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Pony Talk => MLP Nirvana => Topic started by: SoSilver on August 12, 2013, 12:02:04 PM

Title: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: SoSilver on August 12, 2013, 12:02:04 PM

I will not comment the situation, it's just too sad, but i'd need some help pricing this two poor girls^_^

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Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: kellyponyfeathers on August 12, 2013, 02:27:41 PM
Geez!!  Customs strikes again???
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: himmie on August 12, 2013, 02:56:26 PM
Poor girls. :(
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: Nappercasper on August 12, 2013, 02:59:00 PM
 :( that's very sad.
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: SoSilver on August 13, 2013, 12:08:25 AM
Yes, custom strikes again:(
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: LadyGuinevere on August 13, 2013, 12:46:04 AM
Again??? *shakes head* :(

I would probably say around $20-30. Its hard to say for sure though.
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: SFlame on August 13, 2013, 01:36:57 AM
Just too sad, i would agree about $30
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: hathorcat on August 13, 2013, 03:47:51 AM
Are they clipping off parts of the plastic to test it now or something? Weird...

Thats such a shame SoSilver :hug:
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: Dusky on August 13, 2013, 07:22:42 AM
They can't take the heads off the squeaky ponies so looking through the feet is the only way to see into the body cavity...

I'm so sorry this has happened SoSilver. I'd hazard $25-$40, and if you want to part with them personally I'd pay close to your original price, since I love the squeakybutts and customs destroying them is apparently inevitable...
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: NovelNerd on August 13, 2013, 07:35:31 AM
The head came off really easy on my squeaky.
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: Dusky on August 13, 2013, 08:00:48 AM
Hrm, must be a differing batch. At any rate customs seem particularly vicious to anything leaving the country.
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: pinkkittywinks on August 13, 2013, 11:05:30 AM
Oh no :( How very sad indeed.

I would have said $20-$30 each :(

Love pkw xxx
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: wizzer218 on August 13, 2013, 06:00:45 PM
agree with $20 to $ sad.....that sux that they did that! -_-
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: Shiromisa on August 13, 2013, 07:00:47 PM
Oh my gosh, that's awful. D: Do they only do it with ponies with factory sealed heads?
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: rybett on August 13, 2013, 07:04:02 PM
Poor girls!!  They deserve some bling covered pony shoes.
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: pinkkittywinks on August 14, 2013, 11:46:52 AM
Oh my gosh, that's awful. D: Do they only do it with ponies with factory sealed heads?

No, they will cut even a pony with a loose head :( one pony was cut in half properly (likes down the middle!) not so long ago.

I think the only saving grace is that at least it was the bottom of the hooves and the cut is clean on Applejacks nose. With careful gluing they could be made displayable.

Love pkw xxx
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: zora on August 14, 2013, 12:55:29 PM
wow this is awful! poor ponies :[
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: Leegeta on August 15, 2013, 06:48:40 AM
Omg! customs did that!? looks like a dog attacked them! that's terrible!
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: mercynova on August 15, 2013, 07:46:52 AM
I'm so sorry that happened :( Poor ponies and poor you!
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: jjponies on August 15, 2013, 12:47:05 PM
I'm so sorry SoSilver! But, I've been there. I'm the one who had the pony cut in half with 2 cuts, one leg cut off, and the head cut in half too. I don't see any reason for it. They could take the head off or x-ray it and they could see just fine that there's nothing in there! Makes me so mad!
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: zora on August 16, 2013, 02:41:30 AM
why are they allowed to destroy somebodys property?? as jjponies said: they could easily x-ray them!
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: Eternia on August 16, 2013, 09:46:22 AM
Do they still squeak?
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: sosoftbuttons on August 16, 2013, 03:03:36 PM
oh nooooooo  :cry: :cry: :cry:
that's just horrible :(

:hug: for sosilver

and curses to customs :mad:
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: Prince Primbrose on August 16, 2013, 03:09:47 PM
Gosh, customs is just awful... poor little ponies. :( (If ponies were sent to Italy already taken apart, heads and tails removed, do you think customs would still feel the need to cut them up?)
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: Loa on August 16, 2013, 04:25:53 PM
why are they allowed to destroy somebodys property?? as jjponies said: they could easily x-ray them!

Even x-raying them, they are seeing a mass inside the pony. That's what they are looking at!
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: tikibirds on August 16, 2013, 10:13:59 PM
I would give them a pair of pony shoes..
If they are going to destroy someones property then they should compensate you for it >.<
I take it venezuela does not have a thriving export bussiness?
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: zora on August 17, 2013, 01:27:33 PM
why are they allowed to destroy somebodys property?? as jjponies said: they could easily x-ray them!

Even x-raying them, they are seeing a mass inside the pony. That's what they are looking at!

what is inside? arent they empty like the normal mlp?
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: moondancer1 on August 20, 2013, 05:44:17 PM
That is RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!  Can you file a claim?  They should not be allowed to treat someone elses property so carelessly...or better yet intentionly destroy it!  That is so upsetting.  Poor ponies!
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: zora on August 20, 2013, 10:52:44 PM
couldnt they just let a drugfinder dog sniff them? :)
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: Dusky on August 21, 2013, 06:58:17 AM
I would give them a pair of pony shoes..
If they are going to destroy someones property then they should compensate you for it >.<
I take it venezuela does not have a thriving export bussiness?

They do, it's called drug trafficking.

Basically, x-rays are expensive to run, dogs take an age to train and will only tell you if there's something in the pony, it's cheaper for them to declare 'nuts to you!' and cut open your parcel, on the basis that there's so much faff filing a claim/etc that you'll probably not do it, and on the off-chance they nail a drug smuggler it's all the better for them... though with their slap-dash treatment I'm not certain they don't resell the drugs they find back onto the street.

The 'Vennie Ponies are lovely but this is why I'll never bid/buy one direct from Venezuela, and I seriously doubt I'll see an intact one in-the-flesh.
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: sweetapple on August 21, 2013, 07:25:59 AM
I can't believe they are allowed to do this! :yikes: That is just insane!
I'm so sorry =(
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: pinkkittywinks on August 21, 2013, 11:31:15 AM
As harsh as it sounds customs have a job to do :( I know that this will be little consolation to those who have had items destroyed by customs.  I can only suggest that they file a complaint with customs and see if they can claim compensation.

Sadly toys are used to smuggle drugs :( so a toy with a high value on the customs form is going to get looked at, especially if it is going to or from a "hot spot". I know people have had issues with items being shipped out of Greece (remember the MOC blue firefly that got opened?) and some other countries as well.

We all know the thickness of the plastic varies on a pony and round the hooves tends to be thick. This could appear to a customs official looking at an x-ray that the pony has something in hooves. Also sometimes you get gloopy dribbles inside ponies from the manufacture, this too could look like something dodgy to a customs official.

Smuggles have also been known to combine the drugs into the very fabrics and materials of items and customs will cut them to run a drugs test. Sadly the tests for drugs are often destructive as they involve cutting away part of the material of the item to be tests.

Dogs noses can be fooled! A few years ago at the large international airport near where I live there was a controlled explosion of a crate of mangos. It turns out over ripe/slightly off mangos have the same smell as some plastic explosives!  :pineapple: (this is the closet thing to tropical!)

Love pkw xxx
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: Tilly on August 25, 2013, 08:18:21 AM
This is just horrible!

I don't believe they're allowed to do that here. We have dogs.

Even if you get compensated you'll never find them again and they can't compensate that! Stupid customs...
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: MidnightVelvet on August 25, 2013, 02:41:42 PM
That's so horrible! I know customs has a job to do but to deface your property? I'm so sorry! :(
Title: Re: PC on 2 Vennie Squeaky Butt ponies (not for the faint of heart!!!)
Post by: Thrice on August 26, 2013, 11:23:41 PM
That is so sad!! I never realized that could happen at customs. :(
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