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TCB => Trader & Shipping Support => Topic started by: Galactica on December 18, 2013, 02:55:27 AM

Title: So steamed... UPDATED!
Post by: Galactica on December 18, 2013, 02:55:27 AM
I bought this set of mini ornaments for my secret santa person at work.

The seller sends me a completely different item!  It also reeks of cigarette smoke.  I politely let the buyer know.

The seller won't send the correct item or a refund unless I mail the item back at my own cost.  I suggested that I'd be happy to do that, but since it was the seller's mistake, they should probably refund the cost of my shipping to them.  The seller refused.

Here's the thing- the item itself is only $8 (originally probably like $3 at Kmart- just saw them there) so I need to spend $4 out of my own pocket for shipping back an item that the seller should never have mailed to me in the first pace?  How is that fair?  So irritated.  As an aside, the seller was also completely rude and nasty about the entire thing, even though it was totally their mistake- not even an apology.

It may be ebay rules that I send "refunds" back at my own cost- but it sure is a crummy seller practice.  I left negative feedback and I think it was very well justified.  I seriously have never left negative feedback or even so much as a "dinged star" on ebay in over ten years! 

The seller is sampson_enterprise if you are curious. 


So I had filed an ebay complaint- explaining the situation, and before I had left feedback had advised the seller that acceptable resolution would be:
a) he refund the entire purchase plus shipping (since he sent me the wrong item and the item is of very little value anyway)
b) I send back the wrong item-  and he refund the cost of shipping the wrong item back to him.
c) He send me the correct item.

So initially ebay concluded on 12/18/13 that "The seller has agreed to issue a refund if you return the item " I had until 1/10 or something to return the item- so I thought that that was it.  I didn't return the item because a) more trouble than the price was worth  b) I'd still be out of pocket for shipping.   Instead, I posted negative feedback, trying to describe the situation to warn future buyers.

Much to my surprise- today I just received a notification that the seller had escalated the matter to customer support.  Honestly I thought the matter was over and that I had lost.  Apparently not.  FINALLY a real live person reviewed the case- and they ruled in my favor!

So apparently the "eBay Money Back Guarantee" says that if you don't get the item you ordered- you get a full refund including shipping:

We guarantee that you will get the item you ordered or get your money back. We have a simple three-step eBay Buyer Protection process to assist you in case something goes wrong with a transaction. You can go to the Resolution Center and contact the seller. Most sellers will quickly help you, but if you are not happy after a few days you can easily refer the case to eBay. If you haven't received your item, or the item is not as described, we'll refund your purchase price plus original shipping on virtually all items.

THAT is the rule I was looking for initially- and couldn't find.   I guess I could have sped things along had I called customer service instead of just going through the dispute process which is (at least at the start) mediated by a computer rather than a real person.

Anyways- thought I'd add an update just in case anyone ever finds themselves in the same situation...
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: Lollipop on December 18, 2013, 03:36:40 AM
Just contact ebay saying seller sent you wrong item and wants you to send it back at your own cost then they will send yours. just stress to them that this is not right as it was her mistake
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: NoDivision on December 18, 2013, 03:41:02 AM
Yikes, looks like they've got a whole string of bad feedback for similar problems. What a jerk.
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: ponycake on December 18, 2013, 03:46:31 AM
I think it's pretty tacky of the seller to not fix his/her mistake. How terrible. It's not YOUR fault he sent the wrong item. I would personally open a case with Ebay if still possible.. it'd be different if you had just changed your mind. They didn't make me pay return shipping when I was sent a very big fragile snowglobe that was packed only with some paper towels and understandably had many pieces broken.
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: svleonard on December 18, 2013, 04:07:12 AM
That stinks!  Sorry that happened.  :(
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on December 18, 2013, 08:13:44 AM
Ugh... mistakes happen but that's the seller's problem.  It should never be yours.
Thanks for warning us all!
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: Ringlets on December 18, 2013, 09:04:29 PM
Thanks for letting us know the Id of this seller. I know everyone makes mistakes sometimes but its how they handle it that counts and this seller handled it really badly - especially since it was their mistake! :(
I think the negative feedback was definitely justified :bigups:
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: Galactica on December 19, 2013, 01:44:42 AM
Yeah - I tried to work it out with them before doing that,  I explained that I'd be happy to pay for shipping back to them, IF it were something I didn't want, or was somehow not what I had expected-

but they sent me the wrong thing- why wouldn't they want to fix that?  I would never make the person who received the wrong item pay for my mistake as a seller- I agree it was incredibly tacky.

Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: StarFaerie on December 19, 2013, 07:54:26 AM
I'm going to disagree here. If you buy something at the shop, open it and find the wrong thing was put into the box, do you expect the shop to pay for your petrol and parking costs in going back to return it? This is no different. Plus when you buy on eBay you agree to the terms and conditions and this is one of them. In buying on eBay you chose to take this risk. The seller has followed eBay's rules exactly and I can't see that they have done anything wrong. Yes, it's annoying but that's what you get buying on eBay.
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: Lollipop on December 19, 2013, 08:15:01 AM
They sent the wrong item.... That is what is wrong it is completely their fault.

Btw if that happened in a shop yes the shop would pay for petrol & parking if the customer asked. As it was not their fault. The company would then claim this back from the manufacturers as that is where it went wrong.
Trust me I know how this works I was an assistant manager of a big chain store for 5years. If you do not satisfy the customer they will not come back and they will tell all their friends and family how bad that shop is (this especially bad know with social media)
Even the little shops would do this, this is why certain shops have such high standards.
If the customer asks for their petrol and parking refunded you give it too them. After all you want customers to come back to you.

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: Lollipop on December 19, 2013, 08:25:33 AM
O and something to add just been talking about this with mum she has been on eBay for 11years and knows the rules inside out.

She thinks it is absolutely outrageous what this seller is doing to you.

Mum suggests that you should tell eBay you have not received your item.  As you have not. Ebay will refund you your money and take it off the seller.

Sent from my Lumia 800 using Tapatalk
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: Rosencrantz on December 19, 2013, 09:29:55 AM
That is seriously dishonest, Lollipop
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: Lollipop on December 19, 2013, 09:34:59 AM
Saying that she didn't receive it? But its the truth she did not ... you can tell them about the seller sending the wrong item they will still side with the buyer :)

I am not saying to be dishonest ...
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: Rosencrantz on December 19, 2013, 09:41:26 AM
Well, what I mean is she did receive an item. The wrong item to be sure, but she got one. We're getting into some real quantum territory otherwise.

That said, the seller's a real jerkbutt.
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: Lollipop on December 19, 2013, 09:44:23 AM
Definitely a Jerkbutt  :( hope you can get your money back Galactica
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: Galactica on December 19, 2013, 09:49:02 AM
Technically since I described it as "not as described"  the dispute was categorized the same way that it would have been had I been unsatisfied with the item I purchased, once received.   I suppose that saying that I didn't get the item I ordered would have been correct too- but honestly I am not terribly concerned about whether I get my $8 back from ebay, I'm mostly just miffed at the way this was handled.

I also don't think this is the same as going to a shop and getting the wrong thing.  At least buying something at a shop is under my control-  I can look into the box before I leave the store.  Here- I ordered online, paid for shipping, and did not receive my item.  I got something else (that reeked of cigarettes to boot).  Also, at least with a shop I can just take the light rail over and return it- here I have to spend my cash just to fix the seller's mistake. 

Also, the seller may not have broken any rules- but his customer service stank.  He was rude.  He didn't even acknowledge the mistake or say sorry.  He didn't want to send the item I needed for my secret santa this week until I mailed the item he had sent by mistake- back to him.  Only then would he give me a refund or send the correct item-  and he refused to pay or even split the cost of return shipping that was necessary due solely to his mistake.  His communication was definitely not five stars, and sending me the wrong thing and refusing to correct it definitely does not get five stars on the "as described" category.
Overall it was a very very unsatisfactory transaction.  I hope that he thinks that his saving $4 in shipping is worth getting a big fat negative on his feedback, because he sure deserved it in my mind.
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: Lollipop on December 19, 2013, 09:52:38 AM
If you want to you can actually report the seller to ebay stating what happened & they will sort it out for you. I understand its a hassle though. Hopefully ebay will put a stop to that seller soon anyway if they carry on the way they are
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: Galactica on December 19, 2013, 10:04:40 AM
Honestly I think they are crazy for handling this transaction the way they did- I know if it were me, I'd have apologized for the mistake and sent the right item out immediately, and offered some kind of discount for MY mistake.

Considering how important the star rating system is on ebay now- I was quite frankly surprised that the seller would essentially flip me the bird instead of trying to do something, ANYTHING to fix THEIR mistake.   Especially over such a cheap item.

Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: goddessofpeep on December 20, 2013, 10:29:39 AM
Well, I can see why that seller doesn't care about their feedback so much.  They've got quite a few feedbacks, so the odd bad one probably won't affect them much.  There are a few feedbacks about smoke smells and other customer service issues(broken items, wrong items, etc.  One buyer even had a similar problem - the seller sent the wrong size and refused to refund unless the buyer sent back the wrong item at their own cost).  You can tell from that seller's feedback that he/she's a nut though.  Sellers who reply to every bad feedback they get with  something along the lines of "the buyer's an idiot/liar, and I reported them to ebay!!!!!" is one to avoid.

Good luck getting your money back, and THANK YOU for the warning!  Terrible, terrible seller!
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: yaizel on December 23, 2013, 03:58:51 AM
I hate when they refuse a refund even when it was them on first place sending an item that is not the one listed
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: ponycake on December 30, 2013, 01:04:15 PM
I'm going to disagree here. If you buy something at the shop, open it and find the wrong thing was put into the box, do you expect the shop to pay for your petrol and parking costs in going back to return it? This is no different. Plus when you buy on eBay you agree to the terms and conditions and this is one of them. In buying on eBay you chose to take this risk. The seller has followed eBay's rules exactly and I can't see that they have done anything wrong. Yes, it's annoying but that's what you get buying on eBay.

Errrr. You should liken it to buying from an online website. Would they refund the shipping cost? Absolutely they would.

Anyway, I'm glad most? sellers don't think this way. :\ Not someone I would ever want to buy from. Own up and fix your mistakes and don't put other people out for them.
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: Shiromisa on January 01, 2014, 03:57:36 PM
I'm going to disagree here. If you buy something at the shop, open it and find the wrong thing was put into the box, do you expect the shop to pay for your petrol and parking costs in going back to return it? This is no different. Plus when you buy on eBay you agree to the terms and conditions and this is one of them. In buying on eBay you chose to take this risk. The seller has followed eBay's rules exactly and I can't see that they have done anything wrong. Yes, it's annoying but that's what you get buying on eBay.

Errrr. You should liken it to buying from an online website. Would they refund the shipping cost? Absolutely they would.

Anyway, I'm glad most? sellers don't think this way. :\ Not someone I would ever want to buy from. Own up and fix your mistakes and don't put other people out for them.
QFT. Also, generally, shop workers aren't responsible for having put the item in the box to begin with, so the comparison doesn't really work.
Title: Re: So steamed...
Post by: Stormy31685 on January 01, 2014, 04:57:39 PM
If you have not called ebay yet, I would!  I believe there is a way you can send pictures of the mistake to them, and they can help you.  Certain times (and I believe this is one of them), it IS a seller's responsibility to pay for return shipping. 

I am sorry to hear you have to go through this, but hopefully eBay can help!
Title: Re: So steamed... UPDATED!
Post by: Galactica on January 03, 2014, 08:22:20 AM
You are absolutely right- I should have called eBay from the start- it turns out there IS a rule that covers me- I've updated on the first page.

I actually had uploaded a picture of the wrong item from the very start- and explained in clear factual detail what occurred and what a satisfactory resolution would entail-  the problem was that the eBay system reviewing my claim was just the computer system and not a person.

Once a person reviewed the claim they found in my favor :D
Title: Re: So steamed... UPDATED!
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on January 03, 2014, 09:51:18 AM
That's great news :) I'm so glad that they decided in your favour.
Title: Re: So steamed... UPDATED!
Post by: Galactica on January 03, 2014, 10:17:43 AM
So just now I received a message from the seller-  he forwarded me the message that eBay sent to him about the transaction:

Hi sampson_enterprise,

eBay opened a case because of an issue with an item purchased from you. We reviewed the case and have decided to issue the buyer a full refund of $8.95. The refund includes the purchase price plus original shipping. The hold on this PayPal transaction has been removed.

This case is now closed. You are not required to reimburse the buyer or eBay, and this case will not be counted in your seller performance evaluation.

So apparently he is feeling smug because he didn't have to issue a refund- and even though ebay found in my favor,  the case will not be counted in his seller performance evaluation.  I guess that's why he has such a high feedback rating even though he does this kind of thing all the time.

Seriously dude- you are happy because you gave one of your customers the worst customer service ever- ultimately earning you a negative feedback-  all over saving $4?  Bravo.  You sure showed me...
Title: Re: So steamed... UPDATED!
Post by: Shiromisa on January 03, 2014, 10:24:06 AM
Man, that's just rude on his part.
Title: Re: So steamed... UPDATED!
Post by: ponycake on January 03, 2014, 03:18:46 PM

So apparently he is feeling smug because he didn't have to issue a refund- and even though ebay found in my favor,  the case will not be counted in his seller performance evaluation.  I guess that's why he has such a high feedback rating even though he does this kind of thing all the time.

Seriously dude- you are happy because you gave one of your customers the worst customer service ever- ultimately earning you a negative feedback-  all over saving $4?  Bravo.  You sure showed me...

Maybe I'm a jerk, but I would actually write to Ebay and complain about him not being punished in any way for being an all around bad seller, only because he's being the smug jerk here. Someone needs a reality check. >_<
Title: Re: So steamed... UPDATED!
Post by: Mkia on January 03, 2014, 04:33:05 PM
Man, that's just rude on his part.
Super rude! No interest in buying from him. Not if that's how he treats his buyers.

Ugh. I wish they would've sided with you in the first place and taken the money from him!
Title: Re: So steamed... UPDATED!
Post by: Galactica on January 06, 2014, 03:51:55 AM

So apparently he is feeling smug because he didn't have to issue a refund- and even though ebay found in my favor,  the case will not be counted in his seller performance evaluation.  I guess that's why he has such a high feedback rating even though he does this kind of thing all the time.

Seriously dude- you are happy because you gave one of your customers the worst customer service ever- ultimately earning you a negative feedback-  all over saving $4?  Bravo.  You sure showed me...

Maybe I'm a jerk, but I would actually write to Ebay and complain about him not being punished in any way for being an all around bad seller, only because he's being the smug jerk here. Someone needs a reality check. >_<

I thought about it- but really I think that it is punishment enough that he has yet another negative feedback.  Hopefully future buyers take a moment to read through his negative and neutral feedbacks before bidding (although I guess I didn't, ah well)
Title: Re: So steamed... UPDATED!
Post by: Fisha Seabreeze on January 07, 2014, 04:30:05 AM
Sadly this world is filled with dishonest crooks, thanks for the warning. -_- I'll be on the lookout next time I go shopping.
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