The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: ValeofSpring on December 18, 2013, 12:27:50 PM

Title: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: ValeofSpring on December 18, 2013, 12:27:50 PM

I'm curious to know what some of you accomplished collection-wise in 2013!  Was it is a good pony year for you, and if so, why?

I think I may have . . . finished collecting in 2013!  It only took 29 years:)  Actually if anyone has followed my posts here, they know my collection is *very* small.  But I always seemed to be casually looking for some little bit.  The remaining little bits were Duck Soup and the sponge brush from the Waterfall, and I just got them both!  So I guess . . . I'm done?  I'm sure there will be something I decide I have to have, but for right now I'm ending 2013 with a "complete" collection!
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: TeddyAndTex on December 18, 2013, 12:31:29 PM
My collecting year is going well. A bunch of new Blind Bags and vinyl figures...and a very pretty G3! Hopefully in 2014 I can shop around and find more G1 or G3 ponies while building my G4 collection.
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: thekozmicpig on December 18, 2013, 12:33:15 PM
That moment I got Star Dreams and had every G4 Playful Pony character.

Shortly thereafter, Mrs. Cake showed up on Taobao:/

But for a couple weeks there, I did it!

All I need now is Twist and Silver Spoon. So there's something to look forward to in 2014.
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: HelloGoodbye on December 18, 2013, 12:35:55 PM
I got my first G1 this year!  TAF Milky Way.  I just love her, and she was a fabulous introduction into the world of G1.  Plus, I continued to expand my G3, and G4 collections in 2013.  Overall, I'd say I had a really good year collecting.  Oh, and I joined the Arena, and found a whole wonderful community that I never knew existed until I started to look for information on how to bring Milky Way back to her former glory!
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: SeashellnBubbles on December 18, 2013, 12:41:34 PM
I concur with HelloGoodbye...finding the Arena and kickstarting collecting again was a triumph in itself! My adult collecting tally is somewhere around 200 now, though most of those are slotted for resale in the new year.
Probably the best was meeting friends like Shiney, and all the other people i've talked to, as well as the Comic Con in Toronto!
Pony-wise...G1 Princess Sparkle and realising that ponies brought me closer to my neice and nephew. And that's worth more than all the Nirvanas in the world! :)
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Sprinkles on December 18, 2013, 12:50:30 PM
The only thing I've accomplished really was my first full year of collecting ^.^ Pretty happy about that :)
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: STLGusty on December 18, 2013, 02:23:39 PM
I think finally getting to work on my pony room (to get things organized and up and moving) was my biggest pony-related accomplishment.  It's still not done, because I ran out of shelving part of the way through the G3s, but at least I put a major dent in it!

From an individual pony perspective, I managed to get a few more harder-to-find ponies like Dutch Diary (YAY!!  She's so mint!!) and two German princess varients.  I also snatched up Lavender Woosie and the white Soft Sleepy Newborn (just one more to go to complete that set...the one with the dang duck on it) :D  I'm sure I'm missing some other semi-major noteable acquisitions, but my mind is a blank at the moment!
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Rainbow Revolver on December 18, 2013, 02:43:26 PM
I ended up finding a lot of nice ponies, including a bunch that I reeeeeally wanted at various flea markets this summer! And almost all were a buck!! I also put a nice little dent in my G4 collection, especially with the Funko vinyls. uwu
I hope the same sellers (or some new ones that have ponies) are there next year at the flea markets.
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Stormness_1 on December 18, 2013, 02:54:40 PM
Cracking the 500 mark. When I joined here I had less than 50, so it's a great acheivement for me! Got some great bargains this year, and increased my collection by quite a bit. 2013 was a great year pony-wise, probably because it was pretty ordinary otherwise, and I'm the first to admit I stick ponies in the holes in my life, LOL!
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Shy Violet on December 18, 2013, 04:09:03 PM
As of a few days ago I finally got NBBE Baby Gusty!!  :hearts: I've been wanting her for the last 13 years and finally had the money and found her for a great price. I haven't been actively collecting for about 10 years and then this year I started up again. So it was a great year for me. I got a few other ponies that I've been after for a looong time including TAF Baby Milky Way, TAF Baby Up Up and Away, Baby Buttons, Baby Cherries Jubilee, Baby Heart Throb, Baby Ribbon, and Baby Lucky Leaf. These babies were all at the top of my want list and I'm so happy to finally have them in my collection plus many others I bought this year :)
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Poster on December 18, 2013, 05:09:00 PM
Added lots to my collection this year, but I think the accomplishment I'm happiest about is getting my hands on a G1 for the first time in over two decades. So glad to have found her!
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: ponycake on December 18, 2013, 05:15:34 PM
This year was a great year for my pony collection (pretty much all merch this year though) but it was horrible on my savings. :X feeling pretty horrible about the money I've spent lately!

I didn't complete any certain collections but I did get a lot of stuff I wanted.
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: rtattles on December 18, 2013, 05:33:06 PM
I don't think I can ever "finish" collecting. I think my greatest achievement this year is getting back on G1 fire. I've always loved the G1 most, and have been a little passive about them ever since the G4s came out, hoping they'd make cheaper and better replacements, but NO, nothing comes close. Like my real life, I learn to discover that after go round and round in circles, I still love what I originally loved. NOTHING beats the original. I still like the other gens, but it's still G1 high on the number 1 pedestal. Still need a few G2s.

I acquired Dutch Baby Cat, and G2 Her Majesty Dainty Dove, both of which I have been wanting for YEARS but never took the initiative to do anything about it. It's done this year, so I am very proud. Love my ponies, what will I ever do without them in my life?
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Rachel-Eyes on December 18, 2013, 05:51:04 PM
I got to go to the MLPFair and thanks to that, I've made some pretty irreplaceable pony friends for life! (Special shoutout to MLPArena user, munchy! :hug: )What I love the most about this hobby is the way that it really can bring people together, and My Little Pony is such a positive thing for people to have in common. It makes me mist up a bit just thinking about how much it means to me. The entire franchise, when you get right down to it, is all about friendship.

But enough with the mushy stuff!

Collecting-wise, I'd say my favorite met goal was probably being able to own a Year 3 Sea Pony at last (Sea Breeze). I also now have many girls that have eluded me for quite some time now, including Dancing Butterflies, Powder, Cranberry Muffins, Cocoberry, the pizza Petite, and my very first Totsy fakie! I've also completed some sets, like the original six, the Birthday Party Pack, and the Tropical Ponies! I got my first international pony, UK Snowflake, back in April (along with her American cousin, Powder). I've also found quite a few thrifted G1s this year- Lily the Flutter, Little Flitter, Friendly the Bushwoolie (traded to someone who loves and customizes Bushwoolies), Bouncy, and a naked Megan and Molly that were able to squeeze into a Monster High dress and this weird thing that came with a second hand SSC doll.

I just realized that the majority of those I found during an out-of-town thrifting trip, which included the day that I first met the man who is now my boyfriend. I loved being single and really never wanted a boyfriend... that's how special he is! I think he's my biggest achievement this year. :blush: :frolic: :lovey: The ponies don't even scare him. :)
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: foalpatrol on December 18, 2013, 06:09:40 PM
It was a year for completing G1 sets: Big Brothers & accessories, 7 Tales, Sweetberry Ponies, Mountain Boys, Colourswirls, Rainbow Babies and Twinkle Eyes.  Also achieved a few major grails like the 25th anniversary press kit, Surprise Twins Mummy & Foals, all UK daddies and several Dutch ponies.  I had intended to complete my TAFs but Love Melody still continues to elude me.
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: HoustonCollector72 on December 18, 2013, 06:52:29 PM
I started collecting G2 ponies the last generation of ponies that honestly I did not really like at the beginning and once I did it became a love affair :) I really love these ponies and the play sets of this gen :)
I was able to find and acquire most of the ponies I wanted :) still some left to be found in 2014
Counting as many as 94 G2's right now and 7 play sets feels like an awesome achievement :)
My goal now is to complete 100 of them , so 6 more to go and that should seal the collection :)
G4's kept me pretty busy as well , all the awesome merch and new releases was a lot of
Fun   :) this was my second year as collector :)! 

 G4  Accomplishment : going back for a second  pony to keep MIB  of the first waves of basic G4 Ponies released as well as most of the Fashion Style releases  and some other sets:) 
My ponyroom changed so much :)
It became an awesome  pony paradise where i can really enjoy all the ponies :)!
Also need to mention  the great networking within the collectors ,awesome collectors and members of the arena :)

Changed my name on here as well :)

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Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: hathorcat on December 18, 2013, 07:07:13 PM
People...Great Hair Ringlets MIB and completing the accessories for both of them loose [especially that dang little green barrette]...*continues happy dance around the Arena* WOOOOO HOOOOOO

Also loving this thread idea!
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Sokkis on December 18, 2013, 08:29:23 PM
I managed to complete both Flat Feets and SweetberryPonies! And thanks to the awesome Newbie Swap I also completed 1st set of Rainbow Ponies and Cookery Ponies. :)
I also got few very nice G2 deals this year, yay. :)
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Lindsay1988 on December 18, 2013, 08:41:12 PM
For me it's getting back into collecting my little pony since I was a child. I'm now 25 years old and all my friends really like it that I started collecting them again. I really love how it makes me feel :). I enjoy looking for new ones en getting ponymail is a great feeling lol  :biggrin:.

I also love that I became a member of the Arena and hope to make new friends the coming year!!
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Bibsy on December 18, 2013, 09:53:13 PM
I joined the Arena and started collecting for the first time since childhood..  So 2013 was a big year for me :biggrin:  I made my first Arena trades and got my first international pony, Baby Katie.  I also just hit 100 ponies/friends so that's a big accomplishment too.
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: elish2 on December 18, 2013, 10:18:26 PM
Did pretty well this year, got a lot of g1s and got a pristine Mimic!!!
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Sebby6 on December 18, 2013, 10:49:52 PM
I finally got a pony room after 15 years - not sure I can ever top that lol

It has also been a very good year for MLP erasers - so much so, that I'm currently waiting for a new custom made shelf for them to arrive.
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: faeriesblood on December 18, 2013, 10:54:54 PM
giant g3 Minty plush :3 Thanks to a very special and awesome someone here on the Arena.
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Lightning Twirl on December 19, 2013, 12:04:38 AM
my collecting year has been spectacular, and I have all of you guys to thank for that! ^-^ I got WAY more that I have ever dreamed of collecting this year! I can say Im mostly caught up with my G4 collection, missing a few set completers but thats ok! Next year, I want to try to collect all the funko Glitters =)
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Radiance on December 19, 2013, 01:05:18 AM
2013 was a good pony year for me! I got Nightglider, one of my grails, and also the blue heart variant Dazzleglow, another grail which completes the GnS set. I got my first Perfume Puff and fell in love with that set. I am now pen pals with some awesome Arena members. I think the best part of 2013 was getting to know more pony people :)
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: nollilols on December 19, 2013, 01:27:46 AM
For me, my accomplishment was getting back into collecting! Back in 2009 I sold my whole collection (except Merry Treat) for rent money. At the start of this year, I started picking a few up again when I got a good job, and now I'm back up to 21 ponies, not including my G4s (I think of them as merch rather than collectables).

Among my 21 ponies I have four Italians, several ponies I wanted but never had in my old collection including Tex, Bunny Hop and Princess Tiffany, and a bunch of Tales related ponies - regular Melody, Rollerskates Melody, Hair-Do Starlight, Nurse Sweetheart and regular Patch.
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Epona on December 19, 2013, 02:13:20 AM
Its not really my accomplishment but my 2 yr old daughter is totally in love with ponies. She is geting a ton of ponies for christmas.
This was my first year collecting since I was a child. I found 3 of my childhood ponies at my moms. Found my first  tyrift store G1.   Got my first G1 boy. Got some mountain boys. And I am getting over 100  G1s for christmas. (Huge brag coming after christmas.
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Moony on December 19, 2013, 03:16:10 AM
I went to the Fair for the first time! I also owned my first MOC G1 :D Had lots of great Craigslist finds :)
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Koudoawaia on December 19, 2013, 03:53:19 AM
I got my Funrise Fluttershy plush and Dr. Whooves figure this year.
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: PinkStar_Magic on December 19, 2013, 04:04:54 AM
First would be finding my original G1s (and they were in great shape). Second would be adding NSS Buttons, TAF Buttons and Mimic to my collection!  :biggrin: It was a great year for ponies!
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: DaffyDilly on December 19, 2013, 04:30:49 AM
I have grown my G2 collection massively, I reckon by 500% which is fantastic, and I also got the G2 Mansion which I never thought I'd own.

Then starting a Pinkie Pie army - well it was inevitable wasn't it, but I do so love them :inlove:
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: NoodleMore on December 19, 2013, 04:37:14 AM
I kept up pretty well with the G4 stuff I collect. Still, the newer releases that others in the States seem to be able to find, still elude me (rainbow power singles, through the mirror line, etc).  Thank you, not very much, stupid Walmarts in my area!

The nicest accomplishment this year is when I decided to collect the boy ponies from the G2 line. Thanks to HoustonCollector72's help, I was able to complete this goal!  Of course, I didn't stop with just the boys. I don't know how many G2's I'll end up with...   ;)
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: BlackCurtains on December 19, 2013, 04:43:32 AM
Adding more Argies to my collection ^.^ Half Note, Whizzer and green CP Confetti. They joined Paseo Confetti, Windy and Baby Butterscotch this year. I never thought I'd have so many :inlove:
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Ivaness on December 19, 2013, 04:58:08 AM
This year really got me back into ponies. But, not to the point where I'm blowing all my money on them. :)

But Prince Firefly, I WILL SPEND ALL MY MONEY!

I can't wait to see what 2014 brings when it comes to ponies!
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: ringwraith10 on December 19, 2013, 05:43:18 AM
Well, my brother apparently found a huge bag of ponies for $9 at Goodwill recently. I won't know if there was anything good in there until Christmas, though (yeah, my family usually just gets me an overload of ponies for Christmas and birthdays).

I also scored my roommate's childhood G1 ponies -- she paid for part of her share of the utilities by giving me her ponies. They were remarkably all ponies I didn't already have!

Otherwise, I've been too dirt poor to buy any ponies for myself lately. :(
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Roseprincess1 on December 19, 2013, 10:56:13 AM
well its been a good year for me for ponies but the best was a) getting my g1 princess tiffany ;D and b) getting my G4 minty and c) getting a g3 minty to replace the one i lost!
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Sky_Rocket_Sammie on December 19, 2013, 11:16:28 AM
The two Sky Rockets I got in the newbie swap here on the arena. :)
I'd only had non TE Sky Rocket as a child. Now I have both.

Second was building an Apple Jack army.
Third is a tie for giving my duplicate BBs to a friend. She gives them to the little kids she babysits for. Same friend is being gifted for Yule with the glow in the dark Funko Dr Whooves from Think Geek.

Happy collecting in 2014.
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: brighteyes on December 19, 2013, 11:28:41 AM
I really, really wanted to get a Frilly Frocks or other giant G3 plush.  This has been on my top wish list for years and this year... finally... I have her :D
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Starly on December 19, 2013, 12:55:36 PM
I got a crap-ton of G4s, found I like the EQG dolls a lot and got lots of them, lots of plushies, and really just a ton of ponies. My goals are usually never I NEED this exact thing in this exact time frame unless I really like it a whole lot, usually just MORE G4S, doubles accepted. Just throw random G4 ponies at me, even baits or messy frizzy hair, I'll be happy.
I got more G1s at a thrift store and yard sales too, so that's cool, not buying ponies on ebay doesn;t mean I can't still find G1s.

So I guess my goal and accomplishment was "get more ponies" and so I did.
The end.
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: reanna-mator on December 20, 2013, 02:17:35 AM
I finished complete sets of the Sundae Best, Candy Cane and Sweetberry ponies! (I love scented ponies)

Now I have four more perfume puffs to collect... I just have two.
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: scrub-adub on December 20, 2013, 03:25:28 AM
I got my first G1 merry treats!
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: ravengusty on December 20, 2013, 03:36:54 AM
I completed my Dance n Prance set, my first wave Princess set, I got Bright Eyes, Mimic and Quackers.

I got Ringlet (rainbow pony).

I got SS Lofty, Cupcake, Scrumptious and Paradise (Lofty and Paradise have been on my wishlist for ages).

I have all the regular-non wigged-non attached to podium type Ponyvilles (including the Valentines ones).

I got Italian Gusty, Parasol and Windy.

I got G3 Chilly Breezes, G4 FS Luna and G3 Gardenia Glow.

Also lots of G3s and G1s from the Ponycon in Cardiff.

I rehaired my first pony and have sold a few customs to someone I work with.

I have amassed a large CP army consisting mostly of Peachys I can't recall the number (I should count them all but most of my ponies are boxed up while we do some decorating).

In 2014 I won't be spending much on ponies or MH as we are saving for our wedding. However I hope to at least complete my TEs and my FT babies, and hopefully get all the brush and grow ponies  :biggrin:
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Skeen on December 20, 2013, 04:59:16 AM
I completed a set of Brazilians I had been working on for years.  :)
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: NoPonySpecial on December 20, 2013, 06:17:47 AM
My first expensive pony: Baby Sapphire!
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Noepse on December 21, 2013, 02:27:52 AM
Got really lucky at tons of flea markets. (Including some very lucky finds like The Show Stable, Tornado, Baby Ruby and a MIB SS Lofty!)
I really need to take some pictures and post a brag thread before New Year!

I have also managed to get over 500 horses apparently! :shocked: I find pretty funny since I "only" had around 300 at the end of 2012.
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Sarah-Bee on December 21, 2013, 03:35:01 AM
In 2013 I got my grail: Greek Ladybird :lovey:

I also made a huge dent in my UK G1s and now only have two to go until I have them all :biggrin:
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Dewprincess on December 21, 2013, 03:50:23 AM
Well, I could go with...RAPUNZEL!!!!!!!!!  She was a major highlight of my collecting this year!

I also got so many wonderful ponies at the Fair like MIP Bay Breeze, Rosette, Baby Milky Way, a MOC My Little Kitty set, completed my pearly babies and sparkle babies...

I also got my first Year 3 sea ponies this year, Whitecap and Seabreeze, and my first UK sea pony, Surf Dancer!  Sadly, I now want the rest of this rather pricey set. 

Finally, I decided not to try to become a completionist and just seek out the ponies that I really love...meaning that it's likely that in the near future, my collection will be finished. 
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Teddy on December 21, 2013, 05:50:46 AM
I got my very first MOC G1 this year (SS Gusty)!! ^-^
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: starflyer425 on December 21, 2013, 07:36:34 AM
once i get the 2013 favorites collection on amazon, ill have every us g4 release so far (with the small exception of lily blossom. but with a price tag of 40 BUCKS, i think ill hold off for a teensy bit...  :shocked:). now to go after those elusive UK ponies.  :shifty:

but the biggest thing i got this year has to be the costco minty set and my first twinkle eye, whizzer. TE's were always my favorite g1 set, and whizzer was my favorite TE! so happy to have her in the herd. and i mean, how can i not be proud of my wonderful MINTY!

all in all, id say i had a wonderful pull of ponies this year. a lot of cool g1s and more g4s than you could count. cant wait to see what 2014 has to offer!
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: mlp4me on December 21, 2013, 07:50:20 AM
I completed my goals but didn't set the bar too high to begin with. I completed a few sets, picked up a few euros and nirvana's. I would say this year was rather successful. :o)
Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: Rhubarbpie on December 21, 2013, 08:29:51 AM
Well, my main achievement was the purchase of my first Nirvana pony - Macau Jenny. I have since gotten 3 more Nirvana's, Argie baby moondancer and Italy Snuzzle and peachy :heart:

Next up was hitting the 400 pony mark :D

3rd, the discovery of the Knitted G3 25th anniversary plushies, now I have purchased Rainbow Dash, she will be with me in January, I will have the complete set :D

4th, 3 swaps, 2 here and a 3rd on the Trading post have been fun fun fun and I hope to do more in 2014.

Title: Re: What's your MLP collecting accomplishment of 2013?
Post by: spottedslug on December 22, 2013, 11:46:24 PM
I rejoined you guys here on the arena, lol. ;)

I got Ladybird back. :heart:
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