The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: silverskimmer on October 22, 2013, 05:28:12 PM

Title: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: silverskimmer on October 22, 2013, 05:28:12 PM
I've just recently started playing WoW again and was interested in finding a good guild and maybe make some mates to raid/play with. And who better then pony friends!

Also just interested in seeing how many people on here play :3
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: bronycraft on October 22, 2013, 05:58:20 PM
I play! I'm on Emerald Dream server I think :)
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: Eldarwen on October 22, 2013, 11:04:03 PM
Another player here! I've been playing night elf priest since the release of wow. I'm on Grim Batol EU.  :)
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: StrawberryMeadow on October 22, 2013, 11:30:28 PM
Currently playing on whatever the recent amalgamation server is now known as (formerly Bloodscalp).

Animals - Mage

Only play casually
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: Eldarwen on October 22, 2013, 11:41:06 PM
I only play casually aswell. :) I used to raid but I dont have time for it anymore. Im glad we have LFR nowadays so we're able to see the new places anyway!

Oh right, this is me:
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: kaoskat on October 23, 2013, 12:44:38 AM
Not a player but I know we have alot.
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: spottedslug on October 23, 2013, 01:56:46 AM
It's been YEARS since I was active... like 7?
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: melodys_angel on October 23, 2013, 04:09:49 AM
Not me, but best of luck <3
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: Scraleos on October 23, 2013, 05:49:35 AM
I LOVE World of Warcraft! I'm playing it right now in fact XD
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: RedLynx on October 23, 2013, 10:42:05 AM
For the Horde! *ducks fakies*  I play most evenings for an hour or two.  I'm currently playing Horde on Perenolde, but I have 90s on Ner'zhul and Duskwood (Alliance).
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: Kaeldre on October 23, 2013, 11:30:54 AM
I play on and off when I have the time.  I got into it via the free trial thing and then bought the battle chest and scored a free month.  I played it for the duration of the free trial and loved it (and I was one of those that was all "Eeeew WoW").  Then school started and I haven't touched it since September.

Garona server

Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: wyndstar on October 23, 2013, 04:02:32 PM
i play casually and have toons on multiple servers (i get bored easily lol) highest is a troll hunter at lvl 88 i think on Ner'Zul. i play solo which kinda sucks for leveling.

would be interested in playing with some people from here.
i've got characters on: ner'zul, lightbringer, maiev, daggerspine, blade's edge, garona, moonrunner, and darkspear.
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: High Flutter on October 23, 2013, 04:19:03 PM

While I don't play WoW anymore, I still enjoy the "World".

Meaning, I have some of the awesome background music on my phone which I play in the car sometimes, and I find myself playing clips like this ^^^ over & over.

This song is definitely one of the better fan music creations.

Tell me.... as this is a board of mostly female users, any of you girls (or ladies if you prefer :) ) felt this way??

If I was a girl I would definitely be singing along!  :biggrin: :lol: :biggrin:
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: suppi on October 23, 2013, 05:52:53 PM
Oh man I love the world they created for Warcraft but haven't been able to really get into it since my guild fell apart after Pandaland came out. Which is sad because I'm going to Blizzcon next month and don't even play the game anymore. Just silently sit in my corner listening to all the soundtracks and reading the books.

Though I have to say High Flutter, it amuses me how that guy's guild is meeting in Iron Forge yet he's playing a Tauren. Out of the entire thing that's all I could think of the entire song. Since it wouldn't even be a good place to meet to launch a raid against the Three Hammers. lol
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: Eldarwen on October 23, 2013, 10:36:08 PM
I actually met my boyfriend on wow 6 years ago. We used to raid in the same guild. We've lived together for 4 years now. And I have to say.. Its awesome I found him there, someone who can totally understand if I want to play.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: ChocolateStarfire on October 24, 2013, 10:26:22 AM
I play casually with my bf some nights...I don't have too many WoW friends, it'd be fun to do quests together! :)

Horde-Dunemaul (merged with Bloodscalp merged servers)
Pandaren Windwalker Monk

Tell me you're from the Arena and we'll be friends! :)
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: Dragonsummoner on October 25, 2013, 09:16:02 AM
WoW is a fun game. Right now I'm loving the pet battles.
Here's my characters:
Main -
2nd 'Main' -

I also dabble in Role playing, my RP character is:

I mostly play hunters. :biggrin:
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: Loa on October 25, 2013, 11:16:26 AM
HUGE player!
I'm not into raiding or the like, but I collect all the things!
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: TornadoLovesMelody on October 28, 2013, 02:06:21 AM
Used to play, stopped being an addict in 2011 and just started this spring.. Have loads of toons on eu servers and ...uhm, my account goes inactive in december.
Hehe! Stopped being as fun in Pandaria imho.. Guilds and raids aren't the same anymore ^^
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: NinaMarie on October 28, 2013, 03:42:10 AM
I miss WoW so much! I just don't have the time or money for it anymore :cry:
Most of all I miss my hunter and her pets.
Lol when I started playing I thought the whole faction thing with it's super loyalty was silly. I was all I'M not going to be exclusive Horde or Alliance! But I fell in love with the troll race and now am all "FOR THE HORDE." I've got a low level draenai and that's it for alliance.
I stopped playing just after Cataclysm came out (never bought that expansion) so I never got to explore much the new changes and races and all that. I totally agree with the above statements of how awesome the World is with it's lore, characters, scenery and etc.
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: Snix on January 21, 2014, 07:16:23 AM
Recently i retomed it since 2 years ago and started a warlock

Lots of things had changed...seems a different game xd

Someone in the european/or Spanish servers?

Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: Kaeldre on January 21, 2014, 10:54:19 AM
I play on and off when money and time allow. :3  I started playing this past August.

I've got a Worgen rogue and I can't remember what server I'm on. >.<
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: starrypawz on January 23, 2014, 02:40:30 AM
I opened up a trail account but haven't had much time to play, and don't know if I can afford to actually pay for a subscription, as I'm already paying out for an MMO

I played for a while when I was younger, like my brother had an account and I had a few toons on there but it didn't stick long and I got bored.

But I had fun, like I made a Panderan and a Worgen and a Tauren, and had this silly idea that my Panderan and Worgen are friends, and have girly talks with each other and it includes 'things only beast races deal with like the fact a bad hair day is a double the problem and the lack of nice shoes' and things like that
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: moonsugar on January 23, 2014, 08:35:50 PM
I've had a go at it and I'd love to get back into it! I loved the Mists of Pandaria stuff.
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: Rhini on January 23, 2014, 09:21:37 PM
HUGE player!
I'm not into raiding or the like, but I collect all the things!
Yesss!! Must collect ALL the things!!

I stopped playing because I was broke and my guild kind of dissolved, but I wish I still could play  :huh:
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: Eldarwen on January 26, 2014, 05:28:35 AM
I miss raiding but I dont have the time for it anymore. :huh: But I LOVE farming reputations!  :biggrin: Here's what im working on right now:

I just can't quit wow before im finished with all of them. I've spent too much time on this char..
Title: Re: World of Warcraft anyone?
Post by: Aienhime on January 26, 2014, 07:36:17 AM
I play from time to time! I'm on the EU Eonar server though :)
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