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Pony Talk => Off Topic => Topic started by: Kitkumi on July 19, 2013, 05:20:34 AM

Title: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: Kitkumi on July 19, 2013, 05:20:34 AM
A little long, but we are in need of some help from other pet owners.

As in any cat - owner relationship, I accept my place at the bottom of the hierarchy with grace and understand that I am only loved for my ability to use thumbs. My furball (who begrudgingly answers to the name Stella) is pretty low maintenance and has been around for about four years now. I'm pretty sure on some level she is thankful that I took her out of the local shelter and gave her a home with regular feeding hours and treats of tuna on special occasions.

The problem here is with the feeding and I could use some suggestions >_>

When Stella came into my life, I was still living with my parents. Six months ago my fiance and I bought a house and after a short time kitty moved in to her new home. She's actually adjusted great and is more social and friendly now then I have ever seen her. Social, friendly, and ungodly LOUD come the hour or more before feeding time.

She gets fed at 8am for breakfast and 9pm for dinner, 1/4 cup of food. Except, she has decided that 8am is much too late in the day for breakfast and thus begins the song of her people at 6am instead. And 9 at night for dinner? Well that is just unheard of! And so at 8pm she begins to voice her complaints. It's a one-cat-protest. Any other time of the day she has a very dainty, quiet meow. When she's hungry its more like a rock concert sung way off key and like the lead singer is dying.

We can't get her a feeder that just keeps spitting out food because she is known to gorge herself (she got into the bag of food once... never again). We've tried locking her out of the room in the morning when she starts up, but she will actually throw herself into the door and recently that line of defense fell when she finally figured out how to OPEN said door. We just got her an automatic 2-portion feeder that you can set a timer on so that it pops open, but she forgets it is there (it will pop open but she will come wake us up anyway because she doesn't check first). We've been trying to train her with a bell so that, if she hears a bell, its food time. We then attached a bell to the lid of the feeder but it doesn't make enough noise when it opens (and there has been an unforeseen side effect of what happens when the doorbell rings >_< )

Anyone have any other options/tips/tricks/advice we could try? She's a great cat, and I love her to death and am happy to have her (she's actually curled up beside me at the moment) but we've got to get the feeding/yeowling thing under control.
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: LightingElectricDream on July 19, 2013, 06:01:33 AM
Could her food not be feeding her?

what brad are you useing?

Are there more veggies then meet product?

If it has more veggies what you may be dealing with is you cat is feeling hungry because they can't dygest grains and veggies, it doesn't feed them.
You should look for a meet and rice beacus they are herbivores. so veggies are actually unhealthy for them.

You may try roasting a chicken de-boneing it, taking all the knuckles off and shred it put in in a zip lock bag and throw it in the freezer, then feed her the half a cup of chicken in the after noon. she can't gain waite on healthy food.   

Kitties are grazers they have a high protein diet and that burns off quickly.

If you don't wanna do the chicken,
then you could just move up to 3 scoops a day.

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: kaoskat on July 19, 2013, 06:29:17 AM
Looks like you got some great advice. Best of luck!
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: Heartcease on July 19, 2013, 06:33:39 AM
My cats just like to sing, no matter if their bowls are full or not.  Are you sure it's hunger?  Mine usually just want attention, and they don't care that we're sleeping.
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: Icecrystalline on July 19, 2013, 06:36:02 AM
My girl cries and cries and cries sometimes. It made me cry once listening to her, because I couldn't make her stop. In the end, I just ended up picking her up and gently rocking her in my arms like a baby until she purred and fell asleep. All she wanted was for mamma to stop pony spa-ing and pick her up and give her some love.
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: Kitkumi on July 19, 2013, 08:41:06 AM
Thanks everyone for taking the time to comment!

I'm pretty sure its hunger or she -thinks- that its time for food. I've tried picking her up when she starts but she will have none of that and typically just runs to where I keep the food container if I try to get close to her. I've tried playing with her via laser light and feather wand as well, but though she normally always goes after things like that when she starts the 'feeding time blues' she just ignores them.

The food thing is feeding her at the given times it is supposed to. In the evening I can hear it pop open and in the morning it is open, she just doesn't realize it (there have been times its open and I have had to put her in front of it for her to realize 'oh. there IS food here'). We are currently feeding her Iams weight control (she's 13 pounds, but a lot of that is also her body type). I'll have to check the contents of it. I had never thought of/heard of the veggie thing. And chicken would NOT be a problem. The only thing she likes more is tuna if she can get a hold of it lol. I'll see about safely changing her diet to see if it helps :)
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: HawaiianRain on July 19, 2013, 09:36:56 AM
What about feeding her more then twice? dividing the two portions into four or three as stated above.
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: Rhini on July 19, 2013, 09:55:03 AM
My cats do this too, and for a while it was just awful and never ending, but for whatever reason they've gotten better about it. They still do it occasionally, the yowling and throwing themselves at the door, but they stop much quicker and just go away. Sam used to stand there and yowl and bang for an hour if he had to, now he just goes away after a little while. The problem is I'm not sure what made them stop doing it  >_<

I think it may just be a thing where she needs some time to adjust, and I'd look into her diet as well. My kitties get dry food in the morning, but wet food at night. I think it's a lot more filling and has a lot more actual meat in it and they really love it. 9 pm actually does sound a little late to me, I feed me cats breakfast at 7 am and dinner at 6pm. Maybe try moving up her dinner time an hour or two.

Also maybe you could put the food thing in front of your door? Just so theres no mistaking her finding the food. Then gradually move it back where its supposed to be.
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: Galactica on July 19, 2013, 10:01:56 AM
I don't agree that more food is a solution unless your cat is skinny.  More food, even healthy food- will make your cat fat.

My wife's cats have this problem.  The only long term solution has been earplugs and a sound machine.  When we moved to a bigger place, we gave them their own "pad" in the basement- and now they still sing for dinner, but are far far away and I can't hear them.

My other cat (who fights with the other two so can't get stuck in the basement overnight) also is a complete pain in the neck in the morning- especially in the summer when she's feeling frisky.  SHE is not food motivated though- she just wants me to get UP.  The only thing that gets her to sleep to a sane hour is to completely wear her out the day before (she likes walks, car rides and her giant hamster wheel- so we just have to make sure she has had at least a busy evening)
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: Aquarel on July 19, 2013, 11:00:53 AM
I don't agree that more food is a solution unless your cat is skinny.  More food, even healthy food- will make your cat fat.

My wife's cats have this problem.  The only long term solution has been earplugs and a sound machine.  When we moved to a bigger place, we gave them their own "pad" in the basement- and now they still sing for dinner, but are far far away and I can't hear them.

My other cat (who fights with the other two so can't get stuck in the basement overnight) also is a complete pain in the neck in the morning- especially in the summer when she's feeling frisky.  SHE is not food motivated though- she just wants me to get UP.  The only thing that gets her to sleep to a sane hour is to completely wear her out the day before (she likes walks, car rides and her giant hamster wheel- so we just have to make sure she has had at least a busy evening)

Giant hamster weel... 0.o that is one weird kitty you have there. Admittenly, mine's a kangaroo-wannabe (used to crawl up in the pouch of my hoodie, now it's the entire sweater that does the trick)
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: melodys_angel on July 19, 2013, 11:03:45 AM
Best of luck hun--looks like you found some good advice :)
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: alkevin on July 19, 2013, 11:06:13 AM
My cat also wakes me up at 6:00 a.m. and if I donĀ“t answer, she will turn up the lights. ;)
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: HavACrumpet452 on July 19, 2013, 11:39:51 AM
I would just split up her food into more daily feedings, not necessarily more food.
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: Aquarel on July 19, 2013, 11:59:15 AM
I ment to answer or offer some advice as well, just clicked post too quickly. It looks as if you have tried a lot of possibilities here. Ours also miauw when they see me coming downstairs but they are not really that loud or demanding when it doesn't come right away.

With my moms cat (who also opened doors) we turned the crutch up so she can't jump on it and open the door. Maybe that is something you can try?
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: Tiffymh1fan on July 19, 2013, 12:18:02 PM
It really sounds like your doing a good job already. Just keep training her. Im sure some people will give you some good advice on here too.
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: skyrocketneko on July 19, 2013, 04:16:41 PM
You need to feed her earlier or play with her much more before bed. I know if I don't play with my bengals, I have a number of wake up calls throughout the middle of the night.
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: Kitkumi on July 20, 2013, 08:16:47 AM
This is all some really good advice, and has given me a lot of new possibilities to work with. The only thing we can't do is move her feeding time back; we used to feed her at 7pm and then she would appear between 3 and 4am ^^;;; Which is why she now gets fed later. It gives us a little bit more time to sleep.

She normally gets playtime before bed, but we will start really giving her a run around to see if we can wear her little fuzzy butt down lol. I'm reluctant to lock her up anywhere though because our bedroom is her safe room. It's where we kept her when we first moved her in and where her bed is and also if it storms is where she hides.

A giant hamster wheel also sounds awesome for a cat. Go kitty go! :D
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: TwoMore on July 20, 2013, 08:33:03 PM
I have the same problem. Except our Athena wakes me up at 5am sharp. 4:45 if she is really hungry. She starts with meowing, then moves on to 'kitty bombing' the bed. Then she lays on my chest. And as a last resort she will come nose to nose with my face and stare at me, then lay on my face. She dosent bother my boyfriend because he sleeps more heavily and is harder to wake up. According to our vet, you either have to train them or they train you.

She won.

But I can go right back to sleep after feeding her.

We do have an auto feeder that lasts three days. It goes off with a message that we record ourselves. When we are constantly using that she wont bug me. Her feeder is in the room next to ours so she can hear it when she is on our bed. The only problem we have with it is ants in the summer.
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: Bergamot on July 20, 2013, 09:01:35 PM
Our cat never bothers us for food. I chalk it up to this:

1) Her food bowl is usually full (I know this isn't always doable! It depends on the cat and its individual eating habits! I get that yours eats all the food.)

2) I think this is the biggest thing: We fill her bowl at different times of day. Her bowl is never filled before the authorities wake up and complete their morning routines.

Maybe you can break her routine?
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: LadySiha on July 21, 2013, 09:59:34 AM
I dunno if this would help, since your cat is a bit older and possibly set in her ways, but when we were training our cats not to wake us up for food we'd feed them at 9am and 9pm, unless for some reason we got up late.  Then we'd wait at least a 1/2 hour before feeding, no matter how persistent they were being.  That way, I figure, that I broke them of the idea that us waking up = them getting fed.
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: Dragonflitter on July 22, 2013, 08:05:45 AM
That way, I figure, that I broke them of the idea that us waking up = them getting fed.

This for sure! If you feed her at all after getting woken up, you're in for trouble. Cats are quick learners and slow forgetters. If something works even once, it will take them quite a while to be convinced not to do it.

I have one cat who, as a kitten, got into the habit of peeing on a plastic bag if I left it on the floor (like if I just brought home groceries from the store). So every time I heard a bag rustle, even in the middle of the night, I would wake up and jump out of bed, thinking he was walking across a bag getting ready to pee on it. Well it only took two times of that happening for him to figure out that if he wants me to get out of bed in the middle of the night, all he has to do is find a plastic bag and walk across it!

He's ten years old now, and even though he hasn't had peeing problems in years, he still finds a plastic bag or any plastic material in the room and walks on it if he ever wants me to get up out of bed, no matter what time it is. Cats are clever creatures with long memories!

I like TwoMore's idea, it sounds like there exists an automatic feeder where you can record a message that will play at a certain time? If you record yourself calling to her when the food dispenses, maybe she will come investigate and figure out there is food in there, so she won't come wake you up?
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: Galactica on July 22, 2013, 09:46:49 AM
I don't agree that more food is a solution unless your cat is skinny.  More food, even healthy food- will make your cat fat.

My wife's cats have this problem.  The only long term solution has been earplugs and a sound machine.  When we moved to a bigger place, we gave them their own "pad" in the basement- and now they still sing for dinner, but are far far away and I can't hear them.

My other cat (who fights with the other two so can't get stuck in the basement overnight) also is a complete pain in the neck in the morning- especially in the summer when she's feeling frisky.  SHE is not food motivated though- she just wants me to get UP.  The only thing that gets her to sleep to a sane hour is to completely wear her out the day before (she likes walks, car rides and her giant hamster wheel- so we just have to make sure she has had at least a busy evening)

Giant hamster weel... 0.o that is one weird kitty you have there. Admittenly, mine's a kangaroo-wannabe (used to crawl up in the pouch of my hoodie, now it's the entire sweater that does the trick)

Yeah- she's a bengal so she has more energy than most.

However- for all cats- I think playing with them more is most often the suggestion that the "Cat From Hell" guy recommends when behavior problems develop.  I'm not sure most cats (other than bengals who seem to love running) would use a wheel- but taking your cat for walks or encouraging the cat to vigorous activity for 30 minutes in the evening might help.

If that doesn't work-  I'd again recommend the noise machine.  :biggrin:
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: skyrocketneko on July 22, 2013, 09:54:13 AM
I actually play the "chase me" game with my Bengals at night before bed.  We run around the house together, and we chase each other.  Yes, I'm a nutty cat mommy, but it sure works! I'd love to have one of those wheels, but $300 is a bit steep for a cat toy.  At least this way we all get a workout.
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: MiRaja on July 22, 2013, 10:08:52 AM
Momo is like this.  I've just basically accepted it with her and stumble into the kitchen at 5am to make her food before staggering back to bed.  She's oriental shorthair, so she can make a lot of racket and whines ungodly loud.  She's either too stupid, or too stubborn to realize that she gets shoved into the tent bed for five hours everytime she does this.  Long as she gets that food bowl, she doesn't care. 

I'm going to give a big fat no to feeding an a cat just plain chicken for one of her meals.  I'm all for going back to naturals, but there's a lot of stuff lost that cats need when you're just feeding the plain meats.  Cats need the organ meats in their diet, and then you will need to supplement and mix the food with oil ( salmon oil is best ), bone powder and taurine.  Taurine is most important, cats can't synthesize this amino acid, and if they don't get it, they get very ill.  This is probably the most key reason why you never feed a cat dog food, because it does not have enough taurine in it to supplement their food. 

If I make a cooked dinner for my cats ( which lasts for a couple of days ) I usually use a breast, a thigh, a couple livers, a heart if I have it ( like if I've bought whole chickens to cut down ) and then I add the salmon oil, taurine and bone powder to all of that.  Sometimes I will make 'small meals,' though, and pick up some shrimp or mackerel from the fresh seafood market here for the kitties. 

But that said, GRAIN free kibble is practically a must.  Cats are obligate carnivores, they do not need an carbohydrates in their diet, in fact, they are pretty bad for them actually, especially wheat, rice, and corn.  Cut those out of your cat's diet, as they are bad for her and can cause all sorts of issues later in their lives.  Heart, liver, kitty diabetes, early onset renal failure, etc, etc. 
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: GoodyGumdrop on July 22, 2013, 10:18:44 AM
Ugh, I have one cat like this. She'd gorge if we left out too much food, she'd constantly wake us up and pick fights with our other cats if she wasn't fed when she wanted to be.

Our solution to the problem (after a vet check to make sure she had no physical issues)--she gets locked in her own cage at night with a cat bed, some toys, a litterbox, and an automatic food dispenser and water dish. The cage is at the other end of the house so we can't hear her noise should she decide to complain. Short of booting the cat outside at night (bad idea in my area due to coyotes) it was the ONLY way we could get peace at night and early morning in my house.
Title: Re: Cat Advice? Because I'm running out of earplugs...
Post by: LadySiha on July 23, 2013, 12:13:30 PM
You know, just because some people mentioned playing with to discourage behavioral problems.  I read a book that suggested (and I know this sounds crazy) talking to your cat/s. 

Believe it or not... it actually seems to work.  I just kinda talk to my cats like you would a toddler.  Tell them no and why or just talk to them about the fact that they are walking around or playing or whatever.  I have to go out of town for a week at a stretch sometimes (for work) and ever since I started telling my cats that I was going to have to go and I'd be back soon, they weren't "upset" with me as long as they used to be when I'd get back.
Honestly, ever since I started talking to my cats more, they seem like more content kitties ^-^
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