The MLP Arena

Pony Talk => Pony Corral => Topic started by: gypsyunicorn on July 21, 2013, 12:54:03 AM

Title: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: gypsyunicorn on July 21, 2013, 12:54:03 AM
I went thrifting tonight and didn't find any ponies this time. I did manage to go into a Toys R Us and was standing in the pony aisle  when my hubby noticed a lady wearing a MLP shirt who was caring some plushy ponies. I hope she didn't hear him teasing me as he kept saying " Aren't you going to say Hi?! It's the pony lady!! Say Hi to the pony lady. It's the pony lady. See. See see her pony shirt and she has ponies". :blink: I was like " Cut it out you are embarrassing me. What if she doesn't care." I felt weird so if it was you in TRU and you heard my hubby saying this about you accept my apology cuz he was embarrassing the crap outta me cuz he refers to me as a pony lady too. As if not just being a female human being is enough he makes me feel like us collectors are some strange human pony breed ourselves ... :lol:So yes I came up empty handed. The blind bags were all picked over. I didn't buy a darn MLP thing but I did come home and get on Arena and was browsing some pictures on here of mine and felt like I got a free pony when I saw I had 2 Greek gals I totally forgot I bought last year via the Arena which rocks my pony socks off. :lol:

feel free to tell me if anyone has ever done this to you in the store
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: ponylady on July 21, 2013, 01:33:26 AM
 :lol: my hubby refers to me as pony lady too, hence my user name!

I don't have any funny stories, as he has not yet embarrassed me a store. And that is only because when I head to the toy isle, he heads for sporting goods.

Great story though!
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: on July 21, 2013, 01:40:04 AM
The only person that can embarass me is me, and yes I've made a fool of myself in the store plenty of times, especially upon finding Diamond Rose when she first came to Sweden, and also the time when I found Frankies Fearleading fashion pack way after I thougth it had sold out, tucked in the back of some newer fashion packs. My poor BF, standing next to a grown woman, squeeing and jumping up and down in the toy aisle...
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: TwinkleEye on July 21, 2013, 01:59:21 AM
(...) My poor BF, standing next to a grown woman, squeeing and jumping up and down in the toy aisle...

 :lol: No chance if the "inner child" take command. I know this kind of situations too.  ^.^
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: Sarah-Bee on July 21, 2013, 02:14:40 AM
Joe's used to me by now, he doesn't even roll his eyes at me when I do this any more :p
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: Eldarwen on July 21, 2013, 04:13:46 AM
I was looking for some FS ponies and my boyfriend was standing next to me. I said something like "I dont have this one yet" and he goes all red and corrects me "you mean the little girl you are buying it for, doesnt have it yet?!".. Took me a while to understand what he meant, but then I saw someone standing near us, so he was embarrassed about me buying ponies.  :lol: I dont get it. I dont care what others think, but for him its a big deal.
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: Rosette on July 21, 2013, 05:29:07 AM
My son is five and has bizarre conversational skills.  (My husband calls it conversation-gambit Tourette's.). He doesn't realize complete strangers don't want to talk.  So, in line at a deli he might say to the person in front of us, "My name is Graeme and I love the Garfield franchise.  I'm five. We're on a road trip from Illinois.  My mom loves ponies."  No matter what, the part about ponies is in every conversation.  Embarrassing!  :)
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: SALTY5621 on July 21, 2013, 05:50:01 AM
my friends find it embarrassing wen i just casually walk into the girl toy isles wen out with me. and i get stared at by little girls but thats pretty normal~ im a 6'2" 17 year old young man acting like a 5 year old over ponies
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: lochnessmomster on July 21, 2013, 06:27:53 AM
My son is five and has bizarre conversational skills.  (My husband calls it conversation-gambit Tourette's.). He doesn't realize complete strangers don't want to talk.  So, in line at a deli he might say to the person in front of us, "My name is Graeme and I love the Garfield franchise.  I'm five. We're on a road trip from Illinois.  My mom loves ponies."  No matter what, the part about ponies is in every conversation.  Embarrassing!  :)

Awwww..... such a cute story about your son!!  My oldest son has ASD and is also quite the talker.  We never know what embarrassing thing he is going to say in public.  Once, while we were at a museum and he was bored and really hungry for lunch, he told one of the tour guides, "I'm really hungry.  I only had one doughnut for breakfast today.  But they're not terrible parents."  :lol:

gypsyunicon, I hope that the other "pony lady" is a member here in the arena and eventually reads this post.  I'm sure she'd totally understand and even find it rather humourous. ;) So sorry to hear your boyfriend embarrassed you like that, though.  I don't really care what people think, either, but I have to admit it's kind of nice having children so it doesn't look as odd when I put toys in my shopping trolley.  :P

Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: Eldarwen on July 21, 2013, 06:44:56 AM
I don't really care what people think, either, but I have to admit it's kind of nice having children so it doesn't look as odd when I put toys in my shopping trolley.  :P

I dont care what people think, but for my boyfriend its a big deal. So I always keep telling him that no one knows why im buying ponies. Maybe I have a child and im buying it for her birthday? Or maybe im just buying them as a gift for someone else? No one knows! I mean, if I see someone buying toys, I always assume its something like that. Even when im a collector myself!  :lol:
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: lochnessmomster on July 21, 2013, 06:55:03 AM
I don't really care what people think, either, but I have to admit it's kind of nice having children so it doesn't look as odd when I put toys in my shopping trolley.  :P

I dont care what people think, but for my boyfriend its a big deal. So I always keep telling him that no one knows why im buying ponies. Maybe I have a child and im buying it for her birthday? Or maybe im just buying them as a gift for someone else? No one knows! I mean, if I see someone buying toys, I always assume its something like that. Even when im a collector myself!  :lol:

Same here!  And in fact, I often dash off to look at the toys while my husband is in another part of the store with the kids, so I don't employ them as decoys as often as I could. ;) I mostly figure, "Who cares?  No one knows why I'm buying the toy and I don't need to explain myself to anyone."  When I look at ponies, I let my inner self jump up and down while on the outside I remain calm and unaffected, lol.  :P
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: Tap Dancer on July 21, 2013, 07:07:44 AM
I don't care what anyone thinks of me. It's no one's business what I buy. :poke:

Once, while we were at a museum and he was bored and really hungry for lunch, he told one of the tour guides, "I'm really hungry.  I only had one doughnut for breakfast today.  But they're not terrible parents."  :lol

LOL  :biggrin:
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: achab1984 on July 21, 2013, 08:00:38 AM
I do not really have any stores. I have had people look at me when I stand there and look at the ponies. I have gone threw all the blind bags looking at the numbers. I was looking for a few ponies for my daughter. I think they thought I was trying to steal something or what.

I love reading what you all have wrote :)
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: Sky_Rocket_Sammie on July 21, 2013, 08:10:11 AM
I told my friend as I headed down the pony isle at Wally World. "What it won't kill you". Her response (meant in fun), "It might, you never know". Once she realized the "why" behind my actions and that I often trade blind bags for Hot Wheels. Yeah now it's all good.

Last Christmas I felt nervous about gifting her a Hot Wheels car. In front of her parents, turned out all my worry was for nothing. Her dad (who's 56) had been given a Hot Wheels track. So now all three of us collect.

As for being in the store, she's heard me say "oh there for my cousins". Which she rolls her eyes at because my cousins are, all now my age or older. :p

Sorry your husband embarrassed you. I try to keep calm, while on the inside I'm ten years old.
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: ravengusty on July 21, 2013, 08:22:47 AM
I'm lucky enough to have a boyfriend who doesn't mind my collecting ponies and doesn't think it's silly. He'd never embarrass me like that. He says he'll never remember the names of all the G1 ponies, though today he managed to remember what CP stands for  :biggrin:
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: Lightning Twirl on July 21, 2013, 09:42:40 AM
Aww hey dont feel embarrassed! Collecting ponies is something you should take lots pride in! Ponies are awesome, why not shout to the world you love my little ponies?! My husband used to get embarrassed by me buying ponies but LOL he is used to it now!

I dont care what people think about me. Its my money, my choice! Yes I collect pretty pink ponies and people need to get over that or they are the immature one (been called immature for even simply watching the show). I am a very free-spirited youth.... I am gonna do what I want and not feel any shame! =P
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: lemonice on July 21, 2013, 09:46:21 AM
I'm lucky enough to have a boyfriend who doesn't mind my collecting ponies and doesn't think it's silly. He'd never embarrass me like that. He says he'll never remember the names of all the G1 ponies, though today he managed to remember what CP stands for  :biggrin:

same here.
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: Rosencrantz on July 21, 2013, 10:01:55 AM
Oh man. I don't have any pony shame, but I think that would have earned any husband of mine a good pinch for social graces.
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: kirei_na_sakura on July 21, 2013, 10:08:41 AM
 I'm sorry you were embarrassed and then weren't able to find any ponies to boot. :(
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: Eaglefeather on July 21, 2013, 10:10:47 AM
Funny, funny stories!  :biggrin: I'm sorry you were embarrased though.

Sometimes it's a little awkward for me to go down the toy isles alone, but I try not to care because I love ponies too much. :)

Several times in kindergarten, I wanted to bring some of my mom's Beanie Babies in for show-and-tell. She would remind me, "Don't tell anyone they are your mother's. Please."  :lol:
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: Aurora on July 21, 2013, 10:11:56 AM
If I were the other "pony lady," I would have turned around and talked with you. I live for times when I see other pony people in the store!
My husband WOULD point out the other lady for me, though, so I could go and talk to her! I'm really hard to embarrass, and completely unashamed of my pony habits, so it's a good thing he's not easy to embarrass either!
I'm sorry he was upsetting in the store, though. He should know better, and I'm sure he has one or two things that he doesn't want dragged out in public. Maybe next time you could loudly discuss his collection of teacups with him- it doesn't matter if he collects them or not! (Teacups was NOT the first thing that came to mind, there, but it was the first thing that I could actually write on a PG-13 site!)
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: lochnessmomster on July 21, 2013, 10:12:17 AM
Funny, funny stories!  :biggrin: I'm sorry you were embarrased though.

Sometimes it's a little awkward for me to go down the toy isles alone, but I try not to care because I love ponies too much. :)

Several times in kindergarten, I wanted to bring some of my mom's Beanie Babies in for show-and-tell. She would remind me, "Don't tell anyone they are your mother's. Please."  :lol:

You can tell her we relate!  ^.^
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: Iris Patch on July 21, 2013, 10:20:31 AM
Your hubby embarrassed you, but for me it's the opposite, I like to tease my husband. ;D I honestly think it's awesome he's started collecting, I help him out where I can, like point out sales or places carrying the bling bags he's after. But since he's embarrassed about it anyway, it is just my nature to pick on him lovingly. ;)

I am completely unabashed about my hobby, and sometimes I just can't help it, I'll exclaim "YESSS!" when I find something I've been looking for. xD With Pokémon collecting, I'm worse, I remember one time I found a new Arcanine thing I'd never seen before and I gasped out loud. But I would never pretend like the toys are for anyone but me. If anybody has a problem with it, well, I don't care. ^_^ I admit a certain priveledge of being a very young-looking woman though, I might be more bashful if I looked closer to my real age or if I was a man.

On a semi off-topic note, I talked to a brony at TRU a couple days ago! I didn't get his name though, I wonder if he's on here? :D
I think it was the first time I ran into a fellow collector while shopping. Usually I am weaving past kids and families when I'm trying to peruse the pony aisle.
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: MikeysGrrrl on July 21, 2013, 10:42:43 AM
Awww that's funny, I can understand why you would feel embarrassed about him talking like that.

My husband is so supportive and not embarressed at all by the pony collecting. he's constantly on the look out for ponies whether it's online or in the store.

I don't know why anyone should feel embarrassed about collecting MLP, we used to collect diecast hotwheels and matchbox, and whenever we went in stores 9/10 times it was other adult collectors amd dealers that we were seeing digging through the displays looking for the treasures.

We love collecting them :)
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: ravengusty on July 21, 2013, 10:44:27 AM
Maybe next time he embarrasses you like that you could very loudly say

'I tell you what honey lets go get that cream you wanted for the massive spot on your butt'

Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: FlashSentry on July 21, 2013, 03:38:13 PM
If I were the other "pony lady," I would have turned around and talked with you. I live for times when I see other pony people in the store!
My husband WOULD point out the other lady for me, though, so I could go and talk to her! I'm really hard to embarrass, and completely unashamed of my pony habits, so it's a good thing he's not easy to embarrass either!
I'm sorry he was upsetting in the store, though. He should know better, and I'm sure he has one or two things that he doesn't want dragged out in public. Maybe next time you could loudly discuss his collection of teacups with him- it doesn't matter if he collects them or not! (Teacups was NOT the first thing that came to mind, there, but it was the first thing that I could actually write on a PG-13 site!)

 :lmao: :haha: :lmao: :haha: :snicker:

OK that was hilarious. I needed a good laugh. Thank you for posting that! lol
I HOPE I'm not opening up a can of worms here so please don't take my post personally or in the wrong light. Hope I don't regret posting this but I thought I'd add some of my experiences to the mix.
I've had several embarrassing/weird/rude experiences before. Being tall, muscular & male- it can be really awkward..

In fact, one happened just the other day when I bought my first blind bags. I paid for 3 blind bags at the register and the nosy cashier just looked at me and basically started giggling. I don't remember what she said exactly (must've blocked it out). But I was really tired and hot from the heat outside and she stunned me with her questioning. I was basically like "huh?"..  :blink: And she continued "Well they usually buy these for little"  :mad: Just to silence her I told her "Oh, they're for a friend." But it was really awkward. And I had never bought any blind bags before. Nice first experience. lol :shocked:
Honestly she's lucky I wasn't in a bad mood or my response might have been quite different...  :duh: :throw: :angry: :hmm:

Once as a kid I was buying an import Sailor Moon doll and the guy at the register was talking to another man. When I started to pay for the doll the man starred at me and laughed and said "Really? you're buying a doll?".  :cry:
I was so young and stunned I didn't know how to respond or what to say or do. The cashier sort of came to my rescue and was like "Hey, this is a collector's item man." He was doing it just to make the sale of course but it helped a little. The doll cost a pretty penny (around $35) and the little shop needed the $ so of course he wanted it sold. But yeah, it was a bad experience and I still remember it to this day. :huh: The joke is on that guy though, because that doll is now worth a ton of $ and I got it for a great price. :lol: :biggrin: :P
Stuff like this has happened my whole life but now that I'm bigger, stronger, wiser & older I can actually defend myself from such harsh random scrutiny. First of all whose business is it what we spend our hard earned money on anyway? Do you pay my bills? How does me buying a toy pony affect you in any way rude nosy obnoxious person? So what if I'm an adult buying toys. How do you know that I'm not buying it for my kids or for a relative or as a gift for someone?

I constantly get starred at when in the pony aisle or in a toy section. I guess I'm "intimidating" to some people. :lol: The worst HAS to be when parents grab there kids quickly and move away from me or they make it really obvious and yell out "COME HERE JENNY" or whatever the kids name is.. This happens a lot when Im just walking by people.. Like Im not even stopped or doing anything. It's odd & definitely hurts somewhere inside of me, but oh well. Is it my fault you abandon your kids & let them stray miles away from you while you do other things in another part of the store? Hold there hands or put them in your cart for Pete's sake. I'm not doing anything wrong, just browsing the pony area... Or when the workers give you weird looks, like why are you even in this section and they look at you like you're going to steal something.. watching you like a hawk. :cry: When you haven't done anything wrong at all. Happens all the time. I'm already used to it but it still stings. I've definitely learned to not care as much but yeah sometimes people make it SO HARD when quite frankly it's really none of their business.

It's a hard life being a pony collector or "brony" sometimes. But I am who I am and love what I love. And I won't change for anyone. :cool:
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: Iris Patch on July 21, 2013, 03:45:37 PM
I admit I have always wondered what the experience would be like buying ponies as a man without kids... really sorry to hear you've faced a lot of abuse and undue suspicion. u_u You're right that it's no one's damn business what you do with your money.
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: slj84 on July 21, 2013, 05:51:00 PM
Ehh people need to get over themselves.  There is no such thing as normal in my opinion.  Also at least our hobby holds value, so if we do ever need to sell for any reason at all it's there. I would rather collect something I love and keeps it value then spend it out on one night drinking or something like that.

Once I was at toys r us with my 3 year old niece. She had a pinkie pie and I had a Sunset shimmer in the cart.  My niece picks them up and we are having a conversation and the women in front of us was overhearing and had this look of awe on her face, the. She heard Audrey say here is your pony and hands me sunset shimmer and she babbles on about how many ponies I have.  The women got a funny look on her face and turns back around shaking her head. While I happily continue talking to Audrey about all the other characters and how applejack is her absolute favorite. Because of my goodness it's so terrible to enjoy something that my niece also enjoys.
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: SajiNoKami on July 21, 2013, 06:28:10 PM
I have had people try to embarrass me before, but I don't react, so hence: not fun. Now they just try to help. Any anytime I am asked if I want gift receipt: "Nawh, they are for me."
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: missbonbon on July 21, 2013, 07:21:08 PM
I would leave my hubby at home if he embarrassed me. I don't mind what people think of me collecting MH dolls and ponies - but I have social anxiety so if he would say something like that to me, loud enough for the other person to hear, I'd be embarrassed.

I'm lucky though, my hubby is sweet and he collects Transformers so he understands my collections :)

Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: gabumon on July 21, 2013, 08:59:52 PM
I'm a middle aged man, and my wife and I found the Canterlot set that has Starbeam Twinkle at Ross for cheap!  I was pretty pleased.  Anyway at checkout the lady says "OHHH! It must be someone's BIRTHDay!".  in my mind I blurted "Yes!! I'm so happy!!" (my bday is in a week or so). but I just couldn't get the words out! ;) so I just smiled instead... and my wife goes "Yep!"
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: TwinkleEye on July 22, 2013, 02:37:33 AM
I'm a middle aged man, and my wife and I found the Canterlot set that has Starbeam Twinkle at Ross for cheap!  I was pretty pleased.  Anyway at checkout the lady says "OHHH! It must be someone's BIRTHDay!".  in my mind I blurted "Yes!! I'm so happy!!" (my bday is in a week or so). but I just couldn't get the words out! ;) so I just smiled instead... and my wife goes "Yep!"

The reaction from Your wife is cute!  :lol:
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: hathorcat on July 22, 2013, 06:12:12 AM
I guess I must be lucky in where I stay I have never been judged or even questioned by someone for buying ponies. I would have no issue saying they were for me however if someone asked. But I guess sometimes you have to grow in to being confident enough or you just get so used to ponies being a part of your shopping basket, you need to own it. :P I completely understand the embarrassment and annoyance or upset over people being mean or judging.

When I started collecting it was not something I would perhaps admit to many people, but that passed within a year. Now I say pony on everyone and I am way passed the point of me I have done way more embarrassing things in my life than buy some toy ponies.
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: partypony566 on July 22, 2013, 06:22:11 AM
The only person that can embarass me is me, and yes I've made a fool of myself in the store plenty of times, especially upon finding Diamond Rose when she first came to Sweden, and also the time when I found Frankies Fearleading fashion pack way after I thougth it had sold out, tucked in the back of some newer fashion packs. My poor BF, standing next to a grown woman, squeeing and jumping up and down in the toy aisle...

LOL I love it, sounds just like me XD
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: girlyponce on July 22, 2013, 08:06:14 AM
My SO just deals with my pony searches - and reluctantly goes with me.  ^.^
My BFF is a collector, so we do a Walmart/Target/TRU run maybe 2-3 times a week to look for new things.

I usually just talk to the kids when I'm pony shopping - but as a female I don't get the strange looks that a lot of the male collectors do.

Not pony related, but I used to collect the Lego BB Minifigures, so I am very good at identifying what is in the package by feeling them. My BFF mentioned this and I sat there at TRU for 20 minutes feeling bags for these two kids. They got the exact ones they wanted - their mom made me stay so they could open them right after check out & then praised my skill. Embarrassing as all heck, but I'm glad the kids got what they wanted.
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: Galactica on July 22, 2013, 09:43:54 AM
The adults probably think I'm a mom- until they see me going through each pony (and MH and Novi doll) looking in the back - picking a few up, considering them, putting them back or into my cart... not sure I see too many moms doing that.

The kids always seem to know I'm looking for myself  :lol:  I think it often makes them take another look at the ponies to see whether they might be missing out on something...

I guess I'm not an entirely "out" collector though-  when I get to the cash register, there is inevitably a remark about "well some little girl is sure going to be lucky!"   I just nod or say "Yep, she sure is."
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: hannaliten on July 22, 2013, 09:47:34 AM
Lol, I usually shop with one or both of my kids so the cashiers usually assume it's for them. That is until they ask who it's for and my little one goes "they're for mommy!"
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: Lightning Twirl on July 22, 2013, 10:28:23 AM
heehee! Before I got my wisdom teeth taken out, my husband was being sooo sweet and bought be both of the Crystal Princess Twin packs at Target. The cashier asked me who my favorite character was! I told her mostly Fluttershy, but also a lot of background characters. I think she knew the toys were for me! =D Sometimes cashiers ask me silly questions like you guys mentioned, but I always mention the toys are actually for me! x'D Sometimes shocked faces peopel make are priceless! I remember BABW the employee asked if the pony plushies I made were for me and I replied yes, she said she also bought them herself! My husband on the other hand is very shy and says the pony stuff @ hottopic he buys are actually gifts for me! x'D
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: momo_no_hime on July 22, 2013, 10:36:53 AM
I mostly end up embarrassing myself! :blush: Before Christmas I was at WalMart and had an armload of ponies and Monster High stuff. An older lady approached me and said, "I just don't know what to get my grandkids these days! You must have little girls!" To which I replied, "Nope, they're for me and my friends!" The lady slowly started backing away from me. XD I said something about MH being popular with little girls and quickly left the aisle! I've found it's just easier to lie and say they're for a friend's kid.

And my cover of "they're for a friend's kid" is totally blown when I start checking blindbag numbers or call my friend to tell her what MH dolls are there. XD
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: PandoraAnesidor on July 22, 2013, 07:40:31 PM
FlashSentry I'm sorry to hear about your experiences. One thing that might make you feel better though, is that I have noticed that parents call their kids to them when I am in the aisle too--and then usually scold them for "getting in that lady's way". It may be that they just want to be sure their kids aren't pestering you!

One time I was at WalMart looking for ponies, two employees approached me and one very pointedly asked me if I needed help finding anything. She seemed almost irritated with me, and I got very self-conscious, worrying that perhaps I had spent too much time browsing and she thought I was planning to steal something. (I take a LONG time to decide on my purchases). However, as I was leaving, I found her and the other employee, a male, shall we say, having some public displays of affection! So really, they were just irritated that a customer was in their section ruining their "fun".  :lol:
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: diamondshy on July 22, 2013, 08:28:48 PM
And my cover of "they're for a friend's kid" is totally blown when I start checking blindbag numbers or call my friend to tell her what MH dolls are there. XD

Not so much for me--my cover is that my little niece collects them and she thinks it's magic when I can pick out her favorites from the box!
...Which, incidentally, is partially true.  XD
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: shabbychicdee on July 22, 2013, 09:27:14 PM
hahaha i'm sorry but i find your husband hilarious  :lol:  i can imagine how you felt though  :blush:

my kids are the ones who embarrass the crap out of me, like my 5yr old son yelling down the aisles (he is very noisy), do you have this one mummy or you have this one look look, its twi....etc, while the littlest one just grabs everything of the shelves then has a tantrum when i try to put them back   :yikes:
it does make me feel better when i do walk away with something............ or come home and have a glass of wine.  :wine:

my hubby story is i think i have grounded him down with my mlp collecting, my mum is here staying for the school holidays and my little girls 3rd bday and she put her stuff in our room and i have finally after soooooooooooo many years finally got my whole g1 collectiong out on display cos i am so sick of it sitting in box's for years on end and i am usually very private about my mlp collecting but this time i am to old, tired and busy to care who see's it and what they say sooo my mum said to husband, "wow what do you think about all those colourful plastic ponies in your bedroom?" and dear husbands reaction was a cross between Lurch from the Addams Family "arrrgghhh" and Big Macs "YYYYEP"  :silly: :silly:

when he goes toy shopping with me he doesn't go near the pink aisle, he is down the blue toy aisle pretending to buy HotWheels for our son, so  :lol: :biggrin: :P , since the g4 buying his HotWheel collection is getting really big  :stunned:

Post Merge: July 22, 2013, 09:51:35 PM

Lol, I usually shop with one or both of my kids so the cashiers usually assume it's for them. That is until they ask who it's for and my little one goes "they're for mommy!"
hahah love it............and your sig :D
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: Galactica on July 23, 2013, 12:10:33 PM
Lol, I usually shop with one or both of my kids so the cashiers usually assume it's for them. That is until they ask who it's for and my little one goes "they're for mommy!"
Hah- outed by the kids! 
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: hannaliten on July 23, 2013, 12:27:28 PM
Lol, I usually shop with one or both of my kids so the cashiers usually assume it's for them. That is until they ask who it's for and my little one goes "they're for mommy!"
Hah- outed by the kids!

Lol yeah. Sometimes they even say "they're for mommy to paint" which always causes the cashier to look at me funny.
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: shabbychicdee on July 23, 2013, 12:55:30 PM
Maybe next time he embarrasses you like that you could very loudly say

'I tell you what honey lets go get that cream you wanted for the massive spot on your butt'


 :devious: hehe haha i like your sense of humor  :bigups:
Title: Re: my hubby embarrassed me at TRU
Post by: ravengusty on July 23, 2013, 01:47:18 PM
Maybe next time he embarrasses you like that you could very loudly say

'I tell you what honey lets go get that cream you wanted for the massive spot on your butt'


 :devious: hehe haha i like your sense of humor  :bigups:

I thought of other places he to loudly claim the husband had a spot but it would be too rude for the thread mehehehehehe  :devious:

I'm lucky enough to have a guy who accepts my pony madness. The only trouble I have with him is his inability to remember the names of ponies other than Rarity, Pinkie Pie, AJ, Luna, Nightmare Moon, Sprinkles, Gusty, Lemon Drop and Surprise.

Though he did just call Princess Celestia Princess Celibacy  :blink:
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