The MLP Arena

TCB => Wanted! => Topic started by: WrittenEmber on January 01, 2014, 11:37:34 AM

Title: WrittenEmber's Pony Wishes
Post by: WrittenEmber on January 01, 2014, 11:37:34 AM
PLEASE NOTE: I am not buying at the moment. For now, this "Wish List" is more of an "In-My-Dreams List", as I went on a pony spree with my Christmas money and must stop for a bit. At least until my birthday rolls around in March. Thanks, all! :)

G1 :fox:

About condition: I'm looking for ponies in as good of a condition as possible. I definitely don't want chew marks or similar "injuries", and don't want any pen marks except under the hooves where it can't be seen. I try to avoid eye rubs or scratches, and symbol rub. Haircuts are OK, so long as they look pretty and aren't too extreme, but I don't really have the skills for major hair restoration, so I don't want anything that needs a rehair. (Ponies that have already been rehaired, or repinked, are fine.) My one, big no-no is mold. Mold is never OK.

Who I'm looking for:

I love Petite Ponies, any and all! I'm especially interested in the ones with the teeny tiny curls in their tails and the ones with molded plastic tails.

Someday I hope to track down Baby Sister Sweet Celebrations, as I have the rest of the family and would love to reunite them.

I'm looking for just about any pony in a Truly Pose. I love that rearing pose, it's so pretty! And I think it would make a lovely, dynamic addition to my little G1 herd. I'm also looking for any baby in a Newborn Tappy Pose, for a similar reason: sheer cuteness!

G4 :fox:

I'm looking for some Funko Minis! (Isn't everyone?)

I'd like to find:

Color Pinkie Pie
Color Rainbow Dash
Color DJ Pon-3
Color Dr Whooves
Color Muffin

I'm also after many, many minifigures. (Oh, how I loves them!)

In regards to G4 minifigures: I like blind bag ponies to have their cards, but being cardless is not necessarily a deal breaker, depending on the pony. Ponies don't have to be MIB or MOC (I actually prefer them loose, as all I'm looking for at the moment is to fill out my On Display collection), but they do need to be in Minty condition, with no noticeable wear, and NO mold or discoloration.

If you have mini-figures for sale and they're not on my list, feel free to ping me anyway! I might want them and just don't know it yet!

(This is the reference I use, in case something I have listed doesn't make sense and you're left scratching your head:

Anyway, here's the list.

Ponies From Mini-Figure Sets:

Shining Armor (extra-want!)
Queen Chrysalis
Princess Celestia with painted hooves
Emerald Ray

Collector Set Ponies:

Coconut Dream
Kiwi Tart
Peachy Pie
Rainbow Swirl
Star Dasher

Blind Bag Ponies:

Wave 1
Sugar Grape
Lily Blossom
Flower Wishes
Roseluck (white)
Sweetie Blue
Pepper Dance
Cherry Spices (Rarity pose)
Sweetie Swirl
Sweetcream Scoops

Wave 2
Lulu Luck
Star Swirl
Ribbon Heart
Cheeriliee (Applejack pose, not Pinkie pose)
Daisy Dreams
Star Dash
Dewdrop Dazzle
Rainbow Flash
Pudding Pie
Snow Catcher

Wave 6
Twilight Sparkle with 3D gem symbol
Roseluck (yellow)
Trixie II (with 3D gem symbol)
Twilight Velvet (with 3D gem symbol)
Mosely Orange
Berry Green
Merry May
Cherry Spices II (Twilight pose)
Electric Sky
Crimson Gala
Amethyst Star
Twilight Sky
Magnet Bolt
Royal Riff
Peachy Sweet (full color, Pinkie pose)

Wave 1 Glitter Pinkie (must include card)
Wave 1 Glitter Twilight, pink variant (must include card)
Wave 1 Glitter Twilight, purple variant (must include card)
Wave 2 Glitter Rarity (must include card)
Wave 2 Glitter Applejack (must include card)
Wave 2 Glitter Fluttershy (must include card)
Wave 4 Metallic Rarity
Wave 4 Metallic Applejack

Prototype Ponies:
Any! I like prototype minifigures, and am always looking to add them to my collection.

Merch :fox:

I'd rather like to finish off my G4 Dog Tags collection. I still need:

Pinkie Pie
Queen Chrysalis
Nightmare Moon
Metallic Applejack
Metallic Fluttershy

Swap Questions :fox:

OK, partner, here comes some massive over-sharing! I feel like such a narcissist, posting all this! But I *love* when my partner does it, so I will do the same for the benefit of whoever gets me. Please, partner, don't feel obliged to make use of any of this! It's just here for inspiration and (in the case of things like pony condition) as a guideline. Feel free to disregard whatever isn't useful. :)

The following questions were collected from various swap threads around the forums. Many of them have been paraphrased. I tried to organize them a bit, but they're still a little random.

About Ponies

How do you feel about getting ponies that aren't on your wishlist?
I am fine with that. Though I would be thrilled if you have somepony from my list, any pony at all will set my heart a-flutter, especially knowing that you picked it out just for me.

What pony condition(s) are acceptable or unacceptable to you?
My only firm no-no is mold. Mold is never OK. Other than that, any pony that looks good on the shelf is A-OK with me.

(You may notice that I'm much pickier about condition when I talk about it on my Want List. That's because I am quite picky about ponies that I buy. But a swap pony is a gift, and gifts are something special; they get a bit of a free pass.)

Who are your favorite ponies?
My favorite G1 is probably Ember, though I like Seaflower and Baby Splash, too, and I really like the Colorswirl ponies. I also like the G3 art ponies and convention ponies. My favorite Gen is G4; I love them all! But especially Tealove and Roseluck. (And, OK, Luna, Nightmare Moon, and Chrysalis, too. I like those blue/green/black/purple color palettes.)

Do you have a pony army?
I don't (unless a minis army counts, lol!), but I wouldn't object if one began to form. I love me some Tealove and Roseluck!

What generations do you like?  Are there any generations you would prefer not get?
Most of my collection is G4 minifigs, but I do love G1, too, for sentimental reasons. I like G3, but not 3.5, and I don't really like G2 so much.

Do you collect BBE ponies?

Would you like to receive a custom pony or re-hair?
I'd love that!

Do you like/want pony wear?
No, I don't dress my ponies. Mine never had clothes when I was a kid, and it would feel odd to dress them now, lol!

Do you like/collect plushies, coloring books, stickers or other pony merch or pony-themed things?
I like little things, like charms or keychains, notebooks, stickers, stuff like that. I don't collected plushies, though I love them, because I don't have the space.


About Packaging

How do you feel about decorating the outside of the box?
If you want to, go for it!

Is it OK to take extras out of packets/packaging to make them fit better?
Yes, that's fine.

Are you opposed to items not being wrapped up pretty?
Nope, doesn't have to be pretty so long as the ponies are safe.


About Extras

Do you customize ponies?  If so, would you like customization supplies as part of your extras (like dolly hair for example)?
I have yet to try my hand at customization, but it is on my to-do list! I plan to start by repainting minifigures, and maybe go on to sculpting. Supplies would make a great jumping-off point, or if you do customs, perhaps you'd like to share a list of tips and tricks?

Do you collect Equestria Girls dolls?
I don't have any of these. Though they're cute, I'm not really a doll person.

Do you collect Monster High?
Nope, not my thing.

Do you collect Littlest Pet Shop?
I have a childhood collectiong of G1 LPS, and love anything related to that. Never got into the newer gens, though.

Do you like stickers?
Yes, I love stickers!

Do you like funky socks?
Oh, indeed! I love to wear bright, colorful socks under my work scrubs, as a subtle way of injecting a bit of fun into my work day. (I'm a size 9.)

Do you like to get nail polish?
Sure, I like to paint my nails. (I don't get to do it very often, but like to paint them for outings and special occasions.) Any color, any style. Glitter is OK, too.

Do you like make-up? Any specific brands, products, or colors?
I don't often wear make-up, partly because I'm not that great at putting it on. *hangs head* I do like eye shadows (especially in bright colors) and lip glosses.

Do you have pierced ears? If so, what sort of earrings do you wear? Are you allergic to any metals?
Pierced ears, yes; allergies, no. I don't like dangly, big, or heavy earings, but otherwise I wear all sorts of colors and styles. I especially like things like tiny keys, locks, gears, and little shapes like star, moon, sun, heart, flower, animals, etc.

Do you wear jewelry? What kind do you like?
I wear necklaces and bracelets, and the occasional pin or brooch so long as it's not too heavy. I like a bracelet to run about 7 inches, and a necklace to run about 16 (there's leeway on the necklace size, for both longer and shorter; I even like chokers). In terms of type/style, I especially like pieces that could be called "steampunk", "sylvan", "elfin", or "fantasy"; but I wear all sorts of styles. Feel free to get creative!

Do you like cell phone charms or covers?
My phone doesn't have anywhere to hang a charm, but I have a habit of hanging cell phone charms from the my spiral-bound notebooks. I like phone covers (my phone is an iPhone 5), and like to have alternate covers to use when I'm not at work. (My phone wears a plain, but very sturdy, case at work so that I can carry it in my scrubs pocket.)

Would you be happy with finding random, fun, happy things in the box? Say I found something while waltzing through Walmart and just thought, "Hey, that would be cool to stick in, just for grins!" Would you be OK with that?
Totally OK with that! Random is fun!

I make handmade gifts, would you like to receive one? (Knit/crochette, papercraft, sewing, soapmaking, rice painting, insert-handcraft-here.)
Yes, I would enjoy that very much! I love handmade items and would love to see what you like to do with your medium of choice!

I'm an artist, would you like to receive a drawing/painting/collage/etc.?
Yes! That would be great. If you wanted to do something with one of my favorite ponies (or ponies in general), or one of my interests or hobbies or fandoms, or even if you'd just like to share something random, I would love to see it!

Would you like a postcard or some small item pertaining to the area your box will come from?
I would!


About Food/Candy/Treats

Do you have any food or fragrance alleriges?
Nope, none!

What kind of candy or snacks to you like? Any dislikes?
I like fruity and/or sour. Things like Swedish Fish, Sour Patch Kids, Gushers, Nerds, anything at all in the fruity or sour category, doesn't matter if it's hard or soft. I also enjoy things like animals crackers, goldfish crackers, etc. Kids' snacks. But I'm also very open about treats, and love to try things! So I will enjoy anything you would like to share.

Would you like to get homemade treats?
Yum! That would be fine. Nothing that can melt, though; it gets hot early in the year, here in the desert I call home!

Are you a coffee or tea drinker? What kind do you like?
I'm a tea girl all the way! (Not that I don't drink coffee, 'cause I totally do, but mmmmmm, tea!) I like all sorts of tea. I'm always buying boxes of random tea to try. Floral, fruity, herb-y, black or green or white, bagged or loose, just anything, really. :) I also like tea-making accessories, like tea balls or tea warmers or teabag rests, and of course, teacups.

Are you into cooking or baking? Would you like to receive recipes?
I like to bake, but don't very often. Cooking, however, I do a lot of! I'm always open to trying new recipes and new types of food. The only thing I'm not into is super-spicy, such as when hot peppers or cilantro is involved.


About Favorite Things and Personal Stuff

Favorite color(s)?
I love green, purple, and silver, but enjoy all colors and anything colorful in general.

Favorite animal(s)?
My favorite animal is the fox, though I love all kinds of animals, especially wild animals and sealife.

Favorite mythical creature?
Dragons! All sorts of dragons really; though I especially I like the visual aesthetic of Western dragons, with their four legs and leathery wings.

Favorite movies?
Love Disney movies; my favorite classic Disney is the Lion King, more recent faves include Frozen and Brave. Also adore Hayao Miyazaki films, especially Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro, but really I've yet to see one of his that I didn't like. In the non-animated category, I like just about anything except horror. Action/adventure is always a hit, as are most things that fall under "fantasy" at either end of the spectrum from Big Fish (which is almost more "tall tale" than "fantasy") to LotR (epic, archetypical fantasy). Sci-fi, too, especially dystopians and future world stuff.

Favorite music?
Erm, I'm not entirely sure. It changes? Lately I've been listening to a lot of Lindsey Sterling and Of Monsters and Men, and a bit of Imagine Dragons. I like tons of other stuff, too, though.

Got fandoms?
MLP, of course! I love Friendship is Magic.

Also, I'm a big fan of the webcomic Girl Genius, by Phil and Kaja Foglio, (and like the steampunk/gaslamp fantasy aesthetic overall). If you aren't familiar with GG and would like a little taste, start here:

What are your hobbies?
My main hobbies include writing, reading (especially fantasy and science fiction), needle felting (which involves stabbing wool into interesting shapes), and archery. Some of the other things I do, if less often: calligraphy (love quills and pots of ink, messy though they are), scrapbooking, photography, jewelry making (often involving gears and keys and tiny glass bottles), and messing about with clay (I can't call it sculpting as I'm just not that good at it, ha!). I like to go for walks, especially out in the desert (used to love walking in the woods but there aren't any woods around here), and I've recently been giving yoga a try and liking it.

Do you have any pets? Would you like to receive toys or treats for them as extras?
I have doggies! Four little, bitty doggies: a miniature pinscher, a chihuahua, a toy poodle, and a yorkie. They like small, soft toys, but not bones or chewies.

Do you have a child, younger sibling, spouse, or roommate that may appreciate something extra in the box just for them?
The only other person in the house with me is my mom. I suspect she will be baffled by the arrival of a box of pony surprise! She will probably lay claim to part of any treats or sweets that turn up.

Title: Re: WrittenEmber's Pony Wishes
Post by: ramblequeen on March 15, 2014, 11:41:28 PM
Hi, I have a baby Newborn Tappy for sale. Didn't know if you needed/wanted her in specific, or others in that pose. Or if you were up to purchase at this time. Just came across your post, so I thought I'd mention her. Asking $6 plus shipping ($2.50 for first class with tracking) PM me for pics if you're interested, thanks! (and I have tons of eBay feedback that can be provided as well)
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