by Arena member Rosierjay. I am so glad you liked your box! I love NorthStar, and really wanted to find you some special version but wow are they hard to find! The no country Pinwheel I hope counts as the Nirvana rainbow pony you wanted, I believe she is Italian? This has been the best swap to shop for, I had so much fun! and it was nice to have longer time to really get that special something  :P

NC Ponies are Spanish.  :)  Which are even better, imo, and definitely Nirvanas. 
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cassstorm on March 06, 2014, 08:58:55 PM
oh, oops lol, she was an ebay buy lol, and she was listed sas possible italian. glad she works though lol!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: CottonTALE on March 07, 2014, 11:25:50 AM
My box came in today! tis from the lovely Nhal039 :D This time my 3 geckoes wanted to help me. They are nocturnal, so they were a little bit tired and not so enthusiastic like their younger Beardie brother :P

Here's what I saw when I opened the box:
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All the prezzies laid out:
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First off, the extras!

Rolo: "I don't see the resemblance."
Stubby: "...Me neither."
Toki: *not paying attention* "Can I go to bed now mom? it's 11am... That's practically midnight for me!"
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I got 3 cute little wooden lizards that my girls were thoroughly investigating :D and some cute bunny and butterfly stickers! I also got an adorable cross-stitch kit to do :D
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I also got an adorable scarf that had an elegant butterfly theme to it!
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Now onto the tasties!
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As soon as we saw Jaffas, Mr.TALE was giggling. He's a fan of The Yogscast and one of the running gags is Jaffa Cakes, we split them in half to share. Mr.TALE specifically got two bars of dark chocolate and I got the nummy Pineapple Lumps! they are soo good!!! it's kind of like pineapple-flavoured taffy/marshmallowy goodness covered in chocolate.

And last but not least the ponies!

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International exclusives!!! oh my gosh! and three of them too :D  :newpony: Ploomette, Star Swirl, and the ever-coveted Rainbow Flash! and a dark-haired Fluttershy too :D I didn't have one for my army yet, but now I do :D

Thank you so much Nhal! I love every bit of it :D
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: nhal039 on March 07, 2014, 11:36:50 AM
So glad you liked everything cottonTale, it was ploomette that took forever to arrive to my house, she took a month! I was worried the chocolates would look a bit funny as its so hot here I thought they might melt then be refrozen again when they hit canada :  )

Post Merge: March 07, 2014, 11:39:58 AM

LadySiha and Prismatic what fun boxes to open, I can just invision the box being opened and parcels over flowing from the sides : ) great packing partners!  Clones is a pro at this thou how many seasons has this swap been going for?

Post Merge: March 07, 2014, 11:41:43 AM

Sorry I forgot the card cottonTale I cant believe i did that!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 07, 2014, 11:43:57 AM
Oooo so many lovely goodies hehe your Gecko's are so cute  :biggrin: (the real ones and ur new wooden ones hehe) Big Congratz  ^.^
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: clones_rebellion on March 07, 2014, 11:51:16 AM
I am ssoooo jealous of your G4s!!!!! They are high on my list!  :jealous:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: nhal039 on March 07, 2014, 12:38:21 PM
well clones we could always do a private swap in the future : )
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Mirnyj on March 07, 2014, 01:15:17 PM
We got the flat we applied for! :newpony: I'm super excited! :freak:

And here's my brag of the wonderful swap box i got from Lollipop a couple of days ago. :squee:

It was a tardis box definitely to fit all these packages in! :lol:

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Aaaand, everything unwrapped. I was too busy to rip all the pressies open to take step byy step pictures.  :P

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There was a lovely personalized card Lollipop had made for me, some tasty candies and chocolates, tea, fuzzy socks to keep my toesies cozy, super cute stickers, tea, hot chocolate, Dollymix Shady and pinkie pie hair pins!

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These button badges are super cute!  ^.^

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Lollipop made this pretty glass brooch herself!

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I apologize the blurriness of this one, but it's a macramee Wind Whistler! How creative!  ^.^

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And here are my lovely ponies!! Raincurl is a set completer! :newpony: I'm completely fine with her minor flaws, the others on that set aren't even near to flawless either. :lol: Fizzy is such a beautiful pony in person. :lovey: And I'm greatly impressed with Wind Whistler! I had her SS version already, but it's the non so soft that I've been hunting for for AGES, I mean for more than a YEAR now. And you managed to find one with pink hair, I'm impressed! Thank you so much, I love her! :lovey: And yeah, Butterscotch is pretty too.  ^.^

Thanks Lollipop, you did good! :yippee:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 07, 2014, 02:01:43 PM
Congrats on 2 more awesome boxes! I cant get over how much stuff fits inside these boxes lol :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 07, 2014, 02:03:45 PM
Congratz on getting the flat you wanted ^.^

Hehe did have to unpack and repack a few times :P there was more i wanted to fit in as well lol.

Just had to get you Wind Whistler when you said she is your fav hehe. I had fun making the mini Wind Whistler for you :D my cat jazz did try and join in chasing the threads as i made it :P
The stickers are another thing i really wanted to get you took me forever to find :P the shop where i used to get all mine when i collected when i was little has very boring ones now. Then found these in the next town hehe was so excited might have to go bk and get some for myself :D

So happy that you liked everything :D :hug: ^.^

Lollipop sent from her Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 07, 2014, 05:04:47 PM
Yay! I can post a brag thanks to my friend allowing me to use her computer, and thank goodness because this is one heckuva brag!
My partner was the wonderful SalemSparkler, who sent me a gaggle of babies and made sure that my Ember army grew substantially larger!
As soon as I saw the little package I laughed like crazy, I was so excited, and the little blank pony symbol was hilarious...I mean, how accurate is that? What ponies lurk inside this magical giving box?
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This adorable card is going on my "Hall of Mane" wall where I put all the cards and notes that I get from people all over the world. I love hw it has Nightlight on it...I think that's as close as I'll get to owning one!
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All of the little packages together! Of course, Pischer had to get in there and give it her nose of approval!
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Look at this lovely drawing of one of my favourite ponies! Hopscotch is absolutely lovely and this card will have a frame by week's end! The book mark is wonderful as well...I 'll be able to mark where I'm at in Moby Dick!! Then the baby Liquorice blew me away! Look how adorable she is!
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And now *drumroll please* Das BABIES!!
Baby Tic Tac Toe...I love her little mullet in the front and party in the back :lol: she's perfect!
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Check out these awesome babies! Baby Ribbons and Hearts is amazingly white and adorable, and a powder poof hair lavender baby Ember!! I've decided to call her Jember (those of you who remember Jem from the 80's will know why)
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Another Jember! Pink this time, and lavender Ember who is just a shade different from all my others :)
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Another Ember...this time with an amazingly soft and lovely hair combo.  I don't think my camera phone does her justice...she is AB FAB!! Baby North Star is so minty and sweet...I just bought one from Mexico!!
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Baby Schoolbag has been a long time want of mine.  I do have one, but her hair is a little rough.  This one has perfect hair and amazingly cute little freckles. Baby Mischief is the second of the trio that I've received...she and Baby Nightsong look very happy together!
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Look at the tail on little lavender Ember! It's so incredibly long...I've never seen anything like it! And once again, blue baby Ember is a shade different from my others :)
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Group shot!! Yes you can all drool over them, but you have to clean up after yourselves when you"re done!
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Ember group shots! I think I've exceeded army and have gone straight to swarm!!
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Thank you so much for every little baby, Sparkler! They were so much fun to unwrap and admire!! I can't wait to show them off to my pony loving neighbor!!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cassstorm on March 07, 2014, 05:32:17 PM
Wow even more Fantastic brags!!! Such great ponies! and it is always so cool to see all the different ones that everyone gets  :biggrin:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 07, 2014, 05:47:41 PM
 :shocked: soooooo many pretty babies  :biggrin: love the ones with the poofy hair :D well love them all actually hehe. The drawings are sooo gorgeous  ^.^ love both of them

Big Congratz :D SeaShell & Well done Salem for getting so much in their  ^.^ :grouphug:


Eeeek really excited to get my box  :biggrin:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 07, 2014, 06:10:23 PM
Wow, that's a lot of baby ponies Seashell :shocked: Congrats! Great swap box!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Unicorn_pops on March 07, 2014, 06:31:55 PM
Wow Cottontale! So many great G4s! Congrats on a great box :) Don't feel bad Nancy, I too realized I forgot a card but it's all wrapped and ready to be sent out.

Cass, you did a great job for Prismatic. Your wrappings are so pretty!  And so many G1 goodness in there!

Mirnyj, wonderful box! Lollipop did a great job and such a cute homemade card!

Seashell loving your new Puff Embers!  So cute!  I love all those drawings SalemSparkler, you did a wonderful job!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 07, 2014, 07:05:24 PM
I know, right?! My baby shelf runneth over! I'm going to have to get me some new shelves now to control the overflow :D
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: ChipsteRJ on March 07, 2014, 08:02:56 PM
I got a box too................ and the TEXAS magnet Belongs to Me!!!!!!!

I go my box today from Summerday------ wow, this cold weather will fade away soon won't it?

I pays to pay it forward!

... I sacrificed one of my pearly petites from my army for my partner- only to find them return to me 3 fold!

I received:

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-3 lovely pearlized petites w/ an aqua pick for my army: Orange, Blue & Purple - my favorite colors nonetheless! This brings me to 1 yellow petite away from completing 2 full sets in my army!
-3 decorated trinket boxes- that my army has already out grown!
- 3 packages of my favorite candies: Twizzlers, Swedish Fish & Starburst (my partner must have missed my rant about Starburst in the candy swap thread)
- Deck of Texas playing cards!
- Hair ties for me
-Barrette/clip for Into the Groove ponywear
- A Lego movie Minifig that turned out to be a pandabear- my second panda- now I have one for my collection and another to keep my gorilla company in the truck!
- Finally a Texas magnet!

The pearlzied petites are my favorite ARMY set!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: summerday on March 08, 2014, 07:28:27 AM
Glad you liked it, Chipster. It took me a while to decide which direction to go with your box. So I settled on focusing on your collecting goals for this year. Ive never shopped for Petites before, so i had to educate myself a bit. But i liked how their small size fit the in with the object of the swap. And I went over and looked at your rant. Yeah, I didn't see that before shipping. Rofl!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: salemsparkler on March 08, 2014, 09:10:33 AM
I am glad you liked it Seashell! As you might have guessed, there is not a lot of Chocolate in the box, because it didnt fit anymore ;-) But I thought better more ponies... ;-)

Every box is absolutely amazing!!!
This is why I love this swap so much - to see how much people manage to squeeze in them tiny boxes...

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: partypony566 on March 08, 2014, 10:53:54 AM
ALL THOSE WONDERFUL BOXES!!!!!!!  :shocked: You all must be so pleased! Cant wait for my partner to get mine!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cassstorm on March 08, 2014, 11:13:57 AM
Congratulations Chipster! What an awesome box!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MiRaja on March 08, 2014, 05:35:40 PM
I got my box today!  I thought I would have to wait a day or two to brag, with work and all, but I was let off tonight!  Our kitchen's vent systems are out, so no way to cook!  Oops! 

Anyways, my partner was the amazing LadySiha who sent me all sorts of beautiful stuff and ponies! 

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IMGP2222 ( by TsurukoMaiko (, on Flickr
Amazing things come in small boxes as they say!

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IMGP2224 ( by TsurukoMaiko (, on Flickr

Inside!  And a wonderful card!  Thank you so much for your words, LadySiha, I appreciated it so much!  With the way things have been, I've been a little depressed, and this was just the pick me up I needed! 

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IMGP2225 ( by TsurukoMaiko (, on Flickr

Coffee!  And omg, some Door County stuff!  You have NO idea how much I miss this stuff being a Wisconsin girl myself!  ( Stuck in Florida! )  I'll have to savor this very slow, and will definitely will be savoring it slowly.  I'm not to be doing my eight cups a day of coffee anymore with everything that's happened!  ><'' 

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IMGP2226 ( by TsurukoMaiko (, on Flickr

Dolly hair!  Zomg!  This will be wonderful for some rehairs!  Yay!

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IMGP2227 ( by TsurukoMaiko (, on Flickr

Oi!  Note pad!  I can always use these!  I won't be running out of papers for my server book for a LONG time now!  XD

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IMGP2228 ( by TsurukoMaiko (, on Flickr

OMG!  Star Glow!  She's gorgeous and absolutely perfect!  I squealed out loud when I found this beauty! 

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IMGP2229 ( by TsurukoMaiko (, on Flickr

Bright Berry, right?  My G2 herd grows to. . .3. . .!   But wait!

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IMGP2231 ( by TsurukoMaiko (, on Flickr

Four!  Clever Clover!  Squee!  He's so pretty and I love how gradiented his hair is, never knew that about the G2's!  Gorgeous!

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IMGP2230 ( by TsurukoMaiko (, on Flickr

Chocolatttteeee!  I've been wanting to try this one too!  I love Chuou's Firecracker and Spicy Maya, but they're so pricey, so a very rare treat for me!  This is absolutely delicious, and I just love honeycomb sweets!

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IMGP2232 ( by TsurukoMaiko (, on Flickr

A maneki neko bell!  My collection of these are really starting to grow!  And also a Gardenia candle. . .!  One of the nice things about being in Florida is the gardenias, they're one of my favorite scents, so the candle was perfect!

LadySiha, you're amazing and picked out so many wonderful things for me that just fit me!  Thank you so much!  <3

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 08, 2014, 06:10:52 PM
Congrats on such a great swap box Miraja, those ponies are so lovely :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 08, 2014, 06:22:29 PM
I am glad you liked it Seashell! As you might have guessed, there is not a lot of Chocolate in the box, because it didnt fit anymore ;-) But I thought better more ponies... ;-)

Every box is absolutely amazing!!!
This is why I love this swap so much - to see how much people manage to squeeze in them tiny boxes...


Uh..I was hoping noone would notice them hidden in there because i honestly pigged out and *chewy chomp* GONE....all while I was unwrapping ponies, surrounded by shredded paper and excited dogs! It was EXACTLY like Christmas, and i was 7 years old again only with REAL UK chocolates!!

That package is lovely!! The waving cats are so nifty...they'd be hard to collect because you can find such an insane variety of them! You're so lucky to have such a nice Star Glow! I've discovered she's harder to find in good condition than a blue hearts Dazzle Glow!! Congrats! Great choices LadySiha...what i would expect from someone with great taste!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 08, 2014, 06:25:13 PM
Ooo another lovely box big congratz :hug: beautiful ponies :D love the colour of the hair  ^.^
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: summerday on March 08, 2014, 09:13:32 PM
My partner was wyndeboo and I have to say that she did a great job, especially with everything she's had going on.

I usually get a little help opening my boxes.
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Silly, Figaro!

So I opened everything but took pictures after the kids were asleep. Here are most of the extras. The money is from Honduras and was is a package marked "For the kiddos." They are completely fascinated by foreign money. My daughter, Em, had helped me open things and tried to lay claim to some, starting with the unicorn stickers.
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Ok. . . I am beyond excited. My first Merry Go Round pony! Brilliant Blossoms is just gorgeous! After the G1 is the G3 Guava Lava. I thought that's who she was as my daughter opened her. She's even prettier in person. And the G4, Apple Bloom. I love the Apple Family and she is such a cutie!
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I saved my favorites for last. That mug is AWESOME! I honestly don't know whether I should actually drink out of it or display it. Once I uncovered it and could tell it was a hedgie, I snatched it out of the box hugging it and saying how much I love it. And the bracelet is beautiful! Another treasure from Honduras. I can't wait to wear it with some sure summery dresses. And last but not least, my Tex is no longer naked! He has his hat and bandana. I know it's not the one Hasbro made for him. It's the one wyndeboo made and its even better! I took off running to get him and put it on him. I totally can't believe how great it is. It almost makes me want to sleep with him, but I think hubby and my other car, Jet would get jealous. That Tex won't be getting another bandana. I can always get another guy if I want that.
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Thank you so my much, wyndeboo! You absolutely made my day!

And a gratuitous shot of Em with my mug.
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Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: wyndeboo on March 08, 2014, 09:26:47 PM
Yay I am so glad you liked everything. Tex is so handsome. And your daughter is too cute.
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cloverofmist on March 08, 2014, 09:53:00 PM
everyone's boxes are amazing. I love all the pony goodness .. congrats to all the new boxes arriving
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: summerday on March 08, 2014, 10:05:58 PM
Yay I am so glad you liked everything. Tex is so handsome. And your daughter is too cute.

No question that I loved it all! And thanks for the compliment. She's my mini-me
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 08, 2014, 10:14:28 PM
I LOVE that hedgie mug! OMG it's so adorable! Great package...again, so much in a tiny box!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cassstorm on March 08, 2014, 10:56:51 PM
Figaro made me laugh, and look twice! Love the Bandana! How cute!

MiRaja- oh Starglow is so beautiful!

More awesome boxes!!


Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 09, 2014, 05:17:46 AM
Oooo another lovely box. That box is too cute ! :D So is your daughter ^.^. Tex looks very handsome in his new hat and bandana. Very cute cat too ^.^ cats just love boxes :D

Lollipop sent from her Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Freeindeed on March 09, 2014, 12:20:11 PM
Wow, there have been some fantastic boxes so far! :) I'm amazed at how many ponies and other things people were able to fit into their boxes.

Here is mine from my partner, MikeysGrrrl. Sorry for not taking a picture of everything all wrapped, but I was just too excited to start opening everything!

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I got three absolutely gorgeous G3's, two babies and a pegasus-- my favorite! And a ton of G3 accessories in those little baggies... there's brushes, outfits, a Breezie train, and more. I especially love the Disney Minnie Mouse outfit-- it's adorable!

I also got awesome scratch n sniff stickers, and some trading cards that I've been hunting for. Thank you so much, MikeysGrrrl, I loved everything and you did a great job! *hugs you*
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 09, 2014, 12:21:09 PM
I was wondering how you got that entire cat in that small box :D hahahahaha!
I feel bad because my box is only just on its way since Friday...I'm so sorry I couldn't afford to get it out sooner, Partner! Just remember, good things come to those who wait :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Unicorn_pops on March 09, 2014, 02:19:49 PM
3 more great boxes! Congrats everyone :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 09, 2014, 02:32:32 PM
I'm so happy that you got your box Freeindeed :hug: Thrilled that you loved everything, I really enjoyed shopping for you and paid super close attention to your wants and likes :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: clones_rebellion on March 09, 2014, 02:53:55 PM
Wow, there have been some fantastic boxes so far! :) I'm amazed at how many ponies and other things people were able to fit into their boxes.

 :biggrin: :nod: :P

Awesome boxes everyone!  :grouphug: Congrats and great job!

If I counted right there are eight more boxes to be sent and fifteen more to be received! :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: summerday on March 09, 2014, 06:46:26 PM
This is such great fun! Everybody is doing wonderful and amazing jobs on these boxes!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Mori_LeStrange on March 09, 2014, 09:50:31 PM
So glad you loved your box mori.. it was a blast to fit all things tiny into the tiny box.. hopefully you're happy with the babies..they were rehaired so not minty but display nicely. . I just love babies..

Sorry, I just saw your post.
Yes, I love them! Their hair is so long and soft I couldn't stop touching it. They're beautiful!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 09, 2014, 10:28:27 PM
Wow, there have been some fantastic boxes so far! :) I'm amazed at how many ponies and other things people were able to fit into their boxes.

 :biggrin: :nod: :P

Awesome boxes everyone!  :grouphug: Congrats and great job!

If I counted right there are eight more boxes to be sent and fifteen more to be received! :)

These numbers make me feel a little better. I thought almost everyone had their boxes already :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Chaosette on March 10, 2014, 09:19:30 AM
Wow all these boxes look great! I have been so busy with school but I wanted to let you guys know I did ship this weekend! My box should be with my partner by the end of the week.
I had a very hard time with the custom, so I hope partner that you won't mind the error on her NDS side. Her display side is all good so :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cassstorm on March 10, 2014, 10:59:15 AM
I got my box!!
Thank you Michelle53!

All the packages:
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The Candy!
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I LOVE Banana laffy taffy and it is SO hard to find!

An awesome diary and my first ever comic!
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All these beautiful handmade scarf and hat sets for my ponies!!!!!!!!!!
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Oh the most beautiful scarf!
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and PONIES!!!
My first G3 babies! Baby Winter Ice and Baby Northern Lights! OMG they are so cute!
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and Chilly Breezes and Toboggan! Stylin' in their new scarves and hats!
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All the ponies together!
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What an awesome box! I love all the handmade items, and ponies, and candy, and goodies! Thank you so much! Great Job!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 10, 2014, 11:01:23 AM
Congrats Cass! What a great swap box, so much cuteness!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 10, 2014, 11:05:56 AM
Oooo another great box :D big congratz those scarfs & hats are too cute  ^.^
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: moomargh on March 10, 2014, 03:41:24 PM
I loved reading through this topic, everyone seems so happy with their boxes and they are all full of so many lovely things!!
I think I might have to join some swap like this the next time, it all looks just too amazing  :good:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 10, 2014, 03:45:11 PM
I've never seen baby Northern Lights! She's so adorable!! Those scarves and hats are so tiny and cute...what a great box :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Unicorn_pops on March 10, 2014, 04:39:37 PM
Congrats Cass, Michelle did a wonderful job! I love those two babies and so jealous of Baby winter ice's scarf! Congrats on getting them with accessories!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: TexasGal on March 10, 2014, 06:06:32 PM
I got my box from freeindeed today, and I was so happy to see it!  I knew immediately when hubby brought it out from the apartment office that it had to be the Little Swap.  =D 

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Untitled ( by Caetikins (, on Flickr

All the lovely things, laid out...I love the drawing, btw!  It's so awesome!  Icey is my favorite boy of all time... =]  The sock monkeys are adorable, and they are able to come off the tissue paper, so I am going to save them and put them in my Smashbook!

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Untitled ( by Caetikins (, on Flickr

Then, my lovely ponies!  Streaky, Ember, and Baby Countdown!

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Untitled ( by Caetikins (, on Flickr

Then, everything all laid out together!  I got some lovely, sparkly polish, beads, an owl and Twilight ornament hangy (which I have been drooling over ever since you posted pictures of your ornaments), kisses, and awesome stickers that  I plan on putting to good use ASAP. 

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Untitled ( by Caetikins (, on Flickr
You did such a great job girly!  I had a wonderful partner, and you did SO well picking everything out for me!  =D  Thank you so much, I love it all.  =] 
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 10, 2014, 06:29:08 PM
Another wonderful swap box :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: clones_rebellion on March 11, 2014, 06:09:37 AM
Another wonderful swap box :)

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: michelle53 on March 11, 2014, 06:16:01 AM
I got my box!!!  Miraja went above and beyond for me, and I was utterly spoiled!  Check out my amazing loot:

This box was inside the shipping box! Miraja didn't know that I'm such a sucker for boxes :lol:
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My card:)
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Candy!!!  I loves me some candy!
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Delicious little coffee bags!
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Jewelry!!!!  Miraja outdid herself with these beautiful and special pieces!  I can't wait for summer to come so I can wear them with my sundresses:)
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Some silk that I will be using to make Monster High kimonos!  Plus some awesome insence!
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Butterfly stuff:).  Again, Miraja didn't know that I love butterflies and have a tattoo of one!
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On to the ponies!  High Flyer with ribbon!
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Sunglider looking gorgeous:)
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A stunning Little Flitter rehair!  Her colors are amazing, and I love her to pieces!
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This box was just incredible, and I was really floored by all the wonderful goodies:).  Thank you so much Miraja!!

Post Merge: March 11, 2014, 06:21:22 AM

I got my box!!
Thank you Michelle53!

All the packages:
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The Candy!
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I LOVE Banana laffy taffy and it is SO hard to find!

An awesome diary and my first ever comic!
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All these beautiful handmade scarf and hat sets for my ponies!!!!!!!!!!
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Oh the most beautiful scarf!
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and PONIES!!!
My first G3 babies! Baby Winter Ice and Baby Northern Lights! OMG they are so cute!
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and Chilly Breezes and Toboggan! Stylin' in their new scarves and hats!
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All the ponies together!
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What an awesome box! I love all the handmade items, and ponies, and candy, and goodies! Thank you so much! Great Job!

I hope you liked your box Cass!  The baby ponies arrived at my house, and my girls didn't want to let them go :lol:   They are such little cuties!   I must confess that I made your scarves and hats because I couldn't find the original scarves that came with your adult ponies.  I am extremely new and very much a beginner when it comes to crochet, so  hope you don't mind the imperfections too much.  I hope you like everything hunny!!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cassstorm on March 11, 2014, 08:29:49 AM
There were imperfections?  :shocked: I missed them! LOL! Seriously! and I certainly would not notice since the only crochet I can do is a straight line lmao! I really loved them! and those G3 babies are way cuter in person than I would have ever imagined! I really love them! May have to email you for a pink and gray hat lol.. They were the perfect size too! I would honestly never have guessed that you were new to doing them!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 11, 2014, 06:37:36 PM
Oooooo more lovely swap boxes :D those are very cute scarves you made for cass, michelle  ^.^
Love the re-haired little flitter & those wings on Sun Glider  :blink: so pretty hehe

Big Congratz everyone  ^.^
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 11, 2014, 07:39:13 PM
I love all the little butterflies and the anklets! Wow, so summery and nice to see especially after such a long, dreadful winter! Great swap box Miraja :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Unicorn_pops on March 12, 2014, 06:10:47 AM
Miraja, such a lovely rehair Little Flitter! I love that purple shade with her :) Congrats Michelle on a wonderful box full of wingers!  And Michelle didn't know you made those scarfs yourself, wonderful job!

Texas congrats on getting some great ponies! Baby countdown is one of my favorite boys. Freeindeed did such a good job on the drawing too!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Talismarr on March 12, 2014, 07:26:25 AM
Finally caught up with reading through this brag thread  :blush: But it is so amazing how much can be fit into these tiny boxes! I'm so excited to receive mine and for my partner to receive theirs!! :frolic:
Such amazing boxes everyone!! I always love seeing how much thought goes into a swap box  ^.^
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: wyndeboo on March 12, 2014, 04:36:38 PM
sorry for the large pics. on PB they are small??? and they are not the best quality. my camera is packed up somewhere

life has been kinda crazy. still in apt limbo.... oh well this has totally made my day

 :frolic: :frolic: Written Ember you are so amazing. THANK YOU so much  :biggrin:

first off look at this epic box deco
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and just look at this colorful box of happiness  :dribble:
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first up are some tokidoki Ritmo and Primo thank you I did not have these two. Ok so the felt Sea Flower, how did you make it. I Love it. The hand warmers are amazing. They match the hat that my mother knitted me for Christmas. and where on earth did you find the chocolates? the strawberry cheesecake is to die for  :lovey: :lovey:
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and on to the ponies  :biggrin:
beachball, flutterbye, and seaflower they are beautiful
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ok so  :blush: :blush: i literally cried when I opened this one I have been eyeing her for so long and every time I find her for sale, some has already snagged her, and she even has her comb.  :lovey: :lovey:
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You have made my day. Everything is so bright and happy. Thank you so much for everything
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 12, 2014, 04:45:44 PM
Oooo such a lovely box the ponies are very cute big congratz :D

Lollipop sent from her Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 12, 2014, 05:09:39 PM
Wow! That is an awesome box! Seaflower, baby unicorn and those handwarmers :biggrin:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Unicorn_pops on March 12, 2014, 06:14:37 PM
Congrats wyndeboo, baby beach ball is so adorable!  Your box is so very colorful, and great homemade goodies too :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: ChipsteRJ on March 12, 2014, 06:32:57 PM

ok so  :blush: :blush: i literally cried when I opened this one I have been eyeing her for so long and every time I find her for sale, some has already snagged her, and she even has her comb.  :lovey: :lovey:
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You have made my day. Everything is so bright and happy. Thank you so much for everything

FYI I think that is a G2 comb, but even still you got spoiled!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 12, 2014, 06:37:50 PM
Summer in a box! That felt is to die should totally sell those online!!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cassstorm on March 12, 2014, 06:54:28 PM
I love the colors in that baby unicorn!! What a great box! How could you not smile with that much color! Wow! Congratulations!!!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: WrittenEmber on March 12, 2014, 10:13:50 PM
Oh, Wyndeboo, I'm so happy you like your box!!  I had such a good time putting it together. :D

My luck held on the tokidokis, I was worried they might be ones you already had. Glad they are new! And that's so funny that the hand warmers match your hat; your mom and mine must have been on the same wavelength, lol! The chocolates I found at Target; they are Lindt mini-sticks.

The felted Seaflower is the result of my favorite hobby: needle felting! Essentially, you keep poking fluffy bits of wool with a barbed needle until the wool matts down into the shape you want. It takes a while, but for me it's very relaxing. :) I'm sorry her symbols are a bit blurry; the wool just wouldn't behave. I'm glad you like her!

I'm so happy you like your ponies, too, especially Baby Beachball! I am incredibly thrilled that she turned out to be special to you. :lovey:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: partypony566 on March 13, 2014, 09:11:18 AM
YIPPEE! I got my package from the lovely Prismatic!!!! I was totally spoiled!

First up, some yummy dried fruit and nuts! Which I am munching on right now :P

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Then a beautiful doggy plushie and a lovely ornamental German Shepherd. I am so touched Prismatic, I got a lump in my throat that you sent me these :hug: and thankyou for your very kind words!!! (for anyone who doesn't know, we had to put our 10 year old GSD Max to sleep in January ) this ornament looks just like him :)

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Then I opened lots of accessories! (My other addiction hehe)

I am pretty sure thats Icys brush (it's hard to tell with them) but either way I love it, I just love the frog brushes :dribble: and fish combs and white flower brush that I needed! Also a green toothpaste, I adore these

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Baby accs and shoes ( and the last US party pack invites I need! )

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Socks and mini notes!

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and now for the ponies!!! *screams* :yay!!!!!

A MINT baby Glory, straight off the card mint, and a little Glory badge! Check out the cuteness, she's so lovely:

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And finally ........I swear MINT OFF THE CARD OMG LOOK AT THE HAIR!!!!!!!!!!! MILKWEED AND TUMBLEWEED!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!! I have wanted these two for so long!!!!!

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Thankyou SO MUCH Prismatic for a completely lovely box!!!!!! :hug: I really love everything!!!!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Unicorn_pops on March 13, 2014, 09:13:44 AM
Congrats Party on such a great box! So many thoughtful extras :)  That little magnet is adorable, where ever did you get it Prismatic?
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 13, 2014, 10:40:54 AM
Congrats Party! What an awesome box, that Baby Glory is gorgeous and so are the twins :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cassstorm on March 13, 2014, 10:48:00 AM
oh my, the twins hair is s perfect!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 13, 2014, 10:49:22 AM
Another fab box :D love the twins sooooo cute!  :biggrin:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Shiromisa on March 13, 2014, 12:00:54 PM
My package showed up today! :D I knew right away what it was, since my swap partner covered the box in adorable art!

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I'm definitely going to cut them out and keep them. ^^ Then, once I opened it up...the most perfect little packages I ever saw!

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They put me in mind of that one mom who always has her act together and makes cute little gift packages for her kids' teachers at Christmas--am I being silly?  :lol: Totally what I thought of though! And then when I opened them up...

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Look at it all! :shocked: I totally got spoiled! Minty was the first one I opened, and I was about floored! I've been wanting her since she came out. And look at that blonde Pinkie! She's one of my favorite errors. :D Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thiiiiiink those are G3 charms--I almost bought a pony set just to get the charm a while back, they're so cute! And a beachball petite pony! I can't get over how tiny she is. She also managed to track down the pony from my signature, Tea Love, and a really neat fakie! And the newborn pony is so adorable--I looked her up, she's Baby Puddles, right? :D Toooo cute! Delicious maple candies and chocolate, a sweet bracelet of the Mane Six, some cute egg-shaped salt and pepper shakers, and Sam I Am socks round out the extras. :D Thank you so much!!

I didn't see a note in the box, so hopefully my partner will show themself here! ^^;
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 13, 2014, 12:09:54 PM
Another awesome brag, congrats Shiro :) *I think unicorn pops was your partner, based on teaser photos*
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: nhal039 on March 13, 2014, 12:21:57 PM
Another awesome brag, congrats Shiro :) *I think unicorn pops was your partner, based on teaser photos*

my guess is unipops too : )

so many cool boxes I love seeing what everyone got
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: wyndeboo on March 13, 2014, 12:23:43 PM
Yay more amazing boxes. Everyone is getting so spoiled :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cassstorm on March 13, 2014, 01:11:08 PM
Another great box!! Wow!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: BabiChuld on March 13, 2014, 02:19:44 PM
Wow! I came here just to peek at everyones swap boxes, and I have to say they are all so lovely and diverse, and with so much thought put in to them- very impressive!  :lol: :cool:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: clones_rebellion on March 13, 2014, 03:09:38 PM
Eeehhhh!!!!!!! I also received my box! It came from the lovey partypony!  :tackleglomp:

Opening the box I saw this~
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The first thing I pulled out was this amazing tote bag! I thought I saw canvas straps in the teaser pics!
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Next out of the box were these super cute Geeky and mustache socks!
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Everything else was tucked in under the socks and tote bag. Lovely pressies! A super cute notepad with Princess Twilight Sparkle, and Maoams! Partypony I love you so much for send my heaps and heaps of Maoams! :heart:
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I chose to start with the smallest box first. It's a Big Brother bandana! Awesome!
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The last package contained the most perfectly PERFECT Chief EVER!!!!!! I wish I could have gotten a better picture of him because he is Stunning! He is absolutely white, not a single age or cancer spot anywhere. His eyes and symbols are flawless and his mane and tail are super silky! This guy is such a STUD! :faint:
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So here is all of loot together!
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Thank you so very much partypony! I loved everything! :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Chaosette on March 13, 2014, 03:19:13 PM
*runs around frantically in excited circles of happiness*
You guys don't even UNDERSTAND how COOL and AWESOME and BESTDAYEVER this box is!!!
Thank you sosososososo much Jennifer, you clearly put in so much work and it shows and everything was so amazing! I never thought I'd like the extras in my box even more than ponies, but this time I did, which is just crazyyyy!
Okay here we go!
First, here's the extras that were loose in the box. There's a bag of delicious amazing lollipops, an adorable mini fun rise Octavia plush, an awesome pinkie pie little swap card, and... CANDY CANE BONES FOR MY DOG! He will be so so happy to have them and I will upload a photo later when I give one to him (he gets bones before bed to occupy him while I'm gaming). Thank you so much for finding those :D
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Then, there's the wrapped extras, which are the stars of the show !!!
Here they are still wrapped :
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There's a deck of a sailor moon trading card game I had no idea existed and the cards are just beautiful, and a bunch of original series pokemon cards!! Soooo cool. The best part is Jennifer literally hand-made the boxes you see next to the decks, with her name and mine and little swap on them. so they'll always have a spot to go and I'll always know where they came from! :D such a fantastic touch.
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But it gets better. Do you see that little pinkie elephant? Not only is she an adorable pink elephant but her name is PINKY!!! Best. Elephant. EVER!! Where did you even find her Jennifer?! So cool.
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Like ohmygosh ohmygosh how?! It's so beautiful and precious and amazing and I love it!
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THE PINKIE PIE HEADPHONES IVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR FOREEEEEVVVEEERRRRRR!!! I'm so so so happy to finally have them thank you so much Jennifer!
And finally, what you've all been waiting for.... PONIES!
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Rainbow dash yaaayyy and a very sparkly pinkie!
In the spirit of little, Jennifer got me sooo many blind bags I've been wanting! They're all so fantastic and I love them to bits and they're already on the shelf arranged in scenes together with the other blind bags I have.
Thank you sooo much Jennifer I really needed this today! This was such a fantastic box, you were so generous and you out in so much work and I can't say thank you enough! It was just spectacular!

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 13, 2014, 03:35:11 PM
Congrats on such a cute swap box Chaosette :) So many goodies, that elephant is adorable and you can really see all the thought that your partner put into your box :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cassstorm on March 13, 2014, 03:45:30 PM
Super cool! That elephant is so cute! I swear I suddenly like elephants or something, or just the ones people find around the Arena are always so different and cute! Great box!!!!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 13, 2014, 03:52:26 PM
 :biggrin: more lovely boxes  ^.^ everyone has done such a great job
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Jennifer2004 on March 13, 2014, 04:06:04 PM
Yay! I am so happy to hear that your box arrived safe and sound and even happier to hear that you love it so much! I had so much fun putting that box together for you!

I pretty much set out on a mission to find the candy cane bones and the Pinkie Pie earbuds! I was not sending the box without them! :P I didn't really have too much trouble finding them either, and I was so excited when I did because I knew you would be just as excited to receive them!

We actually share a lot of the same interests. I collect Pokemon and Sailor Moon stuff, so the cards are all from my personal collection. I was so excited when I read that you didn't mind second hand items and actually preferred them, and I immediately decided I wanted to send you some of my cards. I tried to pick out some really nice ones and made sure there were no duplicates! ;) And I have to confess something here, although it was my idea to make you special personalized boxes to keep them in, it was my sister (Daring Symphony) who actually made the boxes.

I am also a huge fan of The Last Unicorn! So when I found out we had that in common I knew I had to incorporate it somehow. I read that you had the movie and figured you probably had the book. But I thought maybe you didn't have the soundtrack, and that movie has such an amazing soundtrack I figured that would be a great gift for a Last Unicorn fan. I have a "Lightscribe" CD burner, it uses a laser to etch an image into the front of a disc, that's how I designed the cover.

I actually found the elephant on eBay. The moment I saw him, I just knew you had to have him! An adorable pink elephant named Pinky! I thought, wow that would be the perfect extra! And I'm so glad to hear that you love him so much!

I did have a sneaking suspicion you might like the extras more than the ponies, mostly because I personally had more fun shopping for and making the extras than I did shopping for the ponies. But I did manage to find an amazing sale at Toys R Us while searching for the earbuds and my first thought was literally, now I can get even more stuff for my partner! :P

Anyway, I had the most fun ever putting it all together for you and I am so so so happy to hear that you loved it so much, I'm literally smiling from ear to ear right now!

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 13, 2014, 04:12:07 PM
Um...hey, Chaos? Did you like your swap box? I couldn't tell :lol: BAhahahaha!! Awesome! I love seeing people excited more than i like being excited! Still waiting for my partner to get her box...
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Prismatic on March 13, 2014, 06:08:30 PM
I'm so glad you liked your box, Partypony!  The twins were the mintiest I've ever seen (dat hair!), I enjoyed playing with them til they left XD  They are my favorite set, but I'm biased because I had them as a kid :P 

Unicorn_pops, by magnet, did you mean the button?  I actually found it at a sanrio store, they had a little box on their counter with a bunch, a mixture of G1 and G4, I picked the Glory to match Baby Glory :D  They should totally make magnets of those though, I'd have them all over my fridge!

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Unicorn_pops on March 13, 2014, 06:20:57 PM
Shiro, Yep I'm your partner and I'm So glad you are happy with everything! I tried so hard to find those two blind bag ponies from your signature. I know the purple isn't quite right, no glitter I think? I kept looking for the rainbow blind bags to hit the stores but they never showed up. But anyways, glad you enjoyed your box and hopefully I helped you add some wanted ponies :)

Clones, Wow...Chief looks awesome! That bag is so pretty Party!

Chaosette, how cute is the personalized CD! Love all your ponies too!

Prismatic yeah meant button :blush: but Yes, they need magnets that little too!  The firefly I sent to Shiro is a magnet but it's a little larger.
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Shiromisa on March 13, 2014, 06:41:21 PM
Shiro, Yep I'm your partner and I'm So glad you are happy with everything! I tried so hard to find those two blind bag ponies from your signature. I know the purple isn't quite right, no glitter I think? I kept looking for the rainbow blind bags to hit the stores but they never showed up. But anyways, glad you enjoyed your box and hopefully I helped you add some wanted ponies :)

Clones, Wow...Chief looks awesome! That bag is so pretty Party!

Chaosette, how cute is the personalized CD! Love all your ponies too!

Prismatic yeah meant button :blush: but Yes, they need magnets that little too!  The firefly I sent to Shiro is a magnet but it's a little larger.
Awwww, you definitely did! :D When I got to Minty, I squealed out loud. I haven't been able to find her here!  It was an amazing box, I'm so pleased.
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Chaosette on March 13, 2014, 07:09:24 PM
Aw Jennifer that was so cool that you sent me stuff from your personal collection! Now I will cherish them even more :) :)
And thank you to your sister darling symphony!
And also, I didn't have the soundtrack you're totally right! :D
Thank you so so much!

Let's be real life friends please! So many shared interests :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: ChipsteRJ on March 13, 2014, 08:25:46 PM
Wow, so many cool boxes arrived today. Beautiful Chief. Tons of G4s!

Party- do you have an aqua FT toothbrush or FT stacktoy? If so and it matches your brush then you have Steamer's.
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Emberfly on March 13, 2014, 09:24:29 PM
I got my box from Wyndstar.  It was so full of candy!  And then there were the lovely ponies... I get to add more Wonderbolt blindbags, which were mint in their bags.  :)  And my first G4 and my first Breezie and both are white, which is a favourite pony colour for me.  I am officially in love with the Breezies, how have I gone this long without one?  And the little tiara is so great.

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I love the rainbow erasers and those stickers are just plain amazing!  I did love the adorable monkey card.  Thanks!!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 14, 2014, 04:10:32 AM
Oooo look at all those yummy sweets & chocolate  :dribble: nom nom

Very lovely ponies too :D Big Congratz  :biggrin:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 14, 2014, 04:49:18 AM
Another lovely swap box, congrats Emberfly :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: tikibirds on March 14, 2014, 06:10:25 AM
 :dribble: look at those aero nom noms
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Jennifer2004 on March 14, 2014, 10:00:35 AM
Aw Jennifer that was so cool that you sent me stuff from your personal collection! Now I will cherish them even more :) :)
And thank you to your sister darling symphony!
And also, I didn't have the soundtrack you're totally right! :D
Thank you so so much!

Let's be real life friends please! So many shared interests :)

I am always happy to have a new friend! :)

I have made so many wonderful friends through swaps. It's always nice to meet someone who you share so many interests with!

Although most of the friends I've made live pretty far, we stay in touch through email and it's great! And who knows maybe someday I'll be able to go to the MLP Fair and finally get to meet some of them in person. :)

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 14, 2014, 11:16:38 AM
Omg! I got so totally spoiled with this "Little" box of goodness :newpony:

So first of all a shoutout to Talismarr for being a totally awesome swap partner! Omg, I loved every single thing in this box, everything from the owl tape on the outside, right down to the cute little extras! Thank You :hug: Thank You :hug: Thank You :hug:

So here is what I saw when I opened the box

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Here is everything all laid out (I haven't the foggiest idea how it all fit in there) :P

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The extras :yippee: I love everything! The socks are so adorable and in the perfect colour scheme for me :) That crochet elephant and the cause that it supports in Kenya is amazing! (I vaguely recall seeing a post on the arena about these a little while back)
I adore the owl stickers, looking forward to having some of the yummy chocolates and gummies. The FIM grab bag is a cute addition as well.
OMG!!! Talismarr :tackleglomp: You got me my most wanted baby accessory :dropjaw: SANDBOX :freak: I squealed so loud when I opened that, not to mention my very first duckie pull toy with a bottle and necklace!

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Wow :shocked: I would have been totally thrilled with just that, but nope, there is more, lots more!

On to the ponies

 :newpony: :newpony: :newpony: :newpony: :newpony:

TE Galaxy, Dancing Butterflies, Baby Glory (another girl for the ever growing army), Baby Sunribbon and Baby Rattles  :cheer: Aren't they the most gorgeous ponies? I was bouncing around when I opened the babies, honestly they are all fantastic and I am so thrilled to welcome them into my every growing MLP herd!

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I am so bowled over with the amount of thought and attention to detail that went into this box! Words truly cannot express how happy I am with everything I received! You went above and beyond Talismarr, thank you so much :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cloverofmist on March 14, 2014, 11:17:02 AM
Everyone's ponies and boxes look so great, I am loving that giant looking clover lollipop (or atleast I assume it is lol) congrats on these boxes too
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 14, 2014, 01:45:41 PM
Another fab box  :biggrin: never seen the sandpit before so cute :D

Big congratz on all your lovely box  ^.^
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: partypony566 on March 14, 2014, 02:22:06 PM
Eeehhhh!!!!!!! I also received my box! It came from the lovey partypony!  :tackleglomp:

Opening the box I saw this~
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The first thing I pulled out was this amazing tote bag! I thought I saw canvas straps in the teaser pics!
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Next out of the box were these super cute Geeky and mustache socks!
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Everything else was tucked in under the socks and tote bag. Lovely pressies! A super cute notepad with Princess Twilight Sparkle, and Maoams! Partypony I love you so much for send my heaps and heaps of Maoams! :heart:
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I chose to start with the smallest box first. It's a Big Brother bandana! Awesome!
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The last package contained the most perfectly PERFECT Chief EVER!!!!!! I wish I could have gotten a better picture of him because he is Stunning! He is absolutely white, not a single age or cancer spot anywhere. His eyes and symbols are flawless and his mane and tail are super silky! This guy is such a STUD! :faint:
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So here is all of loot together!
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Thank you so very much partypony! I loved everything! :hug: :hug:

You are very welcome clones!!!!! It was fun shopping for you! I've never seen a Chief that mint ever! I am glad you are pleased with him. :hug:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: wyndeboo on March 14, 2014, 02:39:34 PM
yay! I love all of the boxes
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Talismarr on March 15, 2014, 02:27:09 PM
Mikeysgrrrl YAAAY I'm so glad you got it and that you love it!  :lol:  :blush: :blush:

I honestly don't know how everything fit in there, I had tried mock fitting it and it hadn't worked, but somehow some Tardis magic happened on wrapping day! I actually surprised myself!
I really had a lot of fun shopping and wanted to keep some of those things for myself actually lol  ;)
So happy you liked it, it was a lot of fun!!  :lol:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Unicorn_pops on March 15, 2014, 06:16:22 PM
Oh my, Emberfly So spoiled me! Prepare for pic spamming :)  Everything is so thoughtful and wonderful!

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Just opening the box

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Everthing that wasn't wrapped

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Close up of Two amazing bookmarks! They are so pretty!

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!!This is the best item in the whole box! I love this bag. Did you make it? And if so, I'm ordering more from you!

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All wrapped pressies

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Everything unwrapped

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Can't wait to rehair whirly!! I love all these ponies!

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Two great mini fridge magnets! Minty and coolbreeze...both army ponies for me

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And Kamy says Thank You for the Smurfs! And I didn't have that MLP book so I had to read it to them both for bedtime ;)

Emberfly you were so very thoughtful in all the gifts you included. I absolutely Love everything! The ponies are in amazing condition, so many wonderful baby accessories and even a crib! Thank you so Much!!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Shiromisa on March 15, 2014, 06:23:37 PM
Oh my gosh, that bag! :D I want one in Flitterheart for my dice!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 15, 2014, 06:30:32 PM
Ooooo such an amazing box so want to Cool Breeze bag & Fridge Magnet suuuuuuuuuper cute!  :biggrin:
Hope you post a pic up of whirly when you re-hair her would love to see what colours you choose   ^.^

You got so much in the box Emberfly now idea how you got it all in their hehe  :blink:

Big Congratz Unicorn_pops on your lovely box & new beautiful pony additions & well done Emberfly on such a fab box.

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: wyndeboo on March 15, 2014, 08:07:06 PM
omg that cool breeze bag is tooo cute
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Emberfly on March 16, 2014, 12:29:53 AM
I'm glad Kammy liked the smurfs.  I tried hard to make a good box for you.  :)

The bag and the magnets were handmade, though I didn't actually sew the bag.  It was just a bag I had that I put on iron-on transfers of some amazing photos of Coolbreeze that I found on the internet.  I hope the owner of the pics isn't upset with me for using them, I just wanted the best images for this gift.  The magnets were hand drawn by me so please excuse the flaws.

I can't wait to see Whirly when she gets her new 'do. :biggrin:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: nhal039 on March 16, 2014, 01:31:47 AM
again I love the boxes, I really love how different and personal each box it :  )

Unipops your kids are so cute, they have such beautiful eyes :  )
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: wyndstar on March 16, 2014, 09:15:27 AM
yay!! so glad you liked it Emberfly! :D it was a pleasure shopping for you!
that shamrock lolly is from a local chocolate maker :) they make awesome chocolates!
i wasn't a fan of breezies but when i got it i thought it was so cute :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Mirnyj on March 16, 2014, 11:06:07 AM
All boxes have been so great, well done and congratulations everyone!  ^.^
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cassstorm on March 16, 2014, 11:07:53 AM
Your daughter looks scarily like my daughter at that age lol!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Talismarr on March 16, 2014, 12:39:27 PM
I received my box the other day from Chaosette!! I was so excited when I saw the post office notification, and couldn't wait to go pick up my box after work!

All the gifts wrapped and candy!! Which, in the teaser, was left out as it would have been a give away. I agree! Nerds and Gobstoppers are my favorite! I loved all the pretty purple wrapping, and those little bags are so nice! I'm definitely going to find a use for them!
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All of the PONIES opened!! I was so excited about all of these, especially Pina Colada!!  :cheer: She is a set completer for me, I now have all the Tropical Ponies, and I love them! I'll have to post a group picture at some point :frolic: But Pina Coloada is gorgeous, her colors are so bright and fun!  :lovey:
Also, Baby Cotton Candy and a necklace (I don't have too many G1 babies yet so yay!), G3 Rarity (I love the unicorns!) and Cherry Blossom, and a G4 custom of my favorite pony, Coco Berry! She has lovely long curly hair, and you did a great job on her Chaosette! I don't even mind the flaw  ^.^
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Some fun extras! Awesome stickers (unicorns and glittery owls yay!), a beanie baby, Jabber, who I don't think I have! And a really cute plush owl keychain!
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Another closeup of the owl! So cute!
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Thanks so much Chaosette, I really loved everything, you put a lot of thought and effort into this box! :hug:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Nohpny on March 16, 2014, 02:13:04 PM
The lovely Mori_LeStrange, gave the most amazing box ever! <3

I walk home, and as I walk home my mom picks me up after she picks up my little brother. When she came, I opened the door to find my swap box on the seat! I was so excited I started to open it in the car. I used my tablet to take pictures, and it doesn't focus so sorry for the bad pictures & editing skills!

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I begun to open it but we ended up going to Panda's Express to get food so I couldn't take anymore pictures. Kinda funny because the first thing I saw when I finally opened it was this CUTE LITTLE PANDA GUY. OMG.

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Then these great extras dog tags, decals, tattoos, and cute pens. AND MY OC OMGOMG I absolutely love it!!

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And the yummy extras~ They didn't last long...

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There were these mysterious pressies, plus one labeled 'Open Last.' Hmmmmmm...... I was extremely tempted to open it first! But I didn't d:

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The first one I opened I was speechless. An Anastasia BK toy! I've been wanting one of these for a while and now I have one!!! I wanted to open it out of happiness, but my mom -who was there the entire time- told me not to, and I was glad she did.

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As for the rest of the pressies~~
Absolutely love Lyra, and I've been collecting the Funrise 5' plushies so I was really glad to get Rainbow Dash, and the Funko Mini Figure of :muffin: :muffin: :muffin: . She's my absolute fave so when I opened the last pressie...

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I was freaking out!! OMG. THANKYOU!

I love everything Mori gave me! Thank you so much! You really hit the nail on the head with everything you got me! <3
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Chaosette on March 16, 2014, 02:17:51 PM
Aw Talismarr I'm so glad you liked your box :) I was so worried cause of the flaw on your custom! It was my first time doing a g4 but I couldn't not send her. She's actually rehaired with real pink hair from a couple of baity g1s who had bright pink hair, so she's part g1 kinda hehe.
I'm so glad you liked piƱa colada and everything else! So much fun shopping for you :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 16, 2014, 02:44:38 PM
I'm loving all these brags...I absolutely adore the little extras and personally made items :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 16, 2014, 02:53:49 PM
2 more awesome brags, congrats to Talismarr and Nohpny on getting some awesome swap boxes :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Mori_LeStrange on March 16, 2014, 03:00:44 PM
I'm so glad you liked everything Nohpony. I had a lot of fun shopping for you, and making the panda and your OC
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 16, 2014, 04:25:06 PM
Yay  :cheer: 2 more amazing boxes  :biggrin: that little panda is so adorable!  ^.^
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: wyndeboo on March 16, 2014, 04:35:22 PM
 :yippee: :yippee: what cute boxes. congrats everyone
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Nohpny on March 16, 2014, 06:08:06 PM
I'm so glad you liked everything Nohpony. I had a lot of fun shopping for you, and making the panda and your OC

You made the panda too?! OMG. Thats awesome!
Thank you again (:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: partypony566 on March 17, 2014, 07:12:54 AM
Oh my, Emberfly So spoiled me! Prepare for pic spamming :)  Everything is so thoughtful and wonderful!

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Just opening the box

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Everthing that wasn't wrapped

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Close up of Two amazing bookmarks! They are so pretty!

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!!This is the best item in the whole box! I love this bag. Did you make it? And if so, I'm ordering more from you!

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All wrapped pressies

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Everything unwrapped

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Can't wait to rehair whirly!! I love all these ponies!

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Two great mini fridge magnets! Minty and coolbreeze...both army ponies for me

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And Kamy says Thank You for the Smurfs! And I didn't have that MLP book so I had to read it to them both for bedtime ;)

Emberfly you were so very thoughtful in all the gifts you included. I absolutely Love everything! The ponies are in amazing condition, so many wonderful baby accessories and even a crib! Thank you so Much!!

Wow that's amazing!!! Major congrats! And ember fly  HOW did you fit all that stuff into the box!? :shocked:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Unicorn_pops on March 17, 2014, 07:33:05 AM
Talismarr Congrats! That little owl plushie is Too adorable! Your G4 custom looks great too :)

Nohpony, that's funny to find the panda after just eating from the restaurant :)  And congrats on getting two Muffin Ponies!

Party, Emberfly has some mad packing skills :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 18, 2014, 07:42:40 PM
No more brags? C'mon air mail, get my package there!!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 18, 2014, 08:01:59 PM
*takes a seat & waits for the last brags* ^.^

Lollipop sent from her Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: nhal039 on March 18, 2014, 08:50:19 PM
*** just a word of warning my spelling is seriously bad, if you dont understand me use your imagination **

Well seashellnbubbles its arrived  :biggrin: I am so amazed at this box, you have spoilt me beyond belief. I am so humbled by your thoughtfulness, every thing is perfect. Thank you a million times over  :tackleglomp:

Firstly I would like to say seashellnbubbles was not lying about the amount of cellotape that was used. I carefully cut through the box lid with a knife so clark could open, as I was putting the knife back I heard "mum more cellotape", sure enough the second lid flips were taped to  :) In saying so it was only to hold in all the goodness cause seriously my box was crammed full  ^.^

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I opened the box to find this beautiful card. How i love pony art, you are very talented seashellnbubbles.
I will confess it took about 20 seconds to the penny to drop the pony was shellnbubbles and that it was your user name  :P I have always read your name without really thinking about it. Anyhow I love it and here is a pic off the stunning art work

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below the card
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Anyhow once the box was open clark started hoeing in, he lay claim to these toys pretty quickly, the rest where given to clara (by clark might I add)  ^.^
Clarks toys, he loves them by the way, I had to follow him around the house like a hawk to see what special little hidy hole he hid then in after he finished playing with them (they went under his pillow). All the cute little ones are erasers
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I will confess the majority of the ribbons and clips will go to the ponies but clara will get a few. I couldn't resist putting a clip in her hair for the very first time as she has a curl on the top of her head that loves sticking upwards....
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The lip balm holder of the ugg boot is so awesome, it reminded me of a really good friend in canada who just got married, all her flowergirls wore ugg boots. Its such a perfect reminder about the good Canadian folk I know  :hug:

There was also a magnet but that went on the fridge straight away (I had to side track clark).

Serouisly seashelln bubbles I would have been so pleased with just that but there was also a note pad holder full of paper, you must be physic or something, how did you know I was on to my last dregs of note paper. The holder is so beautiful too, it shall live by the telephone on the kitchen bench  ^.^ Thank you
I forgot to upload a photo so will get one soon.
There was also a baby bunnysuit, yay I love that suit  :cheer: :cheer:

Now on to the ponies, I seriously didn't expect any ponies.. I am not kidding I even pmed clones that if there is no ponies it ok cause my wantlist is very tricky but I am simply stunned about the ponies seashellnbubbles found and how such was able to fit them all in. On to the pony goodness

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Her Majesty Great Romance and Spanish trickles  :yippee:
Her majesty great romance was a big grail she is so pretty how I love her colours. Spain trickles was a complete random surprise and what a great surprise, I love her!

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I could see bluebelle colourings through the parcels and though yay, I love bluebelle is my favorite cp pony... never did I think she would be a Mexican and a perfect mexican  :freak: by the time I opened blossomforth I was complete dumb struck and silent.. your kindness seashellnbubbles is outstanding. Blossomforth has been a g4 grail for about a year now, I am so so happy to have her she is so pretty. Hands down my favorite g4 ever!

It doesn't end there, there is more  :dropjaw:

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I would love to write more and will but have to deal with one cranky baby
snowflake *faints* i love g2 to babies she has aleady been welcomed into the herd. Wind whistler was another complete surprise I love her to bits her colours are so pretty. The valentines baby  :shocked: how I desperately wanted her but never dreamed I would, she is the last in that baby pose that I needed  :lovey:

There was a note on the last parcel saying open last... well well a surprise alright. Surprise has been a big want for a long time. Not only did I get surprise, I got an italian one that looks like she has just been decarded  :drunk: Really she is stunningly perfect, she has claimed the most centred point of my pony cabinet  :P
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I really cant explain how over joyed and over whelmed I am by this box, serouisly seashellnbubbles you have made my year, I dont think I will ever get another swap box that will ever compare to this. Thank you

 :tackleglomp: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I love it all its so perfect

Post Merge: March 18, 2014, 08:54:55 PM

ahh photobucket is down so I can't add the last photo yet but will
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: ChipsteRJ on March 18, 2014, 08:56:32 PM
Dang..... I want Snowflake!

How did you cram ALL that into the box Seashell?......... Talk about saving the best brags for last!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Talismarr on March 18, 2014, 09:22:41 PM
Awesome brags everyone! :cheer:
Nhal, I'm loving that Surprise! She looks mint!! Also, your kids are friggin cute!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: nhal039 on March 18, 2014, 09:26:12 PM
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Here is the last picture. I wish I had off taken a group shot but I don't think I would have been able to fit all of it in one picuture  ;)

Thanks again so much seashellnbubbles

Post Merge: March 18, 2014, 09:28:12 PM

Talismarr thanks : ) oh and surprise is so so mint and not to mention white! I didn't even know italians where able to come in such a white shade
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 18, 2014, 10:06:20 PM
I'm SO glad it finally arrived, Nhal039!! I was so afraid it would be very very late.
You were very easy for me to shop for...I just went to my own collection! I saw quite a few posts about how you thought you could never find a minty one, and knew I HAD to send her!
The Mexican was one of the first I ever bought, so it was time to pass her along :P I'm so glad your kids liked the extras...I thought the popple would be the perfect size for the baby!
I'm glad you liked everything...stuffing that box was SO much fun!!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cassstorm on March 18, 2014, 10:16:44 PM
What an absolutely fantastic box!!! Congratulations and Great Job!!!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: WrittenEmber on March 19, 2014, 01:23:36 AM
Shiromisa!!!!! <---is the best swap partner ever! *hugs her*

I got my box, I got my box, I got my box! It came on Saturday, the very day after my birthday, WOOT! Birthday swap box, how cool is that?! :biggrin:

OK, I opened it up, and inside there was:

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What could they be? I love opening packets, there's just something so satisfying about ripping the paper off and revealing the surprise! I almost forgot to stop and take the picture first, lol!

First, the extras:

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Pony pens! Yay! :lol: They are so cute, and I love tiny pens! Plus, something to write on with them! That cookie notepad is too adorable. I've already written my name inside, claiming it as mine own for all the world to see! And that candy? That candy is GONE. Because it was DELICIOUS. Delicious, I say! Gummy, licorice-y, strawberry-y, granulated-sugar-coated deliciousness in bite-size pieces! YUM!

And now, drum-roll please...

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Ponies! Beautiful, tiny, perfect ponies! Oh, how I love them! Emerald Ray and his twin, Error Ray, make the perfect pair! Metallic Rarity is so beautiful; I just love the metallic ponies! Woo-hoo, Shoeshine! I've had such a hard time finding Wave 6 ponies, and I so love Shoeshine's colors! Plus, an error Pinkie Pie with Fluttershy's cutie mark, which tickles me no end! I love them all!!

Oh, hey, there's another extra!

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A cute kitty coin purse! She is purrrr-fect! (Pardon the pun, lol!) I adore coin purses and little bags and boxes to keep my little treasures in; Shiro, how did you know?

BUT WAIT! There's something inside...

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Oh. My gosh. SHIRO! I can't even tell you how much I love her! I love her! She's amazing! You're amazing! Oh! Oh! Oh! *happy dance* She is the most perfect pony ever! You did the most fantastic job, just superb! Her perfectly soft colors, her perfect green patches (even on the NDS, including her one green ear, which I love so much), her perfect hair (how did you even do that?!), the perfectly adorable look on her face... wow! Did I say perfect? PERFECT! Did I say amazing? AMAZING!! Did I say Best Pony Ever? BEST PONY EVER! THANK YOU!

Here's one more pic, of everything all together:

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Thank you, Shiro, your box was wonderful and I love every bit of it! *super-hug*!

:frolic: :frolic: :frolic:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Shiromisa on March 19, 2014, 01:43:52 AM
D'awwwwww! I'm so glad you like it!!  :hug: Hehe, the custom was the very first thing I decided to do, I love doing ponysonas! And your photography is superb. :D Do you mind if I steal that pic for my custom pony tumblr?
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 19, 2014, 03:19:30 AM
OMG Nhal :shocked: That box is just WOW! Talk about a-ma-zing! I cannot believe that all of that came out of that little box, it's craziness lol. Huge congrats on all of those gorgeous ponies! Your little ones are adorable ^.^

WrittenEmber, congrats on a great swap box, that custom is too cute!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 19, 2014, 04:55:55 AM
 :shocked: :blink: :shocked: :blink: omg Seashell how just how did you fit that all in there  :shocked:
So many lovely ponies, extras & a Poppel! I used to have loads of those when I was little No clue where they went lol.
Very cute kids, I am sure your daughter will love the poppel :D she looks so cute holding it with the tiny clip in her hair  ^.^

Ooo WrittenEmber that notepad is so cute & random :D love it! adorable pens to go with it too  ^.^
Haven't seen those ponies before they are all very cute, made me laugh that fact that pinkie pie has fluttershys symbol hehe. Love your custom ponysona & the cat bag  ^.^ very cute hehe

Congratz to both of you on getting such lovely boxes  :biggrin: and well done to seashell & shiromisa for making them  ^.^
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 19, 2014, 12:28:31 PM
Eeeeeee! Kitty purse! *grabby hands* it looks kind of like Chococat!
That custom blind bag! Holy moley, that takes some kind of steady hand!! Amazing!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: WrittenEmber on March 19, 2014, 12:56:23 PM
D'awwwwww! I'm so glad you like it!!  :hug: Hehe, the custom was the very first thing I decided to do, I love doing ponysonas! And your photography is superb. :D Do you mind if I steal that pic for my custom pony tumblr?

You did a wonderful job! :hug:

And you certainly may. But you have to share the link to your tumblr so I can follow you and ogle all your pony-rific customs! :D
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Unicorn_pops on March 19, 2014, 01:52:13 PM
Nhal~ Congrats on a wonderful box, Shell did a Terrific job!  The ponies look wonderful and minty :) Two cutie kids too!

Congrats to you also writtenember, so many blind bags
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: summerday on March 19, 2014, 04:11:59 PM
Eeeeeee! Kitty purse! *grabby hands* it looks kind of like Chococat!

Oh, you're right! Anything black kitty is awesome!

This has certainly been a fun swap. I'm glad the shipping/receipt has been spread out. It's been great to watch.

These are amazing boxes!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 19, 2014, 04:30:27 PM
I just noticed Surprise's hair made it safely to NZ!! Gawd, you have NO idea how stressed i was about that damn thing's curls! :lol: It took 20 minutes to carefully arrange it in the sack she was in, and then another 10 minutes for her tail. I swear to GOD i am NEVER doing that again!!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: nhal039 on March 19, 2014, 05:18:59 PM
seashell her hair is just delicious it came out perfect : )

The popple is so cute, you have good taste as the only popple I have out of the hundreds I could have brought I have the same one but a big one : ) So its great I have one and so does clara.

Thank you
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: clones_rebellion on March 19, 2014, 06:08:34 PM
WOW!!!!! Two amazing boxes! 

Seashell~ HOW, just HOW? did you get that all in there? You truly did find the tardis box! Major kudos to you packing skills. Huge congrats nhal!

Shiro, you also did great! That persona pony is great! Congrats Ember!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 19, 2014, 07:57:20 PM
Thank you very much, Clones :blush: After I started filling it I decided to see just how much I could get in there! Lol! I'm definately doing this swap again in the future! Thank you so much for allowing me to join in the fun! It has been awesome seeing how much others could get in their boxes and all the creative ways people made personal items!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Shiromisa on March 19, 2014, 09:01:35 PM
D'awwwwww! I'm so glad you like it!!  :hug: Hehe, the custom was the very first thing I decided to do, I love doing ponysonas! And your photography is superb. :D Do you mind if I steal that pic for my custom pony tumblr?

You did a wonderful job! :hug:

And you certainly may. But you have to share the link to your tumblr so I can follow you and ogle all your pony-rific customs! :D
Thank you so much! ^^ Hehe, it's right here: The post should be going up tomorrow afternoon!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: WrittenEmber on March 21, 2014, 10:43:17 PM
Following! :D
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 27, 2014, 05:02:00 AM
My turn to do our Last Brag  :biggrin:
So My Box arrived this morning  :freak: :yippee: I was actually still in bed haha (bad night of sleep lastnight) so mum answered the door then shouted up that a box for me has come  :biggrin: that made me wake up very quickly haha  :lol:

My Box is from BrightEyes  :biggrin: thank you so much I love everything

Luckily there were no Crocodiles attached  ^.^ I was going to take a picture of my soft toy Crocodile with the box hehe but he is in the loft atm :( he will have to eat the box another day  :P lol

Right sooooo when I first opened the box this is what I saw.....  :biggrin: (sorry for the boxes in the background its my mound of make-up to pack away :P)

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Here is everything once I got it out of the box...... sooooo much was in that tiny box :shocked: I love the postcard that necklace is gorgeous hehe.
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All the bits that werent wrapped  :biggrin: Hair  :yippee: was so excited to see this poking out hehe been wanting some hair for a while now  ^.^ Some suuuper cute stickers  :biggrin: lots of yummy sweets & caramel hot chocolate, the caramels are for me & BrightEyes included the pulparindo's for my boyfriend :D (he loves weird candy hehe) took a picture & showed it to him he want ooooo havnt seen those before hehe. He will be getting these when I go to Sweden to see him in June (he has exams & uni work to finish atm)
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Now onto the wrapped items  :biggrin:
First one I opened was these pens  :biggrin: love them not only are they My Little Pony but they are Mini too  :lol: love mini things hehe & I love pens & of course MLP hehe.
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Then this chocolate bar mmmmmmm yummy one of my fav chocolates hehe...... my tummy is rumbling atm chocolate is calling to me, but I haven't had breakfast yet haha
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Then........ MORE HAIR!!!!!!!!!!  :biggrin:  :yippee: my poor little bald girls can have some hair now yay hehe.
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Then some lovely socks hehe, I needed some more trainer socks  :biggrin:
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Now time for the Ponies  :biggrin:

Next one I opened was this very cute Fluttershy Plush (mini :D) I love her hehe I've been looking at the G4 plushies for a while (never found a fluttershy in the shops though just pinkie pie & the one with the rainbow hair) Fluttershy is my fav out of these hehe, super cute  :biggrin:
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Then.........  :yippee: :cheer: :yippee: WHIRLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eeeeeekkkk my MAJOR want & set completer hehe, love her she is in perfect condition, can't wait for her 2 sisters to come back from the pony doctors so I can take a picture of my complete set  :biggrin: eeeeeeekkkk & she has a very cute butterfly clip :D
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Next one I opened was........ Teeny Tiny Sniffles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she is soooooooo cute! & perfect  :biggrin: she is my first Teeny Tiny twin hehe. Just love Teeny Tinys. My little Bro is back from uni tomorrow :D he loves teeny tiny's too hehe so shall be showing him this one tomorrow  :biggrin: she might actually come on the car journey to pick him up   :lol:
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So after these 3 who are absolutely amazing there was one package left, I tried to feel who it was through the tissue, but had absolutely no clue, and the shape was throwing me off hehe................

I squealed so much when I opened this one (made my cat look at me as if to say wtf lol) ......

It was CREAMSICLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:  :freak: :freak: :freak: :freak: :freak: :freak: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw: :dropjaw:
OMG just OMG! I thought it would be years yet until I managed to get this one, she is my my favourite Pony Friend & she is in perfect condition  :biggrin: & she has one of those super cute duck clips :D
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Here are all the girls together  :biggrin:
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& Creamsicle with Fluttershy
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Thank you so much for everything I love it all so much  :biggrin: was totally worth the wait  :biggrin: (sorry that you had a nightmare with the post)

Can't believe how much you put in there hehe.

 :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

& .... someone else wants to say thank you

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ZigZag wants to say thank you for bringing her sister back to her she was getting very lonely being the only one with out a sister  ^.^

& Jazz says thank you for the box, she tried to get in but couldnt manage it haha so she ended head butting it hehe.

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Thank you so much  :biggrin:

Ooo just got more pony mail looks like I can take the Winger set picture after all  :biggrin: shall be doing this later hehe, tummy says breakfast now please :P
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: ChipsteRJ on March 27, 2014, 05:07:46 AM
OOOO Lady Lovely Locks Clips... I'm so envious!

Well worth the wait!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on March 27, 2014, 05:19:37 AM
Congrats on such a wonderful swap box Lollipop! Great way to wrap up our brags :)

Huge thank you to Clones for hosting this swap, I had so much fun :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: brighteyes on March 27, 2014, 07:13:21 AM
I'm so glad you liked everything and that it was worth the wait Lollipop!  I was so worried about Whirly's wings with the shape the box came back to me in.  I'm glad she's in good shape!  The clips are from Lady Lovely Locks and I thought they looked super cute with the ponies and I'm glad you like them too!  I hope your boyfriend likes the Pulparindos.  They're weird- spicy and sour and sweet.  I think they're good but most of the people I've had try them have really not been super fond of them. 

Thanks again to Clones for hosting the swap and everything and also to Lollipop for being patient while the US postal system ravaged the box (again so glad nothing was damaged!)!!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Lollipop on March 27, 2014, 08:03:57 AM
:D yes i loved it all hehe. Whirly is just perfect :D stunning condition.
Not sure who that is i shall google in a sec :P i have 2 clips like the yellow one i have had them since i was very little i used to wear them in my hair, have always loved those :D think i have more somewhere hehe, never seen the butterfly one before though :D
Hehe i am sure he will he does like weird things specially if they are spicy :P
Going to try my caramel chocolates in a bit hehe they are calling to me haha.
Hehe its ok i didn't mind waiting :D was worth it hehe.
Jazz has given creamsicle the head but and sit on of approval lol.
Thank you for everything you got me :D. Love it all :hug:

Thank you clones for hosting the swap has been a lot of fun for my first swap hehe.

Lollipop sent from her Nokia Lumia 1020 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cassstorm on March 27, 2014, 09:44:50 AM
What an adorable winger!

Fantastic Brag to end the Little Swap!! Congratulations to everyone! Thank you Clones, this has been so much fun!!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: cloverofmist on March 27, 2014, 09:52:27 AM
Lovely box I just love your ponies.. that plushie is super soft looking. Congrats on all the wonderful goodies
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: salemsparkler on March 27, 2014, 11:22:14 AM
Lovely last box and well worth the wait!

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Unicorn_pops on March 27, 2014, 04:28:10 PM
Nice lot of ponies! The lady lovely locks duck clip suits Creamsicle good :)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on March 27, 2014, 04:58:01 PM
WOW! I've so seldom seen Whirly her proper shade of blue i'd forgotten how stunning she is! Congrats, and you're was well worth the wait to drool over, too :P
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: summerday on March 27, 2014, 07:22:51 PM
What a great way to end a great swap! Thanks for hosting, Clones!
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: clones_rebellion on March 28, 2014, 05:22:18 AM
You couldn't have asked for a better end to this swap! What a fantastic brag! Congrats Lollipop! Great job BrightEyes!

Thanks so much to everyone for making this a wonderful swap! Great job gang! :grouphug:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: TexasGal on March 28, 2014, 09:05:50 PM
This has been such a wonderful swap...thank you so much Clones!  You did an absolutely amazing job. 
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: wyndeboo on March 28, 2014, 09:11:24 PM
thanks for such a fun swap
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Emberfly on March 28, 2014, 09:11:59 PM
A wonderful end to the swap.  Such great boxes, everyone!   :biggrin:
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: nhal039 on March 29, 2014, 01:05:58 AM
Yippee lollipop, awesome box :)  Great way to end a great swap, I am already signed up for next year ;)
Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: Jennifer2004 on March 30, 2014, 08:29:06 AM
Thank you Clones! This has been a wonderful swap and you have been an excellent host! Can't wait for next year!

Title: Re: The Little Swap - Brag Topic
Post by: WrittenEmber on March 30, 2014, 10:34:22 PM
Congrats Lollipop! What a great box!

This swap has been so much fun! Thanks for hosting, Clones! And thanks Wyndeboo and Shira for being my partners, and thanks to everyone who participated for the chatting and the brags and the fun! What a wonderful experience; can't wait for next year!
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