The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: Lucky_Ladybug on February 22, 2014, 10:34:19 AM

Title: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: Lucky_Ladybug on February 22, 2014, 10:34:19 AM
So, for those who follow the TV series (any TV series) and/or the comics (any comics).... If there's a Pony in them whose personality you don't like, but you absolutely adore their design/color scheme, would you buy the figure just because of loving the design?
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: June on February 22, 2014, 10:53:26 AM
I love Rainbow Dashes design, but really dislike her personality. Same with Silver Spoon.
I'm in progress of making a custom Rainbow playful size, but don't plan to get Silver Spoon because I'm not really into blind bags.
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: NovelNerd on February 22, 2014, 11:14:49 AM
Of course. When I buy toys I buy them for how they look. When I buy a real horse I buy for their personality( and bloodlines of course). I've always thought it was silly to buy or not buy on personality. Unless the buyer is a child then I kinda see that but just from an adult collector standpoint I buy what is visually appealing.
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: PinkRosedust on February 22, 2014, 11:29:22 AM
Yes. The toys always come first for me!
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: Sarah Jo on February 22, 2014, 01:06:18 PM
Guess I'm weird - personality and character comes first for me in all my various collections ! It's not so much "ewww I don't like HER/HIM/IT" but "why would I spend my money and use up my space on something I'm not really into".
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: NorthernFlower on February 22, 2014, 01:27:23 PM
Сonversely. All  characters are charming and I adore the show.  But I dont like  cartoon merch for some reason.   >_< I  like how  Twilight Sparkle looks in toy, but I dont want her. I buy at least backgroung characters  who have no personality..... :blush:
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: StarDapple on February 22, 2014, 01:31:42 PM
Yep.  I also dislike Rainbow Dash, but I bought her anyway.  I also bought Sunset Shimmer even though I haven't seen the EG movie.  I tend to distance the toys from their show counterparts, unless I absolutely love their show character, like Luna or Rarity.
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: Lucky_Ladybug on February 22, 2014, 01:32:55 PM
Guess I'm weird - personality and character comes first for me in all my various collections ! It's not so much "ewww I don't like HER/HIM/IT" but "why would I spend my money and use up my space on something I'm not really into".

Very good point. That's usually how I feel; even if I like the design, I generally can't bring myself to buy a character if I don't like the personality. I have so little money and space as it is that I like to save it for what I really like all around.
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: Elisto on February 22, 2014, 01:51:16 PM
Yes, although it still makes me sad when I see a toy I really want, but don't like or otherwise care for the personality he/she is given in-show. For me that's Trixie, Silver Spoon, Mimic (I'm more apathetic towards her character but I love the toy), most of the Big Brothers, and probably a few others I'm forgetting.
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: NoPonySpecial on February 22, 2014, 01:58:30 PM
It depends on if I'm going to include the character in any stories. For instance, no one likes Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, but sometimes you need a bully for your stories. And based on appearances, yeah, Silver Spoon is a definite for me! Have you seen the Ponyville sized version of her? It's one of the most darling things I have ever seen, no exaggeration!
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: Sarah Jo on February 22, 2014, 02:00:11 PM
I have so little money and space as it is that I like to save it for what I really like all around.

Yeah, that's exactly it ! With all of the other stuff I'm into as well, I have to get pretty choosey.

An afterthought - I didn't mean to possibly sound judgmental in my last post.. that's just the thought process I personally go through when deciding whether to buy something. :)
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: ashes on February 22, 2014, 02:08:02 PM
I do - but I tend to be more of a visual person, and if a color combo/design speaks to me, then I buy it.  When I look at my pony collection, I don't dwell on their personalities so much as I just enjoy looking at them. 
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: Sora on February 22, 2014, 02:24:48 PM
I don't mind, their personality isn't usually important for me when deciding what toys to buy.
The exceptions to that rule are Fluttershy and Sweet Stuff. And maybe Rainbow Dash, to a lesser degree.
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: elvenwine26 on February 22, 2014, 02:27:30 PM
The character's never influence my purchasing.  Honestly as a kid my ponies didnt' have official names or set personalities unless I was playing out a story with them.  I think it sort of sucks in terms of creative play for kids if you lock one personality into one toy because of a cartoon.  I hope that makes sense.  But anway, visual appeal is what grabs me; yes I would purchase the toy even if I didn't like the character. 
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: YellowCat on February 22, 2014, 02:28:16 PM
I would, I don't care because I always assign my toys their own personalities the way I did when I was a little kid.  For instance I don't like Sunset Shimmer's personality but I really like her toy.
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: scarletjul on February 22, 2014, 02:41:59 PM
I bought Sunset Shimmer even though I didn't care much for her in the movie.
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: Pony Adventures on February 22, 2014, 02:44:47 PM
Yes. The toys always come first for me!

This is the same feeling for me!
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: hathorcat on February 22, 2014, 03:24:34 PM
I am all about the toys :) The show is a bolt on and so I am honestly not fussed by the characters. I have a couple of G4 Rainbow Dashes so that shows that the fact I actively dislike her character but love the colours and design in her toy.   

I do have a terrible habit of not liking the over hyped ponies mainly because I dont understand the degree of adoration and sometimes that puts me off the toy *eyes up Trixie* However if I like their style and colours then I can get over that too.
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: U2QueenBee on February 22, 2014, 04:20:40 PM
It depends, I did get Sunset Shimmer even though I don't like her in the film (though I bought her before I saw it), but I think I wouldn't necessarily buy, say, Diamond Tiara.  I suppose it depends just how much I like the design vs. how much I dislike the character, and which I see first.  I did end up getting a Pinkie Pie even though I don't like pink and got really really tired of seeing her in G3, because I love her character on the show.
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: Mad-March on February 22, 2014, 05:57:59 PM
The design of a toy is always more important to me! I'd buy a design I liked even if I didn't like the character, but even if I had a favorite character but their toy looked awful, I probably wouldn't buy it.
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: LadyMoondancer on February 22, 2014, 06:03:27 PM
Toys first!

But it also depends . . . do I not like them as a person, or do I not like them as a character?  Diamond Tiara is an awful person, but a great character . . . a great villain / antagonist character.  Same with Silver Spoon.

Snips and Snails, on the other hand, get on my nerves.  So I would actually be more inclined to get Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon over Snips and Snails based on "character", even though Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are much meaner.
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: Carrehz on February 22, 2014, 06:44:40 PM
I'm more interested in the toys than the TV shows (I don't watch FiM at all, heh), so.. yes :) I will say that I did end up buying a Sweet Stuff almost entirely because I fell in love with how adorable she is in the TV show, though! Originally I wasn't really a fan of Twinkle Eyes, but I had to make an exception for her (and Galaxy! Those twinkle eyes have grown on me :heart:).
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: Honeycomb on February 22, 2014, 07:09:34 PM
I only buy for design, I don't care about the shows at all.
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: RainbowAlicorn999 on February 22, 2014, 08:09:11 PM
I would buy anything that's a new character even if it was a random oc.
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: goddessofpeep on February 22, 2014, 10:37:16 PM
For me, the toys and the shows are completely separate.  What happens on the show ususally has no effect on my collecting. Liking a character on the show can slightly increase my desire to buy the toy, but not by much. Occationally I dislike the toy AND the character on the show(Pinkie Pie comes to mind), but I'm a pony collector first. It's all about the toys for me.
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: G4Sweeties on February 22, 2014, 11:42:25 PM
Well, yeah!
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: Trinity on February 23, 2014, 01:47:06 AM
Yes! I have a brushable Trixie, even though she's an annoying character. Also I'm really tempted to grab a Sunset Shimmer. >.>
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: Uninu on February 23, 2014, 02:10:20 AM
Yes. I don't care for some characters but the ponies are pretty so I buy them anyway.
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: rtattles on February 23, 2014, 10:51:09 AM
Plenty for G1, and I figured I can always change their personalities to suit my taste. The following names are:

Paradise, Truly, Heart Throb, Lickety Split and Gusty. I never understood why Gusty had to be so nasty like she's constantly passive aggressive. I hated Truly's Southern belle accent. Heart Throb was a bimbo in my eyes...etc. I actually liked their toys though.
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: girlyponce on February 23, 2014, 11:37:43 AM
If I like the look of the toy, I'm all for it - the show personality doesn't really come in to play at all for me. Especially because they change all of the time...
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: Lucky_Ladybug on February 23, 2014, 11:59:39 AM
I would buy anything that's a new character even if it was a random oc.

LOL. On the G4 front, that is a very good point.

Plenty for G1, and I figured I can always change their personalities to suit my taste. The following names are:

Paradise, Truly, Heart Throb, Lickety Split and Gusty. I never understood why Gusty had to be so nasty like she's constantly passive aggressive.

Yikes, I didn't know that about the show's Gusty. I had been thinking of watching an episode with her to see what she was like. In her case, perhaps the show's version and the toy's version don't really mesh. Her backcard makes her sound like a nice Pony. (Although that's true of most of the backcards....)

If I like the look of the toy, I'm all for it - the show personality doesn't really come in to play at all for me. Especially because they change all of the time...

LOL. Oh, how true that is. Especially for FiM these days.
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: RainbowAlicorn999 on February 23, 2014, 01:30:46 PM
I would buy anything that's a new character even if it was a random oc.

LOL. On the G4 front, that is a very good point.

Yeah, I'm serious.

Princess Darknessheart Scarsky:

Hates mane 6, dating King Sombra, stronger than Chrysalis and Celestia combined, fastest flyer in Equestria, best in magic and cannot be stopped with the elements.

/throws in shopping cart and walks past repeats

I like to have the diversity when I set up all my G4 characters. I don't want a million Pinkie Pies next to each other. What do they even think kids will do with 34 Rainbow Dashes or even how will they play with them!?
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: Majesty on February 23, 2014, 01:47:50 PM
I think Fluttershy is really pretty except with the hair in her face.  She's pretty much G1 Posey.  I am just tired of her shyness and stuff like that.  I also like Rainbow Dash and she isn't as much of a bully as she used to be.  I'd consider getting Rainbow Dash, but not Fluttershy.  I was going to get the funko vinyl of Rainbow Dash but her eyes look weird.  Too rounded or something.  :wonder:
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: brightberry on February 23, 2014, 02:29:44 PM
I go by how the toys look.  Even if I don't like the character, I'll buy a toy if I love how it looks.  But it also works the reverse way.  I won't buy a character I like if I don't care for the design of the toy.

I guess because its my toy, I feel it can have any personality I want it to have.  After all, there are thousands of clones of  the same pony.  They can't all be the same.    :blush: :P
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: PandoraFox on February 23, 2014, 05:17:21 PM
Can't really give you an answer to that when it comes to ponies.
I like FiM, but am not too much into the actual toyline.
On the other hand I have barely seen anything of G1 cartoon in 2 decades, but am all over the toys. (And missed out on G3 cartoon entirely)
So in the case of ponies, if it's pretty, I'll have it. I don't have any reference for their personalities anyways.

I do notice in other collections that the personality of the associated character has a very big influence on how much I may want a toy.
It's not like I won't have interest in simply pretty looking toys, but with a limited budget at my disposal, I will prioritize those toys where I love both it's looks and the associated personality. (Given, I can be a bit of a fan girl about certain characters, so I maaaay have ended up with several small armies there. Whoops :p)
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: FarDreamer on February 23, 2014, 07:56:35 PM
Of course!  They all end up with their own personalities in my little universe.  Out of my G1 collection, Baby Tiddlywinks is a bratty little snot who makes fun of the other babies.  In my G4's, Trixie is a very nice pony and is one of Twilight Sparkles best friends.
Title: Re: Would you buy a Pony for design even if you don't like the character?
Post by: Sarah-Bee on February 24, 2014, 06:50:46 AM
This is one of the reasons I haven't watched FiM to be honest; I'm not sure I'd want a toy of a character I disliked and likewise I don't want there to be a character that I do dislike.
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