The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: LadySiha on July 28, 2013, 06:55:08 AM

Title: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: LadySiha on July 28, 2013, 06:55:08 AM
Seeing so many of the cut hair, painted on, nail polished, and marker-ed ponies really got me wondering.  Did any of you guys do that kind of thing as a kid?  To your ponies, barbies, or any other dolls and toys?

My parents never had a lot of money, and new toys were always a treat (outside of holidays and birthdays).  It was very well known, in my house, growing up that if we wrecked our toys that way we wouldn't be getting new ones.... for a looooong time (even more long than normal).  The threat worked.  I can't say I ever remember my older sister or I marking on or cutting doll hair (though I think we had a baby doll that we put eye shadow on, but that wipes off  :lol:).
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Sugar on July 28, 2013, 07:12:34 AM
:wonder:  I would have answered that no, I never did... and for the most part, I didn't (even though, as the only child {and worse, first grandchild} in a fairly affluent household, I had an embarrassment of toys)...

... but in going through some of my childhood Lincoln Logs (of all things), I found one of the green roof slats had been, er, altered.  I guess I had tried to build a ship at some point, as the slat reads (in Crayola marker), "Pacific Princess." :facepalm:  Of all the cheesy seventies shows to immortalize...

As for my ponies, however, they're untouched except by the hands of time. ^.^
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Sarahlacewing on July 28, 2013, 07:17:36 AM
I always took pretty good care of my toys, especially my favorite ones.  My sister ripped the head off of my lovie when I was little and I remember I cried until she felt bad about it.  Like I cried and cried and cried and cried.  I don't think she ever did anything like that again after that. :)
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Sky_Rocket_Sammie on July 28, 2013, 07:33:58 AM
My family didn't have a lot of money, so toys where always a treat. And I took excellent care of them. If they had been purposely busted, I'd have had to wait. Same went for my clothes, books and school supplies.

It taught me to take care of my belongings.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Tap Dancer on July 28, 2013, 07:50:50 AM
I'll admit I was very spoiled, and I had tons of toys. I treated most of my things well, but I inflicted a fair share of abuse too. I gave several ponies and Barbie dolls haircuts. (Scalped them is more like it.) And I did color on some things with markers. I even remember my Windy had a chewed horn. :blush:
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Rosencrantz on July 28, 2013, 07:52:43 AM
I tried to take good care of my toys, but I didn't always know my own strength so a fair few of my ponies were missing tails and there's more than one broken barbie neck in my past.

...and also one time I had washed a barbie's hair and was drying it by the heater and it melted ._. This had the odd side-effect of making the black barbie's hair look actually natural, because it kinked it up. She looked nice, but I couldn't actually brush it.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: slyons on July 28, 2013, 08:00:58 AM
For the most part I didn't ever "abuse" my toys, but I did think I could make a few "better" with modifications. :(

I'm embarrassed to say when I went through my pre-teen years and thought "Oh, well I'm never going to play with these again" and I turned my "Babysitter Skipper" Barbie doll into "Punk Princess Skipper".
She came complete with spiky/short, blue/green dyed hair (food colouring), a nose stud (a pin shoved through her head up her nose) pierced ears and marker tattoo's.

And I'm mortified that I decided to give my original Posey a marker make-up job, and boy do I regret that. I've managed to get most of the spots faded (thanks to the tips here!) but she will never be the same. :cry:
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: banditpony on July 28, 2013, 08:17:04 AM
Heck yeah!

But I kinda did it based on the value.
For instance, my hand me down Barbies-- I destroyed them to bits. And lol, I think that only happened once. As in, they were only given to me once. Which is good, I didn't want them.

But toys that were bought for me, I didn't destroy.

And toys from McDonalds, I was absolutely malicious to. I'd burn them with acid, chop them with a pick axe, see how much force it took to crush them.... Then there was a point no one would take me to McDonalds anymore. Which was fine with me, I thought the food was horrid, and I had to suffer to get that toy. ... <___< My favorite though was a decapitated unicorn that I turned into a necklace...

edit to say, we weren't rich either. :3
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: melodys_angel on July 28, 2013, 08:27:26 AM
Yes and no?  I may have been a bit on the creative side with a few of mine but 90% of the time I didn't do anything
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Eaglefeather on July 28, 2013, 08:30:10 AM
I was always very careful with my toys, and when one would get the tiniest scratch I would be upset and have to keep it in a special place. I'm not sure why! My neighbor who was my age, on the other hand, was not gentle at all with her toys, and she often succeeded in ruining my own. The only modification I made to a toy when I was little was painting clear glitter nail polish on the claws of one of my dinosaurs.  :lol:

But don't get me wrong-I admire toys that have been modified and all scratched up, because it sometimes is a mark of love. :)
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: BigHicks1977 on July 28, 2013, 09:21:31 AM
Its funny you ask this question...this may be the reason I am such a collector now and why MIP or close to mint is so important to me.......HELLO MY NAME IS DAVE AND I WAS A TOY ABUSER  :cry: I was a MONSTER to my toys and on top of it I was a spoiled brat......It feels good to get this off my chest ......But I have killed more toys than most people have ever owned I shot them burned them buried them I was like Sid from Toy Story and now I will spend the rest of my life protecting them and making sure they have a safe place to live...will they ever forgive me  :huh:
Title: toy abuse
Post by: GothMummy on July 28, 2013, 10:04:06 AM
Oh goodness, No! I loved my toys and money was tight so I was super-careful with everything. I did do things that would now be seen as abuse though - I used to cut "Bridle paths" - two plugs of hair behind the ears of MLPs - so that the bridle sat nicely. I did this because all the ponies at the riding school had a bit shaved behind the ears! And all my MLPs had handmade saddles and bridles, so they had to be realistic.

I would never ever have scribbled on or given anything marker pen make up. I did make mistakes like washing toys that were not meant to be washed or taking out MLP tails to wash them (so the washers did not rust in side the pony) - laying them out in the garden and then them blowing away never to be found etc. And crying A LOT when I realised!

I also  remember washing Lickerty Split's hair and crying for ages when the factory curl came out though! Mum says I was inconsolable!

I would be so so very cross if either of my children intentionally abused their toys. I think I would box up all their toys and take them to a children's centre or give them to a charity - I would be that cross!
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: tulagirl on July 28, 2013, 10:19:51 AM
I was very hard on my toys and enjoyed them so much.  I wish I had taken better care of things but I was a very busy, fast moving child and even a cloth doll was a great swimming partner for the back yard pool.  Mom never stopped me from doing what I wanted with things. Its surprising anything lasted at all.  Believe it or not I have many of my childhood things. My blue jeans always had holes in the knees. I can remember mom patching them over and over just for play clothes outside.  I was all girl, but very much into sports and playing with the boys.  We would run all over the neighborhood and at times the toys went with us.  I lost stuff, my friends lost stuff but when I look back, I had more fun than my cousins.  They never touched their toys much for fear of messing them up. I wanted to enjoy life.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: starflyer425 on July 28, 2013, 10:20:15 AM
i never did it to MY toys, except maybe in the "oh no she was kidnapped and now shes bieng tortured" kind of scenario (i was creative, okay) , and even then i was imagining it. but my sister barbies? oh, they've seen hell... cutting, bending, chewing, hanging, throwing, you name it, i did it. and i dont even know WHY i did. i guess i just hated that blondie with a weird growing passion.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Koudoawaia on July 28, 2013, 10:45:38 AM
There were only a couple I was mean to and they were both great favorites despite that. I had great fun twirling my Popple around and around in the air by her tail. After years of that, her tail was hanging on only by one side. >> Then I had a rubber snake that I named Slither. I bought it with my own money when I was a kid and was so proud. Now even though I genuinely did love Slither and he was one of my favorites, he ended up without his fangs, tongue and somehow part of his tail missing because I'd pick at them in times of boredom.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: PinkRosedust on July 28, 2013, 10:58:40 AM
Despite being a little spoiled and having lots of toys, I was pretty careful with most of mine. I had one small doll (Melanie's Mall) that for some reason I would abuse by doing things like wrapping her into the spokes of my bike and riding around, or spinning her around in the air attached to a dog leash (and it's not because I didn't like her - I had a lot of those dolls and I LOVED them). But other than her, I can't think of any instance where I intentionally damaged a toy. When I acquired ponies in good condition I was pretty careful to keep them that way. I never took scissors or markers to my toys that I'm aware of. I had plenty of fun while still being careful when I played. =)
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Corona on July 28, 2013, 11:06:19 AM
I'd give my ponies haircuts rarely but my barbies got it worse. My favorite activity with barbies was ripping off their heads and rolling them down the stairs.

My Pokemon figures and legos I treated very well along with my childhood N64. I saved up to buy it and I still have it in working but dusty condition.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Prince Primbrose on July 28, 2013, 11:11:00 AM
I grew up without a lot, and I knew from a young age that we didn't have money for toys. I treated my playthings like they were made of glass. No markers or haircuts or anything. I had a little girl rip some of my dolls' clothes once (those rubbery outfits that Polly Pockets have) and I was so upset because I took such good care of those things.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Twilight Pink on July 28, 2013, 11:14:44 AM
I put eyeshadow on my G3 ponies from time to time, and I tell ya, they look good  ;)
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on July 28, 2013, 11:57:53 AM
I would say that having grown up as an only child and only grandchild, I was definitely spolied with toys. I should also mention that I was a complete tomboy, I remember being chased around for hours screaming because I didn't want to put on a dress.
I had tons of tranformers, gi joes, tmnt etc that I played with just fine...
But as far as my girly toys were concerned, I wouldn't so much call it abuse, more like modfications lol.
I don't ever remember doing anything to any toys except for barbie. I despised that barbie was perfect and had long blonde hair. I thought she would look better with a pixie cut, or tattoos and piercings, darker makeup, pretty much anything punky and different from what barbie represented to me.
I used to get yelled at for doing it, but I just felt like barbie should've been more diverse lol.
I don't have any of my childhood barbies or ponies, but I honestly don't remember hurting my ponies, or putting makeup on them at all.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: ashes on July 28, 2013, 01:47:01 PM
No - I tried to be really careful with my toys.  The only time I cut any hair on them was Baby Backstroke.  Since I took her in the tub with me so much, she ended up with some gnarly, ratty ends to her mane.  So I though I was doing her a service by trimming all that off.  But then I hated how short her mane was, so I never did anything like that again.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: lovesbabysquirmy on July 28, 2013, 03:30:47 PM
Hmmm I played with them.  This means that they flew through the air, got buried in dirt, had their hair trimmed, and even got the "pony pox" - ballpoint pen!  I chewed on them when I was stressed.  Anyone looking at my toys probably would say I was a toy abuser.  But I PLAYED with them!  Too many of my friends had toys on display they couldn't play with - ugh.  I have great memories, and experiences, and I still have all but one of my childhood ponies!


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Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Stormness_1 on July 28, 2013, 03:36:44 PM
My first ever MLP has a hair cut... but I got my mum to do it! So Ruby Lips has a bob, just like I did when I was a kid... Other than that, my toys were kept pretty well, apart from the odd bath time!
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: BlackCurtains on July 28, 2013, 03:37:36 PM
I always took great care of my things but I did make improvements to some of them. For example, I have a grey kitty plush that I've had forever and I trimmed the fur around her green eyes so I could see them better (and so that she could see better too!) :)

My dinosaurs, although not "abused" definitely show some battle scars. But it's from actual battle with each other. They'd have tremendous wars in the backyard in the overgrown muddy patch behind the garden shed :D Ah, memories :inlove:
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: mlp4me on July 28, 2013, 04:32:05 PM
I took good care of my toys as a child. I've only now had the urge to cut pony hair and cover them in paint and other abusively evil things...
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: invaderhorizongreen on July 28, 2013, 04:32:52 PM
nope never abused them but we did play the living daylights out of them.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: SajiNoKami on July 28, 2013, 05:33:52 PM
Nothing beyond normal play. StarWars and cars got played with in dirt, ponies and Barbies did not. If I ruined a toy, I would have to pay my mom back for it.

I cut 3 of my ponies hair, nothing extreme, just shortened 2 of the tails so they wouldn't step on them. Then there was Parasol, she was a punk so I cut her tail short and made her main more mohawk like. Mentioned this to my ma maybe a year ago and she said: I thought you were just being destructive. I wish you would have just told me these things. [Would you have still gotten mad?] Yes of coarse.

Only ones that got chewed on were Brandie and Twinkle.

Well the positive is the only problem with my ponies now is general aging that could not be prevented and no faded hair. Taught me to store them in a dark bin, in individual bags.

I have been told I was destructive kid and even have seen pictures of my terror, but be damned if I remember any of it.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: SparklersOasis on July 28, 2013, 05:46:47 PM
For some unknown reason, I absolutely HATED Barbie growing up!  I would have rather had a TMNT or MLP, but apparently TMNT wasn't 'feminine' enough for my mom, and MLP just encouraged my 'horse crazies!'  LOL.  As if NOT getting me those toys ever changed anything. 
As a result, most of my barbies got sharpie tattoos, mohawks, and generally ended up being amputees!  Results ended up being a little disturbing, and I ended up getting MLPs more often!  :D
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: DazzleKitty on July 28, 2013, 06:45:59 PM
I was usually pretty kind to my toys, though I had some I was rough with. I remember playing with my toy animals and dinosaurs in the dirt. And I also remember using scissors to cut the fur on some of my stuffed animals, but no major damage.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: himmie on July 28, 2013, 08:15:24 PM
I never abused my toys. I did have some cars that I played with outside, but not my actual Hotwheels--those did not dare go outside!
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: kaoskat on July 28, 2013, 08:36:40 PM
Nope. Not at all. In fact, my first pony I got when I was 3 is still in pretty good shape. She's a bit faded/discolored with age and her hair is a bit frizzy, but over all not bad seeing as I played with my ponies everyday.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Wardah on July 28, 2013, 08:37:32 PM
I remember taking a couple of action figures who had elbows that only went up and down and using twist tie wires to try and give them a greater range of movement. I don't remember doing much else that could be seen as damaging tho I am sure I did the standard playing in the dirt or the pool or whatever. Oh and I made them clothes out of paper or whatever else I could find.

My sister on the other hand used to be creative and give her dolls makeup and haircuts but that never bothered me as much as her letting her toys get chewed. She knows the dogs chew and yet she always left her toys around and wonders why all her dolls should be nicknamed Captain Hook.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: kiwimlp on July 28, 2013, 11:53:03 PM
I was always very careful with all of my toys - especially my ponies.  Although my first three show definite signs of play (hard not to when I think of all the hours I spent with them and where I took them!) I never cut their hair or did anything destructive to them :lovey:

That aside, I cut my first real ponies forelock before I knew any better and she looked terrible.  LOL.  At least it grew out.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Aitsuki on July 28, 2013, 11:58:04 PM
Mmm.... that's a tough one! I was a tomboy for sure.... most of my toys were stuffed animals and such that could take some rough-housing. But cutting? Hmmm, not really. I had a couple ponies as a child; the cabbage patch ponies and a couple baby ballet ponies. Never cut their hair. The babies came into the bath a lot though.... they became quite yucky, and were eventually tossed out due to rust and bacterial mold growth in their joints.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: MiRaja on July 29, 2013, 01:00:22 AM
I took fairly good care of my ponies for the most part.  I had two 'bath ponies,' and that was Whizzer and Wind Whistler, who were kind of gross looking. . .  Whizzer's tail washer broke at some point and I remember popping her tail in and out and all of the gross stuff that came out of her tail plug hole. ..  ewwwhhh.  They were second hand, almost all my ponies were, in my defense.  I constantly tried to scrub Wind Whistler's flocking off because I could see the bright whistles below.  Ah, OCD.  Apparently Wind Whistler had really good flocking because I could never get that crap to budge. 

Then, I had a SWS Twinkler who I thought would look better in white and tried to paint her with whiteout. . .  Shame.  I didn't cut any hair, I remember as much, and I never drew on my ponies, except for the one white out incident.  Not that it mattered, as my dad ended up tossing out all my ponies AND my transformers! 
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Sonata on July 29, 2013, 03:13:38 AM
I always took very good care of my toys, even considering I always had loads of them. Sometimes, they would break simply because I was too young and wasn't careful enough. I also didn't control my strength very well... I did cut some hair and some outfits from my Barbies, but to this day they remain the ones I like the most and have the most wonderful memories of. As I got older, I started not so much playing with toys, but collecting them, so most of my Barbies are in immaculate condition and have all the accessories, etc.

As for ponies, I always took extra care of them because they were always my favourite toys. I did cut one's hair, but I don't really regret it xD In general, they are all in great shape and I am proud of that :D
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: HavACrumpet452 on July 29, 2013, 04:07:25 AM
Oh yeah. I gave haircuts. I also cut the attached accessories off my original puppy in my pocket toys, like if a puppy was molded onto a pillow I'd cut the pillow off to have the plain puppy. I didn't draw on my toys but I did write my name all over the inside cover of all my books and colored some of the pictures too.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Tiffymh1fan on July 29, 2013, 04:31:36 AM
Half & Half. I took care of my arts and craft stuff and other cool Items at the time such as the 80s charms, Lisa Frank, Holiday Barbies, Trolls. I did make Improvements to my Barbies as well, but only the ones  who had really bad hair that was unbrushable and matted. I made cloths for them more than anything out of socks, pantyhoses everything that had lace on them lol I hated dressing up. I went through sooo many socks with those lacey lace tops, they would get turned into ball gowns. Since I had two sisters the cloths was always getting  grown out of so It was no big deal to cut up socks. But I once cut up my grandmas curtains and that is something I destroyed bad  :blush:
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Heartcease on July 29, 2013, 04:46:22 AM
No, I did not abuse or alter my toys.  I thought they became real when I was gone or asleep, so I didn't want to hurt them.  I still have all of them, but most are in storage.  I can't wait for my son to be a bit bigger so that he can play with some of them.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Aflame on July 29, 2013, 07:25:34 AM
mine also came alive at night so i dident do much to them i did cut my barbies hair but never my ponies ,i actualy fell down some stairs carrying the lulaby nersery and was crying more because i thought i had broken it !i only noticed after i had sevrel carpet burns on my legs !!! xaflamex
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Eviecorn on July 29, 2013, 07:56:53 AM
I took really good care of my own toys.  Now my sister's Barbies met a lot of abuse at my hands, but that's another story.  :whistle:
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: shockponie on July 29, 2013, 07:57:44 AM
No. My family was quite broke when I was growing up. I had a little tub with Barbies (maybe 5 dolls) and Barbie clothes/accessories... Then I had a box (almost as big) filled with crayons. That's pretty much it. My mom told me if I ever gave Barbie a haircut, I'd never get another Barbie again. My cousin, on the other hand, had ALL the Barbies! Plus Barbie cars, Barbie pool, Barbie Dreamhouse... I'd bring my tub to her house, and we'd play Barbies for hours. She liked to cut her "ugly" Barbies' hair & scribble on them with sharpies. I felt bad for them. XD
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: achab1984 on July 29, 2013, 08:23:12 AM
I got my first set of ponies from my aunt that is only a little older then me. I did cut there hair and I am not sure why? After that I took very good care of my ponies. I still have some that have original curls in there hair still :)
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Sandra on July 29, 2013, 08:31:37 AM
I wouldn't say I abused my toys, but I did love them dearly so they often ended up going everywhere with me, including the sandbox or my grandma's garden. They got a bit grimey and dirty but I think I still took pretty good care of them and tried to wash them when I could (many of my toys would also take baths with me. I could sit in that tub for hours with them!) The only "abuse" I could think of was when I would put toys in my mouth. I seem to have some kind of oral fixation and enjoy chewing on things. My Polly Pockets were often the victims of this and I remember having several with teeth marks on their limbs. I also chewed on their rubber clothing but it stood up pretty well compared to the plastic dolls. xD
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Majesty on July 29, 2013, 03:43:57 PM
No. I was always one to take care of my toys. I did one time cut the forelock off of my Princess Royal Blue though because I didn't like the hair in her face but it looked worse with that cut. :P  I did have a Princess Jasmine doll from the early 90's that I gave a hair cut too which I also regret.  I mean it wasn't dramatic.  She had really long hair and I just cut it until it was at the end of her back.  I was never one to remove barbie doll heads or anything like that.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: rosierjay on July 29, 2013, 03:54:36 PM
my grandpa once told me when i was young that someday my toys would be worth money if i took care of them so i tried my best to protect my ponies and ssc dolls.
though my sister had a habit of chewing off fingers and toes of most of the dolls, my ponies stayed safe.
i can't find 3 of them, otherwise they are all safely stored where they were when i was little.
(when i get my room set up again i'll take pictures to show my secret pony hiding place.  :satisfied:
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: spottedslug on July 31, 2013, 09:50:09 AM
Some, but not as much as some of my friends. They endured the most abuse, actually when I was a teen. :blush:
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: EienMau on July 31, 2013, 11:34:56 AM
I never cut hair or colored on my toys, but I did go through a phase where I was obsessed with glittery nail polish.. *cough*
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: CrazyCatPony on July 31, 2013, 11:55:39 AM
For the most part I didn't ever "abuse" my toys, but I did think I could make a few "better" with modifications. :(

I'm embarrassed to say when I went through my pre-teen years and thought "Oh, well I'm never going to play with these again" and I turned my "Babysitter Skipper" Barbie doll into "Punk Princess Skipper".
She came complete with spiky/short, blue/green dyed hair (food colouring), a nose stud (a pin shoved through her head up her nose) pierced ears and marker tattoo's.

And I'm mortified that I decided to give my original Posey a marker make-up job, and boy do I regret that. I've managed to get most of the spots faded (thanks to the tips here!) but she will never be the same. :cry:

i laughed so hard when i read what you did to your barbie, cuz i made a punk rock barbie when i was a teenager with blue/purple spiked mohak and sparpie tattoos! LOL
 for the most part i normally only abused a couple things, Punkrock barbie and a barbie i gave a hair cut too (oops) i gave one of my baby glory's and line of "lipstick" with a pen but for the most part i really took care of my toys, i was really bad a shareing because my friends tortured their toys and i didnt want mine to get ruined.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Twilight Pink on August 01, 2013, 02:40:09 PM
i laughed so hard when i read what you did to your barbie, cuz i made a punk rock barbie when i was a teenager with blue/purple spiked mohak and sparpie tattoos! LOL
 for the most part i normally only abused a couple things, Punkrock barbie and a barbie i gave a hair cut too (oops) i gave one of my baby glory's and line of "lipstick" with a pen but for the most part i really took care of my toys, i was really bad a shareing because my friends tortured their toys and i didnt want mine to get ruined.

I don't enjoy sharing my ponies either :P you have to be my age or up or unless you're a very good friend to play with my stuff. Other than that  "its look, don't touch" to the visitor or I give them the death stare when they're touching my ponies XD
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: True on August 01, 2013, 03:07:32 PM
I wouldnt call it abuse! :p but yeah I was pretty rough on my favorite things. just because i played with them sooo much lol. I was never really into barbies, at all. I would get one for every birthday and at least one every christmas and they would kinda just pile up. but i DID love like little doll house sized dolls (especially ones with actual hair). I never had an official "doll house" I had my moms old wooden house that my grandpa made her, so it wasnt like an offical size or anything, I really quickly grew attached to any dolls that fit through the doors of that house xD.

I cant say i was really into hair cuts, but I loved clay and would offten modify dolls with clay, little wings or ears (i was obsessed with elfs xD) but since it wasnt the hardening clay, i could always remove it and do something else.

all of my favorite toys also took baths with me also xD so... i guess its pretty easy to say that my toys went through a lot xD

ill just add that, I never did any sort of permanent damage to my toys though, I was always very protective of the things I really loved simply because my sister was almost the exact opposite xD and she would break things, (usually my things)
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Cumberbatch2012 on August 01, 2013, 03:39:40 PM
I didn't write on them or cut their hair, but I did brush them so much that my Cotton Candy and Moondancer, the first 2 ponies I ever got, had only a strand of tail left.  I also liked to break their neck seals so I could turn their heads.  Another problem was I threw all my ponies in the bathtub with me every time, not knowing they were growing mildew inside.  When I got my childhood ponies back years later I had to clean them out really well.  I wasn't one to break my toys or not take care of them.  That job was left to my cousins, who broke everything the same day they got it, lol.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Twilight Pink on August 01, 2013, 03:46:29 PM
I didn't write on them or cut their hair, but I did brush them so much that my Cotton Candy and Moondancer, the first 2 ponies I ever got, had only a strand of tail left.  I also liked to break their neck seals so I could turn their heads.  Another problem was I threw all my ponies in the bathtub with me every time, not knowing they were growing mildew inside.  When I got my childhood ponies back years later I had to clean them out really well.  I wasn't one to break my toys or not take care of them.  That job was left to my cousins, who broke everything the same day they got it, lol.
I used to put my G3s in the bathtub with me. No sign of mold/mildew   :lol: I would still do it, but my house lacks a bathtub and only have a shower  >_< but I do wash my ponies hair once and awhile  ;)
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Cumberbatch2012 on August 01, 2013, 03:51:47 PM
I didn't write on them or cut their hair, but I did brush them so much that my Cotton Candy and Moondancer, the first 2 ponies I ever got, had only a strand of tail left.  I also liked to break their neck seals so I could turn their heads.  Another problem was I threw all my ponies in the bathtub with me every time, not knowing they were growing mildew inside.  When I got my childhood ponies back years later I had to clean them out really well.  I wasn't one to break my toys or not take care of them.  That job was left to my cousins, who broke everything the same day they got it, lol.
I used to put my G3s in the bathtub with me. No sign of mold/mildew   :lol: I would still do it, but my house lacks a bathtub and only have a shower  >_< but I do wash my ponies hair once and awhile  ;)

Well, I threw them in the bathtub with me for years, from 1984 until 1989.  I would then throw them in a plastic bag and leave them sitting in my room all wet.  That didn't help.  When I got them back Moondancer was the worst.  She was no longer white, but gray, with her head and hooves even grayer.  So I took off her head and YUCK!  The rest had some too, but not as bad as that.  It was just a major case of not letting them dry properly for years.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: LadyCadance on August 01, 2013, 04:31:27 PM
I'm guilty. I use to cut hair, put makeup on them, put on nail polish, draw with pens, and then give them a long hot bath. I only did that to my favorite special toys. They were definitely loved. Most of my childhood toys wouldn't be worth a dime due to the love they received.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: scarletjul on August 01, 2013, 10:50:53 PM
Usually, no.  There was one doll that I drew blue ink "lipstick" on and a couple of Barbies that I chewed on their hands and feet.  One Barbie got her hair cut off when it got all ratty and tangled but[\i] I asked permission first and I liked her better that way - I still have her.  Most of my childhood toys were kept in good shape.  Well loved and dirty but in good condition.  :)
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Binny on August 02, 2013, 08:09:01 AM
I did so unintentionally by playing with them in the bathtub. :(
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: flyawayraven on August 02, 2013, 05:16:04 PM
I'm not sure I full on abused my toys, but I'm guilty of loving too much. Most of the damage my toys had came from being played with or touched frequently.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Summer-blade on August 02, 2013, 05:22:59 PM
worst I ever did was take them in tub with me. My parents didn't replace stuff once it broke they were of the option that 'If you want toys you take care of them or you won't get them ' so I took care of my ponies as best I could even when I was little they were washed and brushed regularly 
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: rearing_palomino164 on August 03, 2013, 11:30:51 AM
My toys were always immaculate. I always put them away in the same spot and cried if something as easy as a popoff arm fell off. I still have a lot of my old toys and love them just the same.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Spike on August 07, 2013, 10:42:13 PM
When I had barbies I would always style their hair and cut them. But I was always good at it. :P
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Mori_LeStrange on August 08, 2013, 05:55:01 AM
I always took very good care of my toys. The worst thing I ever did with them was put the lipstick that came with one of them on them.

I remember crying when a TMNT toy I had broke while playing.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Lightning Twirl on August 08, 2013, 06:43:18 AM
I painted my old Guilmon action figure when I was little! I made him black and white hahaha! xD I think I painted Renamon too. I had a barbie doll I colored her hair red with sharpie, I think I named her Amish!! I also cut a tail off on of my Pukachu tomy figures....and I burried a shellder burger king toy in my sandbox and never saw it again! My friend and I used to slingshot our  pokemon/digimon toys in his backyard.  My friend dropped a legobox on his ocarina of time zelda and her head popped off! I used to cut pointy parts of my toys off with scissors....i dont know why. I painted another shellder toy with pearly pink nail polish and it ruined the plastic! Then I took some of my moms pearly blush and rubbed my pokemon toys in them to make them look pretty! :S hahahah I guess I was pretty bad to them but I loved them!

I kind of have a question I have been meaning to ask people, did anyone else's parents take their toys away from them so early? I wish I still had all my pokemon toys. When I turned 9 I came home one day to find that my parents threw all my toys out because nine was 'too old for toys' and I wasnt allowed to own any besides my gameboy. This was later revealed after psychiatric evaluation the cause of some of my development and depression issues (I loved my toys a lot-they were my only friends during divorce) and probably a reason I became an adult toy collector. I buy toys now since I moved out! I keep all my toys nice and neat now of course!
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: ravengusty on August 08, 2013, 07:19:43 AM
Aww sorry your toys got thrown out LT  :cry: I was upset when I had to give up ponies and other toys I was about fourteen/fifteen. Though my Dad didn't throw them all our he was sorting through my old cupboard and found some Puppy in my Pockets a couple of months ago (vintage ones hehe)

I once owned a doll, like a baby doll but with red hair and it was one of them that teaches you to tie your laces and stuff, well I'd had this doll for years as it was an early childhood doll. When I was eight I decided to watch tv while my Dad was asleep in the chair, Chucky was on and I watched the whole thing. I went to bed and noticed that my doll with red hair looked suspiciously like Chucky especially with only the lamp on so I er...threw him out the window (on a cold rainy night in Wales). He wasn't in good shape in the morning  :)
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Prince Primbrose on August 08, 2013, 09:08:36 AM
My mom used to regularly make me pick out stuffed animals to get rid of. It was always so heartbreaking to have to decide who I loved the most. But other than stuffies, they let me decide when I was done with all my other toys. (At thirteen, when I decided it wouldn't be very cool of me to still be playing with my toys... I missed them a lot after that.)
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: lockette on August 08, 2013, 10:30:46 AM
I was always really good to my toys for the most part. I mean, I took my ponies in the bath, but who knew that was bad for them? I did put masking tape around their legs when they "broke" them, as a cast (in fact, my Pony Bride still had one on her leg when I first took them out of storage!). And on my Jasmine "barbie", once I tried putting nail polish on her as eye makeup, then when I wiped it off (right away), it took some of her eye paint with it D: But other than that, I was good to my toys. My ponies had some frizz but no haircuts or the absolutely WILD standing up straight and full of knots hair that I see on kids' ponies. o_o;;

My parents never MADE me get rid of my toys. When I was in high school, they did ask me and my sister to go through our stuffed animals and get rid of ones we didn't want to keep. They'd been in storage in the crawlspace so it was an annual ordeal for a couple of years. We kept a lot more than we got rid of though... It was usually pretty hard. But I think the only toy that my mom gave away without asking was my Teddy Ruxpin, to my aunt who had little grandkids. I was in middle school when I found out and was kinda mad she didn't ask me.

She knew better than to touch things like my ponies though. ;)
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: Tap Dancer on August 08, 2013, 01:13:23 PM
I kind of have a question I have been meaning to ask people, did anyone else's parents take their toys away from them so early?

Nope. No one ever took my things away or made me feel like I had to get rid of them. It was always my choice, and that's why I still have some of my childhood toys. I donated a ton of things to the DAV when I was in my early 20s.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: June on August 08, 2013, 04:09:59 PM
I've always taken a good care for my toys and stuff in general. We aren't wealthy (but not poor either) so I was raised to save, preserve and recycle as much as possible. It could be frustrating when I was younger because most of the kids around me had all sorts of gadgets - consoles, fancy computers and cellphones that costed over a half of average monthly pay check. Some of them even went shopping abroad regulary because number of the big brands available was quite limited at the time. Today, I find it useful and probably will even more when I start to live from my work.
But, back on topic
My parents never forced me to give away my toys. Every year we had a large house cleaning and we would go over all the stuff from clothes to toys and I would pick what I'd like to keep and what to give away. I still remember how horrified I was when my mum asked me if I'd like to give away my favourite plush, but now I think she was just joking because she knew how I loved him. I still keep him on my bed :)
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: slj84 on August 08, 2013, 08:33:58 PM
For the most part I took pretty good care of my stuff.  Any damage was done just from playing outside and I took my ponies outside to play, because I was hardly ever inside playing.

I know my aunt had two boys and really wanted a girl so when I came along I got lots of babies and Barbies from her. I did play with then but not like I loved my ponies.  Barbie often was in shark infested water or pony stampede.  Ponies and littlest pet shop were the girliest I got.  My parents gave up on dresses when I was pretty young, I never would sit in the "properly" and I would rip any stockings to shreds.

The only thing I remember doing is cutting the hair on my
1985 Kmart Christmas bear who was my security blanket.  He still lives next to my bed and may end up in it when I need a bit of comfort. 

My sister claimed when I was 2 I ripped of her Ken dolls legs and pulled out two my little pony tails, applejack and lemondrop.  Either I was a very strong 2 year old or I suspect they where already loose and I took the blame.

Oh and a big Opps on my behalf, I was 5-6 ish and my parents had a karosean heater, and I had a brand new puff a luff.  Well I sat him on the heater not knowing better and he went puff.  I do know I was very very upset about this though.
Title: Re: Did you "Abuse" Your Toys?
Post by: elvenwine26 on August 08, 2013, 08:39:36 PM
Yes and No.  My toys were all very well loved but if you give a child a hair cut, they might decide that their beloved toy also needs a haircut to match.  One or two of my ponies got the highlighter treatment when I was figuring out how letters worked.  They were well-loved, but also adventure ready with battle scars to go tromping through the woods with me and play in the dirt and and be used as projectiles, etc.  Ponies are very sturdy toys. Barbie wasn't much good for adventures.
Funnily enough my older brother had an army of donatellos, but none of the other ninja turtles held up for him, just the Donatellos. P:  So we'd have like 16 donatellos and a war veteran raphael and leonardo.  Even the "broken" toys still actively participated in our shenanigans. We were pretty dirt poor after I turned 6 so the toys we had basically lasted through me and my brother and then my younger siblings.
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