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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Toy Box & Games Cupboard => Topic started by: Gingerbread on February 10, 2014, 02:53:58 AM

Title: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Gingerbread on February 10, 2014, 02:53:58 AM
I have always had a bit of a thing for Sylvanian Families, but when they came out in the UK (1987?)  I had both feet firmly planted in the MLP/Julip/Sindy horse camp, and although I like SF I felt that wanting them would be unfaithful to my ponies. I *did* get the three baby owls though, felt guilty as heck but they lived with my Julips (whoever heard of a stable with no owls lol)

I have never really got over that, I have seen them at charity shops and bootsales but always left them behind. Mainly because I can't afford another collection! But the displays in shops and all those little accessories.... *dies of the cute at the memory*  :blush: I have a thing for the boats and also the flower stall and vegetable patch? Teeny tiny veggies and flowers...

Anyway I *may* have finally caved in.

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Must try and find a pattern to make her a dress or something - this is a Bratz top and looks a bit peculiar!

Anyways please show me your Sylvanian Families, Calico Critters, Woodland Friends or any other similars :)

Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Hannah66665 on February 10, 2014, 03:37:21 AM
Definitely stalking this thread.  :) Once I'm over this cold I have to take pictures of my collection. :heart: Sadly I have nowhere to display them as of right now but I have several houses.  ^.^ My sister will have to show off her collection, too.  :lol: Next to ponies this is one of our biggest obsessions.

I've been collecting since I was seven/eight and I've only ever lost one single critter (a baby squirrel  :cry:)
Also, I have somehow misplaced an entire dollhouse. It was a one of a kind put together by my dad as a christmas present when I was about nine. I know where the pieces to the bottom half are and the rest of it is somewhere in the wasp infested garage. Either that or it somehow got lost when we moved to the new house.  >_<
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: CottonTALE on February 10, 2014, 06:33:51 AM
I adore calico critters :) escpecially the bunnies :D I don't have any unfortunately because they are a bit expensive. And my hubby says I should focus on one collection at a time

Edit: If I manage to come across one, I *may* be able to make a pattern for some knit clothing.
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: kaoskat on February 10, 2014, 07:00:42 AM
I'm afraid mine are packed away.
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Lightninglover on February 10, 2014, 08:40:09 AM
I haven't bought any Sylvanians for a while now- mainly because I've run out of room  :lol: Wish I had the space to display more of the buildings, I absolutely love the furniture. Most of my collection can be seen on my Flickr account:
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: melodys_angel on February 10, 2014, 08:41:24 AM
Aww, I don't have any but they remind me of my grandma :)
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: RainbowRay on February 10, 2014, 10:36:35 AM
I always loved these, but never had any myself as a kid because they are so expensive new! Last year I finally found one cheap enough for me at a car boot sale, a somewhat mangy-looking cream cat, and I found a few others in charity shops since. I've decided I'm only going to get these secondhand!

(same picture I posted in some other thread...)
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There's the first cat, Butter, and the cape I gave him to cover the big bald patches on his back/head/butt. Despite the mange, the fur he has is very soft compared to the others! He's my fave.
And there's the corgi family I found in a charity shop soon after (I swapped their clothes around a bit). Since then I also found a little brown rabbit in a school uniform (needs a wash) and a baby bear, who I thought was a teddy at first rather than a baby. Mum corgi adopted them.

In future I would really like more cats (the cats are my favourite), deer, cows, and some of the dogs and foxes too, but it all just depends on what I find!
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: scarletjul on February 10, 2014, 08:05:15 PM
Ooh, I love Sylvanians!  If I had the money, I'd have a much bigger collection.  I actually just picked up a large house for them at the thrift store a couple of weeks ago (the one with the working lights.). :)

I'll be back with more pics later but for now:

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Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Gingerbread on February 11, 2014, 03:36:54 AM
I haven't bought any Sylvanians for a while now- mainly because I've run out of room  :lol: Wish I had the space to display more of the buildings, I absolutely love the furniture. Most of my collection can be seen on my Flickr account:

Ermahgerd  I am so jealous!!!

RainbowRay they are adorable! I've just received a lot of misfits in the post, some have tails missing, others have ink marks, going to to clean them up. They've met my fox already and seem to be getting on OK. In  my head they have all just met up after some sort of forest apocalypse and are now trying to rebuild their lives, a bit like a small, furry version of The Stand :D

Scarletjul I love that pic! Can't wait to see some more :lovey:
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: RainbowRay on February 11, 2014, 08:49:53 AM
Haha, that's a great idea. Maybe Butter is a survivor too! (Tell your guys he says hi.)

Scarletjul your deer are so sweet! If I had more space I would love to have a house and some furniture! The furniture is so cute and I love all the tiny detailed food and things. I've seen one or two houses in charity shops (one included a bunch of animals, but I didn't think to ask for any separate...) but it's the lack of space stopping me from getting one.

I could maybe make some kind of tiny cardboard hut or a tent instead though, would fit in with the apocalypse survivor theme :P
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Gingerbread on February 11, 2014, 02:19:48 PM
I was thinking about trying to make a tent this morning lol but had to put the idea on a back burner for the day as we have some building being done and I had a clingy baby! Oooh why is it raining so much out, have some awesome ideas for group pics now!!!
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: scarletjul on February 13, 2014, 09:20:07 PM
I haven't bought any Sylvanians for a while now- mainly because I've run out of room  :lol: Wish I had the space to display more of the buildings, I absolutely love the furniture. Most of my collection can be seen on my Flickr account:

Wow!  Gorgeous collection.  :)

And, I'm back with more pics.  I have a bunch more families (lambs, rabbits, hedgehogs. . .) as well as lots of individual figures that I've picked up here and there.  I switch out the families every few months, so right now it's the Dalmations' turn to live in the house:

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Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Gingerbread on February 14, 2014, 12:11:33 PM

So cute :lovey:

I *may* have found the chihuahua twins for half price yesterday...and I *may* have found the Kitchen set for less than half price and I very well might have bought both of them :blush:

Now just to find somewhere for them to doss down :D
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: TwistedRiver on February 14, 2014, 08:48:54 PM
This is another of my childhood toys that I've never outgrown, XD
Since I took these photos I've gotten some replacement clothing as well as an entire new family (the badgers) and house for them to live in, a few other cats, another member of the Bearburys, a Mouse and a Halloween bunny.
But anyway, here are a few pics of my collection:
My EverGreen Bears which I got I believe for my 9th birthday, lost Mama and Sister along the way but I still have Papa, Brother Logan and Baby Dusty:
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Next up was my Silk Cat family:
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Then my Bearbury Family:
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Mine and Hannah's Pirate babies on their ship:
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And my one Lil Woodsies Beaver Tapper:
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Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: foalpatrol on February 14, 2014, 10:02:12 PM
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That's the only pic I have of my collection.  It's a pretty tiny collection compared to my ponies!
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Iceglider on February 15, 2014, 07:42:40 AM
So cute mine are packed away at my mom's house. I never really collected them, but I still have some from my childhood. They are pretty well-worn. They are so cute! I love the different animals. I had mostly rabbits and bears.
Title: My Obsession with Calico Critters/Sylvanian Families (Pic Heavy)
Post by: oiraesesse on February 23, 2014, 06:12:10 PM
In addition to my love of ponies, I've also become SUPER obsessed with Calico Critters/Sylvanian Families. They're just so cute!

I have two houses for them, and I wallpapered them both with scrapbooking papers, and I also like to make them little outfits!

Here they all are (you can also barely see in the background some of my ponies).
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And the little clothes I've made! It's probably the most fun I've had with them.

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And here they are enjoying their little homes! I still just can't get over how cute and tiny they are!

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Forgive all the pics, I just love them so much I had to share!

Does anyone else have Calico Critters/Sylvanians? I'd love to see them!

[merging like threads - kkat]
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Carrehz on February 23, 2014, 08:10:58 PM
I love Sylvanians! I don't have any photos of mine unfortunately, but all the photos in this thread are great :heart:.
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Taxel on February 23, 2014, 08:18:58 PM
So far I only have one little set of triplets but I'm hoping to expand my collection.
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IMG_7766 ( by AsaziAsazi (, on Flickr

They were in their packaging upside down at the store, which is why I got them!
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photo ( by AsaziAsazi (, on Flickr
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Elfie on February 23, 2014, 08:26:52 PM
I'm trying really hard not to go crazy collecting these, because they're expensive, and my ponies take up so much space.  But I have to admit, they're so adorable, and I had a few as a kid, so I bought a few of them. 
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: frizzycat on February 25, 2014, 12:16:56 AM
Those of you who don't already know about the place, there's a Sylvanian/Calico Critters forum: :) We're always looking forward to having new members!

And basic Sylvanian clothes patterns can be found here:

Some pics from my Flickr:

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Hanten ( by bbqweasel (, on Flickr

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Madeline's Beauty Boutique ( by bbqweasel (, on Flickr

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Madeline and customer ( by bbqweasel (, on Flickr

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Mulberry's Toy Shop ( by bbqweasel (, on Flickr

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Toy shop customer ( by bbqweasel (, on Flickr

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Mini cottage ( by bbqweasel (, on Flickr

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Mini cottage inside ( by bbqweasel (, on Flickr
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: brightberry on February 25, 2014, 08:47:57 AM
Those houses and buildings are adorable!   I have a grey mouse family, unfortunately they're packed in storage. 
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Gingerbread on February 25, 2014, 04:31:25 PM
Adorable!!! So much love for the cute!

Frizzycat yes I am a member of that forum, under the same username :) I love looking at all the photos :)
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Sandi on February 26, 2014, 09:50:08 AM
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Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Hannah66665 on February 27, 2014, 11:28:55 AM
Frizzycat - I recognize that adorable black lamb! I always loved how she came out!

- - -

I'm a member of that forum under the same username. Just recently discovered they had moved. XD

Anyway never was able to get my critters unpacked but after remembering the forum I found some shots of one of the houses I had wallpapered last year. :) Not a perfect job, but it was fun nonetheless.

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Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Tenar on February 27, 2014, 11:38:39 AM
I only recently discovered these.  They are so darn cute.  and so dangerously collectable... I've been trying to avoid them. :P
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Ice Crystal on February 27, 2014, 04:14:15 PM
I used to have a biiiig house when I was young with a badger family that I got for Christmas. Like so many other things, I think it finally faced the wrath of a mom cleaning spree.

I always pop by to look at these when I'm at Toys R Us. They're the cutest.
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Gingerbread on February 27, 2014, 04:22:41 PM
Loving the pics, keep 'em coming!

These are SERIOUSLY adorable and I do feel slightly guilty...may have scored an amazing score on eBay for a few which I got for 99p plus postage. I am also customising an ELC house as a SF canon that they are survivors of some unearthly disaster means they have found this building and are all camping out in it. I keep saying that I will not get any more unless they in front of me at a bootsale or charity shop but....not managing to stick to it yet! I have just spent a small fortune of clothes for my nekkid ones. I need help.
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: HelloGoodbye on February 27, 2014, 06:26:28 PM
I have a bunch!  I also have a house for them, but it is packed away.  I'd really like to get some new ones, since i haven't had any new ones for years.  My favorites are my family of Brown Mice.  They're adorable!  I got them for my birthday years ago and they were my first ones.  I also have two horses, a palomino adult and a grey foal.  I was always obsessed with the horses.
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Wardah on February 28, 2014, 11:16:10 AM
What about the Li'l Woodzeez?
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: ShortyBoo on February 28, 2014, 12:06:36 PM
I had quite a few Sylvanians and another brand that I think was called Maple Town when I was a kid. The cats, rabbits and bears were always my favorites.
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Gingerbread on February 28, 2014, 03:00:54 PM
I know nothing about Lil Woodzeez and Maple Town figures. Would love to see pics though :) I do have a couple of Forest Family bears. I want the crocodiles, they are awesome!
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on March 09, 2014, 12:16:20 PM
Due to an unexpected financial blessing, I was able to buy a Calico Critters set!  I haven't bought anything CC since last Christmas....

I *think* this set is being discontinued... the whole section had other playsets that were new, versus this one that had been on the shelf for almost a year.  Plus it didn't scan out at the register and there was a bright green tag that the cashier had to type in in order to sell it to me.  Sadly it was not on discount... ($55 freakin' dollars!) if it hadn't been the last set left, I might have re-thought the purchase.  Okay probably not though, as I've had my eye on this one for months and months - years possibly? 

Look!  It's Marvin and Maggie Mulberry Raccoon!
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Look at them, off on a touring adventure!  Ohhhh they are soooo adorable! 
I haven't put on all the stickers yet, but I just become all giddy whenever I see this set.  :D 
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: PinkRosedust on March 09, 2014, 02:39:21 PM
I had one of the smaller houses and some furniture when I was little. I was never much into the animals themselves but their accessories worked well with all the other little toys I had. =)

I love looking at everyone's photos though! They have the greatest buildings and furniture.
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Stars on March 11, 2014, 05:40:55 PM
I always envied these as a kid, I thought they were lovely! I remember having some Sylvanian cartoons on video at my grandmothers.
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: HavACrumpet452 on March 11, 2014, 11:36:45 PM
I have lots of Maple Town creatures packed away in the attic right now. I used to love the Maple Town cartoons. I always thought Sylvanian families were fake ripoffs of Maple Town but I honestly don't know which came first.
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: frizzycat on March 12, 2014, 07:04:44 AM
Sylvanian Families came out in 1985, and Maple Town came out in 1986.
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: lemonice on April 05, 2014, 01:43:56 PM
i have a lot of sylvanian and forest families in my Collection i loooove them
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: 808pony on April 06, 2014, 12:29:37 AM
SQUEEEEEE!  We just started our Calico Critter collection here!  Daughter turned 3, fell in love with the Hopscotch bunny family......and it all starts.

So we have the Hopscotch family, the Hedgehog family, the treehouse playset, and the starter home set.  Kozy kitchen, triple bunk beds, regular bunk beds, deluxe bathroom, living room suite....some sylvanian food sets.

I'd upload pics but Photobucket hates me.

Oh, and we have hedgehog twins, triplet friends, and meerkat triplets...and a silk cat baby, chipmunk baby, and a chipmunk (they came with the treehouse set).

We've found that the Lil'Woodzeez line at Target has a bigger master bed for the Calicos to sleep in. Can actually fit 2 of them in the bed (for mommy and daddy critters).  And we use Iwako Japanese erasers for the "food" since the sets are too eensy for my daughter....I had to crazy glue the smaller stuff to the plates or the sink for the bathroom so she wouldn't go all ape over losing stuff (she's at that age where everything needs to be in it's place).

I'm going to be following this thread.....definitely.....
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: lemonice on April 06, 2014, 03:02:24 AM
favorite are krokodile and frogs i most say =)
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: bladed on April 09, 2014, 02:44:28 AM
i'm hopefully cleaning out all my boxes today - maybe some pics will come of my sylvanians? loving the pics in here right now!
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Xara on April 11, 2014, 07:31:58 AM
Nice to see pictures of people's critters. :) I collect flocked animals too, a series called Forest Families. I also have a few Sylvanians from my childhood though!
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: ponyqueen on April 12, 2014, 07:23:46 AM
These collections look so cute! I am just becoming re-aquainted with the little fuzzy darlings. The more I see, the more I want!
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: shimmlight on April 12, 2014, 08:42:12 AM
I can't show you a recent photo as mine are all in the attic right now, but here I am at 9 years old with my collection xD

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Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: DreamLight on May 17, 2014, 09:57:18 AM
I love looking at this thread and all these cute scenes! I really hope everybody keeps posting
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: princessluna11706 on June 16, 2014, 11:12:30 PM
::nearly dies of cute overload::

I collect these big time, and sadly they are packed away.. but here are some pics of my collection:

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Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: RainbowRay on June 23, 2014, 12:10:42 PM
Oh, I was wondering why I couldn't find this thread! Didn't realise it was in this new place! :P

I found another family in a charity shop today! It was the same shop where I found the corgis before too, seems to be a good place!

Here's an up to date group pic of all the Sylvanians I've found so far! All from charity shops - including the little cat and bunny with the maypole, who were actually new in their box when I found them too! The maypole rabbit girl looks like a sister to the school boy rabbit I found a while back.
Shady-looking otter is also a recent find.
Little girl corgi is now practising witchcraft.
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Here's the new family, the mice. There seem to be two dads! (Well, obviously whichever one was the mum has just switched clothes with someone else at one point. But now they're officially two dads, I say.)
Also, I believe that one of the babies is actually someone else's (the darker brown one). Whoops?
I love how colourful all of their outfits are! Look at them all, they're so cute!
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So there's my scruffy mix-and-match collection so far!
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Xara on June 26, 2014, 04:12:02 AM
What a nice find! I had a chuckle about the two dads and adopted baby. When you buy used, you get surprises! ;) I love the dress on the mouse girl. But out of all your finds, I think the otter is my favourite. The Sylvanian otters are just so funny - and cute!
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: RainbowRay on June 26, 2014, 11:13:42 AM
Well, adoption happens a lot with these secondhand ones anyway! The corgis adopted the baby bear, and probably the rabbit kids too since I have no rabbit grown-ups. Butter the cat is probably looking after the young girl cat.

The otter really amuses me too. Partly because of how he sticks out so much! Look at the other animals, all bright colours and round faces - and then there's the dark, drab-coloured, pointy-faced otter. Otter, you are so weird and long! :lol:
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: volleyballlover7 on June 27, 2014, 08:59:53 AM
::nearly dies of cute overload::

I collect these big time, and sadly they are packed away.. but here are some pics of my collection:

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I LOVE how you use your Japanese Re-ments as food and such for all of your calico critters :)
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: princessluna11706 on July 08, 2014, 09:27:12 PM

I LOVE how you use your Japanese Re-ments as food and such for all of your calico critters :)

Thank you so much! I'm a HUGE re-ment collector, and it really works with them! Do you have any re-ment sets?
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: volleyballlover7 on July 09, 2014, 08:29:39 PM

I LOVE how you use your Japanese Re-ments as food and such for all of your calico critters :)

Thank you so much! I'm a HUGE re-ment collector, and it really works with them! Do you have any re-ment sets?

Actually, yes :) I have a couple Rilakumma, Hello Kitty, and several Disney ones :) I think that we should make a re-ment thread on the forum :)
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: princessluna11706 on July 09, 2014, 10:09:13 PM

I LOVE how you use your Japanese Re-ments as food and such for all of your calico critters :)

Thank you so much! I'm a HUGE re-ment collector, and it really works with them! Do you have any re-ment sets?

Actually, yes :) I have a couple Rilakumma, Hello Kitty, and several Disney ones :) I think that we should make a re-ment thread on the forum :)

I agree!! LOVE me my re-ment, and I have all kinds of sets.  We def need a re-ment thread :D
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: cacopony on July 17, 2014, 10:48:56 PM
I really love all the flocked animals :3 I have one pink nursery set from calico criters and a baby squirrel with a swing too, I had a cat with a horse and some accesories but I gave it to my bf's little sister <3

my fav flocked animal is a miffy jointed doll that wears her blue dress with white flowers, I bought her dirty and I'm scared of ruining her though :(
anyone knows about that miffy? I'll throw a pic of her later!
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: princessluna11706 on September 10, 2014, 10:09:49 PM
I really love all the flocked animals :3 I have one pink nursery set from calico criters and a baby squirrel with a swing too, I had a cat with a horse and some accesories but I gave it to my bf's little sister <3

my fav flocked animal is a miffy jointed doll that wears her blue dress with white flowers, I bought her dirty and I'm scared of ruining her though :(
anyone knows about that miffy? I'll throw a pic of her later!

Let's see your miffy!

And who's for that re-ment thread? I can probably start one, I have lots of pics of some of my sets before I put them away-though maybe it should be in the dollhouse forum? Tho I use it with my Calico Critters more..haha so I'm not sure which! ^-^
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: BomChorom on September 16, 2014, 12:56:57 PM
These are some of mine. I think the ones that I have are from the Forest Families series.... By the way, I have them since I was 5 and I have no idea how to clean them  :(  I'm afraid that they will be destroyed If I try to experiment with ways to clean them up. Could you please recommend a way? Thank you!!! :biggrin:

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Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: frizzycat on September 19, 2014, 10:46:44 PM
I use sticky tape to clean my Sylvanians, and it should work for FF too. On the Sylvanian forums they also suggest another method, which is to use a soft toothbrush.
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: BomChorom on September 21, 2014, 04:25:50 AM
Thank you very much Frizzycat!! I'll definitely use the sticky tape for a start ^.^ Thanks again!
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Xara on September 30, 2014, 08:54:16 AM
What a lovely collection, BomChorom! I love that you have so many rarer species there, and also very cute outfits. Most of them seem to be original FF and I see some rarer clothes there too. :) Do you also have adult Forest Families?

For cleaning, it's a bit risky, but not too risky. I would first use sticky tape to remove all removable dirt, dust, threads and hairs. (This takes sooo much patience that I don't have!) :D I don't know about a tooth brush... Personally I have avoided using it. Instead, I have been very brave and washed two very dirty FFs with slightly warm water and stain removing soap. The flocking isn't easily damaged even if you put the critter in water, but to prevent water going inside, I would be a bit careful with their swimming trips. When I washed the two rabbits, I gently dipped them in the water, rubbed the soap on them and then rinsed under running water. Then I left them on a light-coloured towel for a couple of days to dry properly. I know someone who washes all her second hand critters, but personally I would only wash the ones that actually have some goo or dirt stains on them. When the flocking is wet, be very gentle with them, because the flocking might rub off easier when wet.
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: BomChorom on October 02, 2014, 02:43:20 PM
Thank you Xara so much !!! I definitely want to wash the little hippo cause he does have a smudge on his head  :( Unfortunately i don't have any adult FF :( I only have little ones cause the children FF were given here during the early 90's as a gift in a greek fast food chain when you ordered a meal for children (like McDonalds has "Happy meal"). So they used to give a little FF with each meal :biggrin:
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Xara on October 06, 2014, 10:12:31 AM
Wow! Really? I'm amazed! I had never heard of that before. I wish I could have gotten a little FF with my fast food meals, hehe. Very interesting to know, it's something I'll definitely add to my website. Are all your animals from the fast food chain? Could I possibly use your photo on my website - credited with your name of course? I'm very excited to hear this new piece of information! :) What is/was the fast food chain called?
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: BomChorom on October 06, 2014, 03:21:57 PM
Of course you can use the photos ^.^ The food chain is called ¨Goody´s¨ (it still exists) and the meal is called ¨Junior meal¨. The critters were given as a gift with the meal during the period 90'-91'. I'm sure most of my critters come from the fast food chain (the ribbons on their heads is sth that my mum added afterwards, hahahaha). I don't know if FF specifically were sold/available in toy stores here, but I think Sylvanians and the Simba Bear Families figures were.
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Xara on October 07, 2014, 07:38:25 AM
Many thanks! Both for the permission to use the picture and the information. I'm such a Forest Families nerd that this is endlessly interesting to me. :D Very cool to know! Though I got some pretty unexpected/mature content search results when I googled Goody's... you have been warned. :P
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: BomChorom on October 07, 2014, 08:52:39 AM
Omg !!! Really???  :shocked: Try to google it like "Goody's Greece" or "Goody's restaurant". Nothing inappropriate appears in my computer when i google it like "Goody's". I'm sorry, I really didn't know sth like that could occur :(

I found this page in Wikipedia:
I hope this helps :) I realised now that almost all the sites about goody´s are in greek so maybe that´s why you couldn´t find it  :)
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: Xara on October 10, 2014, 03:55:23 AM
Haha, don't worry about it! I of course searched for Goodys Toys, but the toys I got weren't what I wanted to search about. I often use Google image search to find out about things that are in a language that I don't know, but often the results are completely useless!

Anyway, I'm thrilled to know that Forest Families were even available as "happy meal" toys. In South Africa, they were sold with children's underwear or so I've heard... :D How funny. In Finland you could only get them MOC or in family boxes. At least I think so - I'll never say never when it comes to Forest Families. They're such a peculiar series. :P
Title: Re: Show me your Sylvanian Families/Calico Critter/generic flocked anthro animals :)
Post by: tootie_tails on October 27, 2014, 03:49:15 AM
Thank you Xara so much !!! I definitely want to wash the little hippo cause he does have a smudge on his head  :( Unfortunately i don't have any adult FF :( I only have little ones cause the children FF were given here during the early 90's as a gift in a greek fast food chain when you ordered a meal for children (like McDonalds has "Happy meal"). So they used to give a little FF with each meal :biggrin:

This was completely new information to me too!  :)
I'm starting to think there is a lot of information yet to find out about the Forest Families. Probably every european country has their secrets. I need to add a note about Greece on my website too.
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