The MLP Arena

Creativity => Customs => Topic started by: PoniesYeah on November 06, 2013, 02:32:18 AM

Title: Brian Froud Fairy - Glam shots
Post by: PoniesYeah on November 06, 2013, 02:32:18 AM
The subject this time. Brian Froud.
Im gonna come out and say it. Sculpting bug legs... not going to be the highlight of my evening. This mean i'll be looking at some skin crawling reference. Well Beetles shouldn't be too bad.

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Hi guys,
I really wish I had more to show for this update.
So here let me spend more time explaining my excuse. Ya see... about three weeks back we took our toddler to a jumping castle place. I'm sure you've seen them springing up (HA! Springing.) in malls and strip malls all over the place.
The little jumpin bean loves em. never mind that he gets bowled over by larger kids almost constantly. It's a mess, but it's funny.  So, because kids are petri dishes he got sick. For him it was just a cold. Hardly slowed him down. Then I got sick and it became bronchitis. two and half weeks of gagging, chocking coughs. When I finally did go to the doctor they loaded me up with five medications. And ordered me back on my old childhood friend the inhaler.
My husband saw me take a puff and called me a dweeb. Then yelled at me "Your stuck with me for the rest of your life" and ran away.
They did give me some kind of miraculous cough syrup that not only tasted good... like the bubble gum flavored old days ya'll! But knocked my assets out something fierce! The coughing had kept me from sleep for the last two weeks and I made a big point how much I wanted to sleep again. They wrote the prescription for this stuff and every nurse and doctor stressed how I wasn't to drive for at lease eight hours after.
I took a dose and about fifteen / twenty minutes later I could feel it creeping up ever so slightly. Then suddenly It'd feel like my head and shoulders were slammed down to my desk. As though some morbidly obese god of sleep took a flying leap onto my back.  Just ask Diana here on the arena. I was chatting with her one night when the sleep inducing effects came on and my typing went to the dumps. Basically my fingers were slurring.
I had to get my husband to walk me down the stairs to our room. Then nothing. All was black till morning. It was G D great!

I'm cool now but that doesn't account for the total time laps between posts.
What took up the last hand full of days?...
Let me tell ya. And I probably don't have to. I'm sure most go through this. But, nothing will make you clean your entire house harder or faster then an impending visit from your mother. Especially if she's flying in from another state and hasn't seem you in two or three years.
Really we were cleaning and fixing up the apartment side of our home, where she's currently stored for the duration of her stay.
Ah luvs mah Ma!

In other news! I'm very excited to say that after years of wanting, I finally launched myself a portfolio site and blog!
Tap the banner below and take a look. And please please leave some messages. Just for my excitement of getting messages!
Now I won't lie... If your familiar with my work from DA or even Etsy you'r not gonna see anything too new in the illustration section.
And the Blog has only two posts. But please read the first one. I tried my best to explain what you can expect and hope you'll be enticed to follow.
Also please have patience. I am new to this so you can expect things to shift and change. Both these site will always be works in progress.

Thank you and goodnight.

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One wing done-ish. I still gotta finish up the back side of it. I've never done a fairy wing before. Well I did do a moth wing once and who we kidding it's basically the same thing. I'll have to dig out pics of that custom some time.
But for now head on over to the blog for more pics and a pro-tip I think many of you will get great use out of. I sure do!
Link is in the sig.

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First I have a huge apology to make to assassin. I'm sorry this is taking so long. But unfortunately it seems that the Froud fairy will be my last commissioned custom. Life is starting to move in a new direction for me. Both in a great way and heart breaking way.
My mother came to stay with us during the months of November and December. It was great that she was here with us for Thanksgiving, her grandson's 2nd birthday and Christmas. But in that time we witnessed just how poor her health had deteriorated. She had two strokes in her time with us. Because of that there is an unspoken and mutual fear of her care. So rather then she spend the rest of her life in her assisted living home, she'll be be moving in with us in April. This mean we have to get the apartment side of our house up and running for long term living. It's fine as it is for a short visit but on for someone to live in for the next several years...there's a little more than wall painting needed.
On the good side I've started to effectively build myself more of a web presence. you know career building stuff. And results are happening. In 2015 my "Rampant Rainbow" piece will be published in a collected art book "From rain to rainbows" from Chronicle books. And I'm currently making a piece for the upcoming gallery show "Moon crisis 2014" A Sailor Moon themed show. You can see Progress pics of my contribution on my Blog and facebook pages. Links in the banner below.
This is also contributing to the delay on this pony. Oh yeah I also joined the instagram army. Further updates on the piece are there. @tamiserystreet

Moving on, Pony update. I ended up having to move the wing holes further up the body. So now I have some patching to so. No worries tho. Once painted the old holes wont be noticeable. Once the more open wing is dry I will sculpt it to the body. then I'll move back to the tail. and finally the hair.

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She's now wearing her wings and tail. The tail is sculpted in place while the wings are removable. For the easy of painting rather then designed break-points. I'll do a little more "moth" mane around the wings.
I guess then I can move on to hair. Which I think will be the hardest part. I've been trying to do the ear-tucked bangs since the very start and have failed every time.

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Sculpting is finito! I do still have to make the flowers, tho.... So technically I guess sculpting isn't done just yet.
I'll be making the little pink / white flowers in polymer. To take advantage of an already color tintd clay. Rather than try to paint such tiny things evenly.
The wings are removable for ease of painting and air brushing down the back. Which has already been done. You can see a bit down the tock. This was my first time airbrushing a pony. I was terrified, but thrilled to find it mercifully easy.
What else did I need to say here?...
I had something else...
Ah! yes, remember my mentioning "Moon Crisis 2014" a couple posts back. Just scroll up a bit.
I finished my piece. I'd love it if you guys took a look. Click the banner then stroll on into the illustrations section.
Progress shots of it can be seen in my Instagram gallery. Search: tamiserystreet


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What is up mother lovers!
I'm thankful to say that the Froud Fairy is complete! And I couldn't be happier. Things are getting tight around here. Time wise.
Right after finishing the piece for the Moon Crisis show coming up, I got accepted into another group gallery show. With a much tighter deadline.
So projects be needing to get wrapped up. It's buckle down time is lurking over my shoulder.
And a big thanks goes out to Assassin K for her bottomless well of patience. However I'm gonna ask her to draw on it a little more. I'd like to keep her till Thursday at least. Give her varnish ample time to cure and myself one baby-free day (Thursdays, the tot goes to Nana's) to do a proper photo shoot.

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Well here it is, the final post in this thread!
The final glam shots are posted. Just click the banner in the sig and go to the blog. There you'll find the biggest photos showing the most detail.
Thanks for taking this trip with me. Man, I feel like I should have closing credits theme song.

P.S. Up next on the blog: A step by step of how her wings were painted.

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Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty -
Post by: NoDivision on November 06, 2013, 03:06:47 AM
Looks like a fun challenge!
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty -
Post by: Whippycorn on November 06, 2013, 03:10:40 AM
Looks like it'll be awesome. I love Brian Froud!
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty -
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on November 06, 2013, 03:15:52 AM
I can't wait to see how this turns out, I love his art, I just recently acquired one of my most treasured books about fairies written and illustrated by him :)
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty -
Post by: Morosan on November 06, 2013, 03:37:06 AM
this is gonna be very intersting. :) Good luck. :D
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty -
Post by: PhyllieBean on November 06, 2013, 04:33:34 AM
Oooooh!  This one's going to be raaaaad!  Can't wait to start stalking this thread! 
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty -
Post by: mermaid_splash on November 06, 2013, 06:31:23 AM
Another thread to stalk, yay!
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty -
Post by: flyawayraven on November 06, 2013, 10:26:59 AM
Woot was hoping you'd be starting up another WIP! Can't wait to watch her progress!
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty -
Post by: Saja on November 06, 2013, 11:02:08 AM
Totally LOVE your WIP threads, and this ones super exciting too!!
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty -
Post by: kaoskat on November 06, 2013, 12:56:10 PM
Can't wait to see it done!
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty -
Post by: Pickenprod on November 06, 2013, 05:55:40 PM
Aw it's gonna be so beautiful! I love the way you drew up your concept.

And I even love the idea of WIP threads. I love seeing things come together! Especially from humble bait beginnings.
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty -
Post by: PoniesYeah on November 07, 2013, 01:32:53 AM
Aw it's gonna be so beautiful! I love the way you drew up your concept.

And I even love the idea of WIP threads. I love seeing things come together! Especially from humble bait beginnings.

The WIP thread for me is more of patience tool.
Not for myself but for my client.
Because I am so SO slow I feel something is needed to show them that I their money is going onto something.
I know if I had put down a large payment and then didn't see or hear anything for week (months in my case) I'd be a ball of rage.
But with a WIP thread they can see the progress and know things are happening.

Also I hope some watching the thread are learning little things along it's progression.
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty -
Post by: WaePonies on November 07, 2013, 03:09:09 AM
<3 ooh I cant wait to see this done <3
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty -
Post by: assassin_kitty on November 07, 2013, 03:10:52 AM
Haha I'm sorry I made you look at bugs for references!!

I love the concept sketch, it's so exciting to see a piece by one of my favourite artists be transformed into another amazing piece of art by one of my other favourite artists!
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty -
Post by: StrawberryMeadow on November 08, 2013, 10:09:19 PM
Also I hope some watching the thread are learning little things along it's progression.

This, this and more this.

It's like being a dry sponge, coming into your WIP threads.


Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty -
Post by: Sukeile on November 09, 2013, 03:36:33 AM
This is going to be amazing! I love me some Froud Fairies! :D :heart:
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty -
Post by: achab1984 on November 10, 2013, 02:27:23 AM
Oh I cant wait to see :)
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty - UPDATED 11-24
Post by: PoniesYeah on November 24, 2013, 01:28:22 PM
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty - UPDATED 11-24
Post by: sweetlittlejenny on November 24, 2013, 01:59:36 PM
Oh how I love your work and WIP threads!

I do have a question, if you don't mind?
When using Apoxie Sculpt do you mix and use right away for things like the mane and tail hair? Or do you let it sit awhile and stiffen up some before doing those kinds of details?

Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty - UPDATED 11-24
Post by: TexasGal on November 25, 2013, 10:28:20 AM

*plants self down with coco and brownie (yes, chocolate redundancy) to sop up knowledge and tips....and the awesome humor*
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty - UPDATED 11-24
Post by: PoniesYeah on November 25, 2013, 01:42:38 PM
Oh how I love your work and WIP threads!

I do have a question, if you don't mind?
When using Apoxie Sculpt do you mix and use right away for things like the mane and tail hair? Or do you let it sit awhile and stiffen up some before doing those kinds of details?

I let it sit. Always let that S sit.
I generally have something else to work on while I wait (usually an illustration). This has resulted in totes forgettage. I have wasted many a lump of clay.
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty - UPDATED 11-24
Post by: sweetlittlejenny on November 25, 2013, 02:37:41 PM
I think that's my downfall. No patience to let it sit but it would probably make my life easier if I did.
I can imagine the wasted clay I'll end up with when letting it sit, lol.
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty - UPDATED 11-24
Post by: UrocyonFox on November 27, 2013, 12:52:14 AM
putting a comment here so I can stalk this cool work!
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty - UPDATED 12-14
Post by: PoniesYeah on December 14, 2013, 02:13:34 PM
Bump for pro-tip!
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty - UPDATED 12-14
Post by: Saja on December 14, 2013, 02:26:40 PM
Totally love your Blog too!!
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty - UPDATED 12-14
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on December 14, 2013, 07:08:44 PM
 That's an awesome little tutorial on your blog :)
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty - UPDATED 12-14
Post by: assassin_kitty on December 15, 2013, 04:34:21 AM
Oh she is looking fantastic, I love all the detail on the wings! Excellent tips too!
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty - UPDATED 2-13-14
Post by: PoniesYeah on February 13, 2014, 12:14:08 PM
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty - UPDATED 2-13-14
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on February 13, 2014, 01:32:08 PM
The work you've done so far looks great, I really can't wait to see how this turns out.

I'm truly sorry to hear of your mothers deteriorating health :hug: It's nice to hear that you and your family will have her move in with you, better for you all to oversee her care and well being.

Very exciting news about all the projects and things you have going on right now.
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty - UPDATED 2-13-14
Post by: Saja on February 13, 2014, 05:59:29 PM
So sorry to hear about your poor mum. And will be sad not to see more of your work. Goodluck with it all!
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty - UPDATED 2-13-14
Post by: wiccanpony1 on February 14, 2014, 07:20:12 AM
I love your WIP thread as this pony looks to be amazing(as all of your ponies are) Im sad to hear this will be your last commission as I just thought of a perfect pony from you lol xx
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty - UPDATED 2-13-14
Post by: PoniesYeah on February 15, 2014, 02:07:22 PM
I love your WIP thread as this pony looks to be amazing(as all of your ponies are) Im sad to hear this will be your last commission as I just thought of a perfect pony from you lol xx

I can never ignore my own curiosity.
What pony would it be?
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin Kitty - UPDATED 2-13-14
Post by: wiccanpony1 on February 16, 2014, 05:10:21 AM
I love your WIP thread as this pony looks to be amazing(as all of your ponies are) Im sad to hear this will be your last commission as I just thought of a perfect pony from you lol xx

I can never ignore my own curiosity.
What pony would it be?

LOL im after a creepy graveyard scene maybe with a vampire:)
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin K - UPDATED 2-17-14 Wearing her wings & tail
Post by: PoniesYeah on February 17, 2014, 02:40:54 PM
bump for progress!
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin K - UPDATED 4-11-14 Sculpting Finished
Post by: PoniesYeah on April 11, 2014, 08:42:52 PM
bump for sculpting.
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin K - UPDATED 4-11-14 Sculpting Finished
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on April 11, 2014, 10:09:30 PM
Absolutely gorgeous, it looks amazing and you're not even done yet :)
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin K - UPDATED 5-4-14 FINISHED
Post by: PoniesYeah on May 04, 2014, 01:53:52 PM
bump for completion!
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin K - UPDATED 5-4-14 FINISHED
Post by: hathorcat on May 04, 2014, 02:59:00 PM
Oh my gosh *jaw drops* She is absolutely stunning. I cant get over the detail in the wings and hair and tail and body and just everything! Gorgeous.
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin K - UPDATED 5-4-14 FINISHED
Post by: dashesndots on May 04, 2014, 03:06:12 PM
So beautiful! 
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin K - UPDATED 5-4-14 FINISHED
Post by: Sumire on May 04, 2014, 03:07:14 PM
Wow! She is amazing! Even without your WIP photos it is easy to see a lot of time, skill and artistry went into creating such a beauty!
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin K - UPDATED 5-4-14 FINISHED
Post by: puuush on May 04, 2014, 04:01:21 PM
Incredible. Wow. I'm blown off my chair from pure perfection. :faint:
Your WIP pics are very cool to see and are helpful too. I'll have a look at your blog tomorrow. :)
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin K - UPDATED 5-4-14 FINISHED
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on May 04, 2014, 04:18:00 PM
Absolutely stunning, I'm truly at a loss for words :worshippy:
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin K - UPDATED 5-4-14 FINISHED
Post by: TwistedRiver on May 04, 2014, 04:51:15 PM
OMG being a huge, HUGE fan of Brian Froud's work I've got to say it turned out amazing and looks so much like the fairy that there aren't even proper words to describe how awesome she is.
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin K - UPDATED 5-4-14 FINISHED
Post by: Thrice on May 04, 2014, 08:10:37 PM
Your blog is fantastic!! And I'm soooo impressed by the final product!!
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin K - UPDATED 5-4-14 FINISHED
Post by: Whippycorn on May 05, 2014, 01:41:23 AM
Stunning! I'm sooo jealous of your amazing skills!
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin K - UPDATED 5-4-14 FINISHED
Post by: assassin_kitty on May 05, 2014, 06:18:36 AM
Oh my freaking glob she is perfect!!! You my lady have totally outdone yourself she's absolutely epic!! I'm so impressed with this custom I adore her! You hang onto her for as long as you need!  :biggrin:
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin K - UPDATED 5-4-14 FINISHED
Post by: Salli on May 05, 2014, 08:51:16 AM
Holy WOW!
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin K - UPDATED 5-4-14 FINISHED
Post by: Galactica on May 05, 2014, 09:39:06 AM
Whoa- I LOVE this pony so much!  Seriously amazing
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin K - UPDATED 5-4-14 FINISHED
Post by: PoniesYeah on May 05, 2014, 12:49:20 PM
I love your WIP thread as this pony looks to be amazing(as all of your ponies are) Im sad to hear this will be your last commission as I just thought of a perfect pony from you lol xx

I can never ignore my own curiosity.
What pony would it be?

LOL im after a creepy graveyard scene maybe with a vampire:)

A graveyard scene would be a fun change... But sadly ma'am I'm just gonna have to turn it down. The skin allergy has won and I don't think I can do much more. But please take a look in Barbeddragon's direction. She just posted a Maleficent custom that made my jaw drop. I cursed a little too in front of the toddler. Don't tell me husband.
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin K - UPDATED 5-4-14 FINISHED
Post by: Roogna on May 05, 2014, 01:39:09 PM
the wings and hair are unbelieveable
Title: Re: WIP thread for Assassin K - UPDATED 5-4-14 FINISHED
Post by: wiccanpony1 on May 05, 2014, 01:57:33 PM
I cant even think of the right words for how beautiful she is, just stunning x
Title: Re: Brian Froud Fairy - Glam shots
Post by: PoniesYeah on May 27, 2014, 10:42:20 AM
Thanks to you assassin, for giving me the opportunity to produce this custom.
Title: Re: Brian Froud Fairy - Glam shots
Post by: BarbedDragon on May 27, 2014, 01:27:24 PM
I love her, I really would love to sit and watch you sculpt for days. I wish I could make my hair look like that.
Title: Re: Brian Froud Fairy - Glam shots
Post by: Saja on May 27, 2014, 03:56:12 PM
Title: Re: Brian Froud Fairy - Glam shots
Post by: Sea_Breeze on May 27, 2014, 04:36:02 PM
Title: Re: Brian Froud Fairy - Glam shots
Post by: Bekuno on May 27, 2014, 04:43:16 PM
Wow!!!! You did such an amazing job! She looks stunning!
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