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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: pyrodarknessanny on October 13, 2013, 11:05:19 AM

Title: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on October 13, 2013, 11:05:19 AM
this morning one of my Stimson's girls had her clutch of eggs.

im still waiting on 3 more Stimson girls to have there eggs, but  this is pretty exciting as its her first clutch , and it was a big  clutch at that!.

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the proud mum to these eggs is one I bred and raised my self so  these eggs are kind of a big deal'
they may even be more of a big deal yet but I wont know that until they hatch!

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just thought id share 

edit 28/11/13
they are starting to hatch
photos on page 4
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: xeevee on October 13, 2013, 11:15:38 AM
That is so cool!   Good luck with hatching them.  I want to see pics when they hatch.
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: LittleSpiffy on October 13, 2013, 11:40:57 AM
Neat! Congrats!  Can't wait to see more pics :)
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: achab1984 on October 13, 2013, 12:03:17 PM
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: StarDapple on October 13, 2013, 12:51:46 PM
What a pretty momma!!  Congrats!  Please post pictures of the babies when they hatch! :lovey:
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Sandra on October 13, 2013, 01:47:49 PM
Wow! How amazing must it be to have snake eggs! Please do post pictures when they hatch, I'd love to see some babiesss.
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Eviecorn on October 13, 2013, 01:56:26 PM
Ooooh!  I want to see them when they hatch!
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on October 13, 2013, 02:09:46 PM
thanks ^^"     I was a little iffy about posting them on the arena because you know "eew! snakes!"

ill be sure to keep this thread updated tho those who are interested.

I'm waiting on 3 more Stimson's clutches yet . and  in a little while  some carpet pythons as well!
its going to be a big season for me  with lots and lots of little snakies

 whilst  every one have been really nice im going to say this  now because there is always that one.  person who has to say that one horrible  sentence.   

"please no nasty comments"   , these are my pets, my babies and a love them very much'    I wouldn't say nasty things about your pets so please don't say  them about mine"
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pixieponies on October 13, 2013, 02:49:04 PM
beautiful snake  :biggrin:
please post pics of the babies and the baby carpets. i loves carpet pythons what local are they?
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: NovelNerd on October 13, 2013, 02:57:40 PM
Congrats on your eggs

silly me though didn't pick up on what type of eggs they were, and I opened the picture. Oh goodness :freak:
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on October 13, 2013, 03:09:14 PM
Pixieponies im doing a few different carpets .
I have one  paring of caramel Jag X jungle carpet.
another paring of caramel jag X caramel sib
and the last pr is  pure south western carpets

im not sure if the caramel x caramel jag breeding will be fruitful this season as the girl was  just within the size threshold to breed .
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: kiwimlp on October 13, 2013, 03:09:44 PM
How exciting!  It will be interesting to watch them hatch :)
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pixieponies on October 13, 2013, 04:56:27 PM
i love the jungle jags, i hope to get one once the kids are older and we have our own house with more space

we used to keep royal pythons but unfortunately never got any eggs to hatch  :(

Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on October 13, 2013, 05:32:33 PM
I love royal / ball pythons, they come in so many different colours and patterns'
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Teddy on October 13, 2013, 06:31:43 PM
Wow, awesome! Would love to see pics when they hatch! ^-^
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Tulips on October 13, 2013, 06:46:01 PM
Wow, how exciting! And what a gorgeous mum, congratulations!
I hope everything goes well and we get to see some pics of adorable baby snakes ^.^
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Aflame on October 13, 2013, 08:31:59 PM
do you breed to sell or for zoo collections? how long will the eggs take to hatch ? what other snakes do you have ? sorry i dont know much about them apart from the nature progs i have seen :) i know there are some realy big ones in the florida keys that have either been let go or escaped and are now eating the alligators !!!! xaflame
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on October 13, 2013, 08:58:33 PM
im a private breeder , so yeah I breed to sell.
these eggs will take 50 days to hatch .

as well as the Stimson's I have a few carpet pythons and a pr of monitor lizards
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Beldarna on October 13, 2013, 09:10:13 PM
What a pretty mommy snake! I wanna see pics of baby snakes when they hatch! :D
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: kaoskat on October 13, 2013, 11:32:49 PM
Congrats! And best of luck!!
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: NoDivision on October 14, 2013, 01:15:50 AM
Awesome!! Can't wait to see them hatch :)
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Thunderwing on October 14, 2013, 01:41:36 AM
That's very cool!  I'm hoping to get my pair of Mexican Milks to produce eggs next year, she's finally big enough. :D 
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: amazonarabian on October 14, 2013, 03:31:57 AM
What a pretty momma!  Can't wait to see pictures of the hatchlings!  Keep us updated- it seems there's more than a few herp lovers who will be eagerly stalking this thread.   ^.^
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: happycootie on October 14, 2013, 03:37:34 AM
So awesome!!! I can't wait to see pictures of the babies!!! :biggrin:
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Tiffymh1fan on October 14, 2013, 04:02:10 AM
EKK!! SNAKES!!!  :shocked:
Peeking back around the corner... getting another look... :lookround:
ok, they re not so bad... Kind of cute  ;)
Than I see the eggs, & I cant help but wonder which one will be the cutest, the biggest one, the smallest, What will their names will be? (do you name them all?)
 :P now I want to know all about these babys! And yes I am scared of Snakes & Spiders, but it does not mean I don't like them. I think they are some of the most wonderful creatures  :blush: Im just not a brave person so please don't think I am trying to be negative  :blush: I am so excited for you!  This is wonderful for you!   
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Rosette on October 14, 2013, 05:00:09 AM
Wow!  I look forward to baby pictures.  :)

(Also, I'm not a snake person so I've never heard of a carpet python.  The mental image I have makes me laugh.  Little carpet camouflaged snakes that might leap out to grab unsuspecting barefoot kids going to watch TV.  Probably not that, though, are they?  :D)
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: spottedslug on October 14, 2013, 06:04:16 AM
How cool! I want to see baby pics. Mom is beautiful!
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: LadySiha on October 14, 2013, 06:22:05 AM
That's so cool!  I wouldn't even know what to do!  I can't wait to see pictures of babies snakes!
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: NoPonySpecial on October 14, 2013, 08:09:20 AM
Aw, lookit'em all! *actually says "lookit" like a little kid :P * I didn't know they laid so many at one! I can't wait to see the tiny baby snakes!!!
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on October 14, 2013, 10:00:13 AM
songtoisis ,

carpet pythons are another family of snakes we have in Australia,  typically they are a "medium" sized snake that on average grow to  6ft-7ft  (2 meters)  tho some do get bigger , closer to 3 meters. 

the little mumma snake i posted is a Stimson's python ,  one of the smallest species of python in the world.   the blood line im working with rarely get bigger than 2ft.

NoPonySpecial ,
im amazed that she had so many my self,   i was expecting her to have 5 at the most, this is a very big clutch for her, and its her first clutch to!, 
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: flyawayraven on October 14, 2013, 10:01:51 AM
Eeee snakies! Congrats on the clutch! :D
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Honeycomb on October 14, 2013, 01:38:07 PM
I have never seen baby snakes, can't wait to see your photos! How long until they are gonna hatch?
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on October 14, 2013, 02:06:31 PM
about 50 days , so  around the start of December
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Tirac on October 14, 2013, 05:54:50 PM
This is awesome! Will you share us photos of the baby snakes when they hatch?
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on October 14, 2013, 06:51:31 PM
I sure will!
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: FluffleNuff on October 14, 2013, 08:07:03 PM
Do they have names? :)
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on October 14, 2013, 09:15:29 PM
the mum and her  siblings ( a group of 6)  are named after different coffees  mocha , expresso  , etc  I forget who's who  ,  the mother to them I just call by her locality  as "NSW-girl"  ,  the farther to them sadly I no longer have.

now as for the eggs , they don't have names yet .    I wont even think of that until they are hatched and established feeders.   and at this stage im not sure if ill be keeping any of the babies for future breeders or if im going to sell them all,  it depends on what hatches out.

this group is a bit of a special project that I hope to prove out this yr.   

but that's getting right into it  and genetics and such'

Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Tiffymh1fan on October 14, 2013, 09:41:18 PM
I like the coffee names! They are so different which I love! I cant wait to see the babys and what you name them!
Do the eggs change or move around any? How do you hatch these eggs? Im so interested in this now  :blush:
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on October 14, 2013, 10:42:40 PM
there's a few different methods for incubation.

I always take the eggs for artificial incubation as my set ups  aren't suitable to allow for maternal incubation (leaving the eggs with mum)

by taking the eggs its less stress on the mum,  having a clutch of eggs can uses up to 1/3 of her body mass.  on top of that  they tend not to eat whilst there  coiled around there clutch,  that's a whole 50 days with out eating.

after I take the eggs away I clean the enclosure really well so there is no smell left and start feeding the female again.  its important to get good body condition back on them after  undergoing such dramatic weight loss.

now with in artificial incubation there are a few different ways you can go about it. and different breeders have different methods that they favour.

for me  its "suspended over medium"   the eggs are placed on a grid in a special container above the incubation medium ,  this year I am using water saving crystals,  but there are others,
last year I had just  water on its own in the bottom of the tubs.
and the year before that I tried pearlite and vermiculite. 

more traditional methods of incubation involve putting the eggs straight in the vermiculite or pearlite.
im not a fan of doing that tho. as  if you don't get the water ratio right you can have problems.
too much water and you drown the eggs, to little and the medium sucks moister out of the eggs and they dehydrate.

buy having them suspended over the medium you eliminate those risks , as well as getting better air flow for gas exchange.

my incubator its self is an old fridge with a heating element and thermostat installed.   tempriture is set to 30 degrees C.   

reptile eggs are quite different from bird eggs.  they can't be rotated or turned.  as the embryos attach them selves to the top of the yolk.   if the eggs turn they drown.   so its important to keep the eggs the same way up as when they were layed. 

they also don't have a hard shell like bird eggs do they have a leathery shell.

at the end of the incubation period the baby snakes,  start to pip there shells  they may spend up to a full week still in the egg after that tho as they absorb any undigested yolk before going out in the world.

in the latter stages of incubation , the embryos can be observed moving around in the eggs when viewed under a light 

here is a photo of one the clutches from last year.  these were out of my Children's python
the same containers im using this year, the white gravel looking stuff is pearlite,
I don't like using it cause it scratches the containers.

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Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: happycootie on October 15, 2013, 12:35:51 AM
I've always liked snakes but know very little about them. The information you are sharing is fascinating! I had no idea snake eggs were so different from bird eggs  :)
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: LadySiha on October 15, 2013, 01:06:59 AM
Wow!  I love science-y stuff and this is seriously super interesting!  And I love the picture of the egg under the light!  That is so freakin' cool!!
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Tiffymh1fan on October 15, 2013, 07:30:48 AM
Thanks for taking the time to share with us all this great info and pictures too. You should post that one link for followers, for everyone to see those beautys you have.  :) You seem to know what your doing and love it too! Im glad to meet someone that is so good at what you do. I hope you don't mind but I have showed off your snakes to the kids I watch. They think you are the coolest person ever and wants to meet you! One suggested you do a kids show about your snakes  :blush: 
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on October 15, 2013, 11:16:41 AM
 :blush:awe thanks Tiffymh1fan  :blush:

when ever we have  the relatives up , all the youngsters want to get into it and see the snakes'

I don't mind showing them off  so long as who I'm showing them to are respectful,  and there's always lots of questions.

of any one who is interested in the link,  I have a blog set up for my reptile stuff.

I have photos of all my scale babies there as well as  lots of other reptile related stuff.
and for those who are on tumblr my ask box is always open , but im just as happy to answer here as well.

I'm quite happy to answer any questions about them' 

and I have to say a big thank you to those of you who  are afraid of snakes, but are showing an interest and willing to lean about them,  I think that's a really good thing .

Post Merge: October 15, 2013, 02:26:38 PM

just a quick up date ,  one of the other girls is laying now!.
so that's 2 clutches down 2 to go

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11 all up from this girl~
this girl is the biggest of the 3 sisters

Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Tiffymh1fan on October 16, 2013, 04:27:55 AM
These are the questions my kids I watch have for you today lol:
1- Does the babys stay with their Mom/Mum or Dad when they are born?
2- Are your snakes poisonous?
3- Can your snakes hurt you or eat you?
4- What do you feed your snakes? Where do you get the food for them?

 :blush: The kids I watch are 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 years old  :blush: So they have decided snakes are what we will learn about this week and next.
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Vintergatan on October 16, 2013, 05:45:41 AM
oh wow!!! Major congrats! she is beautiful and so are her eggs!

I can't wait to see the little ones when they hatch!
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on October 16, 2013, 12:19:40 PM
These are the questions my kids I watch have for you today lol:
1- Does the babys stay with their Mom/Mum or Dad when they are born?
2- Are your snakes poisonous?
3- Can your snakes hurt you or eat you?
4- What do you feed your snakes? Where do you get the food for them?

 :blush: The kids I watch are 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 years old  :blush: So they have decided snakes are what we will learn about this week and next.

all very good questions!. 

1. no the babies don't stay with the mum'    with pythons  in the wild the mum with coil around the eggs and incubate them. but once they hatch they are on there own.   they come out as fully developed and ready to take on the world

2. no snake any where is "poisonous"  , some snakes  have venom that they use to  help catch prey  but   no none of mine are venomous they are all pythons, they catch there dinner by squeezing it

3. none of mine are big enough to eat a person.  but  all snakes have the potential to bite,    and bites  can hurt,   if you respect them tho  they are no more dangerous than  any other animal you can have as a pet really.

4.  these guys that ive shown eat mice.  the bigger snakes I have the carpet pythons  eat mostly rats but they will also eat chickens,  rabbits  and so on.

the mice I breed my self for food, but the larger food items I buy in from a friend who  breeds snake food as her business (rats, mice and chickens)     

*side note on food. I do NOT offer live prey to any of my animals.   there are a number or reasons why I don but the big one is that "live feeding is  cruelty to animals"    there are half a dozen other reasons as well but I wont get into those.

I hope that answers their questions  :)
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: rosierjay on October 16, 2013, 12:21:26 PM
babies!! can't wait to see!
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Tiffymh1fan on October 16, 2013, 12:39:47 PM
Thanks for taking the time to reply back to all these questions lol
Very interesting stuff! And im sure the kids I watch will love to hear that you answered every question. Im sure some will have some  :shocked: big big big eyes looking at me in the morning  :) my 4 year old has a pet rabbit lol so I may skip that one
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on October 16, 2013, 01:27:46 PM
yeah fair enough ,  funny story  I know of a fella who  used to feed his snake raw sausages!

they did it one time  being silly and the snake , a spotted python  liked the sausage soo much that it refused to eat anything else. 

im not sure what became of that snake' I cant imagine that would have been a very healthy diet for it.

Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Marlin on October 16, 2013, 04:02:27 PM
Wow - I found all your info so interesting! Thanks for sharing  :)  Good luck with the babies!
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Keelee_von_Cupcake on October 18, 2013, 05:26:28 AM
Congrats to all your new mamas! I'm excited and hopefully that we'll be seeing baby snakes in a few months. :) Really loving your blog too, so many beautiful snakie pictures!
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on October 18, 2013, 11:47:46 AM
this morning yielded another surprise , my oldest female  and mother to the girls I have already posted had her clutch.

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this was a surprise  for a few reasons,  this girl is one of my founding animals' I have bred from her  a number of times in the past and her results are fairly consistent.

a clutch of 6   20 days latter than the average.

well this morning I discovered  a large clutch of 9!,   a full week before the approximate due date.

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it also gave me a chance to get a photo of  what  they look like after  having eggs but before a good feed
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I think I mentioned earlier in the  thread that  having eggs can use up to 1/3 of the females body condition.
well it looks a little something like that'    the eggs are in the incubator with the rest and  in about an hour or so im going to give her a good feed.

im still waiting on one more clutch from this group. 
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: ravengusty on October 18, 2013, 11:13:46 PM
When I went to visit my Nan we popped into Pets at Home to get some treat for our birdie and they had some snakes there little baby Corn Snakes I think. I can't have a snake myself because we already have a bird, two rats and a small cat. Oh and my Dad would never come round ours again coz he's scared of snakes. But they were babies and looked so cute they were feeding them live insects there yuck. They also had Dumbo eared ratties but they only had girls and I'm more competent with boy rats.

I've always liked snakes they look so cute as babies and so mysterious and beautiful as adults. I held a huge python at a zoo once, I forget his name but he was massive. I loved it  :biggrin:

Can't wait to see all the babies cute cute cute
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: elvenwine26 on October 19, 2013, 12:27:04 AM
OH wow I'll definitely have to keep an eye on this thread.  I kind of adore snakes. <3
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on October 19, 2013, 05:59:16 AM
Snakieeeeeeeeeees!  I love snakes!  Baby ones are especially adorable. 
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on October 19, 2013, 05:02:32 PM
last girl had hers today

4/4 clutch's out now.

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for a grand total of 35!
tho there are 2 that  I don't think will make it full term . (the candled as clear/ infertiles)

still 33 fertile eggs is a good  effort from this group and more than what I was initially expecting from them
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: UrocyonFox on October 23, 2013, 03:33:37 AM
always cool to see other pony people into snake breeding too. That first clutch a girl you raise has is always the most exciting! Congrats to you and your mommy, can't wait to see who hatches!
Title: Re: EGGS! ( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on November 27, 2013, 01:51:43 PM
first clutch is starting to hatch out now

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Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: xeevee on November 27, 2013, 02:14:59 PM
OMG that is so awesome!  That is so much snake to fit in that egg!
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Tulips on November 27, 2013, 04:41:32 PM
Awwww they're so cute! ^.^
I love snakes, even though Carpet Pythons have eaten some of my birds :P
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Loa on November 27, 2013, 04:58:15 PM
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Tirac on November 27, 2013, 05:14:30 PM
d'awwwwwww. They're beautiful.
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Aflame on November 27, 2013, 07:56:43 PM
yay baby snakes ! xaflamex
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on November 27, 2013, 08:52:21 PM
Awwww so cute ^.^
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: brighteyes on November 27, 2013, 09:15:32 PM
Oh snake babies!  They are so cute!  Congratulations :D
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Whippycorn on November 27, 2013, 10:38:18 PM
Those are cool baby snakes! :)

Can I ask, how do you go about choosing who to mate to whom etc, is there a snakey equivalent of the kennel club? I'm thinking mainly of avoiding inbreeding in captive snake populations (so the kennel club's probably not the best example ;))
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: LadySiha on November 28, 2013, 12:15:04 AM
Wow!  So cool!  Cute baby snakes!!  ^.^
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: CupidStrikes on November 28, 2013, 12:44:15 AM
omg they're so cuuute!
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Beldarna on November 28, 2013, 01:48:44 AM
Amazing that such a big snake fits in such a small egg. I hope all is well with the hatchlings. :)
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: DaffyDilly on November 28, 2013, 04:37:00 AM
Wow that's amazing!

Will you raise all of the baby snakes in their groups or are they taken away from the clutch as soon as they have chosen to leave the egg?
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Tiffymh1fan on November 28, 2013, 05:11:41 AM
Awwweee! Look at em!
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on November 28, 2013, 05:48:04 AM
Those are cool baby snakes! :)

Can I ask, how do you go about choosing who to mate to whom etc, is there a snakey equivalent of the kennel club? I'm thinking mainly of avoiding inbreeding in captive snake populations (so the kennel club's probably not the best example ;))

reptile genetics are a bit different to mammalian genetics ,
a lot of the fancy mutations in reptiles  like albino , axthantic and various pattern mutations like granite are recessive , other  "looks"  like striping in some cases are polygenic   

as a result quite often the best looking animals  come from closely related stock  .
inbreeding and line breeding are concidered ligitimate stratages when working with  reptiles.   
especialy if you are working with a particular locality line and want to keep it as true / pure as possible , or if you are working with a particular blood line to improve on some of the polygenic traits.

outsrosses are sill encouraged every now and then to strengthen the line and help prevent genetic deformities.

the babies im showing  are the result of  some sibling pairings  and are the F2 generation
the F1s being the parants of these ,   who are out of my founding animals the P animals who are from unrelated lines.

the point of breeding the siblings together was with the hope of proving out a recessive genetic trait in this case.   

there is still a few more eggs to hatch before i can say if ive cracked it or not yet.
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Vintergatan on November 28, 2013, 06:58:55 AM
Super mega ultra congrats on all of them!! :)
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Silver_mirror46 on November 28, 2013, 08:29:08 AM
wowww they're so cute!
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: hilamb on November 28, 2013, 02:20:02 PM
Yay another one with sankies here.  :P

Aww, they are so cute. Congrats. :biggrin:
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Teddy on November 28, 2013, 11:52:55 PM
Omg, they're beautiful!!

I've watched and monitored while many many birds hatched out, but reptiles are so very different! Cool to see, thanks for sharing! :)
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pixieponies on November 29, 2013, 07:35:23 AM
congrats, some beautiful babies
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on November 29, 2013, 01:50:05 PM
they are all out now

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they will stay together in the incubator untill they have had their first shed in about a week.
( its important to keep the humidity up untill then)

after they shed ill be splitting them up, sorting the boys from the girls, and putting them into individual containers and start getting them feeding and ready to go to new homes,   if i don't end up keeping them that is
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Marlin on November 30, 2013, 01:17:58 PM
Wow - look at those critters! That's cool seeing one on your hand for size perspective. Their markings are gorgeous.
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on November 30, 2013, 06:36:34 PM
the second clutch is starting to hatch now

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Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: NoPonySpecial on December 01, 2013, 10:49:46 AM
What beautiful critters! Do you ever just sit and watch them squirm around in a pile? I imagine it'd be pretty mesmerizing.  ^.^
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: UrocyonFox on December 06, 2013, 05:18:21 AM
adorable! Did you have any shy hatchers? My last clutch of corns I had a few that would "hatch" almost completely out, sliter out of the egg and then when I open the top to check on them they'd pull themselves almost 100% back inside their egg. It was super cute like "ohh nooo don't look at meee" :3 I adore hatching snakes, their fat heads and scraggly bodies, makes my heart explode with happiness.
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: Galactica on December 06, 2013, 07:05:18 AM
Wow, the baby snakes are so cute!  I really LOVE the way baby snakes look- if only I could get one that stays noodle size, then my wife might let me have one  :biggrin:
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: pyrodarknessanny on December 06, 2013, 01:55:32 PM
adorable! Did you have any shy hatchers? My last clutch of corns I had a few that would "hatch" almost completely out, sliter out of the egg and then when I open the top to check on them they'd pull themselves almost 100% back inside their egg. It was super cute like "ohh nooo don't look at meee" :3 I adore hatching snakes, their fat heads and scraggly bodies, makes my heart explode with happiness.

i find that with the pythons they pip, and stick there heads out for a few days , then fully emerge 

most of them have shed now.  so i will start feeding trials this week

there are 2 im going to keep but the rest will be fore sale when they  are feeding etc.

Post Merge: December 06, 2013, 04:58:51 PM

these 2 have shed

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the lighter one is one of the ones i am keeping (there is another light one from another clutch but it hasent shed yet)

and the darker on is representative of what the rest of them look like.
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: FluffleNuff on December 25, 2013, 06:35:29 PM
I ve always wanted a snake! But there's no way it'll be able to take the weather here, it's like a never ending incubator!
Title: Re: EGGS ARE HATCHING! *updates on page 4( spoilers they are NOT bird eggs)
Post by: clonecommander on December 26, 2013, 10:32:38 AM
Oh man, they are way too cute! Snakes, no matter the size, to me are cute (some say I nuts for that very reason).
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